HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 18 1975W"tMS of the Proceedings of Me Vil u
q loge Council of two Village of prior lake in the Counsr of Scott and State of
Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council'.
August 18, 197 5
The Common Council of thw'City of Prior Lake met� regular session on August ! ° 8, 1975
at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. 'Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.
Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Bu-ie, 'Oakes, and Williams, Administrator
McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan'. '
Tl% �f Pirst Nam on the agenda was' the- opening of bids for Pump House,,Project 75-7 -I .and
Pump and Motor Project 75 -7 -2.
The following bids were received for Pump House, Project 75 -7 -1:
Berglund- Johnson, Inc. 596 Bid Bond $43,984..00
< `
J&T Contractors 5% Bid. Bond - 800.00
Wenzel Plmg & Htg.., 596 Rid Bond $39,872.00
Bud Johnson Construction x5% Bid Bond ` , $53j682.00 ,
Keho Construct 5% Bid Bond< '542,100.00
Lee Iticheri Plmg: & Itg� 5% Bond, $43,980.,00
The fol lowing bids were received for Pump and Motor !Project 7577 -2:
; L
Layne Minnesota . ' 0 596 Bid bond $ 9i580.00
Stevens Well Drilling Inc. 'A Bid Bond $11,5U.00
Tl�ein Well Co: - Sid Bond $10,935.00
Tanka Equipment Co'. `596 Bid ,Bond $10,794:00
Northland Supply 596 BidBond 1$10,600.00
Motion�was made by Oakes to accept -the Pump.House and Pump and Motor bids as
opened and-directed the Engi to research and tabulate" the .bids and report back to
the Council, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken- it was duly passed. ,.
The following correctionswere` theWinutesofAugust,7,- 1975:
IX "
Page-three, paragraph eleven,= CIP should read Comprehensive Plan;
"P three
age , paragraph seventeen, _CIP,should read r ,Comprehensive , Plan.
{ "
Page four, paragraph one, fifth' sentence, CIPshould read Comprehensive Plan.
Page�four, paragraph two,. ,should read - Motion was by Oakes to continue the
Public Hearing of this proposed - rezoning until August-25, 1975 at 8:00 P.M., seconded
b Haberkorn and u
;� Y pen =a vote token it was duly passed. _
Motion was made by Williams to approve the Minutes. of August 7 1075 as ameoded,
'seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly
The following- corrections were made to theUMinutes of August ti, 1975:
Page two, paragraph flour, lift was misspelled.
Page. two, paragraph el�en Kenneth was misspelled.
. pe
Motion; was made by Wi6iems to approve the Minutes of Au st•11 1975`os: amended
�► . tided,
seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.'
Motion was made by,Busse to approve the invoices to be id as evo�s) a
pa� pr Y Pproved by
the Finance Committee, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken' it was d uly passed.
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MINUTES of the 0 ceodinge of the Village Council of the Village of prior lake in the County of Scott and, State of
Minnesota, including all accounts-audited bj`said Council.
Pastor Fink of Shepard of the Lake' Lutheran Church was present stating t1 1 in the
post ooupie of months two families in the congregationof the church hove had a teen-
do child experience a rehabilitation pro gram. for chemical dependency 'Knowing
that there has been in the past many other, families who in,the`comeunity ore having
similar experiences, ond.thert: are'families who ihould be considering, such a program;
therefore, in behalf of the members and residents of Prior Lake and as a.:concerned "
member of the„ POor Lake Community Pastor Finke requested that the Lake City
Council = the following: To allocate monies in 'next year's budget for a new
po sitio n ull -time person on the Police Force to deal with chemical, awareness
and'prevention and to'be, responsible within the public sbbool system: f�r counciling
Maygr.Stocic accepted Pastor Finke`�s request for„ consideration, by the Council .
Ms,. Kate Strunk was present repre'tenting Marie Abein's property reaardiiig
deferring the connection to sewer and water.
