HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 01 1976-A #ftlum of 014 R. of *0 7� V 116 9 9 Coo"" of V"Wee of Frw Latte IN *0 Coklift of Sew sow: Shft of min"Seekit ladvilliv all, ecte"k awked bi M W At - COW x 4 MOML!, 1976 11 1 1 the, Coorilmon, Council -of the City '1. of Prior Lak* met in- regular session an March 1, 1976 I'll, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council 0�bers. Mayor Stock catl9d the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Counci Busse, timen Oakes, Watkins, oow Williams, City� Manager McGuire, Engineer Andenon, anid Attorney Sullivan. The following corrections were made t the f Fe" 23, 197& nutes a ry Page one, paragraph sixteen, should read, - Motion was made�by Williams to adopt thW Paving Project 75-4 Assessment Rails with amendment being made to the Pewl, We All n, George, A toren, oxid Thaj johonseh- properties as to, the�,lrantQtoob, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 1pt paragraph, should -,*W 'Motion was mad* by Oakes. regardin th ng Of this date, that the action takew on the George . and Karen A [won property, the, Pearl Allen PMP",,, and thri Johansen property do not constitute, - a precedent in the matter ol"disessivwnts, but servesiato,rocoonition.of On ithi question in the notification Of the assessmentsfront footage �,, by, Watkins, and Upon a vote taken it was duly pa KJNUTES�,, Dtion-' M was, made by- Oakes to. pp th M I -a nutes of February. 23, 1976 as amen seconded by Watk ins and�upon a vote token -it was duly po DAIRV�QKgtl FRONTAS�E RD 'Howard, Clausen the owner of the Dairy Queen was present requesting a frontage Mayor Stock directed Councilman Watkin to work with Mr. Howard Clausen, Mr. B"ks Haus�ft O n&'J'h e Enig ' 10 resolve the problem authe Dairy Chm6n and, o6ow bdcklo the C ounc ilj or %fnialL action,., FULTON Ror. TO NSH TOWN RD. yor Sfock'presentiidta� petition re"sting. that Fulton,toodbe chan b to Mush Town 4 � i Mr Marlin, Poutz was present supportin c hansino the name of Fultavi k 1 M Town, Road Motion was made, by Bu to chbn _go the nOn of Fulton Road to Mush Town Road, seconded by Watkinsand mport a duly posse& The area of road, changed to Mush Town Road, It one city blocCand: the ren4inder' f 0 the road is in Spring 1�ake Ttiwnship. x I* Or A C- 7� S S ncilrAnVilliam th th agreement wi th the, tOW Pixio Point or n to 1 1 reVords the 1�5cess has been agre�d upon anod� he t t hi S r O to the C - V,41W fy PARK ADVISORY BOARD CIP 'Council man Williams stated, One. Yew CW,. th the Park Advisory Boa at its lost meeting recom ­6,V cied to ask the Council's oplwa of the CIP for be�* year and he wa instru to tell, the Council *at *WPork Adv* Aftid viltbe. finishi �t6ir Five, Yew Clp- Mary zqU00 soori. Motion was mad* by Oakes t pprove pages three and, four of the, Park Advisory 116ard Orw'Y*W'CIPI seconded by Watk int MW 0 . Votw taken -upon it was. &I y passed. City Manager McGuim. S' t to V the Pork Adivisory Boa o f thg� approval of th One Yew CIP and send them an ttofth 6 Minutes. tINUM' o d wp .. j of tbw VIN"O CoeneN of 1M Villeoo of hie' leko M tko ewntt * sew and, su ts,4f MieraMNe, inelwliOf eN oeeowits euditWd by sail! COMM. , HOCKEY 'RINKS Couocilman Williams stated lhbcthe: Park Advisory Board received a letter fr*- w"PLAY asking for the Park Advisory! hoard's help in creating hockey rinks, and the Park Advisory Board has aiked the = Schools and PLAY to join the. Park Advisory Board i� `ctoating x the cast of h ftkelr rinks. CONPREHEN5IV S a W PLAN Engineer brselson presented information on the,Comprehensivs Sewer and Water Plan for Council mviet±w,and � Mayor Siodc" requested that each Council men>i ewoceive copies of the maps regardin'6 the Comprehensive, Sewer' and Water Plan presented by Engineer;lsnrelsan. s :'. PAYING T 'SRD fir. tack called the Public Hearing on Pixie Point Paving and Storm Sewer RN SEMER Project 76 -5 to order 0, &30 P.M., Mayor Smock read the ,Po61ic Notice for. Pro ject 76-5, Pixie Point Paving and Storm §" Sewer. Engineer Andersen presented information regarding the P,ixto Point, Paving and u StarraevrerPrsject6 -5 °.. r "Mrs. Donald , Johnson wanted to know how the water was going to drain mound the ti °car *. , .EnQlr"r Anderson stated, the road would be cut for dram- atourd the, . comer >b ;the catch basin.. PetRrstaa warted to;know why the roadreould: not be shifted b the south so he would riot lose a large tlee. Engineer Anderson stated this mettle would be given considerati (.' frrda Holqui:t wo:.present x3N e:loeholfSof Mrs. ,.lonK.and wonted to know 1 ofhct the storm .sewer will have:on keeping water from going down Mrs. bnfas driveway. Engineer Anderson staloWthat a change lost summer benefited R, Mrs• Jones"', pewem.l Mr. Molqulil.agreed that it, had t. . Erioimw Anderson presented the costs: and assessments for Povi and StereSe wen k Mr. Bobo"Usistar . presented a petition opposing the paving project. � " Nrson ;teted iisuiriltaili�i 110r.'Coe, if the molorlty,.of the" residents are^ .: tl�n� he is for the Proms project, if the storm sewer is tied to the rood then he � is'- opposed b. tite proiset. Mrs • Manfied Beu tlevof Jot F, stated that a two foot " t� 1e Ir`tgiMwer�3iloNd.thot the road will sane t,thot"paint,ewi Mr. Wesley Caren requested lWim cation on the petitions received and ,� ° dirlrittgedA lw'sir" res on Itit and. :that most of,the people P n ititrted k n A On lit are ovi' .9 , feet away. Mayor Stock rrai,'the `061titi0ns: reolrvrd doted Se Per 4, ' "1975: ond" February 4, 1476. a Mr.. Drug Iam n ttatrdtthot the ;petition he signed dated Se plembpr 4, 1 $ 4 nsquatsdsd only an investigation of a road and urged the Council not lo, approve - Q © ,.. Mr. Green stated he is it f r of the project. 5' m : ti Pro! e MINYTIt, of tM PresNdtap of fhe Villa" Cwaeit of tM► VIM" of ►dW take ie NM Cwetr of Salt W Steq of : Wonese h, iedwlln� all wMs Q"W Iry aiW C"e I. PRO.! . Mr. Pte 76 =5 e rson stated he. is'o sed. , PPo ' o the'project be of.the ,cost.. ` RAr. lorson stated he is opposeo' ' the project. ,•• Mr. Dar Duoos stated that the rs'a hazard to the ml public tokenFcare of at this time'it wihve to be taken cam of n the future a a hi �s P°t cost. P � Mr. Moister stated, he rs ippseea to the praject =because of 'the cost. " k Mr. Pitirson stated ' if the Project., is, turned down the site .1ine still be im proved. Mr: Gordon Fredrickson stag he feelsahe road i= a . _ l dangerous road. Mrs. Meister - stated that sine water and ewer crone in it Contributed, ta;droina probleols that"they did not hove before. Mr. Frsdridnnn ,! asked why'the road was not ` Put in <at 241eet when sewer and water was putt in. Engineer IsroOlson stated it d was planned for 24 feat but he people regreste that the ro6d.tors put back to its original state. Motion was y Oamade b d _ � u kes b continue the Public Hearing on- Paving and Storm Sewer Project 76-5 until M_rch 22 1976 at-OW P.M r • g rid the Engineer is i�6 °oome up with the :oosfof upyroding road without Paving and as , seporote. item the cost of f i + ,;Paving. seconded by'`Watkins and upon c`vote taken it PROJ� � was Motion dtiltr-postad. .rwos made b Willr CHANGE ORDER' Y arcs to approve. Change Or'iw A1, 73-6 Repot for Nodland Associat�is,. Inc. in the p amount of s ?, 248.'67 s - nddd b Oakes and upon woti taken i.t was duly passed. Y �. �I HUCK BERN - Engine Anderson. static! that the ,Chuck dernhagen GEN ASSES assessment was checked and vvas IIAS toned `to be,89' feet front footage and .art .acreage af.0-.17 aces. if ` erode by Oakes to aaand. the 'Chuck 8ernhe0er assesmient a 89 fiat front aad 0.17'x., acr*, seconded b` Watkins Posed. Y wd`upon:a vote akee,it was duly:, PROD. 15! ErginwrAnderson pres.ntid.the bidrreeeived for j 5. l 1 Pro ser 7 -3 P,. and P for Gouneif review and discussion. ;.Thu bwest bi i v, hose 11 ,1,030,606.84 for P ' war`HofF!"on Brothers at Pha I and $891,v56 Phase 11: Matter was made by Oakes.to, rieiecualt the bids.weceived,forx Project 75 -3, Phase. L and Phase' 11, sfaceonded by Watkins;and upon a voh. takenit was dul ssed. MART 1 NSON Mayor Stock es led #hat f ths. t u� bl*i h s on y SLANO RES t�- ,." . ' , Pe P the front pogo of the ` that ' the Saturday meetings =with:?tlre Martinson Isl c e DENTS MEET t N and resldent:r hove .been eon �.L .., , fl e d. Mayor Stock dirocted :fhe Cr!Y t Marioger b contact of l f P�� • IS-3 as Phns for Proiect.75 -3 and k' hem .the' contractors