HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 08 1976ge or. both .yet this:: week and .0130 "wasted that Mr. Peterson contact the local telephone company and got some kind of commitment from them on the control system. Councilman Oakes stated that if this is done he will do as much as he.con to recommend to the Mayor, Council, and the County that a, payment be paid to Electric, Service Company. :FISHER PROP.. Councilman,Busse sfa , te# that..on April..l, 1976 there is a,Pubinc -Heart re "Fisher gardtng SUBDIVISION the subdivision of the property• PARK ADVISOR Counc"mon."limtts stated thaLthe, Park Advisory Board meeting. is on 'Wednesday , ORD." - & 1;0, 1976 i nstead - of Thurday s I, 976:. . Marc March l 1. y EMERGENCY :Cty.Magrwer,McGuica u . oresented a memo and information re , i PHONE'lIOS telephone. numb rs fray ;vcw emergency ' - Heil review.and discus .: �'� ` math by, Watkins ao a ppro ve dated •March 22. 1976,. seconded the Civil;:Defense,memo, being sent out by.WnNnans.onr}.upon a vote, taken it was duly 69 FOUR WHE City M anager , r McGuirw stated Act. the. 1969,Dodge four-wheel deity truck was in EL TRUCK iN . an accident and.the. City does -not have estimates on it ` but- it.couid be close to ACCIDENT' bang, btal led . _ LANETTt FIX L imetti.'f ndl Payment was tabled. AL PAYMENT, WILLOWS STQ W016 storm sewer ` tabled.. t. CounciJnNW_Oakes reported-on the disoissions with a SEWER was . ,. : PRO.l.:75-3 P,r+oject�7.5 -3 and.reconweended oontiactors.biddingon b the Council that the prolect.ise rebid °at the same it 'specifications as the City`hod'. 7 . The Caunci I had a general, rogading Project 75 -3 discussion _ Mayor Stock requested that the Engineers have information. on plans for Project 75 -3 rogordin0 the low first cost of the frank going through the pork, the trunk running along County Road 1, the sewer and water issue along Manitou Road, paving, and egress ring construction ready for a Sp Cou Pe Wl Meeting on Wednesday March 10, 1976 at 4:45 P.M. COMPREHENSIV Comprehensive Sewer and Water Plan was tabled. SEWER b WATE t .. �j 1 ' AWE ~ ' q '. < y �Fk.'75 - `Se :s�: irk"44Y,'.*.m,as+aihvi 'a..m . r : �r: 5 s . as , �Pa - rt' +er..#•.'x:;.k+&?. x 'a''!r'J if J /,. WJWU ES of t the Preceedi nNs of the Vi1kg* Council' of the Village Of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and Store of w Minnesota, including all ocsew ts. audited by said G godi. March 8 197 . The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake :met in regular session on March 8, 1976. at 7030 P.M. i the Ciy Council Chambers. Mayor Stock c called the meeting to order.. Present.were,Mayo Stock, Councilmen Busw,, Oakes, Watkins, 'and 'Williams, City Manager McGuire', E 1 t Engineer Anderson .and A The fiollowing correction was mode to.,the. Minutes. of March,1,,.1976: Pe -two, Paragraph thirteen_ second s 1 . sentence, should read - E i MINUTES M Motion was mode by Watkins to.a pprove the Minutes of March. 1 1976 as amended 1 seconded by Busse and u upon a vote taken it was duly passed; CIVIL DEFENS = =Mr. Jim Peterson of Electric Service + Councilman Oakev gave Mr. Peterson the - telephone -numbers - of Al: Hassinger and Keith Ju quested that Mr. Peterson oontoctaliese nge'of NSP and< re People regarding -the' commorcial .power ,for,the Civil .Defence Sirens, and to. explain to thorn that he he, cannot got to the cannot get.paid: for his proiect because ty project. - Councilman :Oakes requested an a answer. from:either Mr.. Hassinger or Mr.. Jun }} jj tt tt II 1 { MINUTES of the Pioneer! � ` . lop of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake iii the Coun of Scott and Slab of . Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold Council. BROOKSVILLE 'CENTER S DAIR =QUEEN Councilman Watkins stated there will be a private arrangement between Brooksville a nd th Dairy Queen for a, fbrm of access between the j ACCESS two, and recommended that the City not ty get involved unless it becomes a•City project. P PROJ. 74 -9 s 75 -3 The Council hod, a general die•cussion on engineering matters relevant to the Assessment Hearing for Project \74 -9 and Sewer and Water Project 75-3. i Mayor Stock appointed.o commrttge of City Manager McGuire, Councilman Oakes Councilman Watkins, CouncilmanIusse, Engineer Anderson, ardIngineer Israelson to discuss. engineering matters. ' PROJ. 75 -4 Project 75 -4 Assessments was tabled;. ?BARBAROSSA City Manager stated that ilarbarossa appeared at an April meeting lost year and the as Council made a motion that the amount be determined PAYMENT FOR. ' 01 RT by tho' Ci Engineer and Barbarossa for dirt, approximately thiity days later the amount in the. fon�IF a change, order was approved by -the Count i l for $2,000.00., The re est for n tvas,si Pey t geed by Bob Barbarossa' arid, in the. meetings lost week. he stated he did not feel ; that the $2;000.00 was sufficient and he sig ned ame payment fined it.only to get out of it. Mayor Stock directed City Manager McGuire, Councilman Oakes, k r Engineer Anderson and' Greg Hailing, to meeting with-Bob Barbarossa to resolve this. matter: ,t r Councilman' Oakes requested that an agenda be set up for theoWednesday night meeting, ` • SNOW DAYS W ifliams stated that next Sunday March 14, 1976 will be "Snow Days if there is snow. ,.. STADIUM ISSUE U ' . 'mayor Stock °stated:that the City. PY` hos received a re l from Robert.Schmitz then Senator of District 36 .in resporue.lo the resolution recently passed by the Prior,Loke ;.Council concerning the much talked about stadium issue stating ''Rest assured L will voice, the Council's opinion in this matter of importance - ;• tare proper situations itself in tM neor.future Upon receiving. the. Council's rasolution of Februay 17 immediately contacted' Senator Robert North who is the main proponent of the �stodiutn move to Industrial Square location indownt�wt Minneapolis. Let me add u +hpt rt sues Sorxtior North's opinion that should the_stadiunr use public toic money the issue will be voted cite ei * �, people of the State of Minnesota.. However, since the Senator is, currently talking of.usi each rig only 'a user tax of ten percent ofir+> � addmiulon, each indi.vidual'ticket buyer will. provide a, tax and not the tie^eroj�"l Thank you, for expressing, your •aoncem and do so again, Best regards, Robert ! Schmitz." R SUPPLY Councilman M-kes 61TY MALL stated it becomes , Domes apparent I rstaning to the var3stes things that are going on electronically at City Hall that the = �, power supply to `City Hall i s at host variable and recommended that . the. City Manage contact the supplier of power to City Hall to�ask for w a recording volt meter, rf'not a recording watt meter, be. nstolled of City.Hal1, :for at least a 24 fib cycle through Monday, taunderstaed what is:occurri ng; as load comes on in the community. •RR "ASSESSMENT � r , , The matterof the railroad assessmenh be will taken up of the Wednesday meeting. }, The,following invoices were p6ld during i6 month of February 1976 ire' a. -2- 153.47 Twin Lake Electric Police Remodelrn Gil 877,00 Larry J. Anderson' . Mileage Prior lake Amer icon Printirg and Publishing . 