HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 05 1976a MINUTIS of t h* Pr oceedings of the Villa Council of she Villa ' 9 of. Prior Lake in the County of Scots and Seto of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. April 5, 1976 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake.m*t in regular session on April 5, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting io order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and "Williams, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderso and Attorney Sullivan. Councilman Watkins was absent. The following correction was made to the Minutes of March 22 1976: Page five, paragraph two, second sentence, should read - The, road to the l siren in the Willows was muddy end they did not attempt to get in there. M I Ni1TES' Motion was made by Busse to approve.the Minutes of March 22 `t 1976 as amended, se co nded by Williams: and ed • upon: a vote. taken it was duly passed.- Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes of March 29, 1976, seconded b Stock and upon a vole taken it was duly passed, PRIOR LAKE, PLAYERS Stock expressed his appreciation of a crew t hat is doing a tremendous lob here in Prior Lake and that is the Prior lake ' Players. Their current Man '. and, they afe doin a w production is Music 9 Per job from the direction „ to the cast,, and Mayor Stock wanted to go on record as saying he would like to urge all the rior Lake and those in adjoining communities people i to attend the Program, it is a goo the entire family.- d Program for k STREET NAME Mr. Dennis Westland of Martinson island was present a ppe al the denial of the CHANGE SMILEY change in street name from Smiley TO MARTINSON Road to Mart inson IslandRogod 1 SLI RD. Motion was made by Oakes to amend paragraph six . page flour of the March 22, 1976 { Minutes, to, read in the o line second "additional historic names be .considered for use as street names in new plats if the �wrname,'" seconded by Busse and upon, a vote taken it-was duly Post 'Motion was made by Oakes to rescind the motion in the Minutes of 22, 1976, - first.poroyraPh.,Page four, -which reads .to.den the chap Y _ ge; yin street norms from Blaney Road NE to Martinson bland Rood, seconded b Will iams and, upon a vote ta it was duly. passed. vote - Motion was made by, Oakes ben pprove the request changing. Smiley�Raad to Martinson r Island Road, seconded by Williams and upon a vote 14 it was dul Y Passed. 'BOB : 80TCMER GREEW- OAKS,, SEINER Mr. Bob Botcher otGreen Oaks.Second Addition was hooka .� Present regarding his sewer pk The sewer ine in the street instal HQOKUP was: ed. higher thou his' basement. -Mayor Stock requested of the Engineer a complete study of the elevations, to be done not only fo M : Botcher's lot but the lot down, on and to what extent there is oravi and what extant there is not, based on the 35 foot set back and report back Council as soon. as: possible ; to the GRAINWO CIR STREET NAME Mr­ F. M• BUngert.was present representing the residents of Grainwood Circle =re"sting remain Grainwood Circle. " Motion•was wade by Busse reaffirming *he Council's original that the street be narred Grainwood Circle, „ seconded by Williams and u passed.' port a votetaken it was duly 'Chuck, ICadr`i ik k `� Mr. Fronk,Muelken was • t ` k Variance" req. appeali a request for a variance that was den ed by the Planning A v E Comm ry ommission. G w T• Y'0t3� L ]. BEACH PARK and discussion:, �. ' Councilman Williams stated that the presented Planner b p lans y , ' :r as the Park Advisory Board directed for Sand Gras Beach Park. jj are not Motwn was made by Williams that the parking lots for Sand Point Beach Park be installed, as per Park,Advisory Board, recommendation, seconded' by Oakes and upon a Mote taken the motion failed. Councilman Williams and Mayor Stock voted in favor of the motion. Councilman Busse and Oakes