HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 02 19761 MINuns of the pmeoadle" of the Vil a kwo Council of the Villeoe of Prier take ink County of Sm" and State of m- ° Mlaeoiote, including all aceeunts audited by said Cwncil ..,.r^ .� February 2,. 1976 4 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on February 2, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Cit " w t Council Chambers, " M ayor Stock called the meeting to s order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes, Watkins, and Williams, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan Councilman Bvsse was { absent., i The following correction was made to the Minutes of January / 19, 1976: Pope two, Paragraph twelve, should read - Mr. Burl Routs stated hi; major concern was traffic, . St 1 however, that traffic may improve if and when a street would be opened throu Wi gh the dows. The' following correctionsrwere made to the,;Minutes of January 6, 1976: Page four, Pdroilraph ten, second line, "fanning" should read "farm." Page �• , ( P ara ro l i ne,prte, "come," S hou ld read ° came. " IX tiaPh, �( 3MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of January„ 19, 197 6" January 21, 19,6,,. and January 26, 1976 as amended, seconded by Oakes and was duly passed. upon a vote token it 4 , SENDING, MIN. Motion was made by Watkins to send nutes the l�,i o f January 26, 1976 to ea ; ch member TO PLAN, CQH'• of the Planni Adviio �`� ry Commission and to the Planning' Consultant, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, CANCELLING Mr. StevedlAattson ' the Cit consultant was ' b • SCHEDULED present and stated that at .about BOND SALE 4 :15 P.M. today he cancelled the scheduled bond sale for this evening. He did it rt . for a couple of reasons, he major one being the and of the Pd rpedez» p at the {` Pro ctus showing future financing for the C0Y of Prior Lake, it was rot pl i .e in the ptmPaetus,: the Page was lost somewhere between his office and =`the printer. He ratified all he bidders oo this, , this , gfternoon , he kept tti the: bidders were worried about P tie ng calls that Possibly with #a' thro c e milliq�n tlprs of debt: among up for 1976 financing, that Moodys might rate the 1976 issue Ioss4 thon or in other word not rate it. They would be worried about marketing two to tide C tmiilion dollars worth of bonds at tho_t time, The mad o sale onight and se) l the im Y request That he cancel' the would dec ~i - tte line to do it and a that p�in�t they did not think they would throw n { bid, they would throw in a 6.99%, and in other words the would, bid bond it as if this `was nonrated' now and it was not it was a Boa bond and.at that point instead of bringing out a 6.99% bid he then cancelled the sale. His advice is to wait until after the 1976 financing, is done and issue the the Gp im _ provement bonds for 1976 GLOM with the ;280,000.00 worth of Park im Ibnight. The City still Pros a Pf O bonds that 'were to be sold year and one -half or at least a year and one go on the $1 '�quarhr to , -W, 000.00 temps that the Ci was • tY going to finance tonight, and he rr hopeful that the market will stay low: enough to, that when the 1976 financing is done the City will retain the Boa and Moddys should then retain it for refinancing of j existing debts. { Mayor Stock accepted the recommendation of the 19 76 sale first with.a tentative March 26th date and for the three yea Sometime later. ^ to me held - in abeyance until Okk SID Motion was made by Oakes to opensbestd jLids4 °,fpt? =tip .f,1iR SONGS FOR �tl3Q A:M.� "orr�lAoch „22, 1976 '75- PROJ. ' M11iwsrsrp a vote taken it was duly potted; OAKLA110 BCH I I -' Horst Grow Presented the Hardshell of Fi _ b th Qakland Beach Fifth Additwn or a STH'ADDN. Council f . Y � R a U 1 4 , 'MINUTES %f' the Pr'k diaps of 60 VNieee Cemndl of the Village ef'rier lake in the Counter of Scott and Stele of,. s INime11ole, tndudidy Oil imunts- audited by saW Council. t ; ADDN. AND BCH Motion was made by Watkins to reject the HardsheII of Oakland Beach Fifth Addition STH presented and that it be returned to the °Planning Advisory Commission based on the outlot and the configuration difference between what was w Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. . Proposed' `5°oondrd by ' ;OAKLAND BCH Mr. Grocer presented the Hardshell of Oakland Beach Addition: for approval by 16TH ADDN, the Council and stated that the Hardshells