HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 13 1975c L MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r October 13, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on October 13, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Buae;- Haberkorn, Oakes, and { Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney, Sullivan." The following correction was made to the Minutes of October 6, 1975:' Page, four, =° paragraph sixteen, should read - Engineer Qureshi stated that all surveys of the Spring Lake area will „be turned over to the City. Motion was made by Busse to approve the Mhwtes of October 6, 1975 as amended, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. n Mayor Stock stated that the next item is the continuation of the Zoning Hearing of the Spring Lake Area, the origina heari wa held OctobeeN,,,1975 -at 7:30 P.M. The area in question has a there was a discussion on an area known as the car wash and trucking owned•'by Mr. Scharf. Mr. Scharf was asked to be present or have representative present at this meeting. , u Attorney Ed Chri #tian was present representing Mr: Scharf. Mr. Scharf will negotiate with the City Staff to work out the best solution for screening the car wash property. I Motion was made by Williams to zone the property in the area described in Spring Lake to an R -1, with the areas marked in green area as conservation and the triangle of approximately five acres of Mr. Scharf to be zoned into a commeriAal district; and town square as conservation, seconded by Haberkorn and upon, a vote taken it was duly passed. ^ Engineer° Anderson reported his findings on the Anna Lane problem. t , Mayor Stock tabled - the. Lane problem until next week and requested that representatives of the Prior Place, Shopping Center, Apartment Buildings, and Anchor Inn be present. Residents of the Confoy'stay ROO& area were present regarding the roadway. Attorney Sullivan stated the 20 fbot roadway through the area is still a private road, there was acquired during condemnation from the Conroy property north of this, a 30 foot roadway which. is owned by the City :for a roadway purpose, the original,, 20 foot private roodway.still remains private. Motion was made by Oakes to instruct the Engineers to come u' with the feasibility of widening the north -south roadway in the Conroy's Bay Road area or an alternate plan of continuingacross Lot 13and the practicality of an eyebrow cul-de -sac near the easterly edge of PL 4 -135, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Oakes that the Engineers be ireftucted, in the Conroy's Bay Road ' area, to start staking the centerline of the proposed roadway along: the centerline of the fifty foot right -ref -way, the east -west right -of - way, in preparation for re-establish - ment of a suitable base for a thirty foot traveled p6rtion3and. upon the premise that road easements will be granted over the present twenty foot private roadway, seconded WWilliams and upon -a vote taken it.was duly passed.. ` Md*ion was made by Oakes that the proposed,public roadway will terminate forty feet west of the east property line of PL A -135, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ,.1 t MINUTES of the Proceodings'of the Village Council of the Village •of• Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of { Mionesota, including all accounts audited by said Council Ms.. Breznay and Mr. Nye, faculty of the outdoor education classes, were present wanting the Council's