HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 08 1975�•. + �I .:- .+•�- r.:.. -w -- - �. .A"�, .raw>Y1 - MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of i Minnesota, including all accounts- auditid by said Council. " h r , December 8, 1975 The Common Council of the i f Prior City o rior Lake met in regular session on December 8, 1975 at 7:30' P.M.' in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock 'called; he meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Buses; Oakes, Watkins asid Williams, <' City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney5ullivan. The first item on the agenda was the ,opening of bids for Project 75 -3. " Motion was made ,by .Oakes to close the bids for Project 75-3, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' r The following bids were received forProlect.75- ? Nodland Associates_ 5% Bid Bond $1 � Orfei b Sons, (nc. 5% Bid Bond ` $1 C. S. McCrosscn 5% Bid-Bond $1,975,059.00 Hoffman Brothers, Inc. 5% Bid '$end $1;587,801.00 Fischer Const. Lo:; Inc... 5% Bid Bond $1,735,046.50 Motion was made by Oakes to accept the bids: submitted for Project 75-3, to have the t Engineers tabulate, the bids and submit c recommendation to the Council, "seconded by a1 Watkins and upon;a vote taken it was duly passed. j The following corrections were -- triad to the Minutes of December .1, 1975: Page one, Paragraph four, Iins three, should read - $400.00 per year, per antenna, with a one year,controct. Page two, paragraph six, line =five,'shiou.id rread'- residents or to the people. Page two, paragraph six,, line six, should read - understand the :need to develop. Motion was made by Oakes *�. o�.c�p}irove the Minutes of December 1, 19i 5` as emended, :. it was duty passed. �� seconded by Watkins and upon a vote ksken Mayer Stock asked' for comments and recommendations on li the Opelt tin Pripcodures for i' the Park Advisory Board (;PAB) �thot was. sent out with .the agend0'= _This matter was talxled s ` ` a �,�_ until the Park Board has a' chance to review and discuss it`at their next meeting, �' �._ Councilman Busse stated that the Continued Public Hearing on the Greenbriar PUD was ' held and the > -Plannina Commission came up+with six items to- berworked out in the plans, and talking with Mr: McGuire .and. Mr. Hill tonight there is some - misunderstanding 4 between the Planning Commission and Messrs. and Hill,regdding the ; ' < stipbl tions. Mr. Horst Gioser suggeovd.t6bling this matter•urALthe next meeting,, until Mr. Tooker, Mr. °McGuire, Mr. Hill and Fb have a chance to gown the plans. - = W S , Mayor Stock stated:`thet this would be at►, agenda item next week.ot which time the Council will discuss this matter further and. requested'thaf Mr. Charles, Tooker be present at the 'next!etee4iig if there are any additions or - corrections. Councilman - takes stated that this community gets iiselectrical service .from three separate entities, one is the City of Shakopee, one is Northern Stotibi Pc►wer,, and is the REA..,He noticed by, the paper this last that the Shakopee Council proposes 0 Sur Charge.on electrical service to Valley Industrial Park, in what was "`formerly Eaghe .Creek' Township.: Sincere{ there are "now a number of ,She City's constituants that do service from the City of.Shakopee and since they, in effect, pay for operation of the City Government of Shakopee, even though - are they in the -City of Prior Lake andaince they also could be subjected to. a sur ' . charge if 'the City of Shakopee deemed it wise:, it seems, wise to recommend to tk'r U Council and Mayor of.Prior Lake that the City understand what auras are served ',y 1 . „4`"..c • MINUTES of the Proceedings of the village council of the Village of Frior lake in the County of Scott and State of b Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. 