HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 26 1976__
MINUTES of M Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State, of
° Minneseta, ineisding all accounts audited by said Council.
• I
q January 2 6, 1976
z The City an _ •
CAL TO ORDER y ager, Consulting Planner, and Staff Planner of the City of
GROWTH IN THE Prior Lake met, for an informational meeting on "growth in the abstract"
called by the City Council of Prior Lake on January 26, 1976 at 7:30 P.M.
ABSTRACT in the City Council Chambers. Cit g
$ order, y Manager McGuire called the meeting to
OF MEMBERS City Manager McGuire introduced the' Mayor, Councilmen, > City Employees,
Plannin Advisory Commission members, and Suss, the State Repre enta:`
tive for the area, and stated that this meeting was being held to.get av
input from the residents of Prior Lake regarding growth.'=,
Mr;'tharles Tooker the Plannin&'Consultant for Prior Lake
histo gave a brief
history .of past planning efforts for the City of Prior .ke.
Mr, Horst Graser the Staff Planner for Prior Lake gave a brief explanation
of Planning Administration 'for the City of Prior,Yake.
Mr.; Earl Evans stated that the City is going to need some money and to
get money•the City is going to have to
grow. The reason the City needs
money is because City has current sewer, water,.,street, and storm
k sewer projects underway. The City currently has contracts underway in
the area the next five
�expenses'of about $8,500,000.00, totallin years the City has projected
current time the average assessment per home is $3',500.00.00TheOoverall,
assessment is on sewer - ,and water: The dollars that are applied $15,000,000.00 in each assessment is about $ he:
community at the $3,500.00 assessment the City is ;
homes in going to need 4,285 Poor Lake in approximately _fv
lots, to come up with the $15,000',000:00. Atrthehcurrentdtime $ theSCitye
has roughly 1,700 homes and if the City applies the total $
against the 1,700 homes the City has now, instead of'$3'500.00 are
talking about $8,823.53 per home. It is obvious that the City is
to need 2,585 more homes than the City has now in the next five
years, and /or assessable lots, and that adds up to about units per
year, if the assessments at the end of five 'years is going to equal that
.$ that is currently 'projected.
elir. Ed Birdsong stated he did not think is was necessary expand his
area of concern more than to second what Mr. Evans said. He primarily
is concerned about the expense of the and of the future
t activities and where the money will come from �He,did not have the
figtiree,,that Mr_ Evans had but assuming
_g that they are correct then.he.
agrt4s with his statement.
• ,; ?k. Bob Horn stated he did not quite understand the logic that the City
needs mare,bgmes to pay•for the $15,000,000.00 in sewer bills, then the
Y Wou_iteed•another $15,000,000
la .00 to build the school's to provide
ces &V
p the children to go to school, to have more homes to.pay off '
one bill and then create another bill, he does not follow -that.
Mr. Obert Tufte stated
`he did not develop`theulo is of Mr•
etc.; however, it seemed to him that these numbers should be vrnsl mere
the City Council and,tfie management of the Cit 8enerated by
have a long range. plan the Y „and. asked does the City of the ,kind Mr. Evans made in this
plan, what are the numbers, how many units does the Qty have to have in
;order to make the bond obligations, if this plan exists he,woul'd like to
_-see it, it seems to him any sort of projection of the future has to start
o With the best possible plan and all of the facts that can be put together
in terms of -long range financial planning for the community and rather
than them coming with half the stories, this should-be made public in,the
newspaper, so then there wont be so much argument about growth, or lack
C of growth, they can all see that if they do not want growth, this is what
is going to happen in terms of taxes, if the City has a certain amount of
growth this is whaC can happen in terms of taxes.
y MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Cake In the County of Scott and S tate of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.,,
City Manager McGuire stated that the City does have a Comprehensive Plan
as well as financial planning and the purpose of this meeting tonight is'
to get input from the residents of the City so that the plan can be,
z ,
Mr. Tufte wanted to know how detailed the long range plan is.