Stock roquest*d that the Administrator meet with Ms. Strunk to explain the
Hardsh Ordinance' to her.
Motion was made by Williams to accept the Fire Depctrtment'fteport,;seaonded b
Oakees and upon a vote taken it "was duly; passed. —
' Motion wa m_ ode. by B"e, to approve the Pol ice Department Report, seconded by
WiIIiams.anrl: upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,,,,`
Mayon=Stock stated that °the Police Chief, Dick Powell` has spent a coidtdste
amounto` time at the: elementary schools and classrooms speaking with the young
n" ,children about;the Police and the work of Pol 6 Departments, etc., and there is
on officer'who has been assigned to the schools, in the' juvenile division; however,
+ , -
464 40 time and money the City has not had full -time support of this typa of program;
°+ .however,. Mayor Stoak.thot ght it should be known that: the,Ci y has.`done some things
bur in ar limited way: Mayo�,Stock wanted to thank the Police Chief and his staff
,f ing job that is probably not too well knotr+n, but it ii being done.
„Councilman Busse ;toted thro is a dllanning Commission;Meetng on Thursday,
^ :Augusf
21, 1.975 at 7 :30 P.M.
" " }
Administrator McGuire stated that presently the chemical used in conjunction with
the tree is being banned by the' -PCA orDNR, and the triolis
havti, had'with in so far, kave'been quite successful.
Affeirney h
Sullivan presented information on te status of t'6'Wate '
a rshed D ietrict _
Mayor Stock stated that�the matter of the Watershed District Ordinance was quite`
important to the City Prior Lake and felt that o duplication of cast and services
w as just beyond question.
° h
Mayor Stock directed the Administrator to forward the letter from Robert G. Johnson
relating 1oAe Watershed District's ossessrnpnts to the Scott <County Adininistrotor
for r eview by the Scott County Board of Commissioners, with a� oopy to Robert G.
bhnaon o
Mayor;Stock presented information on sewer connection. at 100 intervals for
review and discussion by the'Cotoncil.
MINUTES of the Proceedir+ti of thi Village Council of the Vlllaee of Rrkc lake in the County of Scott and Stott of
lirteesota ineiadino all aeeaunb audited by said Council,
Motion•was \ode by Oakes that if an individual does not wish a
Y , connection at the
foot interval that they should in writing request'the City "to eleniinote t"iat
s ,
connection and they should understand that atany_ further date if a stub would b .'
requested 1t would be done at their cost, and that the questidii of whether sewer and
- v �
water connections are placed are not pertinent as it relates to the assessments and fees"
pertaining thereto, seconded by Williams upon vote
and a taken it was" duly passed.
Mayor Stock presented information on the Comprehensive Sanitary, Sewer and Water
Plan for review and disctniision by the Council;
Motion was made b :
y Oakes that based on the Metropolitan
requirements of the Waste
Control Commission, authorize the Sanitary Sewer and Water'Plan for the City,of
" 'Prior
Lake at the approximate•cost of $5,000.061 to be reviewed, by the City Council
in regard to the further, development of basic perimeters` at about the 20% development
state, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
a' Engineer Anderson js to followup on the Richard Leonard driveway matter.
Mu*hhardt Road was tabled.
Erigiheer •braelson ( ported' on the status easements in the Sunfish Bay area.
e s easemen Y
-Engineer, Isroelson, is to set up a meeting,,between the, residents of Sunfish Boy, the
Engineers and Councilman Oakes <regerdng easements.
Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report dated August 18, 1975. Mayor
Stock accepted the Pro Report as submitted.
Engineer-Anderson stated that a' letter was sent to: Nod land, Associates, Inc. from
Engineer Isroefson reminding them of the completion dates.
r �
' Councilman starad that-July came
and without
ant w shout the Council knowing
that there were ioverof contractors, at least! mores *han one, that had some things,ta
get done by, that time, and wanted to know tha t i f 60 days-before the date
completion of the contract, the Engineer might report to the Council the fact that it
is 60 days from the completion date and whether or not this seems to. be, something that
is going to occur perhaps once again at the 30 day- period, so that the Council' is
reminded thotahere is a fiscal a=ot6 t with the contractor and whether rtnot it is
going to occur without penaltyj+ way around whether or %not the Council
should take action.
