HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 09 1975Satellite pem, Finnegan 's requtrst °far a Satellite w on his >,pro W p ' i c Cotu�ncge Satellite riman Oakes acted X. co and used it seldom and felt that a Sa woo nd stated he had a summer. t'Mike Fmne n came in.a d meetAthe: sanitary on- site dispasai and re.giri for ° wanted some form of relief from,ahe pres palicY ` t which isseonnectionaa; sewek. and -,water: twel After, thi eiarrantlu:fmmkthwdafeiobUthe Public "owing., T ` nkin�p about his presentation. f��some`- tirwond'also-talking to the Administrator for some' le r ngth, it be i ' comossapporent.that :he shoo ld he: required b connect b the,eorne h cis any, other residential unt. because hesdid state fiw+ t. the i :! u efare: = ca�,.:wasahat4the Sgteilite�.was b take cars. f i'r " r Y. Nriol,;,the afh Whd #.of o t� isposot�;of his own was*, that; horrer%r,As,the que:tior for pi+oWleen of ndueing ' ` �Oklminating lake pollution and because he happens., �+ have o r6ther unique situation; '• does notr forego the need for al! the :6thers to connect, 30; \ae4 he rot to ' connect, he N u 4 would, be enjoying the benefit. of occasion by the cost borne ' - others In connecting and You�'ewntual'ly drive yourself down to the aoint of so i 1 ,; ,. y ng„ shot y we should follo the Po nod tha t Policy ould ,r ay f of y s b oitct to sewer and` water one Year front the data A* Publir�!acing:_ �: :� �: Motlon ,. was by Oakes that the City reject the request`of Michael f an for a Sgtellit�e and require that he conform to th Council Cis y for connection of sewer and L pp water; 46conded''by Williams and 'upowab vote tabikn`it was duly passed, Mayor Stock directed the Adninistr+alar,,lo; rotJfyr Mr. Finneg6n,of the Council's action., , t, 66pineer Anderson presented the, Project dated, June. 1975'. � # �� G I lt wm � to � a MINUTES of the hecevdi s of the Vil 1 9 ry ,1 June 9 •1975 `'° ' 'The Common Council of 1`116-City of Prior Lake met in regular session .at ?:30 P.M`: on Junew9, 1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to "order. ` `° #Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen,,;Busse, Haberkorn, Oakes, and Williams, = ? ?� AdministratouMcGuirep Engineer Anderson, Engineer Sch?ndel, .and.Attcrney Sullivan. The, following corrections were made to the Minutes of June; 2 ' 1975•° Page one, paragraph three, should read - Administrator McGuire stated i i Hayden- Murphy, Mobile is a four-wheel type sweeper, and does not have an elevated bucket; the Hall Equipment, Wayne does not. have an automatic transmission, a and does } } rivaeh the specifications except for tube type tires and only provides for a six -month warran rather. than a one -year warrant'.. 1 e ge four,, two, should read -Mayor Stack stated,. for the liquor Commiss . ion problem, that, when the City, receives the y y' Attorney Sullivan have stated that these, checks can be caibed and he weuld like to have the..tiquor Commissioners review the p possibility o . ' c � p .• ' whervthe l L Fr M v Moti!sn was made. by Oakes to approve the Minutes of June 2, 1975 as amended, t t seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken `it *as duly passed. pgr Counciimani Busse stated the ALMAC Hearing was continued `until ;lone 1Q, 1975. y y ' Administrator McGuire presented' o codified stotement_an open end items. Administrator McGuire•has,aColerWar of Events,and when an' item needs further d e, a detion the matter will Administrator McGuire presented information on Michael Finns �{ t ; MINUM of the Proceedings af'fMe Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in, the County of Scott and Stale of Ainnesi