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MINIiTlS of the rroeeedk+mgs of Nei Village Ceundl of the Village of Prier Lake in the County of teeft aad State of
`mienowla,.. including 'all accounts. audited by said Council.
November.3, 'I PUS
'The CommomCouncil of. the City of PriOr. Lake met ire +regularAsession:on Novembet 3,
1975 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers., Mayor Stock called °the meeting to
order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Hoberkomn, and Williams, ,
Administrator.McGuire, Ee9ineer Anderson, °iaitd A 'Mornay Sullivan. Councilman Oakes
was absent. o ,,
Mayor Stuck stated that Mr.' Brooks Hauser was'supposect to meet with Ithe Counci
roniot, but because of o previous commitment "could`not attend theCounbil Meeting
tonight; therefore; Mayor Stock directed Engineer Ar derson'lb rnedt with Mr. Hauser
and his'engineering' firm, and c' representotive�of ;the Dairy Queen, to.,TMY.and work out
a method of circulating traffic through Ae.orea of the•BrooksvillerShopping Center and
the Dairy Queen.
The 1 bIlo*ing ,correction •was made ro ;tha 2B, 11:975: Page one,
paragraph six; should read.- Motion was made by Oakes to vacate .the drainage
easements contiguous to,the lot Iines,between =Lots two and three of Martinson Paint,
on, °the condition:it be sold'a's one homesiw, seconded by.W:i,lliams axis! upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
Mstion •vras•!made +y Busses to approve the Minutes of October 28;< 1'975 as. amendO
r seconced by`Haberkorn and upon a vote taken .itowas,duIy passed,.
Mr. be. Whitney was present wanting to kmw.when.he. could.hookxup to the sewer.
Mayor Stock directed the. Engineers to oo�tact4he p aple who are .having sewer
4 problems no dater than Thursday as to wt�ether`60 riot they can connecf'ro sewer, and
check tise areas out t we if there is any.woy to .help .ilmese people. ° I
Mr. Whitne 'stated that:a.manhole'An •his area,has been builtahror,•,tiMe and wanted
to know. who was ga�,ingro: pay for 'g
Mayor Stock stated ��
i hat the City only pays for the manhole once.
n yo
�4 s
Councilman William :,directed- Engineer'Anderson to`�hove' the 8oudins Manor Park
b grododL b this, icon rrg Fridisy . �� ,
y Councilman 8ussa s I
tad tltero it o Planning. Commisskin' meeting Thursday November 6,
`V' 1975 at 7:15 P.M.
#dmintstrotauMcGuire presented:a'letter.doted October30 .1'f 5.fiom Pblice Chief
Powell stating he has checkec+4utlhe sigma at Btooksvmile' and feels Fhbt "they .
are adequate for mRariCimiy the.thappmu, G are.
°h AdminfralorMcGuime .pn�:ented.a.;let+ler}datW October 23 ; 1975 ftomnahe MWCC
stating henGnnuai chorg*%Agr 1976. °
Adniinistrat%it, McGumrel,presentod,a ragwatrbfor> a light on �aolnner of Inquadona
Bench where "the' blacktop ends and recommended approval of one street
f1 htAir 40 cotiaertof .) u adona
Motion, Was "" made by Bus:! to �a'ppro w,d�r. shee ; g nW
Beach Circle and where theTblacktop ends, °saoorxled by`hlabsrkorci and upon a vote
. taken. it:was ,pawed �duly �",.
,� ` >� L , . °:.fi .• . ..
Adrn nistrotor, N� Guira.presented�a regrU from I r. Oliver' Hanner acrd Mr. Lawrence
Hdiferman thatjrthe City take over the payment for the street lighting, m.,front of their
home's which nre Ogki Rood.
p a u " ., , s. :.m-Ar,G a, w.s -a. A Y*.' a.M ., s+.i. r :um, ae•. Sy` t�.`�.. _ a
tc c 1, A 9 t° .�
MINUMIS of the encNdlop of tbo Village Qiun it "of the'Villaeo of .Prior take in the County of Scott; and State of
Minnesota, including" all accounts audited by sold Council.
Motion was `made'byWeIIiams that- check out Red Oaks Road and submit to the.
City a design on where street Iights should"be located for safety of the people, traffic
and.pedestrion, and, the park should be token into consideration also, seconded by Busse
and upon a vote taken it was, -duly passed.
Administrator k�,,'Gu.ire stated that Attorney S.ul�tvan has prepared a deed to the State
of Minnesota for Lots 50 and ,pcO of 51 Boudins'Manor and recommended that the'City
' turn-the lots back to the "State, With the stipulation that they pay the sewer and water
assessments on the .lots. ,
Motion was made by Williams to turnaots 50 and par t,af`51 Boudi ns* Manor back to the
State'of Minnesota with the stipulation• that. they- pay sewer and watetan ssments
:on the lots, seconded by Busse and upon a vcte taken it was duly passed -
Councilman Williams stgte that Mr. Hall who lives in went to the
County Auditor's Offiee; to pay his sewer and water assesmett ; :dhd was told he would
have *, pay the oorrip1 to fourteen, months interest on tEiis to pay it up ut` #his r` ima, and
Mr. Holl��wos present wanting to know why! ha „,Jwd to :,pays interest on fourteen months.
A is to check the Srote,Staturorregarding th_is�matter:and report back
to the Council -next Monday night.
Mayor,Sto`ck.stated that Viking- .Uquwrlasked.to appear before'the.Coul cii relatilre to
a violation.
