HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 17 1976}} MINUTES ot'fhe proceedings of the village Council Of the Village of Prior lake in the Couniyc of Scoff and Slab of } Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. �. --- >. May 17, 1:976 K The Common Council of the City, of Prior Lake met in regular session on May 17, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the. Council. Chambers, Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Willimns; , City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan, The following corrections were made to the Minutes of May 10, 1976: Page two, paragraph six, second line, "attendance should read "attendant." i Page two, paragraph seven, first line, "Councilman Williams. Watkins" should read "Councilman " Pa three , 9e , paragraph o h two sentences four, five, and six should read - The estimated cost to lower the main line -from the manhole east of his house: to the north would be $9,644-00. The estimated cost to install a Pump to resid ence would be $1, 820.00 and the to cost saw through the cem floor and relay the plumbing in the house has not been determined. The plumber stated; that the he �. way only would do the job if the floor was sawed through is,ona time and material basis and was very reluctant to give an estimate. Minutes Motion was made by Busse to approve the Minutes of May 10, 1976 as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was dul passed. ' RICHARD ROGER VARIANCE , Planner Graser presented an appeal by Mr. Richard Rogers of a variance denied previously by the Planning Advisory Commission. This- matter was tabled until later in the meeting so that Mr. Rogers could be present. ELEVAT I ONS" OF Mr. Wendefkeith of Shady Beach Trail was p resent regarding 'the SHADY BEACH TRA.11 elevations of road after sewer and water construction. Engineer Anderson stated this matter will be; token care of. ISLAND VIE . PARK DEDICA TION City Manager McGuire stated -that he has talked with Ufenny McWilliams on t proposal the he l fh park dedication for " Island View and, cannot- seem to reach any agreement and at this time he recommends that the. City, a dedication. ccept a 6 -cosh t Motion war made by Williams to accept ,the $7,500.00 cash park dedication in I ieu of land for Island View, " seconded by Oakes and upon a vote: taken it was duly passed Councilman: Busse voted ago inst'the motion. PARK A Dv s ORY " BOARD MkT1NG `P Planner Graser reported on the May 13, 1976 Park Advisory Board meeting, ENTRANCE TO SAND POINT Mrs. Marge Kinney was present -.re Shady presenting residents of ` Beach Trail and presented a j titanto the Council BC stating they recommend to the Council for consideration, for Sand .Point Seach. The r mmendations � are -.not to consider an entrance from ";Shady Beach - Trail, a second entrance should be straight north from County Rood 42, signs at County. Road 42_and Shady Beach Trail'directing people to Crest Avenue, a sign stating that Shady Beach Trail is o dead -end road and not an entrance to the park, riot to have a parking lot near,Shady Beach Trail, to put a fence along Shody Trail 1, with a:gote, to plant trees and shrubs along the east side of the park, and to consider Shady. Beach Trail for a bike trail: R t* Councilman Williams stated the Council • the Parking is on record of.not allowing an access or : ng lot on the east side of park at this time. � g J to gns at Shady Beach Trail and County Road 42, access signs, no parking BEACH SHRUB SIGNS s FEN sib' fencing and shrubs, and to make n recommendation, to the Council. ° CING Mayor Stock stated -that the City is short of funds for development of pork this year The Council has di:ct;ssed the matter at post mee property City, going to p° a and the Ci at this point 9 proceed with at a very slow pace and waiting for , the development of the .Comprehensive Plan which will be the guideline for pork development. With , this in mind, a quality fence could not be put in this year. The Council has discussed shrubbery and buffer zone between all the residential property around the .pork, and some of that wi l l be a transfer of shrubs and plants . from the City's nursery stock at Lakefront Park, and this probably will occur, but fencing.which will be a direct cash outlay will not happen this year. ,OAKLAND Councilman Wi l l iams stated'. that Oakland Beach Park was observed by the Park ` q BEACH PARK. Advisory