voted' against the motion, � MayorSlock referred planning of the " P g parking lots for Sand Point Beach Park '= back..to the: Staff and Park Advisory Board and have them review it again and to present a plan addressing Councilman Williams" comments and other comments that were made this evening and document them and submit them to the Council after, the next regular. Park Advisory. Board * meeting. Notion was made by Oakes that the general area of the lower parking, lot, as' indicated on the. ma y p Presented b Planner Grocer, be used .as thet first .parkirt' sx, o lot, with ,the exact location to be decided u; w6 y n a eement b Staff and t Park' > he Advisory Board, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it'waccluly rued. 1MRILYN MICA Mayor Stock read a'-letter from.Mrs. Marilyn Mickus relating to her chalet '. KUS CNIILET bu'iidi .. a rrg, stating that she is selling this bu�lding:and beforeshe' lilts it with a . BLDG. SALE realiar she was offering to he TO CITY g it t City far park use ;,for $5;000.00 City, Manager McGuire was directed to send a letter, to'Mrs.,Mickus•stotmg that the City does aot have the money budgeted, for. this . puepose at this hme;. c , t= ERLANDSON Planner Cxoser presented FI RST' ADDN, ' prelitttinary plans of Erlandsirn F i Rlfa ,' Council review and discussion. Motion was made b Busse to a �. Y approve the preliminary plans of Erlandson First Addition,- seconded by.Williams and upon a vote _taken it was'du;ly passed.' `= 'PLAN.' ADVIS. Councilman Busse reported on the April 1, 1976 Planning W so Commission.' l ` COM. MEETING meeting. c J11, MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r, f f CHUCK KADRLI P M Motion was made by Busse that the appeal for a variance for Chuck Kadrlik:be denied, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. Councilmen Busse and Williams voted in favor of the motion. Councilman, Oakes abstained: Mayor Stock X X voted against the motion, GREEN HEIGHTS C Councilman Oakes, regarding Green Heights Tavern, stated that the Liquor Commission" LIQ. LIC., w went back through the Minutes of the meeting where those interested i i License appeared. There was one statement recorded in the Minutes about the hours of Sunday closing and that was all the commentary there, was. There we0aio f0mol presentation requesting a Sunday license.. on -sale license was granted at that meeting and the owner finding out there was no Sunday License came back and made application for a Sunday license. The License Commission reviewed the performance ' o of -the owner�and his, establishment since on- sale was granted, considered whether or ! ! not this -would increase. the use of a nonconforming area and on the premise that it would not cause an. escalation of a nonconforming use recommended approval by the Council' Mayor Stock stated diet he received a call in regards to the Sunday Liquor License for Green Heights Tavern in opposition of the Sunday Liquor Licene s H Motion was made by Oakes that the Sunday Liquor, License be granted to Green k k seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was .dul'" SANS) POINT P Gf y ° PARKING PLAN MINUTES of the Preceodloss of the Village Council of the Villaeo of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stat* of ! mionosota, including all accounts audited by said Council I • EVANSTON AVE. Motion was made b Buss - Chan the East- Y ge t portion of Evanston Avenue SE to TO OAK ST. Oak Street SE, seconded by•Stock and upon a vote taken'it was duly passed. KNEAFSEYS TO- Motion was made by Williams to deny the change in street name from Kneafsey's NACEY & OAK- Street SE to •Nacey Street and to deny -the change in street name from Oakland Beach e LAND TO KNEAF Avenue SE to Kneafsey's-Avenue,SE seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was SEYS AVE. duly passed. o Mayor Stock directed the City Manag to inform the tY 9e petitioners