HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 23 1975f 3 MINUTES of the Proceed s of the. Vlltaee; Ceunett Of tM Vilk�e of Prier Lake in, the County of see" and slats of Mianesete, indwili ne all aeewnts audited by "id Council. i t June 23, 1975 h The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Junin 2 sN 3, at 7:30 P.M.. in the Ci$jr CouncilrChomben. Mayor Stock called the meeting; to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, Oakes, and Williams, Administrator McGuire,: Engineer Anderson, Engineer Israelson,,, EngineouOureshi, and Attorney Siitltvan. The following corrections were to the Minutes, of 16,; 1975:, Page one, paragraph ten, second sentence 599.00 should read 5.99,, Page one, paragraph twelve, - should road - ,iAotion was, made by-Williams to grant 1 Titus First Addition a one year bond extens(pn with-this requirement that the roads be oiled this °year at no cost to the City of P44 Lake or, escrow account, seconded` by Haberkom and upon a vote taken it wo ly posted. Page Iwo, ` paragraph two, sentence added - Attorney Sullivan was directed by Mayor :Stock to Prepare the referendunq fir- tlieelee& k"i-r - v ;Motion was made by Busse approve the Minutes of June 16 1975 as amended l seconded by Haberkorrt and up no vote taken it was duly passed. Mr. Mike Benedict will be informed by Engineer-Anderson on the resuits:of infonndt ?M received from the :bonding company when thin information is available. - Paul Durand was t MC -� , present representing:Red Oaks regarding the condition of :the roads aid` private property after sewer and.water Installation. • Mrs. G. Storhia stated she has two driveways that cannot be used., e Mr. Richard "Walsh of Breezy anot n Y nothing has been done, to his driveway... r- Point stated tht -hi _ Mrs.. Paul, Durand. stated that M.felt that her' property should bw put back the way it was, they connoi• have quests, and the property looks "just ugly." Mr. Dave Watzl representing °Watzl's Point stated he felt the y were lied to in regard to the work that was going to be done. Mr.. Ed: Wotzl stated het walked -into hirp*Orty, for. two months. i Mrs. Durand wanted to know how, long this.work was: going.ia take. a Mayor Sbckxstated.the- Council has spent o' considerable amountlof.time -in this - particular area, they do know many of the things that exist, and as for as the glneMi condition, the Council is well - aware of what has happened, and deferr '`Mrs. Durond's 7 question:on what tlwobligiildons ond,responsibility the• City +hors . this.particulor can and what process they must follow, to the Attorney and City:,Engineer, and asked for any more specific problems in the area. Mr. Bob Kist of Red Oaks stated he hos had .two realignments his car, he had to'houl in gravel for his driveway, lost trees which he had, to pay' for, and is not satsned with the "contractor who didzthe.road work. ,~ o'. I _? :,'tea. ,, °• u1. � _ ` Mrs.. Mary Lannon of Red Oaks Zrited to know if when the City denied payment for damage to . 'car:, >would lNgrsgo for .thdie damages:: Mayor Stock stated that Mango carries 'liability insurance and this type of damage should l� -1- r e NAHUM of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of'lrior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ali:aecounts audited by sold Council. �t Mr. Dave Munch wanted to know i f the sewer and water project is do ne. Engineer Anderson stated there are sanitary sewer brooks and these have to be dug up and repaired. There are about five of these breaks. The waiter. lines have been tested, but the. hydrants have not been tested and theses have �to be tested and the valve I ines a ` have b be tested. All the rough: bumps. in the,_" roads have to be repoired,,,these aireas have to be recompacted and material has to be brought;in to fill these.,areas. Mayor Stock stated that Marsga has moved off the job, the City has. directed the Attorney to proceed with bontacting t4 bonding agent and to direct the bonding company to take action. to correct-this =situation,. • ` Engineer Anderson stated he talked to a Mi. George McKee,. ,q consultant for the bonding agent, he coma in and made on estima of how much it was going to cost to complete the project, he went back to Wichita, Kansas where there office is to meet wkth several of their peopliaend.they are sending a man up here on Tuesday or } Wednesday of this week to meet with Marsgo to see if they can make: arrangements ° to get Marsgo to complete: the project. r,: La!er this�week, depending on the outcome v' of this meeting, the bonding company will be in contact with -Engine Anderson to tell him when' and who is going to do thsi work— - Attorney Sullivan stated that the City has a, performance bondr for :346, 000.00 and tho City has demanded that the bonding company take over the job,,complete it because the, contractor is either financially unable to or refuses to complete the job. Usually the bonding company will,get another contractor or maybe in.this case will make arrangowents with Mango to come in and finish it and pay them out of their t� N bond to do it.' The City is giving the bonding company the"opportunity to come in and d0 the orfE.p llwmseKrei' :mtd If. that' do notnde 4Ja'6% Oo& nr h afpturo� am City will do the work and will then askt.',he bonding company to reimburse the City, '.