HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 12 19761ti 1 i MINUM of dw rrocoad { the Gweeil of Nh Vil ViNe�e a!a of Prix Gks is the County of Scott and State of Mtsnosole, incledint all eemats audited by sold Council r, January 12, 1976 That Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on January 12, 1976 at 7;30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins and ° ! Williams, City Manager McGuire, E%ineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. G The following correction was made to the Minutes of January 5 1076: Page one, i paragraph six, second line - Oni should read One. =? f M I NeTES Motion was made b W i l l isms to approve pprove. the Minutes of January 5,. as amvWed, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'i WEST :SIDE COU Mr. Horst Groser presented information on West Side Court. t RT PARK ADVISORY Councilman Williams stated that the Park Advisori card has see the Park Dedication t BOARD OED I CA- Feer at =925.00 for West Side Court. T I ON FEE y SIW Motion was made by Watkins to accept the memo dated ` ,' 1.976 to the Mayor I ary and City Council from City Manager McGuire regarding §sewer and water assessments ' for West3ide Court, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote token it was dul :send. Y Pa }' Motion was made by Williams to establish the Park Dedication Fee for Weil Side .Court at $925.00 far the parcel, seconded by Busse ano upon a. voM taken it was c duly possed.: Motion was made: by Watkins; to request that the City Manager Contact Mr.. Cy Schweich regarding West Side Court and have Mr. Schweich meet with the City Staff on the proposed plan that was presented, by Mr. Graser, stating to Mr. ` y ' Schweich that this plan would be a better plan than the one presented by Mr. Schweich and tabled the HordshelF until the next 'Council :meeting, seconded by sR Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed • k. e GREEtl BRIAR Williams stated.the Oreenbrior Park Dedication Fee Councilman Will � tabled for PARKt FEE ini: nr ation, more SNO101Oe1LE .Councilman Williams stated .the Snowmobile Clubs have asked the Park Advisory .Board TRU FOR S for Wresolutioh to allow a s**cial trail to be created in this Park for Snow Days. l : DAYS Motion was made by Williams to approve the snowmobile trail in the Park ' rnti npnf' upon that tM City of Prior Lake be named on the Snowmobile, Club's insu►oricn policy and the liabil y should be at least a minimum of s100,000. per injury and ' r, =300,000.00 aggregate coverage and that the 'Striihlobile Club erect o temporary fence and nark it that the trail will not be used as a snowmobile trail in the future, n; seconded ky Watkins etnd,ypon a vote taken pit was duly passel. `&KN taAKS Councilman Williams stated that the Green Oaks Park plan has been agreed upon b y the Park Advisory Board and the ne PARK' BOARD Councilman Williams stated,that'on the Park Advisory Board,. Chuck. Arnold was COMMISS LONER designated as zlVaturei` arid" Wildlife Gan+rnissiontr,JOM Kelton was designated -os 1 ReereationCommissiontp and Rate Fatchin was designated as Acqui :ition Comnmiuioner. SAND POINTS City Manager McGuire stated that on Sand Point Beach he lion talked to Denny 4 BEACH McWillianr: on the remaining one acreeto the east of the .Park that' was acquired a , couple of 4witeks,ap and•he'is willing to sell'that at this time and the City should is wait until -he 7ialks to Mr. McWilliams to negoffew a price on, the property. AUNUM of the lree00dinits of the Ygiei6e Council of .flies Vil 1060 of Prier tale ,. in the County of SeON gnat State lMtmneso%, ineludiiv all accounts audited by "W ;Ceu"ll. , 3 of 4 a Mr. Oconee Schmidt was present at the request Of A0 Council an&reviewed his duties as Plumbing_Jnspector. Mayor Stock requested