HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 28 1975MINUTES of, the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villag of prior take in thol County of Scott and State "ef Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. July 28, 1.975 ' The Common Council of the City o f Prior Lake met in regular session on Jute 2&A1975 at 7:30.P,M. in the City Council Chambers, Mayor Stock called the meeting -" t o order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, and Williams,, Engineer Anderson; Engineer Isroelson and Attorney Sullivan, Courcilman.0akes and f i Administrator McGuire were absent. The following come `tions were made to the Minutes of July 21 1975: Page one, paragraph five, first sentence, Mr. Markwood should •read Mr. Marquardt. , Pa three,. Page , paragraph two, eighth should bonding company, , Y r }�j attorney tells the City that they will have somebody do some work, with no �, indication as to what work they, will do, or, they will permit the City to how" its fi contractor if they do not want Mursgo to complete the job and they will supervise the work and tell the. City what work .they will pay for. s : Page four, paragraph two, first sentence,, Council should read Mayor.: Page four, paragraph eight, first sentence; should: read - Councilman *hes stated P n. , ;that Mr. Leonard. it Page four, paragraph nine, 447 -4543 should read 445 -4513. Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes of July 21, 1975 as amended, seconded; by Williams and upon a vote takers it was duly +passed Mr. Denny McWilliams presented a: hardshell for the replot of Oakland Beach Second Addition for approval by the Council, = Motion was.mode by Williams to approve the hardshell. for the nplat o;f Oakland Beach Second Addition contingent om those changes being made that she twea :ements Star storm drainage and show property pins on each lot, and authoriza ► ion :fior She Mayor's, ` Attorney's, anethe Administrator's signatures for the hardshell, seconde&by Busse and upon a vote. taken it.was duly poised.. f , Mr.. Denny. McW i I I iamspresented a hardshelI - Oakland Beach -Third Addition for ` approval by the C04ncil. Motion was made by Williams. to approve the hardshell for Qitkland -boach Third Addition 'contingent that Mr. McWilliams provides the City with a deed for Outlot "B" �6r Public.Park purposes; seconded by Hoberkormand upon'* vote taken it was duly Passed • [, Mr. Emmett Knox presented a hardshell of Willows!Fo*hAddition for by the Council. Motion: was made by Busse to approve: the . hardshel l fors Wlbws Foatth Addition contingent that existing ground profiles and road profiles be subnitted, and that storm water `dra`inage based on these profile: submitted would be atsthe time that ' ` these roads could be extended on the "plat,. seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken ,. it was duly passed. Motion was made by Williams to transfer $1;,000,00 to the Park Fund fear the purpose of fencing.and thatthe fencing be installedby. -the City mainterwnce staff, seconded by Bu#,* and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. u Mr. Dean Boyd was present regarding 'the petition, submitted for Boudins Manor Park requesting the vacation of a portion of Lois Lane, Engineer Anderson presented information on ,this matter and Mayor Stock tabled this for one weak for an analysis of traffic. r 0 L , 9 ' whL+BU$d!. : u,x�Yt4 ..., �_ .. n .w ,,.ts'' �xi.�..7. w.W.,. ..,. ._._.., _ ..:rt.s ... _ ., -.. •,i . MINUTES of the Proceedings of the villas R Council of the Village of tr ier1oke in, the County of Scott and Stato of Mionesofa, including all accounts auditod by said Council. Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report dated July 28, 1975. Mayor 'Stock accepted the ProjectsReport as submitted. fix.. x INotion was,,made by Will iams'that.the. authority be granted tht! Mayor and Administrator s } to sign the Metro easement upon receipt of the letter from Mr. Husbyi; seconded by !Busse and upon a vote4aken it was duly passed. Er` gi_neer Anderson presented information on the Harold Lenninger easement. Engineer Anderson presented information on the Marsgo Project and presented bids for corrective work. f 4 ; tnginear Anderson stated that: the streat sweeper arrived: today and the FWD truck, s ' was delivered last week. ,s tMayou Stock presented information un. the,,Pathway -along CSAH 044 