HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 21 19751 Motion wes made, by Oakes to approve the Police De invent °'Re \ per poet, seconded by Williams;ond u , n a vale taken it was dul -- pro y passed • r ' Councilman Williams stated there is a Park Board Meeting Thur<.day July 24, 1975 at v '7:30 P.M.' Administrator McGuire stated the is _ recomrnandation of the, Commisiion, regard the zoning ordinance and zoning map, was,to call o Public Hearing, for uyust 7, /�►� :.1975 of 7:30 P.M. in ,the City Council Chambers and` to cover both ihns; the zoning t ordinance and zoning map in th same evening; however, u havo zoning ardinonce ' Motion was madez by, Busse to hold a Publ Hearing for the" zoning ordinance and zoning .� map on Aught 7, 1975 at 7. P.M. seconded b Naborkorn-,and u y penal vote to it waf duly, pass i fion was made b y Williams to adopt Resolution P75 -13 relative to au thorizing the u {' , , . removal of an assessment paid'- by;Mr. Richard P.. Ryan, as co"oted,, seconded ' by, Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. r. -. Alb ±ion was node by Oakes to approve. the On- Sole 3.2 Beer License for ViItlo Inn t' Pizza, seconded by Busse and "upon a vote taken it was duly passed. G Motion was made by Oakes to approve Resolution 0 75 -14 relative to requesting Co my participation in the pathway along CSAH: .seconded by Will iams0and upon' a vote K taken it was duly possed. } C Engineer Anderson presented the Project dated July;21, 1975: Mayor Stock ` accepted the Project Report for_.`re'view by. the. Council- Easement agreement of Metro Waste Control was tabled. J Engi'noer 'Isroelson, sented the pro gland and specifications on the Civil Defense Sirens. a Motion was made by Busse to. approve the pans and specifications fior,tho Civil Defense Sirens and set August 25; 1,975 at 7 :30,P.M , . as the date for opening of- the bids seconded byVilliamsyand uprn a vote taken rt was, duly passed. ` i ,W d F.$iRvs' ai4 +: «Fav,.'a,d..enRa.? << M MINNTl1S of th 'rocaodines of Mo Vilkpe �..::rn =1' of the Villalpe of Prior lako'in tho County of Scott and State of Minnoseta, in:lydinr� call accounts audited by said' Council. A; July 21, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on July 21, 1975 at 7:30:)P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meating to order. Present Werer Mayor Stock, :Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, Oakes, 'orW Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Engineer Isroelson, Engine or,Qureshi, and'.. A.ttorney Sullivan`. Motion was made by-Bu' to .approve the Minutas of July 14, 1975, seconded. by Oakes L and upon a vote. taken it was duly passed. L _. M Motion was made =by Busse to approvc:,the invoices; to be paid ­p approved by. ,. t the Finance Committee, seconded by Williams and upon ,a vote token it was duty passed. A resident wanted to know what the. width of the road is "'grog to be going to. Martinson Island, Engineer Anderson explained tlirixpr�w�ltiridtta of the ,roods; Mr. present requesting the control of dust ern, his stroet in Stepkc's . .' Third Addition. Engineer A"rion was directed, to have ch6ide Out on this street. Motion was made by Busse to ac 'rapt the Fire Deportment `Repay seconded by H ' ossed • a { MNNUTU of the hsceodings of the Village Council of the Village of Frior Lake in the County of Scott. and State of � Miinneseto, including all accounts audited,.hy sold Council, Engineer Qureshi presented plans and cots .idr sewer and water in the Spring Lake area for the 1976 Pro ject. Motion= was made by Oakes to approve: the preliminary, design plans for sewer and water for the Spring Lake area which is platted, seconded by Williams and upon a` vote taken it was 4:61y assed. E Attorney Sullivan r6pisided on the:meeting with the fireman Relief Association= Executive Board and Francis Snell ano in an effort to r eso lve the matter :recommended that they reinstate. Francis Snell .until such time as he I& eligible to receive the � ac"ditional. retirement benefits, and, whether they want to do this will be -the subject matter of"a =meeting Wednesday, night. Motion was'mode by Oakes to approve the increase requested by the Firemen: Relief k.- Association, seconded •by Stock and upon .a vote taken it was duly passedi. ►dnlinishator(iAcGuire is to notify theFiremens ReliefAssociation-of this increase. 