City Manager McGuire stated that the City has a fie year Capital
Improvements Program which is over
a five year period.
bir. Tufte asked if this was a-- detailed report on where ' the money is going
to come from, or just where it is going to be spent. \`-
City Manager McGuire stated it shows where the money coming from, as far
as if it is a general obligation, tax, or an assessment,.
Mr. Tufte asked if Mr. Evans' numbers are approximately
City Mnnager McGuire stated his numbers are right as far as the estimates
on Reeser and water over the.next five years, however, sewer and water
assessments = over a 20 year period, not over a five year period,
which would greatly affect the 2,585 home's that'Mr. Evans mentioned.
Mr. Walt Jobst stated he 'agreed with the growth numbers. -'His concern is
that spending`,is at such a state that he is hard pressed to see where the
money is going to come from. If you owe a certain amount,of money, the
fact that you have 20 years to pay if off, maybe it me anst, that you can
still stick around,, but it is going 'to be plus taxes, plus interest that
will be owed, nevertheless. His concern is the rate of growth of the
five year capital `budget. The budgets, P ets,from revious years in some cases -
' ;
were`50X expanded, just from one year to the next year, and feels that the
rate of expansion next year is. even going to look larger, that will put
his ifito a harder time trying to figure out 1,, ust where that is going to
come from. He feels that the question "why should the''coanunity grow"
should be the prime target that should be discussed tonight. He thinks
the majority of the people that came here had reasons to come but,, The
majority of the people that did come to Prior Lake came from the immediate
metro area, Bloomington, South Minneapolis, St. Paul, and other suburbs,';
and the type of growth that they are looking for, he thinks the City
ought to take_ a good look at. Personnally he feels that,the majority`
of the people who have come out here are looking for.,the larger residential
type: of lot, larger residential neighborhoods, in which they can have
more open space than in the areas that they'are from.',It would be in 4 =
his opinion good to plan growth to the extent that the City can control
It, so that the City has to build schools only-, to, the extent that.,seems
reasonable rather than to have an explosive type of program where the
City spends the next ten years building public schools every year and
then like Bloomington ends the next ten ears fi uri
8 P n8 y g n8, out what. the
y s gong to do with the school buildings after the
Cit=i i g population
explosion recedes again. Certainly the commercial area in his opinion
is such that the present Prior Lake downtown and Brooksville are very
significant and important. The City should- do'all it can to support the
commercial area that it has, expand those areas before the City allows'
a second cluster or possibly even a string of clusters to,,dilute` the
essentially good commercial that the City now has. As far as industrial
he felt it would really be nice to have and attract quality industrial
development in the City. Most everybody knows that there are a number
of items that have to occur before <industriel deval'opment can take place,
The City needs a good labor force, needs a good highway system, needs a
good railroad, rail siding; etc., possible some river traffic. The
industries that the City needs have to be lightrin nature, -and labor
intensive but not highly depeddent on either, or highway system. The
City would be better off with less industry of good quality, rather than
more industry of the ,type that might get chased out of the more desirable
_ I
°= MINUTES of the proceedi of the Vil laze Council of the Village of Prier Lake is the County of Siett and StaWof,
Minnesota, incledino all accounts audited by -said Council.
Mr. Evans clarified his figures given previously.
Mr. Horn wanted to understand how the property is assessed if' there is
_zres 'that have sever and water going through; instead assessing ?
them for the 400 acres, will the City assess his house, he understood
that everyone "was assessed equally:
City Manager McGuire stated that if "there is unplatted property, it
generally is deferred.
Mr. Horn asked if it is deferred does not that mean that' five years
hence the City will start collecting.
City Manager McGuire stated no but if that land vas never developed
someone =Would have to pay for. it.
Mr. Birdsong asked what the relationship between the number of houses
needed in the next five years in "relation
to those that will tie built
"after that, with regards to the total 'span of'20 years, will the homes
built after five years, will that be -used to pay off that debt. 14 the
level of increase for the next five years necessary
to continue after
five years at'that Same rate of increase.
City Manager McGuire ,stated no, he believed there would be enough land
available within that $1,5,000,000.00 ewer and water program to build
2,585 homes so it would not necessarily be expanded another $15,000,000.00
in the next five years after this period.