that when the water meter readers go into a'home on A W an anewol inspection of water meters that they check for any internal or amp; pumps operating into'-the sanitary sewer and any interconnections o City system. ells to the main Mr. Gene Newstrom was present at the Council's request to neviewthe duties of the Building ng mpactor and Private Well and Septic Tank Inspector. a Attorney Sullivan stated that the Building and Plumbing Inspectors shoula'hove liability insurance and so should the City f " so that if inspectioes are not made prppeely tbioei Ntthe City is now Need with no governmental 'immunity on these matters. ' CouncilrrmnrWatlkins.stated, that anyone who has b do with any responsible intpectiohtAbr tlw'bty skould be made aware in writing of the liability that might possibly occur. r j w ` , \L " . City Manager McGuire stated that Lary Kerkow is rest IicenWd at this time to Impact for "A elm disease, 3 it would take approximately a one weok "course b °i do, so. The City "payed Donn abhtabn On. ghee Inspector last year $614.00 for the year and based on thls ncormnended that the City retain Mr: Johnston as the tree for for 1976. Motion was made' by - hksse 40 retain Donn - Johnstan as the treat i r egos for pe t = '1976 on'the sane basis as for 1975, t , -. seconded by Williams and �i 6 c" vote, taken It'iaos duly passed, Engineer A,riderson presented an. explanation of the final. pay"nt. for Lametti for Council' review' and this matter was tabled for more information:. ;. n E inner Anfiersan presented an explanation of the f l payment for 9arbafossa for Council Review. � Motion wat made by' Oakes that Real i payment the amount of $14,950.30 be &MI6 to dorbdrossa, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly Posted r l • Anderson ` Engineer presented a review of the Candy Cove-paving assessments "for Pio[Ocf 75 4. 1 i Motion was mado by Oakes that ar Public New ing be held for Candy Cover paving-on fFebn ary 23 1976 at 7:30 seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was „ duly' passed. ^ ` Review of PL 74 -9 storm sewer assessment wos'tablad, ll w , Engineer nderson stated that the ra klraad iraish ll that the City ha ve a eosin for the 6 water line, the noting would be 18” r a stop Pipe with a minimum wall thiclkran4f 0.312" and the original agreement had 770; I ineai feet and this water main is in the railroad rightrof -way, by shifting the water line out of the .. ri y r 0**F'wo would educe this 1 " enWh'r 300 feet: ` =May'ar1aek'requested that Engineer Anderson prepare an opinion on an ordinance relating to the establi:h of,iin tiles, placement, permits and, Inspections. i ti , a 4,t i .a MINYEES of the P, low of the HINW Counci of the ViNeae of PrWr Lek* in the County of feet and sk" of ' •� . Mhneallo, indwling eN sft*vg M eudNod by -add Cweeil. ELEVATION b UADE FOR HON Mayor Stock requested that Engine Andersen relatin b establish:n an elevation and prePart, an,apinion on an ordinance g w 9rode of foundations fora home s BLDG. ,g or building. BOND FINANCIN .WL Mr. Steve Mattson of Juron.and Mood' y, Present regording,refinancing'of three year temeporary bonds and bonding for) 976. � GOB BOND '76 Motion was made by Watkins to adopt a resolbtion to sell $1 575,000.00 in generot P ` " obligation Improvement bonds%, r 1976, Series A, to open bids on February 2 19761 F at-7:30 PM., seconded b Busse and upon ' Y pot a, vote yt±aken it was duly.passed. Motion was made by Williams to adopt a resolution to setl $280, 000,00 in general obligation -,pork bonds -l'or 1976 to open bids an February 2, 1,976 atI :30 P.M., seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, WEST SIDE CRT M �1 r. C1► Schweich met with Horst Gr6ser regarding West Sid*sCourt-arn as a result of this meeting Mr. Groser statedAthat