HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 11 1975MINUTES of the Proc*edings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Sta#e of Minnasota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Y :t e i a . August 11, 1975 ; The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regutor session on August 11 1975 $. f at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. F ; Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse; HaberkoM, Oakes, ,and Williams, , Administrator McGuire, and Engineer Anderson. The following corrections were made to the Minutes of July 31, 1975: x Page two, firsf paragraph, second sentence, should -read -Councilman Oakes stated he t. would be assessed an acreage charge for water and sewer 150 feet back from the edge of his property the length of the property. Page four, third paragraph, first sentence, should read -A resident from Sunfish Bay requested another_ informative meeting explaining easements.. The following corrections were made to the Minutes of August 4, 1975: Page one, seventh paragraph, Mr. Joe Carroll should read Mr. McNeese.. Page one, eighth paragraph, Mr. Carroll should read Mr. McNeese. Page one, ninth } paragraph, third; sentence, should read - Councilman Oakes stated that it is possible from the standpoint. of me a chance to. , be at .least 50% correct, but it seems to him that from some of the supposition that he has made-and same of the answers he has seen it seems as though he is a modest amo more than. 50% correct. Page two; paragraph.twei.ve, should read' -Mayor Stock stated that there'are three lift stations, the one of Barbarosso's specifically that is malfunctioning "to nsistanti'y and requested that Engineer Israelson report port r r';n this, why, when, and how it is going to be d fixed, and' thatlEngkoer Anderson question the maintenance staff on which lift`stations the City is having, problemilwith and relay that information to Engineer Israolson; and requested this report by the next meeting. " Motion was made; by Williams to approve the Minutes of July 31, 1975 and August 4, 1975 as amended, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Councilman Williams stated some residents were present from Boudins:itlangr regarding the;closirtg:off of aportion of`Los.lane for Polk purposes. ; Mr. Horst Graser and Engineer Anderson presented information on the matter of closing off aL portion, of Lois Lane. Mayor Stock :asked > - if there "was :anyone present that was opppsed to closing off this portion of Lois, Lane and to state their reasons why. There "was not anybody present that was Apposed Motion wa: made by Williams that the Council' close that portion of Lois Lane that abuts the Park, h� was du p ed on i both ends seconded'by Haberkorn and upon a lac r„ Y passed . Motion warrnode by Williams ,that no perm be erected on the rightrof way of this p arcel of land the closed r ° Y Pa , portion of Lois - forte- abutting the Park, seconded by Busse and upon veto taken it was duly passed. lr Councilman Williams stated that if n parking problem developes, in this arnd., the ,.. resident: have the right to petitiowto•.the Council to have No Parking.signrjposted. . M Stock: directed the Engineers lo 'proceed proceed with the street alignment, etc., -for the Lois Lane area and .to `include, in the project the barricades for marking the closed street. " 114 ` MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villaao'Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of - Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Councilman Williams requested that the road alignment remain the same as laid out in _ the puns. Councilman Busse stated that the Police, Fire, and Resane Departments should be notified by the Engineer that�this,*enition of Lois Lone is being closed.,•. Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report dated August 11, 1975. Mayor Stock accepted the Project Report as presented., ' Engineer Israel son 'presented:,information on the:: three Iifitstations the City is having t problems with and stated that these -problems being corrected.., ., Engineer Anderson stated they are cfieckij�Vifhese Ifaf ,. stations daily for 'preventive maintenan ce and they are going t6lstart.periodic .checks of, the lift stations, by opening upAo lift stations and checking them. Councilman Williams stated that -on Lori Lane there is o: manhole that, is- m0fset about eight inches. Mayor Stock requested another compaction hest in this area. Councilman Williams stated that on Moves Road there is. a 20 foot square' being house. K rebldcktappeddue to a2seivice not being placed deep enough to service a f t Mayor Stock stated 'that the service was enough to serve .the= house, if the owner would have done