permission t shoot on school property for firearm safety''` classes. Mayor Stock requested that Ms. Breznay and.Mr. , Nye have the School Board's endorsement and 'authorization and report, back to the,,Council before the Council will make a decision. Mr. -Percy Kosberg was present regardini'sewer.and wat r assessments for his property Project. Mayor Srock accepted Mr. Kasber 's comments for consideration g for the 1976 by the Council for the 1976 Assessment Rolls. :> • Motion was made by Oakes that Mr. Bob Borkett's request for an extehsion of his sewer and water connection be denied unless Mr. Borkert proves there are extenuating circumstances, than there would be reconsideration by the Council, seconded by , r ..-. . Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly: passed`. , ` Administrator•McGuire stated that last!,Saturday the Mayor, Councilman 0akes`and hexnrellfwitl+ Cy Schweich and the following was discussed: SewerAssessments current assessment would' be for 635 f At feet at $13.00 per foot 'for a total of j _ $8,255.00; Wft ,M front, feet being deferred until hookup, the acreage of 10.92 \ at $460 per acre %Mould also be deferred until' platted by the present owner and if f, it was sold.;the Council 'would review the 'deferred assessments. Water. Assessments -� 10.92 acres at $295 per acre. for a total of $3,221.40 will be rise "ssed currently, " 988 front feet would be deferred at $9.00 per foot. _ Motion was made by Oakes%to have the assessments for Cy `Schweich filed as per the letter to Cy Schweich dated Oc 13, 1975, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was .duly`passed'. Motion was made by Oakes that because there was an infraction of State Law by an employee of Viking Liquor as determined by the State Com mission , t it off _ +, a sale.. liquor license be suspended Tuesday through Saturday, October 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25; 1975, and that this period of suspension not be .used:to ,refurbish, remodel, rehabilitate,4.or paint the quarterly seconded by Williams and upon a Vote taken sit was duly passed." a t Engineer Anderson;pree"ted the Project Report dated October 13, 1975. � a if , Engineer Anderson presented information on the Marsgo Project. } ;Engineer Anderson reported; dl* paving 'projects. + Mayor Stock directed Engineer Israelson to meet with Mr. gerborg and explain } y; the road 'rightrof- way. Mayor Stock accepted the Engineer's reports as wbm.itted. „ MWCC IetaArr dated September 30, 1975 -connection to Prior Lake Interceptor i, was tabled. ' Manholes 904 to 905 - waterproofing costs, etc, .was tabledf. Seven Acres - ,pondingarea was tabled. ' t} t Engineer Anderson stated that Mr. Birno's pro Nkm has been token care of. " EnglneerAnderson stated, regarding". Councilman Williams question,.on dirt, that { fill will be available for the fork.: 4 MINU1>ES of 1be theesedinos of tM VlOaoe Council of the, Villay� of hies lake is t he Cour+tl► of Scott and State of r�, ?' 