1,2Q,. . L&Vs Lawn drW'k* isure. Poiice,Auio Repair Suer, Biasir+ess.E 21.10 9�!�p Typewriter Repair. 22.50 Miller /9vid = Office Supplies 3.60 0 - iBM Typewriter Repair' . 27.00 Prior Lake Lumber j LiSwty Photo Servrcer'Inc..F t Pal gh i S upp li es bs ul 8.70 Suppl ies 42 T7 Gen Fahrenkar -.p Cleaning Service J02..00 Inter- Ciy`Oil of *merica,,inc. Police Gcs and QiI = 4;50 Amer. Linen Supply Pp Towels 14.91 Gross Ind: Services . Floor`Mah -35.40 U of M Workshop 20.00 Monnens Inc. Police Remodeling 816.04 A+ drew&Rexall= Pharmacy Film - Engineering 34.54 Char e s Tooke I i r Planner 500.00' Treasurer, State,of Minnesota Seminar S 50.00 Street Fund: T ronsferof Fu��ds 2000.00: Jack Oakes PA Systems 119.72 Richard Klugherz Police Roryi4deiing 21.55 Cash Greser Mileage 6,75 &F) y Cash Richard Powell'�1a �467.60 Steven Schmidt Joiary 430.46 'i MINUTES of thsi Proceedings of the V81ayo Council of the Villaas of Prior Lake in tho Co unty'of Scott. and State of .N Minnesota, including, all a accounts.audited "by said Council. ` GENERAL FUND ~ League of Minn.,Municipglities S Se em3riar #' ~ y 10.00 Prior Lake State; Bank F Federal De" sit 2.01:1::07 State Treasurer 1' P PERA 2 2,110. 13 Prior Lake State Bank _ i investment 4 4, 413 52 Rlchord, Powel'l S Sala Steven Schmidt S Salary 4 420:71 Dennis,Leff' S Salary 4 417.65 LeRoy Rabenort' S Salary 3 345.67 Eugene Smith S Scl`a ,. r Richard Klugherz S Salary 3 365.93 lF,, M Michael McGuire S So la ry . Horst Groxer . .; .. S Salary: 2 . .' ,. David MacGillivroy S Salary., " , 275.,56 Larry J. Anderson S ,� ... 2 511.32 Vedyn Roaen S Sol' ar y 3 350,31 M Mary Gerhardt S Sol ary ` `'. :.Melanie, Spronlc,. � Salary r , . 1 U22.67 Walter Stock , Mayors Pay, ' ',164 40 11:16 n Busse; , Car AI ow' ' ,.00s f, l ,; C Counci) Pa 8 80 Tom Watkins = C Council Pay : 80.,00 Don Williams C : 8 80;00 F&M , Unibm { 58.50 x, Bankers 3 S spiMOzati�on � 305.01 Standard Oil Div. G r 8 744 z; U Utilities 1 195.84 Scoff-Rite 'teiephone.Co. U Util 7 1 " L Lake Auto -S P Pol i e� Auto r � � - . J JAK Offi P • 2 2..70� E., H.. Newstrom � �, ,a,. Buildin8 inspector 2 277.00 Xerox Corp. O Office Suppl MINUTES ef'the Meeedi' of *9 Vii nYs Council ef. the VilldOref Filar take in. the Counly of -Scott and Minnesota, inetudina *-011 accounts audited by said Council. - ` " GENERAL FUND= (Continued) Dennis Leff SalcrY 427:40 - LeRoy Robenort Eugs"e•Smith Salary Sclory 355.42 5, ` Joseph ° :!anOanBoom Salary5.68, 370.67 Richard Kilu he' g rz Salary .385.72 ' Wilhael McGuire Salary ` 433.