0 each of these three entitie's and what steps the Council should take to protect the i City constituents from what could be a sudden action on the part of the Council. of Shakopee to cause some sort of increase in the electrical rotes to the citi #ens of Prior ` Lake. Councilman Oakes is to check on what arecs are, served by Shakopee and Attorney Sullivan is to contact the'Shokopee City Coordinator to see if they have a proposed ordinance regarding the sur charge.; Mayor Stock called the Public Hearing to order on the Conroy's Street vacating at 8 :00 P.M. Mayor Stock' read the Public Notice. ! • . Mayor Stock asked' if anyone: in the audience had any comments on this matter. Mr. Wesley "Green wan Aid to. know why the City condemned property-for public,use r and now they are vacai�ing it. Attorney Sullivan stated the City is trading this land for another piece of'property, 11 Mr. Green presented .a design' of what he plans to do with his proper in this area and requested that the Council not vacate, the easement., �• Motion-was made by4 atk.ins that thoi. Conroy's,Stteet•easemont be vadoted as proposed, contingent upon exchange of deeds,- etc:,, seconded by, k usse and�upon a ;vote taken itrwas duly passed. 'Counciiman Williams voted,against the Motion. K . Nf , Mayor Stock directed Attorney Sullivan to "draw up the necessary documents for recording. purposes' on the vacating of the Conroy's Street easement. Mayor Stock stated that the Public Hearing on the Conroy's,S.treet.vacation has 'been u concluded City, M McGuire . t ge presented letters:. from residentsjequesting an extension of their sewer and mater connection dates : 1 Motion was made b W a tk ins y authorizing the C to deal with each letter requesting an extennsion of sewer and water connectionsdates as he would see fit With recourse to the %Council, secondedl by Wiliiams.and.upon,a. vote taken it was duly passed.. ' City Ma McGuire ty ge presented information JoAlwCouncil on the cost of'running the Fire Department in regard ,to the 1976 Fire Conilopet and Spring lake. Townships " . Motion was made b flakes that the. y: Spring Lake; Township: Fire Projection ba set at • r 's6,A00.00.and that Credit River Township Fire Protection for. nezt,year be also set at:6,000.00 with the ittipulation4hat if,it;seern. wisw lo,adjusti this downward to $5, 500.00 based on a throe -year study, next year being the first year, seconded by. Watkinsi and upon,a, vote; taken it wastduly, passed.; G Ma r McGuire e , City noge presented an agreement with; John . and Meda Xop,: stating "that in 1974 the, City of Prig• Lake' entored intaaa five -year :agreement with the Kopis 550,000000 per year to purchase Lakefront Porkanin the-meantime the City has secured a.Federal Grant 4n the amount of 4120,000.00 and this contract i fnust bet paid off by- end :of 1976. 0it:y Manager McGuire has _talked with the IFopsabout another agreement.with them to them k f in- ,January 1976 pay of and z: F in consideration for that,they would anticipate that the; City, would -pay th _added' Income tax that have to, be, paid which is $9,000 60 per; year and alsi an agreement for deferment on water and sewer on their ° for present property a five - year, period. 