presented' had to be e the Fifth Addition had to be a a pproved in order that ,` = ap proved before the Sixth Addition, , Motion was made by Watkins that the Hardshell for Oakland Beach Sixth Addition A t „M1. J be tabled for one week for the Engineer to come too conclusion on any drainage. easements necessary and the `Park situation to be negotiated, and also whither it should be called Sixth or Fifth Addi: #ion, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken i was duly passed. r b Councilman Watkins directed the °EtgitNer to get the information on Oakland Beach Sixth Addition to the petitioner for this Hardshell no later than Wednesday. OAKLAND 'BCH Mr• Denny McWallkwns asked! regarding Oakland Beach Fifth Addition, if the Council . ;5TH ADDN. ' just wanted, the: outlot'01iminated. = Mot ion. was: made by Watkins to rescind the motion made dealing with Oakland Beach e Fifth Addition, i6conded by Williams and upon a. vote taken it vvas duly passed• r Motion was made by Watkins to table Oakland Beach Fifth Addition until next Monday night br ramovr i of the outlot and new boundaries to the outlot and n study by the , 4 planning staff and the.engineering staff on the affect to the adjacent property owners, setoeridild'by Williams and upon a vote taken it s . wa dut passed. . ;OfIKLAtID DCNx Mr McW111lams made formal request to w(fhdrow the heron submitted to the 4Th :ADDN ) Cbune:il in December for sewer, water, and street- wrfaei to be done b y the City' kla fa 'i�'0ond Beach F66rth.Addition. 6 ; At10 POINT j'y COU401#110 n Williams thanked the Prior Lake American for their writ in th �! CH. oi► sand plQin e, paper Bloch. eup r �AItKS i► OPEN fCou ncilmon Williams 'CON toted a request was submitted to the Metro Council`16rk and ` BRACE W. Open Space domeriissioti4 his noire art the'Comm scion and it wastac ' Caaaalssion. ee Pted by the i Co uncilwAn'Williams statod at the least P ark -A NI6kYL SUCK- eipinion of tlae Parkdvi dvuory Board. meeting it was the PfIRK. AD- eui the Park Adv vole' Board that Cheryl Buckeye be appointed to they posiWn isory' Board nsparasible for deve ORY BRD. lopment. II :. Motion was made by Williams to approve the appointment of Cherly Buckeye to the "ParitAdvisory-Boaro; `seconded b' Watkins and upon pon a'vote - tdc en it was duly passed,_ X. Councilman Will stated they would like to acquire permission from Mr. McWilliams r„ .,SANT POINT b enter Sand Pbirf Beach 11w do tree trimming and curing down -dead trees, etc. , TItEE TRIlWt' befo re Spring. i CUTTING q Mr. Mewilliana stated there would be no,,rproblem except that there would have to be insurance cdo eragi by the City. DSON,. Mr. Graser stated there will be a Public Henri for Eriandson First Add 4 0ion on 1ST ADDN', "FebruwY 5, 1976 of MO P.M. regarding the' subdivision of one -half acre of land. i 'B - :. . Aauc -'G G sw.R "NUTEt of fhe Proceed'"" of the Village Council of the Village of !ir&» lake in the County of scoff and t ttate Of Mienosete, including all accounts audited by said Council. RHEAD • City Ma OVE nager McGuire stated that the City has taken bids on overhead projectors PROJECTORS and'the cost of the one seen he this evening would be =364.00 plot =80.00 for a �.., s screen. fi i Mayor Stock, tabled" the matter of overhead projector screens `untii the next meeting for more information on screens. Motion was made b' Watkins ro V r cha' se t i Y purchase he overhead Protector at a cost of :364.00, seconded by Williams and upon a vote "*n 'it - Was duly passed, 4 Mr. Graser and the City Manager am IOL get more information on different types of - scre��r. LINDEN C I R. City Manager McGuire presented a petition signed by most of the people living on CHANGED TO Linden Circle requesting that the name be changed to Grainwood Circle. GRAiNMOOD Cl ' Councilman O►skes recommended that this be'tabled until ne'xfMondaYL night and to cc the people involved to be, present of that meeting. Cour;�`'i Williams wanted ro k no w what the cost would be to change the street ` name, . u rot, City Manager McGuire stated about $20.00 fora new sheet sign. - �Councilmon Williams wanted to know before the next meeting Lthe import this would . have on the Post Office if the street name was changed. rt Mayor Stock tabled Lthe petition pertaining to Linden Circle and'asked Councilman Oakes to contact the people involved and thenCity Manager to, contact Mr. Baer mgordinp the petition. GRANT / 