HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 24 1975MINUTES,ef the Proceedings of the Village Councii of thr Villa p0 of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Mienesote, including all accounts audited by said Council. _ c ' November 24, 1975 {` l The CoaYnon.Council of the '`City of Prior bake met 1A regular session on November!24, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. `Mayor Stock ° called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Haberkorn, Oakes, and Williams, City 'Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson,`' and.Attorney Sullivan. c The following correction was made to the Minutes of November 1975s >page ° U 4 = t ' three,- paragraph two, should read - Motion was made by Oakes to hold a Public Hearing on the vacating of the end'of Conroy's Bay Hoad on December 8, 1975„ € b at -8:00-,.M.,_ seconded by Stock' and upon a vote taken it was duly passed., Mr. Don�Anderson was present repreatenting the Minnesota Gas'Company regard- a, ing leasing of the water tower for antennas. Motion was ''made ' by Oakes to lease the water tower „for :antennas to the ' Minnesota Gas Company with the fee set at $400.00 per year with a one year contract,' payable in advance Minnesota Gas C ompar>yy cannot rent antenna space on the water tower to any other Znej e City may rent additional space . on the water tower to other corce to Cit _ rn�,, ., �wc�uld�rentadditional apace , to other concerns and a correction is needed it would be &ii,atually shared probl em,' and Minnesota "Gas Company li 'to hava.- an adequate certificate of CD inaursnce, seconded by Busse,anduupon,a vote taken it.was duly passed. oted Councilman Williams v against tiie Motion. 'Mr. Anderson requested that a °copy of „the Minutes be to him. Mr.` - Paul Busse, Jr. who is < a Ff king on his Eagle Scout Certificate k*a{ present with a plan for Prior Lake to have its cvn 'flag and was asking for Council a pproval of the concept of the plan. Motion was made by Williams to approve the concept of Paul Busse, Jr. 's > J. plan for a Prior Lake flag, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken. -it was duly, passed. Mry Bob "Bo was � . present asking for an extension . of sewer and, water eonn 1 action, until l June 30,° 1976 because he has to 'remodel and put.; n plurobiag. Motion was made Williams to x X by grant'Mr. Bob Roller,! requestvfor sewer ,and, j water extension of-connection until June 30,: 1:976, seconded by Oakes and r � upon a vgte ��taken it was - duly passed. ° s z a t Mr.; Earl Evans requested that�the Council projection an overhead projector what they are di "scusaing for the audience to see. ' •, Mayor Stock. directed the City Nanager to' check 0 th e cost of getting proj'ectors,, slides,, etc.•,,`" and °report back,to the Council. r Councilman Busse stated that the rezoning of the Breen Heights area was denied by the Planning Comniiasiois basically becau,se, it was 'Spot zoning, s li, Motion was made by Williains to approve the `1976 -1978 Police Contract with 4� the following changes;: Wages - 1976 Start 675.,00, After 911i Months. $1,042r:, .' j $ i5 7! o •_ After 12 Months 1098.00 After 24 Months 1 f 142` 00 L After 36 1!3ontha =1,220.00,1977 Start $9 After � Six Months $1,100.00, After 12 Months j r, $1,230.00, After 24 Mo - il,41,279`.00 Af0Ir 36 Months $1,366.00, 1979 Start 0950..00, After Sir Months $1,125.00, After' 12 Months fit, a 90.00, After 24, „ Months 0t 3$0.00, Afiar' Months $1,475,00; Sargeants to receive 5% ° ,above top patrol for the first Tear of appointments, and_.10% above thereafter; uniform' allowance - to be X00.00' a d�yusted by the July to `July percentage ”, tf:J increase -'in the Minneapolis- St.FauY C.P. h.3 Holidays 1976;1 =0 per year, 'r s 1 77 11 peer =year, 1978' 11 per year l L jury on - Duty - _,1976 -78'' SQ, Worki izg a s� Days, 'secokded by Busse afid' upon a vott talon It was drily passed. E Mw' ° �. r_�' ' ra , c j - du ' ��g, seconded �k sad upon. a .vote taken it wan tduly passed. k 'Notion was made,by Oakes that Winter suspension for hodland Associates, Inc. begin onb'Novsmber 18.,. s + seconded and. continue until a period is established in late . -. spring by the City Rngineer, � . � Busse and upon vote taken waa dull' passed. ' Engineer Anderson presented 3"cifieation for Snowplowing for review and discussion by>the Council.. Mayor Stock accepted the Sepcifications f r� Snowp lowing and the Council will approve them and set th date for bide > ' next week:. a .: Engineer Anderson stated the Minnesota Natural Gas has applied for . permit to install an overhead above ground regulator at 9th`Arenu. and j Trunk HighwV 13• and presented information and pictures to the Council_ regarding this project:, Mayor Stock directed Engineer - Anderson to >"aat= ;Mfrmesot* Natural Gas for -More infor Rtion and tabled the matter until next week. Engineer Anderson reccsssaded in regard to the Gatewsy 3ho lope ree Dever's Agreement that only cash be taken `as a doom payment, because this obowe faith on,thV part of the developer that he has the money to 0601�lete the` OP project, and stated that the developer has requested that the plans for Gateway Shores bey withdrawn from the 75-3 Pro ject. :•. Attornsy Sullivan stated that an Order was be served on