HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 31 1975MINUTES of the Proceedings of 'tho Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and S44te_of j Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. July 31, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in special session at 7:30 P.M.,;on July 31, 1975 in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to Haberkor n order. ,Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, , Oakes, and t Williams, Engineer Anderson, Engineer isroelson, and Attorney Sullivan. The purpose of this meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on. Project 75-3, Water, Sewer, Paving, and Storm Sewer. May Stock read the Public Notice for Pro ject 75 -3. 3 Mayor Stock turned the meetingover to Councilman Oakes for presentation. Councilman Oakes introduced the members of the Council and explained the agenda for the Public Hearing, Engineer Isroeison presented the plans for Project ;75 3 sanitary sewer and water. Councilman Oakes presented the costs, assessments, and connection fees for 'sanitary r sewer and water. Mrs'. Aurilla Johnson stated she "has a lot-that is 50 x 187 feet,' that is a corner lot, and would she be assessed for•150 feet. Councilman Oakes stated that she would be ' assessed for 50 feet plus 10'feet around the corner. Ms. Joan Plekkenpol, stated they were told in April that the maximum front footage was 100 feet with 10 feet around the comer. Councilman Oakes stated it has been Council v, policy for several years that the maximum assessment is 150 feet on <a lot,plus 10 feet F.." around the corner. E •- t Mr. Tom Battis wanted to' know how unplatted propertywill be assessed. Councilman Oakes stated. unplatted, property assessment will be an assessment of acreage back 150 feet fnxn� the route of the improvement project, with deferment of -the remainder of the acreage ond' the front 400tags until sold, °subdivided; or built on,and then n" at the discretion of` the Council, where there is no structure;, where there is a structure on a very/ largo parcel, that would' have 150, feet minimum unless there was a 'corner. I t get 10 feet more, and acreage Mr.- Manny Russo stated he gets a sewer big I •every month and not every two months, and would he be required to connect to his cottage..,Councilmon Oakes stated that Councit policy- thin point says that every structure on every lot in every plat would Ise currently assessedi, there'is an opportunity to apply to the Council' because of a- hardship situation, and suggested that Mr. Russo write a letter to the Council explaining , 'his situation. Mr. John Lewin•of Maple, Park•'wanted tr know where the sewer is going to 'run. Engineer kraelson slated the sewer will follow the roadway: `~ Mr. Lewin wonted to know how they were going to get in and out during construction. Councilman Oakes, stated the Council has directed that access and egress must be ti provided daiiy. - course d Iyo wymay not bwable ,tok get to tal* house, iiut- the object vie 1t -to put the'street.back ' in such condition so thott) y can get close to their,house each day. 1 Ur. Lewin wanted to know what would happen if there was a fire during the day. CouncilmamrOakes stated the equipment would be there during the working houa£to = fill in the road for the firo equipment. PPs Mr. Jim Gustaves of Ko :Ba Y • wanted "to know if the sewer- and water could be moved to one side. Councilman Oakes stated this possibility is presently under consideration. 7 MINUTES, of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. . Mr. Vic Schroeder wanted to know how, he would be assessed for 110 rodi' along the side of his property. Councilman Oakes'stated he would beassessed an ocrecge for feet back charge water +l50 from the edge of his property, the length of the, property. pis Mr. Schroeder wanted to know hgw'they were going to get water pressure because of the height, f the prope rty. Engineer Isroelson stated .heir water pressure should be- u 70, pounds.,-", - Councilman Oakes, presented a letter from Mr. and Mrs., Elmer Boettcher requesting deferment of the improvement -plans in this project for Lac l,, Point Beautiful, for consideration by the Council. - Councilman.Oakes presented a letter from Mr. James- Snegiski regarding assessments n on his 4.5 acres of property for consideration by the Council. Mr. Dick Booth wanted to. know how much the estimated assessments wit] deviate. a ' from the actual cost. Engineer Israe Ito n_ stated: Plus or minus 1096. , Mr. Broth wanted to know how much the) interest rc"te: "on deferring the J I ooranection charges over three years. Way ©r Stock stated 896: Mr.