Mrs. Dean Sunde wanted to clarify a couple of things, she was quite active
in the campaign against high density her
o in area and it was taken as a'
personal slam towards the City Council'andl was in no way the intent.
She thought they had a right as a citizen of the United - States -of America
as anyone else, in no way did they mean to slander anyone. They were
definitely in no way against
any growth'witatsoever in Prior Lake. She
feels that some good thoughts should be put into things before:'the City
grows, because this community has a real unique situation, and she loves
it,; loves' the people,, loves
the_ smaller schools' as an advantage to�the
children. She felt that people-who, wanted larger acreage
should be ,
considered somewhat in the planning, you do not flop high density areas;
right in` the `
middle of people in this type of situation.
Mr. David Burns stated he knows the City Council #s behind him on this,
but he does not see the° safeguard that we are all aladng ,in one direction,''
the Council ind'.Charles
Tooker the City Planner, and'the Planning
Commission. When we talk about bridal paths, cycle
paths, a' gricultural
land, he does not know that any real attempt to maintain these in their
Present condition, if this is what the City is saying they have and is
part of the plan he does think we should all make ,a very real Attempt,,,to
avoid rezoning the City out of that implied recreational area.
Mr. Evans stated; that over the last several months he has attended quite
a few meetings cif various types and�at -each meeting, depending on what,-was
being discussed saw various people,
very seldom, consistently the 'ame
people at * meetings: "'He thought each section of Prior Lake - should be
looked at individually, special meetings held for the people in -eich area
.. looking at the'eurrent Comprehensive Plan
and incorporate the ideas from
the residents in that,,area'into the original` Comprehensive Plan.to what
people want. the;
Kra.'ICathy Robbs_ stated she has heard that the rai+road bridge at Savage
will be closed in one year„ has
the Council done anything `as Car as
- Council
contacting the 1% as to trying to get a bridge through andif
so does that affect the growth of 'Prior Lake.'
City Manager McGuire stated that the City has talked with the State
eHighway Department as well as
the Legislatures, along with.-the surrounding'
communities on a brid e
g ,,as of right now, there are no definite Plana
for a bridge for any specific year to go across.
^ - MI"U'" of the Pmcoodiop of fbe VNlove Cou'al of fM Vilkmp efIdw lain 10 9 the County of SeeM aed of
Mianecela, Indudift all oeceusts audited by` aid Ceuodi:
aGROWTH IN' THE Mr. Burns asked if it was true "that the bridge ge Was closing.
MEETING City Manager McGuire stated he has not heard this,
Mr. Puens presented his 'views on industrial growth.
Mr. Birdsong asked waat is a good mix .for growth, in regard to residential,
c9 mercial, and, industrial
Ti�oker stated that the City has not really,studied' this problem very.
' hard in Lake. When the original plan was drawn, they looked at the
s work that was done by the small: incorporated area, of Prior Lake. That
' had)4 very largerarea that was zoned for industrial across Highway 13
fzomnthe old downtown, south. of the shopping center, as the Prior Lake
Industrial Park. It seemed at the time that it was in,coupetition with
Valley Industrial Park and read nothing ng was attracted to ttiv, �coa%ity
and so thli ,cosunify and Spring Lake Township worked in the a�
attracting commercial development. ; In
general terms the planning „
all suggest to the student ts
of planning that the com'sunity' that is,a� ex,
residential neighborhood - clearly does not pay its,own way ,and 'it takes
"very high value residentiul:constru
coon before the cimmunitY, pays: €or.
r its own services. He doea; not Anow what the staiistics. indicate
currently, but the Auditor was in today and was discussing growth in ► =' ! `
general just before ;this meeting'
' g;'and indicated that as a resident of
Minnetonka, comparing it to the adjoining coamunities he felt that while
' Minnetonka does not;have industry'he dad not feel that his tares were
any higher than the communities that did have industry He guesses what
he was saying Was while it is nice to have indestrr thtt carry the
tax, burden, theq also generate needa,tha t. also need services,'snd this
point in time he,does not have an answer.
