HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 02 19751 MINUM of the Mcood(op of tho VINW Cwneif of tho V11kW of pdor Lek* in tM County of Scott as stets of; Mlenoseh, indwling all acmunh ouditod by "W Council. ' `Mayor Stock stated he could see-ini some,co»s where copper would become a hardship +L and the, Council might make some consideration but basicclly. ifthey,run their swot and water in the some trench, it has to 'be copper and castsiron anyway, and with the trouble with plastic, as Engineer Woolson stated,' that if­there.evoru,wa: a freezeup, it means that they have 'to dig it up and after awhile they come back .to the City and 1 r say "why didn't you hU`us." andr this iii,thi reason for, the policy',of aapper, and the difference 4n cost, the .last time the City reviewed this, about a,yeor. ate, was rat that great a swings in plastic if ahoy were to go the.whole route. Councilmon41okes.recommended thottOiese people send• a letter.b the City Administrator stating t, r.problem�and,q sketch of the situation"and stating thoitswason for wanting to use plastic pipe.. , Councilman Oakes stated the rocks wera'still on the Moves pnspirty as cf °tonLi IN/. �rgineer. Israeison. stat l `he,wo old maketave. the rocks are gone tomorrow: Couacilmar*: Cakes. wggeshd .th.culvect on.Maves Road b t. back where it originof was; :unless;there is some order from the,DNR which;saYs it'eha11 nee elevated >D it pond': on;the°Ma*s property:`' , ,E ineer Isroelson's�tatetl he a would Iike,;,to go -or some of these: pording areas'with Engineer Anderron , - Mayor Stock stated he felt the Cit should make an atom t p o secure tltese''ponding areas and directed :Engineers Anderson and israelson to review'this situation and to r�eptist toady to the Councii rf this area should'be seer %Os a ponding area or rf the culverthouldhe renowed ard'losvaed: Mayor SWi presen ted. infionnation on the Develops: Agreement f far dl'scus: ion by the. Council ; Dev lOper` A greement was tabled until,•it Is- :revd,ewed: by�the City At . 4• • 4 1` .. { * ` A `4 r Stocky :.. .> Mayo presented the - Deep Sewer '9e� ice; .lnsWlatio revie by the n ,Gonttoct.�►greamelt for w Council ., Motion was mode Oalels io t � �� ;, � � � ` A b}► � adopt the Oeep,S wer'Service Instoilet." Contract greement a:�+idrfeei,,�loogdest 6y Buae and urn ava►te. Taken i ♦` du! Y, �` ° r'wa� passed Mayor Stock tlrecMd Eng3 ndrer Ahdersor% to .have thi#orns nits r finol sta the next, Council meeting '� : ta , t Pied « te Adullnistrotar MrGuiri'ltated the req,�st: Pi w �Soath t ot , pO Vi ng well be with i Instal Ii \`t drown ;based on the City. rep Movement: rot. bung � b p� ` c .IoAigltt ", M r tM•.ir �2•r.•va A :La_'!_�._ a '.�".�.+�,1`' _ " °. _ ._ or- �• •.......•.■.:...■o, ASH■ W_fgT .a T" IT a�reenrisnt'gfhrx itwis adgpfto at 414 ,\ t COU011011 meeting boon was ,made by Willlams to appoint C ommist?hrtec 'poendtd�tiY' Oakes and .upo laborkorn o the,Glry G. ncil;. seconded by ed�,r' rncilman Dan Dusts as the P �gnning" a v±ol�a. it was : dyI `d. .R •q ; , wsse :.v, appomr Ron rwbericorn as ti^.e Street'Commiseioie se*0ed by Stack at rl moon,* vote taken it eiras duly poss�d. x �; • Al Mayor Stock stated L flat the', CI, t has obtained the street that was'presintiy owne ;p are Cohn and row'is dedicated thnwgh easement to tl+e City