HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1976Page one, Wagr Ph' five, should read - Mayor Stock advised Mr. Mooney to get, 4 clarification of descri tion of the P Property involved, and if they Want, to continue : with this mat'et then an association should: be formed and guidelines established. ;I Page one, Paragraptti twelve,�'seeond sentence, should read - Councilman Watkins voted in favor of the motion. Page one, Paro9roPh twelve, third sentence, should read, -Mayor Stock, Councilmen ` , iJliams voted against the. motion. Busse `Oakes and W Page two, paragraph five;,should read. - Motion was made by Oakes to approve the 3.2 On and Off Sale Beer License anJ Cigarette License for Craig's Resort, seconded by'Watkins and upon a vote taken it was ,duly Passed, ii1NU'i "ES Motion was made by Watkins io aPProrc the Minutes of May 3, 1976 as amended, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote; taken it was duly passed'.: BOND BIDS W. Steve Mothon, , Bond Consultant from Juran and Moody, opened;at,2:00'�P..M. tl i s °,oftemoon, reviewed the bond bids � Motion woc,made by Watkins to ajthorize the Mayor and City Manager to nego tiate ` tho- issuonce of -tl e , 4 300 nego _ , ,QOO:QO in bonds,over the next - thirty days, s ea* by . and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion ,was mode by VKlliams to accept the bid of Piper, ;Jaffrey, and Ho net interest rate of 6.85796 for $280,000-00 in General Oblig Hopwood at a 1976, seconded by Watkins and upon ;o vote taken it was dul pa wn Park Bonds of y , for FIRST BANK Motion was made by Busse b authorize the OF ST. PAUL M ayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement with First Bank of St. Paul and Juran and Moody fo BONDS r•the sale= of'the refunding borxls, °seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly Passed ISLAND VIEW Motion was made by Busse to acquire for island View Park, Dedication, Outlot A, , the PARK DEDICA- area designated as T1ON open space, Lot 5 and negotiation on a cash payment by the City ` ' Ono consideration a written statement from Mr. Ron ;Harnack of the DNR, the rtegatyotlon for the dollar amount to be; based on than evaluation, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly _ Y Passed • ,, Counca lnwn WtII isms voted T against the motion. n PREL. PLAT' Motiorr,was made by Oakes:b ISLAND V 1 EYi the result o approve the preli f the negotiation of the ggi .4 PI °t of 4slond View based on Park dedic 60��e, seconded by Watk and upon a vote" taken it was duly passed CO CONCESSIONS Mr. James Dunn ;. ' � Presented Mr. Charles Burmeister ' s and•.his. proposal for food and SAND PT. watercraft concessions at Sand Point, Beach. iu ,a MINUTES of Me Proce" Res of Nye Vilk" Council of the Vil loge of Frio► Lek* in th* County of Scott and Steti of. _,_ Mioaesero, indvdiny at accounts audited 6y said Council. May 10, 1976 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake, met,-in regular ession on May 10, 1976 at 7:30 P.M, :in the City Council Chambers. M M ay or Stock called the meeting tcr" order. ; Present were Mayor Stock, . Busse, Oakes, , ,Watkins, a The following correctiaru were made to the Minutes of May 3, 1876; f Pa one _ ; : ne I ' Page . Paragraph, four, should. read Mr. Tom Mooy,of Bou�+ins Nlano�- . " B .Fouctk : MINIJTf of the McNdIN" of The Village Ceunci of the Villogo of Prior Lako in the County of Scott. and Stoto of Imiaeosom, including all accounts audited' by oaW Council. CONCESSIONS Mayor Stock stated that the first year the City should not t too in I ON SAND