HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 20 1975pre a Horehhell of;Willaws Fifih,Addition for approval by the
QCouncil.� 1
Motion was made by Williams that ,the Willows FifthAdditlon Hardshell be approved, -'
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was,dgIY passed•
£ Motion was made b Busse that the Ba
-.. . y ;wrood,,.Road area in � Willows Fifth Addition
U. be subject to agreement on the Storm sewer, sanitary sewee wate r and street paving,
seeoridd by William: and upon a vote taken it.vras duly passed. ^
Engine* Anderson
„ . ng presented- informotion on, the Conro y s Bay Road alternates and
�,. .eoaanients:
aiyor Sock di %cted' Engineers Anderson and n to meet on Wednesday
. October n, 1975atz 4 30 P M. VIA the r*iidents of'the °Como 's 'Road area and
° en lain 'the easemanti'a °
p nd get the signo�fres needed for'the eosemenh and port back
, . .;
to the Council at the *next ,meeting:
Mayor Stock accepted the Saptember,J975. Pal ice, Report ai'`prese.4t 1 .
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° Y is Councilman Williams ; to contact Sava
, n ge °on their feelings regarding a contract
_ agreement with Prior Lake on rescui �p certain areas._
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the lreeeediegs of the Villa
ge Council of the village of Prior take in the County of Scott and, Stn of w i
Minnesota, including all accounts audited` by' sold Council. t
October 20, 1975
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on October 20
1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stack called the meetingto.
order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse < Haberkorn, and Williams,
Administrator McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan., Oakes
was absent.
Mofbn was made by la" approve the Minutes of October 9, 1975, seconnded by, 1
Haberkom and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The. following`cotmctions were made to the M nutet of October-13, ,1975:
Page one, paragraph four, second sentence, should read - The area in question has a
proposed zoning of R -1 c r there was discussion on an area known as the car wash and
trucking owned byMr. •Scharf..
Page two, paragraph ten, should read Engineer Anderson reported on the paving
Page throe, paragraph wo loot" should read "loo
Ph " k: .
Motion Was4 made by Busse, to approve the •Mirpi'tes o
of October 1
seconded by Hoberkorwand' upon a vote taken it was,dul `
Motion was mode by, Busse to approve the Invoices to be paid as previously approved
1j,41wiFinanee Committee, seconded by Williams�and upon a Oote taken 'it dul
� po y
t , p
d +
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iEngineorArWersoi i'prlsented.mformation^on. the Anna lane alternate-. route and a memo M
stating that o UAbot temporary road wob ld oast �3 ;,425.00
f A
A representative of the Anchor inn was present r�gtroiting that.lhe City look into putting
a barricade up in front of the t1lhfte or Inn for safety ri►asons.
Mayor. Stack directed "Engineer: Anderson b check on the costs, etc,. -of putting a, "
;, '
barricade {in front of the. Anchor inn and to check on getting a right-cf -way from the
"o ;
> D
ryrQueen far sciow ienwval. o ,.� ,.,
`Mr. 'Emmetf Kean . ^
MINUTES of hec eedin s" of the Village Council ,of the Village of Prior lake in the Coun of Scott and State of
the - _ 0
Minnesota,; including all accounts audited by said Council. =,
stated ten from elevation 904 to 905, from 900
Engineer Anderson there are manholes
to 904 there are six .manholes, the estimated cost per, manhole` to install -waterproof
905 to
casting- be $200.00 manholes, for a :trotat of $3,200 at elevation
906 there are eight manholes and it would cost $1",600.00 to install :,waterproof casting
on these manholes, and it was his opin Sri for the amount of manholei involved, to
riv. a them as they are, drid -if the need' arI gvttta put a Aug wood inwthem and put
roasting over them.
Mayor Stock recommended that Engineer Anderson. keep a record of these manholes
available in his office.
Engineer Anderson "reported on the ° Seven - riding area and recommended not
taking any action at this time. Moyer Stock accepted Engineer A'nderson's rccoinmen -'
',Mo'tion was made by Williams that on West Street the birdbath be corrected and the
f `I
radius be corrected' to comply with safety standards,. seconded by Busse and upon a
vote token it was duly passed. -
Engineer Anderson stated that with the City's population over 5,000 ±he is
eligible, for state aid funds on the streets. Curie ±qtly the`yCity is in 4110 process of
applying (yin for maintenance the and. rn order to apply for
g for state aid funds ntenance o e roads
this the City has to designate twenty percent�of the <total miles of public roadway
in be ;the city limits of Prior Lake. 'Twenty percent has to desigoated.armunicipol
state aid roads, and a munie o6l'state aid road is a 32 foot roadway with no, parking,
a. foot roadway with parking oat one side, and a 44 foot rocdway� parking on
t 4
both sides, and normally they require that the roads have concrete curb and .gutter,
they like ro' have this but :i♦ is not mandatory}. The roads that are specified as
muncipal state aid: roods,.are not fixed, in other words, they wo =,old like the City to
apeicify as close as possible; however, the City;,ean comeback and chants the roads
designated. On the construction of these roads, the slate will pay for 10096 of the'
cost except for a r e f8gs and administrative fees, they will also pa 5960 't„
F�relimirwry desi the engineers estimate and
596 df the contract awrnrd . The City o #. _Pnor Lake
eligii° "for 9 91 miles in state old funds. `r �R,
e � gu ' l
nnhardt Road,
i tited ' E ineer Andersom ro c :oni
Mayor Stec d re ng
Piker Lake Road and the 'Five Hawks School Road irr the State Aid`Funds application.
Mayor Stock directed the Engineers to have the plans and specifications for Proiect
75 -3 available for the first meeting in November.
Attorney SulIivan,presented�a letter from the DNR'on the troiler'home owned by
C. H'.. Miller.
Ordinance ; 75 -14 relating taCwine license was tabled.
Engineer Anderson presented information on the rsiitiroad agreement storing that the
watermain has 'to be cased and there may be a possible substitute for the casing used.
Attorney Sullivan- presented information on the Prior Lake groin elevator.
The next'Council_Meeting will be hoid Tuesday October>28; 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
rather than Monday night.
Councilman W i 1 I sums stated that there is a boat trailer parked on the, road that has
Administrator McGuire is to have the Police contac� the
Won there for some time':.
owner of the boat trailer and have it removed.
NUNU"S of the rroeeediog& of t%� Village CounclUof tho Village of Mier Coke in the County of Scott and State of
Mionegotai-including all accounts audited by said Council
Mayor Stock a notice of a,.moeting' being held on October 23, 1975 at 9:00
A.M. and 1:30 P.M. on the Grant and Aid'Programs for diseased shade areas removal
ow private property•
Mayon Stock stated the City has been notified-by the Minnesota Environmental Quality
Council on a matter of amendment to the rules of•the Environmental Quality
Council relating to preparation of review of the Environmental ; impact Statements, a
meeting jobs held in St. Paul, Room 81, State Office Building at 1:00 P.M. on
November 12, 1975.
Motion,was made by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken
this meetng'was adjourned at 11:20 P.M.
Michael A. McGuire,, Administrator
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