� Loren Hall wanted to ; know where (.the pro posed. lift station was going ro be, Engineer; Israelson stoted the tFi sou sidg;,of the.roadway,closest to the lake. Mr.tSnegiski' wanted to know if the lift station could be eliminated b y go ing along ro the lake. Engineeralselson sli ted the cost,would be mgre expensive by going,'ciong the lake. , G k Mr. Dennis Westlind wanted to know how they `would have access Martrson i _to, and Lords Island. Councilman Oakes stated the City is planning to work over the q, course of the winter and sand the ice for trove l'. Mr.. Russo stated the sewer and water.should be assessed as one projskt and the s. bridge as another pro ject. Councilmom04*os stated, there, are average costs in o any project, in the area that has,nothing, to do with this bridge are some of the amore costly ports of the project, from the: conshuction siandp fspeciically in the Lila Lane, area, then the costs are down across, the, Lords-Martinson Island area. The City is trying to got a sewer and water pro ject going at the least cost ;and the least irritation to'the people, who live the and using the.existing roadway seems to be the best route. { j The not cost for replaci,ng;the Mort inson Island bri;* is.s18, A resident from, Sunfiih Bay wanted to know' if was to pay, for this bridge too. Councilman Oakes stated shsk =is paying for this bridge. too, and it also means that °. people in other oreas are paying for storm sewer which because of, the steep � nature of, the area in..Suofis� Bay.. ;:, ' �,.6, °Mr. ChadeOfoskett of Maple Park stated he did not mind paying for the bridge. Ms. Jenny Jefferson warted to know -if the.costof this bridge could- fall under a another category, Councilman Oakes «cce pted. hernt' for, consideration. A resident of Maple Park stated that if it is a Public Bridge then everyone;:,should be assessed.; A resident ab Maple 'Park wanted to know how wj r runoff, w,il,l,be handled' in her area. Councilman Oakes stated water runoff wi l l not be affected beyond, what it is now. ',, r 4 _2_ eB ; e r. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the WWII* Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and, State of 3 Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mr. ,Percy Kasberg wanted'to know if he was 'going fo be assessed for bath his back to back'lots Councilman Oakes tated if the= parcel is land lacke&and cannot be built then it will: not be assessed, the Council will accept this as a reasonable question for ., investigation and get back to Mr: Kasber )with an answer. t ,Mr ' Stanley -Wood wanted to know when it will be decided if property is, assessable.: ` Councilman Oakes stated the assessment rail • -wilI -be Aortidc,6bout next May and from is May until about August of next year it will ;be decided whether parcels are really oweesacsabihsr f Motidn was made by Oakes to` approve the sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water portion of 'Project 75-3, seconded by >Williams and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed': Mayor Stock turned the meeting 4irerto4 Councilman 'Busse Y for the paving portion of Project 75 -3. Councilman Busse presented information on the street paving portion of the- meeting. ,����►•++• Engineer israelson presented the "proposed paving -plans for Project 75-3.. Councilman Busse, presented the paving" <costs and assessments for Project 75 73.` Mr. Russo stated his paving is'only - three years old. Engineer Israelson stated that on - the areas that are paved every, effort is made to salvage as much of the base as possible Mr. Ed Benneit'wanted to know if- the' +56.00 foot for paving included the grading. ..o�inc,lman Busse stated' yes it does include the grading. Alresiden`t Bay-stated: they had presented a petition tw keep their streets n private. Mrs Foskett wanted to know if they.