Mr. Mike DiPaolo asked why is growth needed in the community and what does
the City benefit from growth, and telrt:::here are a rot of problems `related
with growth.
Mz.Earh Bvana.atated he aov�ed out of BlooQingtonbecause he`ha d slot
V z of Problems, he Moved to Prior Lake because he likes the open=countryside;•' `
the wall town,invironment, he likes Prior t ake the way h� moved into
Prior Lake, hekn6we 3t cannot sn the sane way he woula.'like to ee
4 �` „ Y f
Prior'Lake \assimilate "the growth not, the growth. change Prior Lake.
'IIurns s[afid his 'main reason for'ovin r'
g to rior Lake because
IS the .tarin Forest, Hills WereL,$2s,100.60 a „year' and for Lame they
are _$950.00 a year.
'ir.I {Jia Wen:nger stated he- moved;;to Prior. Lake because he liked ,.the. area.
H e , etated a caRRimity has, to ' °
' geow, the has'..t_o be on an even basis,
there has to be a good medium. ground on growth where you'are`growing and
° supplying'services as you. row and no
8 . t -su
1 in th e
p e services
P Y B` ' c a to the
:*Ir. Vick Schroeder stated he has been `in Prior a 1cng
Min retired now, he loves the little farm:IIIK but he. is going to have
U of
to develop his propertq.in r or, `another,
ose way no way assessments
8 AS by,' through and, wound it to service •a .lot •of other peop { ?e,, ,he
hiaself cannot get any benefit out. of what is there,, He buld enjoy.
doing vhnt he.has been doing but, there 1 19 no Way he can do it an
Mr. Birdsong wondered if the City considered the opposite
' of what we are
talking about, if the number is 2,500 homes ther City consider
what they are going to htve to do L to” get that,, many homes built there; ' rye
with the problems of the bridge', the-' the ,school 'situation etc.,
that task Haight not be the one -that the City, thinks' is upon us, .it might
just 'be l the opposite.
u ,
.,Y � tai •': r ...
MINUM of Mh freeeed N" of the Village council of" the Yi16110 of P:ior lake in the Couety of See11 and State of
Wanesele, iacleding ail "accounts audited by sail Council.
MEETING ON Mr Richard Simonson stated the reason he moved to prior Lake is because'
GROWTH IN THE he does not like, lots of people; if the Cit is
ABSTRACT rate of Y going`to sponsor's high
growth they are "all going,to move somewhere else whew' they do:
riot have lots of people.
Mr. Dean Sunde stated he lives in Prior Lake to getaway from the large
city life, he works in the city but liked to come away.froa:'it'to get.ao
` the solitude of where he lives. He chose Prior.Lake becauiae.of the freedom
z of the outdoors,and the sparsity of the people. He presented his views
on how the community should grow, and stated the Council can control
1 a,
growth with the Zoning Ordinance and felt that the control of growth was`
met back. with ,the change in the Zoning Ordinance this last summer.
Mr. 'Jobst. stated the City, should'not supply services to.the'extent that
they necessitate.more people to come in Just to make use of theme services.
f . ' Mr.
Jack Fiereek stated he moved to Prior Lake to get out of the city and„
does not like to see growth, but services that we are getting have to be
`paid for by someone.
Mr. James Snegoski stated that Mr. looker made a remark that� a.
�. professional planner there were second thoughts about the real val
' of commercial property as fa ue
r as Ytrs return oa a tax base. He-asked
( that in relation to high density hotising, does Mr. Tooker see any
! tendency there to 'have second thoughts in that area, especially related
to extra services, - schools, etc.
j Ir
Mr ;Tooker stated in each area the Council is going to have to consider t
1 t carefully in the development,of the plans; questions have 'been raised
about industrial develo ment
P particularly; and tnzre have been'siairlar
`y questions raised about parking. He is not aware, currently,; of studies
done�'13n the metropolitan area that would prove the
This 1 case"ane way or another.
