HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 08 1975• MINUTES of the rrecoodin s of the Village Ce g g " until of the villoll of lrior Take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounh audited byr,said Council. , o September 8, 975 a The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake ;met in regular session on September 8, 1975 at 7:3Q P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to p ;y order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmenjiusse, Haberkorn, Oakes, and Williams, Adm inistrator ire, Engineer Anderson, a td Attorney Sullivan. The following corrections were made to the Minutes of September 2, =1975: Page three, paragraph two, sentence added st'uting - The ,residents. on Pixie Point Road felt the matter of street lighting should be dropped - Page four, last Para9roph, should read was made b y Oake ;that the City f Y Prior Lake support the Scott Coun tY Resolution , Apposing the'tlffort of the - Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Recreatica„Area with the addendum .that the City inquire of 4 ,,- the County or the State what Mr. alkerson�ls use of the present pork land which he sold to the Stu is, and get a .complete readout of what the o vinarship is and what his . t pa- y mentsio the State is, and what his use is and what his future use`is and what the State's use is, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion ` o was made by Haberkorn approving the, Minutes of September 2 1975 a c , . s mended,, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken,iC was duly passed. Councilman Oakes stated that Marys Lanno4i and. her Mother were present and the question' has been asked„ in the Red Oaks area, whether boc levards are going to be completed and the paved surface completed to the point where they can go ahead and do tlWiryard restoration.- -n c trice 'Anderson stated baeiiftll,: seeding and sodding will be done this year yet, the" f Red Oaks Road should be done Wednesda ' ; by . and in about Point will be done._ . Y two weeks Breezy ll Mary Lannon asked -if their retaining wall would be replaced._ Engineer Anderson was directed to contact Mary Lannon regarding the, retaining wall. y Mr. Denny McWilliams was present regarding a ;even Acres ponding area• Mayor i Stock di'echd Endinaer Ar*rson, Engineer Israe sgn, and Engineer Qureshi to meet .x' an Lot 1.1 in Seven Acres in regard to a pond ing area and to report. to 'Councilman Oakes before Thursday night. Mr. McWilliams stated in regard to lowering of the grade on Oakland. Boulevard, the would be a sharp drgp add vxoMed lta` www rtlwtethst Ccity,vsde�goieq�lorsio eegaodcfo�tbis A duthis .area l�Pi `• r Sioak requested the Engineers to make a report to the C"ncil in answer to Mr. MEWilliam's question on Oakland Boulevard on the backslope and how it is to be tapered., . Mr. McWilliams stated, in regard to the Public, Hearing derAugust 7, 1975 on zoning, the decision of the Council on that matter did not support the evid*nL*'r that was ' presented at the Public: Hearing and suer some indications, that rho prgposal would'Se more,a M p! ps a PUD cctiptoble 4 , . . move; go ne ahead In the ptioces: of preparing a PUD' proposal and met withi the Plonninj the.Planner, cnd Staff and felt that the decision of the Council spe was not supportive of the evidenceprosented and :bred they would Like b Ww 1heir Aption.ofi.iitigction in Di trice Court Review =and asked that the Ci _ty,retan the records of this. Hearing. Mr. Ray :Callaway was present regarding lowering a the grade of 200 feet of West Pixie > : Point Road. Mayor Stock directed Councilman Haberkorn . Engineer Anderson, �i Engineer Isroelton " to meet with Mr. Calloway and`Mr.. Bucke tochecck this sitoallon and, report back to <the Council. 