HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 02 1975MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villas*, Council of the Village of Prior lake to the County of Scoff and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ,,.. S 2-,, 1975 The Common (ouncfl of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on September 2, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers.. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, Oakes, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. The following corrections ware made to the. Minutes of August 25, 1975: Page two, paragraph one, Monday should read Wednesday. Page three, paragraph thirteen, Mr. Jim Winegard should read Mr. Jim Weninger. 4E Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes of August 25,. 1975 as amended, seconded by takes and upon a vote taken it was July passed. Motion otion•was made by Williams to approve the invoices to be paid as previously approved by Hie Finance Committee, seconded by Busse and upon a voter taken it was duly passed. Mr. John LaClair presented a letter to the = Council again requesting an extension for sew r tl,rW water connection, because he was negotiating to sell,the prrperty. Motion was made by Oakes that in regard to the sewer and water connection, no action be taken for 60 days based on the proposed sale -of the property,of Mr. ;John LaClair to his buyer and then the ;Council take action based on the >;presentation fie the Council of the proposal of the buyer, seconded b Willi and upon a vote taken it was du Pam Mayoc.Stock requested that Mr. LaClair contact Administrator, McGuire after the sale of''the property and give him the name of the buyer. Mr.. Elmer Ciarke. was presented regarding the poving on Candy Cove, 'stating he is being assessed for this paving and owns no property on this street; and also regarding the water drainage on his property. Councilmen<Oakes recommended the matter of then water drainage be referred to the City Engineer for disposition. °.� Mayor Stock stated that Mr. Clarke should appear at the Assessment Hearing end directed the City Engineer and, Engineer. Qureshi to check on these porczls of property and to report back to the Council. Police Chief Powell reported on meetings regarding the«request of Pastor Fink* on chemiclai dependency and. Wwas his recommendation at.thisjlmw,that it would be fool ish.ib have someone, just for the purpose of drug:,, it would not accomplish what is. needed, and requested. that the Council give the Police De pa tment more time, as well as the Superintendent of -School; to come up with a much.better plan, Mayor Stock directed Police Chief Powell to'ci"tact Paster Finks and,;to relay his reconime�ndatrons , - to him. , Mr. Horst Graser stated that the Park: Board has decided to sell Loh 50 and one -half of Sl in Boudins :Maegr. First Additioru,and recommends that.the Council approve the selling of these lots. Motion vFas made by Williams to;authorize the Park Board to sell Lott 50 and one - half " of 51 in Boudins Manor First Addition, if the City Attorney's opinion finds thaf this property can be, sold; seconded b Busse and upon =a vote -taken it was dul;) passed. .Administtor McGuire stated that he contacted the County and Gordy`Gelhaye feels that if the City would just pass a resolution of no shooting allowed over on the ,lake, that would cover it, and in talking with the City.Attorney. I* felt it should f be done by the County 1 n MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion wasw. aclkby06kes to, send a resolution to the County requesting that duck hunting on the lake of Prior Lake, Pike Lake, and Howard Lake be prohibited within"', the confines of Prior Lake, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly " passed. The trailer home l cated.ocross from Rollie; Theiling was tabled. Administrator McGuire presented the 1976 proposed Budget for review by the Council. . Motion was made by Oakes to *approve the •1976 Budget as hereby amended, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed Administrator. McGuire to make the, .corrections in the budget and post it at City Hall, 'Prior Lake Post Office, and Prior Lake State Bank. The .letter from Wicker-Knox regarding Mitchell Pond.'was tabled'untll the next Council Meeting for review by ghe Planning Cor'nmisston. , Administrator McGuire stated he talked to Mr. Birno and Mr. Joh n and they " decided they want the entire parcel ,reseeded, ' Mayor Stock directed the Administrator and City En gineer to re the information ti g prepa on the Mike. Benedict property. for Council review and:•the motion. that Is on record, .and` former Councilman Wa+kins be contactdd' for his opinion on the matter, and at the same time review Mr. Birno's and Mr. Johnson's case and if necessary" there will have to be corrective action taken on Mr. Benedict, and this information-should be sent to Attorney Sullivan for review before the nc%t Council Meeting, Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report