+64 Horst Greser David MacGllivro i Y Sala Salary Salary 273.40 Larry J. Anderson Salary a 75.56{ 511.552 Cl ' u � Verlyn Raoen " -0 lary 350.31 Mary Gerhardt Salary, 169..67 Melanie Spranlr Salary 12 f F&M Savings, Bonk Savings Plan s 510.01` Honey Hcrkenrider Conference 8.50 Delta ;Dental Plan of Minn. _ ." Dental Insurance 195.00 Minn. Natural Division Utilities 341.72 1 NSP Standard Oil Division- Utilities - Gas and Oil," 154.36 729.00 Amer. Linen Supply Co. Towels, Kenneth D.' I Police Reserves " ' 55.00 .Lyle Svedohl Ray Police Reserves ° 15.00 ° Robinson Police Reserves 15.00 Walter Christiansen Police Reserves 20,00 i Lafayette Radio Elec.. of_Ediha - 1,= A Systems 375.00 n Office E' �Hye quip. Inc Tye writer Repair' 58,50 f Robfrf.McA llister. Dog Catcher ,, 160.0b National Pen rp. Office. Supplie 47 .06 Fast 'Print Clary Business Math roes Ca . Printi ng of Audit' Calculator, 163 75 � Valle i YF.Siprsr , , Signs . .�:�>� ;v �r65 00 ' 50. W JAK'Office Products Co. Office Supplies 61.26 t Grendahl Mechanical, Inc: Police Remodeling' 275.00 Israelson 3 Assoc., Inca; Engineering" fees s ; • 1,664.50 Blum Photv'Sound'Co. Overheo&Projeclor 361.00 Prior Lake Lumber Co. "Cabino PA'System 46;61 Sc** Co: Mapping 00 ca Section Maps 83 „00 !' - Corsto Coast Storey PoI'ice. Remodeling � 1.38 x Lawreree Schweich Library Rent .aj �c 3110.00 K7 I S Fu heet nd' r Judith Japsen "Transfer,of Funds 4, 000.00 " INiI' 14.70 Streat "knprovert+ent f '74 o Fund Transi'er`of -F unds 200.00, S`levlen he Scidt *` ` Overtime 47 i u D teven Sclxnidt Mileage jl 3.60 ' ennis Leff 3 Dennis l Overtime �i Mileage 84.22 14.10 LeRoy Raberart ? b 3 VanDenBoom Overtime Y 126.31 **ph Overtime 41..6 Joseph YanDanBoom Mileage. 3:60 Richard Klugherz Overfiine .�I 4,5.01 l K ugherz ' 1 Mileage 1 3.60 TO AL $37, 4770.62 z W n y A l Vin; J ) 1 1 !i ` F } t u / ". h1. !il _ d e. __ /1 >�J�, , 1� �' "" �•' PS'r' r i' :,^��” "w'e MIN,t1iES' �f ilm ftemdMN of vuleve comml of tM vu Moo of !riot Lake M Mo MMeoNh, ied CwMy of foot! now >iMaN of wlMo ell eceo�ets wdiled by add Cww<ii. WATER -FUND Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit Stale Treasurer $ 232.10 Commissioner of Revenue 3 ) 1 .39 Sales Tax Raymond Johnson 1 13.61 Judith Jepson Salary 410.06 F&M Savings Bank Savings Plan 179.22' Bankers Life Co. 50.00 Pitney Bowes Hospitalization 138.29 Pbstage 1 . Compuloservice, Inc. Water Billing 16.75 Standard' Oil Division ` ` ,133.32 �t NSP Gas and Oil 59.52 Utilities a Raymond Johnson 338.32, Overtime Raymond- Johnson Salary 69.26 Judith Jepson Salary 410.06 F&M Savings Bank Savings PIaM 170.22 ' 1 Delta Dental Plan of Minn. 5 •� NSP Dental Insurance, 30:00 Utilities Standard Oil, Division ,� Gas and Oil 576.61 a ' N -W. Notional Bank of Mpls, Bond Payment 58.32 6,080.00 VMinn. Natural Division Utilities : V an Y 7 W ,_. gMrs and "Roger Chemicals 6,4S. Water Produch Co. 71.50 TOTAL Water Motors 103.19 ;{ S 9,690.19 SEWER FUND: M ake (� h Prior Sac Charges.. f 3 Mate �, Federal D State .165.00 Troasurer p° 22.x3 PERA 8raalle Brandt < Salary 107.60 t 7 Sol ' P Waster �; °�' 230.69 Bankers Life. Pbaage 200.00 , ion Y tnelr Bowes P ;4 44 osta" 3 16. ComPu0osocv�ce,1, Inc. ' Sewe Bi t 5. .{ � bndted O il Di�,'siors F Gas +did ►� „• (d 133.32 NAP r Oil.:r r PriorLake OK Hirdw 'ltiiities, � �,,, t� 3 Vzicior Schroeder. S<+pplien nri', la Camp °; t i 1?,,00 M Val Elec, 76 lyt�l� tie �� MWCC dr s OQ� 22 r Me tro. lnxt�oll a Brodiey Srar�dt' % Ovoftaine moot 4.;054„!4 ,f ' Ja+�',.JOleagn 35 * 1 67 Bradlibi -Br t Sol 94,:'70 1 Delta Dental Plan of Minn;; Qenia! 230,;.49 !