1 MinnNOta, iecludino•all accounts audited by said Council. _ Y Councilman Williams recomttiended, that thrice arec 'not be paved, one at Shady Beach and two in Boudins Manor. Engineer Anderson stated that the two areas in Boudins Manor are :hoping up a lot f, better than was expected and,suggested leaving these' until the last for paving } and at that time take a looKat them and see if they should be,paved# and suggested m s doing the sae ;thing for the area in Shady Beach, 0 Motion was, made by Haberkorn directing the Engineer, to draft as4etter for the Attorney to send to Nodland Associates, Inc., stating :there, will be, no further >: porments, with .a copy to the, bonding company, seconded by Busse and upon a ' vote taken it.wosduly passed,. Councilman Williams abstained., Ordinance 7 *-14 relating to wine license was tabled. ` Railroad Agreement.wactabled. Bill Price of Suburban "Engineering was present as a candidate fox the Consulting Mr. s E er ::for -the Spring, Laket`Project. Vim. The matter of the Corriulto nt�Enginear for the Spring Lake Project was. #abled for further reviewby.::!e:i : ounci. 4 Mayor Stack reested that Engineer Anderson check on the Civil Defense Siren qu < bids. The following invoices were appmved and paid for the month of Septanber 1975: ti GE NERAL FUND:. Toms,Mobil Service Police Auto Repair ,. „ $ . 14.05 Lowrence,Schweich ,,.; Library Rent 30040` a. Scott Co. Sheriff Police Radio Maint: 105.00 , Treat tt Cleorb*.. Y' Freight Charges 11.97 z x Xermi'CA : _ Office Supplies_,.. a.. ,- . 5.0.17 Register ot`Deed Microfilm Copies 7.50 JAK Office eroducts Co. - Office Supplies'' 53. o Commissioner 6f Revenue: ,t SO4 Security 5.00 Richard Klugh r ._ Overtime 13.90 Dennis Leff �\Overtine 101.40 Dennis Leff °` Mileage\ 14.85 " . . Stun S'chnidt � ' Overtime', :84.35 3 Steven Schmidt „'t hgileage 3.60 �� =' 'Eugene Smith C�verFime 7.70 LeRoy Rabenort �� G`�rertime 65.93 ' ti. 15.50 < t Joseph VanDenBoont O'vartime "`� Joseph VanD� _ nBooni ` �� �� Mii, , Pr `� Lake Americans, A, 'Printing and' Publishing 45.66 .. , Inter -,City Oil of American Pol I" Auto Repair 1.25 State of Minn.'- Documents Sec. �\ 1975taws 35.00 W alter 5toek \`:Mayor's Pay 180.00 ' • 'Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit 2,265.09 " State treasurer PER�A, • `�= 79:10' Jolt Johnson Salary ° MichalMcGuire SaI�Y 429.89 Richard Klugherz Salary 310.30 Joseph`.' VanDenBoom Salary ,328.40 ' Eugene'Smith- Salary 323::39 LeRoy Rabenort Salary 336.30 Dennis Leff Salary 352.90 Steven. Schmidt Salary 385.84 ` — c '. ° MiNUM of the treceedin" of the Vilkado Councilof the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott ane7 3 aN o3' Minnesota, ;.l cludino accounts audited by said Council. ENERA (Continued) Cchaed PbWell Salary 442.92 III 1 Melanie Sprank Solcry `` 116.81' Lo h "Union 320. Union Duas r, ' 51.00 f r-&M Savings Bank - Savings Plan 160.01 American Press Office Supplies . b:0II1' }, Southside Dodge, Inc. Police Auto Repair.. 71.78 J Standard Oil Div. � Police Gas and Oil ' 759.00 Sea'tt- Rice ='Telephone Co, Utilities 294.38 L&L'a lace- 0"k Office Su4lies 11:13 „ John Nacey .Oil for- Burning,Trees 19.03 Ben`franklin Office' Supplies -4.58 MpIs. Star and Tribune Co. ,A 27.00_ o Coast to Coast Store, Office and Police ice Supplies 41.`39" - . j Ck ;pin Publishing Co. Printing and Publishing 36.72 We A is Mops, Inc. Topo Maps +6,195.00 ,. C ": N . ; b Sul) Ivan Attorney Fees , 3,178.00 Prior Lake American Printing and Publishing •64.44 Diversified Insurance S ervices Insurance 1 -6.00 Roister of Deeds M C1aln-c opies 6.25 Xw"i Corp. -Offi ce Supplies �:; . ,� ;, 84.33 - 1� : JAK'Office Products Co. Office Supplies- 36.90: RobutMeAllister Dog Catcher : ` 160..00' . Bankers Life �Co.