dated September 2, 1975' and a memo 'from,Naeem Qureshi on the•Marsgo Project.. Mayor Stock accepted.the reports on construction. Mayor Stock stated that on both Nodland and Lametti the City is approaching completion dates, and have approached Lametti's.completion.date, and requested that in flsdu vrepwWirts. that Engineer Anderson state what he. feels the time is and is left element to completion what actual per contract. Eogineer.Anderson reported•on Change.Order #2 „for:Ames Construction. Report on items to be considered in contract specifications Was tabled. MayorStadc stated in regard to storm :tile around basements, "that in a past ordinance r ” •... the, City; Itas a �3ection that deals with this 'particular item. ;Snoneer,Anderson stated he hlt. that.this ordinance .covers this situation arWdid not feel that anything else wps necessary. Engineer =Anderson presented _a memo regarding rpurchasing a snowplow for the Ford hack. 1` Motion was .,made'by•Haborkornto purchase a snowplow1or.thez Ford truck at a price of =1'x,370.00, .seconded by Oakes •and, upon a vote taken it.was duty passed. 4 Engineer Anderson stated he contacted Tim O'Laughlin and at this point he has `not i had 4 ime• to roview fha Civil Dekrne Siren:bidr.,` • btAi�� Engineer Anderson reported on the change orcki for, Laiiift Jor the add -a- phase unit, the actual cost of the unit, is $1,917.00, the shipping' was $100.00, . r , and the restockingAs 15% and the actual ,cost to Lametti was •W,; 29.45. i Completion date for Lametti - date for ass*' ing- liquidated' damages was tabled. , a i ii t f MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of _. Minnesota, including °all accounts audited by said Council. , s Mayor Stock requested that Engineer Anderson have an approximate date for roods to bc'r paved before the next Council Meeting, Gooncilmon Haberkorn presented information regarding street t � lighting on Pixie Point Rocd. V'e && ,Vent -, -ce_lt lnct � s►��uld. 1j@ c�.r p c� Engineer Ane-erson presented information on the Richard Leonard Driveway. Councilman Oakes requested that this matter 'be Werred to the City Engineer to find out whether or not a modest amount of work has been done to make it passable and if it has been done, leave it to the judgment of the City Engineer. Muhienhardt Road was tabled. Engineer Qureshi presented the assessment rolls for Projects 75-5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 14, 75 -2, 4, 6, 10 11, for review by the Council. Councilman Oakes stared that the policy of the City of Prior lake in regard to sanitary sewer and water is well established and last week the Council did cover the assessments. There were two things -he wanted to tell the Council, the first one was it is the first time in the history of the newly formed City that the front footage for sanitary sewer and water has increased from what was told to the people at the Public Hearing and the acreage charge for storm sewer has also increased from.what was told the people. The recent Public Hearings that were held in this community would indicate that the community really has a, different h i nd of question and this is, who is to pay for reserve capacity in storm in sanitary sewer, in water, and on roads, but aside from that kind of thing, which he has said before, -and was not well received by the City:s- constituents, -the cost per front foot is up $3.00 per front foot,. The Council told these folks that come to these meetings to the best,:tafitheir ability what they would be assessed from the front footage standpoint, and this proved` not tv be the case. The secend: part is the contirwing question of land that may not now be assessed for the kind of installation that thWtity is; building, somebody to have to pay for it and raised the question and ite demands an answer, those Wks who reallyswould•not like tc�come to grips with the kind of situation imthe• community, really do not understand what he -is' trying• to say and that is, very. bluntly, if folks in this community -do not want growth, somebody is going 'to have to pay for what is being built and if folks would'liike to 'have modest growth somebody is going to.,have to pay for part of what is being built, and if folks would kind of like to let things occur, which wally dangerous, there is going to be'whatevei percentage -of - requirement of payment for that whWh would .occur. For five years the City has really said this community a growth pattern and the consulting engineering people who have put together the .r'iWWhusiness of they only are valid insofar as this growth pattern would occur. If somebody would' come in and say we are not going to have growth, then this certainly means that everybody that is now hen would have three times the assessment or the tax burden they would now have. For example, on the average lot, if a,person would have a $6,000,00 special assessment, if no growth were to occur, this person would eventutslly face another $18,000.00 in assessment, because 4M of the cost of building'a