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the Preawdins of the Villas* Council of the Villas* of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Daft of
Mianesoto, including all accounts audited by said Council.
March 22, 1976
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in'regular session on March 2M,
1976 at 7:30. P.M, in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting
to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and Williams, City
Manager McGuire, and Engineer Anderson. Councilman Watkins ond,Attorney
Sullivan were absent.
. Motion was made b Busse to
y approve the minutes of March 10,,1976 seconded b Y
Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The following correction was made to the minutes of March 15, 1976: Page four,
paragraph ten, April 5, 1976 should read - April 12 ,1976."
Motion was mode b W i) I isms to approve, pprove, the Minutes of March) 5 1976 as amended,
seconded by and, upon a vote taken it was dul Y passed
40'' LAND IN
Mayor Stock called the continuation, Public Hewing on a 40'.stripofland to
be vacated in Maple Park Shore Acres to order.
Mr. John Fiereck stated he'talked to Oliver Hannon, C 0: tlannen's heir, and Mr.
Herren prefers selling this Property to an adjoining property owner provided the
property is vacated.
Motion was made by Oakes to vacate the 44 foot strip of land between Lots 39iand 3
in Maple Park Shore Acres, "seconded! 6y Williams and "upon, d; vote taken it was duly
Motion was made by Oakes to adjourn the;, Public Hearing an the vacation in'Maple ,
Park Shore Acres, seconded by.W lliarns and upon a vote taken it>>was duly passed. y
Mayor Stock presented a letter from Jerry.H, and F, Marie Str,kal realuesting a
vacation ofron .tasament adjacent to Lot�b, Buck 58; Spring Lake TownsHty
Mr. and Mrs. Strukel were also present�'at the meeting.
Planner Groser< presented information r the easement adjacent to Lot 6,
Block` 58, Spring, Lake Townsite for Council "review and' discuss n.. • ,
r Stock direr '
Mayo t,+ d Councilman Bute*,' the Planning Advisory Commission, and
Planner Gtr to' meet with, the County Surveyor and `have. a 4201c session ro ..hY °
deMrmi'ne; the entire.Townsifte of S" ° 'r " Lake to•establish what these ;easements were
pr n9 .
for and report back to the Council /for the April 19, 1976 Coun�sil Meeting,
Pla is to conta the +noun Surveyor tY to set up leetirrp;.
Councilman Willicmi reported on the cleanup work t- Sand Point Beach,
MdYor Stock cotled the continuation of ti a Publ'ieHeoring on Pixie - Point paving and
storm sewer to order.
Engineer AndersoWpresented% information and costs on Pixie Point paving and storm
sewer improvements for Council: review and discussion.
Mr. Donald Johnson suggested that the road be shifted to b ttin . ea
Y'P� 9 seme
e 9
Mr. Ross Stevens stated that vhen he bought his
$ Property there- was no, 4:nement on
the title "for storm sewer.
Mayor Stock
y , presented a letter dated March 14, 1970 from Mr. Ross Stevens"
opposing the storm sewer as originally planned.
. � AIMIUM of the tk*eeed
1ep of the V11600 Coueetl of the Village of Prim Loko in the County of Scott and.stato of
z NO I ato, inelud
. _ iay! all accounts audited by mid Cou i
Mr. Dar! Duoos wanted to know if` the Council was
'HEARING ..._ going to do the minimum amount of
PAVING PUBLIC work or do the whole project.
Mayor Stock stated at. the last meeting ,the.f ouncil_mquested that the Engineer trice o
look at the minimum cost for improvement of safety, o.f the treet.. The Engineer has
said that the cost-would be $8,171.00 imum, no, paving, just
gravel, cutting of
s, and. trying to improve the site l ine around the curves;, The cost of doing the
whole act with
Prol paving would be =26,615.00, the storm sewer cost would be
Mr'. Duoos asked if the.ro, could be =_i
mpro ed and paved without the storm sewer.
CoupcilmaWOokes stated no, because without storm sewer road wQys;are- undermined,
undercut, washed out, etc., if the Council were to pave the toadtireNslcrrn sewer is
considered`mandatory by the Engineer to
mat. protect the money investad the bituminous
Mr. Stevens asked how miich the storm sewermas before.
Mayor Stock :fluted $6, 655.00.
Mr. Doug Larson asked if paving need r the same easements as cutting.