4 i . -2- MINUUS of tM Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of `> Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said. Council. Motion was made. by Watkins; to approve theXop.Agreement as written, seconder by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, Motion was made by Watkins of coinmendation to the members of the. Park Board, Staff, and the Consultants that did the work that lead to the Grant that the City of Prior Lake received AorUkefront Park, seconded: by Oakes and. upon a vote taken it was duly passed Engineer Anderson presented, Addendums / 1 and 1 2 for Project 75 -3 and stated that the bids received tonight included these addendums. Engineer Anderson stated that the. Metropolitan Waste 10�ntrol Comm scion continued with'their Interceptor and presently it is in the FirstAvenue area`, they ha4*rlicd First Avenue closed off for two weeks plus, the City was informed when'it was closed off, it would be a maximum of'one week. This morning Engineer Anderson reminded the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission of their obligations and they stated'they would _ hu4iFirst Avenue open by and- - they did not, and fngineer,Anderson •wil I be contacting the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission again. There is also u problem with the noisw from the generatars they are using to dewater, the.dewatering is • necessary to install the sewer, they have been °asked to place mufflers on the generators End to box the generators in, and they have promised to do, this. Engineer Andersompeported on the, status of `the Manitaw intersection., ° Councilman Oakes stated, he'wo I'd lie the City establish c critical path before -the Councilman, Oakes, in regard to a letter from Mar requested that the City Manager send. a 6" of this letter to Plannec ,James Uttley °of the Metropolitan Council to support; in, pant the' statement he made and ,the °refutation, -Mr. Uttley . made "about the promises nude by the Metropolitan, Waste Control. Commission when they were acquiring right -of -ways. Councilman Oakes stated that theeitetieraeation of County Roods 83 and 21"' is ridiculous. �r Engineer Anderson stated that the telephone company dug this,up,.last week and since _ this morning they. have put gravel on it. M x Councilman Oakes stated. that the second most flagrantHintersectionii�s County Roads 21 and 42: The City Engineer is to visit with the County Engineer to get these interssctionslJaken core of. ' Ordinance repealing, P ' 4 Park Board was tabled. The, Council discussed the Attorney's opinion on the water and sewer memo and the City Manager is tot inform the contractors that do not havwmost�,plumbe of this opinion. The Council discussed the Attorney's opinion on the insurance memo. v Mayor Stock directed City Manager to prepare an analysis of the City's insurance coverage and -a recominendation as to what the City should, have and'ahe pouibility of gettin a i'\ i 9e ng package,. Mayor Stock stated thatthe City received a notice from.the,Metropalitan Waste Control mis Comsion that the project-design, data, . loontion, map, ;etc:., ,of Project ;,75 -3 was approved and is in accord with the Comprehensive Sew* Plan, and --, %,connection permit for the Metropolitan Waste.Control Commission is also required and should be applied for. a r' -3 k: r� v� l MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Rat* of Minn #-iota, including all accounts audited by said Council. n Engineer Anderson is to check and see if the connection permit has: been applied for. Councilman Williams stated that on December 11 1975 there is a Public Hearing on the Green Oaks Park development plan. There is a Park Commission Meeting on December 11, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Stock stated there is a Scott County Civil Defense Coordinator Meeting on December 9, .1`975: The following invoices