Board members and accepted by the Park Advisory Board members, itwas q heavily wooded area when it was looked: at and accepted, the contractor has since, t the acceptance by the Par k Advisory Board removed about 8096 of the trees filW the area with and_in his. opinion destroyed the E ith di park and wanted the Council's opinion on whether or' of the Park Board should stilUbe interested in this pa* T, ' Mayor Stock directed the Ciy {Az" gar, Liy.Engineer Councilman Oakes, and Councilman Williams to review the•Oakland, Beach Parr site and report back to the Council on June 7, 1976. �, ERLANDSON Motion was made by Busse to approve the Erlandson First Addition 1ST -ADDN . Hadshell, , seconded b Watkins and upon a vote taken it was $ Y duly passed, p § 1 PLAN. ADVIS. Planner Grosse stated that there is a Planning Advisory Commission meeting �Y MEE TING Thursda M ? 20 197 a on � Y . 6 t 7;30 P.M. PARK & REC' City Manager Ml Ouire presented a memo requesting °the creation of a Park and ADMI'N. ASST. - Recreation Administrative Assistant position. Motion' was made by Williams to outhorizeahe City Manager to interview f prospective people to fill the positionofPark and Recreation Administrative r Assistant, secondedP by Watk ins and upon a vote roken. it was duly passed. s , LIQ, LIC. Motion was made by Oakes to approve the Brooksville Merchants 3.2 On -Sale BROCnSV1LLE Beer License. for May 19 through 23, 1976 at the Brooksville Shopping Center MALI' pocking lot, seoondedby Buses and upon a vote taken it was duly k Y tossed.: SUNSET BEACH _ Motion, was made by Oakes to approve the Sunset Beach Resort 3.2 Off- RESORT LIQ. 'Beer License for the' balance of May and June 1976, seconded by Will le LLC. C and upon a vote toker,O was duly passed. r i 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villa,,* Council of she Village of Prior lake in the County of See" and State of II I . �; . I COMPREHENS I V Mayor Stock stated that the Ci, is 'in the „ PLAN FOR 'y process,; and will be in the proce of ' for the next year, of developing a a C the Council H will odd to what the Council has decided ; : ,= record. PETITION FROM Motion was made by Watkins that the petition from the residents of Shady Beach . SHADY BCH TRL Trail recommending points for Sand b by Williams and P BEACH Councilman Williams directed Horst.Graser to take into consideration Sand Point � SAND POINT Beach signs i foi E: I MINUTES of tM hoceedines, of the Village Council of the Village of Prier take in file County of Scots and State of - Minnuote. including all accounts audited b SOW Couneli. C I G"1I C. 'SUNSET BEACH Motion was made by "Oakes to approve the Cigarette License far Beach Resort 1 '1976, RESORT for the remainder of seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. L 1 Q L 1 C. COMMLSSION Councilman Oakes reported on the Liquor uor Commi i ss on meeting t q ing regarding temporary and the Liquor Commission will have a report on this matter at 'a future meeting. t" JOHN SMITH S s W CONN. En ineerAnderson' g (resented a memo regarding a request by Mr. John` Smith to connect to sewer and water in the newly annexed Spring Lake area, The City,Manager and City Engineer are to research the records regarding assessments on this property, 1 68 DODGE TRUCK Engineer Anderson stated that the 1968 Dodge truck was in an accident about a month _ ago., there was enough damage gh ge the vehicle to total it out. The insurance will give the City $1,100.00 far the truck, with the =100;00 deductible, the,City will have ` $1,000.00. A four -wheel drive pickup truck new is in the range of $5,000.00 to 55,500.00 and recommends that the City take the $1,000.00 and put �it towards new : a vehicle rather than trying to fix up the old; one. �I Motion was made: by Busse lo-,accept the $1,000.00; from the insurance company for the 1968 Dodge pickup truck and place it in a fund for future ac quistion of .a S <A replacement vehicle, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote token it was du passed. Motion was made by Oakes to secure_ quotations for replacement vehicle for the 1968 Dodge pickup truck and to authorize the purchase if it falls into guidelines prescribed by State Law, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. a STEPKAS 3RD ADDN. Engineer Anderson, regardin g Pe paving petition for p ' Addition, pa 9 in Ste Pk as Thir Additwn, ' �s b ' PAVING, PET1, roontact the person who circulated