Mayor Stock and Co&ncilman Oakes staled yes. ,\
Mr: Robert Mysterstate& that there seems la, be. a discrepancy in the minimum and
preparation; for the. bituminous mot the widening two places :onl onl the
f figure and the total widening to 24 feet at a $16,000.00 figure. Y $8, a Ti .00
Mayor Stock stated, that the wideni
ng of the $8,171.00 figure - , included the west leg {
and there, - *ould be two sales, left.
Mr: Larson
`r;On to know when tht Council would,.invision commencing this' 'ect
N it were proj
approved, I .
Mayor Stock and - Councilman Oakes stated this
Mr.. -Wwwn exkod if
r, there :was the rarw test, chance, that, the Council might sp ahead
with. this project a nd have it done and .then four to six y ears fmm now the. City comes
; in and',dtems tt rte _ ' i;
o+ssory o tJ"n pot the blacktop surfaca..on. the road regardless of
�eitiziit 0" —vol.. The reason
f the question is that they could,be going through
this ex41rcite• o find themselves not 16 far in the future, having. to redo a lot of this to
put -in he
` Coftiltmin O"I,•stoted that CounciLand i
any h Mayor at-any time has the power
to bold a hearing to.Iisten to constiWent's input and to vate intiftw of going ahead
'`ki apPr!ove. % tv
a I
�» Mr . aM asked if ,tha' lastest
Propoiol :included. the removing of ttie same trees,
E nee n8'r k A
tiderson stated that the ran rerno
r val" is the
same, except for one tree..
Engineer A dllmr- , dated�Awt the assessment rages for acres
, per acre rnps7d of $727.314 Per acr as v' ge would be :1,030.57
i L previously given.
Mr, Lorton :toted,
that if the; City has to do the minimum work it ;night ft wellkdo the
whole , thing
Mr. Myster asked thaisthe
., a tesements be gape over.
F t
MINUTES of the ProceadiMs of the Villaoo Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Mianosoto, including all accounts audited by said Coundl:
PIXIE PT. Councilman Oakes stated that front footage that was 1
presented at the Public
Hearing for the roadway has not changed; assuming that what «w6restimated is
where it comes out. The assessment that has changed
storm sewer. is the acreage charge for
from 5727.28 per acre to 51, 030.57 p r acre .
Mr. Joseph Landsteiner stated that he would go along with the Council's
recommendations. -
Mr. Stevens stated he would go along with the new
Motion was made by Oakes that the Pixie Point . vt '
Ix+ O ng and storm sewer project be
approved for 1976 instruction, the original project which is base preparation,
bituminous surfacing, and ade#uate storm sewer to protect the bituminous surfacing
and the- base, seconded by Williams and: upon. a vote taken. it was dul
.� y passed.
Motion was made by Oakes to instruct the Engineers to prepare the plans and
specifications for Pixie Point vi
pa ng and storm sewer, seconded by Williams -and upon
a vote taken it was .duly possed .. '
Mayo Stock
put on the a rested that when the plans and specifications are ready that they be
! -
GORDON FRED- Engineer Anderson is to check the hole in front of Gordan Fredrickson's'prope
R t C KSON ty.
PROPERTY Motion was made by Oakes to adjourn the Public Hearing on Pixie Point sewer,. •seconded Busse: and u payi Ovid
by pan a-- wte«.taken it�was duly passed..
INCIDENTS IN police Chief Powell ' • '
PRIOR LAKE Preseis+ad a map showing, places where: incident have happened
in Prior Lake since the first of the year until March '15, 1976 for Council; review and
WELCOME BAGK Mayor Stock thanked the Police Chief and his department and the Fire Department for
PARADE FOR their efforts Ain l oo the successful m
welcoe_ bacif
LAKERS pooadlix"for the Prior lake Lokers.