ReporfPon Items for Consideration -, of , Contract-.Spec's.was tabled.
1 % Storm tile-on basement footings.' tabled for further ebeo�ring i �af�ordinances.
Motion was made by Oakes that Wenzel Plumping and.Heating be awarded the
• °
Pumphouse Project 1.at•$39,8&00 recognizing #lie. December '31, 1975
completion` date; seconded b Busse and u
y, pan a'votf1,tcshen it.was dply..Passed.
Motion wasamade�by Oakes - Yhac the - bid fdr -the P Project 75 7 -2 be - \v
�\ °
awarded to Northland Supply a subsidiary of McCarthy Well in the strhount of
$10,600:00 and a completion date inside the specifications provided by the City
Consulting Engineer seconded by Williams Arid upon.a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor -- Lock direct4 ngineer (sroelson , to. °notify` the contra ctors of the awards and
to return the bid bonds`
Mayor Stock presented• hangs Order It far PetoeLametti,Construction.
co -3-
$ f
i y
r a
M".'�..SiM ^w a*x. y� p S -�F�f im. -.:T y+aj P ,'4i �9. i �tY. ,Y'. ij ..
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MINUTES of the Procoedinps of Village Council Of the Village of Prior Lake in the County, of Scott and State of a
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Y pp Chan 0
Motion was made by Williams to appr ove Chan Order 4 for Peter Lametti
Construction for deduct in 00 amount of $1, 500 00, seconded by Stock and upon a
4 .,vote taken the motion failW c3 to pass, -Councilman Williams and Mayor Stock voted
for the motipri Councilman Busse voted against the motion, and Councilman Oakes
abstained., '
" Change Order 14 was °tabieddor from the City�rsgineer.
Engineer IsraelsoA I roportedonjhel, status of the Lametti completion dates. Councilman
Oakes recommended that this,be eQlaluated and brought back before the Council at the
next meeting.:
Engineer Isroelson presented. information on Barbarossa's completion dates.
a" Engineer Israelson presented information on the Dittmar easement. Engineer Israeison,
Councilmen Oakes and Haberkorn are to meetion the Dittmer easement.
Engineer Anderson presented information on Barbarossa's re pair work.
Councilman Oakes stated that if a contractor put a thing in, in kind of a hurry and>>
thenwhen he got,done and h& met his: date and now he is• back repairing what he
real did not do perhaps right the first time, he `is still a candidate for liquidated
damages•,; not that they are going to be called down .• The Council should s,ha
hear 'from Barbarossa, Lametti, and Nodland in, order to give the. Council and Mayor
the opportunity to deal with the question of what really is the completion of a,
project, what really it liquidated damages, and what really -is repair.
Mayor Stock stated that Steve Landgren has term inated +' is position with the City
C ,• of Prior Lake, effective August 29, 1.975 and feels that it is really necessary that
the City*ire an assistant to Lar_ Anderson and that his qualifications be= not'less
than at least a highly skilled technician in the area of sewer and water and streets;
if not an engine
or minimum standards.
Motion was made by Williams that the-Mayor,;Administrator, and City Engineer
should start interviewing-a. candidate for an assistant to the City Engineer,
<= seconded by Busse -and upon d voteJdken it was duly passed. `
Mayor Stock stated' there is a trailer home located across from R.'ollie Thiling's and is .
,r sitting in water and felt this trailer. should, be removed. T�is ..matter was >tablad until
next week for tlta Administrotor to find-out more informationon,this.
