HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 03 1975n ; MINIiTlS of the rroeeedk+mgs of Nei Village Ceundl of the Village of Prier Lake in the County of teeft aad State of `mienowla,.. including 'all accounts. audited by said Council. November.3, 'I PUS 'The CommomCouncil of. the City of PriOr. Lake met ire +regularAsession:on Novembet 3, 1975 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers., Mayor Stock called °the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Hoberkomn, and Williams, , Administrator.McGuire, Ee9ineer Anderson, °iaitd A 'Mornay Sullivan. Councilman Oakes was absent. o ,, Mayor Stuck stated that Mr.' Brooks Hauser was'supposect to meet with Ithe Counci roniot, but because of o previous commitment "could`not attend theCounbil Meeting tonight; therefore; Mayor Stock directed Engineer Ar derson'lb rnedt with Mr. Hauser and his'engineering' firm, and c' representotive�of ;the Dairy Queen, to.,TMY.and work out a method of circulating traffic through Ae.orea of the•BrooksvillerShopping Center and the Dairy Queen. The 1 bIlo*ing ,correction •was made ro ;tha 2B, 11:975: Page one, al paragraph six; should read.- Motion was made by Oakes to vacate .the drainage easements contiguous to,the lot Iines,between =Lots two and three of Martinson Paint, J on, °the condition:it be sold'a's one homesiw, seconded by.W:i,lliams axis! upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mstion •vras•!made +y Busses to approve the Minutes of October 28;< 1'975 as. amendO r seconced by`Haberkorn and upon a vote taken .itowas,duIy passed,. 4 Mr. be. Whitney was present wanting to kmw.when.he. could.hookxup to the sewer. Mayor Stock directed the. Engineers to oo�tact4he p aple who are .having sewer 4 problems no dater than Thursday as to wt�ether`60 riot they can connecf'ro sewer, and check tise areas out t we if there is any.woy to .help .ilmese people. ° I Mr. Whitne 'stated that:a.manhole'An •his area,has been builtahror,•,tiMe and wanted to know. who was ga�,ingro: pay for 'g Mayor Stock stated �� i hat the City only pays for the manhole once. n yo �4 s Councilman William :,directed- Engineer'Anderson to`�hove' the 8oudins Manor Park Cou b grododL b this, icon rrg Fridisy . �� , y Councilman 8ussa s I tad tltero it o Planning. Commisskin' meeting Thursday November 6, `V' 1975 at 7:15 P.M. #dmintstrotauMcGuire presented:a'letter.doted October30 .1'f 5.fiom Pblice Chief Powell stating he has checkec+4utlhe sigma at Btooksvmile' and feels Fhbt "they . are adequate for mRariCimiy the.thappmu, G are. °h AdminfralorMcGuime .pn�:ented.a.;let+ler}datW October 23 ; 1975 ftomnahe MWCC is . stating henGnnuai chorg*%Agr 1976. ° Adniinistrat%it, McGumrel,presentod,a ragwatrbfor> a light on �aolnner of Inquadona Bench where "the' blacktop ends and recommended approval of one street r f1 htAir 40 cotiaertof .) u adona Motion, Was "" made by Bus:! to �a'ppro w,d�r. shee ; g nW Beach Circle and where theTblacktop ends, °saoorxled by`hlabsrkorci and upon a vote . taken. it:was ,pawed �duly �",. ,� ` >� L , . °:.fi .• . .. Adrn nistrotor, N� Guira.presented�a regrU from I r. Oliver' Hanner acrd Mr. Lawrence Hdiferman thatjrthe City take over the payment for the street lighting, m.,front of their home's which nre Ogki Rood. p a u " ., , s. :.m-Ar,G a, w.s -a. A Y*.' a.M ., s+.i. r :um, ae•. Sy` t�.`�.. _ a w tc c 1, A 9 t° .� 1� MINUMIS of the encNdlop of tbo Village Qiun it "of the'Villaeo of .Prior take in the County of Scott; and State of Minnesota, including" all accounts audited by sold Council. ry Motion was `made'byWeIIiams that- check out Red Oaks Road and submit to the. City a design on where street Iights should"be located for safety of the people, traffic and.pedestrion, and, the park should be token into consideration also, seconded by Busse _ and upon a vote taken it was, -duly passed. Administrator k�,,'Gu.ire stated that Attorney S.ul�tvan has prepared a deed to the State of Minnesota for Lots 50 and ,pcO of 51 Boudins'Manor and recommended that the'City ' turn-the lots back to the "State, With the stipulation that they pay the sewer and water " assessments on the .lots. , 3= Motion was made by Williams to turnaots 50 and par t,af`51 Boudi ns* Manor back to the State'of Minnesota with the stipulation• that. they- pay sewer and watetan ssments :on the lots, seconded by Busse and upon a vcte taken it was duly passed - Councilman Williams stgte that Mr. Hall who lives in went to the County Auditor's Offiee; to pay his sewer and water assesmett ; :dhd was told he would } have *, pay the oorrip1 to fourteen, months interest on tEiis to pay it up ut` #his r` ima, and i Mr. Holl��wos present wanting to know why! ha „,Jwd to :,pays interest on fourteen months. 3 A is to check the Srote,Staturorregarding th_is�matter:and report back t a to the Council -next Monday night. ' Mayor,Sto`ck.stated that Viking- .Uquwrlasked.to appear before'the.Coul cii relatilre to a violation. Attorrw.y Jahn iMarmhon_ was. prolant, repr4sooting Mi. Claire Manor th,,e owner of Viking Liquor in rega to `the Viking Li Lice e i n a that r ns ws ns o arid asked t the 9 9i+o ., n9 � pe,. ,Couilc'rl.,reconsider the :fire daysusF;ension of fhe LiquorLi'cense.