that their requests had' been denied. CLEAN 'UP .. - City Manager McGuire stated that-at the -last meeting there was * question on what is PROBLEMS s, being done about some of -the cleanu p Prob lems around -the, City. and asked the Ci GRAIN; fLEVAT Attorney to report on the grain elevator. ty Attorney Sullivan stated that the Court,has signed the order to tear. tho , grain elevator down, it is being served now, he will get this..to the City Manager and the City Can ' roie the building:, City Manager McGuire stated there are many other. possible violations of the;ordinance „s' and !asked :Po I ice Chief Powell to. report on this. Pollee Chie# Powell showed some slides of possibie ordinance violations, and described the debris in the City. Attorney Sullivan and Police Chief Powell are to work t on the junk o- �. „ �.. problems ` : and come back to the Council with recommendations. CLARENCE EngineerAnderson, presented a memo regarding ,the• paving assessment for,Clarence M ` CLENEN PAVING Clemen, ASSESSMENT :wa. Motion was made by Williams to direct the City Manager to meet:wtth Mrs. Ctemen to• secure -this *moment needed for storm,.sewer and at that time adjust-the paving assessment, ° seconded by.Buise and, upon' a vote "taken. it was,duly. passed. WILLOWS STO ,Engineer Anderson presented plans and costs for the Willows storm sewer for Council SEWER COSTS' , review and.discuuion. tr` Mayor Stock directed Engineer Andersonr to continue, with an overall plan for storm f sewer in the Willows for a Pubii:c. Hearing. GRANGE ORDER` Holton !was- madeby approve PL 7 Cha Order /1 R 5-4 nge gvised for Pt 75-,4 Minnesota Vglley, in,the amount,of $14,141.73, seconded by Busse and upon a. vote taken: it ,was was duly passed: e a Nox was, made by Oakes to a ve- PL .75. -1 ° Chang CHANCE" 3RDER,.. r t pge Order E2, for Minnesota SLAV, 7ti �0 Valley SuAacinq the- amount of $3,620..88, ,: secanded by, Busse and bPM a vote ,taken it i a= duly passe f RANGE QRDER Mot"- 100111 diode by .Oakes. jo appnave PL 75-1.1 Change Order, �3 _b� M innesota v�y 5t►`rifcin in the ampunt of $20,.431.02, seconded by Willidms'and' upon a Vote4aken if was duly passed. ` CtIAGE »ORDER , Motidii ww Made by.Willjams, to. approve PL 74• =5 through. 14,Chgn9e Order 0 4 for P 7 5 . L y� .Nltnn , Ya)lay,Surfaein' .in the. amount of 2 779.:9 5 ; 9 , seoondedby Oakes and �� r� "'�upbn a. vote token it was.duly passed.. ,ORDER Mahon was .made by? W i llianis %tea .. ^ ve. PL 74 -5 Chan PL. 7aL5 PPtg ge, Order b for Minneat Va li`ey Su ..1 cing in the amount of 559 seconded by Busse and upon a vote takentit vra'duly passed. ti 3 MINUTES of the Froceodings of the Village Council of the Village of 'Prior Lake in the Coin ty of Scott and S4 of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. r >'ED INBOROUGH °AVE. PAYING Engineer Anderson' stated that Councilman Busse and he met with the at last Saturday residents of Edinborough Avenue for an informational meeting and the residents clearly stated that they do not want paving. MR: FAUES ;EASEMENT ON LOT Engineer Anderson stated that Mr. Faue_'s, home is two feet into the. easement the •t • • 9 Ci �s asking for Mr. Faue stated that if the Ci removes this from 9 'ty portion the • lI sign easement he . 'win the easement for his several lots. Motion was made by Busse to. exclude the portion that Mr. Faue's house sits on -from the easement, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. .EASEMENTS FOR Mayor Stock directed EngineerAnderson to prepare the easements for sewer and S 6, ON EOIN water for Edinborough Avenue without , `BOROUGH paving. i PLANS„ s SPECS FOR SEALCOAT IN Engineer Anderson stated that there are some streets in the City that are in need„ of seal coat and asked authorization to `OF STREETS prepare plans and specifications for seal codling some of the streets. ` Motion was made by Busse to approve the preparation of plans