HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 23 1976�f y ' MINUM of Nye MaediMs of fIM Vill"" council of the V'169* of Prior take In : Me- Covnllt of 3eeN and 3iefe of MseneOete. Including all ecceuefs audioei ►r'oeid Council. PROJ . 75 -4 Motion was made by Oakes to adiournllthe Assessment Hearing 6or`Pcving Project 75-4' seconded by Watkins and upon o vote 1Inken- it;was -duly posed. Mayor Stock cabled the. Regular Council Meeh� r1g ro order`. �� R. Mr. Richard Simonsen of 15947 .Island Pl W., ;R I CHARD S.I MO coos ' SEN 1 SLAND V1 r. Present regarding problems with his road. r Slockdmrected Ern�''ineer Anderson to Personally e r this area EM RD PROBLEM Mayo rmo) (y and `Ire t realve: this tier. mo , r 1 : RESOLUTI Olt = - Motion was. made b Oakes to y _ �!j Y adopt I,tesolution 76 1 pertaining io 1 ,974; MTG, »NTC' Pass PASSENGER ieroger Wlaiting Shelters with dark taken it was duly §tau, seconded by Watkins ond, a -vole SHELTER Y passed- �' 'JIN WENINWR Motion �!. was ma d e by .Busse Y b a i n,r< Mr. Ji m Weninger to the Planning '.. . SRD, PPo � , ng Advisory Board Y i pr } PLAN AD , seconded b Wo , tkmns and u nn a cote: oaken if was duly passed �� 4 Mayor Stock, requested that the Ci jr Manager put the names iver►_to h g m of persons inlsrestad in elms Planning Advisory ,board and' Park Advisory Board on Gila br further q =use. ' �SAVA"S PROPO Mayor Stock presented informatioWon Sav 's, ED ZONING ON for Council review and discu 13 uion ' I Proposed rezoning along Hiylmway,l3 ' htAtl V ADIi, iR Councilman Busse stated that the. P Tanning Adviso Board went on 01!rO.S;iNG PER any per diem at this time, ry y record °opposing 'DrlEN `' The Council. reviewed the 1975Aud +� 1975 AI101T Y _ Motion was Oakes that lire 1975 Audit be ,.# y posted in three public buildings :. 4W public display, 'the Post Office1,,. the Prior Lake •State Bank; and Prior Lake City = Noll, seconded by Busse and'upon; vote taken it was duly passed. !!A SYSTEM u` City Manager McGuire stated the PA system total cost sa far is ;707.98, which ificludes 541;96 br the cabinet and : .podium,, which leaves $666.02 cost of the M for the actual system itsaf. ~The vious low,bidder'wa: $ Mayor Sb.:k slated ' for this the Council gives its thaiaks to Jack Oakes. w Er�i now Anderson, pr�asented Chonpe Order ' Project 73-6 Repoi�s for hbdl Asand CINNCE 01lCER aciote: in the - amount of f 2.248.67,. and this matter as tabled until, next week ",. �' fob snore detailid.inllin+rotion, � BERN- Engineer Anderson presented infonotation on Chuck Bernhogen': assessment on Lot 11, SESS. " except � "`sMUth 65' Shady Beach d2 for Council - review: ;Engineer Armdersaon;is b check !h! fist ' botage. as�sesanirnt on this. Council his.fndi Pro" and is to < report back to the w. 4 n -next week. °e " •e Mafiosi mode by;Wtatkins.to hold theProject 74-9 Slornm Sewe'A seesstsmstnt 16 -2 ' Heac;i'n� ,ot 8s3D P.M. 