HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 22 1975MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take is the County of Scott and State of�"
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
;, December 22, 1975
The Common Council of the City of-Prioe Lake met in regular session on December 22,
1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to
order. - Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes,,Watkins and Williams,
City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan.
The following correction was made to the Minutes of December 15, 1975:: Page two,
paragraph eleven $1,887,904.44 should read $1,887,940.44.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of December 1 5, 1975 as amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mr,. Denny McWilliams presented a Hardshell of Oakland Beach Fourth Addition for
approval by. the Council.
Motion was made by Williams to approve the Hardshell of Oakland Beach Fourth
Addition, seconded by -Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. r
Mr. McWilliams presented a petition for streets, storm. sewers, sanitary sewer, and
water for Oakland Beach Fourth Addition.
Motion was made by Watkins to accept the petitions for streets, storm sewerz, sanitary
sewer and water for Oakland Beach Fourth Addition, the, petifian: to be reviewed by
Engineer Anderson for planning, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken i
duly passed. R
Mr. Horst Graser presented a Hardshell of West Side Court for Council appro Wpl.
Motion was made by Watkins to receive the plans of West Side Court as proposed for
Engineering, Planning and Administrative Staff review, seconded:, by Busse and upon a
vote takin it was,duly passed.
Mr. Gene Berry was present asking if any progress has been made regarding a Iiquor..
license for Green Heights Tavern.
Mayor Stock stated that Ordinance'& I states that..a „nonconforming use may be
continued but not be extended, expanded or changed unless to a conforming use,
as permitted by the Board Adjustments in
of accordance with the provisions
= of .the ordinance. Aw issuance, of.a liquor, I icense to a setup bar would bean
expansion of a. nonconforming use and it may not done without the consent and
approval of the Board of Adjustments or the Planning Commission,
Mayor Stock requested that the Liquor Commission and Planning Advisory Commission
review the Green Heights Tavern liquor license situation and to report to the Council
on January 5, 1976.
Motion was made by Watkins to advertise on January and r
A4, 1976 for Public
Hearing on the Green Heights l iquor License to; be held: on January, 19, 1 at 7:30
P.M., seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to notify the Planning Advisory Commission
that this will be a joint Public Hearing on the Green Heights Tavern liquor Iicense.
Motion was made by Williams to. authorize the” and City Manager
to sign the
agreement to enter into a Contract for Deed for $225,000.00 for 12.1 Acres to be
known as Sand Point Beach, seconded by Watkins and' upon a vote taken it was duly
s made by Busse to accept the outline development plan for the Greenbriar
Motion wa contin
PUD nt on Park p plan n
9e p approval, . seco ed b Williams. and u pon pen a .vote :token
it was duly passed;:
.. _
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State'' of a
Mianesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was made by Watkins to. approve the Hollywood Inn 3.2 On and Off Sale
Liquor License for six months to bring it in line with the other I iquor licenses of the
City of Prior Lake and to charge them'a half rate of $70.00 for the liquor License, -;
seconded by Williams and upon a vote takensit was duly; passed.
Motion was made by Busse to approve the. 1976 Cigarette Licensee applications for
Steve's Red 6wl Busse's Super Market, VFW Post 6208, Johnson's Inter-City Oil,
Tom's Mobil;Service, Prior Lake Union 76, 'Extra: Innings, Grave's Gay Nineties,
B $ D Bar, Andrews - Pharmacy, Viking Liquor Store, Housers_Super Valu, Thorkelson
Drug, Birdeens Dairy Store, Peppers, Pizza, Prior Lake Deep Rock Station, Anchor
Inn, Norling Liquor, Prior Lake Bakery, Schroder's Resort, Prior; Place, Green
Heights tavern, Lakers Drive In, Country Hills Golf Club, Ben. Franklin, Martha's,
and Hollywood Inn, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
City ,Manager McGuire stated that the overhe4d projector "that the•City is using at
toni'hts meeting costs ai) proximately, including basic supplies, $200.00,, and
questioned the amount of use. the City would get out of it because most items Iike E`
plats, would have to be reduced, inssize, which would have be'be done by an
outside firm, and felt that the Planning Commission would get the most use out YF
of the pro jector.
