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MINUM of rho Mece*dinss of the talks* Council of the Villas* of Prior take in the County of Scott and State ef
Miones*1a, Indudins all eccounta audited by said Council.
.September 15, 1975
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session in the City
Council Chambers, September 15, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting
to order,. Present were Mayor Stock, 'Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, Williams,
Administrator McGuira, Engineers Anderson and Israelson, and Attorney Sullivan. 1
Councilman Oakes was absent.
The following corrections were made in the September 8, 1.975 Minutes
rage one, seventh paragraph, the word "paving" should be changed to "digging." j
Page one, second-to the last,paraWaph, second to the last sentence, change the word
"they" to "Almac" and the obtain" to "retain "'.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes of September 8, 1975 as amended,
seconded by Haberkorn and, upon a, vote ta ken it was du)
Motion was made by Busse to approve the Invoices to be -paid; previously approved by
the Finance Committee, seconded by Willtem and upon a vote taken it was duly
passed . �:
Motion was made by Busse td' approve the Hardsholl for the Willows,Fourth Addition,
contingent upon the street names being changed and the storm water runoff being'
handled by -the roads, seconded,by•Williams and upon a vote taken it was,. duly passed.
Motion was made by Williams that the City Council accept the concept'6Uane4W to
Prior Lake, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly posed. ;
1 A special meeting was scheduled for September i8, 1075 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the
assessments that were objected to on September 11, 1975. ,
Dr. Frank Anderson stated that he felt that he sli6W&ni of be assessed 200 front'feef,
evemsthough'he owns 'one -and one -half lots. ;
The Police Report; was�accepted as submitted. ,
The Fire. "Report, was accepted as submitted.
The Fire Chiif was directed" to research the type dnd cost of new.fire protection
equipment to meet O.S.NA. specifications.
Motion was mode by Williams to approve the preliminary prat of Martirnon Pbint,
seconded by Stock and upon u vote ' {taken it w os:.duly` passed ,
1' 1 \ Mr: George Algn,and others were present in ro
pr Bard ,io the. povIng> assessment for r'
r; portionTof Candy Cove Parkway. "The matter was tabled. until'_ Monday September 22,
�1 1.975.
he- Adm inistrator was directed to change the nwmtr of °Kortch and C amoridye Roads
Caibbridge Circle.
was made b Willl a
y pprovo the purchase of street signs. for the entire o,
City in blw, and whi to col ora,;,with heavy duty posts; at an approximate cost of
$4,500.0 0• io'be paid one -half from the 1975 budget and one -half from. the '1976
budget, seconded by Haberkom and upon, a vote taken it was duly passed'.
Motion was made by Williams to grant Mr. Robert Bans
. u to request for, on extension of
hooking p City water until December 31, 1975, seconded by Haberkom and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed':
�;'A - tis�CCiS�`aklr`rQ`p3 , ,., ,Z, t. .�.;dt%..AR:.,a'v.: _, xx.., a4a.,,s•;wn+
MMUM of the Pr edge dimp of the Village Couneli of the Vi of p L in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Countil
Motion was made by Williams to gront,Mr. H. J. Saewart's request for an extension
of hooking up 'to sewer and water until November 30, 1975, seconded by Busse and
a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Williams to.dstny the petition of some of the residents of the
r j-
Boudins Manor area objecting to closing off a portion of Lois Lane, seconded by
_Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by WiIIams that the bill for a; new muffler and shocks for Mrs.
Phillips' car be denied and sent'to Nodland,`seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
The Project Report was accepted, by the Engineer.
Engineer was instructed to review the costs on the Marsgo repair job.
r t
Ifllsfi6n the A"VAtih9 pn&*en to prepare the
prellry plans for Pixie Point Road cutting and paving, as a 1976'Project, '
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
!� p� .
Motion was made by H r, , t4f the, v' ec �s nova w that
spMo ate yl` ; COn �y� upon,
the cutting of the road�wi�l cons
a vote taken all were in favor, oxcept Councilman Williams..
1 01" ' `
Motion was made by `Williams authorizing the Attorney to proceed with the condom-
by Busse a vote taken it was duly passed:
notion for Project 75-3, seconded and upon
The Mayor directed the Consultftip Engineers to- prepore preliminary plans for the newly
annexed Spring Lake area.'
tt x
Motion was made by- Williams outhorizing the Mayor to sign the Over of Public
Hearing =for Miller's Addition paving, secondit &by Busse and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed
Motion was made by Williams authorizing ther Mayor -to sign the Developer's
Agreament•for paving of the rood n�Mil er %Addition# seconded byHaberkorn
and upon a vole taken it was duly posted.
Motion• was made by Busse authorizing a change order, to Minne�o Valley
>Surfacing for the paving of Miller's >Al Itio' seconded by Haberkorn and upon
a vote' taken ;;it was duly passed.
4 °
The Consulting Engineer was instructed to report ,to the Council Thursday why the
sewer line was put in the street in "front• of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Shady, Beach.
} , '
Mr. Kan Braclinwn's driveway in'Eostwood is to be chocked and, improved if
necessary • n
Motion was mode by Williams to hire Veriyn Ramen at $925.00 per month as an
Engineering AssNbnt, with a review in January of 1976, seconded "by Busse and
upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was *made by W i i I lams to deny Mr. Tom Foster's request for tin extimilion
Of time` for connection to sewer and water seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken; it wasduly passed.
The Administrator was directed to call the Lakers Drive -In and tell them that
° their: request foe d street light, was denied, because it is a private drivewa -
n •yv .., ,:: r c- 'f6.'; rx +a� ad,.cf: mt .nr, 'tq 'Y4 "m.
MINUM- of heeewhw of tho Villelpe. Council of the Vilteoe of Prior Lake in the County of Scott end Shit of
Minn iii including all eomunK audited by Council.
Mayor Stock announced that Mr. Berdan had called -him anchapologized for his
remarks at the Thursday night Assessment Hearing.
Motion was made by Haberkorn to adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon a vote takan
this meeting was adjourned at 11:30 PA. V
Michael A. McGuire, Administrator
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