were approved and paid in November 1975: GENERAL FUND >i Scott -Rice Telephone >Co. Utilities $ 312,65 Joseph VanDenBoom Overtime 59.67 Dennis Leff. Overtime 43.96- Dehnis Leff Mileage 7.20 Eugene Smith Overtime 65.69 Richard Klugherz Overtime 13.90 f ` LeRoy Robenort ° Overtime 118.48 LeRoy Rabenort Mileage 3.60 Leon M. Buss Po l ice Reserver 15.00 Ronald R Hanes Police Reserves 32.50 Walter W. Christiansen ,Police Reserves 40.00 ` < Art Halliday " . ... Police. Reserves w 40.00 Ray's Used Cars Police Auto Repair 189.19' .Register of Deeds Microfilm, Copies 7.50 :. Kustom Signals, Inc.. 1S ,Radar'Repairs 182.91 c 2y. x Miller/Davis Co:. :_. Office Supplies 18.40 "JACK Office Products Co. Office Supplies - 60.39 Southside Dodge, Inc. Police Auto Repair 190.56' Air Comm Police o e c Radio Repair 108.50 °< ' ` Prior Lake.AmeHcan Office. Supplies �: 50.69' Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Dental Insurance 270.00 IG, Inc. Insurance: 6,129.C* Judith, n P� lslesitigo, Counte r . 6.00 ' .. `. Millie Klingberg Election Counter 4,50 Alice Mueller Election Counter r ' `? 450 .I Anita Hager Marlis Bluedorn Election Counter 4.50 , Election Judge 12 -.88 ` Clare Muelken. Election. °Judge 3T:63 ` ` E. C. Appel' Election Judge 37.63 Mary E. •Caifnnon Electron Judge 37.63 Bettie 0. Houser Election Judge 37.63 mot Albert Horgan Election Judi Judge ' 37.63 ' f Prior Lake State Bank: Federal Deposit 2,20:9. i State Treasurer PERA 2,600. .. ; Street Fund Transfer of Funds 4,000.00 Judith,Jepsen Mileage for Election 6.00 Richard Powell Salary 442.92 Steven Schmidt Salary 385.84 5 " D''annis Leff Sala ry 352.90 . 'sky Rabeno d' Salary 336.30 Eugene Smith Salary 323.39 Joseph VanDenBoom Salary 328.40 I I h . ;Richard Kluoherz O ' Salary 310. 30 r :Michael McGuire, Salary 473.12 ` David McGillivray Salary 258.62 Melanie. Spronk Salary 142 50 Johi Johnson Salary " 76.20 1r i -4- . Transfer of Funds 5,000,00 Park Fund Transfer of Funds 5, 000.00 Street Fund .3 Transfer of Funds 5,000 Richard Powell Salary 442.92 Steven Schmidt - Salary , 394.34 Dennis Leff Salary 361.40 i' LeRoy Rabenort Salary, Eugene Smith,- Salary 3 344 80 Joseph VanDenBoom Salary 336.90 Richard Klugherz Sa!ary 34.80 Michael McGuire-, Salary - 481.90' •David MacGillivroy Salary 258.62 F&M Savings ank ^gs Savings Plan. 210.01 /Melanie - Sprank Salary Joie Johnson 112.86 Charles Salary 75.20 Tooker ' ' Planner i „ 500.00 „% Minn. Natural. Div.' Utilities 44.74 l.Ailler/'Davis Co Office Supplies 56.82 a Prior Lake American% = Printing and Publishing 22.75 Clay's °Printing Service " `' Police Supplies , 20.80 " JAK Office'Products -Co:' Office "Suppl ies g,g} ' Register of Deeds Microfilm Copies ,. I Robert McA (lister ,2. . bo9 Catcher 160.00 Lawrence Schweich Library Rent�t_ 300.00, r: Richard Klugherz Overtime Rabenort 12.43 LeRoy Overtime •_- 30.58 Joseph. VanDenBoom, Overtime Dennis Leff Overtime 79.38 = Steven Schmidt Overtime Eugene Smith 98 TOTAL Overtime 29.24 $45,=144.78 Y (d 5 - V J J MINUTES Of the Proeeedines of the Villas* Council - of the { Village of Prior Cbkt in the County of Scott and State of Ell Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. G GENERAL F UND (Continued) ' U Local Union x"320 Union Dues 5 51.00 F&M Savings Bank S Savings Plan 2 210.01 Walter Stock M Mayor's Pay, 1 180.00 ' GI Ron Haberkorn C Council Pay 8 80.00 Jack Oakes " C Council Pay - 8 80,00 k D Don Busse C Council Pay 8 80.00 Michael McGuire C Car-Allowance 1 150.00 Scott Co. Sheriff R Radio Maintenance x ' 90.00 � " U NSR; r 9 Utilities 4 �. Stc.ldard Oil Div. P Snowmobile Repair 2 23.85 ` C Bankers Life Co.