PT, t an 9e voived with this BEACH tYPe of thing at Sand Point Beach, The prime concern of the people he has talked to, is will it be operational as w•swimmir g beach, ; they have not been too - concerned ; about food and boats or this type of thing, but they are concerned about swimming. Y l Mr.,,Dunn withdrew their proposal for concessions at Sand Point Beach. PIXIE PT. The Council discussed the Pixie Point vacation. Engineer Anderson is to'get the VACATION City Attorney a plot of the area involved', t LIFE GUARDS Plahner Groser stated'a decision will have to be made as to whether the Y City will ON SAND PT ' ` life guards at Sand Point Beach or not. There ace certain factors which BEACH complicate the matter, first of all the City has a very'rcshictive budget. He developed a Proposal for two life guards, from 1.0:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. to be there at all times for the entire summer. It will cost the City approximately 53,500.00. The two'life guards could cover adequately 300 feet, therefore, the City would be limiting the_ entire beach to 300 feet. Anybody who swims outside of the roped off.area would.be chased back in;,thereiore, even after the l04- 1guards are not on duty,", the roped off area would be more'or less the beach, unless the City ropes: the entire area off,., and when the life guards are on duty thus would be another restrictive area. The City will have liability by providing 6 life guards, you.reduce the liability If they am adequately Mained. For the first Year he thinks the City should just provide the "necessary buoys, signs etc., and 4. ide not prov any lifeguards at the beach and allow the entire. beach to -be used. x '4 Atbrney Sullivan stated regardless of what the City does in operating a swimming t ' beach there wit) be a potential liability siitiatjon. If the City provides two life' Wards, morning and afKrnoon basically, andyou have: %* Ia.1,000'people there, the liability might even be greater, than if the City advised the. public that there were not any life guards aril had certain restrictions on the swimming. If the City: is jp,!ng.to have life- ards Wwilf have.to have the number thav ' sufficient to really keep on eye on -the public that isQsii:a. the beach,. The City i will have to have someone in attendance at the beach b maintain order, eta. r A46HWwos,�mode by-Williams to authorize the City Monoger,lo Provide a park attendan& "Or attendanh as needed;and, to secure the proper posting for the entire L area of Sand Point Beach based on comments and suggestions by Gordon ; Gelhaye, J n tt A�ibmey Sullivan, and the City_Staffe- seconded by Watkins and upon a vote talM �., . Was duly passed. . Count Imam, for the 'Park Advisory Board, thanked al l of the, people that { carne out Ij d!and the weekend before to clean up the beach' at Sand Point Beach. 1 PLAN. ADVIS- Pla nner Graser reported on the May 6, 1976 Planning Advisory Commission ORX. CONMtS,, meeting. MARVIN BRAND - Motien -was lmade by'Watkins to designate the Marvin Brandt t'PROPEItTy AS; . Progeny as the , DI SWER, THE diseased tree�urning site, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was BURNING SITE duly pa::ed� , " f `CHANGE ORDER City Manager McGuire presented an explanation of Change Girder #6 and the 6. Wtc t Metropolitan Waste Control Commission update 60he Comprehensive. Sewer } COWREHENSIV Plan for future discussion. ° `.. 6; SEWER PLAN Engineer Anderson # SALTCOATING Presented the Council. Specificot*u for Seal approv al:, Coding of Sheets for i x t J a _ C _2- MINUTES of the hee*edines of the Villas* Council of th-' Villas* of Prier lake in the County of Scott and State of n! all account:.