the petition, with; the front footage and acreage vhorges for storm sewer; to find out if they want•the paving. ; ° OAKLAND., Motion was made by Oakes to approve "the Oakland Beach Third Addition,Devebper's 3RD ADDN'. Agreement, seconded by Williams and upon a vote' taken it was duly passed. DEV. AGREE., NOOLANDS .PAVING b *, Engineer Anderson reported on Nodland's paving and sodding. SODDING J Mayor Stock asked the paper to print an article on asking the people to water the newly laid sod because the construction oompcny,only waters the sid.once when it is put down. SAND PT. BCH PARKING LOT �I Engineer Anderan .recommended, reg arding the V �� g Faking lot at Sand Point Beach, that ° recycled asphalt be put on the parking lot-in place Class.2. , k PIXIE PT. RD Pixie Point Road vacationP was tabled. ORD. 73 -10 Recommendation onL Lake Ordinance 1 73-10 was tabled. ° POLE E Y1Mtion s Watki a y pprove the <Police Report, far as submitted, seconded'byWittiams.and. upon a, vote tak it was duly passed. , FIRE b RESCUI Motion was made by Busse to approve, the Fire and Rescue Report for April 1976 as submitted, seconded by Williams -and upon a vote taken it.was duly poised. COOP FIRE PROTECTION ° . Mayoratack'read a Capperattve Fire Protection Agreement between the State of �`A t^^eS p 1a AGREEMENT` and the City of Prior Lake Fire Deportment for the'Indian Reservation Fir This matter was tabled until the City.Manager and Fire Chief work out, gin agreement with.the area forester.of the DNR.., Fire Chief Bob Mertens stated that Prior lake should be up for a new rating for i INS. RATES insurance purposes. The Fire Chief is to'bring up thh matter again next-, when the new carshould be here. i Y MINUM of. the Proceedings of the Village Council of the village of ►riot Lake in the County of Scott and Stab of i Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Ceundi; NEW AMBUL ANCE Fire Chief Mertens stated, as a point of interest, that the i new ambulance has 4,000 miles on it already. RESOLUTION_ 76 -7 Hatton was made by Crakes to adopt Resolution F76 -7 an agreement with State Highway Department, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed RESOLUTION' 76 -8 Motion was made by Williams to adopt Resolution, designating Northwood } Troia as a Stott, Aid Road,,'seconded • by Watkins.and upor► a vote taken it was duly passed BIDS FOR Motion was made by Williams'ta ou0WizeY the advertisement for bids for the REMOVAL OF GRAIN EIEYA- removal of the :groin elevator and bids to be opened on June 17 1976 at 11:00 A.M., seconded by Watkinrand upon TOR a vote taken it-was duly passed', RICHARD ROG- ERS'VARIANCE P(pnner Graser stated a called Richard Ro gets and he is serio tsly ill'and cannot i offend tonight's meetrg, Motion was `mode by Oakes to send Richard Rogers request for a variance hock to the Planning Advisory Commission to be reviewed at At next meeting; seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,'" G BONDING SIT. Finance Director David MacGillivray reported on the bonding situation.. BR IDG ES RIVER BR 3 , A y Sullivan brought up the subject regarding bridges across the Minnesota River and requested that the Council look into this problem. Mayor Stock stated that back about two months agcy, City Manager lylcGuire, Councilman Williams and he met with.Mr. John Boland and members from other communities in the City of Shakopee; relating �lo.metropolitan support of a bridge � across the .Minnesota River and at that point they established a represeotbtive from each community and to this date there has riot been a meeting' held: e ti' City Manager McGuire stated that Mr. Joseph Ries was to organize the meetings and he he;S neat. Mayo' Stock stated that the• City should submit a formal request to Mr. John Boland stcting that apparently something has gone wrong in communications, it appears to have bee waylayed4 There was also a` �Twnships,;Coun proposal by,Mc. Boland that Townships, "Cities t and in °the `County develop o Comprehe Plan"" ofi get them`subitted to; the Metropolitan Council, and at that:meeting the was only one City that had an -approved Comprehensive Plan and that was! the City of'r�'we Lake. He requested that the City Manager contact Mr. Boland, Chairman otthe Metropolitan Council and to request another meeting and volunteer ` n the services of the City of Prior Lake if necessary, to set the meeting held. f. Motion vft-made by O ►ekes to support the issuance ° of a lei ;er to: Mr. John Boland, Clioirmian of the)Metropolitan Council requesting a meeting of the representatives of the com7unity regarding metropolitan support of a bri across the Minnesota River,'�seconded ,' by Watkins and upon a`vote taken it was duly passed. # JOHN KALTON PARK ADM. k Mayor Stock stated he'has Pia rec`'wed he resignation of Mr. John Kalton from t6, Pork Board. `'Mayo �`�• r Stoc►,expressed e BRD. RES'1 GL NATION his sincere appreciation to Mr. ! Kalton, hw has done an excellent job for the City, he worked for the City in aj r° :. critical time of land acquisition.