the Prior Lake Grain Elevator last week an& he should have this back from the Sheriff either tomorrow or the U460 day, he will call the 'City Xen&W, and advise Ilia when the order has been served to give him the five day period at the and of which the City can go in and board up the structure. ' Nieror „Stock stated that last Tuesday night Councilman Oakes, City Manager , McGuire.Ragiueer=Anderson and he met to discuss the Spring Lake Sewer and °P tiTater Project and it: is their recommendation that this project be withheld for one year and be removp.d as a project. Notion was made by Oake3 to defer the Spring Lake <Sewer and Water project + ,for one rear, seconded by William, and upon ; a vote taken it was duly passed. i ' u , ASINUM of fho lroceedieps of tin Ville" Council of the Village -of Prior lake in the County of Scots ond'S1ato of Min nesote; including all occeunts audited by said Council. a l City Manager McGuire stated that about a month ago Gerald Klingberg who lives on Maple Circle opened afire hydrant to flush the lines and then close ' h i ` C it causing considerable damage to the water line aid the street. Under. the City's grater connection ordinance it is a violation,to open any water hydrant and ;City Manager McGuire wanted to tracer if the Council'wanted to prosecute. }, The City has 'sent W. Klingberg a bill whieh,he has turned over town 'attorney for $1,290.,03 - 'forepairiag -the damag �r es:` r Motion was made by Oakes that whatever.reasonable action that needs to. <be = p pursued, be pursued to recover the restoration required as a­ result of Mr. F 'n Gerald Kl ' ingberg s actions, seconded by Williams, and upon s vote taken was duly, , passed. Notion was made�by Williams to advertise for bids for two squad care and set the • date for onded by Busse and upon;a taken it wa e + duly passed. .Y M >S,gineerAnderson presented the Project Report dated November 24, 1975.` Mayor Stock accepted the Project Report as submitted, Notion was made Williams that the paving on projects not be completed until' neat by Stock MINUTES of,tla f+reeuedinp of the Village Council of the Vil ! . hpe ef�;hio► lake in the Couetyr of Scott and State if , ri Min ='indiWins all accouet� audiNld, by aaM Ceiuodl ! Motion was made 'by Busse,, appoint Ti6n Watk as to.`fill the vacancy. Qt on t 1 Council :hat Ron =�berkorn is vacating as Business and lndustrrial D?avelopment Canaisaioner, seoonded bar Williams an3 "Upon,a vote taken it was =duly Paaseci.' P ' Mayor Stock stinted that part of the Plan B form of "'Governoent saga that ti _ y f� the , City has ;co designate , a City = Treasurer and recommended that tine City' 'Treasurer be named as Dave NabGillivray and that there be no Additional 1, y I Pay for this roll as eery ing as treasurer. Motion Was made by .EUsae to approv Dave MacQillivr`ay at City Treasurer f ? of the City of Prtor Lake contingent upon the City roe eir3ng a bond for ,. him, seconded by Will'iama and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. c Motion Was made by Busse to .have Staff prepare formal P powers and duties of both the Park " Hoard and: °P1 guidelines as to the annng Commission and have t � them to the Council within two weeks so the Council can rrriew these` and nurse changes they feel necessary and have them adopted by the first of the, n year, seconded by Haberkorn and upon a rote taken it was duly�pasaed. ��z` - )Iiyor Stock directed Attorney Sullivan to r , the Park Board pre�'e an ordinance repealing ' Ordinance Councilman Oakeb asked about prior Council action in regard to surfaces yam` ° water in OakKidge,,Court. Engineer Anderson stated be has discussed this matter tri ;;ti an adjacent property owner and the; matt�ir is being i*stigated futher,, Councilman Oakes requested a ballpark fi k gore of the diaposition of surfs' water if the Cit vare',to lace .a bituminou3 root on the Co�nro Beach Road. Y" p y E Engineer Anderson is to,do a feasibility study on the Conroy Bay Road _ storm water.. Mayor > Stock ; stated the City Offices will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 27 and 28, 1 975- Mayor Stock read a letter from Theodore H. Anderson of Prior Lake congratulating the City and Council for selection of Nodland Associates as a contractor for sewer and water project. v Mr. David Burns was present re garcling' a rater runoff - problem in" the Wllowa, Engineer Anderson is to do a preliminary in the area study for the Willows storir, sewer x presented by Mr. Burma . The" .following im►oicea are scheduled to be paid on December 2, 1975: . QZWWIAL PM: v Miller/Davis Co. Office Office Products n 51 "1C " Supplies,, • 48 JA . Office supplies 9.67. .' Coulter, Nelson, d Sullivan Attorney Feed =9$6.50 Register of Deeds Nicrofilm.Copils 5.00 Delta Dental Dental Insuranc TOTAL e 285.00 2 • V 1 NATM FMt Water Products Conoparyg aquipmsnt Supplies 2831 95 ' Van Patera Rogers . Van Waters &:Rogers Z`Aipment & Supplies 14.40 Rquipment & Supplies 4. TOTAL 2920.' BUT W3NG FtA�1D: ~j 'Quality Waste Control Refuse 8auling $ _ 00 Total 5.00 CAPITAL PARE Lawrence Schweich Builders 45.00 YalleT Sign, Sign David Burns Plowing TOTAL 192.4 _o+ -3- F-�b4a rYa?ib >•3;� ' �kzr+ krs." wsak.. �G ,��.7�taihwa�7,:;�,. >,...:+, s e».#. , aa.. ss.. . 'a:s;st�a7�3s."�; era °a,:<X'vi�AUMa�" - { r