'on March =1'S, 1976 and Project 7474-A Paving Preliminary .._ Hearing at 9;00 P.M, on March 15, 1976, seconded by Busse, and u a vote taken it was duly pnrseid: pon 'IIuN WAIIIIN6 May" dc, siote he..rece ved a 1pthr from Tim O'Laughlin w ,YSTEN `o#Ine Rrior'Lake sirrn��. relating to the" subject warning system ipsd Electric Service •Company stating "Door Mayor, "1 am writirp'you pursuant o. our :ccsri'versation on the subject of the siren gsiam for Prior Lake :current) bei Y Mg "worked on: 1 do :not, see any reason at this, w,s `7liNSr for the City of Prior Loge to release any ponies to Elects is Service Company until :the job is M% completed nor pZ contract. If the:. City wislmes to honor Service Congaing 's. request iM my udgmenf it does so at its own risk. Further, the normal pro eedure° bi. Statute is that the. Government may not pay'for U 4' }4 of '1� AINUM Cew11y M� of �A e. ViNe�e \ 111e "Neie of Prier U" ill 111! of I le" tileh clad Min1eK+N, Indudi11R eNeeseenl� eeltit«C by seid Ceeweq. SIREN WARNING SYSTEM -TIM materials or services before it reco'iVes; *--,in unless there is ome extremely unusual i OLAUGHLIN circumstances to circumt usti such I j fy procedure. This is done obviously } to protect the tax payer who is ultimately. footirlp the bill ° therw . If is any further }ions, pertinent JO-this matter please do not hesitate toontaci this office.; , City Manager McGuirovoted that Electri`.S ervice Cam iy has theme next Monday at 7:30 P.M. rquested time on FIRE. DEPT. Ono City Manager McGuire stated that the Fire Do*,, tment Ordinance {aa been reviewed by the Finis Chief, the. Mayor and himself and there<are a_ „ oWrections and he will go over these with the .City Attorney for the preporo'flio n of ate nidilaoioei for Council reviver. 3hr ellowing invoices are scheduled b be paid on ar Mch 1 MULTIPLE FUNDZ; r Delta. Dental Plan Minn. of Dan e insuronca Mitln.. Natural Division to S ,. ,285.00 ; NSP , Utilities Standard Oi Dji vislan Gas and Oil 525 .60 ' �. ♦.. $4.56 . G 972.00 GENERALFUND t A1ilericon L[aen Supply Co, 1lenneth.Deue1 Iice Reserves , ` Lyle Sve416111 Pb[ce Reserves Ray' ^Robim°”' 1'5.00 , Police Reserves Wolter W. Christionmen Flo'llice Reserves 15.0,0_ ' 0Q?` " tte .?1ra�Feye Radio Elrctronica System � ^ . r Holon Office Equ ipme nt, Inc Typewriter R epair 375. ���' 58.50 `RO bert McAllister Dog Catcher National Pen Corp. 160.00 , Office Su Print Supplies Printing of Audit ='`:1706 . Ci6rIt dusinoss Machines Co. Colculaloc 163.75 Valle Si JAK Offic a Prodlncts Co. Repoifit . 1,65.00 50.00 ` Office, Supplies .> Gron"I Maclwnicol " Pblice Office Remodeling larielsen'b Assoc., Inc. 61 26 275 .00: Engineering Fees lllulnaberg Photo Sound Co. Overhead Projector Prior Lake Lumber 1664.50 • 361'.00 v Co. Cabinet for PA Systems So" County Mopping Office Section Maps 16.61 1 <w ;: �b Coast to ~Coast Store Nails 83.00 ^ " T :r ' (1 1.36 WATER-FU ND = 6 . Ner"- W"ftW"atlonol Bank of Mpls. bind' Payment Mi:tnesoM Notuml Division `Utilities = 060 60, Van Walens�and Rotes Chemicals V - 76.15 Water hv+cft, Co. Water Meter 1 1/4 74.50 03. 1 ,r Sl Kathryn McQuisbn Highlanders Damage b Carpet ' Rental s' 5.00 , of Vacuum W, STREO FUND: �> 1 ' n ` 6ohnsack?'and Hannon fi Snow R emoval Earl F. Anderseo `b Assoc., Inc. Signs` 137.25 1 r 161".60 , 4 1,