`is the 'kind "of, thing they are going to be looking t,
. next yea r.. 8 into over `the
Mr. DiPahlo aisked ff PUD's are something that is bein
g Forced upon us
' ;by .the governme or
nt" . aomething; and' I►ow many are pending rightno
eity , M cr McGuire' state the City
„ y Presently has two smaller PUD's and
the, larges ten,
Greenbri ar would be "t,` it also ; is largest- :PUD "that. he is
:' ai3are of that Ya ben
R proposed. t There are: ;other fomal. ;requests for,
a• PUD He�sring t.iat he is <Yware of. The W ;tv Council.`would` encourge PUD
r �t, cbncept ,'mainlp because if' -is a. lanne
P Srowth'And evenvthough density 1
y� may be �h 'gher, m in the case of Greenbriar it is actL
.maxim ally.lesa tf►an the
um ' *hat would" be allowed Wider e, R- 1 development. ` Under a PUD the
c �� `City can with the devel er in "the planning
of it so there .can be
1 �
; ,$r. Wen i*iger stated regarding , 3ndustr'ial' " growth, it is 'his un`deretanding
that in the 'metro area there Is some sort of tAx ,equali's'ation qr basis,,
iIhern 66 > of the tax from, ` sayi like Savage ,- Jndustri Park
Back to the Metro Covncti,; nd are in turn doled out ion `a prorated s s.
City M+en�ger� MoGu're stated that i
s corxecty' fiscal disparities.
j Mr. MTenini;er) stated then Prior LAe is receiving the enefit of' the r
Od. ` base b a
ustria:G in the seven icounty area.
Marra �� L t '
City ger McGuire "stated no;, , Frior'"Lake 1i not, `hit goes into the '
intercities,, but not;;toc Prior. 0
Mr. 'wtninger �ati ted "it him. un'derstandin tha.'t
g tie.Metro`�Council, has Ptior
Lake:desl8nated,is',a bedroom c unity and would,uot actually encoti
ndustri rage
ial growttr in Prior L ko.
ire �K. tedhe
y .
City Manager Mc
std hag not seen Pny `fol al plans• on this.
• 5
raw AMNUTU of tM Meoedis of Ilse YHiaye teundl of tM. Vii
lags of Mar take In the county Of Seew eW SMe of
Mia newt�, indudiee all accounts audited by aid Coueeil.
MEETING ON Mr ltaninger stated personally'he,vould likeo ghat it) see Prior Lake
,MEETING IN THE the living conditions t t
was about eight ABSTRACT go back to
gh 'years ago, this is
iapractical, it is his concern that.the City have ,a quality growth:, and
not to destroy the quality that we have here currently.
Mrs. Wenngrr 'rotated,. that it is the people
that'make up the cnity; not_ just the wide open spaces
Birdsong stated iu regard to`PUD's that we should not be mislead
by thinking that PUD''s 'instant favAiliea and instant revenue, the
k. Greenbriar is a long term ;project, over ten -years or something close
to that and that depends. upon the demand..
Mrs. Sunde stated she has lived in areas where there are high density
sad you do not just have the personal contact and friendliness with the
People that you.,enjoy in Prior Lake..;
Mrs. Rvbbs stated• she. felt that the Police`aad Fire De sr'
' l
handle the problem of services. p tments should
°John Kalton atatei
a public s h��yoAs, for the Prior Lake Schools, and represents
ervice in a .
a medium growth area, he works for the largest business
In this:co�nwait they educate
` = p care .
c rp,Youagater of school e'
unity, the,,ha . a8_ n the r
Y ve s choice,. During the past ten years that he has
been bare the City has grora an average of 8X each ear. It Is
of, all [he school administrators to continue to Provide the beat
public service in the educational sector with the facilities that they
have that the people in this community Will provide.
Mr. Jobst stated when he moved out here one of the big at potential
problems that he thought he might have was the lack of services, but
the 'first winter he. was out here the onlp time he. got stuck was in
Paul. Small co�■wnities have a wag of time
p ding, very good, service
with a very minimum amount of equipment, etc. When we talk about services
_ the result is what we are really looking for.