Including all accounts audited by Said >Council. Engineer Anderson, sented information results of tests on 'the M Pro nf o arsgo protects. Engineer Scheddel *'esented information�on the Boudins Manor SecondAddition, C " 1. cul-de -sac, io frontiaf Joe Whitney, and stated`,thot :Engineer Anderson and hroelson met with be Whitney and agreed that because .of the heigli Mr,. ,Whitney's, driveway, they would.meet.the driveway, they ; would prek u�i the wrater at the catch basin and run a pipe. the catch basin doairluiloctlopshannel . Engineer Schandel`,presented, information on the Moves Road culvert and ponding crea �. Notion, was mode by Oakes that Engineer ndarson be intruded,,% contact Bill j�. Schmoll to ask Mr. Schmokei to- determine thel actual location of the water course tsaromAcives Road to. the lake, that he, also ask Mr.: Schmokel for',a iierritten existence f of the DNR order to change;like.elevation of ,the,.culvert and if f ndinivr one that he arrange for a survey of the ponding area, upon finding the acreage of , t6 ponding area that the owner would be contacted as erm a start to detirke reasonobfe value of ( o I the land for the, intended use,, seconded by Busse; and upon a vot4i taken it was duly � Qakes, , presented. information'and•co on.the watenrainextensions fore Lakeside Park and :SUnfish,Bay.. A Oesidont from. Lakeside Park warted to know Qky(fha:CsWy "hiPynsr{ Ians�iorESiinf'sh Say when Lakeside Park had - petitioned far water at this timenciinwn Oakes �. stated the pule in Sunfish bay were having pro blems with water also, and it was ,. i more ecorwmical to plan..thsm. both together than as;two seporate,projects. i; There were two residents present from Lakeside Pork who wanted to know -when the water 7Id bet available in Lakeside Park. ` Adyor.Stock stated `about the first week �p I n Augt. .Motio�n vud:.madeby Oakes.;that,th6 Engineer be dirocted to propore the�preliminory �\ plan for the, ef00 feet of watermaina l County Road 21,, seconded, by Hab6rkorn ; and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. , 3' �� Motion was mode by�)akes that sew' and waterfior Sunfich� be included�'in nekt improvramenf,;prrojeet r +mess a'petmon to the contrary is'wbmitfea, tike d i . . k ; Council fori,Councii conAderotion.of timing, seconded by Busse imdr upon,•a vote en.it was duly.pamedL o. • " _ \,. Attonwy Sullivan stated,in regard too general clean' ge p :type ordinance that the City,, s " oowid aw up.an ordinanceahat waul`d. prohibit. collection of debris. in womeone's Y 'to if workablg. could be wry difficult. ;, The City Ill ordinance now that ahibitsaairrwone from,. havirp,barrks of crop,ot -their property and if. itis in barrels ' eaaYbe atr ordinance theiCiti would have would• not include t1i - and IF it is .the k � Cauricil's= wishefo li such .oQ ;ordirtanco he would •see, what he could do. r Councilman Oakes-stated. them is al m a place in Maple Park which has junk strewn rd i Mayor Stock - stated` the place with the barrels has everything in the barrels and from n. whnt le (oould;tell- tha there really as not o y ny/hing t could be called a nuisance, but the onw ih Mo ie Park is a situation ° °which`the City could under like ieonce ordinance deciaM d'means of elednup. r �. Mayor Stock directed ",the Administrator to checli the area in Maapla Park and have �1 the necessary paper nr�ark drdvrn up and - whatever is necessary to issue _1be, proclamation = the � pwpe'b cleanup the o ,tlorney Sullivan presented an on the Firemen ReliefAsxciotion. - +t�l��r�sww{. .. �e�. .z..wgxswus;es�€.