HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 19 1976M1 i Mayor Stock stated that if theca is a <violatioa of State statute& City �. Statutes, yes it can be revoked. , Ph�Simpkins, stated he would like to see the Council issue the liquor €' i . Mts. Larry Jmisea stated that he lives within. 300 :feet of the; Green Belghts 1t -port and dxd not get a letter regarding the Public Hearing. Maier Stock stated that this is not a legal matter, 014;48 a matter courtesy that the City does, notifying people who live within 300 feet, and the records from the County show that Mr..Jaeison'a home is not ^ within 360 feet. Mr. 'Roger ?Klober atated he was in favor of the liquor license: Mr. Bill •, 1Cewpin asked what is to insure that if Gene Berry gets the - liquor'lieense that he will not sell this place next month. ' CitT Manager McGuire stated that the liquor license is not transferable. Mayor Stock stated but that is not saying that whoever Mr. Berry would ` sell to,�tRlilou ^t>ssltetrt him from appearing before the Council requesting a liquor license, for the establishment., Mr. Kemplin•wanted to know the given amount, Of parking space Mr. Berry ` has to have: Mr.•'Mbrst''Graser stated Mr. Berry has to h i are feet. ave; one space for each 100` gn Mr._ Kemplin wanted to know if Mr, Berry has the of the buildin parking he needs in .front Mr. Grassy stated ir.`Berry has to have 16 spaces'.and he has a�pproxinately 10 spaces. , MINI M sf'tho precoediags of the Va" eeueeii of * VINW, of row Lake M the Cowew of SeeN sad iteN of Miaao�oq. `ieelydin ell ecKeu pis eudked by seal Ceundl. Januan 19. 1976 a The Co eon Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on January 19, 1976 in the City Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock,'Councilmon Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Williams City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson,�l; and A Attorney Sullivan. The following;correctiow was made, to the Minutes of January '12, 1976: ° Page tiro. paragraph fourteen, line five, length by 300 feet" should read "length to 300 feet..: MINUTES M Motion wa s made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of January 12, 1976 as amended, seconded by Busse sx:d upon a vote taken it was dull, passed. _ GREEN HEIGHTS M _ j LIQ, LIC. R om, H Mayor Stock read the Public Notice. "* f Mayor Stock read a letter from Mr. Archie Pavek stating that he is in Mr. °Gen* Berry presented his plans for the Green Heights Reiiort. Mr. Skip Reeb a read through the plans presented by Mr. Berry for the benefit of the people p at the Public hearing. t P Mr Berry resented the ' Mr. Jerry Siwp4ns asked if Dace the liquor. license}ia issued can it be y y , revoked. " " U " M of *0 Prasee Iew of a* wile" co.", of the "I"ib of fMw to M the Couafr of ScoR and 3toh of Miaaosele. indudia♦ all eceeuafs audited br soW' Cwacli. •` GREEN HEIGHTS Mr. Keml,lin wanted to know if the Council was familiar with the Police litl''�IC• calls situation and the notee_ situation. City.Maiaager Kc':uire stated that the 'Liquor Commission has reviewed the " complaints and in comparison to other establishments they feeh it`s ,, .. . run reasonably well., Mr. gemplin stated that if Mr. Derry cannot control the noise now how Is he going to control'it with a 1 iquor license..: " J� At Sullivan stated that Mr. De . liquor better if he had a license where he was ngdt control t Instead of having setups and people bringing their own bottles'in and asked Mr. 1Cesplin if he felt that there Is something about this use U that would Hake.. their situation any worse,` 4 Mir. 1CemQlin stated he did not think it would make am► difference. Mr. Reebie stated that the t' the parking requirements.. op parking lot Would more thw satisfy 1 �• CREEN HEIGHTS Mr, Reebie stated, regardi boat d ,. dQAT HOCKS ocks, that to the left of the rasp, the space in front of the``restrt, would Visa a Pb and, wha'woAuin for boats for .those Ple o++ the lake to toms in ld be elimietated "world be to r { 4 i the right of the ramp whith is rented grace and the; ramp would not A be '• elim ` Mr. lEeebe stated that, regardin g noise;, if the l liceeue is Olited this will become a :full -tins bueluess l and Mr. >zerry will be personally' involved with the business, he will be `rmet ng it and have ' mora'eaitrol -sad more supervision. Kr. Reebie stated,a beer bar cannot make a so of it in Prior Lake rii`thout °attsi ' aplQ7meat -for Ivicom >!Er. 