BROOKS ON Councilman Busse statedathat the Brooks on the Lake Public Hearing has been
THE LAKE MRG l Advisory aontiviued'until'April 1,: 976,:
KARL Mi'CKUS Councilman Busse stated regarding the Karl Mickus building, that, the. Planning
«Coearaiuion r111COMends - that they have aniextemion:of six months and a six
n9 brings, uw Pri
.months moyi ttmt Ovid.this hri thr.,ttme 1o;A I'i, 1:977 to ha the building
removed and if the building is not rerawved' this. time «,the CityjlemavWthe building
at the owners expense
Motion was made ; by Busse: that the Mi kus
building be.given a twelve month extension
Ovid if the building; isnot:'emoved by.April I., 1977 the�uilding wiahbe renwved'b
�x the City t the ;if th Y
ty owners expense, e renter would leave the building bef this
/ fw*64 month.
period °thtr. building could;not.be`rented dut=ogain; rand an extract of
the Minutes be sent *'Karl. and, Marilyn•Mickutand Jim Dunn by registered mail,
� •siaiaded and n n} _ .,
,•'� Po .vote takevi.it:wcs du.ly,passad... *:..
CNANGI City Manager .McGuire presented petitions received re rdin chan r
STREET," 'DAMES go g g'ng street mamas.
fORSYTH\ RD Motion was made by Oakes to deny t6 charge of sheet name from Forsythe Road S.E.
to Candy Cove Lane" seconded by Busse and upon a vote token3twas duly passed.
. f.. TO OAK Wa: bY'Busse b change. the street name fro Evanslon Avenue S.E. to
Oak Street, seconded •by Stock and upon vote taken this motion failed to pass,
C Busse and Mayor Stock voted in favor of the motion and Councilmen
f Oakes and Williams, voted against the motion: This matter was b
for further in bled until next week
v ;
MINUM aE fM kecydigs of the Village Council of the Village of tier Lake In the Countr of Scoff and Ste% of
Mtenesete, including all occaun% eudi%d by SOW Council.
Motion was made. by Oakes to deny the change in, street�nome from- 'Smiley Road N.E.
MART I NSON IS. to Martinson ,tsia nd Road" se
conded b Busse and u
Y pan a vote•taken•it was duly passed.
The petition requesting that Kneafsey's' Street S.'E,. be changed to Nacey Street is to
NACEY be reviewed by the City Stoff for recommendation to the Council.
OAKLAND BCN The, titian r
PTO KNEAFSEY equ sting that Oakland Beach Avenue S.E. be Chan Kn�afsey's
Avenue S.E. is to be reviewed by the City Staff for recommendation to the Council.
y �
+CENTENNIAL ST, Motion was made by Busse to den the cho
Y nge in sheet ST. name (from Centennial Street
t PTO TIMBER GLA S - -E. to Timber-Glade Street, seconded by Williams and upon r a. vote taken it wa
�:du { passed.: ., -
S IMPKINS NAME Mayor Stock stated that Mrs. Don.B. Scharer of
Green Heighh, has requested that
FOR' A STREET the Mpkins, name which has been registered on
. � g Properties _inthe Prior'Lake rxeo�
since the early 1850's be, used fora.- street in Pri3r Loki.
• - it
Motion was made by Oakes to accept the a from M pan B Scheer J
' _ surname was•extont in the
and that additional historic names be aora r r . as street names if the
community time be �,
tY bex the mid930 s,: seaonded
by Busse and upon a vote token it was duly passed.
Councilman Williams asked for o staff recomme l
LOTS ndotion,on Nef blie Rood( W& & TINOTH
AVENUE Avenue, and Timothy Avenue.
CRAINif00D CIR . Mr. Bon Boer wai'prt?sent °regar
ding street taming - Gronwood Ci
ircle vs. Linden
The Council had o ;
general discussion on the street naming in the Granwood' area
and this matter was tabled until t6Frmuncil understands whether or not this street
` has properly documented hisfiorical significance as a public roadway.
GREEN .HEIGHTS Cify Manager .McGuire presented a ;request from Grsen.;H t
:ON SALE L fQ. Su On Sale Li !'ghts Tavwn ,for a
* L1C. Sunday Liquor License.