�twuz.:�:, -�, ,(r �. w ° u- .,.,z„ / •, i Y two ` MINUTES of the Proceedings of the village Council of the Village of 'rior ,Lake in the County of Scott and S tate of Minnesoto, including all accounts audited by said Council. ' Mayor rStock directed the Administrator,lo set up a meeting between the Firemens Relief Association Executive Board and Attorney Sullt , n for Attorney Sullivan to explain the situation to-the Executive Board; Attorne Sullivan Developer y rented his o ini p on on the 3 -pro :Agtew�nent. :After discussion by the Council,AttorneySull Engine¢r Anderson'were 0e0600 discuss meet to changes to the Developer's Agreement. r , Attorney Sullivampresented information owMarsga, ,lnq , .stating that he, talked to Marsgo's atbrney and Marsgo• is'.not going to da any further work until he gets poid. Marsgo said he has completed his inspections and everything checks ,outarid the City is tY t- now imposing new requirements on what his workers are supposed to do and what the u inspections are w Pe posed to show. The City will have to check their contract with Y Marsgo and,if he has complied with that contract maybe lie- is to some payment " arid. if he has not complied with it then p �� is. not... �> Attorney Su i l ivan stated chat froth who he heagr the inspection; have rut been satisfactory t y y aitdtt are not co mplete and if, the.City.ix rvpidly on the inspections and they still are not satisfactory he sees no reason to M . pay ango,. Attorney Sulliyan•stpted: any checksFt;wgd to Mars ul go,ho d hov the co-nan6 of the subcontractors on them that Marsgo owes money to. � > Attorn S ' r: y van suggested that the ,City send him, a 'letter i precisely what Q inspections * � what problems -the City has, what work is,left to de and since Margo 3 Cs "claiming the City -has,cha t raged• he.requirer!+erk4orj inspictioe�s, the City should Po ;rat out exactly what inspections are required in the contra ct, the', fact that they have R;hi beenFoompletad wcceufvlly . and.iha, where; the problems ex istir then he' will =._. write: to Matsgo's lawyer and, ,tell him that when Marsgo cgr'eets thsse,.de #ecis he will We' lhot•Morsoa gets paid.down to: -the ;1;096 tetainage Mayor , Stocck stated Morsgo is gimost down 'lo the 1096 retgina n , Councilron Qakes wanted; to know about Marsoa stating that -the City has changed" requirements..on inspections - Engineer,APOVMiri stated h• prewmed.what he is indicating hero Ch - the is it water tests were taken and when he went out Iw check he u ttiuncl. ,thQtrthe hydroMs Mere rapt aested cnd i. -ths ifi t ,clear! sPeF cq�..ions it y calls out that the wcitynnain wi l to t k ter d ticlitd rag, every vp 'hydv*4 main and anything ra wgtenticun and Mpicsgo agd came right ou# tgd.he did not.hat the hydra rah , Engineer. fold ,him that he _ wanted the - hydrants lost }•. The tpRCif;cations'clso soy thol each valve iidoibe kr section tested and these were not tested. Attorney Sullivan stated that if Marsgo is not going to finish the pb the City will have to notify the"bonding company to move °in. '; r Gouneilnwr+ Oakea ;Toted. the City:better have;well.documen tee! information on what J Marsgo is, supposed to have:.done_in accord with _the contract, what ;Mgtsga 'has done and ' ' r ' what this leaves as omissions before the City b e gins an action a tY 9 y a gainst Mango ` Mayor..Stock dinetltd Attorney Sullwan pnd Erigineen Anderson andasraelson to race t ,,an the Mars situation go s led d ., ail ta..._ 11e id t wnt : . r!4 a _ .