0 I h MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villas" Council of the Village of Prior Lake In' the County of Scots and Stott of c> Minnesota, including all occeunh audited by said Council, Councilman Oakes requested that the Engineers look at an erosion problem by Dr. Con's on Pixie. Point Road and also to look aUthe ,storm `drains ,on Eastwood Road, the water ° running -down Eastwood Road is missing the storm drain" is running down on the cost side -and west side•o'f the Manfred Beufler property and cutting rather sev4'reiy on either side of their driveway. } Administrator McGuire stated that Mr . Gene Berry of Green Heights Tavern has requested an On- Sale intoxicating Liquor License an& that the Liquor,Commission has recommended,that the license not be approved, dlly specific for the reason that it is a nonconforming use presently and further r it should be taken ulkwith the Planning Comm' ission if Mr. Barr wishes Y point to change " this status.. ;. Motion was,made by Oakes that the request'of -W Gene Berry. of Green Heights Tavern not be approved'at this time because of the underlying question of expansion of a nonconforming usage and refer Mr. Berry not on the Liquor Iicense questiop, but on the'oxpansion of a nonconfo'ming;use question to the Planning Commission, seconded b Williams and upon a vote taken it was,duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes that1or those wine licenses which are,issu*d by the City of Prior Lake, that the annual License fee be for this year, prorated if ° required, of $1,250.00, seconded by Busse, and upon a vote taken itawas duly' . passed . = Motion was shade by Oakes for the City of Prior to provide an ordinance regulating, the issuance of wine licenses, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly € p passed: v Councilman Oakes stated there is a request for a 3.2 Off -Sale License by a service > station, and the: Liquor Commission recommends that this•request not be approved "ause ° bee they_�believe that the'control is Welt evident that minors may ba exposed fo the sale of 3,2; beverage and that the;.Poli ' involvement mcfy be significant. . � f Motion was mode by Ookes that, the request of Inter -City Oil for 3.2 Off -Sale i � Liquor License be denied, secnded b .. Willioms,and u my o Y pots~ a vote. taker `it `eras d + , paw I Councilman Oakes -. stated'thcton the matter of the trasaferof the Off Sale License at.Bob6ltsville to'Norling Liquor, Inc. 'upon investigation�of the Incorporation, �& y fi nd , rd nothing that would prevent the transferof the license. c� p Motion was `made 'b"y Odkes•that the Off -Sale license for Brooksville. Liquor be approtied transfer to Norling�Liquor," inc. , "seconded by Haberkarn and upon y a vote takdn it 1was duly posse d ' Councilmon Oakes requested that the "Council meet with the Liquor Commission to s' ask the Couhcii's indulgence in the answer to -the quoitionof what is the: future in regard° to liquor Bike": ° ' . 1M6ti6n was node by Oakes tKat`the Minute's` of May 19 1975 be amended to include. of'Extra { the nomir Innings Bar as an occasion of having an approval for'Sunday- +_ Liquor, isecohded by Busse and upon a vote taken it_wos duly passeo.. ` i Motion`wos - iMd e`b Qakes transfer the Cigarotte'Lieense from B000ksville ±Li ' 6 r- to NorII Li quo ng quor, "lee., seconded by Haberkorn and °upon;,a vote taken it was duly passed. Mitchell Pond PUD' was tabled._, I I 7 l' I MINUTES of,-�Ao Procee dings Of the Village Council of the Vil a a of Prior Lak i 1 9 n the County of Scott and $tat* of Minn"Ota including all accounh audited by said Council. Mayor-Stock presented a request fbr an approval of a Registered. Land Survey for the Thieling, Barsness, etal., Plat for loft that have already been platted by metes and bounds descriptions and in order to register it as anzAtgistered Land S urvey the Council must approve the change; however, the parcels themselves spitcifical ly do noi chan their'descriptionsi Motion was made by Oakes that the RegisterscILOWSM"W for