HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 14 1975MINIITlS of the Maeeadinas of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake In A* County "of Scot and State of k , Mionesoh, including all accounts, audited b� y 6e11 Council. r^ July 14, 1975 : The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met, inEregu�;*nsession on July 14, 1975 t at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock ;coiled the meetinq.Is order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, Oakes, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Isroelson, 'Engineer'Qureshi, and Alterney Sul I Ivan. The first item on the agenda was ' Hearing on Street Paving for Project 75 -10�. Mayor Stock read the. Public.Notice for Pro ject 75-10. Engineer hroelson explained Project 75 -i0, and. presented the plans and costs. )Motion was made by Oakes to approve the Street Paving Project 75-10 for construction this year, seconded by Busse and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes that Loh 16 and 17 of Eugene Sin*Irs, should be assess cl no more than 10 feet front footage for any future street improvement, project, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, Engineer Anderson to check assessment on Earl Cates property that apartment is on., Motion was mnde by Busse to adjourn the Public Hearing on Street Paving,for Project 75 -10, seconded by Oakes and uponaa vote token the 'Public Hoaxing was adjourned. Mayor Stock called the regular Council Meeting to order. xz Motion was made by Oakes to `autho"rize the final plans and specifications for Project 75 -10 seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly pawed. Motion »was made'by Haberkorn Upproveahe Mirwtes of July 7 075, seconded by Williams oncl' upon a vote tli ienkitvas duly passed:' ' Mayor Stock hated hr asked Ray Johnson to Come ,ioahisumeeting relative lo sewer £inspettioh, connections, and the problem in some areas.of the possibility of external storm sewer connection to sanitary sewer. 'After discussion by the Council on this matter, Maydr4tock directed the'.Administrafte send ;a reminder ti=the interior inspector >D that he is made aware of•fhis "fact. 'Ma Stock stated' thot- Francis Snell was 'Maybe present relative to the Fiewaens Relief, r: AW AAer discus fort by`th ,ouncit on this Metter -,, Mayor�Stock recommended that the Firemen Relief•Execpivo Board and Francis Snell-be piosent•at the next ` . Council Meeting g go over the December 11974 meeting. Mayor Stock directed the ' Adminishato Flo sendn letters to the` Firemen ' <Boord=&W Francis Snell requesting they be prose nt'at, the meta Council Meeting and tabled, this matter until. then. Mr. Farley Dare presented o petition for sewer and water at Sunfish Bay. Enyirwer Anderson-piesenied -oath for siwo and wow at' Sunfish Bay:' 'The Sunfish Bay over and water project will be: included in the •Public Hearing for, 1976•Protech on July 31, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. Mrs. Marlis Blueibrn asked' If anything was resolved on the culvert. 