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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the Count y' %of Scoff and State of ,
Mleneseta, including all accounts audited by said Council.
O ctober 28, 1975
The Common Council of the, City of Prior Lake met injagular session. on October 28,
1975 at 7:30 P.M. it <<the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock celled the meeting
to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and Williams, t�
Administra,tor.McGuir`e, and E ngineer Anderson. Councilman Haberkornand Attorney
Sullivan were absent. =
The following eorrectio6 wos de ma to the Minutes of October 20, <'1075: Page three,
paragraph five, fifth sentence, should read - On the constructionof thase'roads, the
State will pay for 100% of the right -of -way cost for attorney fees and`
administrative 'fees the - will also pay far engineering fees`6n4W, following basis:
Five percent of the. prelim inary'- design based o_n the engineer's estimate and fiver,
percent of the contract award.
' r)
Motion" by Williams `to..approve the Minutes�of October 20, 1975 as amended,
' 6
seconded by Busse and upona vote taken it was du
Motion was made by Busse °to approve the Minutes Q 2A,4975, seconded by
Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed
MrL TomVatkinsvos present requesting the .voaation.of p drainage easemenfbetween
Lots two and three on Martinson Point on the condition it he sold as one homesite:
Motion was made by Oakes to vacate the drainage, easements eontiguous� , the lot
lines and three of Martinson Point .seconded by`Williamt. upon' n
a vote token, it was duly passed. ; p,;;,.,t�
`Mr. Leonard Tupa of Shady Beach Road was present regard jig a mistake i the County/
Map on measurements of his'property. nAityor�'Stock.jrocted Engineer`Anderson:,ifc c!�`sck
ori�this matMrand report'bock to the Council.
Williams stated that the PaCommission authorized the purGhie. -ot
Councilman Pak
=` o
another =section of :fencing, I ike mlong� Red Oaks,Re d, for. the section of, roav' that '
is not.yet'-protected v
Engineer Anderson presented o copy of a letter , dated Octoberp28, 1975 to Nodland
Associatesp lnc: - regarding l iquidated damoges�= Mayor Stock a�cep:+sd Engineer
7 +
Anderson's latter os submitted:
for the.weLk
EngineeigAnderson presented the�Pro jectAepocts .
Engineer Anderson „presented information on the meeting with the residdnts of the
.Jilin 'r Bay Road "area ° „ :
Mr.. Joe Scott of the Conroy's Bay Road area stated he would not sign an `a seme;nt
until the cut of the roctLand private road .matter is resolved. ' 7
' .Mayor Stock dire ��ted Councilman Oakes; Engineer 'Israe,lson, Engineer Anderson and
O ctoberr,
Councilman` Buns to meet with :him Thur:�lay ; 30, ; 1975, , at 5:00 P.M at the
Conroy •s Bay, Rodd,cf a -te e�resol�.this motter'nnd for ons*er any questions �the' residents
may have. Engineer Israaison was directed to have Greg <Gentz notify ' the residents`
that have not signedeasements that there';Wff be a meeting In the area on Thursday.
Engineer Andersoh.,stbted, in regard&o the Anna' Lane problem, that`B=ks Housetshas
consented, to give a temporary easement "and the�owner of,,tha Dairy Queen is in the
process Qf•selling' the Dairy Queen and he has agreed to sign it on"the condition that'
the futuoe owner would. sign it.`
. Y u
MIN11M at Ma Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take In the Gouetl► of Scott and State sf '
Mlonesoto, including all accounts audited by said touneiL
AP ,
Mr. Howard Clausen,: the future owner of "the Dairy Queen, was [present regarding.
the te n;krory easement Engineer Anderson-is'to ewet with Mr. Clausen to show
the -tem petary easement w i l l be. -
P e Engineer Anderson was directed to arrange
, a tentotive g: with Brooks Hauser
rogard ng °the: :tam ro easement,<'on Monday November 3, 4975 at 7:00 P.M.
po_ ry
x . Engineer Anderson presented information on instacliing road posts with two strand
�cWes in front.of the Ahchur Inngfor a cost of $325,00. Engineer Anderson was
instructed to have the posts installed.
Engineer. Israeison presentedian applicatia� for a', Perm it for instal lotion of a
viatirmain to the County for the. Mayor's: :signature . ,
4 Engineer Israelson stated. the Project 75-3 plans and specifications are essentially [+
ootnl.i tae sent to each council'.member before` next Monday.
plete and they`w
Mr.` avid Bums was present statinig.that he sawa car leaving the Dairy Queen °
a driving cbwnahe wrong aside ofthe road to:reach Highway 23
F s •' -+ ��
nc!!man Williams re` gated, •regarding fair. Burnf4 statement, that all the
i Cou qu ,
Il 1 i � 4 exits along Highway' 13be�cbecked+eesiges�t Palo rly.
`. J Mayor^Stack directed the Administro lor to how the Police check the ewts'on
Nigln�wy :13 fo see if the signs are "placed properly.
" Cpuncilm4n Williams requerd that the Prior lake Elevator be closed up to keep pioRle and children specifi lly, Who play in - t out of the building..
t b R , Y ❑ s. a, h •iJ Q 1
�Nla�ror :Sock .directed ithe Administrofor•to send a':.letter or contact the Attorney
' an! haw an immediate arde issued, ,closing up- °the -alevatorstructure:. k
Ma�yot° Stock stated, that on. County State Aid 39 or Ninth .Avenue, the easement
.fttm, Highway 13 to :rrotinty Road .44 is 60, feet and originally the County` had asked
for 80 feet, and in discussing with Mr.. Prenevost, fhe„Countytrogimerl this is at
` their discretion and the County Boord''s discretion. The County will accept the
M the City is ttroposino b the, County, the 6Q fist °plus on ,additipnal v
,<sasentent�Mth� it in�rseah County Road 44 fora turn °Iane and sidewalk;. Mayor
Stock requested fora matter of record cL motion that if and when the, City woe
�Y inifall sidewalks:olong County. State Aid 39 that it would be ;installed on °the East
side which.wouid,take clays of . the- =xlementaryschociLand possibly the savior high'
p � Q ' sV..1/Y • c _ t �
n `
4 f �
Notion was made by Williams, that the City, takea`urtaler that sidewalks
would be installed on the East side of County Stcte "Aid 39 hetwen Courtty,`Road
` ' t '.• ' 13 seconded Busse and van a'' :taken it was duly
,Trunk ,Highvw ► Y
Rassed ,.
prisint",a. letter from Robins,'" DaVls,_ -nd Lyons relatiw'to,Dr.
s'Rtopty. Capies,of the .letter toJ:be submrtted o. Engineer. IaAlson, "
;Enfitteerkr;i+trson 3 and Attorney Sutllven -for" discussion at the next Council
Motion was made by Oakes' to'adjourn, seconded by Busse and upon -a wte `taken �
w .
" ` �° this n tinge
was adjoreMd 40 P.M:
' i ' r, Miehiel A McGuire, A" is"tor 3 � c
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p• n J
f l �CF » w e u��sF,. a x z •xw a.;C .�s$ x k H 2