- y ( ' Mr. Cla'ira Manor was presenustafirig his views oh"the violation. AMrrney�Soltivan presented4b ihe,.CounciF infonnotion:on. the meeting of the 'Liquor Commission and'Mr. Manor regarding the violation:from:which they- requested the ” five day suspension. ` Motion was made by,Busse- 'to,return to the Liquor Commission the Viking Liquor violyalFion nmiter for them to study and to roturn to recommendation, to the City ' Council; seconded by°Haberkorn and upon a vote taken.. It was�duly, passed. Y. a 4 The Gape racordingmof the Viking L quorimattec is to be kep #.on file in tha�City Offices. 44, inistratar,McGuire presented ;a,requett =from the Prior Lake- Fire Department for t" , an' expenditure &f :00 equipment,, namely, five °new'firo 000h, four helmets, fi reapair of boots.aidi�pne+ oam,�airofzwolei!proif= lows. l ' �Motiotts mock b;%.8usae to 'q* the Rnon;lake Fire D!tlYatlment request for new tiquipment in the amount of $86.00 for five-;new fire-coatt four' helm ets, z� five pair of boots, and`one dozen pair of waterproo g loves, seconded by Williams •and upon 4 yogi taken: it was dilly passed': x.. Adminiafieotor McGuire presented a request from the Scotkii e` Telephone. Company to`cut' -Main Street in._frcnt of the new telephone building, .and Engineer, Anderson aXpieit»ci the constiuction work ~that is to° be done. iq » Motion was mode by WillfOrns denoting the City Engineer'io.resolw the matter dt of i6 at�eet in front of the new SootMtioe Telephone Company!b6ilding, `seconded " by =bck and upbn a v ass teicen it was duly passed " Councilman "Busse voted against -Z.— Zr 3 - 1N tion was made by Williams ro approve `t!ie Electric'Sewic Company Change Ceder u v 0 1 far Pro iecc75 -8 in the amount of a $1, 244.,00 °deduct, seconded by Bus * and "upon a a rte "tokiin it eras duly passed_.: S: Engineer Anderson stated that A!' Steiner's Addition im Oakr49*r Court is having ` form sower problems and he needs an area to hold the water,, vmnted to know the` t r, Council's feeling: on using one of his lots as a holding pond, -'to dredge;4t out and flt._i r fence it in Engineer Anderson is to check further on this matter qhd it was tabled:, l Mayor Stock requested that the Engineers replace property irons where the ':have' been removed omthe p *cts. Engineer Anderson stated that the Dr. Lukk situation will be'resolved. A Attoirme Sullivan, reported on the. PH r Lake Elevatorproblem. MWon ,was made by Busse to adopt Ordinance 75-14 relating to Wine License+,,,, G seconded: by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly, passed.° 3 v t Motion- was made by` W i l l iamss hvld ,Spacial Meating�on Nouemb r;-;4,, 1975 at ref ,. , 9.:00 P�.M. to ify,t vote;, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was �.. ' du ly pnsseci, f v , Mayor ,stock requested coverage from the paper itatin 9 anyone who 'has a parked car in front of their4nall box should immediately colt the poiice and the police can ,. Joe the ,oar, because under state Statutit Pit is fills r!` to J in frontof o mail bax�. MoI46 wds mode by Willi ens that,_when Parcel APL 2 .80 "ii sold it will; be assessed ' `. of it is wbdiv ded, not "to exceed'faur phases, and `iwt to exceed five -1!w period, , fi6m'tl doter`,of first sole reviewcbie each year, by the City Coun , c 4i1 seoonded,�by , �4 ' h - Busse `arid upon a vote taken it wasAuly'`passed. l ift 'i 'F MINUTES`, of. the Proceedings of the 41Nage f\:ouneil of the Village of Prior Lake M the County of.Seott isO I" of Minnesota, i iieyy all accounts audited by said Council, nelu� , Motion wcas made, by Williams. to`direct the Engineers to'design preliminary plans for AIMIL t the upgrading.of the: entire \`xeo of -Main-Street by 'tho Scott -Rise Telephone Company, i seconded Busse and upon a vote taken it waf�duly- posed.. „ , ,Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report doted November 3 ;':1975. Mayor- Stock accepted the Project Report as submitted;.." t; The Engineers presented Chef 1976 Project Plans and Specifications for review and �z discussion by the Council. Motion was made by Williams to have in the 1976 Specifications an air test of all ibwer' lines at the contractor's expense; seconded' by Busse, and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " M Motion was made by Williams to approve the Specifications- for the - 1976 Project as amended, seconded by Haberkorn:and upon a vote taken it was duly., passed. Motion was made by Williams to approve the final plans for Project 75 -3 as moduhe - -I ' s seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed: '0 Motion was made by Busse to advertise -for bids for Project 75 -3 in the legai newspaper r -and` the Construction Bulletin and -to take: bids on Decembar`$, 1975 at 730 P.M, in" the Ci* Hal seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it wai`, passed.