who tooki out b meet with,the City :Mater,. Councilman Oaks, and the :M r,g P' i rotor .. their a pi on the sewer and water specifications. { Engineer Isroelson presented the critical .paths for e Pro' i jet 75 3,. Phase i and Phase 5 I ON, BROrM SMENT YCouriiil WI nscut' ASSES Rld s stated he received' a =11 from,.itilr. Cunni V ff ', a he. said the g i' " i ngham of Don drawn a neihar no�!th paving and he y 1W,A Od'thot would be no aaes:tnint for requested a research of the records to fired out if this is correct. ` Counciltlion Oakes stated that is not correct and shed ` re" that the ropes of the Public. , Hearing be pJA*ed to find out 'what was said. � J 11 to- It 0 3R. F. .,eMk':,iXN.fi3trM r3 ' - -1 P 7, • �, 4xb�tie+' "s- ansPwwa '.�t'mt.. _ ���� `- -�'``1 , MIQ!! M se of 60 reed ieat of the Ville ee''Coueeil .ef the Villag of Prier lake n the Ceuntp of Scott.aad Stmt 4 INie"osote, including all iceouaft audited by m eiL id Coun 1; CUNN I NGHAMS Counei Iman Oakes sta t 6d' the Cunni ' r' "BEACH AREA clea ne� u nghams am, still saying that their bes+ch "pis note p' 6 Councilman Watkins stated that last week the Council had c situation re'4arding the JOHANSENS Algtins and.Johon3enr :and the Council- o determine where the remainder of the PAVING OF RD money required b: support the Cost of, chit port" ri�of the bituminous not covered by thwmotion might be obtained. This matter wus tabled until °nex$ Week. BARR ENG 1 N.,.,. Mayor. Stock stated that he receii�ed a l etter from Borr Ensim er rag' who is doing', the STUDY' oN- LAKE study lake of Prior - Lake reiative{to flood Stec, F arad they state in FLOOD` PLANES 'their lettertharthe Federal Government has comm iss oned them' to and` doing this they have also staled that all' unicipolities must the s tudy n reli utsh y is that might be benef:.cru .b them an preparing said study, thereby, E they ar requesting the topographical maps of the City of Prior Lake. Topographical' ,? x niops.anl o be, sold to Barr Engineering °at $2.00 per acre:., 'REZONING' ALON Mcrior'Stock prlgr*W information on the rezoning of the Parcell�alon 13 m Savage$by.the Savage City Council $ H 13 , RESOLUTION Watkins to y .76 _6 Motion mOcW by adopt Resolution 76-6. pertaining to `Prior lake having, a joint planning. with Savo n9 � Savage, seconded by Williams and �,r a vote � :ttin was, duly passed. 1 upo" SAVAGE' ZON,hNt: .The "Cifyr$ toff was biroctad b send ae Cou cil wmmory to the, Me J ' reptrding the tro • Savoy rezoning:, WATERSHED ,Ci 'Mona r ega r ding a meeting For',o 'joint effort 4' ith the Wa . ty ger McGuire , n rdi ' DISjR1CT lershsd ;District; aabol�l5ot the.followi ngAdy he, taike *6h Mr'.;;Jerry Sandey it the > Chairman of the Watershed Board and Mr.' Sondey 11 So that Mr. Bruce ` PaHerso6 would be in (ouch with him fire next day war not three doyt later 4m. talked Mr,. " and about two or with Sandey.agai ond�he said he\,, a Id make sure that the set vp and ho s :happi►� so farodoy the City vl Mora er talked with Mr. Emmett Knox who is raise or.�the Board and he'sad�l4; �� ' +b't*y °and.setu :a m�ahng', :Mayor. Stock stated the if 4 0 l til `" �riot hear fioi a �! anager.did '�. b) =`brnotrow lre should :conta ond'if a;meeting d ct Mr. S,�nde is'rnat "t u p she �, should report bock to him . „ ����ion :- moth ItESdLUT'tON y Williams to Resolution 76- 5- reaffi rmtngA c�► policy � 76 =5 4n' ±Meirthnanor of s+swer service lies n, seconded .by Busse and,upon o;`vofe' taken, ., it du ' potlsed, $ - , �� IMorw r McCwir ;pnsiet�hd a bill that came` in befi a the,odoptan of .110lution 7645 and asked if tha , City �should• :pay - it•.. It wo;decided'.rat b pa because the this bill resoluta was n rooffirrni ; rag o c ity policy. �QFRA lNIELKE stotec!` K he recei sr rya Siodc j , ved a letter.from.lMr. Frank Muolken relative b E llkltAC. PROPER the Ahtwt: property, Lots 2, 3, and 4 in Boudins Manor Second Addition, `' 4UD1tfS »queetfitg in ;cirti#iootisi, •etc,; ond"this I r .�w :was turnedr b the City� Aftrfrny.for otrsvirirngz, Motion'was made by Watkins to adjourn, sitionded by Oakes and'upon a vote taken this meeting wat add cned at-11 :46 P,M. I: Michael A. McGuire, City Manager k i c � 1AS Ili !• ��� il'v` an „ -4-