� go throng Fall with the- , _arother Oblation the"City has, out there right now. At*ney Sulliv«an.state way ld,like,all of -this information in wrlting. ;' :.;councilman Williams presented a: request, for street,] ighting, at -Pixie PolntdRoad io ® Council trait r I'lgberko Earl Cotes - street and utility was' t! .3X e l e A. MINUTES of the heeeodi'nas ,ef'ib0 Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Seen and State of Minnesota, including all accounts .audited by sold Council. ' a Mayor Stock sOted that when'the City. hired Larry Anderson.as.;the Resident Engineer after"three months the City`stated theywculd.recommended . a:raise for him and then consider another raise after-another tWioo. months, ,and- recotnmended a $50.0, 0 per „ month raise for Larry Anderson. Motion was made by Williams to approve a '$50.00 per month raise for Larry, affective June 16, 1975, seconded by Haberkorn ` and upon o'vote taken -it eed. Y �P� Mayor Stock r OOmmended a $1.00.00 per month raise forMb&wl McGuire. Motion J was made by Oakes to";'appro a a.5100:00: per month raise fo Michael McGuire , effective June; 16, 1975y seconded. by Busse and, upon a >vote. token .it; was duly passed. a -: Orderly annexation •- . Spring .Lake -- , discuss proposal was tabled... jt(} Coaiour mapping of area was tabled.: Mayor Stock ' oyo presented information on noxious weed' control and stated, the City would leave- this ln hoods of the County- Weed Inspector. k ,I Mayor Stock presented infontRation on Tµ5: L: * F ype of Local Government and Services; °Optional Plan. B for review and discussion bythe Council . s Mayor Stock stated he wanted b discuss this with the Council an a couple of items, specificalf 'as the y possibility of changing the City's form of government from, what it is now,` Optional Plan A­ to Plan B **CML that it would be c a City Council Manager form.. There are several reasons.why he. felt that Plan B has r many advantages, it'definitely streamlines. the, form of government to ,handle complaints, payrolls, `etc., and he •thought this •is the.Council should.,4e getting ` fat> iliaYwit#t because'fn som e.poinf- in•time this is definitely.the: form.of government that Prior ,Lake should 4mve': Witltb'•tits 'annexations that have occurred,. the population size, etc., ,are all `.important to this type of thing and the number of,, empbye60401 the City has alsdAi6totei that• this form iof:govereraent real ly is , reoson'why he,broug . k for the best way'to man0ge, the situation. However the h'tthis f up `is that ho is stiff fairly ieonfised on the elections that were changed 'by the 1973 Le isfature,t what tFte City shall do, '.soh ' the: City may do..: } c ' Atiorno S0 1'0an stotad1,Tom�Watkins term wos"a term because he was e . elided ins 1i 4.. ` =Tile �Nli r''�terrn isa, rya , s: two -yaar term: unleii the c' t; ',hot an election appro 4ln'g•c four` term fior the'M ly, agar, and the Councilmen farms, " "'wily all be lour -y are iertns on, electionu-hold in 1974 and, oftsr Attorney Sullivan sidled her would send a letter Council r on the election lows to the City y i Mayor that the- Council review the Optional Plan B and the t ,a copy ofthe'�Atkimey" letter 14 be • includid with next'vveeks agenda. Mreceived beforeAt r Couinlmi(m Williams wanted the Council's opinion on the installation of interim C . w v blacktop, that would be left for two awinio before Ihe fincl'bla' It pping, and for the bona to 'be appl Lei) Ion the interim `blackirp F . r Engineer Anderson stated' 'that Nodland wants, to put curb on right away ro`ther than vrcrif to l uFrthe eu b nand 4 the cleanup WarK this, Rall,yeta�d that way it alle,.viate all the droi.4tage problems, next "year or the year after they will put the w ri ' interliw0wing Anderson will raise'�the catch basins io match the paving. Engineer An�eon recommended' for povmg thot�Bin Engineering: conic