1 k , . T' g Engineers Anderson and Qureshi presented plans for 'paving of streets ,for 1975 and 1976 Projects. Motion was made by Williams to recommend street widths for.the Publ for Martinson Island as from County Road 21 to Lila Lane will be d�30 foot street, Lila w, Lane willwr+ wain 30 iset from Lila L'ane,to Jack Packer's will bo;24.feet, and post c„ Ran Haber6m s house wit be 30 feet,, seconded by 1Haberkarn and upon a vote ;taken z, It was duly passed. . L, r'..: �Moilon was made by Williams to: recommend the street widths for Boudins Manor: for ' .� Lois ".Lane and Timothy -Lane down from 36 feet to a foot paved surface, seconded; e =_ by H�aberkorn and upon:a "'vote taken it was.duly•passed. ` � r ?, Stock instructed En g ineer,, , Israelson to revise the >; pled for Lois Lane and t . ._• Tbaothy Lane: ,. Mayor Stuck presented a petition received requesting enlarging the area, of the Boudins' Mait4l9brk eitd- requestirng .the vacation of a portion of Lois Lane. A.dministratorMcGuire is to contact the.peopie on Timothy Lane far their views` f on the fiecotion of'a portion of Lois Lone. r — nginoorQureshi presented , infonration. on bonding of paving. projects. - Engineer Qureshi presented information regarding the PublicHiearin on.July 31, Mud gay Road extension was tabled illwa 44 easemants. y CSAH was 4 tabl a Sunfish Bay was tabled. • c At�roe Pat Oelane wa ' y y present r epresenting Mr. Mike Benedict regarding ..' �' rep � sod in Mr. Benedict 's yard and requesting commend, on this matter from the. Council: / Aotibm was made by Oakes to agree to resod the $enedict- ,property .to the extent of 6,186 yards which was required by the`�easements or damage in the eeurse of - Ak ? bofttnuction of the easements or that Mr. Benedict be compensated by a cash ` y payment for that amount at whatever figure the- City ;is able to get from the - bid on this entire project from the sodding contractor and this prkg is,to ;include the° black dirt, placement aril levering, seconded Busse and upan a vote taken it was duly passed. i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villa" Council of the Viilago of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including, all accounts audited b y said Council. ° r Motion was, made by Oakes to pay Mr. Mike Benedict „as soon as the figures can be obtained from the contractor of the lowest price per square yard of sod, that upon his ' signing a release 'of all future claimq, the payment as recommended be approved, ,? seconded by.Haborkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly - passed. i Attorney Sullivan stated there was a meeting Iasi Friday afternoon in the Administrator's Office,., Mr, Schumacher was present, an Attorney,Fep vesonting the bonding company Y §� was present and also a representative of the bonding company, Hard'►d Israelson., r� Michael McGuire, Larry Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan'were also present. „The City ` submitted a `list of defects and areas that had toJbe repaired, both for sewer and water, and a list of things that are unfinished' in this: R`gjpet, The bonding company attorney close not to discuss the thuV that rembtned to'be done, ,rather the told the City what they would not do, and they had quite a long list of things they -would not do. ` What th;ny expect from the City is payment in full of f0rsgo's contract of $56,000,00, plus an additional $42,500.,00 for an approximate, total of 548,744.00 before they will do anything. , The only thing, they have agreed to do is to pay the subcontractors and they have qot agreed tom anything in payment of this $48,744,00.. The bonding company attorney thew tells the City that they will have somebody do *`%ark, "with no indication as to what,work they will do, or they will permit the City to hire its own u contractor if they do not want Marsgo to m le the ` job and thelr will supervise the . work and tell the City what'wark they will ttorney Sullivan advised the bonding company he would submit the matter to the Council, but it, appears to him that there is ' ro possibil of a settlement on thatbasis and the)arotter was discussed following the departure of the bonding can Pa g pony. etal ., and it is his recommendation, ;israelson's , recommendation, Larry Anderson's recommendation, that the City Council engage some ' other eontraciar to complete the job, using the, funds' that the City has withhold, to whatever extent they are.available io complete the