HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 22 1975MINUTES of tho Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stale of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
September 22 1975
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on September 22
11 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting
to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, and Williams,
11j Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman
Oakes was absent;
j The , fol lowing corrections were made in the Minutes of September ,15, 1975: ,
j Page one, paragraph eight, change the word "outlot" to :otAl6t".
Page two, paragraph seven, .should read - Motion was made' by Haberkorn, that if the
pav prat a ppr o v ed , g , Pixie Point Road in front
vtn act is not that the tcuttin of the road,
of Mr. Calloway's property, twill be considered separately, �seconded by Busse and
upon a vote,,taken, all were in`favorr except Councilman Williams.. 1�
Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minuttk of Se ptember 1,5 , 1975 as amended,
c seconded by Haberkorni and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mr. Bob Boaudette was present requesting no parking in front of St Michael's School. Q
Motion was made by Haberkorn to place signs stating no parking between 9:00 and'
10 :00 A.M. Weekdays" for the two car stalls in front of St, Michael's School,
seconded�by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duiy' passed. Councilman Williams
k C
voted' against the motion,
Mr. Wendell Keith of Shady Beach Road was present regarding his assessments,
questioning the front footage assessment. k A
Motion was made by Haberkom to accept the Council's policy of 3 0 foot setback and a
reaffirm the position that the front footage is calculated correctly and acreage
calculated correctly br Mr. Wendtal Keith's assessment, seconded, by Busse and upon
a "vote - taken it was duly passed.
The owner of Creativities was present regarding a blem with parking in,,th**f ..'
private lot by non- customers.
Mayor. Stock recommended" they post no parking signs stating,corat will be' towed at,
the owner's expense.
Mayor Stock directed -the Administrator to wrrite a latter to Mr. D's and Prior Lake t
Recreation requesting that they provide off - street, parking, for their' ^uslomers.
Mayor Siock',read q memo "regarding the:Algrenr,:etr. -Candy Cove Parkway paving
assessments J
Mayor Stock stated` Mr. Schmokel was contacted regarding the paving. and he stated ` "
thauthere was an.oi! mix on the road.
Mr. Frank Muelkep was present repiresenting the Algrens. �=
" �4`"'t'`t►'�' p
Motion by Bu, un no: to hold a Public Hearing for ossessment purposes for paving
proj ect , :on aunt Cove Parkway an February 23 1976 at 7:30 PA. and that a credit
of 3096 ",be given for the street that " was there, seconded by Wi and upon a vote
taken it was'duly passed.
Mayor Stock directed the Administrator to check with the property owners involved
on Candy "Cove Parkway " 'io see if they would sign a waiver to a Public Hearing:" "
Mr. Muellien representing Mr.i John,LaClair, :requested art extension,of connection
, to sewer and! wate until ,Spring,of J�976..
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MINUTES of the Precoodings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lakean the County of.Scolt and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Mayor Stock stated Mr. LaClair's request would be ,reviewed in November'1975,when
his 60 day extension was up.
Mrs. George Algren was present regarding the cleanup in her yard as a result of the
sewer and -water installation. Mayor Stock directed the Consulting and City Engineers
to contact L metti to get ,the work completed cnd +report bade to the Council next week
on "what ace n has been taken and will be taken.
►;dlr'.' Knof was• present requesting an extension date for connecting to sewer and
Motion was made by Williams to grant John Knoll an extension for +connecting lo
sewer and water until the second qu�or of 1976, seconded by Busse and upon a vote
taken it wasduly
Mr.. Keith Tlwrk 4on wasr presentoisi the Commissioner of the Scoti��County Housing
and Redevelopm"At Auttiocity asking the Council's advice on what i, e* City wants and
needs. :. r
Mayor Stock directed Horst Graser to prepare the information needed by-the-Scott
County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and submit it to the Council for
e a
`Councilman Williams requested that •the City Attorney check the by -laws of the
-Scott County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and all enabling legislation.
Mr. Mike DiPoolo who resides on County Road, 42 was present regarding. sewer
�assesanents and oonnectionsldt" Mayor Stock told Mr. D Mac lo,the Council's
pplicy on assessments and connection dates.