•were going to cut the =hill down by .Lila Lane. and } Maple Park Rood. Engineer Anderson stated a portion is being. considered cut down" to, improve the site distance.; A resident wanted. tw know when the roads wi,il' be -paved andewhen will the project be assessed. - Councilman Busse stated, the roads will go in after the water and sewer project, first there will lie an interim paving which is a 1- inch mat over the road t and that stays on for one year and then arA*6r 1 inch over that. The project will be assessed in•1976 with the,�first.payment`in•-i977:• , .Mrs. Gou presented a petition'-for Point Beautiful requesting• that the road remain #' private. Councilman Busse accepted this petition for consideration by the Council. ;f Councilman Haberkorn explained the widths of the roads on Martinson and Loros Islands. A resident wanted to know what would be done -about silt running into the lake during 'cons"ttion.% Engineer Psrcelson the City has 'discussed some of these plrrblems. with the•Watershed,Board and one _p things that -is is to ploce a drainage dam between the low spots of hay boles or strove boles and water goesahnnggh this and _ catches; most of the =sediment and wch, = =, Mrs. Johnson wanted to know the building restrictions on the size of a lot. Councilman Crakes stated•under the existing ordinance 12,000 square feet and under the new ordinance it would; be 10,000 square feet. The Engineers will. contact Mrs. Johnson on the fluter of,if her lot is buildable. 3 .�, ' -s"'• a;"dp`u3n'-, 4 c ::,:.}''�,,:.q. �''A. ->s�a • �'9*, kc."I"AA, Russo stated that in Maple Park Shores they had on,,access to the lake before the 4 road was, put in and the access wgs-*t put back after -the road was paved,, and requested that when the road iv replaced after construction could the access be put back., Councilman Oakes stated the City Engineer would check into this :matter;° Mr. Foskett stated the street in Maple Park was supposed to be a oneway street. ' Councilman ito bback into this matter . Haberkorn i ° r � . �.> Engn�e�er Israelson. explained the storm sewer fior the Sunfish Boyqrea. " ids n die t W.94ted to know `wheat f A lv, sewer w I l be in the, " There will.be >!QPrm Point Beautiful area. no. storm seyigrs in Point :Beauti,fcil I. , u A, resident wanted, to, know.vrhere the construction will start.; Engineer Isroelson stated the City does riot get, involved in the actual time Period o . than to tell the contractor which area has be put in during the \ winter beause- of�he� ice being used;fior a delour,E,that,the,:oontracicr. has lo,malntanA#taffic ,and he has to ► complete" the project. Ap Mr., Elmer,Boettcher- wanted, to, know if so e±ething wi,il;be done. to Qorect the storm dial " r G nape coming d wn West Street,w'hW i�t hits Xhe joke ' E,ng��r�teer,IsrNison stated this�youId. be taken- care of by a storm sewer,. - e v k ; , °A r"Writ asked how,I n I it will take to cam eta ' ' . ,E 0:� P prolev� x ngtneer, Israelson" .. sfoted the sewer and water will be scheduled to;be completed, by �4u>aust 15 1976` "} ' and the interim, paging and cleanu to be oom e y r ' p pi ted b October 1, 1976. . ;. �S G Mr: V!E Schroeder sigted he is 650 fee t. fiom tho water moin ,and wanted to know iif' ,. he has to connect to water. Councilman Oakes stated that Mr. Se er s hrgedhould J 1 ' a letter rte. •... .. _ ncrl ;and „tel4r them to the City. Cou whai u T txo is, . Mr. Bennett stated he was in favor of a paved road in Sunfish `Boy. ;, Mayo Stock, stated that for., the Sunfish Bay area private road there pail) hirve to be another meeting discuss what action will be taken to fallow through on, this matter. t Motion'wos made b. W i l l isms that the. P Y paving Project for 75 be�al �rov0d .as q Proposed. seconded, by Busse; and upon a vote to it was duly Piyssed Mr ion was . mods b ` oberko to ad oyrn the Pub! ie He a�ior�,Project seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken thitmeeting was adjourned at 9. - 4k .F:M. Michael;A. McGuire,.Administro tar J o , n,- MINUTIS the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Sco State of" wow Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council. Mrs. Wood was nt re din . her sisters Mrs. Flgrence Bienopfl, lot. Engineers fxwe gar g Anderson stated he had been in contact with Mrs. Bienopfl regarding this matter. Mrs. Wood wanted to know ,i.f -a X50 foot lot is buildable. , Mayor, Stock stated that if the 50 foot lot is a lot of record that o 50 fioot lot is buildable, how4ver you have to appear before•the Planning Corrmmission and seek variances'an yaurside• yards. 9 , O meeting explatniog;easements. Councilman ' ' permanent ttwver and water'easements and a temporary conshuction'easement and the way they, recd wheny!hey w were received was a permanent sewer, water and, road easement and that is in error ands should ,be corrected.