Mr., Schweich agrees with„the. Park Dedication Fee,,and agrees with Mr. Groser's 'concept - ;, , 5 • � of West Side Court but the topography limits the possibtliyy of doing this type: of plan. _ Motion was made by Bi. sse that the Hardshel I of West Side Court be. approved = continger* upon Mr.. Schweich furnishing the City Engineer w'rth!'a4forni sewer plan and that the plawmeet with the approval of the City Engineer, befaie the Hardshell can be-signed by'the Mayor,aC►1 y � ter of eRgal�IsOm" thata check, submitted for the Park Dedication Fee in the amount of $925.00, seconded ,by Watkins and upon a vote ;taken was duly passed, -- - ORD. 76 -1- ODD> YR. ELEC Motion was made by Watkins. to adopt Ordinance 76 -1 adopting odd "ar 'Ye j elections, seconded by Busse and upon a vote, taken itvvas'dulyipossid.'; PUBLi ADORES � "ItOR Councilman Oakes presented information on the Public Address System for the SYSTEM COUNCIL-ROOM Council Chambers for review by the Courw,cil PARK ASEMENT ERT' MAPL SHOR Eng ineer Anderson presented information on Probiems.;ia�securing easements in:Mople Pork Shores. - PROD Councilman Oakes recommended that in assembli the= Y; .. rig specifications forbidding on F Project'75-3 that the City bid two stylevof- bridges. - N-Li Notion was made by Oakes that bid specifications for Project`Z5 3 include an �= _ alternots bid for the- t dge, -seconded by Williams vote passed, and upon ken it was Councilman Williams :toted that in talking to the. man at.the sewer plant there: seems b be o great deal ¢rtiore.water coming through the pipes than should be norma for teaches being hooked upthis fall. Councilman Oakes- 3toted,that�E1!igineer `Anderson he, and ate working on this matter- The ,fallowing invoices were paid in the month of December 1975; 4 . , • GENERAL FUND:, Joseph VanDenBoorn Clothing Allowan 100.00 ; ,,Steven. Dennis Leff l C othi . A V\ " c� ne I lowa,nce . �..,, 100.00 Schmidt ..: Clothing Allowancy 100.00 LeRoy Rabenort Clothing Allowance 100.00 Eugene Smith �t Clothing Allowance Richard Klu •a, si��`� •� " Clothing Allowance 100.00 Steven Schmidt Holidays 341.64 " 4' . Richard Klughoni Hal d °1 :.. 175.00 Dennis Leff Holidays 309.84 3 �;.. :.> t ! k � C N3 11 i WNUMS of, liN i j4lt Of *0 vine" Coundi of the V 1116 0 of bier Lake in tht. County of Seetfed Stag of Mini tMe, indiudino eti.,eeeeuaft audited by, "W Council. m GENERAL FUND (Continued) LeRoy Raben ¢ Jseph . y Hblida s e , VanDenBoom Holid 305 . 7 8' Eugene.Smith Holidays 793'.80 Volley Signs Signs 293.80 Delta Dental Pla n}of`Minn. Dental Insurance 82 .40 Register of. Deeds Coulhar, Nelson and Su.l Microfilm Copies Attorney Fees 2 \i S.OQ; \' Mifer/Davis Co. Office Supplies T;.946.50 JAK Office Products Co . Office Supplies 51.48' Scott Co.. Mapping Office d Prior W6 State, Bank Section Mays 'Federal t 9. 14.50 r S T re� roaw.PERA D epoI 2, 78 , Ron Haber korri Council Pay 2; 760.75 1 ; , r Fi re Fund Wal hr Siock ' ,Transfer of Funds M. Pay �` 80.00 1 000.00' • ' Michael M' cGuire '" a yoes Car Allowance 180.00 -. . . ne Co. Scott -Rice Tei o Utilities '1'54.00° k Prior lake bK- ftlardware 4 IC.:InC...'� � Office and Police Supplies ` 400.82 - 18.31 x i Ronald. krms • ' Insurance Police Reserves ' 474.66 X u Lyle Sveddhl Kenneth Deue) Police. Reserves' 40.00 15.00 Ray's Used Cars Police Reserves Police Auto Repair- 15.00 r Sa►thside'Dodge, Inc. ,Rlaiiord Po 1 Police Auto Repair 140.09' 105.86 I ' ' Stswn chmidty �Salary Sala 442.92 Dal nit� ff LeRoy Raberart Salary 385.84 352.90 Eu Srnitl�` S ° � 336.30 t Joseph VanDendoorn Salary 323.39 Richard Kluomm Salary 328.40 _ a ' Michoel McGuire Sala ry 310.30 .� "� • David MacGillivroY Melanie: Spronk. . Solar y 481. 