andspecifications forseal coatin take g taking into that „consideration roads were paved two years age., these streets should be given top priority.,, then any other streets that are starting to feather or crock should be reviewed, seconded by Williams and upon a vote' taken it was duty passed, ;AL STEINER Engineer Ander son stated that At. Steiner has re quested storm sewer vi STORM SEWER 6 M pavi ` PAV I NG OAKR I D E for Oakridge Court. COURT Motion was made by Williams to table Al Stainer's, request for storm sewer and } paving in Oakridge Court until c�.Developer's Agreement is sipped, seconded by Busse_and up on a vote taken it was duly passed. BEN BAEIt. - ' GRAINMOOD CIR Mr. Ben Boer was present stating't a did not know that the meeting wa g s tonight for discussion on Grainwood- Circle, and wanted to know the Council's decision *on Grain wood Circle. Mayor Stock stated that the Council reaffirmed its Previous decision that the street be named. Grain wood i G rcle Eouncilmor- , Oakes presented' copies of previous motions in reference to unplawed property and requested that this matter be on a future agenda for discussion and this matter ivaa tabled until April 1,9, 1976 PLAN B i The Council discussed the memo from Mayor Stock regarding Mayor - Council and Advisor Commissioners: Role as it Pertains, to ;Plan B:. Mayor Stock directed -the City Manages io review any ordinances that might need lobe amended. and report ba'ek,to the Council. ' METRO COUNCIL 'Mayor Stock stated that the Metro Council'b� the - new taw that vv Y� as adopted:, states. LAND USE COMMITTEE that-two new advisory bodies,mtust created, one with at least 17members will be appointed by the Metro Council to provide odvim on, land use, at least one -half of the members must be local elected officials, the other 13 member panel was called p a Modest'Cost Private' Housing Advisory Committee appointed: b the' Council. , Chairman and must include elected officials, consumers, builders, union repre- sentatives, mortgage bankers, and others. Motion was made by Williams to authorize the City Manager to submit a resolution � ' tarli �iQ�traG�kd�ell�t eti} l�►lanslp a6ttngt'fkit�zJ4�kes ti t�thttfnpPihtln +eittibetbo4;6htlVGo cbndidepAes be submitted to Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Costello and Mrsald!T ngsley Murphy, seconded ° •y b Busse and u Y upon a vote taken it was duly ssed. Pa i -4- ;; Y` MINUTES of tlm; fteftediwips of IhM Villa" Council of tiH Vila of Pdw Lake o is fM C4unty, of Scott and s, Miawosota, inciwlina all "nk audlhd by said Carmen." " METRO COUNCIL LAND USE COM, Motion was male by Williams to authorize the City Manager to submit a resolution to the Chairman of the Metro Council, °Mr. John Boland, stating that Michaglfi' McGuire be recommended for the appointrient to the Land + Use Committee and copies be submitted to Mr., Hoffman Mr. Costello and Mr. Kingsley ngs Y M4sPhy. seconded;; b;; Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. METRO COUNCIL MODEST COST Motion was made by ' Oakes, ro authorize the City Manager to wbmif a resolution PRIVATE NOUS to the Chairman of the Metro Council, Mr: John ;Boland stating chat Wn Busse s 1NG ADV'1SORY be recommended for the o ppo.Rntment to the Modest Cosf Private Housing Adrilsory = COMMITTEE CoOmmittee and copies be submitted to Mr, Hoffman, Mr. Costello, and Mr.,Kingsley ,X" Murphy,, seconded by WiNiams and upon a vote taken it was_duly passed, MPCA -OPEN= ING BURNING Mayor Stole read a letter from the .Minnesota Pollution Control A nc re yi� x open burning and directed the 4di Ma ty Ma nager to release -an orticle to the newspaper regarding burr: . open Motion was made by' Oakes 'to adjourn, seconded byr Shock andi upon +a Vote Taken this �msetingwas adjourned at 11:17 P.M. Michael A M cGu ire C ity Manager 4 r c P _ P .* ` 7 it t z e OK IDi4 ' ep 4 • u (J c r 0 ° l 5 J 1 Vl 1' 't m . ° t 0