easements, and' E"ngineer;isruelson presented information on °this proieeto. Engineer lsraelson presented information on the Sunfish Boy 3 , a Mayor Stock presented a report from the ,Minnesota Department Health on the City's municipal water Supply and turned this reo rt`wwetrrto Eng {rngr Anderson'. for �> o review and file. jr ti Atiorney Sullivan reported on the Spring lake <arderly Annexation." ' -> Resolution pertaining to the area left out oUthe� Lake annexation was tabled.; Attorney, , Sullivam reported on the Prior Lake -S y po pring Lake Watershed-Ordinonce. . Motion was malle, by Busse to adopt a resolution to authorize the City Attorney to ,t proceed,with ein' unctive action agoinst,thwPrior Lake- Spring lok %Watershed "e District relotive" to the that has just been adopted; seconded br`Williams 10rditance and upon�a;vote taken.it.was duly.passed. 4 Attorneyt Sul I Ivan presented information on =township Roads. M V Stock read a4lotter from Attorney SWIIvan regordio:) an ordinance relating to s k the 596 discount on assessment: 'paid within 30.days; stating this ordinance would not boverntissible under Minnesota Statutes 429:661.. <MayorS tock,.stated the Council will not ,-taj eO any °action on the A discount. Motion:w made by Williams that Ames. Constriction be forwarded a check for I amount of $2, 025,.21, providing the,Engineer finds that t thi, acreagic stated is c P; proper, seconded by Hoberkorn amd upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Muhlenhardt Rood - eosoment was tabled. John LeClair letter relotivo to connection deferms'nt of one yaar;was tabled. o �5 Awhou+d Leonard driveway was tabled. u " Mayor Stock prosented a letter received from Mr. Miko'Benedict's Atiorney, Pat Delaney. ;� INOyor Sbck pre:ented a. memo and information, on'OptionaI P {an 8 for review and diuvsision. by the Council. - MoyotvSiock presented the CIP� for 1976 -81 for review and discussion, by t6 Caunci.i G � Lam• r 4 - �i 0 5 Li a • t a P w:.....:. a s ..: � a aaawp�t'Liatsw - aPase �V Jr r ., q Ala r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of See" and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts +audited by said Council. Mayor Stock directed the Administrator to change the CIP for 1976 Park Development { P from $10,000-00 to $15,000.00. Mrs. Marlis`Bluedorn was present regarding bills she submitted to the insurance y company and stated they want along report filled out. Mrs. Bluedorn was also preeenta garding an agreement between Lawrence Schweich, Laeetti, and her as to returning her field to ibeoriginal slate. Mayor Stock stated, this was a private matter. Engineer Anderson is to check with Councilman Oakes on this to see if he r3members any agreement and will report to Mrs. Bluedorn. i a Mrs. Blued Ern wanted to know the date when her area had to be connected to: municippl water and sewer and what would happen if people did not connect at this time ,.z 1 Mayor Stock stated the municipal water and sewer had to be paid and connected to i within one year of the assessment hearing and the City has an ordinance relative` to this. 3 Mrs. Bluedorn stated she expected to see equipment on her property and redly to go b. to work by tomorrow. �\ Councilmcn-Haberkorn wanted to know when the paving was going to be done at Bill Anderson's at Candy Cove. 'Engineer^,nderson stated there isas'drdinoge problem, and when this is resolved the area will be paved. Councilman Williams wanted to know when the subcutting will begin in the Boudins area. En Israelson stated by the end of this week or the beginning of next week. rt s Mayor Stock presented a letter from the Minnesota'Enttrgy Agency relating to competitive bidding,for petroleum products as required by State and Local Statutes. Mayor Stock presented�a letter from the Department of Corps of Engineers regarding a: water oesource planning and turned the letter over to Engineer Anderson. Mayor Stock read a letter from Mr. Robert K Horn thanking'the City forwork done improving the runoff, between the Holmes and Horn homes. <° Mayor Stock stated there is a Public Hearing 31, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.; on Project .75-3 Water, Seweri.� Paving, and Stoft Sewer. Motion was made by Haberkorn to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken : this meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. ;7 ' Michael A. McGuire,. Administrator .a f ` Ili i -3- " #.'�Ra1 ��^ y CR