Mr. ;Burns asked when there is no growth are the facilities-the same.
Mr. Tooker- stated it was better forAim not hand off - the -cuff .opinions
because the expert gave his a reprt
Council in °1971, and he had a,chance to look at it ear
but but he Nstro ,,
did not fo�"ua omit and did not understand all of the things involved.
They do indicate that stati efically the
communities ;`that have a `comma
and industrial tax, base provide much more in the' way of�se=vicas'., rc[al
Mr. �a
ileninger ask °d if the City can provide services under a no growth
pglicy, do you feel that the. _City with the present tax base it ha
maintain the 'present level s could
the taxes. of servttee as it now stands without raising
` .. ,
City Manager McGuire a t
atad that wader no
to hold the 'present Level, definitel to increaseitn.u.d be.very difficult
would''be:,less ;impossible
'i�t a lefinit;e increase in taxes.
'Under, rapid 'growth, we coirla have the
probles, we �rould not be able. to provide them. rapidly 'enough or
quality service, something inbe'tsree;i will be able to continue or expand
Mr. Jack s
Agdrewa s+tated.he o Prior Lake in i96'1 to start a , drug
I t ,.and he xaata'd People. -fo `move; in and they did.' He thinks, what
a certain amount
ft Present would 1`ike .to see, i planned development where we get
"'people int[he comeiunitp, but not like we have is
e aame.devilo pments where they started with 47 lots, some #
�ilong /md bought;, two on even bought three, ' instead, of a ding;, up with
�v 47 he 1 ended. up with 52 and that is not. .what the wanted but they got it.
y tither places on, the lake have the same thing and t
thc�servicea docking, hen they cannot give. etc. If the City is' `
y going to'O"d'and it has
.� thrz'aervices land and everything that is
` poled '60 on top of each other.' If you have o one lot do! otocuttit=up it
t.. 'onto tiro lots- We have 20,000 school acres l* our school district,
` "if we have cane student for eve
�ry acre, that is 26#000children':'
MINY1Ef of 6e priceedbp o f the VIND" ewneil.of 6 Vows& of Prior Lek* Is iho CwMp of Scett esd Sleti ef
! `
Mi !�s1e. to .q ecewst wdNed 'b s.W C ..di.
Mr. Tooker stated that apartments do not g enerate as many stun enta as
nga and the
e f wily &M11'i apartment developments
p ide a
concentrated number of people and conceutrated number of services.
Mr. DiPaolo asked that when apar'taents are new young famil cove in
with children and increase the school population
and as the community `.
gets older the children population goes down, is this true.
Mr. Tooker stated he does -not have any statistics that would prove
this one way or another.
Mr. DiPaolo stated, the amount of school space we wi 1T have ve to provide
deperiJs upon 'the amount of
students and not on the -fact t they are
couc�trated_ in one area,
� *
Mr. Tooker stated that fi ' the metro area. indicate that,
there is oaehalf student
4 a�
per apartment unit
residential unit. opposed to one or two per
City Manager McGuire stated that the overall cost of
rvices for
a d areas would be considerably less than n individual lot.
Mrs. be m asked is
they am the coat of the sewer, water, etc. - services would
re for apartments,
Mr. McGuire stated the cost of putting in sewer, water "
less than for individual home. ,etc., would be
Mr. Tufts stated he does not think the City has a choice
of no
medium growth or rapid growth, the patteru fer growth.should be d ct crated,
Providing an attractive atedi
Kr' Ron 8 aberkorn stated he did not think he heard anyone'representing,a{`Yi
no growth position tonight, he does
not think there is anyone tn.the Cit y
of Prior Lake who believes no growth is for `the City,
how tha growth
takes Pla ce and how fast it takes place is the question.
understood _ If most people
d what PM is would think it
was a good thing. damns yell then it is�- outstandi n8• If a,PUDia ,
ng. Where we the resoning
Property to a next level of zoning and then also authorise a PUD then
he thinks we are doubling
up on. the density.. Be asked' if it would = :be
Possible that when the City drafts preliminary
, I
Plans for the growth of the City that Fre have a kind of Preliminary
i;;formational meeting where the,plans
maybe and information
published in th a news can be
paper in advance so the
people could have tine
to study it and do a little homework themselves.