• audited; by said Council. i Mian*sota ieeludi SEALCOATING Motion was made by Watkins to•advertise. for seal coating of streets as specified in -- ` the proposal and bids are to be opened on Juna „17, 1976 at 0;00 A .M., seconded ;; by Williams'and upon _a vote taken it was duly passed., ROBERT BOTCHE Engineer Anderson stated that Don Busse, Harald Israalsan, GREEN OAKS Verlyn Greg SEWER LINE Nalli Jim Erlandson from Action Plumbin Robert Botcher, and he met at 4:30 - . E �' - 9. E this afternoon at the "'that b r residence in Green Oaks. , It was determined j ` vi J y r emoving the basement floor in areas that the house could be served by'gravity. Ehg' er Anderson said that Mr. Botcher stated that he felt that tearing4he concrete floor up or the furnishing of a PUMP to, provide,servic4 For, their residence would not be satisfactory and he felt that I wering -the main trunk line would be the only thing he would consider. The oast to install the original main ine from Mr.,Botcher's residence north was $7,024.00. TI jco” sf'M' lower the',,n- in R k from the manhole east of his house.to the north would -be $9, 644.00 .T co; , install c pump to provide service to the residence would be $1,820.00 and, the cost to saw through the cement floor and the plumbing, in,the ,house h91k,00t been,determined. ° The plumber stated that the only way he would do the jobyis on a time and material basis 1 and was very reluctant to-give an estimate. ,,, . - . %vt�.dei .h• Mr. Robert Botcher stated that the, only way: to resolve the blem is to 1 w p� o er ,the main sewer line, as far as running''the grinder, that is ridiculous. As he stated before, �. if he built the house esterda and this Y y problem arose, then it would be his, but the house was there when theCity come through with, the sewer and hod been then: for a time and he feels that the person who made the error is at Fault and consequently 6 should correct it, artd not be digging up his basement and ntot;by potting a pump in. Motion was made by Oakes that a pump be installed at the Robert,6otcher residence in Green Oaks and monitored fora two year period at intervals sgtisfaclory to Mr. Botcher and the City Engineer and the cost of the installation and the settlement for power consumption to be borne by Isroelson and Associates, :.lnc,.', the City and Mr. Botcher are to be saved harmless on the cost of the pump installation and o lump sum settlement for power mode to Mr., Botcher, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Councilman Watkins abstained. C Mr, aim Orr ONSULTING of School and Modson, Inc. was „present arid Q4estions asked by ENGINEERS the CoOnc l regarding their proposals. Mr- Wayne hang, Vice President of Orr Schelen-Mayeron and Associates, Inc. was present and answered questions asked by the Council regarding their proposals. : •Specifications for.removi ng L the grain elevator was�,tobled. , ORD. 73 -10 Recommendation on Lake Ordinance 1 73 -10 was tabled:. CONSUUTING The Council discussed the Consulting Engineering firms of Schoell aroil Madson,- Inc. ENGINEERS and Orr- Schelen -Ma eron and Associates Inc. Y PROD. 75-3 Motion was`nWe by Watkins to engage Orr- Schelen- M oyeron and Associates, Inc. PH I's LL to engineer Project 75-3.Phose l and 11 'and the Spring.Lake? project by contract, seconded by Busse and upow a: vote taken it was duIy passed ., Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to notify the Consul