'Sinpuns stated that in hie ' opinion it war , much etois 3er < befoxw the k °. ` dsfe b0468 `wets built and the noise j.pro6lem has improved since thou. tfr. iR;emplin stated that four years ago when he built home'4crosa fr"'Grsee Baishts Resort he could to .there met =a hri could drink with 'shoat 9Q>E of his neighbors, he can piglet. and, i go" it the'r o� , a Pridsq► night now and he cannot drink with any of his neighbW,4 it was a "local [[[[ 3 t:►pe arms re but it does stmt have that' Mr,- Url Hoak stated hie eaajor oo Was tiefi ���• c Mr `Dias w�►+ a is ur.t 1 :8 asked: if the Comc l Could read the non- comfo:a n th g we � to the: public and :what legal right does , the Council have tp "males is change Mayor •Stock r"d -the ao 410foraming uses from the toning Ordinance.. x ' Manor Stock stated, tM question of the tlaniti ha.:'been discwsed at both hS Commission and, Council; however, change can be permitted ` by the Road of AdJustMOnts Which Is the City Council. Attorney Snilivam stated that a eon - chafe" dna use cannot be expanded without the consent or approval by the Council. Atterney, Sullivan tated ",this is ft. Derr} is grant!!i, a liquor l not ansouing this is simply,. if ceetse, it would be, as U t- conformietg use, it still rsia as `i non- coe►foreina use�ifoforf .his �t example, it Was destroyed by fire it could not 'be rebuilt, if it were : resoneddit could be rebuilt. Mr. , awseasked if five years from now 'if Mr. De does the ftu,ave the right tocth �' wanted remodel, nci h mge at that time again. Lam 1 L MMNUMS Of the Pmeedi"" of the VNIe* CeurAl of the VII , laN of Prix Lake s the• County- of See» asd Stew ,if MMseaNa, iadwNag, all eceeuMs.audited by ssid Ceuseil. •..e y } GREEN HEIGHTS Attorney Sullivan stated Mr. Derry can remodel but he could not add on LIQ. LIC, or do any extensive rModeling because that could be another ezpansioa, PUBLIC HRG, of the non - conforming use, he-would have to come back to the Coun get permission to do this. tit to Mr. Don Scherer Was opposed to the liauor license and wanted comments from the-Linuor Commission. Councilman Oakes stated that therfunction of the Liquor Commission is that prior to an issuance th e a license to investigate the background of owner or owners Of record of the establishment requesting a license to see that whether or not in the past there has -been any situation which would bear on the future, and a rather careful check is aide of past business associations, past actions of the individual or individuals, the question of residency comes into being and after this inf is gathered about the background of those who propose to, own and taa operate: the business, the Cwmiission meats to at the #acts &or assembled and decides upon a recommendation to the Council about whether or not this person or persons should be granted a license. After`& license he responsibilit `has been granted it is the of'the Liquor License to check the =going n!r ope Commission IS a w ration of that establishment to see whether it j "nom operation, to see comnit ?, to see Whether, for e ,whether it lea detriment to the a added Police attention le' required if � d it iscostingithettax Yer or 11066► for adding an undue ,, tax burden, or in abors more t, that this Payer is "o P erati ng reasonably similarly to ot opPratoa Co >,at the opinion of the License Commiser like establishments and that C° sio her as a 