HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 20 1975pre a Horehhell of;Willaws Fifih,Addition for approval by the QCouncil.� 1 , Motion was made by Williams that ,the Willows FifthAdditlon Hardshell be approved, -' seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was,dgIY passed• £ Motion was made b Busse that the Ba -.. . y ;wrood,,.Road area in � Willows Fifth Addition U. be subject to agreement on the Storm sewer, sanitary sewee wate r and street paving, seeoridd by William: and upon a vote taken it.vras duly passed. ^ Engine* Anderson „ . ng presented- informotion on, the Conro y s Bay Road alternates and �,. .eoaanients: aiyor Sock di %cted' Engineers Anderson and n to meet on Wednesday ,t . October n, 1975atz 4 30 P M. VIA the r*iidents of'the °Como 's 'Road area and ° en lain 'the easemanti'a ° p nd get the signo�fres needed for'the eosemenh and port back , . .; to the Council at the *next ,meeting: Mayor Stock accepted the Saptember,J975. Pal ice, Report ai'`prese.4t 1 . 4Y r ° Y is Councilman Williams ; to contact Sava , n ge °on their feelings regarding a contract _ agreement with Prior Lake on rescui �p certain areas._ a u r t Q . r 6 wdt�? ua;Waw:aA'.tk#aw , w.aiwr a „.,nu,ah_. 4 :anA3 p U .... ? lees. ( r U ll MINUTES of t the lreeeediegs of the Villa ge Council of the village of Prior take in the County of Scott and, Stn of w i i Minnesota, including all accounts audited` by' sold Council. t wj October 20, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on October 20 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stack called the meetingto. order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse < Haberkorn, and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan., Oakes was absent. Mofbn was made by la" approve the Minutes of October 9, 1975, seconnded by, 1 1 Haberkom and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. fi The. following`cotmctions were made to the M nutet of October-13, ,1975: Page one, paragraph four, second sentence, should read - The area in question has a proposed zoning of R -1 c r there was discussion on an area known as the car wash and '1 trucking owned byMr. •Scharf.. i Page two, paragraph ten, should read ­Engineer Anderson reported on the paving projech. Page throe, paragraph wo loot" should read "loo Ph " k: . Motion Was4 made by Busse, to approve the •Mirpi'tes o ` of October 1 seconded by Hoberkorwand' upon a vote taken it was,dul ` Motion was mode by, Busse to approve the Invoices to be paid as previously approved 1j,41wiFinanee Committee, seconded by Williams�and upon a Oote taken 'it dul � po y t , p passed d + + t M t iEngineorArWersoi i'prlsented.mformation^on. the Anna lane alternate-. route and a memo M stating that o UAbot temporary road wob ld oast �3 ;,425.00 .3 f A A representative of the Anchor inn was present r�gtroiting that.lhe City look into putting a barricade up in front of the t1lhfte or Inn for safety ri►asons. Mayor. Stack directed "Engineer: Anderson b check on the costs, etc,. -of putting a, " ;, ' barricade {in front of the. Anchor inn and to check on getting a right-cf -way from the "o ; > D Dal ryrQueen far sciow ienwval. o ,.� ,., `Mr. 'Emmetf Kean . ^ cl MINUTES of hec eedin s" of the Village Council ,of the Village of Prior lake in the Coun of Scott and State of the - _ 0 Minnesota,; including all accounts audited by said Council. =, . stated ten from elevation 904 to 905, from 900 . Engineer Anderson there are manholes to 904 there are six .manholes, the estimated cost per, manhole` to install -waterproof 905 to <' casting- be $200.00 manholes, for a :trotat of $3,200 at elevation 906 there are eight manholes and it would cost $1",600.00 to install :,waterproof casting on these manholes, and it was his opin Sri for the amount of manholei involved, to riv. a them as they are, drid -if the need' arI gvttta put a Aug wood inwthem and put roasting over them. Mayor Stock recommended that Engineer Anderson. keep a record of these manholes available in his office. - Engineer Anderson "reported on the ° Seven - riding area and recommended not \" taking any action at this time. Moyer Stock accepted Engineer A'nderson's rccoinmen -' lotion. e ',Mo'tion was made by Williams that on West Street the birdbath be corrected and the f `I radius be corrected' to comply with safety standards,. seconded by Busse and upon a .. vote token it was duly passed. - - o Engineer Anderson stated that with the City's population over 5,000 ±he is = eligible, for state aid funds on the streets. Curie ±qtly the`yCity is in 4110 process of -J applying (yin for maintenance the and. rn order to apply for g for state aid funds ntenance o e roads this the City has to designate twenty percent�of the <total miles of public roadway in be ;the city limits of Prior Lake. 'Twenty percent has to desigoated.armunicipol �. state aid roads, and a munie o6l'state aid road is a 32 foot roadway with no, parking, a. foot roadway with parking oat one side, and a 44 foot rocdway� parking on t 4 both sides, and normally they require that the roads have concrete curb and .gutter, ' they like ro' have this but :i♦ is not mandatory}. The roads that are specified as muncipal state aid: roods,.are not fixed, in other words, they wo =,old like the City to apeicify as close as possible; however, the City;,ean comeback and chants the roads designated. On the construction of these roads, the slate will pay for 10096 of the' cost except for a r e f8gs and administrative fees, they will also pa 5960 't„ F�relimirwry desi the engineers estimate and 596 df the contract awrnrd . The City o #. _Pnor Lake t eligii° "for 9 91 miles in state old funds. `r �R, ,. e � gu ' l nnhardt Road, i tited ' E ineer Andersom ro c :oni Mayor Stec d re ng x Piker Lake Road and the 'Five Hawks School Road irr the State Aid`Funds application. 4 p Mayor Stock directed the Engineers to have the plans and specifications for Proiect r J` 75 -3 available for the first meeting in November. n Attorney SulIivan,presented�a letter from the DNR'on the troiler'home owned by o. C. H'.. Miller. y Ordinance ; 75 -14 relating taCwine license was tabled. Engineer Anderson presented information on the rsiitiroad agreement storing that the 4 watermain has 'to be cased and there may be a possible substitute for the casing used. Attorney Sullivan- presented information on the Prior Lake groin elevator. The next'Council_Meeting will be hoid Tuesday October>28; 1975 at 7:30 P.M. rather than Monday night. Councilman W i 1 I sums stated that there is a boat trailer parked on the, road that has Administrator McGuire is to have the Police contac� the Won there for some time':. owner of the boat trailer and have it removed. " -3- t NUNU"S of the rroeeediog& of t%� Village CounclUof tho Village of Mier Coke in the County of Scott and State of Mionegotai-including all accounts audited by said Council Mayor Stock a notice of a,.moeting' being held on October 23, 1975 at 9:00 presented A.M. and 1:30 P.M. on the Grant and Aid'Programs for diseased shade areas removal ow private property• Mayon Stock stated the City has been notified-by the Minnesota Environmental Quality . Council on a matter of amendment to the rules of•the Environmental Quality , Council relating to preparation of review of the Environmental ; impact Statements, a € meeting jobs held in St. Paul, Room 81, State Office Building at 1:00 P.M. on �` November 12, 1975. Motion,was made by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken this meetng'was adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Michael A. McGuire,, Administrator • h te r! 4 i 1 4 � L a'F 99 aa � ' s t k ' U } Az Sk Y �r 1. K� ' s r n 1 ' a�.v- •. rw,wu vuurx,..v r.; ria ,. +- . +..a+✓t.:k"x;.,�.,