` Hospitalization' 988.31 ` c V- Store Office Supplies 2045 t Minn. Clerks Finance Officers Assn. Dues 10.00 a. Michael McGuire Car Allowance 75.00` Don, Busse Council Pay A 80.00 Jack Oakes Council Pay 80.00 Ron _Haberkom' " Council Pay 80.00 Don %Williams " ' Council Pay 80.00 Charles Tooker Planner v p , 500.00' x E . N" Newstnxn Building :I g nape ctor 528.00 .J mian 3 Assoc, 'Inca Engineering Fees. 1,272.50 Cash Petty 'Cash 50.00 . i' Meson Jon b Sala Sala . 86.30 4i Melanie Spronk t Salary 117.71' Michael McGuire Salary 429.89 Richard Pbwell o Sala °x 442 92 _ Steven ScjWmidt Salary 394.:.14' Dennis Leff Salary 361.40 k . LeRoy'Rabenort Salary 344.80 *' Eugene Smith Salary 331.89 Joeph VanDerdoom Salary 336.90 ' ro Richard KlugMrs Salary 318.80 ' 4 FdJv1 Savingoank SoWW Plan 160.01 i' ' Lawrence Schweich Library Rent 300.00 ' Hor s t Grazer Mileage. 29.25 TOTAL $28,161.49' C � k ,G. v 4 ^�#EZ,R4: sw:,. - ro -, � � •- sai,„^,� na'c� --� : .,.S.,n,�s�t3:1�n� �� l} MINUM of the Proceedings of the Village council of the Village of Prier Lake in the County of Scott and State of, Minnesota, including all occounts audited by sold _Council. . 1 WATER FUND Water Products Co. Meters & Repairs $ 2,824.43 Larry Kerkow Salary 345.64 Bradley Brandt Sal„ry 185.17 Shirlene Craig Salary 177.97 Mary Gerhardt Salary 179.74 1 F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 10.00 j Standard Ail Fuel 60.72 l L&L OK Hardware Supplies 9.15 Water Products Co. Meters & Repoix .i .66 ''I Jordan (rdepstdent Printing American Cost Iron Pipe .Co. Repair and. Supplies 16.00 Larry J... Anderson Manuals Y 25.00' Larry Kerkow ` Salary 345:64 Shirlone Craig Salary 108.62:` Mary Gerhardt Salary 179:74' F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 10.00 L Kerkow ` Y Overtime 74.68 ' TOTAL 1 S 4,777 ". 91 .` SEWER FUND: ,. Minn. Malley Elec. Co-op - Utilities S 38.33, _a ' MWCC Metro Inuallment 2,036,28' i > Condons/lakeside Fund Transfer of Funds 2!;000.00 m Francis W. Welsh .' SAC Refund 300.00 Raymond Johnson, Gas and Oil "` '13.82 � ' CC SAC Charges 26,343.90 Judith Jepson Salary 155.11 Morst Graser '; Salary 19S,.17 Raymond Johnson Salary 386.77 < ,` `044 Savirip Bank Savings Plan 5o0(p Standard OiUdiv. _ "43L Gas and Oil 60.;.'2, OK Hardware Equipment Repairs 7.8i , Monnens.Supply, Inc. Equipment Repairs 10..06) t Larry J. Anderson Manuals `35.00 Bnec� .bheaon Rayrnond,Johm s ,� Salary, _ Salary 298:95 386.77 - " Braley Brandt Sala ry 185. 17 horst Grocer Soiary 195.17 Judith ,Irpson Salary: F ' 'Savi Banc 0 � Sa;ding: Plan 50, Brat lr, Brandt Overtime t 14.. 8 Raymond Johnson Overtime i'7.50 T OTAL x, �if51,03s.82 y�� IkE FUND: Scott Co. Sheriff F 'Radb Maint. S 144.00 1' Southside Dodge, lnc, Equipment Repairs 23;62 l Standard OII Div. Gas and •1�Al 70.84 ,.: Scott -Rice Telephone Co.. Utilities= 92 Akira Fire Equip. Co. Supplies .23 2.02 `Donnell Co. „ Sits 133.30- Tom's Mobil Service Equipment Repairs� 27.00 General Safety Equip. Corp. EQuiFnient Repairs - 68.39 .4 S,corp$wScuba = Supplies o _ 15.00 . Shakopee Ford ; Pe Equipment Repairs 78;94 National Fire Protection Assn. Supplitaa_ °. 18.36' Akins Fire Equip. Co. -, Supplies 52.98 _ Fire Rescue Conwitant .Inc. Suppi ies 40.00 TOTAL r -5- AMNUM of the P 18 of the Viilaee Council - ef. the Vlllaee of Prior tetra in the County of Scent and State of := Mlonelote, ineiudine all account audited, by seid Council. STREET FUND Toms Mobil Service Equip. Repairs, Gas & Oil $ ' 19.25 Minn:` Volley Electric Coop Utilities 8.25 Gene's Automotive `Equipment Repairs 1.50 i New Prague Lumber & Read -Mix Chemicals 108.80 W. G. Pearson, Inc. Crushed Rock 324.31 r Prior LaisilA;;r 92tes Sand 10.90' Elmer Busse Salary 336.15 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil, 60.72 LU OK Hardware Supplies 9.67 W. G. Pennon, Inc. Crushed Rock 153.55, W. Mueller & Sons BT Mix 165.75 Chas. Olson & Sons Equipment Repairs '. 