� but hopefully heabotidinB�� ayimill� get their own contractor, in to: do the work. Even if the City wanted to do- the work,, they could not get a contractor to come in i and do -the work in the next week or so, anyway. p Mr. Watzl wanted to know if grovel. could be put on the. roads. Mr. Kist skated °if the. road; was only fixed so they could get in and out they would be m } more than happy. Mayor Stock stated if the City r3oes anything the bonding company could say the'City t,. ha) no right fig do it: Thr.bond nq=oompany is still the overseer on the project and if `a by Thursday the City does not have an answer from the bondirig company then the City will move: in and take action. Mr. Kist stated that they would just like to get an answer as to what is happening. Mayor Stock�tentatively seta Special Council Meeting for Thursday June 26, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M.,- unless the Engineer" "hears Oct the bonding;agent is going to positively take action. J � Mayor Stock stated' that yo the residents could call City Hall offer 3:00 on Thursday to find out if this, moeting ;going to be held: Councilman Oakes stated the purpose of the .Special Moeting.was,oll4l if the bonding ; a nt ge and the contractor have not worked' out a means of getting the roadways into :. t passable condition." The problem of.who is to finish, the job .could be held overl until the Monday meeting. Cou }cilnwn-,Oakes suggested that .the .road travel and safety of road ""I be the main reason for?hursday's meeting. M Kist r. K s wanted know why the special variance for the Satellite. for his neighbor was denied. V MINUTES of the 'roee"In of The Vil gs lace Council of the Village of ado► lake M the Leanly of Scott and state of minneseh, including all accounts audited by said council. r> e Councilman Cakes stated this is'not the only casual use residential unit,around the lake, • the point of vie that he recommended to the Council had nothing to do with the individual as an individual, but the point to be considered is should tMre be a family who were abie to 'take advantage of the depot lution, of the lake of Prior Lake roused by ` all the of4ths `pepple�pvying'their money. for sewer in ordetr to het the lake cleaned',, E n up without paying i like unt far their use of the la a well as_far, their access to ke s , the sewer initallation. ` Mr. Munch wanted to know the, last day to hookup ,to; se" wer and water. Mbyor-Stock•slated September 23 1975, Councilman Oakes stated that the City should get the work completed or consider i " extending any connections. p ; Mr. Munch wanted to know what would happen if he did not hook up to'water. Councilman Oakes stated the City would attempt to force him to hook.0 {te water. P a c c &} Mr. Watzl wanted to know.who was the, Finance Committee and•why their claims were denied. ` Mayor Stock stated the lAnance Committee consists of the Mayor, Councilman Busse, and t Councilman Willir ms; and it was'the recommendation of the.F•inonce:,Committeertirgt ilie ' people with claims appear before the Council because it becomes o question and the contractor is carrying insurance to cover these type of damages. Attorney Sullivan stated these claims should be by written notice to the „City withinW thirty days, with the amount of the, claim, how it arose,, and where it arose. A ` a ° Mayor, Stock stated these claims should be submitted to the insurance i company of - Morsgo, if they do not.pay,for these damages, it then >becomes another matter in which - , the Council is going to have to make a decision or the individuals will have to, make a decision:on:whetlwr rto ar►e,;the lCity;or* Contractor or both. , r r^ .prior Lake School , .. •.. , • Board members were present regarding rental of baseball park and vnbl *oys and presented: information,regarding these. 