'group. The License slon review all annually, has the input of eha Police Chief, : ll l Cit# ,, Attorney s , and City stances 'of Manager, i d understands that. those in , complaints, infractions, coact cases, and disposition of the court cases, this all is input to- "the License Commission to 0 cause it to recommend to- Council continuation of tha liquor license conditionally or recommendation to withdraw the licensee Mayor"Stock asked for comments from the`Plann and' Comcl members. n!t Commission meters "It. % Keith iborkelsoa - stated he was wa, because he fools that' there vi med to eznjsa ng the conditional requests for further, OkOk iibd` and, this, neighborhood area is not- suited for farther \traffic, and that it " • Will ' preient fnrthir probletr to the nei ° . Mr. Bill 310800ett stated he he pr red tey► ow pnD`ric Bearing as rezoning of Grian Heights, the rere t he vo vio against the re sonina oPe up'a' can of worms', {f the: establishment Were destrmrad by fin and It :wart resoned 4t easuld 1*t opened, up again° as a gas stati "this is the a11ason-he voted on, etc., thiok'tM1a ati against "the - resorting not be be does not ghborhood le'right for it.. it is his personel'i�pi on that the expansion' of use °is not going to bother angbody.' 9 _ \, Mr. Darl'Roats stated again, that his concern is' traffic. 0 DIM00 iimn•V111i+ms'stated frith liquor in the.establish11eat Wil not be allowed, Youngsi,,ra , Part of the problem of youngsters in th lot Wi e parki ll „br'alia�riated:. no dig n;, L� Will be more traffic, basically'because, he be that. ahmajority of tht•busisess for the establishment comes off of 6ammst, "`HS opposed the rezoning of t the lake, winter and he expshdir4 the sou iwnforaing nee party, but does not oppose Motion "vas wade by Matkini that an on -sale liquor license be granted to lir.. Gana le g rey P100rietbr of the Cresm Hai het Resort being mindful that It is an expansion of a non - conforming use and that the parking config- uration be approved by the Planning Assistant and the,Police Chief seexhaded by Williams and'upon a vote taken it was duly passed. mks, Councilac cepted all iaforiatioa that s presented in reference to n the Grean:Aeghts Resort was Liquor License. ` Citj Manager McGuire staled he, net with Denny M and the ;1 ;BEACH - D. cost of the'approxiwate one acre of land at Sand Point Beach which x311 "HCWILLIAMS add 150 ftiit of lakeshore to the Park site is $30,000.00. v r> Mme`. *rlis Bluedorn was present requested a recap of the purchase of Sand Point Beach. `City M nger'McGuite stated that 12.1 Acres of Sand Point Beach Was purcliaad for $225,000.00, it ~was peiblished in an article on the front j page of he and in the-public notices.: Mrs.. Bluedord' wanted to know about the name of Sand Point Beach she had never heard of an area named this. Mayor Sto ,stated in the,publ a,notices the property -vas defined, 'the acrea given, and amounts were given, it: was well- covered by 'the Prior \ \ a American. 3 { Councilman W11tiams stated that Sand Point`Beach ie the old Paukner`e j A Beach and'one o'f "th finest beach arose on the lake of Prior Laks;and ' it is a very- 'd thing that this City has done In acquirinp: this for the use of the people. L Mrs. Bluedorn vantdd to knon this beach was tkoV bought before at a lesser tee . e mayor stock stated he would have to start from the beilaniuR when the ? City originally advartiaed to sell bonds for acquiring park land or . °.