6N Pblrce Chief Powell was present to discuss. a Federal .Grout on come prevention. a CRINE PREVEN T I ON M s oon was made by Oakes to cooperate with the . ` ti program an crime, prevention for' the first year assuming that the other communities partii ipate and that Federal c, funding, is available, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it wos,duly Passrtd. PIXIE POINT EnglneerAnderson.presentecl the preliminary plans acid costs for Pfgiie Point Paving-PAVING ,Motion was made by Ookes.lo hold -th e Public Hearing for Pixie Point paving. and M storm sewer on March 1, 1976 at 8;30 P,M., seconded by Watkins and' 'Pon'a vote taken it;was dul' passed, 4 The engineeis.am to hove the.pmtimirrary information on Pixie Point pa ving and storm sewer d6ilable two weeks'" tonight for review by the Council. Mn. Buckeye as I kedL if you were assessed for storm sewer once, do you have to pay the balance o6his. ;. Carncihmrn Oakes stated that any sorm sewer assessment is, ba4ed on a benefit, so it i= PP=s1bie that on a storm sewer project your proper • t a assessed and Bien: ; anoth *r storm.sewer protect which has a clifhren #kind of bertei t ii' done and be assessed once mom. There am lots and parcels which hove storm sewer assessments vrhembtltt assessment is on area. ossessment = char, ore other storm sewer assessments wherrR.the improwmenc abuts the Property and the .is a direct instead of on. indirect benefit .,rEvery'improw�ment;project Must be based on its own merit and it may v result in what cppsan to you -as a duplicate: assessment and may in fact be. VACATION 40' :'LAND VACATION HAP' Engineer Anderson presented information on the 6-acation of a 40 foot ship of land BARK in Maple Park for review by the Council. r , l i -3- atii.4.a' * :4i .t a .aw.�.r .c, xa.. -Y • - s . R ' � r j 1 w t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lakii In the County of Scott and State of ° Mieneteto, including all accounh\,audited by said Council. MAPLE PARK The vacation to Maple Park was tabled for one week .ond Engineer Anderson was VACATION directed to contact Bill Schmokel re gatding this, ro research the - records that Mr. ° Schmokel has as well as what might be available at the County, to check another piece of public land in the area, and get the fee: owner and if this was vacated f how is it to be disposed of and report back to the Council PROJECT 74 -9 Motion was mode by Oakes, to hold an Assessment Hearing for Project 74 -9 on March S, 1976 at 7:30 KM., seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. J Engineer Anderson recommended that the Council authorize the wieliminary plans for storm sewer for the Willows area .rear assessment purposes and in this storm sewer., improvement plan include how to contrcl,erosion in the area One wayrto do thi is to use the City :toff to conduct the prel`iwwry plan;` and by using the City staff it will require equipment to do this studY,� and looking at the cost of the equipment it would be about $2,000.00. . Motion was•mode by Watkins that the Willows storm sewer �o�done b , the City � Y staff and the equipment needed by purchased by the City Engine r seconded by lj Williams and °upon •a" vote taken it .was duly passed. G Si I1,.Fraa Don En9ineerAr�derson presented a memo from him to the City Man6ger regarding a \ L „f S9rown'' bi1I' from; Don Brown for $288`.39. Motion was mode by Watkins that Mr. - Don Brown pa 'the City 5250.00 °for the f storm sewer eAtension and the City will reimburse Mr. Brown the amount of =250.00, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed 11 1MAYES ROAD Councilman, Oakes stated thar back in 1971 Moves Roodi was paved and that iPAVlNG; was done on a unit cost basis, the assessment was, •and the lots , 'that were not ( , abutting that,rimprovement project were assessed a reduced amount. There were' �fi °ve lots that were missed, that Las '12, 13, 14,. 