job, to bk*ws whatever additional funds ere necessary from other projects to-c*plete the job and to,slart a suit Immediately against the bonding company -for the damages and all other 'incidental` damages and additional engineering.expenses, atlo(nei.. fees, etc. Motion was, made' b' Oakes that a suit be filed against the bonding aompany to recover ; that legitimate amount required to, sdtf#facioHly complete the. Project 73-±6, seconded �z-1 by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, } 'Motion_was`made °by Oakes,that, City Engineer.be instructed M'coMacf'qualified contractors and report at the Council Meeting the pbwe-af action which if it Aurtsiout, to be time �and� materiat wi l l include <tr provided for adgquate L supervision in:order to control..the asst, seconded:by, Williams and ,upon a vote taken it was duly passed; , Attorney Sullivan prorated his comments on the rules and regulations of the Spring Lake Watershed District,: U Motion was made by Oakes to instruct the City Attorn to take the st ti y that he considers necessar ,,to respond to. the proposed ordinance of the Prior- Lake Spring, Lake Watershed District, seconded, by Williams and upon a vote taken it wos.duly passed. Ordinance of 5% disaount on assessments if paid within 30 days of assessment hearing e was tabled. r Muhlenhardt .Road easements was tabled r .. John LeClair letter relative to connection deferment was tabled. Mayor Stock slated he is meeting -ieith the Chamber of Commerce and wanted to t tie their opinion on the Bi- Centennial Commission, before the Council maker any decisions on this matter. Mayor Stock presented information on Optional PlanB. _3_ : Oakes srot"cPPta: Mr.' Leonard!` on the last lot to the east in Cordons/ Woo", I from, back when the City had thisewer and water project going on,, the '. n City agreed to run down his lot between his house and the cull -sac and also � 1 � + 9 ogreed'to, put wa driveway "of wasonable source. This matter was tabled until the Council; meeting for more in%ftwtion. r Councilman Oakes directed Larry Anderson to contact Mr. N it t regarding Mr: Nyoard and •his: neighbor pulling twni'pipes ;in ores hence 1 Councilman Williams stated 6e met this evening with six of his and they wanted to know why they have . to contact him ,everytime they want water out an f . p L the road to control .. the dust. , ° Ma Stock directe'd°�E •neerAnde y rson to have the roods. watered everyday indluding the weekends, and "ve Steve Laadgron check :•to: see. that this is done. "t Mr'.- Hoff of Red • Oaks was present regarding the - du'st problem flnd holes in the - road.. .. ; °Mayor Stock directed the Engineer to replace" the 30 MPH speed signs in the „Red Oaks area. U r Motion was made b Buse to ad• rn seconded b Oakes and u y 1�+ y pony vote taken this meeting was odjoutmd at 10e3p P.M. ” [ Michael -A,; McGuire, Administrator el 2 p > G MINUTES of the Preceediags of the, Village C ncil of the Village of Prior- take in the County of Scott and State of Mlanesoto, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mayor Stock salted the City has received a request. from Northwestern Bell Telephone, to,, place buried cable.,in 1loudin Drive South to County Road 42. :1 Motion was made by Williams to have the City Engineer check the location,;;but with authorization for the Council to sign the Northwestern Bell Telephone request if it meewthe engineer's: approval Hoberkorn and upon o. vote taken it was y Y pa ' 1 Mayor Stock presented an, announcement from the - Department of Housing and Urban Development stating that,the Federal Insurance Administration has arranged with Barr Engineew3ng Company to donduct "a flood elevation stud.,v for Prior Lake in Scott " County,. the study expected to 'commence June 27, 1975 and wi l (be .00mplated in 24 months. Ir J M Mayor Stork stated t he - ,Ci t y has a request from the M.TC on" whether or not the City M o of Prior Lake is interested in shelter for its bus loading sites. Mayor Stock turned` ' i this matter rover'to 'the Administrator to workout the necessary derails and submit it io the MTC. A petition was presented from Boudins Manor requ esting estin that culverts e9r+ g its be removed. Engineer Anderson stated these' °culverb w would b can be .maintained ,'> Mayor. Stock stated the` City has received `a copy of an estimated. repair cost for the tip° sgo jgct ;fiwn ,the Consulting �� j . C Councilman