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03 01 1976
-A #ftlum of 014 R. of *0 7� V 116 9 9 Coo"" of V"Wee of Frw Latte IN *0 Coklift of Sew sow: Shft of min"Seekit ladvilliv all, ecte"k awked bi M W At - COW x 4 MOML!, 1976 11 1 1 the, Coorilmon, Council -of the City '1. of Prior Lak* met in- regular session an March 1, 1976 I'll, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council 0�bers. Mayor Stock catl9d the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Counci Busse, timen Oakes, Watkins, oow Williams, City� Manager McGuire, Engineer Andenon, anid Attorney Sullivan. The following corrections were made t the f Fe" 23, 197& nutes a ry Page one, paragraph sixteen, should read, - Motion was made�by Williams to adopt thW Paving Project 75-4 Assessment Rails with amendment being made to the Pewl, We All n, George, A toren, oxid Thaj johonseh- properties as to, the�,lrantQtoob, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 1pt paragraph, should -,*W 'Motion was mad* by Oakes. regardin th ng Of this date, that the action takew on the George . and Karen A [won property, the, Pearl Allen PMP",,, and thri Johansen property do not constitute, - a precedent in the matter ol"disessivwnts, but servesiato,rocoonition.of On ithi question in the notification Of the assessmentsfront footage �,, by, Watkins, and Upon a vote taken it was duly pa KJNUTES�,, Dtion-' M was, made by- Oakes to. pp th M I -a nutes of February. 23, 1976 as amen seconded by Watk ins and�upon a vote token -it was duly po DAIRV�QKgtl FRONTAS�E RD 'Howard, Clausen the owner of the Dairy Queen was present requesting a frontage Mayor Stock directed Councilman Watkin to work with Mr. Howard Clausen, Mr. B"ks Haus�ft O n&'J'h e Enig ' 10 resolve the problem authe Dairy Chm6n and, o6ow bdcklo the C ounc ilj or %fnialL action,., FULTON Ror. TO NSH TOWN RD. yor Sfock'presentiidta� petition re"sting. that Fulton,toodbe chan b to Mush Town 4 � i Mr Marlin, Poutz was present supportin c hansino the name of Fultavi k 1 M Town, Road Motion was made, by Bu to chbn _go the nOn of Fulton Road to Mush Town Road, seconded by Watkinsand mport a duly posse& The area of road, changed to Mush Town Road, It one city blocCand: the ren4inder' f 0 the road is in Spring 1�ake Ttiwnship. x I* Or A C- 7� S S ncilrAnVilliam th th agreement wi th the, tOW Pixio Point or n to 1 1 reVords the 1�5cess has been agre�d upon anod� he t t hi S r O to the C - V,41W fy PARK ADVISORY BOARD CIP 'Council man Williams stated, One. Yew CW,. th the Park Advisory Boa at its lost meeting recom 6,V cied to ask the Council's oplwa of the CIP for be�* year and he wa instru to tell, the Council *at *WPork Adv* Aftid viltbe. finishi �t6ir Five, Yew Clp- Mary zqU00 soori. Motion was mad* by Oakes t pprove pages three and, four of the, Park Advisory 116ard Orw'Y*W'CIPI seconded by Watk int MW 0 . Votw taken -upon it was. &I y passed. City Manager McGuim. S' t to V the Pork Adivisory Boa o f thg� approval of th One Yew CIP and send them an ttofth 6 Minutes. tINUM' o d wp .. j of tbw VIN"O CoeneN of 1M Villeoo of hie' leko M tko ewntt * sew and, su ts,4f MieraMNe, inelwliOf eN oeeowits euditWd by sail! COMM. , HOCKEY 'RINKS Couocilman Williams stated lhbcthe: Park Advisory Board received a letter fr*- w"PLAY asking for the Park Advisory! hoard's help in creating hockey rinks, and the Park Advisory Board has aiked the = Schools and PLAY to join the. Park Advisory Board i� `ctoating x the cast of h ftkelr rinks. CONPREHEN5IV S a W PLAN Engineer brselson presented information on the,Comprehensivs Sewer and Water Plan for Council mviet±w,and � Mayor Siodc" requested that each Council men>i ewoceive copies of the maps regardin'6 the Comprehensive, Sewer' and Water Plan presented by Engineer;lsnrelsan. s :'. PAYING T 'SRD fir. tack called the Public Hearing on Pixie Point Paving and Storm Sewer RN SEMER Project 76 -5 to order 0, &30 P.M., Mayor Smock read the ,Po61ic Notice for. Pro ject 76-5, Pixie Point Paving and Storm §" Sewer. Engineer Andersen presented information regarding the P,ixto Point, Paving and u StarraevrerPrsject6 -5 °.. r "Mrs. Donald , Johnson wanted to know how the water was going to drain mound the ti °car *. , .EnQlr"r Anderson stated, the road would be cut for dram- atourd the, . comer >b ;the catch basin.. PetRrstaa warted to;know why the roadreould: not be shifted b the south so he would riot lose a large tlee. Engineer Anderson stated this mettle would be given considerati (.' frrda Holqui:t wo:.present x3N e:loeholfSof Mrs. ,.lonK.and wonted to know 1 ofhct the storm .sewer will have:on keeping water from going down Mrs. bnfas driveway. Engineer Anderson staloWthat a change lost summer benefited R, Mrs• Jones"', pewem.l Mr. Molqulil.agreed that it, had t. . Erioimw Anderson presented the costs: and assessments for Povi and StereSe wen k Mr. Bobo"Usistar . presented a petition opposing the paving project. � " Nrson ;teted iisuiriltaili�i 110r.'Coe, if the molorlty,.of the" residents are^ .: tl�n� he is for the Proms project, if the storm sewer is tied to the rood then he � is'- opposed b. tite proiset. Mrs • Manfied Beu tlevof Jot F, stated that a two foot " t� 1e Ir`tgiMwer�3iloNd.thot the road will sane t,thot"paint,ewi Mr. Wesley Caren requested lWim cation on the petitions received and ,� ° dirlrittgedA lw'sir" res on Itit and. :that most of,the people P n ititrted k n A On lit are ovi' .9 , feet away. Mayor Stock rrai,'the `061titi0ns: reolrvrd doted Se Per 4, ' "1975: ond" February 4, 1476. a Mr.. Drug Iam n ttatrdtthot the ;petition he signed dated Se plembpr 4, 1 $ 4 nsquatsdsd only an investigation of a road and urged the Council not lo, approve - Q © ,.. Mr. Green stated he is it f r of the project. 5' m : ti Pro! e MINYTIt, of tM PresNdtap of fhe Villa" Cwaeit of tM► VIM" of ►dW take ie NM Cwetr of Salt W Steq of : Wonese h, iedwlln� all wMs Q"W Iry aiW C"e I. PRO.! . Mr. Pte 76 =5 e rson stated he. is'o sed. , PPo ' o the'project be of.the ,cost.. ` RAr. lorson stated he is opposeo' ' the project. ,•• Mr. Dar Duoos stated that the rs'a hazard to the ml public tokenFcare of at this time'it wihve to be taken cam of n the future a a hi �s P°t cost. P � Mr. Moister stated, he rs ippseea to the praject =because of 'the cost. " k Mr. Pitirson stated ' if the Project., is, turned down the site .1ine still be im proved. Mr: Gordon Fredrickson stag he feelsahe road i= a . _ l dangerous road. Mrs. Meister - stated that sine water and ewer crone in it Contributed, ta;droina probleols that"they did not hove before. Mr. Frsdridnnn ,! asked why'the road was not ` Put in <at 241eet when sewer and water was putt in. Engineer IsroOlson stated it d was planned for 24 feat but he people regreste that the ro6d.tors put back to its original state. Motion was y Oamade b d _ � u kes b continue the Public Hearing on- Paving and Storm Sewer Project 76-5 until M_rch 22 1976 at-OW P.M r • g rid the Engineer is i�6 °oome up with the :oosfof upyroding road without Paving and as , seporote. item the cost of f i + ,;Paving. seconded by'`Watkins and upon c`vote taken it PROJ� � was Motion dtiltr-postad. .rwos made b Willr CHANGE ORDER' Y arcs to approve. Change Or'iw A1, 73-6 Repot for Nodland Associat�is,. Inc. in the p amount of s ?, 248.'67 s - nddd b Oakes and upon woti taken i.t was duly passed. Y �. �I HUCK BERN - Engine Anderson. static! that the ,Chuck dernhagen GEN ASSES assessment was checked and vvas IIAS toned `to be,89' feet front footage and .art .acreage af.0-.17 aces. if ` erode by Oakes to aaand. the 'Chuck 8ernhe0er assesmient a 89 fiat front aad 0.17'x., acr*, seconded b` Watkins Posed. Y wd`upon:a vote akee,it was duly:, PROD. 15! ErginwrAnderson pres.ntid.the bidrreeeived for j 5. l 1 Pro ser 7 -3 P,. and P for Gouneif review and discussion. ;.Thu bwest bi i v, hose 11 ,1,030,606.84 for P ' war`HofF!"on Brothers at Pha I and $891,v56 Phase 11: Matter was made by Oakes.to, rieiecualt the bids.weceived,forx Project 75 -3, Phase. L and Phase' 11, sfaceonded by Watkins;and upon a voh. takenit was dul ssed. MART 1 NSON Mayor Stock es led #hat f ths. t u� bl*i h s on y SLANO RES t�- ,." . ' , Pe P the front pogo of the ` that ' the Saturday meetings =with:?tlre Martinson Isl c e DENTS MEET t N and resldent:r hove .been eon �.L .., , fl e d. Mayor Stock dirocted :fhe Cr!Y t Marioger b contact of l f P�� • IS-3 as Phns for Proiect.75 -3 and k' hem .the' contractors