HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 07 1975MINUTES of the Rroceedin'gs of the Village Council of the Village of prior Lako in the County of Scott and State of s
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
August 7 1975
The Common Council of -the City of Prior Lake met in s pecial:sesaion at `
7:30 P.M. on August 7, 19'75, in the City Council Chambers, Mayor Stock
called the meeting � order. Present were Mayor'Stock', Councilmen Busse,
Haberkorn,,Qakes„ arid Williams. Other City Officials - present were
Administrator McGuire, Administrative Assistant Graser, Attorney Sullivan,
Planner Tooker, Executive Director of Planning Commission Watkins
Engineer Anderson.
The purpose of the meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on'ths'proposed
revisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the .proposed changes in the Zoning
Mayor Stock read the Notice of Public. Hearing. "
Mayor Stock gave a brief history of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinances.
Mayor Stock turned the meeting; over to City Planner Tooker to review each
proposed change in the Zoning Ordinance and give reasons wby.
Mr.�Earl Evans wanted to know how the R-1 Conditional; Use Permit would
affect him having a. dog kennel in an C-1 District, right across the road
from an R -1 District. Planner Tooker explained that this would not °apply
to him at living in an C-1 District, Executive Director Watkins
ed that if Mre Evans '"
explain property Was rezoned to R-1, then he would
have a previous conditional use permit which could not. be taken away." s j
Mro Dean Sande asked why the City wanted to change the 10 ft lakeshore {
requirement for backlots? Mayor Stock stated 'that the 10'ft requirement .
" was not being 'changed but it would allow 5 ft. in an.
� areja. where swimming
would be permitted only. x
Dba6y Westlind-(.asked what L 'going to stop people from building docks
and putting boats in an area Where 5 ft. lakeshore " s
swimming only? Attorney Sullivan stated that as of April 1976. the 'city
of Prior hake will. control the Lakeshore of Prior Lake,
Mr. Earl Evans stated that: he felt by allowing 5 ft. "Lakeshore the City
is trying to encour"o higher density. t,
Walter JQbst presented Stack, Scott'Caunty Planning:.;
Coemiasioner.�(Oe .file at City�tAdminstDan
or'a Q_ ffice
Harlan Anderson stated that he was not In favor o,� changing the 10 ft.
k lakeshore s :
requirement _
Meredith Sande read a newspaper: article on zoning: (On file at.City
Administrator's Office). y
Councilman Oakes stated that a- past;of the consideration is to change ,.
the detiaity in Agricultural Areak from 1 house per, 5 acres tb`1 house
Pte' 10 acres and that 16% of the is lake and 5rl %
`land and there wasn't one farmer at this Public Roaring This change
,would ha`►e, at current prices, the effect just to allow forme e's tq sell.
their Lad. Everyone keeps talking about increasing density but it all
centers around the lakes arid` Councslman'� Oakes wondered ��whera'. the other
half was so that we could get a balanced input from the whole coaaunity
because the changea would be effect" the entire commuidtyand not
' just
j z
a small _
Harlan Anderson stated that it wasn the peoples .fault that the `farmers"
We" not at this,Public Hearing and that "it ' was, people that vote and not
landowners so gust because °someone 'owns 200 acres does' It meanL that
r you have 200 votes, just one.
Counc41man Oakes stated that the farmers were well aware of this and
that is x they were not at Chia Public Hearing but they have sided
a petition in which they are asking the City Council of Prior. Lake and
the City Council of Shakopee to agree to transfer, heir land to Shakopee'
because toy do not want to be ur
yo Pat'k• ;: L A01
1 Q ,
u �
x reason for increasing it,then he felt,tk�at the Planner had not been very `
} profeaaianal in 'hie view points
g Councilman Haberkorn; stated that if economic zoning is one of the main
\. concerns than we have economically . sorted the' -small fellow from having
3 . a hobby farm.