ting,Engineew interviewed of the Council's desision PETER PATCHIN Mayor Stock presented a letter from Mr. Pete Patchin stating that he is resigning RESIGNATION from the Park Advisory Board effective immediately. Motion was made by Oakes to accept the resignation of Pete Patchin from the: #Park Advisory fo*d with appreciation for his service. to thcCity,Park.Advisory Board., seconded by Busse; andwpon a vote taken it was duly passed. MINU"3 of too hOf ediap of'tbe Vilwoo ceundl of We Vil laao of lrier Le" in the Cawnty of Soo» and Sh to of Mlaneiela, ineludina ail aeeeuprs audited by wid Council. :+N APPS FOR PARK ADVISORY BRD. Councilman Williams stated that the Pork Adviso Board i will taking from persons interasted in the Park Advisory Board.' applications II Mayor Stock stated that if anyone is interested in (7711 the Park Advisory Board they should contact the City Manager. EQUALIZATION. .MEETING Mayor Stock stated that the Equal izatiom Meetino is on Thursday May 13, 1.976 at 7 :30 P.M. The following invoices were paid in the month of April 1976: GENERAL FU) ID : Prior Lake State Bonk Treasurer Fee Federal Deposit $ 2 47,01 PER A league of Minn, Municipalities. Handbooks J 2,,345. 2,345.32 Commissioner of Revenue State Withholding Tax State Treasurer - SO C. , Sec. Conti Fund Social Security 75.00 2 811.08 State Treasurer _ Sur Charge 21266. • 12 Richard Powell Salary 400.56 Steven Schmidt r: _ Dennis' Leff Salary 46760 420.71 .71 ' LeRoy Robenort 'Eugene. Salary Salary 1 . 417.65 a Smith Joseph._VanDenBoom Salary 345.67 ,360.92 Richard" Klugherz Salary Sclary 96593 Michael McGuire " ;Salar 375 .97 - Horst Greser y r David MacGllivray, salary 273.40 A ' Tarry J�. Anderson 75.56 Verlyn Rao4n' Mary Gerhardt 'J f5alory °�" 51.1.52 350.31' Walter Stock Sclary Mayor's Pay 169.67 Melanie S `prank Local Union 320. Salary 164.0 137.65 Fd�M Savings Bank -So Union Dues vings Plan 58.50 Bankers Life Co. Loke Auto Su ! y Hospital Ins. 510.01 ' e' 819.99' Johnson's ICO Police Au to Repair .. �. Auto 12.50 Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Repair Utilities ., „ Prior Lake mK Ifioid ware Busse's Su per,Ms:rket , Bldg. Moint. b Po.l ice Suppl. 349.9 1 " 28.24 Jordan Independent Cleaning Supplies Police Suppl 8.1T Xerox Corp. Radio Shock ; Office Supplies 21.95 170.20- Madders Extinguishers Office Supplier , Police Supplie 47.76 Isroelson & Assoc., In Ray's UsedliCars Engineering Fees 3.00 735.00 I Quality-Waste Control, Inc. Police Auto Repair Refuse Pickup �,'y ;' 1 j •81 g Uniforms Unlimited Gro Ind. Services Police Supplies 27.95 ` y i Coast to Coast.1jori ' , i Bldg. Maint. Office Supplies' .9.20 JA►K Offil Co. Robert Md111ister Office Supplies 15.90 42.20 s. ' Suet Busioessfquip,_ ' Dog Catcher ,,.,,. Typiwriter Repair 1'60.00 f Gen Fahrenkamp , Prior Loki American Cleanin0 Service- 23.92 112.20 v' Lafayette Radio Printing and Publishing T89.8d M. w - K','a-R Communications, Inc. � Microphones � 'Radio 49.00 t . Don Busse Jack Oakes Council Pay, "Council�Pay 644.95 80.00 Tom Watkins' Don Williams a Council 80.00 80.00 Council Pay 80.00 - 1 , � r y MINUTES of fho Pweosci;ass of the Villas* Council of the Vilisgo of prior Luke in *0 County of Seo11 and itch of Mienesota including all gecounft audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND (Continued) ., Michael McGuire Charles Tooker Car Allowance Planner r y S 150600 David MacGillivray � sage 300'00 Cash Horst Groser Petty Cash - 6.15 50.00 Michael McGuire School School 57.50 Fl Richard' Powell Salary 57.50 Steven Schmidt Salary 467.60 Dennis