15; and 16: We should consider this assessment and whether or not itshoulcf be applied after th4i ! i Q interval of time', .. ' Councilman Williams asked for a review of all deferents from all projech. NA LAKI Motion was mnde Wotkins'to hold a Public Hearing on Morch-8; 197 ° 830 P.M. for Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 Moves Second Lake Additio paving, seconded by'Ookes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed`. .. CWWGE QRDER Motion. was made by Oakes to approve Change Order 0 5 for Peter Lometti ITUNINOUS Construction in the amount of a $2,438.70 increase for the laying of bituminous t URS curb, seconded by Watkins aridg upon c vote takers it was duly passed. EngineerAnde on presented ioimmatiorn on contract payments to contractors this week. v f} ,DARL^ ^`ENE MOELL Engineer ineerAndar' son presented an easement for Darlene Moeller on Manitow � „ , BASEMENT "` V Road and`shei will agreosto sign'the easement if including in the easement the ; City o9mv that if either of'her twa die from root damage °and not of - natural causes that the City will pay her :300.00' per tree Motlan was made by Watkins 'to authorize the easement preparation for Darlene Moeller,on Manitou Road to include, the amount of $300.00 per tree if the trees die from damage that is caused during conxtruction, seconded by Stock and upon -a vote taken it was duly passed. ° o. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the V1110ge Couneil of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scot and $ tq'fe of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. PROJ. 75-3 Motion was made by Oakes to change the opening of bids for Project 75 -3 to February 27, 1976 at 10:00 .M., seconded by Williams and 'upon a vote taken.it .... „ at was duly Passed. Motion was made by Watkins to hold, Informational Meetings for P,rojactt75-3 on March 6, 1976 at 9:00A,M, and 1 :00 P.M., seconded by Oakes and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed. WATERSHED " DISTRICT > "Sullivan Attorne Y presented inforitdation on proceedings with the Prior'Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District. Motion was made by Watkins that the City of Prior Lake continue its present policy towards the Watershed District inosmuch as we allow them scrutiny of ourplans that have to do with areas in the Watershed District if and they choose to make reeommend- "ations we will respond to them as the City Engineering Department and Council sees fit, seconded by Williams and upon;,a vote taken it was duly passed. CONTRACT Councilman Watkins requested that the Engineers and Attorney be mindful t STIPULATION of contract stipulations to contractors on the projects involved for litigation. ; t. NEW EQUIP, -` ENGINEERING Councilman Williams stated with the purchase of new equipment by the Engineers, maybe it would be feasible for the City Engi nearing Staff to engineer the Spring Lake 'for r, Project next year. Mayor Stock stated this would be taken under advisement. LEA. ° MN MUNICIPALITI Councilman Watkins read a letter from the League of Minnesota Muncipalities and - requested' that a copy be to,each ES sent Councilman. It is in regard to nominations for the C. C. Ludwig Award for 'Distinguished Municipal- Service. , C.C. UDWtG AWARD", t.. M r .Stock re ; Yo ported an his meeting, with the Fire Chief and Assista'eit Fire" Chief. FIR!~ 'TRUCK Mayor Stock stated the new fire truck will be delivered within three -weeks and they discussed updating the agreements for fire and rescue billing. NEW RATES TOWNSHIP Motion was made by Watkins to adopt fire rates for the City of Prior Lake and FIRE CONT. Township contracts in an amount that .the insu `but not to exceed rance covers '^ $25D.00, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. INSURANCE s , ON" RESCUE Motion was made b y Watkins`to allow billing to the insurance company on rescue CALLS . calls for the City of Prior Lake at the-tome rote of $45.00 and ten cents per mile,. seconded by Williams and upon a vo*e taken` it was duly passed. Mayor Stock stated that at the next meeting he will have some of the old ordinances of the Tina Department for review. City Manager McGuire stated that Monday February 16, 1976 is a legal holiday and . the°Council meeting bed ld will on Tuesday February 17, 1976. TELEPHONE CO. INCREAS Mayor:Stock stated that a Public Hearing will be held by the Department of Public ' 1,N RATES Service in regards to'Northwesern ell Telephone Com t Bpony's request for rate incr_easesao be held February 17, 23, 25, March 2, 9, 16, April 27, May 11, 18, - 1976 and anyone interested in these Public Hearings may contact the City Offices for further inforination LEA. OF NN FIUN 1 C I PAL IT I Mayor Stock stated1he League of Minnesota Municipalities is to h'old'a Legislative Action Conference February 18, 1976 a ES ACTION and Turned this over b the City Manager to f;nd.ou} if some of the "City Staff can attend this meeting. CONFERENCE