` H Hospitalization, 1 1,163.55 Andrews Rexall Pharmacy O Plumbing Inspector 3 302.00 Albert Hergott W Weed Inspector 1 131.95 Jordan Independent P Printing and Publishing ' 6 67.25 Register of Deeds M Microfilm Copies 3 3.75 E. =H. Newstrom B Building inspector 4 484,00 University of Minnesota Map Xerox Corp.., t' O Office Supplies 1 171.27 n ' J Johnstom Prior Lake - Nursery T Tree Inspector ° ° � 465,00 Fire Fund n,; t r MlNUMS of the lroce"ings of the Village" Council of the Villagg of Prior lake in the County'of Scott and Staesi Mienesota, including all accounts audited k laid Council: J,f o ' WATER FUND r Roger Stier F Sewer and Water Instal, S 37.68 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 81.05' " Prior Lake OK Hardware Repairs,and Supplies, - :, 23.31 ' Amer. Cast Iron Pipe Co. ti Repairs and 5upplies . 282.65 Water Products Coy. Meters and Repairs . ; ,W2.94, Hayden-Murphy Equip-.Co _ Rental of Rammer 40.00 Bradley Brandt Scla ry 183.17 U ^ E Larry Kerkow Mary Gerhardt Solar Salary 179.74 ' NSP' Utilities 328.95 s� Pitney Bowes Postage Meter 15.00' Standard Oil Div, iV1�aNrous Co. Gas'dnd Oil. 59.52 _. Water Products Co.. Hydrants and Repairs Meters and Repairs ,} 126.05,, 209:;52 = r Larry Kerkow Salary . 345.64 Mary Gerhardt Salary T79.74 t Brcdloy Brandt , x , , Salary 185.17 2 n , N`.W. Nat'l Bank of Mpls. Bond Payment 2000.00 Minn. Nature! Division;, Utilities ;19m ' Larry Kerkow r Overtime 100.24 Bradley �� Brandt Overtime 53,50 r TOTAL $ 10, 300.58 >I� SEWER FUND: Raymond Johnson �a6>iMrpime 122.,44 '' ' Roger Stier Sewer and Water instal. 37.67 Standard Oil Div. "Gas and 0i! 81.06 PAW 1Lake OK Hardward Equip. Repairs., -5.49 ! . Fadden Pump Co P Sewer,,Repairs and Maint. 82.29 , ys' ClutAh S Transmission Service .1nc. { Equip. Repairs, 144.42 f , MWCC SAC Charges' ,, 14 478.75 +> = Raymond Johnson Salary X ,',' . 386.77 Horst Groser Judith Jepson Salary Salary 1'95.17, ff FSA Savin (Bank gs n Savings Plan p 155.11 . Postmaster NSP Postage 7 20000 n Pitney Bowes r Utilities'' Posro Meter go 296.47 15.00 ' L&L's Lawn and Leisum E Re j fi Standard Oil,iiiv. s Gas and 0�l , 59.52 :. u: • Richfield Yards,- lnc 'Sewer - Repairs and Maint.' ' 160.55 , Mwcc Metro'Installment. "` y 2,036.28 „ Horst Grdser ' Judith Jepson Salary „ 195.17 - P ,Raymond Johnson Sal:dry1,55.11° Salary 386,77 F&M, Savings Bank Savings, Plan 50.00 1 Minn. Valley Elec. Do-op Utilities 67.,19 Raymond Johnson Orrme 207..36 TOTAL? J - J l Q r „ AMNUM of the heeeedinos'of the Viiiaoo Council of the Village of Prior Lek* in the Counter of Senn and Stab of Minnesota, including all ,accounts audited by said_Couneil. t p FIRE FUND . Prior Lake OK Hardware Bldg. Repairs 5,52 4 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities " 9L15 S;xirplo Scuba Suppi ;es 9.00 Air Comm Radio - 600,00 F Akins File Equip. Co. Supplies,: w 1`,212.50 l c" State Itreasurer ,- Scott-Co. Sheriff Suppl tes Radio Maint. 16.20 108.00 'NSP° Utilities Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil _47.19 69.44 1 Irwin Clemens 4 Firemens Pay 54.88 ` Irwin Clemens Fire Number Time 59.25 _> �f Froncts Snell Firemen Pay k 2.25 Delbert;BuSSe Firemen Pa „ y 218.25 Cyril Smith '' Firemen Pay 51,25 Eugene .Smith' _ Firemen Pay 19.25 Goo,. Mueiken Jr. ` Firemen' Pay., 31.88 Q Robert`Busse Firemen: °Pay 54:75 t; Gerold" Hoferman Firemen Pay • 242.38. Minn. Natural Div. Util ities 49.72 Jerry Muelken Supplies' 7.03 General Safety .Equip. `Corp. Equip. Repairs 11.29 Sub. Henn. Co. Area V6-Tech School` 46.00 " :- 5 . - Wallace Langhorst Firomans`Pay ffwSey Klingberg Firemens Pay 144.25 ? . Elmer Kling -erg Firemen Pay 40,63 Donald Schommer Firemen Pay 145.63 : Donold�Borchardt - Firemens,Pa�y • "� 100. ' Robert Btoudette„ Firemen. Pay ° 155,.13 ; 'Vetdon;Monnens" = Gerald Simone Firemen Pay 45.25 FiremenSL Pay 145.13 c Ruben' Mueller M Firemen Pay 31.38 Willi Slipper Firemen Pay 329.5Q k, f Ciare ce Weber n Firemen Pay `224.63 ° ' r < Lyle Anderson: David Barge�rding i'i =ns Pay Firemen: Pa 419,63 44.25" r v Robe :ir [iAertirns Y Firemen Pay 552,38 - RoymQnd,Johmon - Firemetis Pay 118.6 < Meyer' !, Firemen Pay 151`.00 ' Gerald'Muelken Firemen Pay o 264. 