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MINUTES of the rreeoidiaos of the Village Council of the Villog"e of Prior take in the County of Scoff and Stoll of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
October 6, 1975
i `
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake inet in regular session on October 6,
s o
1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock `called the meeting,
to order. Present were Mayor' Stock, Councilmen Busse,:'Haberkom, Oakes and
Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson,. and Attorney Sullivan.
Motion was made by Oakes to approve the Minutes of September 18, 1975, seconded' .
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The following corrections were?'made to the Minutes of September 22, 1975:
Page one, paragraph sixteen, shouid read - Motion wa4' made by Busse to hold, a
Public Hearing for assessment purposes for paving
project Wtpi 4d portion of
Candy Cove Parkway on February` 23, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. and that a credit of 5096
be given for the street that was there seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Page four, paragraph four, North Prior Lake should read North Prior Lane.
Pa four,
Page . paragraph ten, affairs should read analyst,
Pape four, paragraph eleven, affairs, uld read analyst,
Motion was made b Haberkorn`to approve pprove the Minutes of September 22, 1975
amended, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was -mode by Busse to approve the invoicesAc be poWas previously approved
by the Finance Committee, seconded by Williams and upon a vote - taken it
was duly
passed .
Mr. James Dunn presented a Hardshell for Martinson's Point for approval by the
Mayor Stock requested that Attorne Jerome Jaspers t
Pe Present an .evaluation of the
Martinson's Point property in regard to the Park dedication Fee far review by the
Council and stated that at this point the Councif would rot be, able to act on the
Hardvhell until this infonnation'is presented.
Mr -, Burns was present representing the Willows Beach Association,'sroting ;they
wished it to 6*1 recorded that the Willows Fifth Addition beach access is currently
being contested because the number of lots using the beach' would' be' in excess of
previous written and verbal agreements.
Mayor Stock accepted the Willows Beach Association notation in regard to the
Willows Fifth Addition as a matter of record and when the comes forth the
Council will take it under consideration.
Mr. Bill Henning was present regarding grading problems in;0akview Estates.
Motion was ,made b Oakes that the
Y performance bond and maintenance bond for
Oakview Estates be ;extended to permit completion of the, roadway in 1976 to an
end data of December 15 1976, seconded by Williams and upon a taken it
was duly passed.
Motion was made by Oakes that in Oakview Estates the ordinary street maintenance
of routine blading be by the City as well as $raw removal, and that maintenance
of the nontroveled portion of the pablic tight-of-way be
the .,responsibil ity of the
developer until the completion of upgrading. and resurfacin , seconded,b B se a
g s ;
y u nd
upon a vote taken_ it was duly ,passed.
' I
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Vliloge of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
Mianeseto, including all accounts auditod by said Council.
Mrs. Osborne. and here neighbors on Si .uth Anna Lane were present regarding the
extensive travel and excess speed on this road_ for o residential''area.
' Mayor Stock requesters that the. En ' fwr'cointeGt the :l)evelopei �in Anna Lane
area to see what he would be wil I Ong to 1, to, help' resolve this problem - and dock the
' possibility of stop,signs and report,�ackX40 the'Councit at the next meeting.
Mr. Richard'B`irno was present regarding restoring his property that Mango destroyed.
l '.
Mayor Stack appointed a committeis,o "f irounciiman Oakes, Engineer Anderson, and
Councilman Wiltioms to meet with Mr: Birno at his property to, determine the acreage
to seek the costs that.are relevant and the Council will arrive at a settlement based
on this iniornation.
Engineer Anderson.presc'tted information on Conroy`: Bay Road.
Residents sent from Conro 's Bay Road stated the did not want the road a 61st
pre y y Y pu
road. 4i
Mayor Stock< tabled :the matter of Conroy's Bay, Road for further information from
Attorney Owen Nelson on the ' dondemnation :
Councilman Wiilioms stated there was extensive vandalism to the warming house
, kept at the old grovel washer site-
. n
Councilman Williams ngwisted that Engineer Anderson determine where the dirt
came -from in two areas, that is piled up clue to the fact that he was notified that
the park would not get dirt beoause there was not enough dirt on the' project and
�r►anhdjan answer bp the next Council Meeting:.. ,
Councilman Busse stated the Planning Commission tabled the,Gene Be Liquor
� q
License matter for an opinion from the City Attorney'.