Attorrw.y Jahn iMarmhon_ was. prolant, repr4sooting Mi. Claire Manor th,,e owner of
Viking Liquor in rega to `the Viking Li Lice e i n a that r ns ws ns o arid asked t the
9 9i+o ., n9 � pe,.
,Couilc'rl.,reconsider the :fire daysusF;ension of fhe LiquorLi'cense.-
Mr. Cla'ira Manor was presenustafirig his views oh"the violation.
AMrrney�Soltivan presented4b ihe,.CounciF infonnotion:on. the meeting of the 'Liquor
Commission and'Mr. Manor regarding the violation:from:which they- requested the ”
five day suspension.
Motion was made by,Busse- 'to,return to the Liquor Commission the Viking Liquor
violyalFion nmiter for them to study and to roturn to recommendation, to the City
Council; seconded by°Haberkorn and upon a vote taken.. It was�duly, passed.
a 4
The Gape racordingmof the Viking L quorimattec is to be kep #.on file in tha�City
44, inistratar,McGuire presented ;a,requett =from the Prior Lake- Fire Department for
t" ,
an' expenditure &f :00 equipment,, namely, five °new'firo 000h, four helmets,
fi reapair of boots.aidi�pne+ oam,�airofzwolei!proif= lows.
�Motiotts mock b;%.8usae to 'q* the Rnon;lake Fire D!tlYatlment request for
new tiquipment in the amount of $86.00 for five-;new fire-coatt four' helm ets,
five pair of boots, and`one dozen pair of waterproo g loves, seconded by Williams
•and upon 4 yogi taken: it was dilly passed': x..
Adminiafieotor McGuire presented a request from the Scotkii e` Telephone. Company
to`cut' -Main Street in._frcnt of the new telephone building, .and Engineer, Anderson
aXpieit»ci the constiuction work ~that is to° be done.
Motion was mode by WillfOrns denoting the City Engineer'io.resolw the matter
of i6 at�eet in front of the new SootMtioe Telephone Company!b6ilding, `seconded
by =bck and upbn a v ass teicen it was duly passed " Councilman "Busse voted against
3 - 1N tion was made by Williams ro approve `t!ie Electric'Sewic Company Change Ceder
u v 0 1 far Pro iecc75 -8 in the amount of a $1, 244.,00 °deduct, seconded by Bus * and "upon
a a rte "tokiin it eras duly passed_.:
Engineer Anderson stated that A!' Steiner's Addition im Oakr49*r Court is having
` form sower problems and he needs an area to hold the water,, vmnted to know the` t
Council's feeling: on using one of his lots as a holding pond, -'to dredge;4t out and flt._i
r fence it in Engineer Anderson is to check further on this matter qhd it was tabled:,
l Mayor Stock requested that the Engineers replace property irons where the ':have' been
removed omthe p *cts.
Engineer Anderson stated that the Dr. Lukk situation will be'resolved. A
Attoirme Sullivan, reported on the. PH r Lake Elevatorproblem.
MWon ,was made by Busse to adopt Ordinance 75-14 relating to Wine License+,,,, G
seconded: by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was duly, passed.° 3
Motion- was made by` W i l l iamss hvld ,Spacial Meating�on Nouemb r;-;4,, 1975 at
ref ,. ,
9.:00 P�.M. to ify,t vote;, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a vote taken it was
�.. ' du ly pnsseci,
f v , Mayor ,stock requested coverage from the paper itatin 9 anyone who 'has a parked
car in front of their4nall box should immediately colt the poiice and the police can ,.
Joe the ,oar, because under state Statutit Pit is fills r!` to J in frontof o mail bax�.
MoI46 wds mode by Willi ens that,_when Parcel APL 2 .80 "ii sold it will; be assessed '
of it is wbdiv ded, not "to exceed'faur phases, and `iwt to exceed five -1!w period, ,
fi6m'tl doter`,of first sole reviewcbie each year, by the City Coun , c 4i1 seoonded,�by
, �4
' h
- Busse `arid upon a vote taken it wasAuly'`passed.
l ift
MINUTES`, of. the Proceedings of the 41Nage f\:ouneil of the Village of Prior Lake M the County of.Seott isO I" of
Minnesota, i
iieyy all accounts audited by said Council,
Motion wcas made, by Williams. to`direct the Engineers to'design preliminary plans for
the upgrading.of the: entire \`xeo of -Main-Street by 'tho Scott -Rise Telephone Company,
seconded Busse and upon a vote taken it waf�duly- posed..
„ ,
,Engineer Anderson presented the Project Report doted November 3 ;':1975. Mayor-
Stock accepted the Project Report as submitted;.."
The Engineers presented Chef 1976 Project Plans and Specifications for review and
discussion by the Council.
Motion was made by Williams to have in the 1976 Specifications an air test of all
ibwer' lines at the contractor's expense; seconded' by Busse, and upon a vote taken it
was duly passed.
" M
Motion was made by Williams to approve the Specifications- for the - 1976 Project as
amended, seconded by Haberkorn:and upon a vote taken it was duly., passed.
Motion was made by Williams to approve the final plans for Project 75 -3 as moduhe -
' s
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:
Motion was made by Busse to advertise -for bids for Project 75 -3 in the legai newspaper
-and` the Construction Bulletin and -to take: bids on Decembar`$, 1975 at 730 P.M, in"
the Ci* Hal seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it wai`, passed.