�! Indirance _ .utill fiiat . ly Stan�;&Ol Division x 246* Kathryn McQuis6n p 0i1 58.32 Highlander Cleaners Renta e o V'a ��t 5.00 TOTAL ~� " `\ cuum S '53i., 9 t, 4` _ MINIInt of tke MawdMp of the Vilkwe Coned of.lke Vil 1"i of O iW# take ie''th tout! of Seen and lfeto It r imdwlirp.ett ecewMr a udiMd by Said Coewdl. of ;. FIRE FUND: ,. Standard Oil Division , << NSP Gas and Oil - 4 $ 69.4 i Prior Lake OK hardware., , Utilities Building Maintenance 65.22 ' Seo"ice; Telephone„ Co. Utilities 6.99. ' Andrews Rexall Phamac Y Prescriptions 102.05 fi " Minn. State Fire Chiefs:As' s n. `Dues 11.70 ` Ramco Publishi t;• nsf Dues 40,10 a' ' r Ma ne ns Supply, Inc. Building Maintenance 9;1,100 17.84 Minn. Natural Division Utilities 180,88 NSP Standard Oil Division Util ities Gas; and Oil 19.76 Smoke -Eater Dues' °69.04 1 x. Akins' Fir�'Equip. Co. �• Supplies 9.50 A Lyle Anderson School' U3.26 „ t ' Viking Induttrir".Center S s PP) ie 69.00 � Chace br now Checks. 24..95 TOTAL._ $ 1 ' 283.97 . STREET FUND ;Prior Lake State Bonk �; Federal Deposit ,, 2&.30 ' reawror E r Bu ash PERA. 2 11,,21 . LarryyKerlaow Salary Salary 345.12 367..9 Bankers Life 'Co 5landaed Oil Division Hospital ization 15 7 � r '. NSP Gas'and Oil_' 59.52 Prior L06 OK: Handvra Utl ities - Equip.,Qepairs 11055.00 7.14 Lake Au to Su Equip- Repairs :6 71 Lary J. A� " Winn. Volley.Elec Suppl tes. 35.94 v Minn.. Natural Division Utilities utilities 7 1 "1.00; � ' i bhrnon': Inter Cjtp' O0, = Prior I * Aggre Inc.. \ Truck,Sto 126.35 45.00 Cargii ,Inc. Sand Salt �\�ySig� 181.78 259:'21 Earl F. Anderson&Am - , °,Inc. 4'15.30 e EMw.r Bussewvertiine Overtime 39 20 f 4usse t` k Kerkow Sal 7.21 345.12 r Daltai Dental -P of Minn; Sala y ; ��• = Dental nwiance 367.95` NSt St l O.WDivisiorr Utilities 30.00 1 066.87 ` eohnwck and I"leniien- Excgvatipg Gas and Oil Snow Rimoval �� 58.32 ! fad F.. Anderson ad,Assac Mc: Si", 437.25 E+n�r :Buses Overtime k,, 161.60 Kerkovr Overtime 47..71 Charge:' br Wow C iwcks 87 62 TiOTAI 9.199.19 � 2 $ 6,2 MRRK FUND: `\ Prior, lake State Bank` ;, . Sta te T. Federal Deposit PERA. _ 66,OQ r Irwin Ce�asurer amens \ ., _ Salary =� 77 90 � , danktrs -Litt Co. `\ NSP" Hospital izatiorr 278.62 80. 30 ' Irwin Clan: Utilities Salary 60.60 378.62 Delta Denial .Pion ofMinn Dental Insurance 1,5'.00 NSPs Irwin CI«nens \ Utilities" 70.53, k. TOTAL Overtime 26.82 MIKI m of' P1 low of rM vm p Cou"M of the Viileep of hiex Lek In i Couwhr e# Setif awd i1aN of MMeewsNa iwduding all occouwis ewliMd;br swid.GweKiF: r ; EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE OF 1975 FUND : Motorola, Inc. AMtenna S 19.$5 � 1 • ' 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FU ND: Louis DeGld'eo,, etal,. Condemnation s M,00 Schroder Block Co. Pumping ` 135:00+ Minn. Valley Elec. Co-op Three -Phase Service } • Testi (p' Braun E . rl9` BifumirKws Testing 490.'<1G N,W, National Bank of Mpls. Bond Payment 154,.9P1 10 a Israe13on,and Assoc. Engi neering.Feas 1 OZ0�00 --TOTAL 163; 526. IG 5 WATER IMPROV EMENT, - OF� 1970 FUND A yy Y`( ' e1 First Mi r, nne;apolis• Bond Payment, s x;50 IMPROVEMEN 0l' 1964 E Geneve) Fund Transfer, o Close Acct. WESTSIDE SEWER AND -WA FUND; q.. Poor Lake State Bank Investment ,' $23, 400.00 EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER UiV : �Ranald r : Brawn Demos raiison and Assoc. Engineering Foes, � 25000' TOTAL' 73. i- 923,39 72 -7, 8, S, & 10 WATER AND SEWER FUND