9. o N,. ter.. . a . r r . , , ° a. k a 'MNUM of the hbeeedinos of the Vlliaye Council of the Villas* of Prior lako in the County of Scott and State of ` ! mlanesota, including all- accounts audited by said Council, i Councilman, 0akas stated the culvert, from back whenever back is, was at an elevation of 901A feet At the time of the original surfacing of the Monies Road the culvert was extended not relocated,. this is barn out in the field notes from Bill 5'chtmokel. At the, time the 'sewer, and,woter pJect,c we, thrpugh, that area the culvert was cut, the public facilities were placed and the culvert was then not relocated and t; that. is ; apparent in the field. rates of braelson and: Associatiltn One of the neighbors nearby, confirms what is apparent in the two soh of field notes. Theculvert is 901.4 feint at the flow line, which is the bottom of the culvert, and it has been that way since some time prior to 1968. The amount of water that is ponding is probably a" :- function of current lake elevation which is 903.2, so water from the'idke would obviously, be running down back through the 901.4 base line flow line culvert into the Moves ( property. Residents in the area have also stated it does tend •i�o dry up at r one season,or another. In regard to the culvert, from the bestof the;,reet rch of the 3 ` two engineers work prints the culvert has not been dislodged from ih- elevation since' 1968. This was confirmed by conversations with Mr. Baker and Mr. Larry Anderson. " Jhere is no evidence of this culvert being raised or lowered and in checking with the DNR, the only individual who might have told the City anything about a, directive from the, DNR is `deceased and the, fellow who, inherited his desk has no,written record of •any. directive. Motion sues made b Oakes that u pon finding, b ., usi e n g ineering Wild note: no Y t ngy Y g �� n9 . , . evidence of the elevation of the: culvert in question across, the Mgws. Road .being changedd that no attempt be mode to discuss impact on the adjacent ponding, area,` a, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken iliwas duly passed.; ` . Mrs. Bluedorn wanted'.to know who decides where they are i to sod and. when go they are going to sod'. Mayor Stock stated he has had a number of calls from irriividuaIs on this, each . individual has the same question 'When are they going b, do mine ? ", and basically it makes sirens, for the conlractor to jump from parcel to parcel, lte is-going to come n ` v down thn street and do the street and hopefully it will all be done within a short a period of time, barring o future :hike., Councilman Oakes 'stated the engineers know that the Kroke and Bluedotn places are :. i6 hood atimmediate attention, .and. the dumping on Lot 7 will be, removed, . ;Mayor ,Stock dketed the Administrat or. to report to Marl Is Bluecbrn his findings as to ' what is happening` with ,the sodding. CP .,Mr' #01o..Patchin of the Parli card was •present regarding the park dedication by ' Denary Mc Williams; st rting the Park, Board has voted to turn the Park down, a nd =irlquested the Cpurtct;'s feelinjjcn thismater. / � t Counciian,Bussetated�he %e It that the Park Board should review this property again z Pti and should W6 4vt "bit�o,f land. they can °'get. y El" 4 Counoilircan O stated he wen along with g►hatc�Cbsieirea;psteiw wid. Mayor Siock stated he was in favor of the Park Board reviewing the property, that would;tl+en elim,inote the input of the Public, Hea#ing,. because it seems to be in oonflicf`and the main issue that they should address it to is the benefit to the roplat itself. t Councilman Haberkorn stated he is in favor of the sandlot type park. b Councilman Williams abstained: ` Councilman Williams requested that Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of ti the nightof the' Public Hearing be furnished to the Park Board Members and wanted � f ,,�- it made clear to the Park Board Members that he did rot bring this matter up at „. this meeting. 