in and °�! take borings to,sei if it is necessdry to wait fior two f c Motion was made b Oakes that Engineer Y Anderso be } U ' ng rso directed to determine the optimum action to be taken on the road surfaces i'n Project 75-2 and report back . to the Council with his recommendation, seconded by Busse and upon a vote tTen ' it was -duly passed. . MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and, State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by, Council. T ' , �I T Councilman- Williams asked Wsubstandar&soil will be- placed :back into the "trenches. Councilmon Oakes �s' ted'that the substandard soil will be deposited' in the area, some of it not in• the 'trench, depending on what it is, some of it in the trench, and, some if actual ' ly, replaced. �° Engineer Anderson stcte�d that bldck.dirt will be fil replaced with pitTurrgravet, in a deep trench the, tack dirt will be, put in the lower portion, but the black dirt will not be put in the frost zone. i , ? a; Councilman Williams asked the Council's opinion on utilitiesplcced in the streef after ° .construction not in conformance -with the `City's ordinance, should, there be 'a � 'I resolution or ordinance to'rot allow them to cut up the streets for repcir -7if they do not meet our ordi"e nce. . Mayor Stock directed the Administrator and City Engineer to work out wletter to _ send to''the utilities giving them the information that the has 'Mready adopted, the ordinance,'and also.,the guidef`ines th,; -City expects them• 10 follow, such as tiotificationwhen they are'moving,thiir' lines and where they are placing them, the final drawings, as4milts, etc..' Councilman Williams stated theme seems to be v confli.ctof'opi'nions regarding sit c tanks, when 'hooking up to sewer an&water most *+ties the septic tanks are pumped, broken in and, filled, and on three occasions i"t e City he has been fold about, he did not know about, the contractor was told it was not necessary to pump the tanks,. and felt the- Council should come to' a direct agreement on this matter. r . r F _ Councilman Oakes stated the Council poli ' cy is to pump, break in and fill setic tanks, ondstoted this should 'he in previous.Minutes. Councilman Oakes stated tlfat in regard to water wells, they may be continued to be c J) used provided there is no connection in tFie piping between'thie: city water and the local well and if he wel'1'liifiitent stcomes inoperative,' it shat Unotxbe rebuilt and further if there is a lowering of the water table the City may by ordinance shut off the 'use of all wells: t r � ° The Administrator is to direct Roy .lohnson Hof the opinion of tf,*' ouncil on' t#* matter of septic'tar�lrs. I 5 Administrator McGuire stated, he received a couple of bond inquiry firms on Titus -- Addition and cannot find the information they are looking „ for, kr fiw; t and Wcond ' addition. Councilman Oakes stated that on Titus First Addition, $22,000.00 vas placed in escrow for-eventual paving and a :2,;.200.00 maintenance bond was taken out to cover a rather steep ""slope into.rthe area which' was surface d that time, this was to have ` been completed in three years, which would make it a •thisF e ,ars Y, wait" {tlssiect and the developer does not want'to complete` it this year he wants” to because of the ' percentage of Idh that are not Yet built. Councilman Oakes talked with the developer Friday and told him, to get a latter in to the City for next Monday'3 Councll Meeting which wouldlexplain Ott . wanted 'to do and why he wanted to ao it sfl the Council could deal with what they were oo ng to do with the ;24,200.00 excnow and that he 6ritact Clinton 