90 258:62 x Joni Johnson Salary Salary 14500 Local Un1 -3.20 �F&M' Savir0' clanks Union s Dua 92.80 51.00 al &e� Cash, Standard Savings Plan Petty Cashr 210.01 50.00 r .i Oil Oil Division JAK; Office Product: �Go. oft'and'VIIL Police 744.00 a Prior Lake American Office Supplies 16.3T .; . XeeiOac Corp ` Printing and Publ isNng Burmville ►ritMitta Co Office Su as Ppl • Supplies 194.96 194.96 � 1 ' Valley Tire Service, Inc. bxoeh�orr A �. nc. a „ot: l Police Auto Repair Enbineering 66.00 120.00 >' ' Robert .:, INaAllister Fees Dog Catcher 3 69 6.00 E . H . ,Newsfrom 6ankens Life Co. Building inspector 160.00' ' 396.00 4. Don Suss Hospital ization Council Pay 1,195 93 ; Jack Oakes: ,, Tom Watkins Council Pay. 801.00 80.00 Don Williams Council Pa 'Council Pay 5 Dave MacGilliWay Charles Tooker Milea 80.00 15.7S ' . Ken di500.00 uel Planner ;a Lyle Svedahl Police, Reserves. Police Reserves 15.00 ' Richard Powell Clothing Allowance 15.00 ' L iVSP Utilities 200.00 Albi n Office Supplies 54,20 160.42 it 4 r , . \ iNINYflS N Into 1 eeeedI"" of tM ViNW Council of the Villa'" of Pier Lek* iu''the County of Scent y . A• MUeo"ft. Indwlie♦ ell ece*uets audited by to council and ShN of GENERAL FUND (Contir(ied) 1 "` ` Miller/Davis Co. Andrews Rexall Pharm Office Supplies 4.76 � Y JAK Office Product Co. Office Supplies Office Supplies" 1.94 Minn. Natural Division Utilities 25.29 Prior Lake American Office Supplies 56.40 4 Thorkelson Drug Police Supplies 95.70 i Richard Powell Sala ry 343.60 \ Steven Schmidt Salary 442.92 ` Denni s Leff � Sal 394.34 � LeRoy Rabenort Salary y 361,40 Eugene Smith Salary„ 344,80 Joseph VanDenBoom Salary 331.89 Ribhard Klugherz Salary 336.90 Michael McGuire Sala 318.80 David MocGillivray Salary 481.90 Melanie Spronk S a l ary 258.62 . Joni Johnson Sola 148.70 � F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 109.70 Hirst Groser • Milea ge 21.0..01 C,ity of Savage Rchkrd Klugherz Savin gsBonds 11.35 - 2,717;19 ' A 4 Treasurer - State ofM ihn. Salary Seminar 31.10 Steven Schmidt O vertime 10,00 Eugene Smith Overtime 46.97 Joseph VanDenBoom Joseph VanDenBoom Overtime 51.43 50.52 Mileage Richard Klugherz Overtime 3.60 Richard K.lugherz, Mileage 53 " New Deposit Tickets 7.20 E; Stop Payment Charge. 6.75 New Checks Printed 2,06 .; Fire Fund y St. Im of 74 fund Transfer of Funds., 14.62 3,000.00 1 , TOTAL Transfer of Funds .2 ,500.00 $36, 56.68 VI*VER FUND lot Water Products Co.. „ . VanWaters & Rogers Water Meters Chemicals S 2,831.95 Commissioner of Revenue Prior' Sales Tax 88 . 9 0 Lake OK Hardware Supplies 349.77. IC, Inc. Insura 9.82 Larry Kerkow, Salary Sala 50.97 Mary Gerhardt, Salary 345.64 BradleyArandt Salary 194.67 Standard Oil Division G as and Oil �, 185.17 ComPutoservicey,Inc•.: Water Billing g 59. 52 Water Products C "eott-Rice Water Pressure Reducers;, 1' 17.60' S Telephone Co. Ek1 t6ewer and Water Service, 248.39 " Nodland Assoc., Inc. NSP Ext, Sewer and Water Service 76.59 148,30 Minn. Natural Division Utilities Uthities c 382.36 VcwiW a ters a Rogers Chemicals 58.31" Larry Kerkow, Salary 74.50 • Bradley Brandt Salary 345.,64 Mary Gerhardt Salary 185.17 Bradley Brandt Overtime 194.67 Larry Kerkow . ' : Cry 11*1 Park: Fund Overtime � 17.52 , 129.41 TOTAL Transfer of Funds 5" 000.8Q $11 r. 5 kE _`,e.�' �*r �M3-. y*�- ,sl.aG,.•v ,k. � . . - • 1 f how MINUTES of (fie fjiee elNtinot fif „ the .Vlllape council of`tho'Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scots and Stat of Mianiseta, including all accounts audited by said Council: h SEWER ..BU _ n r MWCC :: SAC Cherges 519,626:75 � �� IC, Inc. Insuranc MWCC a 64.88 r ' Installment °<< 3,054.64 r Horst Eraser Salary {> ,Judith Jepsen 273.40 } • Raymond Johnson Solary 203.11 Standard Oil Division Salary 386.77 Gas and Oil ` Computoservice, Inc. Sewer Billing; 59.52 Minn. Pollution Control Agency Seminar 117.62 j Nodlarxl Assoc., Inc. 90.00 Ext. Sewer and Water Service '. 