Mr. David Burns was present regarding Bdsiwood Road. Mayor.Stock stated the
Engineers were owaro ofahis problem and it would be taken care of.
Mr. Horst Groser stated that of the last 'Planning t„ s mission Meeting it was
decided to move tw'ith haste to rezone the newly annexed SlwbV Lake property,
beewse'several`aiilding permits are being�held up,because�df the�present zoning.
\Motion was made by Busse to hold a Public Hearing October 9, 19Mat 7:30
for zoning purposes on the newly annexed Spring Lo!;� �, seconded by
Williams and upon-a vote taken it was duly passed, )1
Mayor Stock stated, in regard. to the question of 36e Hordshell of the Willows
Fourth,Addition, for a matter of clarification to that particular'area, that area
had been originally hordshelled in Spring Lake Township and that the Council is
abiding by the eonti.nuation of the' platting, °.that is the opinion of the Cotincil
and that is the . rainson why they acted on it. It was not something that was new,
it was something that had been there in the post, something the Council; would
hov! to act•on; ithings the' Council checked on bosically were on ordinance, the
drainage, the storm drainage; size of the, lots, -etc., and they' met ial l of the
requirements of the City"s ordinance and therefore the Council approved the
k a
preliminary and final plans..
-`Mayor Stock requested't dint the next Planning Commission Meeting that Horst
Grow have: '-a report.on the reasons why the Willows Fourth Addition was approved
and 'Bove this ciearod up in the Planning Commission Minutes, so it does not
appear as the Council acted in violation of the ordinance,
Administrator McGuire read a letter from the Scott -Rice Telephone Company
Too4ding the'dilapWaited: condition of the Prior Lake elevator, Mayor Stock
directedr the Administrator to authorize- Am m inspecidrs to make their .inspections
of;the :Prior Lake elevator and ile their. reports with the City Attorney and the,
City At is to prepare the necessary legal documents to-eondemn.� the
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of'Frior lake In the County of Scott and Stab of
Misnaseta including all accounts audited by rid Council.
Administrator McGuire cead•a letter from Kenneth Storm, requesting an extension of
sewer and water connectidri until May 1, 1976:.
m Mo tion was made by 1Vialiams to defer Mr. Kenneth Storm's sewer and water connection
until May 1, 1976, seconded: by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Administrator McGuire is to contact Mr. Storm of the Council's deferment.
n Administrator McGuire read a letter from Durwood Hancock requesting hardship
consideration relating t assessments and connectionsfees.
t _
Mayor Stock directed the Administrator to send a letter to Mr. Hancock stating the
a*esseient cannot be removed.'ds " Far -as' =they }initial- ossnsiment, that the hookup would
be considered by the Council at the time he is required to'hook up.
Adminishotor McGuire road a letter. from Mrs. �SeymaK requesting a day extension
for sewer and water connection.
Motion was made by Wi to extend Mrs. Seymour's sewer and water connection
` until November 1, 1975, seconded by Busse and upon, a vote taken it was duly passed .
Me. Frank Muelken was `present regarding Aimac Parce'ly PL 2-4 and PL 4 -133 storm
drairigge assessments.
Engineer ilureshi "stated that as far as the.drdinage is concernoO the.storm sewer on
Meadow"Lane °can take care efetheAlmac-Property.
Engineer Andersor presented the- Ptoject dated September 4 1975. Mayor
Stack accepted the Project RepoWas Ystatod
Ertgineer'Anderson preseeteid the Marsgo Project.Report dated September '19, 1975.
Engineer. Anderson stated an easement for Onklawn Alvd. back slope has been prepared
for Donn)" McWilliams' signature.
Engineer Anderson reported on Lam etti's completion, ,date:
itioverAnderson roported on Nodland's completion: date.,
Engineer Anderson reported on the bonding of Project`75 -3.
R�port'on" items to "-bb °robnsideroii?in coMtact specs "far:1976raleets was tabled'.
Ertpineer Anderson reported on the Civil Defense Siren bids
Motion was made by Haberkorn b approve Ownge. Order ?5 for Minnesota Valley
r Surfacing in the 6mount`W'14,025.00 for PL 15 -15, }Hugh_Miller's paving project,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote t&q;w`it was duly piwad .