s Mrs-Sonde obJected to the reduction of lot sizes end setbacks, He felt'
that the .present �idinance 3s minimum and should °not be <changed He _
A . felt that the „City was t
rytntt to encourage higher - ,density and this would ' ,
be a .burden �._”
awl d „ ur schools. lake recreational facilities
` Mr, Sonde gave d comparison d other f'aitieb lot, and aetb�krequ3temerits,°
e u' ;*a. Suade felt that one that` would .,
. o .�.,r� �� t efit from chapping the y �,
# lot and, setback requirements would be the.developera. Also, ki;ja* '” de
felt that the 'City was trying to encourage higher density by reducing
s the lot 'otsek. require enta f
Tam; 4ri feht that the '
eY reductioa of jot"
lot8$er, is= a, campromiae .in. our' •'
Marge `ger<gp oubtsitted a ci mparrison chart Oi- differant lot , .sizes 'and setback =
! requiremmts in the ,differont4aurrouadirg' cities.
man .Oakes acted { 4
i3'. anyone had ° done compa
Council rison chart onAhe 'effect 1 �
that the reduction would have btt',apegial asaeaamenta azLd t levies.
ax '
x A resident asked In, rep , to the Noi�- Caitf<irndng Y1"B i Sect1mi F C, G r
p f, structure,,,daii gW ao 'aa eactant exceeding fifty. percent and you
caatt reb the+ your i*teut'an�:e cammat�y would aaly pay -::you 5091 and c
` them you would have to cares up with thc0 50�� +,o rebulld- aaeswhore
• u else. said Attdrnesy `Sullivan ttould check further into this
Marge g '' . f3lt that an page. l��, .Itam #7 ah,ovt be spelled out better. /
.• ev G
{ of o {
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lakeAn the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said. Council.
Mr. Sunde representing 1(estside-HomeoMmers Association, stated that
pre ing the
e felt that the 5 A. lakeshore requirement should be deleted and the 10 ft.
Lakeshore requirement should be increased.
A resident stated that he felt that it would be very d fficult.to enforce y
the swimming onl7 in the areas;, *here •5 ft. `lakeshor,,e was - _allowed and that
he was_in• favor of keeping the 20 ft. iakeshore requirement.
Bob Cable stated that-:6i Ninnetonka they had a similar -with access
for backlots and strange enough they didn't have the problem in °the aucmar
but in the' with snowmobiles and finally it got so bad that they had
to' do away wiW ha a - ,
,, ay wing any access for backlot. at all..
Mr.:' Sunda asked in regards to 5 ft. sideyard requirements on the garage
v ;
;aide what if , the garage on one lot is set forward and the house on "the
adjacent lot is set behind, then couldn't the houses be within 10 feet
of'eachother? Tooker explained that this would be reviewed in the,
` p
preliminary plat plan and the Planning °Commission would make sure that
there would be a buffer between living quarters.
A resident asked what the reason was.for changing requirements for a
hobby farm from-5 acres,to 10 acres. Planner Tooker eXpined because
of the coat of utilities and to prevent leap frog development.
Lawrence Linville asked if, t.10 acre farm would come under a tax break?
If you don't get a tax break then I don't see any advant to•chang3ng
it from ;5 to 10 acres.
F Mayor Stock stated that the Cit�r does have an ordinance that - states ry
1Q acre farms get a tax break. r:
Councilmen Oakes,etated that if the Planners problem is leap frog, development,°
then that can be handled by causing the farmer not' to develop It until
°> t
there is contiguous, development , opment but if this is the -
- >'
MINUTtS of the Proceedings of , the Village Council of the Village of Prior takwin the. County of Scott and State of
Mieneseta, including all accounts audited.by said Council.
Mr. Felix stated' that.he`feltthat a Planned Unit Development was just
another way of laying out a development in an area and he didn't
that dust because ,a dewel.opment .was considered. a Planned, Unit Development
it should. be allowed 20% higher density. He =.that aaPlanned Unit
Development should: have to maintain the ,same minimum,,density in that area.
He felt•that when you are conceiving of a Planned Unit Development you
are altering the density provisions within the zoning ordinance itself.