Thilifing, Barsness etal, - be approved bythe Couricilj, by Busse and-uponb,votlethk passed. on it was duly v , Administrator McGuire stated that the trailer home., located across, from Rollie Thielinqi�, is owned by C. H. Mi I ler and has been th6m1ince 1960 and is presently being used two or three weekends a year and plans om hooking up.to, sewer and water. Mayor Stock the Attorney to check into this matteebilbre - Thursday night. Admih . istratO McGuire a summary of the 1976 bond'* payment.. Motion was made by Oakes that funds be made available from 72"1, 9 & 10 Water arid Sewer Fund to the reasonable extent r"uired for the two proiects Condons/ Wooda.16 and Eagle Crook Sower -Water, t6b' ct td any restrictiorw�the Attorney le might place on this transfer- and the City Administrator be outhorized.to direct the flow of funds 'In order to�brinq about a reasonable balance among the funds, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it. was'duly passed. Administrator McGuire py of tIwMinutes regarding the Mike Benedict e settlement, for revi i w by the Council. Motion was made by Oakes that Me, Birno 6nd-Mr. Johnson be C' to vegetatio ompenialed for, damage n on their property occurring, in the course of public travel area to be d44ii�ined by the City Engineer arid that reitaration or suitable compensation of this' veq*tct;6Jh+e mutually agreed Copon, sedonded by t and upon avoie taken it was duly, Passed. Councilman Wiltiams abstained. Engineer Ainder3on pre'sent6d the Prol 8,; 1975. Mayor ecrReports dated September Stock accepted the Project Reporh as submitted, Report on items to be considered in conftact specifications was tabled. (0 Engineer Anderson presented a memo from Tim O'Laughli6 regarding the Civil Defense Siren Bids and the matter was tabled. 'COn�Piitionddfi'�for Wavjablod�� Engineer Anderson that the Matter with- the Minnesota Health 00partment at Well Site #4 would bc taken care of by the City creW. Engineer Anderson stated the" problem at Paul L, GraPs tA Sh6dy Bisachload, regarding �clamoge has beem, redtilved. Engineer Anderson Presente'd information and costs on, PL 75-2 Sewer fbr Lakefront Lots 4, 5, 6, 7;`dnd&on' Shady Beach for review arid discussion�iby the Zoopcil. Motion was modeby1usie to authorize achange for insfallati6n a sewer line on the iake*onU4f LoftAj -5� 6 ,91 7, and 8 of Sh ady ohd Cwjncilr Oakes to have readli for Thursday night, the additional assessments td, the sdid loft for assessment purposes, second edzbrWilliams and upon o";ote N?ken - 1, 1 1 lt*as du y Passed 0�, Mayor Stock sentedd lette pro r &1*4 September 2, 1975 ro tV Prior Lake Interceptor ea",mants. Motion was made by, Oakis�,fo.authcrize the and City Administrator to sign the Mal ease - yor menh for the ftitrd[061fian Wi:i*e Control Commission, seconded'by Busse and'upon .0 vote taken it,,Vm"s duly po'"'_'e -3" MINUTES of the Proeeotlings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was made by Williams to adopt Ordinance 75-13 relative to adopting the zoning ordinance zoning p , Y , y n a vote taken it ma b reference seconded b Oakes and v po wasdul passe d. Y Pa Mayor Stock asked fo • further`e�hon Y , � any ges to the assessment rolls or-discussion by the Council, before,�Thursday s Assessment Hearing. Mayor Stock stated the assessment rolls should, stand except for Mr. Elmer Clarke's.' Mayor Stock directed the Administrator to contact Mr. Clarke informing him'' that Lot,_ 31 will be assessed for paving, Lots 33 through 36 will be assessed for storm" sewer. x ' Engineer Andemn presented.infi rmation on paving in ,Lakeside Manor as per the George A Igren request.. -_ Motion was made by Williams „to delete from the assessment rolls fore6.ject 754 Parcels 287A, 287AA and 287AB, seconded by Heberkorn and upon a,vote taken it ' was duly` passed. ;,. Council .. {} man is to check on the matter of paving in �lakeside Manor and �J report back to the•Council