1106kworth, With whom "he dealthin 1.971 with. Travelers Indemnity and " get a stdtement from Brinkworth, the bonding agent, which would-say-that he would a with what T up to, and botkof' these are- to be here by next Monday night. Councilman Oakes :toted that on Titus Second Addition that is so'metliing,that happened offer the City of Prior "Lake became a; City and the`Planning Commission has had their , thing and possi jk*buncilman Busse and he knows nothing abouia this $'50,000.00 I ' bond, and supposed this would be - in the Planning Commissiori, M`inutss. M stated this would ayor Stock � probably in the. Council Minutes. f Mayor Stock stated 6 has received t � "tgna4dn of Marilyn Mi.ckus from the Civic Center Proiect. w Motion , was made by �'kse�to accept Marily Mickus' resignation from, ,�! the CivieCenter'P�siectseconded by`Odkes and upciva vote token it vra duly passed._ F , 0 '.salary 3520.90� =; Steyin S;NiI it _ Salary > p Ric hord� lib'" 1 ��� talary 2.' { x 1il�A,.wrtgs dank Savings��Plan 125.01`: }? ' ?r :occ�4 Union 320 ° ,Un1on �Dues!�,, � j „( A rx, g ash i Petty Cash 00 y t Susan.. Huwe �Salory., ' �� "44.00 tici 1 tom �Na Counc `Par `7pon� Busse Council' Pays .00 r - . Dpn'Mli!!i i 80 - Counal Pay,. 80 « ,, r, Jack, Oakes.; Coin ail Pay 6+0.00 v Miidhael M 1,.iiAayoPay 1;80.00 cGuiro "' Carilowance :T,:500 �r `l.�gue of Minn. Municipalities Convention �` r Stons*rd 011; � Police Gas, �� i -, 309.64- �! LiL �tiard w6re Pal "ice Supplies 5:44; van. A Fees 5(T5 00 } , POP- 1 �F MINU,TIS of the Proceedings of' twe Village Council of the Village of Prior.Laka in the County Scott an } } _h� S ay M .r Motion was made by Busse to ratify .the appointment of John Larson to Chairman of the Civic Center Project, seconded' by Haberkorn and upon a vote talon it was duly passed. - - = � I Mayor Stock dire' cted the Administrator to notify "John Larson of this change and to send a letter of thanks to Marilyn Mickus. t Mayor Stock stated that the Administrator and he hove" interviewed a number ofJ r r candidates ,ror an ;intern program with the City of Prior Lake on a planning basis and i i recornmen&4 Horst Gro ser on a- $500.00 internship per month Program., the program tt is for six months, he it a masters graduate, of Mankato State. Motion..was made by Williams that Horst Groswbe employed on an,interrtishi basis for six months at ; $500.00 per month, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. ' ;!I Mayor Stock' stwted the City has an inquiry in whether or rat 4 the' City would be i 1 in in selling the property behind the "Post Office to the property Mwters of the Prior Lake Post Office; foc the purpose of expansion of the Prior Lake Post` a O Office, and asked what the feelings of the Council were.', t, 1, Councilman Busse stated thgt;due the, gas pump being back there he,did not think, � � the City' should sell the property. A M McGuire agreed with Busse and also for ran future 4 4 ,possible expansion " Motion was made by Oakes that at. this tune the .qty is .not:interes* - - inseliing the r ° °Property located laehindthe Post Office, seconded by Williams a and upon a Mayor Sioch.directed theAdmtnisfrobc io,sertd a letter and an.extract`of. the �.' M Minutes b Mr. ,Joe Steoko informing him of the Council's action: M Mayor Sbck, stated that not ice has been given to the: Councilmen o of P - 'c " on,June ,11, 1.2, and 1 ;;th s is bpcque�meeting so everyrins is wsleome , u f T ,, p r GENERALFIJNDe 1 . '" � � " Prior Lake State Bank ;� '��Federoli�pe sit 2 07 � � " y S �, P , 6 r.. ' 11.06 11 Mic wel'McGuire Salary jf r , 440 11 Joseph Vanpenh oom Salary r 310.40 r r 'amid, I' Salary' " 2 289:19 .LeRoy Rabe . 