HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 27 1975aw i . �y III ' MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Yillaee Council of the Village of ;Prior laW in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounK audited by said Council, ' May 27, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session at 7 :30 P.M. on May 27, 1975; in the City Council' Chambers. Mayor' Stock called the meeting to order. ' Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer I lson, Attorney and Sullivan. a The following correction was made to the Minutes of May 19, 1975: Page, two, paragraph fourteen, should read - Action was made by Williams that - in Rid 'Oaks, all' trees, stumps, logs, and foreign material, be dugout and replaced with suitable material, recompacted to the City's specifications, and that Marsgo, Inc. bear the cast for any action taken by the City to correct this matter, seconded by O akes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,; Motion was made by Williams to approve -the Minutes of May 1'9,,1975 as, amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote' taken it was duly passed. A resident from Breezy Point was present regarding the dust problem on the portion of the road' that is not and PON paved, wanted to know if the,City was going t take care of the problem or if it was u to the P property owners. ' Mayor Stock stated this is a private road from the Iif* station on. The resident wanted to know what they had to do to get the road t care of. Attorney Sullivan stated that the City would maintain the the City. road if it iras dedicated to - Tkie -resident wanted 'to know; if "the sewer work was done in the area so they could oil the road. o » ' G Mayor Stock stated that after the sewer work was completed the City would blade the f road ,,and add mare crushed if needed, to restore the road as a result of the sewer work. Councilman Wiltiams stated he was contacted by the owner of 1ot-20, Inguodona Bach, if appeals that the private road cuts across his he-is propirty and, reques.Ing 1 0 tlwt the Ci move the tY 'road -to where -it belongs. ;k Mayor Stock directed Engineers Anderson,.and Israelson to research this matter for mare G information report to th the a nd ib °r rt back next � meetings V1 Couricilmgn Watkins -stated there is a Planning Commission Meeting on June 5, 1975'L Administrator McGuire stated he hmobtained the easement from Mr. ;15d�LACates for ii "v the; `' street, � „$ l Administrator Mteyor ire W that Mr. Ed Watzl contacted him for an opinlan from the Council on whe no!he shoul&hook up to sewer and water on the Point. 'fl „ 4; Mr Watz) said he " � was assessed for sewer, and water and a while back at a Council fl', Meeting he was told, h s oe was not going to be assessed for this property`as' long as the City vras4irng to take -,his pl',ace fora bathing beach, but -now• lie has a bill for an assessment a nd wanted b'know if he shoklit! pay` this• ass* ssmmnt` ' or' nof'. Caunc rNi (liana stated he thoug Nir.. gh , Watzl should not 6e required to pay this 'assessment until the resolutron of the ne negotiations are chi d m a, Councilman Willi stated-a, resolution war made by the 'Park Board to rea - Wat rse the zl and i the h Pa property at tine at; > .Mr. Watzl is' Ike ne'Wdpwoisal', hey wi � 9 ft. 46 att6m tc rea A:ana meat wrth_� t ill then vvalt =90 d t IiF 14 Vl#2111sand y 11 90 of the end of days if anngrNemeFit has not been reached, theaPiam*� Board -will proceed contkmnaticiin_ w ; a 11 t 1/ o r 1 m t wj °` u ,r ti p '#ft{t „ a t , Win ,j MIN11T�ti of the Proceedings of two Village Council of the Village of hior in the County of Seen and State of u Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council.' Mayor Stock asked . G6uncilman Williams if any reference to the assessmenh, had " been i made. Councilman Williams stated no. Mr. Watzl wanted to know if he should hook up to sewer and water.- 4 ,Attorney Sullivan- stated that Mr. Watzl could hook up to -sewer and,water if he V , :. wanted fo but if the City does go ahead -and condem6 the property whether that is ga.ing�to make the property more vdivable; is the question of the appraisers ifthe Property is increased in value or not, by wh6t is spent on hooking. up:to `sewer and water. � Mayor Stock tabled the matter, of kook up of sewer and water until the.City has the a appraisal. Mayor-'Stock stated it was Mr. Watzl's choice as =far as paying the assessment, and the City will be in contact Mr.. with Watzl on the appraisal within two weeks. Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report., , t Mayor Stock asked the Engineers that because of the conditwn..of Red Daks and Red r 4t Oaks roads that maybe some type of warning at that intersection should be mode due I to construction,; slating = construction -slow road. _ Engineer Anderson;stoted tiieY ° will Set a sign up. EnaineerAnderson stated that as a result of thsi,water main tests an Red Oaks and Breezy :Point, the:, contractor has some hydrants to dig up and sut)gested_waiting until all hydrants are checked before the watermoin is tested,. .Engineer A nderson presented, Cho N&Order. �" . 