` t
" Mr. Hprst Groser stated there is a special Planning Commission Heating being held
Thursday October. 4 1475 at 7 t ihe. will bring up the point they,should
makw.a inotion for a Public Hearing on the rezoning Cane: Berry has requested.
n ,
Mr: Horst Graser :toted in,response -to .the motion that .made by tire. Planning
Commission stating that the.:.- question of the validity of Willow Beach Fourth
�=Addlilow thot was'granted by.the Council;. discussion was the fact that" the
Planni rig Conirttission.was-only interested.'in =tlti correct prodedure and a motion
was made io - tlw, fact 6tating thot the Council, *= correct and legi4note in their
procedure in giving approval of Willow -Beach Fourth .Addition,
AdminittroWi McGuire- presented a letter fi m the MWCC rei;Wjng the Prior
Lake Intorcojg oKf6r•the Council's review 'o
(Motion was made by Williams to approve an increase of $50 per month far Larry J.
5 °
, :Anderson off ctive October-1; 1975; secor by HoberkoMond upon a vote
taken it wakduly passed
Motion'wa: mode by Buse to apps+ a an increase iWsalary to $2.50 hour
effective October 1, 1975 ,for Mt.6 tie `Spronk -, seconded by Oakes and. upon a
taken it was dul _
�MoitonvotImbde Busse,
y a pprov* the Atlas' 'Sanitation,appticotion far arefuse` -
hauli'ng license; seconded brStock upon a taken it duly
vote was passed,
Councilman Williams abstained.
Motion was made by,Williams that-Chuck `MBrquardt s request fo an extension of -
sewer and water connection be denied, °! under the ordinance be for - _
warded to him, seconded, by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was'duly passed.
ti`s ,.
Mrs. Nellie "Klingberg;' Anita Hager, Judy .lepsen, and Michdpl McGuire as
MINUTES, of the Proceedings of'the Village Council of the Village of ►riorj ;loke in the County of Sc ott and Stete of,
Mieneseta, including all accounts audited by' Council.
Motion wasmade by Williams that Mr.., Claire Manor's request for an extension for
fr` t>✓"'�
sewer water connection be. denied, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken
reference to the hunting regulations and, he,states-thot,,it oppears•tlwt any Power with
it was duly passed.
respect to hunting is'veste } d in the Commissioner of Natura l Resources
Administrator Mc.Guiru is to contact Mr. Manor and i the procedure he may
Wi6w to bring -this book, before the Council.' 4
Print Lake City Council as to their possible au Iwrity conceMipg rm lotions ands
Motion was made by Oakes that the tavern of Mr. Henry D. Schrader should be
cone ected by December 31, 1.975, seoaaded : by Williams and upon a vote `taken it
was duly passed.
Administrator McGuire is: to contact Mr. Schrader stating that this would not be
rogarding4N, tbWon the lake and,the Cou�rlcit will.bring- up;the.mottrr next year
necessary were there „ to be an assurance of nonuse, fer,exa *ple, demolition of the
structure .
Motion was made by Williams that Mr. Schrader's mobile?batses to be hooked up
- Enginier Anderson presented the 'Project Report dated October i'V5. Mayor
to 'sewer;.and water by December 31, 1975; seconded by Oakes and upon a vote
Stock. accipted the Project Report as presented
taken it was duly passed.
Administrator, McGuire is to contact Mr. Schrader that this not if the
. ,would apply
mobile homes were removed by Decembec`31, 1975.'
^ by thot.,Lametti be assessed ;�,100y00xin,li
Motion, was. mode q±rtrle ied�Mniogs�s,
seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken It was'dulypassed.
Motion was made by..Will,iams that �Mr•. Don Benson be connected to.3ewer and water
by December 31, 1975, seconded. by.<dilhes and upon a vote ta ken it duly passed.
Engineer Andersonreported.on the•Marsg ,,Project..
Administrator. McGuire. is to notify Mr. Bensonr;stating,thot If there are extenuating
circumstances not included in his letter he may appear before the Council..
Motion was made by Oakes,= in.tegard ta,a letter from Mrs. Kapler'fgr Mrs.
Geneviuve Peters of Lakeside Park to contact Mrs. Kaplerstating that she 00ovide
€ ”
the City"Council assurance that the pro perty is nonused, then there should be a
consideration of -deferment to connectiow to sewer and water until September 30,
: 1976, and concurrent with the sale of the p comes the roquiramnt for
`immediate connection fees by
and payment of connection and permits, seconded
- Haberkbrn .end upma vote taken -it was duly passed
4i � ..
