HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 04 1975MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the V1II6 99 of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. August 4, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular, session on August 4, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. ` Present ,were Mayor Stock; Councilmen Busse,_Haberkorn, Oakes,; and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. R The following correction was made to the Minutes of July 28, 1975:. Page two, paragraph twelve, shobld read - Motion was made by Busse to authorize the City Attorney to proceed with injunctive action against the Prior, Lake- Spring Lake Watershed District relative to the Ordinance that has just been adopted, seconded 5 by Williams and upon a vote ° taken it was duly «passed. Motion was made by Williams to approve the Mirwtes of July 28, 1975 as amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was.duly;passed.., Motion was made. by Busse: to approve the invoices to be., paid as previously approved F by the Finance�Committee,, seconded by Williams and upon a, vote -taken it was duly passed. Mr. Winston_ Jacobson was sent re uestin a deferment f Pro o connection 9 9 o to sewer and water because of the di' „ stance.. involved:.:.. : I Motion was made. by Oakes..that because: the .Winston.Jocobson property is not contiguous to the improvement proje p char ` 4 guo provement ect that the_hooku .char be deterred for one year and to be reviewed by the Council at that -time in an effort to understand the most economi.c.solution, seconded by.WiIIiams.and upon a vote taken it pad was duly ° Mr. hi present" with, o complaint on the water - problem in the Moves First Addition, Lots 16 and 17. Mayor Stock stated that Don Busse, Harold sraelson, Larry Anderson, Jack Oakes, tfj `I ,and he were, there in, the.ared ;last Friday night` when Wwas,rainingeand yf �t hand, what was taking place and, agreed with the statements made, by Mrt�4and the Engineers have been told that this area is to be corrected '.and corrected immediately. I AW Councilman Oakes E stoted,he +wted to go on record r that-at the time that. Engineering Firm brought u th an e •� ng e g p questroa of the; height the: curbs on the Take side of ry the Moves Road he inquire&about the anount of water to be taken care of and was laid that the Rudy had mode and the curbs wers_ade*Qte. Councilman Oakes stated he believes these curbs are not adequate and ,".,that conversation that he ho' heard tonight it is obvious that this is,the, ease.and.inquired why a lay person can ask this L kind of question and: have it eventually come out to be.correct. Councilman Oakes o stated that it is possible from the standpoint of mere chance to .be. least 50% correct, but it seems to him that from some of the supposition that he s�� twn a and some of the ho _... answem" seen it seems as though he is a modest QM _ tit. 50% correct. -1 C:auncilmaii Oakesatated that when the Mayor stated that the Engineering Firm is going, to,takesteps to taker care_ of this, , the whole,thing was raised ot.the onset and it seems unwise to him to, recommend . tonight that the_ Engineering. Firm - recommend action when the whole thing was.raised the onset and they had *very, reason to, review what the situation was and; correct it before these folks were,discomforted City a • Councilman Williams stand that the curbs bein g placed on the streets of the e too narrow and too low. Mayor Stock stated that the method of changing the style of curbs shouI4 be researched by the Engingering Staff, if possible, and it is definite to have closer inspection on the size.of the curb. s .f ' IMIMMS of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scots and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Councilman Busse stated there will be a Public Hearing on August 7, '1 Sr. 5at 7:30 P.M. on the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning'Map pad the Planning Commission will be meeting gat 7 :00 F.M. before the Public Hearings t.... Administrator McGuire presented a memo frog+ Horst Grater to Larry Anderson regarding the.closing off of Lois Lane. r, Motion was made by William's to close off Loir.Lane from the northeast corner of the Park to the southeast corner of the; Park, seconded by Stock and upon ;a votta;'thhen this motion-was rejected. Councilman Oakes requested a oaniplete dissertation on the parcel in Boudins Manor on the part of the Administrator and Staff on the question, inhluding the question of, is _ the City being :uniform in handling these kind%dfrequests to augment park property, and . to bring this back to the next meeting. Mayor Stock. directed the Administrator and Staff 'to have complete for the Council by Thursday night,. August 7, '1975, c report on the Boudins Park matter,and the Council t tr., will act on this matter tit that time., ` Y Engineer Anderson presented .the Project Report dated Au I po gust 4, 1975. Mayor Stack j C -1 accepted the Project Report as presented, Engineer Anderson presented information on quotes for the. corrective work on the Morsoo Project and recommended Nodland for the work. - � Motion was made by Oakes that the completion of that incomplete, portion of Marsgo's work be awarded to Nodland based ion consideration of their unit cost and based on " 100% supervision of the completion of the project, since it is to be awarded on a time and material basis, .upon the further premise that a ° satisfactory completion date to be established with Nodland and with the City Engineer, seconded by Williams and, upon a vote taken it was duly passed: Mayor Stock directed Engineer Anderson to�work. with •,Engineer lsraelson to select the ,1 •'inspector for the job arid for the amount of'time. the job is superv,64.