4 MINUTES of tM heeoodloss of tho YpMao Council of the Villaeo of Prier Lek* in. tho County ei Scott and Stab of t Waninie, including all 'accounN audited by mid Council. ' GENERAL FUND (Continued) NSP Utilities - 48.00 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 277.28 Lake Auto Su pp pp y Police Auto Repair 55.80 ` " Scott County Treasurer Police Radio Maintenance. ` 67.50 Minn. Natural Gas % Utilities 76.20 , AK Office Products Co. Office Supplies 195.07 Soui6iclw Didge, Inc:, Police Auto Repair r t ` 178.93 • Scott County Treasurer Prisoner's Board' ' 38.50 Uniforms Unlimited, Inc. Police Supplies ' ` 141.74',, Ray Robinson Police Auto Repair, 74.80' Kerr -McGee Corp. Police Gas C. 1.16 r. • Air Comm Police Radio Repair 99.48 Dennis Leff r. Mileage L60 Richard Klugherz Mileage _ 450 Eugene Smith Overtime 22:09 :Joseph VanDenBoom Overtime 41.68 Steven Schmidt Overtime 106.'86` LeRoy Rabenort Overtime 80.51 \\ ' LeRoy Rabenort' Mileage 3.60 A Aibinson Office Supplies . a 28.29 National' Pen Corp. Office Supplies 25.58 SCM Corp. p Office-.Supplies « 80,52, Prior Lake American . Printing °and Publiihing• 959.6C' i ,Barkem Life Co. Hospitalization 713.32 J : Pitney-bow Postage Meter .. 30:00 lUl E. H Newstrom Building Inspector .- 473.00 Thorkelson,l) u9s Police Supplins d 281.07 Clarence Schmidt . Plumbing' Inspector 200.00 l< Robert McAllister Dog Catcher 160.00 Scott County Treasurer' Library Taxes 1,126.97 Israelson and Assoc., :Inc. Engineering Fees 790.46 ` General Office Products Co Office Supplies 45.00 Walter Stock _� Equalization Meeting 45.00 t•. Jack Oakes Equal izotion.Meeting 20.00 ' Don Williams° ;" Equalization Meeting •.,_,_<,5 \\ 00 Don Busse Equalization Meefi . «' . x0.00 Tom'Watkins Equalization Meeting 20.00 Susan C. Huwe Salary ' 0 Michael McGuire ." Salary t 425 1:1, Joseph VanDenBaom, Salary :; 310,,90 a; , .Eugene Smith Salary 297. 64 LeRoy Robenart Salary 331.50 Dennis Leff Salary; 361 .4fl Steven, Schmidt ' Salary 376.54 Richard Powell ` Salary. 410:42 = : F&M Savings Bank` Savings Plan ; , 135.01 ` Lawrence Schweich Library , Rent � . 3001.00� ` Trartsfer`to Street i and s 2:000.00 TOTAL, _ , .. $22,051.17 k WTER FUND: Pbshna ter '' Postage 200.00" i 'Larry K*rkow ' Salary 345 64 Sii lens Craig Salary 177:.97 • � f dJMI i Sav ngs Bank _ _ Savings. Plan, .: .. 10.00 n Standard Oil Fuel. e 111.98 NSP Utilities . . 321.39 ' WC "r Products Co. Water Motors. , . M55.40 Jordon Independent . ' Printing 10.88 } ,(7) of tM iap of tl�o Vil MINIITlf hoeoed lase Conseil of tM Vilkpe of bier lake In the County of Sce1t aed State of Miase11e including all accounts audited by mW Council. WATER FUND (Continued): Minn. Natural Div. Utilities 34.86 C _ t � 5 , Lyon: C.hemionis " Chemicals 51.50 Stats.,Treasur'er D.NR Processing fee 15.00 Larry Kia *rkow Salary 345.64 Shirlene 6.aig ` `, Salary 177:97 <h: F&M Saviaollank Savings-Plan 10.00' ` Larry Kerkow `\ Overtime, 70.66 TOTAL 4,438.39 r, SFAM FUND: + i+ MOropolitan Waste Control' Comm, SAC Charges 46,435.00 Judith Jepson Salary 155.11 Win. J.;SuiIIvan Sal 209.40 Raymond Johnson t ` Salary 386.77 FbM Savings Bank,., Savings .Plan 100.00 Standard Oil Gas and Oil 1!11.97 `' NSP Util ities 241.90 New Prague lumbar 6.61 d�:Ready�Mix , Sewer Maintenance Jordon rode t Pendent Printing 1.. 10.87 i 14 SW of Slwkopee,';Ina. Sewer Maintenance 78.93 ; Minn. Valley Electric Coro / Utilities 30.99 Metropoliiton Waste Contro l Comm. 1►lefno Installment 2,036.28 } a. Raymond Johnson. / Salary 386.77 W t R '' JuWO -0r+ wn Salary 155.11 LjQ­ W+in.lJ.'Sullivan } Sa ary 223.40 J. Sullivan SeYe ronce Pay - and Vacation 344,12 �F6�Ni:,Saviimp Rion SaAA Ian ,. 