� 7 pask land a cqo sition, the City sold bonds. P ri ublic ffaa were hil4f and the 'People voted for A,refetenduw and they were at that ties that if sostee would becoms\,available through Federal grants', State grat►ts,,`this .easy would. ' pp 1 16d:and that the sonies that were. brought up for efs < 10 447 specific land; The, so met- that the Cit 'received from rsnditm were fora uisitiou of rk land it�rtdid not y . Scati and Pidteral` grants nave "the City the opportunity, to acquire more r land.and for the future and this 'the} feel is very, very iupertant as " we,sea 'the price of rat lead sscalatipg each year and 3t was ,indicated , this is ft the finest . beaches cmi Prior Lake and when the property did betoia available or formal* the City discussed the matter several tisss, 11►en tkrougb the public" notification "did so after this property =441d 'ecvrw*th* 12.1:'acres as is "shows on the Mp., ' Ste. area chat shtmn in;blua, the.,approxi>,iti' °one acre hft'the City discUsasd this evening'Mas an °area tha lr- 'NeV11liar ',at•the tine of the origisal ; stle wanted to withhold for his own personal use, it was not. up forsale. The Cttj `tried to =bargain very hard, with sir:, McWilliams at° that tide. as a sattsr Of4 fact, Don VIIIisats was at a point of turaittg down the entire cilia' it the . City 1conld not aetL that part. „ Eisifivsr,, after the negotiations on tba 12.1 acres 1tr. NeWillia a had a chanae,of wind grid if.ths. City was` Interested: In this one acre the City should suwt bin an offer sad he was, willing to talk about it cram discussed; at several Meetings and at the last feasting tke City Manag was directed. <' `.x . to contact Mr:; HtWllliaas to ask hiu about the purchase price of the property and what he was Willi ng-to. sell ic•for, ` „��Us`�City- had the Property ' appraised, the $30,000.00 is, within the appraisal of the y { piapsrty "and,`th�refore, at point °in time the City has frothing ; 4 to may that this sit not a• good or faint price, hued on the appraisal, 'It" 1* a fair price, I Mr's. Blnsdotst•Manted'to know who this property would benefit. ' f x (� ' tiaybr Stock stated the City Prior Lakes and . its t onst tusnts l now and in the future. c L i o- . s . _. ,... Y I MINYTEi of " fyoce�dlMp of the Village Coundl of the Village of'rior take In the County of Sea" an of ` t taitteosoie, including all accounts audited by soil Carneil, GREEN HEIGHTS M Motion was made bw Watkins to clotie =the Public Hearing on, he Green BLIC NRG. p H`e'ights Resort, seconded'. by Busse and upon .a vote, taken it -Waa duly passed," Mayor Stock called the Regular Comicil Meeting to order. } S SAND. P01 NTE , . r t � 1 0 AC 1 MINUM of the Meosdie" of " Vuhwe COU"N of *0 ViNa js of Pier take In the County of Se" en* State of MienKila, iM } wNw♦ all eerwMs awlthd by aaW Cwedl. '� a 1 SAND POINTS Mrs. Bluedorn stated that bar - pother owns property that few people have BEA6 - D ri o ht the to across to 8 g get to the lake:, . she offered it to the City.: MWLLIAMi of Prior Lake as a sift, she offered to give it to thew, all the City htd.to do is pick up the taxes and any future essesswents, and it vas definitely told to her that it would not benefit the rest of the people of Prior Lake`so the City of Prior Lake did enter into a contract with her: ; Mayor Stock atated,the issue vas that the late. Mrs. Bluedorn wanted to ' donate to the City of Prior Lake had boon dedicated to back and there vere not clear titles to these lots and if the City took thaw over the City would becowa liable and these.property owners would retain their rights., Countilwan'Watkina. stated when this propetty van offered the City was extremely interested, thts vas.not� Bluedoin's to - give, due to the fact ,that the title that her father established when he platted the 1 property. Kr. Sean Keel a studen vas present requestina`nrn foati,on on the size '> sand cost of the Sand Point Beach purchase. r " Mayor Stock stated that the ';City purchased 12.1- acres $225,004.00 ' „for and now they were` purchasing approximately one acre for $30,000.00 vith 150 feet of ;lakeshore.' A resident asked if the property vill be accessible from County Road 42,' Mayor Stack stated it vould ba "accessible from County Road 42. A resident asked if the City as mde a y comwtwen "as to her Alaac is going to develop the re al "ng property. A Mayor Stock stated that hlmac cave before the Planning Con6fision fora ri hearing on rezoning to a R -3 and that vas rejected bl? the Plimning Coss d -seion and by the 'Council and to this date Almac` -has not sub fitted grey plans for the back property; however, according to Alaac c would u0oubtidly PUD the property. " Cotaleilusn Watkins stated the zoning at this tine is R -1 single femily .