some- rerouti'ngt•inside his house, and he had the choice of selecting; , '``a grinder or,gravity "' ice.and he preferred the gravity.: a -Mayor Stock presented information on Optional Plan B and reported on 'his meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and read a' letter. from the Chamber of ;Commerce c49arding :this =,matter. Motion was made by,aakes Optional Pidn, 8 -be placed on the, ballot for a s y referendum this fall, ?seconded, by Busse and upon a vote taken"it was duly passed. Mr..,KenriLillyblad was present regarding, the road in his area. Engineer Anderson explained what -was being done, to the toad in this area. ,. Mayor Stock presented' information on the Zoning Ordinance for review and U � discussion by the before it goes to the c Planning, Commission atrthe�e iie3x! u a mooting August .21 Mayor"Stock requested that alt Counnil. members be at the next Planning Commission Meeting. Engineer Israelson presented the following items.for consideration: 0 streets. k A for daaid ends r 1. cress t _ I. Construction: easements fior:sloping deep roadway cuts.: . 3ti ' The intersection oft "'Lane and Kopp's Boy Road. ' . 4. Roadway grades. 5.: Installation of sanitary sewer and water and bridge on Martinson Island Road. 6..Specitil bitu.miroiis curb,`cons"etc ion. . 7, Critical areas - lakeshore, p 8. Special construction on easements 9. Special oonsirr cfioh w obtoin4nore'vniform compaction.° ,. 10, ; Air tests. Motion was made by Williams to hire Bradley Brandt as a full -time employee effective August` l5, , 1975 ot'S500.00• per month, with benefits, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed -. - Councilman Oakes.presented to Engineer 'Anderson a. description of several pieces of property and ;wanted io know how he would assess them currently and in `the ' future. t' -2- r MIN14TES,of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of ` Minnesota, including all accounts audited' by salcl Council. Councilman Busse stated a few months ago the City bought a street sweeper and it is, not being used. Engineer Anderson stated it was not being used as much as it should be because of limited personnel. Councilman Haberkorn wanted to know if there had beema meeting regarding Cy t Schweich and Matt Colucci `t Mayor Stock stated' they had met with Cy Schweich earlier `in' the, evening: } Engineer Anderson stated the Otr,hasrput aaculvertamoss County Rood 21 and tilted the road towards the culvert and raised the road to build up aabijger head on it so it will take more water and what is presently happening is , there is an outlet going to the railroad''ditch and there is along range, and the ,downtown district then drains down to this ditch(dnd the ditch is full of weeds and grass and presently; the water does not drain out of there freely so it starts backing up and the culvert doO.not.take much as it could because of the restriction it has, and so t1 eM*caii" theioad to alleviate this problem, and the City has taken this problem as far as they can. y R Mayor Stock stated that No told Mr. Schweich that the City cannot do, anymore for him G and that the City feels from the Engineering standpoint,' whet the City, has done in this particular area that nothing further °cdn%e` done to help Matt Colucci_other than a private matter of providing some type of 1wail so that water can run where it did before in the past. q , ' `Councilman Williams, stated that based on stdtements by the Tree Inspector he would ry � like to in the near future have on the agenda a discussion on the Tree Inspector to determine whether or not the City is wastinglts money inspecting trees. Administrator McGuire stated the City is required by law to have a.tree inspector. Administrator McGuire is to check ink; inoculation of trees against disease. Councilman Williams stated there was�a resolution by the Cxuncil,•in regard to., dangerous property: in and around the City of Prior Lake ard''the. properties have not , changed in any way, in the time ihey allotted.` Administrator McGuire stated the only property that was notified was•the car Wash and 's s ' - this has chao6d hands, and they have' put o new roof on it and tho..new owners plan on doing repairs to 4f. The other properties were not.named,ipecifically, there ti are about one -half dozen of °them acid they have been inspected by.the Fire Chief and OWAuilding Inspector and letters will be sent in the near future:`now that he has some background on them. Mayor Stock stated duck hunting season is cpproaching ggain and .thatity will receive II, R comploints about duck hunWg•on'the lake of Prior Lake and requested the Administrator, to contact the County and see how they would: react to, a joint-venture of placing the- lake as a no duck hunting