00 Glenn Tani Firomens Payi$1.38r Raymond Erldndsen Firemen Pay 53.00 Ldwronce Johnson IrA Firemen Pa y " 2211.3 Everett Ptersori Firemen Pay Robert Robbs Firemen, Pay 101.90 ` O. F. 'Reebie Firemen Pay „ _.:' 93038" `Martin :Lannon Firemen Pay 140.25 - J. Nick Ma`,iers ,., Firemen Pay 77.00 p. Clarence Sc?iwn'idt Firemen Pay 65.13 Larry K rlcow Firemen Pay .. ° 43.50 Clarence Weber Fire Number Time 253a5 Ruben Mustier Fire - Number T;me,_, � 54.75 ' Verdon Mennen Fire Number Time' 14.50 , TOTAL w $ 7,999.76; , '} � 4, -.. -.. y?�, -<-. _ ,.,- „ .,.,:, r. o-..,;- - '"x• 4, c. xav iaf�. „'. 2,; . '... n.. ars ..ah;a y a, { MINUM of the Fniocoodlop of the Villago Council of':tho Villolle of Crior Lake in the County of Scott: and State of 1 Mianosota, including all accounts and }ied ray sold Council: ; STREET FUND i ,. Standard Oil Div .: .. Gas and O•i l $ 81.06. "Prior 'Lake OK Hardware Supplies 18.23 Savage. Tire Service, Inc. Equip: Repairs 564.00 I Lyle Signs,' Inc. Signs 2;265.22 New Prague Lumber & Read -Mix Co.. Cement for Signs ' 13.00 Prior Lake Aggregate, Inc. , Agge3ota 22.56 ` Umer Busse Salary 336.15 NSP Utilities 1,016.76 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 59.52 , Hul.lett Elect. Service Co., Electrical Work" Maint. 45.00 Donnell.Co. Signs 42.90 :. Lake Auto Supply Equip. Repair - _ 38.9.1 Y Wm. Mueller & Sons BTU Mix 68.25 ' Sean Supplies • 20.79 Itasca Equip. ,Co. Supplies 6.55 I 1 Elmer, Salary ^ 336.15 ,, 1 Minn. Volley Elec.'Co-+op. Utilities 8.25' Clutch & Transmission Service,•Inc. Equip. Repairs " 22.62 7.25 ✓ r, Verlyn Raaen Mileage ; Ot t Elmer 'Busse Overtime ;,. 99.33 TOTAL 072.60 BUILDING FUND Prior Lake OK Hardware Repairs S 4.59" Gen .Fahren"p Cleaning Services , 96.00 r Minn;'Naturgl Div. Utilities 1'1.77 Utilities 117.29 ° 4 Busse Super >Morket l Cleaningr Supplies. 37.77 ' - Grow Ind. Service Floor Mat: _. <� 23 60 ' , Minn. Natural Div. Utilities ,.4.`1!1 TOTALS 348.13 PARK FUND r Prior Lake OK.. Hardware • Supplies % s ' 1.62 . °kwin Clemens �, _ _, . Sal �, 2 .98 - NSP p Utilities 4.50 L&L's Lown and Leisure Repairs 21.76 "ton's Prior Lcke_ Nursery Sod -. " Irwin cl"ns Salary 256.98 n in Clemens Overtime / z 45.89 TOTAL j;. S 603.48 a yy dPITAL PARKfUND a Kii AA Excavati ,.. Pro psr improw►ment S 50.0.0 Ames Construction. Co . Contract Poygwint 4,428.,80' 1waolspn A Assoc., Inc. Engineering F as 381.;00. J. Wicker = 0TAL Appraisal (' 100.00 $ 4,959 :89, EQUIPMENT `CERTIFICATES OF 1975 FUND Gopher Welding Supply I 4 Misc. supplies S 114.50 Warners Industrial M ist. Suppl 42.47 a , TOTAL $ 156.97 " / 4 it }}F - {' �Cxk..�'' �, � w � ` ''t•X%CG ;Y4.r• _*SC. 4 r .lu,*i•k:6!'a 1. .