who tooki out b meet with,the City :Mater,. Councilman Oaks, and the :M r,g P' i rotor .. their a pi on the sewer and water specifications. { Engineer Isroelson presented the critical .paths for e Pro' i jet 75 3,. Phase i and Phase 5 I ON, BROrM SMENT YCouriiil WI nscut' ASSES Rld s stated he received' a =11 from,.itilr. Cunni V ff ', a he. said the g i' " i ngham of Don drawn a neihar no�!th paving and he y 1W,A Od'thot would be no aaes:tnint for requested a research of the records to fired out if this is correct. ` Counciltlion Oakes stated that is not correct and shed ` re" that the ropes of the Public. , Hearing be pJA*ed to find out 'what was said. � J 11 to- It 0 3R. F. .,eMk':,iXN.fi3trM r3 ' - -1 P 7, • �, 4xb�tie+' "s- ansPwwa '.�t'mt.. _ ���� `- -�'``1 , MIQ!! M se of 60 reed ieat of the Ville ee''Coueeil .ef the Villag of Prier lake n the Ceuntp of Scott.aad Stmt 4 INie"osote, including all iceouaft audited by m eiL id Coun 1; CUNN I NGHAMS Counei Iman Oakes sta t 6d' the Cunni ' r' "BEACH AREA clea ne� u nghams am, still saying that their bes+ch "pis note p' 6 Councilman Watkins stated that last week the Council had c situation re'4arding the JOHANSENS Algtins and.Johon3enr :and the Council- o determine where the remainder of the PAVING OF RD money required b: support the Cost of, chit port" ri�of the bituminous not covered by thwmotion might be obtained. This matter wus tabled until °nex$ Week. BARR ENG 1 N.,.,. Mayor. Stock stated that he receii�ed a l etter from Borr Ensim er rag' who is doing', the STUDY' oN- LAKE study lake of Prior - Lake reiative{to flood Stec, F arad they state in FLOOD` PLANES 'their lettertharthe Federal Government has comm iss oned them' to and` doing this they have also staled that all' unicipolities must the s tudy n reli utsh y is that might be benef:.cru .b them an preparing said study, thereby, E they ar requesting the topographical maps of the City of Prior Lake. Topographical' ,? x niops.anl o be, sold to Barr Engineering °at $2.00 per acre:., 'REZONING' ALON Mcrior'Stock prlgr*W information on the rezoning of the Parcell�alon 13 m Savage$by.the Savage City Council $ H 13 , RESOLUTION Watkins to y .76 _6 Motion mOcW by adopt Resolution 76-6. pertaining to `Prior lake having, a joint planning. with Savo n9 � Savage, seconded by Williams and �,r a vote � :ttin was, duly passed. 1 upo" SAVAGE' ZON,hNt: .The "Cifyr$ toff was biroctad b send ae Cou cil wmmory to the, Me J ' reptrding the tro • Savoy rezoning:, WATERSHED ,Ci 'Mona r ega r ding a meeting For',o 'joint effort 4' ith the Wa . ty ger McGuire , n rdi ' DISjR1CT lershsd ;District; aabol�l5ot the.followi ngAdy he, taike *6h Mr'.;;Jerry Sandey it the > Chairman of the Watershed Board and Mr.' Sondey 11 So that Mr. Bruce ` PaHerso6 would be in (ouch with him fire next day war not three doyt later 4m. talked Mr,. " and about two or with Sandey.agai ond�he said he\,, a Id make sure that the set vp and ho s :happi►� so farodoy the City vl Mora er talked with Mr. Emmett Knox who is raise or.�the Board and he'sad�l4; �� ' +b't*y °and.setu :a m�ahng', :Mayor. Stock stated the if 4 0 l til `" �riot hear fioi a �! anager.did '�. b) =`brnotrow lre should :conta ond'if a;meeting d ct Mr. S,�nde is'rnat "t u p she �, should report bock to him . „ ����ion :- moth ItESdLUT'tON y Williams to Resolution 76- 5- reaffi rmtngA c�► policy � 76 =5 4n' ±Meirthnanor of s+swer service lies n, seconded .by Busse and,upon o;`vofe' taken, ., it du ' potlsed, $ - , �� IMorw r McCwir ;pnsiet�hd a bill that came` in befi a the,odoptan of .110lution 7645 and asked if tha , City �should• :pay - it•.. It wo;decided'.rat b pa because the this bill resoluta was n rooffirrni ; rag o c ity policy. �QFRA lNIELKE stotec!` K he recei sr rya Siodc j , ved a letter.from.lMr. Frank Muolken relative b E llkltAC. PROPER the Ahtwt: property, Lots 2, 3, and 4 in Boudins Manor Second Addition, `' 4UD1tfS »queetfitg in ;cirti#iootisi, •etc,; ond"this I r .�w :was turnedr b the City� Aftrfrny.for otrsvirirngz, Motion'was made by Watkins to adjourn, sitionded by Oakes and'upon a vote taken this meeting wat add cned at-11 :46 P,M. I: Michael A. McGuire, City Manager k i c � 1AS Ili !• ��� il'v` an „ -4-