lake or no hunting,��period', Mayor Stock stated the truck -chasi for the new fire aruck was shippad� from the factory ,august 7, 1975 and shoulda in Prior Lake the week of August 10, 1975. Mayor Stock, stated,tiii gording storm the around- basements draining. into municipal services, presently the City does not have an ordinance: relating to.storm sewer tile" around basements and, directed. the Administrator and Engineers to check on this matter before turning it over to the'. "City Attorney to prepare ambMinance relating to storm the sewers for all basements a`s,mandatory with drain fields.. r Mayor Stock read a letter dated- August 11,, 1975 to the-City of Prior-Lake from Robert G. Johnson. -3- MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village'Coiincil of the Village of FrW Lake in the County of Scott and State of l Minnesota, including all accounts audited by aid C6Yncil. GENERAL FUND (Continued) , s SCM Corp. Office Supplies 40.50 Isroelson & Assoc., Inc. Engineering Fees 4,382.00 Minn. Planning.Assn. - , Membership 10.00 Roy McAllister c: Rober Dog,Ca her t 160.00 l - Jeff Erickson Pictures 30.00 % Richard Powell Salary 442.92 Steven Schmidt Salary 394.34- Dennis Leff » Salary, 361.40 LeRoy1abenort L Salary 331.50 Eugene Smith Salary 33 ` M .Joseph VanDenBoom ,Salary - 336.90' Richard Klugherz Salary .. 318.80 1 Midhael McGuire ' Salary 429.89 F&M Savings Bank Savings,PIan 160.01 w Jaen; Oakes = Council Pay 80.00 tn Willioms Council Pay 80.00 `n Busse Ron Haberkorn, Council Pay Council Pay 80:00' 80.00 Charles Tooker l " Planner ' 500.00 ° Lawrence Schweich Library Rent 300.00 r Melanie AnrtSprank Salary; 126.83 < Susan C. Huwe Salary ;130.80 New Checks 14.66 ` ,ferry Kieidabl - Stopped ;Payment 20.50 Coupons - John Anderson 1'25.00 Coupons - Marquette'' 250.00 , k r ' ° TOTAL 542,091.53 s , _ WATER FUND Commissioner of Revenue Soles Tax s 1`59.16 Shirlene Craig Salary 177.97 " ` Lorry Kerkow Salary 345.64 F&M Savings Bank Savings.Plan 10.00 - Bradley Bic ndt " Salary ' 1'42.40' Don Busse, Jr. Salary = t 120.10; • sorry Si!oci: , Salary alar 16.00 Standard Oil ' Fuel 58.08 ° NSP Utilities 253.19 Diversified Insurance Services Insurance 951.30 a L&L OK Repairs and Supp6'Nr 20.37 Van Water & Rogers H Chemicals 4 117.40" Water Products Co. Metem,,Repairs & Supolies' 3 Minn. Natural Div. = Utilities: 2.20 Larry Kerkow, Salary 345.64 Shirlene Craig Salary 177`.97 F&M Savings Bank Savings, Plan 10.00 Larry Karkow Overtime _ „ , 125 .48 1t'JTAL. $ SEWER FUND Metro Waste Control Comrq., , SAC Charge, S' 7,073.10 Raymund Johnson Salary 386.77 _ Horst G %see; � � , Salary 1 , ?,L5 17 Judith lepsen Salary, 7 F& Savings Bank Savings Plan 1 - Standard O il' Gas an Oil f ° i'• r „t rV °`l� 1 ty :;) x a do ` I I r � � • NNUTIS of the Proceedings of the Y.ilave Council of the Villoj o ;of, Prior, take in the County of Scott and State of Nilanesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. SEWER FUND (Continued) NSP U Utilities S S 228.79 z z Diversified Insurance Services I Insurance 6 634.20 L&L OK Hardware E Equip. Repairs 8 8.97 Minn. Valley Electric. Co -op U Utilities 6 63,36 New Prague Lumber &-Ready-Mix S Sewer Maint. 5 50.11 McKinley Sewer Service S Sewer Maint. 1 180.00 Metro Watre Control Comm.' M Metro Installment 2 2,036.28 r cz I!MUTES of the t�r a ce edingti of the -Villogo Council of the Village of Frior Lake in the County of Scott and State Q, f Mianoiota,'ineluding j oU accounts audited -by said Council. 4 E 71 -1 STREET GRADING, W&S FUND G First Not l Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment' 623,077.87 5 WATER AND SEWER COLLECTION FUND General Fund 'Q Transfer of Collections , .. 10,000.00" Sewer Fund Transfer of Collections 10,000.00 ,z „R ,r Karl Mickus Refund , 168.6 TOTAL . 5301168.65: y EAGLE CREEK W&S FUND ' k Jack Peterson Damages' = ±03:J0' L&L OK Hardware _ Point 8.94- George AlWon ` Damages, 5.99 ,., Peter Lametti Const., 'Contract Payment 36,697.45 °bhnslans Prior Lake 'Nurseryr' Damages 369.75` Brooksville Imports Film 1.78 4 Schroder Block�Go. ° Pumping 60 „ Viking Steal Products Equipment 194446 Bohnsack and Hennes Truck Rental, ° Ardrewx Drug Film and Processing 34.73 l; , Bill Dau Sod 89.75 TOTAL� ;­ „4 3 #,676.35 ST REET IMPROVEMENT, OF 74'FUND �:• •� .Minn „�Vailey Surfacigq Co: w, fontroct Payment. ' S 6 ,5]= 6.39' j 72 - ?,8,9 d�` 10 W&S FUND �t "C . N. & Su l i ivan - Attorney Fees 6 RichardAnutson,'tInc," Contract Payment 1,414 °73 TOTA L'",t: 6: 6, 391.93 t � " ' FISWPOINT RO�►D` FOND: �t � « c . k Amer,: Nat'! Bank b Trust Bond Payment 6 9`37:34 Mo #ion. was made by Busse ro ad itiurn, seconded by `Haberko and, upon a vote taken meeting was adiourned `at T2:15 A.Mc J Michael A. McGuire, Administi'otor t a Qn , — U O