Leff Salary 430.46 LeRoy Rabenoct Salary 427.40 Eugene Smith Salary 355.42 Joseph VanDenBoom Salary 37,0.67 ` Richard Klugherz Salary 375.68' �� Michael McGuire. Salary 385.71 /. Horst Groser Salary 4M. David MacGiilivray, Sala ry 273.4o Larry J. Anderson Salary 75.56 Verlyn Raaen Mary Gerhardt Gerh Solar y 511.52 35J.31 Melanie Spro nk Salary Salary 69.67 z: {, F&M Savings Bank Delta Den 1a1 Plan of Minn. Savings PI an � 137.65 610.01 Scott County Sheriff Dental Ins: Radio Maint. ' 195.00 #a h : t, NSP Minn. Natural; Division Utilities n 144.00 150.22 Standard Oil Division E. H. Utilities Gas and Oil 197.84 714.00 uI j - Ne- wst%m. ee.McG Kerr - Corp. Building inspector 374.00 ; Arthur C,. - 'allido '= Y O i l Police Reserves 1.87 Paul W. Wern1erskirchen Abstract �, Own;ship,Reporh 12.00 ' Burrsv�Ile Printing Co. : Pblic�e Supplies 52.50 Clay's Pr(nting Service , Lett arhead and Envelopes „Minn. Valle Elec Y hk Coro P lties 297,36 Lawrence Schweich I Library Rent 2.00 . rn Lynn E. Schwartz . Reim. Calculator 300.00 / Clorence'Schmidt Eugene Smith Plumbi Inspector n9 . � 144.00 `.; °nDe Jo nBoom V Overtime Overtime ' Jose anD Joseph enBoom i Mileage 33.57 Richard g ., Klu herz l Overtime;, 3.60 ` Steven Schmidt , Overtime = 31.63 ' Steven Schmidt Dennis Mileage 28.81 Leff Overtime. 3.60 Dennis Leff Mileage m. 136.79 Transfer to Park Fund 7,20 TOTAL 3, 000 00 $3i,2 p WATER FUND " Commissioner of Revenue Sales Tax �f Prior lake State Ba nk federal Deposit $ 235..63 i � State Treasurer PERA 204.90 t t Commissioner of Revenue (' ; State Withholding Tax 281:92 State Treasurer, Soc. Sec.. Cant. Fd. Social' Security 332.30 Raymond Johnson : , j Salary 219.38 ... Judith Jepson Salary 410.06 F3M Savings Bank ' Savi Plan 129.22 Bankers Life Co . a Hospital 100.:00 " 138:29 _ Yj 1 i NNUM of /M heeoodinas of the Villaroo Council of the Vil z a lace of bier Leko is rho Caungr of Scour and State of t `. Minns# o including; ail accounts audited by said Council. WATER FUND (Continued): Pitney Bowes Postage $ ., 16.50 Computaservice, Inc. Water Billing. 1 Chapin Publishing Co 21.25 Ch ' g Printing. and PuHlishng 84.96 Raymond Johnson Mileage f 18.00 Raymond Johnson Overtime 16.08 ' Raymond' Johnson Salary Judith,Jepsen Y 410.06 E _ Sala , FbM Savings Bank Savings, Plan 100.00 Delta Dental Plcn.of Minn. 'Dental Ins. NSP 30.00 Utilities 475.92 Minn. Natural Division Utilities�� Standard Oil Division Gas and Oil 57.12 Larry Kerkow Mileage' 18.00- t' Water Products Co. Water Meters' $ Raymond Johnson O . 2, 652.74 TOTAL Overtime Ct S 6, 274.58> SEWER FUND: MWCC SAC Charg S 5,544.00 1, + Prior Lake State Bank - Federai 'Deposit' State Treasurer PERA. 93:10 I • 61 ;Commissioner of Revenue Slate Withholding ' Tax 112e6 State Treasurer, Soc. Sec. Cont. Fund Social Security 249.64 Joni . ohnson "t Sala 3 Bradley Brandt ry, S alary 11 1.10 lary Bankers Lilo Co. ; 230.64 Hospital Ins. ' Pitney Bowes }. ,. 24 44 . Postage 16 50° Computosenrice, Inc.. Sewer Billing.." 121 �2d `! Minn. Valley Elec. Comp Ut litie 94.77 E ,;MWCC Metro` Instal lmentz Francis Lyon: 3,054.64 r Joni Johnson s almages 40.75 wdle Brandt ary 106.90 y ;Salary 230.69 ' Delta Dental Plan of Minn t ,enrol Ins: 15.00 r NSP a , ctilities 218.63 Lawrence Schweich Home .guilders Sever Repair .