at the ,next Council Meeting. I� Mayor Stock stated in. regard to Pro ject'75-10 at the Ppblic Hlearinq�,.vhich was held :. on July 14, 1975 the City , quoted "a figure of $8.31 a running' fioot for the assessment and now their is %different cost. Engineer Anderson stated he will have the cost of ' the project before the Thursday Assessment Hearing. - Mr. Denny McWilliares and the Council discussed the matter;iof assessments for his Property • Councilman Oicies presented a request from Donald T. requesting that his ` connection date be extended until May 1, 1 -976. y . Motion was made by Oakes to grant the extension to DonhIc T. Johnson until May 1, h 1976 regarding his connection to water and sewer, seconded by Busse, and upon a vote ' taken it was duly passed. r �' Councilman Haberkprn stated that the matter involving the school bus turnaround on North Shore Crest has boon 1olved. x Mr. Hugh Miller was present regarding a Developer's Agreement• for paving in Miller's Second Aildltion. Engineer Qureshi stated, the amount stated for paving y < does not include sodding and seeding. Mayor Stock directed the City Engineer , to have the preliminay, plans °,iar paving in Miller's Secorjd Addition:ready for the next Council Meeting The fallowing invoices we approved and paid in August 1975:. GENE111111iIA FUND: o C3eae''s Autantotive its Police Auto Repair $ ` 1.20 Lake Auto Supply - Police Auto Repair 25.06 S. colt - Rica Telrphone.,Co. Utilities 297.43 ., l OK Hardware Police, Supplies = 33.86 JAK Office Produch Co. Office Supplies . 127.01 League of Minn; Municipalities Membership Dues 212.00 ? Coast 10 Coast Store Office Supplies 2:58' = Diversified lnsurance Services - Insurance 227.00 °IBM` Office Products ' Div. Office Supplies 39.15 =C'. N. & Sullivan Attome Fees 2' 039.72 y lsraelson kAswc:,. Inc. Engineering Fees 3,896.60 Prior lake State Bank Federal Deposit 2,104.97 State Treasurer PERA 2,384.63 -4- MINUTES of the Proceedings of the,Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and4tate of ' Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND (Continued) Melanie Sprank Salary 123.22 Susan C'. Huwe Salary 110.30 Richard H. Powell Salary 442.92 x Steven Schmidt Salary 385:`84 Dennis Leff Salary 352.90, Lego Rabenor t Y Sala r Y 336.30 Eug ene Smith 9e Salary Y 323.39 ..� Joseph Van Den Boom Salary 328.40 Richard E. Klugherz Salary =' 310:30 Michael McGuire Salary 429.89 ' F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 160.01 Local Union 320 Union Dues 51.00 Michael McGuire Ear A I'lowance 75.00 Walter Stock Mayor's Pay 180. 00 ;. Jack Oakes Council Pay U 80.00 Don Williams Council Pay ' 80.00 ; Don Busse Council Pay 80.00 t � Ron Haberkorn Council Pay 80.00 Standard Oil Police Gas $ Oil 864.50 ; NSP Utilities 89.90 f� Ray Robinson Poi ice Auto. Repair 127.x: _ Minn. Natural Div. ' Utilities 9.50 Southside Dodge, ,Inc. Police Auto Repair 282.30 Register of Deeds Microfilm Copies 5.00 Kennedy Auto Service, Inc. Police, Auto Repair 278.00 Burnsville Printing Co. Police Supplies 66.00 u Uniforms Unlimited, Inc. Police Supplies 167.75 E. H. Newstrom Building Inspector, 506.00 Robert McA I I ister Dog Catcher 160.00 Air Comm Police 6dios 28.00 ` Miller/bavis Co. Office Supplies '= 3.66 Walter F. Stephens, Jr.,1nc. Police Supplies 73.40 JA K. Office Products Co. Office Suppl 33.25 Andrews Drug Office Supplies 14.23 PricR Lake American Printing and Publishing 110.47 Register of Deeds Microfilm Copies 6.25 ' Monnens Supply, Inc. Police Supplies 31.55 SCM Corporation Office Supplies 40.00 Electric Service Co. Repair Air Raid Sirens; ` 78.00 4' Joseph VanDen Boom Overtime 125.76 Eugene Smithq . Overtime 45.25 _ Dennis Leff Overtime.: 53.77 w' Richard Klugherz Overtime 37.69 LeRoy Rabenort Overtime 58.48 Steven Schmidt Overtime 138.73 Steven Scht Mileage 3.60 :. Dan Mead Mileage - Reserves 6.00 Horst Groser Mileage 9.75. ' Clarence Schmidt