`and without his council and guidance "some of" the things would have awry. •r s c' it .... ..... w MINUTES of tM 'reeeediRV of the Vq o lobo Council of the Villu o of Prier iaka in the County of Scott and State of 101 18110801o, Including all oceounb audited by said Ceuncii. JOHN KALTON Motion was made.by.`Oakes to aces t.the >:resi p gnation of Mr. John Kelton as Chairman RESIGNATION of the Park Advisory Board, to accept it with regret Bret, the City thanks him for his contribution to the community and the City hopes to hove the opportunity to workwith him again -in _the future, and a copy of the extract of the Minutes sent to Mr. Kelton seconded by Watkins and upon a.vote .taken it was dul z y passed:. s �. AGENDAS FRO Mayor Mock requested of Mr. Don Benson (who was present) of the Watershed WATERSHED District that the Citj4 receive agendas for the Watershed District meetings. DIST. MPCA GRANT Mayor Stock presented a Public Notice from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agenc PRO, MEETINC fo a meeting at 9:30 A.M. on June 3 1976 at the Brainerd Communi Colle Y Room 103, and >9:00A.M. on June 4, 1976 at the Minnesota Pollutio Control Agency Office at 1935' West County Road B2, Roseville, :Minnesota for the purpose of providing information and answering inquiries rules and ` grant programs, _procedures applicable to WTRO kEOR Mayor Stock stated that the Metropolitan Reorganization Aci will be discussed at the GANIZATION 'Workshop Meeting next week. ACT NW BELL Mayor Stock presented aL request from Northwestern Bell Telephone ror DIG SPLICING dig a splicing pit on Pike Lake Road at the YMCA Drive, permission to PIT PIKE LK \' RD Motion was made by Williams to approve the Northwestern Bel 1 Tele �` di a splicing p request to 8 p g pi on Pike Lake Road' at the YMCA Drive,' contingent upon�a val by the City Engineer, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was du passed. Councilman, Oakes abstained. a' ` DEPT. OF AD `DEPT. OF PR a ; Mayor Stock read a request from the :State Department of- Administration, Deporh�ent of Procurement, regarding co o p erative CUREMENT pe purchasing of radio and communication," RAD10 b equipment. comm. EQUIP Motion was made by Watkins to adopt the resolution regarding cooperative purchasing agreement for radio and communication equipment, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LOYALTY DAY Mayor Stock read a thank you letter from the VFW Post 6208 inappreciation of the welcome signs that were purchased by the City of Prior Lake for Loyalty Days; METRO COON. Mayor Stock stated that the Metropoliton'Council Advisory Committee - appointments ADVIR. COM. �.. have been made and there is not a member from the City of Prior -Lake or a resident of the City of'Prfor' Lake appointed. SPRING' LAKE Motion was made by Busse b' hold, a Public Hearing for the purpose of rezoning the REZONING newly annexed portion of Spring area on June 14, 1976 at 7:30 P.M,,, seconded` ANNEXEO� ARE by Watkins and. upon a vote token it was duly passed, SCOTT CTY. Mayor Stock stated there will be a sp - session on May 18, 1976 of the Scott U TAX STATE- County Board of Commissioners at 9:05A.M. for Treasurer matters relating to MENT DEAD extension of tax statement deadline and' requested tlkit the Ci Man LINE this meeting. ty ogee attend Motion Was, made by Pokes that the City of Prior Lake express delay in tax monies and assessment monies due the City nd i aCOncern with the tY private citizens are concerned about the impact on the school district from a I iker delay in payment and would expect them •b`a`be: , prompt in the full payment and the City be held harmless for any losses that'should incuEsbecause of the delay, seconded by Watkins s r and upon a vote token4t was duly passed, , ; T �wa=.ate �+, •;s„. �,�,� 3 J