HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 01 1975MINUTES of the proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Frior'lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. December 1, 1975 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on December 1, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock, called the meetin to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen'Busse, Oakes, Watkins and Williams, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. The first item on the agenda was the swearing in of Tom Watkins as Councilman. Mayor Stock swvreln Tom Watkins as Councilman. ,4• ' The following correction was made to the Minutes of November 24, 1975: Page one,, paragraph: four, should .read - Motion was,made by Oakes to lease the tar fo er `r antennas to the Minnesota Gas Company with'the fee set at.$400 00 ,�,�, ,. pet yeartwi h one year contract, a payable in advance, Minnesota Gas Company cannot,rent antenna space on the waster tower to any other concern, the City of Prior Lake may rent additional space on the water tower to ;other concerns or use it ,itself,, if the City of Prior Lake would. rent additional space other concerns and a correction is needed it would be'a mutually shared problem, 'and Minnesota Gas Compan pa y is t have an } adequate certificate of insurance, seconded -by Busse; and upon a vote .token it was duly passed: Coumon Williams .voted'against.the Motion. Motion was made by W IIIi anns to approve the ;Minutes of November 24, 1975 as amended, seconded by Busse and uponi a vote taken it was duly passed., Engineer Anderson 'presented information regarding the Minnesota Gas Com 0 request fior a permit for an above ground regulator and recommended that it be placed on the east property line of Bohnsack and Hennen's property line instead of the west property, line with the , *stipulation that if at some time the property: is Improved the Yf ` Minnesota Gas Company be Pa Y requ ,irod.to beautify the regulator. , Mot ion was made by Williams to approve' the installation of the above' ground regulator for the Minnesota Gas Company, to be located, atthe line Bohnsack and Hennen and'. contingent upon if at some period of time.there would be f a beautification program that the,MBwsota Gas Company would willing to partidipate in it, seconded b Busse and u Y' Y pan. a vote taken it was duly passed. . Councilman Williams stated .that Wednesday morning he b6 leaving. for Rochester .: .. e w G with a member of the Park. Board for a meeting_. and requested that the.City Park Board pay for the tuition fees, and wanted to know if anyone wonted to go :long. s �r The Council discussed and' recommended changes in the Specifications for snowplowing. Motion was made by Busse to a pprove "the Plans and Specifications for snowplowing as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken It was dulyipos:rd. Motion was made by Watkins to advertise for bids for snowplowing and :to set the opening of the bids on December 22, 1975 at 11:00 A.M., seconded by Williams and upon a " vote taken it was dul Y Passed. Engineer Anderson reported on the sewer and water construction work for the week. . rE Engineer Anderson.presented information and costs on the Conroy'r Bay storm sewer. „feasibility study. Manitaw intersection was s cabled. ' Engineer Anderson •itated•that al areas are r early £or sewer sand water connection,.. Ordinance repealing Park Boar&Ordinance was tabled. o r r: z ... a ,. MINYTRS of Me hecoodiep of the Villogo Council of the Village of Prior LaI the County of Scott and State of Mianesota, including all accounts audited br said C knell. Mr. Jim Weninger was present rending the Spring Lake sewer and water project,' stating the'residenta. 'displeasure o the ouncil deferring of ti,4 sewer and water project for one year and asked :if the project would -be completed within the three year time period.' ,, 4 Councilman Oakes stated that the sewer and water project should be completed k within the three year period. Mayor Stock stated that the Spring Lake sewer and water project should be in and. = 4 operative by October 1977, y r Mayor Stock stated the reason for the orderly annexation wcs, to put" the Spring fl Lake area into the City of Prior Lake, so that the City `public ,could expend monies for the planning of that. area. ' Mayor Stock stated that ,'f residenh of Spring pring Lake :felt that it is imperative that this project hos.to be done in 1976, that the Council, if o petition is submitted, io them, would act forthwith on this subject. Councilman Oakes statedtNwt that residents of Spring Lake 1ownsite need to understand significant gn park of the-cost of the project are not going to be supported through assessmen# and. since "there Is no such thing as a "free lunch ", spmebody has to ,pay for it, - it is either going to be deferred or °the Interest is going to be accrued to the residents ands to the in what; is now Prior Lake isopeople and the residents should understand how o deop this area where the City x Coos through with sewer and water. Mr..9mmottl-Knox vas .present with n Deve toper s.Agreement.for Willows fifth Addition in -tho amount of $84, 391.20. Engineer Andetson is to 'research this , further, and report ;bock ta•the Council. ` Mayor Stock presenW;a, letter from O'Neill,, Goggins and Trmder,'Attorneys \at L.aw with o. question on the, assessments for the Kratochvil property located along Ninth.A.venue and Highway 13 and, turne4 it over :to the City .Manager ` ;?tio nswer. ?' Mayor Stook stated there is a Planning Commission Meeting on Thursday t " _Reeembtr 4, 1.975 at 7:30 P with .a,corttinuation of the Public Hearing It the%i�UD.. A G The followi invoices are scheduled to be n51 paid. on Tuesday December 9, 1975: " !, ' MULTIPLE FUNDS: ' ' Prior Lake OK''Hardware Suppi ies $ ` 52.39 cotf-lt ce'Telephone Co. Utilities 492122 ti �11C.Inc.. �; • Insurance 00 w , TOTAL . =1,`206.61'... ' GENERAL FUND k ; z .� Ray'slsad Carr Police. Auto Repair $ , 140.09 _ Sautlade Dodge, Inc. Police Auio:Repair 105.86 a `WTAI $ , 245.95 "4 . SEWER FUND: Metropol tan Waste Control Comm, - Metro installment $3,054.64 � >kr -2 c MIHUTIS of the Proe"dinp of tho VUlye Council of,, the, Vilk "o of Prier lake in the county of Scott and hats of r Minnetote,'ieelWIRS all accounts audited by said Council. FIRE FUND: Akins Fire Equipment Co. Fire Hose 51, 246.50 General Tire Service Tires 93.25, TOTAL STREET FUNDS Bill Bissonett Enterprises Supplies 6 $y NSP St Lights Brooljtville Hills y Lake Auto Supply Equip. Repairs. 04; ,00 304 .17 K ; Bryan Rock Prodticts, Inc. Rip Rap 14.0 G ene's Automotive Equip. Repairs Flew Prow Lumber & Rpady -Mix Cement,for Sign Posts, ;1"' 5.00' Prior Lake lop Rent of Blade 35.75 355.00 : W ., G . Pearson, Inc,. Crushed Rock Pn mr. Lake Aggregotes,ti Inc. Use of Equipment 12.44 r TOTAL 505.00 332' `35 ' BUILDING FUND Gen Fahrenkamp Cleaning Services 6 r 9000 ' CAPITAL PARK FUND k `I `Monnens Su PP y I Inc. . Fence NSP 6T, 133.30 a , Under TOTAL ground Service 00 61,578.30 1 3 - MITAMPROVEMENT OF 1974 FUND: { Boluuack: and Herman 22 Yards Black Dirt 6 60.50 72 -7,8„9 & 10 DER AND SEWER FUND: Donald Grand Grandahl Damages from Sewer 6 35.00 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND: t o° C1 pin'Publishine Company Publishing Pau.) W. Werrrier kirchen .61stract SearchesJor Condemnation *, 6 42.16 Q TOTAL 562.50 4 - 6• Motion ' was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by,.Oi- kes and upon this Fnesting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. ta; c vote token ° Michael A. McGuire, City Manager :S.I