Plumbing Inspector, 238.60 Knox Dept. Store Office Supplies 1.19 ' Bankers Life: Co. Hospitalization 853.99 Charles Tooker _; . Planner 500.00 , .Richard Powell Salary 442.92 Steven S+nidt Salary T ., ; 394.34 Dennis Leff Salary ,r _361.40 �� LeRoy Robenort Salary 344.80 4z ' Eugene Smith Salary _ 331.89 Joseph VanDenBoom Salary 336.90 Richard Klugherz Salary., 318.80 F 1 ;z -5- v MINUTES of the'roseedinos of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of- Mienesota,- including all accounts audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND (Co ntinued: , Cash PettyrCash 50.00 F&M Savina!Bank Savings Plan 160.01 Michael McGuire Salary 429.89 Melanie Sprank . Salary 111.10 Susan Huwe Salary 98._6 Ti3"r of Fund to Street Fund S " 51000.00 TOTAL $28,747-91 WATER FUND L&L OK Hardware Supplies S 1.51 {° Water Products' Co. Water Meters & ,Repairs 55110.54 Postmaster,.. Postage 200.00 Larry Kerkow Salary 345.64 S.hirlene Craig Salary 177.97 F&M Savingg Bank ,. Savings Plan 10.00 Barry Stock Salary 52.80 Don Busse, Jr. Salary 141.40 AMIN .x `. Bradley Brandt . ' „ Sala - � y v k 180.90 ' Bruce Johnson Solary- 170.90 Standard Oil Fuel 69.16 14S Utilities, , „ 426.17 � Minn. Natural Div. Utilities 2.45 ,i Van Waters & Rogers . Chemicals 74-.00 } Pitney -Bowes Postage. . c 1;; 30.00 Larry Kei Salary. 345:64 Shirlene Craig = Salary, 177.97 Mary Gerhardt "�., Salary ri s, X9.42 gs F&M Savings Bank - Savings Plan 10.:00 ' State Treasurer Permit 15.;00 ti Barry Stock Y ,; _ Salary 20.00 Larry Kerkow O..vettme Bradley Brandt Salary. 32.34 " Don Busse, Jr'. Salary :, 104.00 Bruce` Johnion Salary 139 -A Bruca Johnson Salary 64.45 TOTAL 608.46 $1,608.46 n SEWER FUND: UL OK Hardware ` Equipment Repairs, S = 2.07. n Viking Steel` Products, Inc -.. ,. Sewer Maintenance, 380;28 Computoserviee, Inc.' Sewer Billing ,Expense X1'4.93 . _MWCC SAC Charge 9,652.50 ' Raymond Johnson. Salary 386:77 " Horst Graser, Salary 195.17 Judith Apsen Salary ° 155.11 F&M�Savings Bank Savings Plan 50.00 ?` Standard Oil Gas & Oil n.: 69.16 ! NSP Utilities 252.51 } Lawrence Schweich. SAC R efimge4. 325.00 MWCC Mew Installment 891.36 llwrynwnd Johnson. Salary ' 386.77 Judith Jepsen Salary 155.11 ti Horst Graser Salary q 195.17 , Bradley Brandt Salary 1$5.17 f :k� , . F&M Savia*Oar& Savings Plan 50..00 " . Raytiiiond Johnson Overtime 158.41 TOTAL 513,705.49 l b .-6- k _MINUTEf of the ►recoodings of the Village Council of tha Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stab of = Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said .Council. Et a.c FIRE FUND Gene's Automotive Equipment Repairs 5 2.45 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 91.15 L&L OK Hardware' Supplies 9.79 , Air Comm Equipment Repairs > ` . 43.28 Skip Reebie Supplies 11.08 Prior Lake 76 Equipment Repairs 50.44 Standard Oil Gas & ,Oil 80.69 NSP Utilities 41.81 Minn. `Natural b,iv. Utilities yip C Akins Fire Equip: C o. Supplies 23.45 ;- N.W Emergency Equip; di Supply . plies 52.24 3M Co.... Supplies 510.06 C Lind Ford Poetial_on Truck Chassis ; . 15 TOTAL s . 51.5,926.33 G STREET FUND Lake Auto Supply t Equipment Repairs 5. 12.87 ' L&L OK Hardware ; ; ''� Equipment Repairs ., 14.10 Minn. Valley fled', Coop Utilities 8.25 New Pwgue Lumber b Re*,4A'ix Chemicals 489.60 ` W. G. Pearson, .Inc. :. <. Crushed Rock .> 710.72 , . ` Elmer Busse Salary :. 336.15 Stonddrd Oil Gas & Oil 95.06 NSP Utilities _ 941075 Art Johnson Stock Pile Crushed Rodc . 50.00 Carlson Traebr quip. , C Equipment Repoift > 20.33 Wm. Mueller Sons _� BTU Mix 282.75 r " Elmer Busse Salary, - 336.1.5 _ Elmer Busse _ -, �'.. Ovettime 177 TOTAL ,M $ 3,475.06 BU ILD ING1� FUND : L&L OK Hardweee <' Cleaning Supplies 5. 4.20 Quality Waste Control, Inc:. Refuse Pick - up 5.00 "r Hoffer's, inc. Repairs c7.60= NSP Utilities 401.71 , Minn., Natural Div. Utilities 8100 Grendahl Mech., Inc. Air Condition Repairs 76.00 j Gross Ind : Services Floor Mats , , 35.40' Busse, Super Market Cleaning Supplies., , --:'; 23.22 Gen Fahrenkomp . Cleaning Service : 82.00 TOTAL _= �� . 