a: a public roadwaV�imd, thW request of Mr. Simpkins was to pave this street and`the Mayor requested di s'M '`n n whether or not fhc City wants toy proceed with a Public Hearing and Me :poving,of is stmt. - After discussion on.ahis matter, Mayor, Stock tabled the Matti' until Oncilman Oakes checks further i Wthe praporty owners. ,' n ca. p G t� ;3 4a ,a F J. fr yr rho r o F r 4 o t L t C �f � ! k a s3 V, o say "why didn't you hU`us." andr this iii,thi reason for, the policy',of aapper, and the difference 4n cost, the .last time the City reviewed this, about a,yeor. ate, was rat that great a swings in plastic if ahoy were to go the.whole route. Councilmon41okes.recommended thottOiese people send• a letter.b the City Administrator stating t, r.problem�and,q sketch of the situation"and stating thoitswason for wanting to use plastic pipe.. , Councilman Oakes stated the rocks wera'still on the Moves pnspirty as cf °tonLi IN/. �rgineer. Israeison. stat l `he,wo old maketave. the rocks are gone tomorrow: Couacilmar*: Cakes. wggeshd .th.culvect on.Maves Road b t. back where it originof was; :unless;there is some order from the,DNR which;saYs it'eha11 nee elevated >D it pond': on;the°Ma*s property:`' , ,E ineer Isroelson's�tatetl he a would Iike,;,to go -or some of these: pording areas'with Engineer Anderron , - Mayor Stock stated he felt the Cit should make an atom t p o secure tltese''ponding areas and directed :Engineers Anderson and israelson to review'this situation and to r�eptist toady to the Councii rf this area should'be seer %Os a ponding area or rf the culverthouldhe renowed ard'losvaed: Mayor SWi presen ted. infionnation on the Develops: Agreement f far dl'scus: ion by the. Council ; Dev lOper` A greement was tabled until,•it Is- :revd,ewed: by�the City At . 4• • 4 1` .. { * ` A `4 r Stocky :.. .> Mayo presented the - Deep Sewer '9e� ice; .lnsWlatio revie by the n ,Gonttoct.�►greamelt for w Council ., Motion was mode Oalels io t � �� ;, � � � ` A b}► � adopt the Oeep,S wer'Service Instoilet." Contract greement a:�+idrfeei,,�loogdest 6y Buae and urn ava►te. Taken i ♦` du! Y, �` ° r'wa� passed Mayor Stock tlrecMd Eng3 ndrer Ahdersor% to .have thi#orns nits r finol sta the next, Council meeting '� : ta , t Pied « te Adullnistrotar MrGuiri'ltated the req,�st: Pi w �Soath t ot , pO Vi ng well be with i Instal Ii \`t drown ;based on the City. rep Movement: rot. bung � b p� ` c .IoAigltt ", M r tM•.ir �2•r.•va A :La_'!_�._ a '.�".�.+�,1`' _ " °. _ ._ or- �• •.......•.■.:...■o, ASH■ W_fgT .a T" IT a�reenrisnt'gfhrx itwis adgpfto at 414 ,\ t COU011011 meeting boon was ,made by Willlams to appoint C ommist?hrtec 'poendtd�tiY' Oakes and .upo laborkorn o the,Glry G. ncil;. seconded by ed�,r' rncilman Dan Dusts as the P �gnning" a v±ol�a. it was : dyI `d. .R •q ; , wsse :.v, appomr Ron rwbericorn as ti^.e Street'Commiseioie se*0ed by Stack at rl moon,* vote taken it eiras duly poss�d. x �; • Al Mayor Stock stated L flat the', CI, t has obtained the street that was'presintiy owne ;p are Cohn and row'is dedicated thnwgh easement to tl+e City a: a public roadwaV�imd, thW request of Mr. Simpkins was to pave this street and`the Mayor requested di s'M '`n n whether or not fhc City wants toy proceed with a Public Hearing and Me :poving,of is stmt. - After discussion on.ahis matter, Mayor, Stock