•./FIA.MNSI'S{'+,.X r - b. �'h'!k �':` J+S vC.l a''•tFTM' F. S'R'. A r : yy f4 ,� n' f MINYTlt of the Proceedings of the Village<Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stab of Minnesota, <iodwline all occwunts•audibd by said Council, 1975 GLENDALE S EWER AND-WATER FUND i Anna J. Convoy, etal. Condemnation $ 2,850.00 ' Anna. J . Conroy, etas . , Settlement 800.00 Verjln Raaen a_ry'" t, 339.04 Lang J. Anderson Salary 464.91 � F&M Savings Bank SavingslPlan 35.00 Braun Engineering Testing Cylinder Molds' 10:80 Johnston's P *r Lake Nursery Trees 375.00 Prior `Lake State Bank Investment 100 L. Tupo, etal. Easement: 200:.00 Eagle Creek Sewer and Water Fund Transfer of Fund:, 60,000,00 Larry Anderson Salary Verlyp Raaer. ; , 'Salary 3 39.04 F3M Savings Bank Savings Plan 35.00 Nodland Associates. Contract Payment, 181 W.69 Wenzel Plmg. b' Htg., Inc. Contract Payment 2,778.75 Israoson b Assoc. n Engineering Fees 5,541.00 Diversified Pipe Services 1V inspection 5,495.50 t ' ' UST W16 Investment' 194,196.22 w r, n TOTAL 555 5 5 ' ; EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND ---- Scott-Rice Telephone Co. Repairs ., $ 31.65 Lawrence Schweich Home Blrs. Water Shutoff Repairs 9760'49 WenzelArng. & Htg., Inc. Work atAppeI's 210.00 ,Q= M. Benedict b P. Delaney I Sod ..` 6,351.12 Midwest Utility Const Co. Work at Nelson House 609,20 k Israelson b Assoc. ' Engineering Fess 847,50 First-National Bank of St Paul Bonn Payment 9 , 5.69 r , •• , Nodland Associat �' =Contrac t Paym .ant: . �'`x 4, 457.78 Fronk Miller Retaining Woll %b 48_339.34 " -, If TOTAL' $62,208,73 f STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1974 FUND Minn. Valley Surfacing Conti-act Payment $43,471.89' lsraelson and Associates Engineering Fees' x '_571;00 �i r � $44,042 72 -7, 8, 9 & 10 WATER_ R FUND: .z 3 ----- Johnston's Prior Lake Nursery Trees. 5 75,.00' N.W. National°3ank:ofMpls. Bar, P,,ayment, . 55,878.45 TOTAL 555 9 35.4,5 KOPPS BAY FUND Amer. National Bank and Trst Bond Payment _ $ 211,00' o u ti . �.: -:ww .. ,_....'�z.- a s w•_aewmtiw'aw.ew+'.�.w.w:... ,..,_ � a:. ,. . .`..+ „,,. .,, 1: l L.. °.i 1. Iu. ' - MINUM of the'roceedinos of the. Village Council of the Village of Prior Labe in the County of Scott and of Minnesoto, including all accounts audited,by said Council. The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday December 1.6,; 1975: MULTIPLE FUNDS: Standard Oil` Diva ' Gas. and Oil _ M.00 Computoservice, Inc. Sewer and Wrater,Billing 235.21 TOTAL $ 1 1 ?M , 21 } - GENERAL FUND JA Offiee , Products Co . 'Office Supplies` ` 16.37 " Prior Lake American -Printing and Publishing 44.76 I Xerox Corp. Copy Machine 194.:96 yl Burnsville Printing Co. Police Supplies . 66.00 ' Valley Tire Service Police - Tires 120.00 ; lsraeison 3 ASSOC. EngineeringFees 3,696.00 Robert McA'I l ister Dog Catcher ' 160.00 E. H. Newstrom Building Inspector 396.00 ° Bankers Life Co. Hospitalization'. 1 TOTAL, $ 5, 890 02 x ; ' WATER FUND l ; Water Products Company Water Pressure Reducers S 248.39 a FIRE FUND:` " Reynolds Welding Supply Co. Supplies $ 2; 08 _ Northwest Emergency cluip. & Supply ' Supplies 219.50 Akini+,ire Equipment Co .° Supplies 509;80 d Modders Extinguishers Suppl ies o 41.80 F Minn. Rescue and FirstAid.Assoc. Membership Dues. 15.00 TOTAL $ 78$.18 BUILDING .FUND GT�+Y�IQir1i S Floor Mats 23.60 Y ..i CAPITAL PARK FUND i"elson anAssoc d Asso Engineering Fees s 100.50 , �r Y ti o 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND Vi%ATBR r ,. a benison and Assoc.: . Enginverligl Fees S. 3 50 _ Wenzel Pim . 3 H . Inc - >i t9 , = Contract Payment ' 7, 715.25 r TOTAL $10,,984.T5 EAGLE'-:CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND Asraelson Assoc. Engineering Fees ^8 g� 3 282.50. t a ; STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1,974 FUND lsroelson gnd.Assoc. �` ' Engineering fees $ 1,860.00 . 72-7, 8 9 d 10 WATER AND SEWER FUND Israelson and Auoc. ' Engineering Fees 1,995,36 Motion was made by Watkins io adjourn, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken this meeting war'odiourned at 9 :30,P.M, v Michael A. McGuire, City Manager