2 AUN Ef of 'the hoeeedingo of the village council of tb* Villas* of Prior lake in the County of Scott and`;$tat* of MW Minnesota, including all eeceunts audited by` IoW Council. E " Motion was made by Haberkorn that on the' 1976 Paving Plans thot. the in blue ' section ' be made a.30 foot roadway, the area in yellow between the blue and red going to Martinson Island br a transition from 30 down to 24 feet, seconded by Stock and upon f a vote taken this motion failed to pass due to lack of majority, Councilman Oakes ` ! abstained, Mayor Stock .tabled' the matter of paving on the 1976 Project for further discussion. Attorney Sullivan presented information on the legal, description of AWhlenhardt Road. Mayor Stock directed Councilman Oakes to contact and meet with the owners on Muhlenhordt Rood., for easements and to report back to "the Council at the next Council' , meeting. 4 Motion was made. by Busse to. approve -the Deve.loper's Agreement, seconded by { 4 Williams and upon a vote token it was duly passed, Atiorney Sullivan requested that Engineer Isr6elson have maps available for the area to bo .annexed far the Public Hearing on July 23, 1975 at 10:00 A.M. Motion was made by Oakes to instruct the Attorney to preppie an ordinance or,,­ ' addendum thereto, ilregarding the 5% discount on assessment if paid; within, 30 slays of assessment ring,` seconded by t William ,, and upon a vote taken It,was duly passed. . Optional Plan B°wcts tabled. Mayor tack presented a totter from John LaClatr requesting deferment on r connection for a year and turned this matter over to. Councilman Oakes for review. s Councilman Oakes stated, there is a garage than appears to be within lu'"t..�f4 t of his ` U property and it better: be housing can. and, not animals.. Councilman`Oakes :,stated °the MWCCi1s not paying their ciasements he has had some calls complaining about the point that easements or* n, of ilarthoaming and wltlit can a e _ be done about it• t.. q Mayor Stock: :toted maybe. tM reason the 'are not paying for the easements is because } , : they, psbbablX ail l: tat make any payments un #i;l the protect is started , Council man Willi bequested that Engineer Andeseon take a look the house 0141 k. '. Wilbws where it washed out around the ho u se. jhi.falbwirnp invoices.wero approved and`paid;`in #he man th�of,Junq 1975: ` x GENERAL FUND:, I" 4 , Charles Tooker P.lannin ; 500.00 g- i t "'< Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit., 1,954,70 '1 Sigh.`Triiisurcer PERA. 2193.37 ' Rfch*d - Salary 410'.42 Steven Schm +dt _ Salary 368. 9 + Dennis Leff Sal 3 52 .90 LeRoy #Rabe�grt Salary i 323.00 r Eu See 4h Sala . 4 ,. 306..3 'Joseph VanDenBoom Sala'' 328.40 Miehoel McGuire. Salary 425.11 Susan Huwe Salary: 99`.20' Localtkm "P320 Uitton. Dues 42,50 t F& M Saving bank Savings i'lan 135,01 Cash Petty. Cash: 50.00 s Walter Stock Mayor's Pay 120.00 Mike 'IMeGuim . Car Allowance . 