Executive bisector' °'Watkins explained that the advantage to a P.U,.D.
devel°aprent was that the City has complete architectural control.
Mr. Sunde wanted to know why 73- 11 was,.omtted.n the.nett zoning ordinance?
Planner Tooker explained that 73 -11 adopted before the community. had a'
zoning map, therefore it.,iw a redundant statement because the zoning
map' /had not been drawn up and the zoning ordinance is.-governed by th
, zoning map.
Sunde requested that 73-11 not be, deleted from the'new zoning
Oakes explained that 73-11 applied to Lakeshore lots only
and if it is not platted it is not a lot and there is unpl'atted Lakeshore:
Motion was made by Oakes to continue this Public Hearing until the 25th
of August 1975# seconded by Busse and upon.a :vote taken it was duly
Next item on the agenda was the proposed zoning, map changes.
First the Schweich property # .located So: of Pleasant AVG. & E. of Park
'explained this
Ave.. from R-1 to R-2. Mayor Stock that property was
,tamed R-.2 in 1963 when it was part of Sprung Lake Township and when
the City Council held the Public Hearing and zoned it R-1 Mr, Schweich
was in the hospital aril could not,,�appear Before °'the city Council of
request it stay the same.
Planner Tooker'explained that this property xaa located'betxeen a C-1
and an R-1 District.
Mr. Birdsong asked if this was just the Schweichfproperty" being rezoned
because �he lives adjacent to this propertyp Mayor Stock stated.Ust
,.it rat just the property owned by Schweich.
Mr. Suede read page 22 of the on Planning Guidelines stressing
vs p4A .4)
go. i 6 &
A resident asked if the peninsula was included in this rezoning: Mayor
Stock 'stated no it xAs not included.
A resident also asked what the peninsula was ' zoned. Mayan Stock
stattid it is presently-zoned C;1.
Mr. Felix asked what the difference in numbera people from R -1 to
R-3* Planner Tooker stated that R- 1'would have less than 3 units per
acre and R3 is 15 units per acre.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the razgnIng of the Schweich
property from R-1 to R -2 seconded`by Stock and upon a vote taken
it was du3,* sed.
Next item on the agenda -was the former Fischer property by DenrW
Cystral Bay better known.
McWilliams the property is located on or
is from R-i to R3.
as Mad Bay, the rezoning request
Planner Tooker stated that this area *w designated on .,the
`('.c�o,rshr.�� do
as a high density area.
'Mr. Ste. presented a petition against the rezoning. Didn't want ;
apartirents` acrd townhouses in that area felt that it would bring
too many people in that area. *.Also felt that it would be a burden
on the schools, recreational facilitiea fire protection ;
which would result in hgher'taxea.
Mra.a Sunde presented a petition from the children in'that area who
were against tht-resanng of this PtoPY• 1
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MINUTES of the Freeeedingt of the Village Council of tha Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all aeeeunts audited by' wid; Couneil.°
w a
Mr. NeW . a brief presentation on why -;this would be,, a good
area for high density development and some of, the «advantagea.
- More °`people can enjoy natural amenities of the area
` ,R 3 gsneratea mcxae taxes. than "& -1
Jtilitiea will soon be avai�a 1 in `this s;,,�wraF
Because this area was daaigmated on the if ab 4 A3gh density
Thia rezoning won't effect the growth pattern of`Trior Lake
Notion was ioade by Oakes. to ~,continue he Pu61ic Hearing � of, this proposed,
rezoning until Auguot 25th, 1975, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote
; takent it'.was- duly,paased.
Motion was made by Oakes to adjourn the meeting at, 1112$ P.M., aecatided
by Haberkorn and" ?„,..vote taken," the:,meeting. was adjourned.'.
(All petitions, charts and all miscellaneous information presented at thin
Public Hearing ,are' on; '=e in .the City Adminis'tratorls Office. =, Also, the
complete set of tapes are on file at City Adminietrator!swOffi for
°u r
° • - • .Michael A. AdGuirfe "Ad4ni.strator
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