fi r Lawrence Moser _ Sewer E ctension /y� 43..001. CONDONS/LAKESIDE FUND ,• N.W. National Bank of Mpis. Bond Payment $°14,416.80'" . .I ,! ypyp, 72 2 CSAH 39 FUND e r Prior° Lake Statesor& Investment : , ' FISH POINT ROAD RAND: ;; 4 a Amer. National .Bank efw Trust Bend Payment $ ,4, 942 .34' The fol lowin i , ng nvoices�ae"s ehsduled.io be on Tu esdoy 1!Aach 16, 1976; MULTIPLE FUNDS: P� ' Se�ott�tice Tel phbee Chi. Vteliti*s Z 521:96 Coulter Nelson -a d Sullivan Atbrney :Fees 3,023.10 Prior Lake OK Mist. Su lies Pp 130.90 i I. 7 r i A t e NAINtITIt of Mille C""i of M� ViliaN, of hiax Gke ,M Me' Guey of fcolf aed fUMe of Mm", iei Wift all aseeuefs .�udiNd by "W' CeareeiL . GENEMC FUN Suel"Bus Hess ,Eclu pni ter TYpedvri , Ryb6ru � Grou rau trialt Services '' Floor Mah S 15:82r luaelsorn,& Assoc., lnc. 23.60 . r Engineering Faes 1� Southside .Dodge, Inc. r.� 650 00 Ponce .Auto Repair " >- Americaio linen Supply 376.91 " ` Towels . : - Robert* MI I lister ; , Dog Coteber _ 4.00. P n La 11 rr'icon: Pub) i 160.90 C - Printing aid sltiiig 1,507.57 Ray 's Used P.oliewAuto `R :r� Andrews t) jq eP �; . 302.41' Pol lm"Suppl ies 4.69 a 'Busee Super Market �, C eani Su 1 "g, pp s.:. 19.14 Slipper �; Police ReseRVes Arhign: 17.50 ` DM. En 26 :.05 sz ` :Geri' • Muliers��nash Supplies r Co '.AWitt 1, ��� Fi�Fwnkcmp 90p•00 fii174K Ctffi,:e' `'� ' ��` Cleanit Services 91.60 r \' fadiMmlr�' Co Offisce Su lies 60 - 17.� : v j7 I`brt +weshrn�Beng Publ ishig ' 83.58 St. Francis Hospital Libearyil:st�ng 34 40 . ueison.lnstc,monx Co En gi �l est Brat 3.00 � a D MacS.a Mil g Pm' 1.,435.26 Newstr6m ' Builtli� ctor 12.00 i `� ►'�oonens Su ,� , r `(" 297.00 ice: Remfldeing 257.59 �r k � Enginering Cu ., Inc 'Maps K + dlu Phob. Sound " 4.o0- °' mberQ Screen 119:00 ., k f 'WATER FUND: �, s Wale! Produch Co.. V f5 .. a Water Mater; $ 2, 544.00: SEWER -FUND: McKinle "w ►NWCC X Sewer Service Drain Problem s 40.00 Metro Installment 3,054,,64 FIRE FUND 4 � Fire Fighters Assec. `' pis 13 kt' E� .brdari nder►t Supplies 3 �, ` TI» Frilier drush:Go• Supplies p D:;H �MulleMaster 3" Co. �° 16.10 Hi g hl eaners � �ud:t �_� 50.00 p 4 ilir Cl 9 j{;. ° eanmg Resane _Jackets 5:25 STREET FUND Jot"Bon's. ICOv. .. . 'Lake Auto; Supp ►� kTrvek l 1, ;� o S `` 45.00 � Prior'lakea/1 E�NiP. Repair - 20.58 Ilgreaatus, Inc. Ciruthsd Rock 800.67 Minwn :1`laturot'.Div:iwn" MV-Gat' 282.66 ' r ; `Earl' F. A6,&' �n :b As>Dc:, .Inc 17.32 l Minn Valby E.le chic Co'+P Street L' 80.00 �ghh y e i ,� - a ' PAR._K FUND.` �\ t A i. ♦ S. - . e. °chultzRe Repa E ,Pa, qujp• $ 6.00 All � -"S1f cr•\a •b. Yi1 Xk9'Y n-.". M .. ?T .aT . ' I c v • t r t 4 t> • MIN111f� of Nm h�aw�tidp of tow Vie covem ^ of sM Vft" Of f� take M she CewIr e1 lsest rMl ti1eN Miww«eNy hdwiiM aU iteawNa iy► seir Cwaeil, of w�i1w1 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND - WA - ER FUND: ) Nodland Associates Northland Supplyf r,� .; Contract Pr yment` X61 194.54 ' Contract Paymint 1, 690.00 ` EAGLE CREEK SEWER AND WA TER FUND:' Photos, Inc. Neyc and Prints } S 105.00 t r MUTIMMOVEMENT OF 1974 FUND National City dank of Mpls.` Bond p yment . a 5,630:00 Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, se this meeting was adjourned at 10;2T P.M. conde by Oakes and upon a vote taken.. } Y ' t >F� " h Michael A. McGuire, City Manager a z t r • 4 , • 0 ° e k z 1 zl . y f 1