° residential as it has`been for the "� past free yeera. , •` Mr. Keith Dickle of North Shore Oaks isked` if this 12,1 acres has any X reflection on future PUA's as far as the Planning Commission is caacernod.� ` Councilman Williams stated no and Councilman Watkins shook his head no. r ' f Councilman Watkins statsd'it is nothing ngotiable oahr than the property. *t 1 its. Ron saberkovW =,ranted. to Anow who the., appraisers Mere on this. 'City Manager McGuiri stated Frank Wicker of Wicker- Knor'and Mauriei Wegner° of IDS. Potion vas -WI by ll ss to-'enter into negotiation and authorise the, City. Madiger.'`and Hoot to sign the agreement to purchaser app , one aero of SAAB Point Beach for an amount -not to exceed $30,000,00, seconded by Watkins and ,upon , a. gate taken it ,was duly passed. ` .' , ` D Councilmen William stated' if�,Mrs. Blu`edorn can furnish the Park Board' with, a 'rty the Park Board will gladly consider p ' C66ncilaan,*111ar stated that Nn,. Bluedorn did ask hie to met with her in regards to this property and after talkies to the City Manager and vas °reds mWers of 7 the encumbrances on the r pampa ty; therefore,. he ' , d cided?it war,not north his °tine to hollow it any further because it *oald not: be used. as public land. G .�, � _5- �'ar'S°si "§n.'N�.rt<Y.es::r ataxxisftib%+s. f. MINUM of im" of Vilkogo, Cwnd1 of the V of Prior take in the County of Scott and Stop of Mlaeosota, including all accounts audited by maid coundl„ SAND POINT` Mr. Ron Raberkorn was BEACH -r0. present requesting information on next week's Council meeting on growth. , KWILLIAMS Mayor Stock stated this meeting is being held to get input and the desires of the constitu of Prior Lake regarding growth. (WALTER JOBST Mr. Haberkorn read a letter drafted to OkSMISSAL the Prior Lake Awe the die-legal of. Walter Jabot from the Planning an regarding nning Commission and stated that ii :50 - bat was Out of town on vacation when the Planning C members. were *appointed. cwuisaion .' Mayor Stock stated he personally (and did not know that Mr. Jobst was out of town, he did on a number of occasions, and contacted everyone of the members, four or five consecutive nights, the night of the. meeting) to get in contact -rith Mr. Jabot, and there vas ; no answer and he did not know what to 'do, an& on the night that thm appointments :were. made he mentioned he was not able to get shold of Mr. Jobst. seated he felt that, as Mayor and as a Council they did review aall members as candidates for the position,; they were alt contacted with the< eXceptton'of Mr. Jobst, which unfortunately he waa on vocation, and he it to change apologised for this, but he did not know.. anything that he could do about it. I EASEMENTS CHAIRMAN OF, C ounc PLAY. ADVISOR Ilman Busse. stated the rd is Bill B ssonett. that the new Chairman of Planning Advisory. BOARD Mayor Stock stated that the labor agreement with the Police, the Minnesota LABOR AGREE =, HEMT'W /POL.ICE Teamsters, was received 'and .haa been entered into as p °Council approval on the agreement and the City has a three Year contraef with the Police Department. MAPLE .PARK Engineer Anderson presented information on Maple 'Park easements : for � • °Council review.. �� �} * 'Residents from Maple Park were present'regard� +Pt � �aaements . b5ti •BLDG, PERMIT A resident'aak QUESTION ed if a garl"a would 'burn down rebuild. would they be able to Attorner< "Sullivan'atated they V would have'to gwr a building permit to rebuild the gar P age, but they would be entitled to a variance anti they would ; get a variance. SEMEPA Lotion was