1 yid • `�'a. � a Mr. White presented their request regarding the Bm' bolI Park. `{ Motion was made by Williams.that the City Council stand by :its decision in regard) to o #4 School District paying $250.00 per year for rental of the baseball fields in the park, seconded. by Busswand •upon a vote: taken it was duly passed. ” Mayor Stock stated the $250.00 fee should not be construed as a rental fee,, primarily it Move fie - that *= considered as cost in maintaining, the park, granted the school district has done some mointenonce tlrero but every yeax;;the`Cityapei+ds considerable " amounts of money to get that field in shape for the first game of the for the school and ,.aeons for :the City Mr. White presented information and cosh on walkways. r Motion was made by Oakes that the proposal of the School District Tier walkways be accepted with: the School District participating in the provision of the walkway of,the < bitumirous surfacing westerly to•the areeof the 0 1 top, "thot,the, County Engineer be contacted to start initiating action for the multiple - stQ0 an44hat Ae City enter into negotiation with-the private property owners in an effort to seek out the practicality of ` extending this walkway to•,the .northwest conwe of Memorial pgrk,. seconded by Williams and upon a vote token it was duly pass�d. 3 •aAA§ 4�C4AY;a {w :.rA'lr.R f�Ntre,Y. C o IYiiN11TES of the McNdings of tbo Village Ceandf , ef the Village "of Prior take in tko County of Scott and State of 4 .Mianeseta, including all accounts audited by, said Council. `\ Mr. Bill Schmokel was present.representingAL'MAC requesting preliminary approval of plans before the hardshell . �. Motion was made, by Busse' =to approve -the A LMA C ;preliminary plans with the under - standing they review with the City 'Staff 'the °easements and legality of low lots before the hardshell,�'secnnded by Oak tard°upoma vote takervAt was duly- passed. Mr. Jack Cates was prslsent requesting approval of con ceept of plans for housing for peopl't on firted' income . Councilman Busse stated this was''before''the Planning Commission and they approved , k of this concept. , Motion was made by Busse to approve the concept 4" ans of Mr.L Jack Cates, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mrs. Marlis'Bluedorn was present regarding the Moves Road culvert and ponding fix t Y2".e 3 . ,J` 'Y a� • t ) F \�.� Engineer:Andenon presented plans for -the culvert and pond ng area, , a 3 Mrs. Bluedorn stated that a bill she had submitted had been,,,denied. � ' The bill wasBiven�to Engineer Israelson to submit to Lametti and Sons ands to Larnati't insuranco'conipany. - k Mrs. Bluel�Jorn was � present in regard to a check she received for s beans . = f ' The check lion this statement�added "For Payment of 1.974 Damages" (Check fte) . ' § Mrs: r 'Bluedorn`stated there >is a, four foot drop' in her driveway. 4. Councilmen Oakes; &s:e, Hoberkorn;. and Engineer Anderson are meei at Mn. Bluedorn's at 5:00 Tuesday June 24, 1975 to resolve this problem. Mr. Bill Kemplin war prisents iygctrding the problems in the area •with; the Green - } Heights Tavern, noi$b, etc. V Mayor Stock that ' recommended they contact the police when these problems cb ar64 so it does`become .a mottos of record. �. Councilman Oakes recommended checking with, Police Chief Powell<to see if any, laws dre being broken.; k as r MayarS"#direetisd titd�Liquor Commission toAook-inlri W... Kompl ' *s complaint, arw to work -Viuk thv Pbl is oeport nentf io -rosoi "ve they:` 1em .. � p Mr. Tadevich of North Shore Oaks: was present regarding agreement made last = . fall for a swale. a Councilman Oakes is to meet with Mr. Tadevich on this matter Tuesday June 24, Cauneilmon Willidriisstated there'will be o,Park BoardkMoeting Thursday June 26, 1975kat'7:3ft P:M. Minnesota Natural Gas':4Rodio Base Station:was` tabled: -4 r rt•p.F tb'2 "}� 1 - }V ^ .� .74ih.�. � Y' U � '.' MINUTES of the Proc eedings of the Viil000 Council of the Village of Prior Lako'in the Counter of Scott and State of Minnesota, including of accounts audited by said Council. Administrator McGuire applications for Refuse Hauling Permits. for Quality f•—\ Waste Control and Anderson Sanitation. Motion was made b Busse to a pprove pprove the refuse howling permits ,fior Quality Waste ` y Control and Anderson Sanitation, seaonded`by Ho6erka6 rn'and upon a vote taken it was dVlY passed. y ,Couneilman Williams. abstained. Adminishutor McGuire presented a memo from the Liquor`Lkense Committee .recommending (1) w 3.2Off -Sale License fors the Downtown Business, and: Professional Club for Prior Lpke Days, (2) Off Stile 3..2' License for the Country Flills Golf Course, and (3) Trar�fer of SnelI's Bar to Extra Innings, Inc. 1 Motion was.-mode by Busse to approve, the 3.2CIff -Sale License for the Downtown Rusin" cod Professonal Club for Prior Lake Days, .seconded. 