sewer system or water system is in-the digging of the trench and-35% is inAe cost of +putting in the. pipe, so -the moral of the story is, that no community in there right mind would put in sewer pipe or water pipe to take care of those - people that now exist, because they could not afford to pay.for it, so for the. last five years. the City has'been, bored on a growth pattern, building a sewer and water system that will take care of those people who are now here plus the expectation of those who are to come on a 20 to 40 year growth life. Beyond this the MWCC -hos said on the question of no-growth, the City has built about a $5,000,000.00 ; I sewer system and wonder wsfo�gc�;ng.b pay.for it, so -the community of Prior Lake has - bui a -20 to 40 year li fe it ► ► tell as Fiat the MWCC and they are very eurious about who vF is going to'pay for that reserve cappoW if this community is to be a no growth community. The $6,000.00 average for the local system plus $18 will take care of ;whot the• C ity -has done here, . you scan take 40% of $5,000, 000.00 and spread that across the assessed valuation in the community and find out what the MWCC would charge back 11b -this community in the advent of no growth. These are things that are -3 r t� MINUTES of the Proceedings; of the Villase Council of the Village of'rior Lake in the County of Scott and State of J .a Mieneseta, including 611-accounts audited by said Council. really uppermost in his mind, the Mayor qnd Councilmen are more than one mind 'in the matter, it is something the Council and Mayor are going to have to own up to, even more especially the City cannot turn back from where it now is because it has gone that ' Jar done the road,. so anybody that would Iike to came in now and change things must have obviouslyrbeen somebody that has not been fr llow,ing whot,hRs been occurring in Council activities in the last several years. Councilman Oakes agrees that the n assessments on sanitary sewer and water are'appropriate with the exception of six parcels in cul- de- �socsoreas where it is obvious the City has mistreated these people and these have been corrected. Mayor Stock directed Engineer Anderson and Administrator McGuire "sa check Lots 1, r . 2,` and 3 of Lakeside Manor Third Addition and also the Algren property which is directly across (he street from it, one and two are out and "'is assessed. ; 'Mayor Stock accepted the assessment rolls�as presented and *vested that4e Council . review them. s - Engineer Quroshi is to send a complete set of the revised assessments to.,Counalmon Williams, Mayor Stock, Councilman Busse, and Counciiman,Clakes. 3` Councilman Haberkorn presented ki problem involving a school bus turnaround on �` J Noi Share Crest.. Mayor Stock stated, Councilman F!aberkarn had to make the decision of whether or rwt °It is anitem that is nis*4%, if 'it is then the next step.would be to contact the 'turnamund, people, Who. could provide the and find out what ,kind of an agreement the Ci` ;can reach for that, turnaround, and: if all ,parties say no, it is kind of `a dead s IVA right thit"'. - Councilman, Williams "stated.thotan Park Board has decided to a do some selected burning in the'Park b control brush. Errgireet Anderson stated thnt.the sanitary sewer for Shady Beach, Frank Anderson and Chris Nygaard presently have, gravitycsery ce, three people north of them arcs e sehsduhsd for pumps, two of the people north of these want .run in the same trench" " as Frank °and Chris a they: wil t Op" four sanitary sewer and water pipes in the same j .trineh, .the oitamotive. has been'considered of running an eight inch sanitary Line rllrwtirl is ,pick fheie up and this can be.dane and eliminate the pumps 'for "three s houses for an additional oast of =t7, 000,00.,' Mayor Stock directed Engineer Anderson to further check th on tutu point, one, ths,aoquisition of the easement, and, two, the $T,', 000.00 how does That affect the e `_ ass�ssnrents • ' Mayor Stack' tatrd` he re ceived a letter from Paul L. Graf who owns a cabin on Shady :Beach Road who appear to have 'damage and requested' that Engi isers . Ariderson.and -hroelson check thWout and report back to the Council what would be nwsortabls compensation for the daingges that have occurred to this cabin:.. :fit Sirsok; read a resolution from S.aott County stating their position on a bill to P a provide fior.the. establishment,of Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Recreation Amu. _ p Co'� r; Co�t1\� Motion was mode by Crakes that the City of Prior Lake support Mimttsota Valley National Wildlife ,Recreation Area with the addendum that the City inquire of the. County or the State what,Mri Malkerson's use of the present — a .: park land which 1, sold to the State is, and get a complete readout of what the ownership is and whot'hi: payment io the State is, and, what his use is, and what his future use is and what the Saft!s use is, seconded' by Williams and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.' } Lj -4- ` i � Cl