made by Oakes .0 E, PARK _ • that in Maple Park the. City seek a five foot w germmnent eaaernt oft either side of street excluding permanent atructurea that ro act into that five foot �dt�anded b i permanent easement, �s= Y`Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly. passed. Nation w as' mad y b 8 1 Oakes that:a fire foottemporary easement be secured } on either,_,sde of the roadway outside thefive foot ` „iixay, excluding, they intrusion of, permanent right -of- construction easoment area seoon�ded rn Watkins and ture� into the -, it wan duly passed. ' upoe °a rote. taken . s Y Mayor Stock requested that the* Engineers, have a survey of the °street 84 it:' now exists :and that the street will be replaced' bat with an in the moms area 'additional foot On in Maple Park. POL i CE; .REPOR : motion :was made °by Watkins to approve the Police.Report for December 19�IS' and the Police Annual Report: for 1975 seconded by Busse. and. upon a vote taken it was duly passed. RESCUES � CoancitNan Duase stated that on rescues it` ham° been Council. policy ' t that the rese,hare two hospitals,,St. Francis,,'and Queen of Paace, i and wcinderad� .b� wanted ?to 'expand their hospitals to, such as Fairy =:lr, Unire" ity, and the new medical cantor in Dakota County. i • m MINUITES of the proceed s R of fhe VNhye Geeeil of the Vilwee of Prix peke In the County of Scow and State of u t Miaeetote, ineludier all *ecouMs eudihd'rp, "W Coundi. , HOSPITALS AN RECORD FOR Mayor Stock stated presentl the hoe y Council is on record that an other Pital than'Qneen Peace y PL FIRE DEPT, in New Prague and St. Francis nShakop*e ` b RESCUE they would be billed so ouch per mi ?.e and if it is a doctor's that they be ' transported to a different hospital, these west - be made snare of the additional cost involved and they will bE blltd' as such. Mayor Stock is meeting with the Eire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief in the very near future to rev; the Fire Department and Rescue and will report back after ing. 1 FIRE '& RESCUE Motion was made by Busse to REPORT Fire and Rescue Report for','. December 1975 and the 1975 Summary nd Rescue, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. f. F s R,SUMMARY Mayor Stock requested that the City Manager send copies y c of the 1975 Summary of Fire and Rescue to the Credit River Town Board,3pring Lake Town Board, County Commissioner Oldenburg, rg, °: l and County Commissioner' x NEW F'IRE`TRUC Mayor Stock .,stated North Branch has started building the firs week and truck this, assumes It will be approximately 90 days before deliverer i � r PUBLIC ADORES Councilman Oak s. presented infoiutton on the public � . add ,system and will have equipment available at Council meet DUANE ,REIMERS AGREEMENT RE PUBLIC Mayor Stock stated the City has an, rs abut the he Duane Reime who agreement, with t and 4rctar public access road between Spring Lake ACCESS 3 S & ` now in the City lim , Lake which is its of Prior Lake, they have !*quested a conne to mewer'and W CONNECTION water, they haves sancta geed a waiver of public hearing to the sanitary sewer, water, and paving hearings Dewitt* Avenue, U what is now known as F Notion was made by Oakes ' h , to authorise the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreement with Duane Reimers for sewer and water by connection, Watkins and upon a vote taken it was, duly seconded passed.. MAPLE PAR that Mayor• Stock stalifid that the City has a lot in Maple Park; that can be K excess property the City LOT THAT IS EXCESS PROP: and can be sold under the special le f #islation and requested that Councilman Williams' review this with -the, Park Board to se* if this Property wouldAe surplus should be advertised formals. property and if it ` RI Motion was made by Watkins to ad onrn, seconded by, Stock and taken this mss i upon a vote ng was adjourned #* at 10;29 P.m. _ Michael A. McGuire, City Manager k �1 L ov