6Y Stock and and upon +s a. vote fakgn it was duly. passed, 1 Motion was made by Busse to approve. the Off -Sale License for the. Country Hills Golf „Course, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly "passed. G Notion, was made by Busse to approve, the Transfer of Sne'l i's, Bar'to Ex1ro lnn•ngs, Inc:., seconded by Wil I lams and upon a vote, taken it was, duly passed... +`�'�'�` Administrator McGuire read a; letter, fwn Dave Watzl regarding a bill for work ,performed, by him,during sewer and water construction. Mayor Stock directed this r ; matter , to, Engineer Israelson Administrator McGuire requested a meeting with Engineer Ism son, Councilman Oakes, { Mayor Shock, and himself with .Cy Schweich for Thursday June 26, 1975 at 7:00 P.M'. Engineer Anderson pros4ntird� the` Project Report dated, June 23 1Sn'!5. E : 75., Engineer Anderson presented information and costs on the stornv, sewer r in Lakeside r Park Addition 1, Mayor Stock requested that Engineer "r'sonsubme• an = aoplicotian to the County so E ark can,be dotes at tl:e. some time as the water is being dug;in. - ._ngirwir Anderson presented his recommendations on road'wrfacing for Project 75-2, that the policy romoi",the spme as,odopted by the.Coencil Engineer Ismison stated, in regard to Muilenhart Road, they hove = been researching, this; and hove` asked• for.an.opinion from Atbrney Sullivan regarding the aliglament of the road. Attorney Sullivan requested a survey of the Mullenhart Road a" before giving an opinion on this matter. 9 "Plains for sewer,, water, street paving and storm sewers for 106 projects was tabled. Feasibility study of +?rw_a_j Spring Lake annexation was tabled. Refuse_ Ordinance was tabled. ° Admr Administrator McGuire presented a petition for streets, sewer and water for Earl Cates Street. Motiow was made by Busse to set a Public Hewing for July 14, 197 'at 7:30 P M. for t� the Earl Cates area, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. c ° Mayor Stock requested prelimitory plans for this area before: this. Public Hearing. 5 ..'"� " '�¢�� R�. ¢�'�' +' _'#+t '�_.�".a,r.t. , .. . �s..k. -:x ,.ds�..:?�' r z,:..„ - r.?a, -7. • Yl u n Mayor Stock stated` in regard to the•CSAH #2Vbridge, that -the City wdst have water and sewer going through ` that area; and'o walkway' "should 1:6' oonaidered at the .. same time. : �.0 . ,.• � :.. . ,,:' - � , , ,' �� i Engineer Anderson stdtsd that Mr. Prene'vost, the Scott County Highway ,Engineer stated that they are pldnn ro w'iden the and have" o walkway bridge added at't�rat time, and - want the water" 'Motion 33 feet &ttzfroin the center of the road. 'Motion w6i made :by Busse'to adopt aresolution ro= send tl a Courity thou wou ' 'State the City would urge the Coun % reed with the Ions and eventuoi t pro p } construction of the;widening•of the bridge on CSAt 0 21 at the narrows,! ii Prior Lake, and the City, wilI keep their wateneain and' sewermain:33 4o off tht M centerline, seconded by Haberkorn"and ^dppn6avote token Qt;was duly, passed �^ Mayor Stock stated that a <number: of oreos'a`re 9orn9° o` be improved "wi =paving and to this daterthe City "has "not' bonded "for'such paAiig.'and requested'o — antral overview ° of what streets they are, estimated gosh, and oz reocmnreidatian if now is, the time to °�.: f a have the bond issue for that paving, and requested a iynropsis of this for the next �� meeting. Mayor Stock stated there is a.,Public Hearing on June 30, 1975 at 7230 PA on the "tension of watormain to Lakeside Park Aiddi ?ion. ,.' Mayor Stock stdtoJ• the Prior Icka 4r0ireieptor has been awarded to L ame' tti and Sons for a cost of. $3,096,500.00,= the'scheduled comple'hon is scheduled,rfor dog and addition of strike time. r +SiockE stated thou the ..� . •. ♦ -� :� � /Jf . � � _ ` Mafro ty tias been notified thot'the =populbtibnbfxh or Y Lake, will be certified 10 the State at 5,001 effectiveApril „1975. i Motion was tnado by Buse ♦to "adjourn; seconded b y fitock and'upona vota'`takeni..+*4i 1 `s meeting was,ad'purned at 10:40 P.M. a , * Michael A, ° McGuire, Administrbbr Ct -) _ J u V1- p l } U Q. G �t 111111 ~ •. n o,. L r 0 Af $ r av f .. i 1 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the "Village of Prior Lake in the County off See" and Stott `ef ° ° a Minnesota, including all acceunls audited by mid Council Motion was,made by Busse that upon receiving information on the Pixie Point Road j street lights that Councilman Haberkorn,submit'this to Administrator McGuire and he j will be in power to contact NSP to in stall these street lights, seconded by Haberkorn ` `N and upon'a yr to taken it was duly passed.. o Administrator McGuire and 'Engineer Isroelson'aro "to check art 'the'CompnhenIsive r Sewer Plan. ;.