� Standard Oi( Division' 3 . - Gcs, and'OiL 57.12 k � Amer. National Bank and Tnist Co. Boni) Payment 18 746.80 Viking Steel Products, .Inc. :, „ Supp`ies TOTAL 91.42 ` \� 529, 7 50.96 F,IR. E FUND: Fariboult Area Va �Tech: I nst. ' School .f Fire Instructors Assn.. of Mn. 20.00 Membersh" Dues 5. ., 00 k . , Scott -nice Tele hone CO. ,r 1 Utilities 108.03 ; : Prior lake OK,j rdware Supplies Bus Super- 06irket 10.:92 Prior 7 Su Lake pplies 31 ;92 Yeu Equprsesit Repairs. :� 35.20 ` ps / a E z ' gilipr�ent.Repairs' 17 S2 e, Ger»ral , 56f+ety Equip. Car Reynolds Welding Supply, -% 29,792:00 "g PPIX. Inc. pp Gencrol Fund_ f 20.,90 Scott Coun Sheriff 1 596 Adm. Cosh, 3.75 n tY;'' Radio Maint. 15 ' ;NSP rj Utilities 45. . t "' , 1 .Minn.:: Natural, Division ���� Utilities r Standard Oii Division / 119.12 Clay's Printing Service Gas and Oil ` r ��6 f Envelopes 38.25 MINUTES of the Proce of the Vi11aEe Council of the Viliaoe , of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Ptah af: k Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold, Council. ^� FIRE FUND (Continued) Northstar Computer Forms, Inc. Supplies .S.00 Viking Industrial Center Supplies Bill Slipher School 18.00 TOTAL 60.00 t $30,613.59 STREET FUND r n, g Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit . $ p 242.50 State Treasurer PERA > 198.93 Commissioner of Revenue �. State Withholding Tax ;r 403.82 State Treasurer, Sec-. "Sec. Cont. Fd. Social Security 766.40 Elmer Busse Salary 345.12 E� \ Lorry Ker{oow Solary�,_ 369.34 3 Bankers Life Co. Hospital Ins. 157.35 Lake Auto Supply' ;Equip. Repairs 10.89 Johnson's ICO Truck ;Storage 45.00 Prior Lake OK Hardware Suppl Minn Valley aey Elec. Co -op Utilitie 10.77 s ; . 19.25 ' Pno"Vtake. Aggregates, Inc. Crushed Rock Minn. Natural Division 24.93 Art Johnson Utilities 180.50 P Truck - Rental 200.92 rio`r Lake Blacktop Binding �" 245.00 Bohnsock and-Kennon Snow Removal, 1'23.75 Lawrence Schweich Home Builders Snow Removal Eimer Busse •Salary 570.00 ;r Lorry .Kerkow 345 Salary ° 367.95 Delta Dental Plan ci Minn. Dental Ins. o s 30.00 NSP Utilities, •1,069..13'. Standard Oil. Division ° R 1 Gas and Oi _. , . H Amer. National Bank & Trust Co... Bond Payment - 2481,1'9 Itasca Equip. Co. Equip. Repairs TOTAL ° f 8,382.98; r , ; BUILDING FUND x Transfer to Street Fund �-�--� $ 2,000.00 PARK FUND: Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit; S 42.00 asu k State Trerer _ PERA 66.50 Commissioner of Revenue ' State' State Treasurer Withholding Tax 106.74 Social Secu'i h wiw Clemens �' 264.66 Bankers Life Co. Salary 278.62 Hospital Ir>s. Shakopee Public Ut. Comm. Utilities 80.30 Chailes Tooker 3 .50 Planner Irwin Clemens 200 .00 Salary 278.62 Delta Dental Plan of Mn. NSP Dental Ins. 15.00 Utl ities B5.22 erry W.�James Rental of Auger First Nat I Bank of St. Paul 20.00 Sun News Bond Payment 7, 58.3 84 1 • papers, inc. Publishing: TOTAL a 43.91 $ 9, 42 a a 7 t] _ F i NNNUM of the heceedings of the Village Council of the Village of prior Lake in the CouMY of Scott, and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audiMd by said Council. CAPITAL PARK FUND General Fund Adm Costs S 99.60 I Transfer to Farrell Fund 22.00 v TOTAL S 121.60 1975,GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER ,FUND: Nodiand Assoc. Contract Payment $43,523.52, STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1970 FUND: W General Fund . Aden, Cosh S 4.35' i' CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT FUND General Fund Adm. Costs S 4.75 WATER IMPROVEMENT OF -1970 FUND: v General Fund Adm, Costs S 11.00 " EAGLE CREEK WATER AND, SEWER' FUND x St. Improvement of '74 Fund Deposited in Error $ 430.51. k General: Fund Adm . Costs 444.60 Lawrence Schweich Home Builders Sewer Repairs 58.1.10 TO TA l STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1974 FUND t IS, Phoebe E Clemen Assessment Refund $ 218.08 u •, �(; Minn. Valley Surfacing Ca: Contract Payment 38, M.39 ; s I) General Fund Adm. Costs 77.65 TOTAL $�98, 9 ? ' 72-7 8. 