54.55 Scott -Rice Telephone, Inc. Ext. Sewer and Water Service 76.59 NSP Utilities Minn. Valley Electric Co-op. Utilities '177.59 Braun Engineering Testin 71. 37 9 Soil Borings ` Raymond Johnson Salary 641.E Sala = Horst Graser 386.77: Judith Jepsen Salary 273.40 F&M Saving Bank Salary 155.11 Raymond,* i6on Savings Plan 50.00 New Checks Printed, Overtime 127.50 ` TOTAL �, 9 -15 J 82.5,.901.71. 5 { FIRE FUND: �\ 4 y Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 't' Prior Lake s ; 91.40 UK `Hardware SUppl ies Aki Fire E q u ip . Insurance 14.56 @' c qu p. Co. Supplies General Tire Service`' 1, 246.50` Firemens Relief Assn. E 'P- Repairs 93.25 State A id 10� 12 1.82 ' Standard Oil Division Gas and Oil , Reyr*l& Welding Supply t:o, :. Sup plies 69.44 N.W. Entss u _2.08 " rgency Equip. & Supply Supplies Akins, Fire Equip. Co. Supplies 219.50 Madden Extinguishers 509.80 Supplies 41.80 Minn. Rescue 3 FirstAid Assoc., Inc. Dues NSP 15.00 Utilities Highlander Center 77.15 Clean Jackets TOTAL 8.75 $12, 5:16.45 STREET FUND Larry J. Anderson Seminar St. Improvement of '74 -Fund. S 29s1i1i0 4 i� { Transfer of Funds 100: Prior Lake OK Hardware' 00' Supplies IC, -Inc. 10.99 Gene`s Automotive Insuronc *. 56.93' ssonett Enterer Equip. Re pai r Bill Bi ises pa 5.00`_ Supplies Lalit Auto Supply Utfities 304.00 New Prague Lumber & Ready�Mi', Co;. Supplies 37.17 Cement for Signs Prior Lake Blacktopr; Gradin 35.75 W W. G . Pean ion, Irc . 355.00 Crushed Rock Elmer Busse 11.96 Standard Oil Division Salary 336.15 Donnell Co. Gas and Oil 59.52. Signs NSP Si 347.05 Utilities Minn. Valley Electric Co-op Utilities 1,032.39 Itasca Equip. Co'. 8.25 r� Supplies Wm. Mueller & Sons 118.95 z BTU Mix Elmer Busse Salary 341.25 Elteii's'4fusze �` Overtime 3_x'23 T 6 $ 3 , 646.14 x. MINUTES `of the `Proeeedin Council as Rf the Village of the ViIlaoe of Prior take in the County of,Seott Cind 5" , ac _ N Mieftseta, including all accounts audited by saidlCouricil.- BUILDING FUND Quality Waste Control, inc,• Refuse Pickup � Prior Lake OK Hardware ;ke poirs 7.87 S x Gen Fahrenkamp Cleaning Service ; Gross Ind." Services 90.06 NSP floor Mats " 23.60 Minn. tilities 121.01' n. Natural Div. Util ities. TOTAL 119.42 366.90 PARK FUND ' c Busse, usse, Jr. V Salary S;. ., 32.06 Don' Williams Seam i rwr4 Irwin Clemens Salary 24.00 J " NSP Utilities 280.43 Irwin Clemens Sal 8.81 - °' z;97 88 �t Irwin Clemens '' ` TOTAL Overtime ``'22..73 S 665.85'` CAPITAL PARK FUND " T ' " U n :. Valley Signs` Signs S 45.00 R. David Burns Plowing Lawrence Schweich Home~ Bidr. Excavating 20:00 d ' Prior Lake Aggregates Excavating 45.00 Monnens Supply, Inc.. Fence 505'00 { a NSP 1, 1`33.30 Almac, Inc. Utilities - Underground Serv. ` ' I Ison and Assoc. g g • 100.50 EnyneermOaFees� Bh. Pk. 2500.00 x Almoc, Inc. Sand Point Beach; { John and Medea kap Seers Mo. int. CQ 25,000.00 u° John and MP v eda Kopp e n n 4 , 812'.50 " John and M 9,000.00 TOTAL` Kqp Co tract Payment 5_ 000 00 °w $93, ,606:.30 1975 GLENDALE SEWER -AND WATER FUNQ: - e ; _ Chapin Co. Printing aisti Publishing ''S 42.16 P. W. Wermerskirchen Searches Larry J. Anderson Salary 562.50 464.91 Verlyrt Raaen , Salary - F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan , 339.04 trize elson and Assoc, Inc. Engineering Fees 35.00 Plm C 3,269.50 sa ,, H Nodtand AssDe, Inca Contract Payment, 7,715.25 Contracts Po `Braun Engin" ring Testy yment' 199 v ^g Bituminous Testing 420.00 Larry J. Anderson Salary,, 464.91 Verlyn Raaen ` Salary „ TOTAL S avings Bank Savings Plan 335.00 �. 2 1 VHF 1 3,145:21 STICEETIMPROVEMENtT OF 1:970 FUND: Amer. Notional: Bank & Trust Co. Bond Pa yment :11,691.69 a CONSO� "IMPROVEMENT FUND: r �Amer.`Naiional Bank & Trust Co • Bond Payment $ 740.$5 �'•1 d' „ "`zKx'U d ,.. . .. »rte .. J