Cit Man n
7 alter McGuire stated the cost of publishing would be quite high
but there would be copies available
at the me etings.
A resident asked if the City thought
that Burnhaven was
the growth in Prior Lake. going, to affect
Mr. Keith:Thorkelson asked how aany residential builds
issued in 1975., n8 permits were
E `
City meager McGuire stated that 136 wer e issued._
, r
Mr. lhorkelson asked if this was considered 'edium rowth or
8 rapid growth.
City Manager McGuire stated that; included in this figure would beria 51 .
unit apartment
if you took this off, You would ;see quite _a
different picture, 131 would be appr8xiaatelq,aa
82igrowth rate,
> t
Mr. An Williams stated that before he moved out here he. lived in Edina
and that this happens in any. corunit
for individual areas on growth.. y' sug8eated holding sieetnga
• 9
City Manager McGuire staLad it would be higt.er than ,five /
does not have this specific information.. ?: a8° and he
City Manger McGuire thanked everyone for coming in and adjousead the
nesting at 9:45 P.M.
A tape recording of this Meet ing is oneff34 is the C Offices.
The following invoices fire scheduled to be paid on
11nes'daT; Februarjr
1976: 3,
' "Mtip E FUNDS
Tons `Mobil Service
Itepatts 97.70
LiL!s Lawn & Loi
ure Repairs 22:00
"NLUft. Natural Div.'' Utilities 414.64
Insurance Center Insurance`
Delta ;Dental Plan of Minn. 2,708.28 ;
Dental ,Insurance 285.00
St. Hospital Blood Alcohol Too
JA[ Office Products CO., Office S S , 3.00
Jack Oakes '' upplies 22.50
PA Systen << 171.30
2a� Corp. cOffice Supplies 171.29
Quality W"te.Control, Inc. Refuse Pickup 305.00
Clary'Dusinese Machines Co., calculator 165.00
Robert McAllister'
Grandehl Mechanical Dog Catcher 160.00
., .. Furnicb Repair 117.50
>Za4►'e Cars Police Auto ,Repair - 86.96
MT I=..
Van ''iiatars i' rs v
Rope Chenicals,- $ " 74.50
` Minn. Iratiltal Division Utilitias�= y 73.16
Mans ?roductb Co. Water 1lster - 3"
In= L loo
binn: Valley Bloc., Utilities $A _62.34
Itrs. c.' J. Lanser, Damage
z " .S
lohnsack and Hannon Snow Plowin g
Mlm:.Yalley glee. Co-op Utilities �"c 308.00 4
Lyle Sigas,•Inc. 8
Street Signs 2,265.22:'i
Chas. Olson & sons, Inc.
Co Repairs 2.26 ;
`Ibasca _quip.` .`
Hydraulic Services, Inc. Repairs
Zeco Co. Repairs 30.00I
g TAa
25.86 :1
F _ � 1
Minn. Natural Division Utilities 5' 147.10'
�� • Aigt�FUlIG: -
Valley Sign Co. Signs a
5 470.00
j . 'MWJM of ft, Pt of Mt,. Voe fe .Cowneq of'' 1/i
11s, of rdw take is Nno C"aly o
of ieoN >aod ",to of
�� M
M�saesr.Mdr� aq.aecwela audiNi`4y,aNd Cwnd1: �
�,, '
studies: had b
.any s
<� oi, r�eiidenLs.
Paul W. Werrerskirchan Abstract.
Braun Engineering Testing
C onde nous Testing,—
Sun Nevspapers,'Inc.
ensel Plumbing
W gea�n
g .,'
Notice of Bond Sale
J ?.
Nodland Asuociatas
Contract Paysen
Contract Payment
24 M
Peter Lametti Const. Co.
Contract Payment
Minn. Valley Surfacing CO-
Contract Payment°
The first National Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment �,
$ 7,674.14
U ri
1y' Uy