Mayor Stock`stated that the AdminiAbtor and.he have talked to Ed and Fern,,Watil
in negotiating for the acquiring of their property and they specifically asked ,about
tf the water arid sewer hookup by the required date of� Novembar 15, 1975
Motion wbs made by Oakes that the parcels on Watzl's Point be required to connect
not later thamAugust 15,' 1976 to sewer and water, - provided that the present owner
v, A ship still, exists, seconded by W it fines and upon a vote taken , it was duly passed.
Administrator McGuire it fo „notify , the ; property a irs on Watzlls Point of this
connection date.
Councilman Oakes statedthat the Council has said Ito; every kiwner in on improvement'
project that they should conneci; so` far, and felt that this should be a very clearcut
ease °of invo wing ,the City and i.ts`determiriation of'u Larger issue and so the deferment
is real ho the
} y point of question, , the point is r ea lly the negotiation or condem ,
Of a, parcel of property,.and the incidental point comes that it is coming up for
oennectionoand in order "to clear,that aw the a
to r issue the
,.•,,. Y � _ motion was made „
and this should rot be taken as a `precedent, for any other individual in an improvement'
Froject expecting other than treatment which does pot look at this as its direction.
r r
MINUTES of the Proceedings of th 'Village " Council. of the Village of Prior Lake, in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
Motion was made by Oakes that all unplatted property otherwise - defined as property
described by metes and bounds and npt ,pqr of a Registered L Surve nct not mor
t is five acr s in eac piece, be
us t o plahed seconded by Besse and
upon .,a vote taken it was duly passed.
1 Motion was made by Williams to hold the Assessment. Hearing on September 11, 1975
at 7:30 P.M. and Engineer Israelson is to furnish to Engineer Anderson. and Councilman
Oakes as early as possible the assessment rolls for 'review by the Counii lsy'Septembea
7 8, 1975 and would i ike them bei4re the tember 8th Se a n
P ge da goes out,, seconded by '
Busse and upon. a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock stated the City received a copy of the Minnesota Open Melting ;Law
Opinion by the Scott County Attorney and felt the Ciro has complied with el` law.in
every respect.
Mayor Smock presented' a notice of a; Public'' Hearing for the MT
C regarding two hearings
on the proposed 5� in in surcharge applied to freeway express bus service from
the present 5� surcharge to 10�. IThe hearings will be held on, Tuesday, Agguttt 26
1975 at 7 :30 P.M. at the Bloomington City Hall, 2215 W. 04 CESNalw"4kaiad
Bloomington, Minnesota and on Wednesday, August 27,,,1975 at 7:30.P.M. at the
Maplewood Fire Station, Hazelwood Avenue and County Road C,
Minnesota. The public is invited to atten&these meetings and comment an the
proposed surcharge increase.
'Mayor Shock stated it was requested by some of the constituents whoAeide the bus that
a request be sent to Mr. Fred Haywood, Assistant Director of the MTC, requesting that
` the bus leave „Brooksville Ceaber=at 6 :30 A.M. and` return `from Second arid Marquette
at 4:35 P.M. and that this bus would be nonstop between those two points, a petition
was received and a letter was sent to Mr. Haywood with the petition:and also a vi
copy was forwarded to State Representative Ted Suss 'ho was also going to do likewise.
Administrator McGuire is to send a letter to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission
' as a reminder tha ity of Prior take has requeste
t the C d a reply from the Metropolitan
Waste Control CoMmission- regarding the usage of the interceptor; and the inclusion
of a member of thei Councit-or the Mayor on'the Committee that would determine this.
Mayor Stock n
yo prese fred an itemcfrom the MTC stating that the Chapter 574 Laws of
1974 Minnesota Legislature directed the MTC to promote the use of employer vans and
car pools in the metropolitan area and' it has impowered the ores,.40bin the metro 1'-
tan area to establish an employer van acquisition program
Mayor Stock presented the revised Zoning 00dinance for review and discussion by the
Cowl. r E,
Motion was made by Busse to adjourn, seconded b Oakes and u pon pen o vote taken this
meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M.:,
Michael A., McGuire, Administrator }”
o r.
-5 _1)
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