9 & 10 WATER AND S)?1 E R FUND General Fund Adm . Costs Transfer to S't., knpro. of '74 Fund 147.25 36,000.00 ` f ` Transfer b Street Fund a Transfer to Fire Fund 5,000.00 20,000.00 Transfer to General: Fund 30, 000.00 Transfer to Gletdaie Sewer and Water °Fund 44.000.00' TOTAL - $135, 1— y CONDONSAAKESIDE FUND St Improv. of '74 Fund , Deposited in Error S 322,62 1 72 -2 CSA H 39 FUND General Fund Adm . Costs S. 54.96 FARRELL ADDITION FUND: General Fund Adm . Cosh S 21.55. a -8 1St r` MINUTES of the ;rreceedinps of t h e Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the Cou of Scotk and StdN of, ay k Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold Council. } MAPLE PARK VIP FUND l General Fund Adm. Cosh :r 23.50 I � The following invoices are scheduled to be id n Tuesday pa o _- .. y May 18, 1976: MUTIPLE FUNDS ... Coulter, Nelson, and Sullivan Attorney Fees' ; 5,521.50 NSP Utilities Lake Auto Supply Misc. 1.957.52 } ne Co. 35.77 Scott-Rice Telephone 19 379.59 New Prague Lumber & Read -Mix ° Cement Y ent a � nd Chloride . 337.30 Savage Tire Service, Inc . Tires 188,00 Prior Lake OK Hardware Misc. i 161.15 b . GENERAL FUND: {y E. H: Newstrom• Building Inspector r Charles Tooker p $ 649.00 r , Planner 300.00 . Ray's Used Police Auto Repair 228.66 Prior Lake American Printing and Publishing 64.01 Gross 'Ind. Services Bldg.. Maint. " Prior Lake 76' 60.70 Police Auto Repair 19.22 Scott County Mapping Office Plate Milldr/Davis >Company Office Supplies 5.44 Gen Fahrenkamp Cleaning Service 140.80 Amer. Society of Planning Off. Membership Dues 15.00 Xerox Corp. orp ` Office Supplies 238.49 Andrews Rex911 Pharmacy Office Supplies 19.28 Grendahl Mechanical, Inc. Air Conditioner Repair 114.15 Liberty Photo Service, Inc. Police Supplies 43`.97 ` c Larry J Anderson Engineering Supplies 2:76 Ray Robinson Police Reserves i 5:00 Leon W., Buss Police, Re ewes ; 35.00 Kenneth W. Deuel Police. Reserves 15.00 Arthur C. Halliday P Reserves 15.00 Walter W. Christiansen _ F ,. Police Reserves 15.00 Sli Wm. r - ; � Police Reserves - 15.00 Ron Hanes Police Reserves 61.05 _ Robert McAllister "� Dog Catcher �' 160.00" SEWER FUND: MWCC` Metro installment $ 3, 054.64 FIRE FUND• „ Viking Industrial Center Supplies ` Minn. Fire lest. Assn. $ 18.00 Membership Dues• $.00 Superior Coach Sales Co. Equip. Repair Akins Fire Equip. Co. Supplies 91.84 Monnens Suppl C 73.79 Bldg. Maint. 422.13 I STREET FUND Johnson's ICO Truck Storage 45.00 Bohnsock and Hennen S " Price lake Black Bury Foundation 56.00 Blacktop Rent of°Blode 390 -.00 L&L's Lawn and 'Leisure Yellow Paint 12.00 , \ -9 { np of the Vill"* Council of the Village of Prior lake In the county of Scott and State of Minnelefa, induding all aceountl= audited by said Coundl. PARK FUND: s ' V Shakopee Public Ut, Comm Utilities H. C., Schultz S 1.50 Saw Repair 47.15 i 1975'`GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND: - X" F � Prior Lake Nursery and Garden Center Trees Z ' 250.00 P H r La ke Nu , rse ry and. Gorden:Cenb _ r Trees EAGLE CREEK WATER AND, SEWER FUND: Prior Lake Nursery and.Garen Center Trees s 150.00 luwan Rock - Products, Inc. ° Rip Rap 18.22 Motion was mode by Watkins to adpurn, seconded by Oakes and upon a vale taken this meeting was adjourned at 10:21 P.M. 7 Michael A. McGuire, City Manage ge +i F rs e " x 5 w Y e I. F - '��^ asa,:»a srn. GGYS:.-",.r»#�••':stx .r,_ _10—. } � x , ,r ININYT� si 1ke hroeeedl