• 'Mayor Stock state4, regarding the Willows Park, there is one,larV water hale at the `northeast comer where a culvert is needed. Engineer Anderson stated` that Emmett ` Knox ts'ro►posing to extend this street and the sbdrm `sewer problem would be taken "t care of a that time, to resolve thin problem: Mayor Stock stated he did not�notice anything at the Ric har&Menke.intersection for S .for paving and the; e. it a ,problem in this area and he, felt'ia should be ktiliied of bisfare Barbarossa completes the project and has to come back or, the City, , . has in do' its L Engineer Anderson stated 1" was aware of the problem. and it, wouId be taken cans of. Mayor Stock stated that th r %lift stations, the one of Barbarossp's specifically that .is'ma)Afunctroning consistonfiy and requested that Engineer Israe'Ison report on this, , why, when, and. how it is going - to be fixed, and requested that Engineer.Anderson question the maintenance staff on which Lift stations the City is having problems with'and relay tha! information to E`ngineer'.Israelsori .and requested this ;r�rt by :! the next meeting ` ' z i Mayor Stock presented 'infonnation on Pathway along CSAH 4 44.. , Mayor Stock p resented -, a' y memo to the Council from AI Schendel regard the water problem on the Don Brown site and how these problems are to' be resolved,y E y Mr. Brown stated his comments on e the water problem on ',his, prolilolky. / r ry ,. .. _. 1. �d +. .. .. -:. . ... 'i; ..,..r =g• fJ w. !.y ...: ..` .. Lw- .. <.:...., .u:'t'z lv ,A� Mayor Stock presented information on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer and Water yo Pre s , System for discussion by the Council. Engineer Is lsraelsor to submit an outline of . J the sewerstudy for Council review and Mayor Stock tabled this matter until the next Council Meeting. Major Stock stated he is going to be appearing before the Chamber of Commerce �.. tomorrow night - 10 discuss a number of items and one i tem hp intends to bring up is n the Option- Plarto, form of Government. Mayor Stock presented information on the policy of sewer and water connections every 100 feet. This matter was tabled for further review by the Council. Councilman Haberkorn requested that Erigineer Anderson check the washouts on the "Martinson Island, bridge app ches. "" Mayor Stock directed the Engineer to eheck the PPS rood. c Councilman Williams rocsuested that Engineer Anderson direct Nodland to repair the >: new fence along the west edge of Boudins Manor Park. 0 Mayor Stock requested that Dan Busse, Tom Watkins, Charles Tooker, Horst Groser and Staff be present at the Public, Hearing or the Zoning Ordinance and- Toning Map on August 7, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. MINU1[ES �cf the preeeediegs of -the Village Ceuncli of the Vilieoo of'Frior Lake in the County of Scent and StaN of Mioneseh, including ail accounts audited hr said Council. �•w Mayor - Stock presented Change Orders1, 2 and 3 for Minnesota Valley Surfacing;, submitted by Engineer Israelson. - Motion was made. by Busse to approve Change Orders 0 1, 2 and 3 for Minnesota • , n _. 4 a Vb {ley Surfacing ontingent,upon the Resident Engirmer checking'pric*4 etc., and "y authorize the-Mayor to sign the change'orders; btifore approval is given on Prior }, S South that the Developer's Agreement is to be signed, ''seconded by Williams.and'upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. ' Sullivan presented asResolution pertaining to the Orderly Annexation of _ = = *Lok'e Township:and Mayor Stock read thix, Resolution. Motion was made by Busse to adopt the Resolution pertaining to' th. 6JWr4, AA Township, Orderly Annexation,, seconded by Haberkorn and upon. a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Williams to approve the C IP for 1976-111 as presented with the corrections, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed> Mayor Stock directed the Administrator to prepare the budget and have it ready for the rst meeting in September. Councilman Oakes presented information on the. Muhlenhardt Road easements. �\ h C Councilman Oakes presented informatbn regarding the John LaClair request for r c connection deferment for one year. Councilman Oakes recommended that the { Y °. A Administrator write Mr.:LaClar. a letter which explains that he will haw to connect and the City will spread the connections over throe yeors,and wait for aveply, and �k w would not at this point recommend a one year deferment. Mayor Stock directed the Ado tst ptor,to.acontact Mr. John LaClair with a letter answering him to the point ,. o of connection and the explanation'of the spreading the connection fees over a throe - y year Period . The Richard Leonard drivewayvJas tabled until August 7, 1975. = Mrs. Marlis Bluedorn was present regarding'the sodding of'�,er property. Engineer A A Anderson stated that as soon as the ground is dry they will °be in to regrade and sod �_. her property. 1 c MINYTiS' of tbo hecondinp of, Ibe'YWgp Council of the. Villa of r rior take in the County of Seat:; ad Stato'ef: i Minnesota, iedudind by Council. i all accounts ouditod soW i Mayor Stock :toted Ow Zoning Ordinance' ovaila41 at City'Hall and if an individual would Pike to purchase it they moy•purchose,the Zoning Ordinance for the cost in copying it. Motion?wos made by Aaberkom to ndiourn seconded, by, Busse and upon d. vote tW n this mo ting!was adjourned at' 10:30'P.M.. ; c: ` gdministrator ' ,.M'ichoet'A..Mct,wire \( .l q: is $ n f + h o oz4. t x it G • oR 10 N ��i ,, jj if