Engnser'Andersdn presented aDeveloper% Agreement 46r Prior South paving in the
drrw sit of'$`!V '.35.
Motion was Made by Williams to approve the Devsbper.'sAgreement.be'tween the
City of Prior Lake and Prior Lake Developers for the paving pro ject, etc., in Prior
South, seconded 'by ;tiuswe and vote taken it was duly =passed.
Engineer Anderson stated the City has purchased a used snow plow for $150.00.
Engineer =Anderson read letter from Mr, .Ken Paquette protesting his sewer bill of
S8.00 every,.two months. Mr. Poquitte feels he should be charged. , $5.00 per month.
,i Engineer Anderson stated that Mr. Paquette is not hooked up to water as of yet and he
should have been hooked up last week and suggested nett t Mr.
notif ying. Paquette that he
is overdue on hooking up to water and that his $8.00. sewer bill every two months is
` legitimate.,%
MINUTES of the ProeNdinos of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of 49" and Stab of
'a a
Mianesote including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was made by Williams to inform Mr. Ken Paquette•that the City denies his
request and that the $8.00 sewer biIl e4ary -two. months is;;due and •he is overdue on
water hookup, seconded b Russo and u
P. Y pan a Vote taken it was duly passed:..
Mayor. Stock stated there Are areas that Minnesota Valley should be.working in and
they are not working.
Engineer Anderson stated that Minnesda Valley has Art Chromey as a
there have been ,problems with Art Chromey, the IRS be tagged his machines,
Minnesota Valley says they are not gains. to,use Art Chrorrtey anymore and: they are
going to use a different contractor.
Mayor Stock, stoted,that.North. Prio.aI a and Red Oaks have not been cleaned up,
and requested that these: areas be :cleaned up.
Ordinance 75-1e relating to wine licenses was ,tabled,
Railroad agreement was tabled .
• 'Le Peters was,tabled..
b Mrs. -
; �
Mayor Stock stated, regarding water and sewer for the 3 Noilo ke Area gait relates
to the Consulting Engineer, that at the last meeting a he • directed the Engineers to
ed with the preliminary plans and specifications for the Spring Lake .area•
Abwever, ,he had,,00n rwtions =with some of the Councilmen and'wanted to bring
a. it up and discuss it This is a small area, and there was soma discussion that like
some other cdinmunities that have more than one consultant engineer working for
-, .. them, maybe this is an area the. Council should take into consideration, whether
or rot the Council would Ilk* to have another consultant workiril; for the City in
#0 area of sewer, water, and
, - paving installations aad put - the question before the
Council and requested that his statement of 'lost week,be rescindeO until there is
a directive fromlahe Council.
Motion was made by Williams that the City Administrator, City Engineer, and
Mayor intervitiw Consulting Engineering Firms and to make a recommendation to
the Council, seconded by Haberkorn and 4pon.4 vote. taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock presented infannaHon .on hiring, arr7AAnsini 't a 4ve•,Auistcnt in
financial ' for
change of review and discussion by the Council.
Motion was. made by Busse to authorize the A `n•s' to advertise for an ,
'AdWrill Assistant in charge of.financial _ and that individuals be;
interviewed and a recommendation be made to the Council, seconded by
Williams and upon a vote: takeri..i.t - was, duly passed. Councilman Haberkom
voted o"inst the motion.
neer.'Qureshi .
nq' tequesfad a Coun4i' policy regarding Interceptor services
for a meeting with Klaus, Foerster. ;
Mayor. Stock stated thouthe mains are to be connected qt the MWCC's cost
four inch stubs should be. the responsibility of.,the City, a requitst of how many
four inch stubs there will )be and the cost, and in areas that demanekttubs they,,
should, be - instafled End poid .for by the MWICC.
mayor Siock.stated that the City hasvreceived o grant fr9Mjhe State of
Minnewto of =60,000:00 for Lakefront Community Park.
Mayor Stock presented a letter fro m the Prior Lake Baptist Church thanking the
Mayor. and City Council for the flowers sent for the dedication of their new
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