2, 1 6r,Nodlond,Assoc,. -, Lnc. and it shows c decrease in cost of 6310.00 ° - Motion was made by Williams to approve =Chance Order 0.2 for Nod A C., a :. . Inc: fora decrease in project cost of $310.00, seconded by Stock�and, a' -vote t a*ken it was dul seed: j . Eri g inter. A nd h �9 9 erson sta ted tat Ames Construction has asked an, extension ' ,fur on thtiir project, ,tiwy are nearly comple and the,contract deadline is the .end of the month' and suggested leaving this l ! y vi ,the need arses: fq the ex ti:�rock table f s., tension "of me. S Moyor d t �is:nnatter until the next Covnci) .!Meeting oq, z v Engi4epr Isroelson presented informatio -on Boudins Manor Second Addition fi i cup -do �ac in front of be Whitney. Mayan 51ock tabled ahis. matter until the ;next C04ncil ;M0_e0%for m Q an. F{ngineer, ,ls "ls*n, presented information,on K afse, Dr t � ne , y . Motion .w made by Oakes that the City proceed with s� a F„ ° condemnation of 17 addit %nal -feet,of'ri ,r 9 wad► as identified on the acip atroched- M the Minutes; seconded b Watkins and ° t ° tto vale takenjt Nos >up0 �, r Passed Councilman wi.ltian :;abstained. `r • A, Gr. a'q Councilman Watkins suggested.' that the Engineers start using the street names on the- new . E street name mpg. , } 5 i Counci Iman .Oakes,statgd in regard; in Lot; 13 and 1:9 P oint Beautiful, that o. this point th#,Awner,Will'not,sigo•.an easement n berpuse:,shejeelt that the trunk that serves her property is be ing placed in tha wi+ong ,place and suggested that Engineea Anderron and' Israelson toka 4 look, at 'it,. Councilman Oakes state d Councilman Busse and he ,went' out to look of the rocks rte. out on the wherq the former it attempting to.,plow,,,and he rocks in VI M6oratiat point are not;necessarily those along Town RoaO although # - • there are some rocks: that appear to be -big enough to - , the point of. ;hpving been N dug. up' �►y#hs. eon'roetor, but as You go west along the casement there is ' o continuation of roeW!'hroughout that easement and they are big, enough to interfere with plowing': Councilman Oakes suggested that the way to quickest (2), _n MINUTES "of the proceedings of the Village Council of the Village Prior tnke in the County Of Scot!'ond State of t Minnesota, including all aceouhWaudited by said Council. rll get the rocks out of there would be to,ask. people to go out and ' pick these rocks up; IA41neer Anderson U stated the.contracter shauid.pick these rocks up, but if the did not P y get out there Immediately he would have• he Ci crew ick them 1 Councilman Oakes stated there are,woter steps above the. ground at the Watzl Point Road area and the catch basin at Mrs. Clemens the collar is moved 8" to 10" ftorr , f the rnanhole and suggest�d'Engineer Isroelson take care�of these. Councilman Williams stated that'some Cities have their Engineer go to each individual f property owner to, tell them where the street will be in frontof their" house after the = sewer and water constructioncand- wanted to know if Prior Lake should consider doing something, like this. Councilman Oakes suggesfied' that Engineer Anderson and Isroelson review this matter for consideration. ". 4 1 = Attorney Sullivan presented an opinion on the Firemen Relief proposcl.' Abyor Stock accepNd this opinionz Attorney Sullivan presented rniermation an the 5aott -Rice Telephone Company right- of -rimy priority. This matter was referred to the Scott' lice Tolepholne Company and lVodland A ssoc`.; Inc: to resolve Ordinance relating to unreasonable acceleration was,tobled".: ' Mayor'Stock asked for "additions; corrections•dnd discussion on, the: Developer's t . Agreerrient. _ > { d -46r Stock that anyone who has questions on the Develolxer's Aoreen ant fie get together *ith Engineer Anderson before next Monday night and have ;l�iit make / tons or oorrec'iions that they feel` they would like,to be! in the Developer's Agreement, and tabled this matter until the next Council Meeting ' '° Request Prior South.fer street vin wa paving s tabled, , . Mayor 'Stock presented information on two alternates and the costs on Mullenhart Road:. Councilman U° u x ' _ Oakes s tate d the City should ooncenhate on the two on areas where it, is a -way road have where they the accidents and get that widened out to the point where it is at least a reasonable two -way road., r Stock stated this s NAayo would be h third alternate. , ° Motion w �of =t;ricde by Busse to authorize a preliminary survey to , estoblish" the 'road rialttmy on Mullenhart Road, by - , seconded Watkins and upon a vote taken it was �duiy,Eiosse d _ r„ t; Mayor Stock requested thotafter the survey is complete that Engineers.Anderswn and Isroelsoh revise the costs and find out what.:the City can do as. far as excess dirt from sewer projects, .etc.; to cut the costs. The Firemens ReiiefAssociation,Executive Board, ppsared before the Council and requested a legal opinion relative 'to the disbursement. of pension funds'. Mayor Stack directed the City Attorney a to give legal opinion to the Firemens Relief Association Executive Board. I " Mayor Stock 'presented a Contract Agreement on'Deap Sewer Services Instal lotion- for review and discussion by the Council. Mayor Stock requested that Engineer lsroelson contoot the contractor and discuss! 6ls matter.with_hrm and at the' same time Councilma ' Oakes, Engineer Ande`rson,`and Administrator McGuire to wd' on this agreement and. miter � tabled the until` the. next meeting. O r JA f.= 0.5 i N Vt.. t Al,