119.25 ." Elmer Busse Salary 336. -1$ J Elmer Busse Overtime 17.92, TOTAL 672.17 0,672.17 BUILDING FUN ,. Gen Fclxenkamp Chning Services Z 104.00 Nick Wolf Flag Care 2Q00 L OK Hardware Repo i ` 36.09` Gros: . Services s' . Floor Mats, . .... 23.60 = ,f Quality Waste`,Control In ca- Garbage Pickup 6000 ��' TGTAL '' $ 188.69 PARK FUND: t "` ' a ms Mobil Secvice fir Repairs, Gas,& Oil k = 9.55 ' "in ditmens,�� ` Flarotwara Salary 1 '2 D 43 ° OK Repairs �.. �. Fi. C. Sclwitz f,. } Repairs i 47.60 ' 4 - °Irwin Clemens Sal > 280.43 ` TOTAL `' CAPITAL KRKJ FUND y ` = o W.«,e'ns Supply Inc: �. Fence ,_ A �� 5 1, Ol . � '51.50 hraelsot► 3 Asac. Engineering Fees • Allied loon V1ldrks Repairs' 25.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT CERTIFICAjj - r'C1 1975FUND T a hecku '51.39' G :Our Own ilaMware is Mc. Su lie: PP S r hAorklir: ExtinOuishen`' Fire Extinguihen 110.:00 4 o A Ibirinon, - � � � 1 - Misc. Suppl .463.85 leckas Our Own. Hardware M'im. Suppl .6.95" ky Sean, Roebucks &'Co Misc. Supplies' 20.48 ' Albinson Warron I Supplies' Misc. Supplies 463.85 + M isc. Supplies 76.73, „ J. C.•'Pennaeys V Polaroid Camera 124.98 o „ ell '' TOTAL —"— S 1': 18:23 L i • O . r ' •, a �� = J" \ «.« to �_ - ..4&+F,'w.,wawuKR+:.w..'J.. + � MINUTES of the ProeoodhNs of the Villa" Couneil of the Village; of Prior take in the .County of Seett and .State of Minnesete. ineludino all semnli audiled by said Couneil. 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND w Mark Godbois u Fee Title r . 6,000.00- $ Postmaster General Postage" 200.00 Larry J. Anderson Solary 447.77 F&M Savings: Bank Savings Plan" 35.00 . Nodland Assoc. Contract Payment ". 136,299.84 , Chapin Publishing Publishing and Printing 91.80; ; ' Israelson and Assoc. Engineering Fees E98;.50 ' John J. Costello Trash Burner. 8.84- r ' Larry J. Anderson Salary 447.77 Verlyn Roaen Salary 213.89 F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 35.00.' Shr`1ey A Berge, etal'. Condemnation 0p' ° VOTA L ` "' ; s151, 562.41 : WATER IMPROVEMENT OF 1970 FUND - ,. First Minneapoiis Bond Payment aym 5" 1,374.40; / EAGLE C WATER AND SEWER FUND h ' Nodland•Assoc. Inc, Contract Payment Z 32,436.34 Prior Lake Blacktop ` Sewer Patch,` 240.00' Valley Sewer and Water Raise Sewer 1,030.00 - t Nodiand Assoc., Inc. Lowering Service r. 995.00 Wenzel Plmg. and Heating° Repair C6�psr 117.81 hkpKinlej Sewer Sc-mice. Pumping_ 155.00 Ben Dietz Trees 61.00 ' C.. N. b Sullivan Attorney Fees , bmison and Assoc. Engineering Fees = 1,20t.00 c TOTAL 44, 600.15 ` STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1976 FUND: Nod and Asac 'Inc. Rental of Wader S 37.50 Na Vital` City Bank of Mpit. Bond Payment 11,2I".00' Minn. Valley Surfacing, Contract Payment w, 15.867.16 TOTAL S .27,114.b6 , t�; i „ 72 -7, 8,. 9 and 10 WATER AND SEWER FUND: * "" ' Nodl arW Asac., Inc. Sewer and Water Service f s 572,70 W. D. Spitzack Wafer Tower Refund 44.00 : hioilson and.Assoc. Engineering Fees. 995,.00 Transfer . oo ',. T aosh" of Funds R ,kw 000.00 TOTAL X101 11.70 tONDONS FUND KESIDE " N, W. No ional. flank of Mp1s. , Bed Payment ° • j 30;296.75 c 72 -7 C.SAH -39 FUND The First National Bank,of,St. Paul Bond. Payment " s` 6,764.50. Thi First National Bank o f St. Pour Bond Pc/ment 4! 055 1 V TOTAL _ 10,819.6i :" I