75.00 a U w i —4 '..a y'7 it z4a;;.ts�,`+sP °fnu,Wt : "� .%.,.d; :. .,kw. _ u ^ :sxx-�...7C.. r. �t«'A +b `.:. -' "i.. "R .+`' `��' •� n �jJ i J ° 5tteet Fund x ; Transferof Funds - 20.00 Patli'fi,nd; Transfer, of Funds: 1 .000.00. . Susan C. H#we Salary 122'.,30 Melanie Sprank Salary 8S;i35 Josaeph'VorbenBoom =' Salary 336.90 Eugene Smith Salary, ,< 331.89 LeRoy Ra6enort Y,. Salary , ,p 331.30 Dennis Leff Salary 361.40 ,Steven Schmidt `cy , w.. Sal 40- " ary 376.54 Richard H. Powell Salary . 410.42 Michael McGuiril Salary' 429,89 F8M Savings Bank1 Savings 'Plan, 160 Iscolson and As sac. Inc. Engineering Fees ff r, WNWIS of the Fraceodinp! of the Vitloge Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Sate, of " Mleniseta, including; ail occounts audited by said. Council. GENERAL FUND (Continued) f f , , Larry Anderson', C Car A 1 lowance',� p x x5:00 , Wally Stock t tvlayor's Pay " "60.00 Minn. Natural Division l lltihties 1 14.3$ Scott -Rice Telephone Co. - U Utilities 2 271.45 ' T Toms Mobil Service P Police Auto, Repair 3 39.30' J J NSP ; U Utilities 4 46.92 Standard Oil P Pblice: Gas aril 4 490.50 } } Lake. Auto Supply P Police Auto Repair 2 2.50 Gene's Inter -City Oil P Police Auto It"Ir, Johnson's Prior Lake <Nuisery T Tree Inspector ,Wc 1 14944 SCM•Carporationt O •. 155.70 Prior ,Lake American - P Printing and, Publ ishing and.,, 2 262:07 1 1 Office Supplies Andrgws ltoxall Drug O Office Supplies E: H. Newmian, B Building °Ir>sp"k � , 539 00 , Roger Harris P Pal ice Exam- 1 16.00 4 = M Minn. Civil Service D'ept.'" P Polici'F am 6 67.00 Eu&w:Smith - Overtime ' S Salary . 1 18.22 Dennis Leff A Albwance 1 104:00 Shorn Sihhiidt` 4 C Clothing Allowance 1 100.00 �s D Dennisleff - Qvertime` -= ' 'Salary, Joseph YanDinBaom C Clothing Allowance - - • 100.00 Eugene Smith C Cbthing A`Ilowanee `' 1 105 00 LeRoy Rabenort s ti C Clothing Allowance . ..: 1 100..00' Steven S*nidt- Overtime S Salary' 1 165.32 LeRoy Rabenort - Overtime S Salary 1 196.:58 *da • • 10.50 Joseph VanDenBoom- Overtime - S Salary 6 62,72 Coast to Coast Store P Police! Supplies 1 10.80 Don Busse, Jr. W Washing Police 4 42 00 " " Bankers life Co. - H Hospitalization 5 586:84 Burnsville Printing Co y P Police Supplia o ` 1 101.00 JAK Office'•Products C&.: O Office Supplies:. 8 82.;80 Inter -City Oil of America, Inc. P Police Gas and.0111 8 8.20 Air Comm .. ' I Install Radio iwPolke Car 7 72030 ' ' Southside Dodge. P Police Auto Repair 1 121.22 k k Robert McAllister D Dog Catcher 1 160.00 Charles Tooker Planning 7 780.00' " " Charles Tooker. Planner 5 500.00 Jade Oak" '_ C Council Pay R =' 8 80 Don Bush C Council .Pay 8 80.00 Don Williams C Council Pay 8 8If:00 M R Ron Haberkorn ' C Council Pay, Richard, E. Klughear " P Police Reserves 4 45,.00 Ray, "I'Mon. , P61 ce Reserve : © W Walter W.thris`tiansen -;-- P Police Res"s, . . 2 20.00 MINUM of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior. take in- the County of Scott or±d State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited 4y quid Council. GENERAL FUND Continued ` to Richard E. Kiugherz Salary 272.40 Lawrence Schweich Library Rent 300.00 Returned Check t - Graves 3 Charge for N66 Checks ' ,,15. 