tabled the Matti' until Oncilman Oakes checks further i Wthe praporty owners. ,' n ca. p G t� ;3 4a ,a "A A MINUTa Of 1M heeeed ap of 1Me Villa Cw ieii of the Village of prior Lek* in„ th* County of uow titate e4 11maoese1a.Jacludine all eeceunti ,audited a aHl Council. • ` Mayor stated that when theliquer Commissioners,rev.,iew theIipuor Licenses, that `' J next year or subsequent years when ra ises inz Liquor licens6 costs are be ing discuss•d x f " b6fore. finat.wiliew or.approval by the, Council: he would• like,,ta have` the establishmenh:. notifhed that there-Would be, a proposed rote ,increase so, the are aware of the incraose. _ Slackmated; far,.the Liqu�r that.the City has somewhat a r im, pro - 1 of that when the,City receives the 13eation y ,a Li quor � LiFna a check accompanies the application the:Ao ilor� :. , n, i stated'tliot the:t cheer can be cashed and he would like to have the Liquor Commissioners review = a possibility of aither accepting the checks .6t, the time of,.tbe and: then! Earocesding :i" M1 a r ' 16 COS6 themas`per the.Auditcr's request or (2) not requesting the check at tl(erfima of 1 - ppollcation but that a check be submitted at a point` in time`whcn the Ile ense'woul be issued , n :. to the estab j U �f 1`r i ti Gl. { Councilman Oaks =requested for,Mi owu ban teed ` V ✓ previous meetings. Mayor Stock stated the Council could have the Administrator -' Y check,th*se° items requiring- foRowup once.,a month, on the preceding Minutes i� l giye aomRtkind of.faliowup r<i E, ndown on.whot hu transpir�ed.durinq the 0 171onth. ra Adatinistrobr Nkt;uiro °statedathe. items,in, >the Minutes.om checked oast. o ,. ^ Councilman Oakes suggested that maybe there should be an Administrative Report u on open ite*of "v4o&u mirwtes.• .° u 1l e Mayor Slack: stoted at the erg O f ea .. w µ the J Of ck month, ' lost Meeting. Councilman Busse suggested the report be done weekly. • ..: � , , � #�dminisha M for eGuira stated the rif the report wa:. done weekly m If the ' Items would be done and if it is done monthly kC1 veill not have the lnuttes 1 . you. CY this r.wtll b*, icus"&at, a future meetin t J` p ,' „ Mayor Stock stated he' received a report from the Metropolitan Couneil that they r ales h trrQ o Me ti gin; the eeawer irvice y areas.on: June 4, 1975 and tamed this` fit, a� otwr isllre d►tiitfnistrotar b- see xoctiy what time :this is eq "to ° be on'flM nda and {,if, someone from the City should be a representative at fhi: ;* d I _� k �" Counctinwa Oakes eked if the City had any repl fiom the two,ttriise "° b thizlki�trapoliterr�GourMCif, and MWCC Jho via e th Cit t h representation. >x `strted " C Y R i has not wceiued any ;reply. ` ^� t Stuck staled thew rs arPublic r { Metpihon rams ;t .Hearieq onz tbef mmi T Co k wla�ttve ID ilia bus systeM opero a systems -% 1975y haW'they are goirrg b �`�� ¢�,� ��,,' � �itcpttrd }INVtddyantotsnte�or�,d Nk' L�sr; °Fed�ol�CrowrrwneM :Caroni "' 1 { Program. greet meeting *1 }be tested at 330 Meth' ; y es_ = Sevitith Builtlirtg" 7.30: uesday fund I ord.Rebh,Sf.: Paul, at s on T , �3- 1'975 n Ma►tbn sues Mode la j �asllotrrn, `secatided <by Stock taken thi s' and u pon, a vote to e. tinq was adlovrnod at 9:eJi P:M: y c Yn b Michael A�., McGuire,- dmrn' cG�ir , A ,�strator r x a r Y Cr s n y L 24t F! a 1tpp \ rr ,t