150.00 rR rld ;bMaon ayn10 O vertime 135.23 TOTAL -, 11,199.06 �! 1G ] FIRES EmRrg.ricy Pnxluc* Narws 'Subscription. s 12.00 :'. Siarklord Oil Gas arld;0il 1 s. 130.63 ; UL OK Fiardwore Supplies 1,5.96 z NSP Utilities 24:52 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. \ Utilities � 95.17 1lYata *P *&Jc' Co. Equipment Repairs 24.48 Scott County Sheriff ' - -Rodio„ Maint*honce =r*. 106.00 i Minn. Natural Gas Utilities` 86.37 k Mod- cloy Extinqu,shers Supplies 124.00 Skip Reebie , �' Supplies 6.74 General Safety Equipment Co. '� Grass Fire Unit , 1,535.00 { 4` Reynolds WeidirlO.Supply Co.! Supplies i '10.20 i TOTAL ��i o, § A .STREET FUND: Elmer Busse Salary $ , 336.15 Standard O ii Gas and O il 4 111.97 UL OK Hardware Supplies . 30.92 NSP Utilities ' 945.87 Lake Auto Supply Equ ipme nt Repai ^ 38.41 Mennen: Supply, Inc. Supplies ,. --=-- 11.52 W G. Pearson, lnc: • � Crushed Rock � 1,.017.69 s e Prior Lake AgIlngates, Inc. Sand 27.98 L&L's Lawn-and Leisure' Cquipment Repairs ; " 6.64 Minn. Valloy .Electric: ' Utilities 8.25' L.. ' Prior Lake Blacktop' Grading 310.00' x T5 " MIWJM of the 14e4wdkM6 of tb Yil1e8a Cwaeii of tM Vlllefa of Pder take In flea Counter of sett .ad .sue of ` F, j MMaaa/a. tedudk� all eooawew eudked by. acid �GawAl. STREET FUND (Continued): Lawrence Schweich. Florae Builders 'Snow Removal: ,. , 920..00 ' Elmer Busse Salary 336.15 TOTAL _ = 4,131�.55- BU`iLDING FUND L&L OK Hardware Repairs {. 7.22 NSP ` Utilities 113.47 Busse Super Market Cleaning Supplies 18.75 Twin Lake, Sanitory.Service ,.'_ Garbage R «rw�ol 150.00 Minn. Natural Div. Utilities, 62.90 Gen Fahrenkamp Janitor Service 60.00 Grosi,ktd. Services fk:or 21 60 TOTAL � .PAAK FUND: w, n Rondos House, Inc. , Book Irwin Clenkens Swe" 280.43' L" OK HordW*re Supplies 1204 NSP <IJfilIties a..a 450 New Prague. Lumber and Rear -Mix Repairs, 2l.2S Y"Ifj Gleinsns Salary 280.43- TOTAL S CAPITAL PARK FUND ` Saott County Treasurer Taxes $ 1,409.02? Lyle Sips, Inc. Signs" 152.50, Satellite Restrooma 76 «00 braels*6'and Ass0 Inc. Engineering Foos' 403. , .John and Medq Kop Installment on CD 6% M,00 TOTAL $63 j 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND: Lt:E.. &A.C. Tupo Condemnation $ 100:..00 Stever, Landgren Salary '95.17 Lary J. Anderson Salary 430.54 FBAA Savings Bank Savings Plan 35.00 Larry J. Ander son Car Albwance ' ' T500 C. N. b Sullivan Attorney Fees 1,053.50`,; Nod and Assoc:, Inc. Contract Payment 248,510.1 ' Pete Lametti Corot. Co. Contract Payment - 13,523.23' Layne Minn. Contract Payment 11,74.08 " Braun Eng., Testing Soil Borings 287.00 ..a kraelson and Assoc.' Engineering Fees 11'368.341' s Br4 ps and Moron Professional Service, Bonds 2,000.00 Steven Land en Mileage: 39:52. x Arnold a Audrey Paul Easements 1 300.00 S � L 213.21 v * J AS Salary 430.54 4} F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 35.00 TOTAL _ s289,99Q.27, ��. �t (9 ) I 11011M of * ec�p of Ae vuhme C�Vndlt'if tke"Y-111 of Friortake lit Countiot Scwtkw *Gftzef 0 Won lowlVdift all eftevals audOW b 1. r*vW EAG(1 CREEK W&S, FUND: NodImW Anoc.,, 421. 02, Kemplin Photoqraphy�, p6tas 48.88 Mo6wold Motors, Inc.- Dgmcq to Car 76.54 "bov no & Sons, Inc. C�nii`act Paypwnt 5 619.71 First Nat1 Bank of St. Paul bond Paym"t TOTAL STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 4974 FUND: Sower FurW f 4ind .00 Transier 0 t $'10,= 8, 9 & 10 W,&S--FUND CW*s F. ZaWtke R*furW Water Tower KOPPS bkY FUND: Anwic on Nct'l Bardt & Trust-_- BorW Nyment 5,322.25 It Motion was made by Oakes�#*,adjourn seconded 4y poa vg'ft taken it. mleting was adjournedot.10:45 P.M. c i hmi Gul V, j . , 14" WO 2f " ' V� (10)