10 ;. TOTAL $24,925.17 WATER FUND: N.W. Not %Bonk of Mpls., . Bond Payment $ 2,000.00 Shirlene Craig. Salary 177.97 Larry Kerkow Salary 345.64,. F&M' Savings, Bank,. ' Savings;,Plan 10:00 NO Utilities 312.14 =Standard Oil Fue I 39!.24 L&L OK Hordwaro _ Repairs 7.38 ; Flexible Pipe Tool Co. Supplies • ; ; 17.82 Minn. Natural Division Utilities . 5.56 k x Catiilutoservice, Inc. Walter Bi I ling" Expinse . � 189.83` Water Products.Co:. ,,. Flexi- Flags' = ;, 986.64 , - �°�.� Layne, Minn. Co.: Repairs and SUpplie 117.80 State Treasurer - State of Minn. Renewal. of Cert. - Water 5 .00 Supply •Operators :,'= a ` Larry Kerkow . Sala ry ss 345.64 , Shirlono Craig F&M, Salar y 177.97 Savings Bank Savings lan gs ;. 10.00 Lary Kerkow Overtime , A 96.32 TOTAL $ 4- � SEWER'FUND• Peep - Raid , Refund 25.50'( Metropolitan Waste Control Comm. SAC Cage 365 i . Bruce Johnson " Salary 123:75 z Raymond Johrdon Salary x,77 Judith Jepson Salary. 205.11' "in, Clemens Salary 256.98 Pbstmaster , , Postage 200 #loin. Safety Council Seminar a. 20.00 NSP �.: Utilities. 24.31 Standard Oil Gas and Oil X9,24 L&L C Haoliwiire Equipment Repairs 4.24 y • Flex, Ible Pipet Togt Co, .. Sewer Maintenance - : 17.83 u - Minn. Valley Electric Comp Utilities 1740 Olaf Lukk, M.Di r.:: # . Typhoid Nt3 Sho 16:00 HarrYFamei) Damages 2540 ,,.`,• Metropolitan,W.ast Control Comm. Metro Installment. 2,036.28 Minn. Valley Mfg:, Sewer Moi.ntenance 28:20 u , State Treasurer Renewal of Cert1 -Waste- a.'00 water Facilities Operaip � Judith Jepson' Salary 155:11 € W IbrstGraser Salary 195.17 . Ra Raymond Johnson Salary 386:77 ` • F&M Savings`Bank Savings Plan ., 50,00 ,• > Don Busse, Jr. Salary t Bradley Brandt Sala 92.80 Barry Stock Salary 75.20 } Raymond Johnson Overtime - • 58.44 ° TOTAL ,o MINUTES of the rreeeadLigs ef,the Vi1kN Council of tha Village of Prior Laurin the County of Scott and Slate of _ MioneseN including all accounts ag audited by said. CeundL, � ' FIRE FUN Dawson Nethercutt ` Supplies S 4.50 Minn. NaWral Divisidii Utilities ' * 13.70 ' Scott -nice Telephone-Co." _° Utilities 92.89 t Toms Mobil Service Equipment Repairs = 9.20 NSP uti l ities. 58.39 - Standard Oil; Gas and Oil 45.78. L&L OK Hardware Equipment Repairs 1:84 Lyle Andenori. ,. School a 23.20 Delbert Busse Fire Department Conference 97.00 National Archives Trust Fund Supplies .21.00 Supt. of Documents Supplies 7.65 Volunteer Firemens 9nnefit„Ass Inwronce 60.00 Air Comm Akins Fire Equipment Co. "Radio U «„ 96.51 { � Su I ies pp 11„212.50 Treasurer -State of Minn. Ambulance License 55_00 1\ TOTAL S 1,809.37 STREET FUND: Elmer Busse Salary NSP Utilities 941.50 Standard Oil Gas and, Oil 39.24 Lake Auto Supply' Equipment Repairs 41.92 Gene's inter -CiOI Equipment Repasts` 10.00. J < L&L OK Hardware Equipment Repairs 12:75 New °Prague lumber and Reddy -Mix Chemicals 3¢1;;.85 V ' Bryon Rock Pnoducts ;1ric•6 Crushed Rock` 64.91 4 ' Wm. Mueller & Sons BTU!-Mix Q 47.50 Minn.'Val ley Electric'Co-op Utikties 8.25 Viking Producti,.Inc. Equipment Repairs 42,75 Pouches Printing and"'Lithographing Co`. • Printing : ' 172,70, 1 W. G. Pearson, Inc, Crushed Rock 71.86 w` Prior Lake Aggregates, Inc._ Sand Coast to Coast Store Supplies 3,72 * ` Donnell Cfl. Clean Sweep Street Signs Stroet 211.80 { Goodyear Tire Center °° SN►eepin 'Equipment - 8411 00- 29.85 Elmer Busse Salary 33615 ° , 'Elmer Busse Overtime. 