HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 07 19752 1 I _ ...,: MINUTES of tho'roeoodinOa of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Stu of Minnesota, incl"dine Oil accounts audited by said Council. July 7, 1975 - The Common Council of the City of Prior Joke met in regular session-on July 7, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting 40 order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Habarkorn, Oakes,,ond Williams, Administrator McGuire, 'Engineer Anderson Eng ineer Isro , ; eison 'En sneer Qureshi and Attorney Cope, g The following corrections were made to the.Minutes of'Jur►a 19, Page one, Paragraph five, should road - Attorney Sullivan was directed Maor Stock. to prepare s the ballot for referendum. Page four, ,pare ` graph fourteen, noise was mitpeiled. it The 164116wing correction was made to 14,r Minutes of June 30 1975: Pays one, last paragraph, Should, read. Mayor Stock r� :quested.that.the road be photographed again and berm placed on the edges of the rood where there. ore storm drain . ge problems; Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes'of June 23, 1975 and June 30, 9V75 as amended, seconded by Haberkorn and: upon a vote taken it was duly passed Mr. Denny McWilliams presented an n agreement to convey private driveway easement for approval by the Council and a motion he wanted passed requesting concept approval of development of 120 acres on County Road 42 owned byALMAC. Motion was made by Williams to give. concepp?opp%val for the development o0he 120 acres on County Road 42 owned by ALMAC, Inc, as a PUD at an overall residential doosity of 8.7 units per acre (1044 units) and-to include su rtin recrerotionC PPa g , commercial and institutional lo uses,' seconded by Busse and upon arvote taken'it was duly possed• Councilman Haberkorn abstained`. Motion was made by Bum to authorize the Mayor and Administrator to sign the. ' Agreement to Convey Private, Driveway Easement at the discretion of`.. .� Engineer, • Mayor, and Administrator,i seconded .by.Oakes;and u a,,v'aae;taken it was passed' ly . Mayor Stock directed the A dminiskator to contactxthe'iruurance,agent to find out what the City has to do to provide the insurance for this o ` greementa Mrs.�Mcrlis.Bfuedom.was . � : prosent requesting an qu g pdate on , R,ubject.diuus:•d "at a Previous meeting; regarding. the . elevation , of the culvert ariid ' ndi regarding lantin j po nil r;'lettar P g on casement, .bills present4sd- ta.Engineer Isroelson for repair, elevation of her driveway, and distance between` fire hydrants. .. Enaipoor- ,Anderson stated Y thot,Bil) Sc"kel not got back, taa'him.yet on the elevation of the culvert and the rdln i, g and the easement through tiM K i,) lebrew property. Councilman Oakes stel4id' he wanted this master token care' =of byTriday, + ,: Engineer Isroelson stars j ;not the bills for. repair 'have jenusented; to the :insurance Ply • � Engineer And i stated that the driveway y vw�ild be taken cacti of during the cleanup ork Ftv'iotio on was mode b Y Oakes that a letter be sent o Mrs. Marl is- :Sluedorn at her request, covering an easement across 'the Mayes property to be identified in accordance with •.the legal description ' t ption on the easement,'the> letter saying that any land which comprises e+ eai tent may be cropped if. there, it operations on the easement.thataor► dames accosioned by legitimate work N p age will be born by'the, land owner, seconded by Busse and upon o,h token it was duly passed, Mayor Stock directed the Administrator, to get the information on the, fire hydrants `Born / `Engineer lssoelson and to include t--i , nformotion.in the letter<.to;Mrs: Bluedorn. lt`w..4 MINUTES of the P eceod1"98 of for Villaoe Council of the;Villaoo.of Prior take in the County of'Scott and .Stato of } J Minnesota, including oil accounts audited by aaM Council. ' s Administrator McGuire presented an application for 32 Off -Sale Beer License for Hakbor Resort - the which will be managed by LeRoy Busse, Jr., and the Liquor License Committee met'on this and recommended, Motion was made by Oakes to approve the, 3.2 Off- Sale Liquor goer License for the Harbor Resort, seconded by Williams and. upon a vote ,taken. it was.duly passed. Councilman Busse abstained'. Councilman Oakes stated there, is no limit to 3.2 licenses in the community so far as ., the State 1aw is concerned and the =City is getting c fairly significant number of 32 ;. applicants and pointed this but to the Council..' `Adminestrator`IV►cGuire read "a , !titter dated'Juna ll l, - 1975freceived from Marsgo retqueiting that the ,City matl all fuittnv checks or wuck irs ,to Harold W;. Davis, ;A Tican Insurance Company, 430 Cargill ,Building, !'Minneapolis, M*ncsotu 55402. A copy'of this leor''was given to the �. i tyA ttorne y. r Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report dated July 7 1975 Kortsch andtCombridge Street• connection, feasibility and cost was, tabled.. ` _P6thway4SAH 44 easement. d iscriptions was talsled,. Engineer Anda an presented plans for Plea sant/,�`venue ekiie lion, µ Motionwas made by Williams: that the plcn forahe proposed alignment of Pleasant , Avenue :and Highway 13 be accepted for recommend6tion'to the, State of Min nesa'ta r seconded by Stock and. upon a vote token: it was duly.possed. Engineer Anderscn'presented Change Order �"3 for tJodlarrd Aaaciates Inc. Mayor r ��� ~ � - :Sock tabled Change � so that Erwgineer Order 03 until the next ;Council me eti n g, Anderson could owr this change.order with EApineers Israelsonand Quroshi. Engineen and Qureshi presented the plans for sewer,. water, sheet paving, and: storm sewers. for they 1976 Project. Motion was mace by Oakes to authorize the Ergineer to prepare the necessary„ `•. iniormation for seer, water, street_poving, and :storm sewer for the 1,976 Proiect : u for a Publicx Hearirp io'be Mld on :July 31, 1`9,5 at 7:30.P.M..,- secoexied by 11 Will.iamu;and upon a, vote taken it was duly `passed_. Motion was made by Williams too Pt a 30 foot roadway as,o minimum standard f*r two tr0ffic and oneside -way° parking,: seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly pas ct, Mayor S" directed Engineer °Qureshi to send copies of storm sewer and paving dr9wingr to the Adminktrotor br Council memo' p pre sented' Motion was made by Busse to approve the liminor, p lans as with y : changes made by the 4,. uncil for the seswer water, 'street paving atc3'sform sewers for the 1976 Pro by Williams_and upon�,m vote taken was duly ,if passe Mud Bay -road,extension was n • Engineer Qures6i presented in400wation on paving scree 'in 1975, bonding, etc., for - A next scussion'at the meeting. Memo, Mullenhart Road, as to legal description was tab* d. .Flow, r it was tabled. 1� 2 !. I' • .- q #} r..°7X •r..Kevn4t7dribh . — }p. 'V. x g M- I t .t .y�' � • �; ���