Mr. Dave MacGillivray stated that a PA system with nine to ten microphones would,
be about $40 to. $50 each. City ManagerMcGuire stated the PA system would cost
about $1,000.00.
The City Staff, is to check into the Overhead Projector and PA System for further
Recommendationaon Project 75-3, readvertise, etc., was tabled.
Motion was made by Oakes to approve Change Order 'ti Revised for the Civil
Defense Sirens in the amount "of a $2,945.00 deduct, seconded by Watkins and
t upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
EngineerAndersar 'stated he has checked the stop signs at'West Avenue and County
Road 21 and recommends that the stop sign at this intersection be changed ,to 'a yield
sign and that the County be re:+ uested.to make this change; and recommends that '
the stop sign at County Road 21 and Park Avenue remain. .,
Motion was made by Busse to: recommend to. the County to change the stop sign to a
yield sign at County Road 21 and West Avenue, .seconded by Watkins . and upon a
vote ti4en it was duly. passed;
Motiomwas made by Watkins to adopt Resolution 75-17 Establishing Municipal
State Aid Streets, secol-tded by Williams and "upon a vote! taken it was -duly
Attorney Sullivan stated that Shakopee Utilities does not plan to increase rates for ri
> r.
° Prior Lake residents at this time,
Attorney Sullivan stated there has not been 0 1 6ydecisions made on the Watershed
matter yet:
Attomey Sullivan requested authorization to have some 8 x' 10 photographs made of
poloroid photos of the Marsgo project of the water breaks.
Motion was made -,.by Oakes to authorize Attorney Sullivan to have the necessary
photo t
P: of the Mars 90 Project made, seconded by Williams and upon a vole taken
it:was dul passed.' _
MINUTES of the , Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake In tko County of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited - ay said Council.
Motion was made by Oakes to approve Ordinance 75 -16 Ordinanet,,Creatirig Plonning
Advisory Commission as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was
dilly passed.
Motion was made by Williams to table Ordinance 75 - 17 Ordinance Creating Park
Advisory Board, seconded by" atkins and upon a'vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the
boarding up of the Old Grain Elevator,, seconded by Will iams and upon a, vote taken
it was duly passed.
' Attorney Sullivan requested that the City keep a record of expenditures and man hours
for the grain elevator.
City Manager_ McGuire stated that the City of Prior Lake'rece ved one bid the two
squad cars from Shakopee Motors for Plymouth Furys in the 4mount of $4,709.00 each
Motion was made b Williams to approve the bid for the two
., Y pPro squill cars from Shakopee
Motors for Plymouth Furys at $4,`70.00 each, seconded b Stock and upon a,vote
taken it was duly passed.
Cfty Manager McGuire presented a memo from Engineer Anderson regarding snow
plowing and snow removal bids..
r ,
Motion was made by Busse to award the contract for snow removal to Lawrence-,
Schweich Home Builders, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly
passed. b
Motion was made by Busse to award the bid for snow plowing to Bohnsock and Hennen,
seconded by Walk ins and upon a vote' taken its Was duly passed.5
Motion was made,. by Watkins authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign the G
fire and rescue contracts for Credit River and Spring, Lake Townships, seconded by
Oakes and upon'o dote taken it was duly passed.
The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on January 6, `1976:
x Insurance Center Insurance ° �`= 3,005..00
M`inmeosta Natural Division Utilities 133.26 °
Ray's Used Cars Auto Repairs 165.70
$ 3;303.96
o t
„ JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies s 46.30
Delta Dental Planjof Minn. Dental Insurance 285.00
TOTAL ; 331.30
_ G
Minn. State Fire Dept. Assoc. Dues
Dyna. Mod, Inc'. Supplies 120463 f `
TOTAL $ °150.63 o
Century fence Co. � Barrier - Anchor Inn y $ 332.00 ' £
Q o
Vii'° -