, gua license was
Councilman Oakes went "on record as
PpPln witFiout,00nditwionat +hii1 -laic It J4
granted to these but it was
grafted knowing that they are
{ in a( tionoonforming district and it is obvious b him that vvithctlfem, being in a non-
confi)iming =area 0W Sunday is a diffiront kind. f.
c� of what "y 41fwar in and out' -the a ,and. -if thy. blks, npordif ss +
of course of the INWtIng, want o Su On I
L i"-f License the need- :come.•in andbapply. ci
Soto L' �Y �
° Motion was mo* by .Buts that the
On -Sole !' iquor rqu�t by Gwen Heights Tavern for a Sunday
Licence be t reed to.;the Liquor License: Commission, seconded by
Po Y pasted. '
W llii ms.and:u n a voK talon :k was dul
IN6 AT ' 'PleowGraser statod4hat the liquor
N HE' GHTS. - on• the vonditton that the I icons+ for; llie Green, Heights Tavem was
PI Y conform lo-,parking approved "by the City
Planner and helm not seen these plans far :parking. Mayor Stock sued this is
a point the Liquor Commission should take under advisement.',"
PROD. 7 5 -2 EttpinaerAndetson presented Change Order 0 6 fir
CHANGE ORDER 75-2 for. Council review and discussion. Aswciates, Inc.- Project
Motion was made by Oakes that
Change Orderb for Nodland Associates, Inc.
. miect 75 in the amount of $162,907 :03be a
( 1Williams and - 4pon a vote taken it was du)'for payment, seconded by 1
€ _ y , passed.
` -4-
of tM'C"diap of rbe villere eeuncll of tho win of drier teke in Ibe county, of us* aad State of
Miaaosfal�, iodudlop 611 eeoewNs eudlhd by seW C*uodl.
PROJ. 75 -
Councilman Oakes requested that Nodland Associates, Inc. Proje 75-2 Ch a nge
Order 6 be reviewed b the Enginee Staff as b
Y g,
w e ach rtem occu •
ris ible n9 i tem nod who i s
� for authorizing it who should ;
p°y'for it, should it be an addition)
ossessment, should it be out of the fund should _ II
general rol ... •
it be staff, etc.
Engineer Anderson stated that on Saturday they attempted to test the Civil Defense 1
siren atx bland. Beach and the one
out on Trunk Hi
wind ' bad d ff cul gh`" ay 13 and.,:due to extreme
the Y t getting an accurate `eked of noise
from- the wind and really could not get the test dwe. Tb �'
muddy and they did not attempt b • n rn Ilows was
P get m .here. ''Tomorrow`moraing the ", nd. should
be frozen and they will haul a
generator in then: to test the siren. At this time th -
City could make same partial payment to the contractor for the amount of work that
is completed. The City'will still have to
make extensive tests of every siren before
the City makes a final payment.
PROD. 75-
Motion was made by Oakes to approve a partial payment of $10,070.00 to Electric
Service Company for Project 75-8,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
,p NO. 610 :
t y Motion was made b Oakes that the Council and Mayor continue consideration of
House File Number 610,
seconded' by Williams and upon a vote taken it was.duly
Councilman Will ioms stated' that about a year ago the
junk yard and there has not been a resolutio emi°rtad action against a
the prob
City Manager McGuire stated that the junk yard has been in and out of
court several
and the court keeps giving him thirty days to cleanup the cars:
The City Staff is to report at the' next Council Meeting an Problems in th
dnd what is being done about'them. e community
Motion was made by_ Busse to support
and this should be submitted to the Scott �a s �
County P �
Commission, seconded by Oakes and tY (arming
u pan a vote taken it was =duly passed.
Councilman Williams stated that there has been a
�° problem with hunters in several
areas and requested that the City acquire signs to be
posted and
to be determined by the Chief of Police'and'thre City Marxrger. the numberafsigns.;
Mayor :Stock stated that the total area of the Lake of Prior Lnke will be within the
boundaries Prior Lace and there should be a Public Hearing
on whether or not the
Lake of Prior Lake should, be `a reserve for no shooting and that would go for the entire
City limits of Prior Lake Rather than to
' spend
money for signs at this Point, when
' H iy there is na,hunting season, the City should wait until they have this
Publ ibaring and see what happens;
RPwarch work is to be done by the City Staff before the Public Hearing on a` reserve;
for r!o shooting in Prior Lake
and review the .present ordinances...
Councilman Williams stated that in Soudins Manor there is orQOirio repair business
and the owner should be contacted -
about a home occupation
Pa permit,
Mayor Stock slated that IIr: received a letter from the City of Bloomy
their sincere thanks to t he City of Prior Lake for Win. extending
w PPOre the resolution
the stadium proposal be ask that
put on a vote of the people. g
Motion was made by Busse to adjourn, seconded by Stock and u a
tin meeting was adjourned at; 11:12 P.M. Pon vote token
Michael A. McGuire, City Manager