Motion was made by" Oakes to appoint Marlis i3luedom,' Nellie Lonpon, Clare
Muelken,. Ed Appel, and Al Hergott as election judges; and Mrs. Alice MWAV
ti`s ,.
Mrs. Nellie "Klingberg;' Anita Hager, Judy .lepsen, and Michdpl McGuire as
election counters, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Administrator McGuire stated he hod ' a resposne from the County Admini'strotor in
a c
reference to the hunting regulations and, he,states-thot,,it oppears•tlwt any Power with
respect to hunting is'veste } d in the Commissioner of Natura l Resources
' and 4n osoy ;; however,., as, c possible :solution this should be to the
Print Lake City Council as to their possible au Iwrity conceMipg rm lotions ands
- discharge of firearms.
Mayor Stock ackrawledgad. thi fact of the County's reply to the. request
rogarding4N, tbWon the lake and,the Cou�rlcit will.bring- up;the.mottrr next year
earl' Ior an ordinance to, that affect.
- Enginier Anderson presented the 'Project Report dated October i'V5. Mayor
Stock. accipted the Project Report as presented
^ by thot.,Lametti be assessed ;�,100y00xin,li
Motion, was. mode q±rtrle ied�Mniogs�s,
seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken It was'dulypassed.
Engineer Andersonreported.on the•Marsg ,,Project..
MINUM of the ►reaodings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake In the County of Scott ogd Stag of
Mienesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
Motion was made by Oakes` that Ownje Order 05 for Nodland Associates, Inc. be
approved, seconded by Williams and upon a.vote taken - it.was duly passed. :
Motion was made by Oakes that Change Order If 4 for Nodland Associates, Inc. not,:
to exceed an amount of $15,474,., 00 be approved contingent upon ,a satisfactory
written easement being negotiated' with Mr. Chris, Nyggard,.seconded by Busse and,
upon a Mote taken it was duly passed.
- Engineer Anderson presented information on .the elevation and, wghrproofing of
manholes. Mayor Stock requested that Engineer Anderson list nll manholes between
the elevation of 904 and 906 and report back to the Council.
Enjineer.Andersoh reporte&on the Martinson hlord briclge detour during construction.
Engineer Anderson reported on the paving method being used,
-Eri ineer Anderson stated that the Algren cleanup was taken care of today.
Mayor Stock tabled the letter from the MWCC on connections to the Prior'Lake
Engineer Anderson presented information regarding the Seven Acres ponding are
Engiti"rAnderson, Councilman Oakes, and Councilman. Haberkorn are to check
this'areo and report ; packv to, the Council.
Etiginer'Anderson seined that the` Contractor is cutting. Basswood Road in the
Engineer Anderson reported on the paving. iri Prior South;, Miller's Addition; and
Red Oaks.
Mayor Stock stated that the City'has Mien; served a notice of appeals from O%rien,
Lindstrom, etal., regarding assessmenh.
Attorney Sullivan presented a letter from I* Deputy Commissioner of Revenue
stating dliftwant Lots 50 and 51 of Boudins Manor back because they are not
C a
being 0644 16i recreation purposes.'
: Ordinance 75 14 relating to wine licenses was tabled.
Railroad agreement was tabled.
Consulting Engineer - xSpring Lake Project - recommendation was tabled.;.
Engineer Oureshi that all wtweys of,Spring Lake, area turned over
Mayor Stock stated that the easements that were necessary in the Spring Lake area
were on an hourly` basis and akpects- lsroelson and Associate s to� complete this, and
all` other information that braelson' iW Associahs'has to'this date on Spring i ake
should be forwarded to Engineer Ani"n, immediately.
•Motion was made by Oakes: to hire David MacGiilivray as an Administrative
Assistant - finance Analyst at $700.00
1n per monthvith a salary review on
January 2, 1976 with thu brderstanding that this is under the usual six month
x `
probationary period and that hw6e found to be bondable, seconded by Williams
and upon °arvote taken it was duly passed.
Motion wits made by Oakes to rescind the motion an record regarding extending
the, M ' is hnn to four
ago yean,with the stipulation that it would', come up on the
coldodar next year, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.