5 643.13 . _ PARK r L&L OK Hardware ` Repairs \ 5 2.68 L&L's Lawn & Leisure ,. Repairs 29.40 Irwin Clemens Salary 280.43 NSP Utilities `, 4.76 - trwin Clemens Salary " 256.98 Irwin Clemens Overtime 32.2:1 TOTAL .. 606.4'3 " CAPITAL PARK . Is &Assoct:� .'. 6h9ineerin0 Fees. 616.50 Ames Construction' Co.. Contract Payment. 562.18 TOTAL' $' $ 11,178.66 ,W A 7_ - - ^'y1::�.R..: x:�a�., •,�.'M:tt= .S`s,%4. -, ., u- . r; ,..WS.I 4.. >rs,:;s......,..w�.. -;urn' / J , *e+.«.sxw .. I -. .. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Laka in the ;County of itoN and State of a Mianesota, including all accounts audited .by said Council. EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES~OF 1975 MacQueen Equip., Inc. Street Sweeper, c,34,477.00' FWD. Truck and . . Misc. Supplies Warners Ind. Supplies- Misc. Supplies 936.19 Sears Misc. Supplies 299.87 - Beckius Our Own Hardware :' "Misc. Supplies - 147.95 Warner Ind. Supplies Misc. Supplies 124.77 Loren Hanel - Lettering Equipment 32.00 , TOTAL s3G037.78 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND: Schroder Block Co. Pumping s 180.00 Ray Joachim Condemnation Comm. 52.30 John Maros Condemnation Comm. 53.50 - Frank J. Wicker Testimony 25.00 Steven Landgren Mileage 23.73 Israelson b Assoc. Engineering Fees ". ,12,183.50 Israelson & Assoc. Engineering Fees 2,101.00 Larry J. Anderson Salary 447.77 Steven Landgren Salary 213.71 F&M SavinggBank Savings Plan` " 35..00 j Ray Robinson Auto Repair , 11.97 4 e Diversified Pipe Services TV Inspection 4,560;00 Steven Landgren M1 26.52 Steven Landgren Salary 117.96 Nodland Assoc. Contract Payment 300,878.02 Layne Minn.' Contract Payment 8,829.69 Ed Sharkey Condemnation Comm. 53.78 E. G. Boudin, etal Condemnation 400.00 3 L. S. Larson, etal Condemnation 600.00 i, „ H. D. Pearson- e461 Condemnation 200,00 t 3 M. R. GWAidi# roidl Condemnation 6,'000,00 J. Berge etal Condemnation 800.00 A. Fonder, etal- I' ndemnation 1,000.00 g F. A. Weiland, etal Condemnation 2,700.00 �I J. R. Mile% etal Condemnation 200.00 G. J. Mingo, etal Condemnation 300.00 T A. J. Conroy, etal Condemnation,; 2,850.00 ' P. H. Flack, etal Condemnation, 1,000.00 O. D. Will, etal Condemnation 100.00 R. C. Wood, etal, Condemnation "" 200.00 • D . E. Berndt etal. Condemnation 200.00 C. Muhlenhardt r Condemnation 150.00 s Larry J. Anderson Salary 447.77' FdM Savings Bank Savings Plan 35.00 t . " A; Cott�agyb P. Kross, Appraisal Fee _ 75.00 TOTAL = 5347, 05+D.82 J 4 EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND Schrader Block Co .- Pumpfng $ V 180.00 Klingberg Excavating SpironeIlo 342.00 Diversified Pipe Services TV Inspection 1,916.50 } Valley Eng. Co ; Inc:. Check Culvert 35.00 Israelson 3 Assoc. Engineering Fees + . 5,:695.00 . R. F. K.neafsey, etal Condemnation 150.00 C. W . Borman, etol Condemnation 800.00, C`. O. Mazanec etal Condemnation 100.00 1.{ 4 R. L. Renner, etal Condemnation 100.00 y M, { MINtJM of the ''ratMdlop of the Village Council of the Village of Prier lake in the County of Scott and State o f g Minnosefo, Including all aaounb audited by said Council. A. Engholm, etal Condemnation 100.00 ` K. S. D.idrickson, eta) Condemnation 200.00 E. C. Heideck, etal. Condemnation 100.00 M. ;dlwf 6 f etal Condemnation 100.00 D. J. Friedl, etal Condemnation 800.00 ` J E. F. Nelson, etal Condemnation 150.00 Peter Lametti Const. C60ract Payment 38,902.77 , TOTAL $49,671.Z7 STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1974 FUND M_ inn. -Volley Surfacing Co. Contract Payment $ 9,9116.00 72-7, S, 9, & 10 SEWER AND WATER FUND =� Richard P. Ryan Refund 3 135.07 Motion was r.wde by Oakes to adjourn, seconded by Busse, and upon a vote taken.;this meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P.M. Ml heel A. McGuire,.Administrator - t ? n 4 a W '1l Y