67.44 ,110 fAL" ; 2.7 BUILDING FUND Nick, Wolf flag Caro Z 20.00 +� NSP Utilities 21T.28' Ld�L OK Hardware Repair 8.44 Minn. Natural- Diviaon Utilities Grass Industrial Services Floor Mots ' 21.60 Nick Wolf` Flag Caro 20.00 ? Gan Fahronkamp Cleaning Service 88..00 i TOTAL.. o d , ;.PARK` FUND: i y Minn. Recreation and Park Assn. Toms Mobil Service '' Membership Dues $ }Q0 . Repairs. 6.50 NSP . Utilities 4.50 ' L L OK Hardware � State of Minnesota Supplies Tree Planter Rental 6.78 25.00 G L&L's Lawn °and Leisure Repoits 3.00 b w �`�` -7- jT PARK, FUND (Con tinued , Monnens Supply, lieic.. Repairs,, 24.00 Irwin Clemens ` . a c: S lory 280•.43 e Irwin C leom, overtime 2.6:95 TC)TA - S =� 7 427 . 16 5 / '. CAPITAL PARK FUND a Ames Construction Contract'ii�ayment ; ' 4 o S 9 923.58 Israelson and Assoc.. Jnc. Engineering Fees 240LIS 92 TOTAL -r F $11;942 0 ' 1975 GLENDALE S&W 7, `M. O'Brien, D Lindstrom, etc. Easement 600.00 Steven Landgren�" ,_ Salary 213.21 Larry J. Anderson Salary %430:54 F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 35.00. " d Steven Lundgren Mileage 38 A0 Dole Zywicki Towing ` 10.00 Flaherty Equipment Corp. Generator ": 9,949.00 " Nodland Assoc., Inc., Contract Paymen# 319,544..93 Frank Wicker Appraisals is 2,983.000 ... C. N. d� Sullivan. Attorney► Fels` R 611.87 Edwin Sharkey Condemnatioe. Comm.. 543,20 Ray Joachim Condamnation:Comm. `bhn Maras - 522:41° -� x �:- Condemnation Comm': 5401'59 4s' tarry J Anderson Salary a 447.77 «! "Stevenfiandgren Solar F Sevin Bank y ° 213,21 �� gs Savings Plan 35.00 Israelson and�gssoc., Inc. Engineering fees- ?14,�t17:�2 - H. Hentz, J . H inti, , K :. Warms, etc . Conclemriation j .,, 3Q�.QI1" )} Fronk J: Wicker Testimony, 475.Od TOTAL $351,. 910.25 `I ' STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND . T OF 1970 •�` � � Amer. Bank and Trost Co. Bond ; Payment Y 1 679.19 k h CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT FUND ' z i Amer. Not) Bank and Trust Co. = Bond Payment ym ;,. 4,820:03 EAGLE 'CREEK W&S FUND Il + Barry Stock ° 'x7 Mrs. Clemens Dames. ` ,, 5.00 Dr. , Olaf Lukk Assessment.Ad ju tmept, t 598.41 ° Pehr katnetti Construction Contract Payment '47,313.15 a4 Mr : Getrude Statiha, Towing,° 10.00' ' Schroder Block -Co Form Thom n •, Pumping, 442.00: pp mw ' 175.00' 1' 19,75 Glendale S&W Fund `< 4 " " Transfer Due o E rroir , 13,5'23.23 - Oiwnified Pipe Sorvices, Inc. TV Inspection 2,733.50 f ` Johnston's PHor Lake Nursery Trees Steve Montrieul G 150.00. ° TOTAL r x $64 ,950.29 J t r 4 x :MOq.•,. 0 o� MINUTES' of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior, in tli� County of; and State of � M •, /r MINY tiW Mocoidinip of tM Villeve Councit of fhe Vitloge of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Stets of Mianocete, including all by said Council.:_ a 72 T 9 & 10 W&S FUND 2ognar C. Stahlberg ;; Refund Water Tourer $ 44.00' ,. . N.W. Nat'l Bank of Mpls. .'Bond Payment X3.,0%.40 General Fund 1/2% Adm. Cost: 1`0,.000.00 � Johnston's Prior Lake Nursery Trees F. Rigid 50.00`' �''" -TOTAL ` $73,152.40 " a CONDONS/AAKESIDE FUND ' Aul ; tj Bohnwckand'Hennen Jim Lynch "bb 4 " '� 'Motion was made by Oakes to adjoum, seconded by Haberkom asd upon a vote. taken this meeting was adjourned at 1 PM. I c y o Michael. A. McGuire, Administrator" k ii tx S C ' „ > w tt e o � 3 u • t i 1 i li a