HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 07 1976MINUTES of the Proceeding's of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in tho "County of Scott and Stall of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ``
June 7, 1976
The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on June. 7, 1976
at 7 :30 P.M. in the City'Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order.
Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, 04es, Watkins, and Williams,'
Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Kessel . ,
MINUTES" Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of May 24, 1976, seconded by
Busse and upon a vote tal-en it was duly passed.
2ND ADDN. Mr. Hugh Miller was present regarding.the paving assessment for Miller's Second
Addition, requesting an unit assessment rather than a front foot assessment.
Motion was made by Watkins to adopt an unit charge for the lots in,Miller's Second c
Addition in. the amount of$755.88 each, at the Mr. Hugh Miller and
-Mr. Miller is. to control the lots, seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was
duly, passed.
Mr. Miller stated that the original Developer's_ Agreement for Miller's Second
Addition was for $5,163.75 and the assessment is $6,047.07 and he wanted to go
"�. on record that he was told by the.' Consulting Engineer that it would not be over
the $5, 163.75 figurer and nobody has made a valid explanation of why the assessment
is $6,047.07 and the engineer's office should be the one to goy,
ELDERLY Mr. Keith Thorkelson was present on behalf of the Scott'County Housing and
HOUSING Redevelopment Authority regarding Section 8 Housing for the elderly and asked for
approval of a Resolution authorizing the Metropolitan
assistance funds -. Council to apply for housing
RESOLUTION Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Resolution + a resolution authorizing the
76 -1
3 Metropolitan Council', to apply for housing assistance funds for implementation �
the County of Scott and the City,,of Prior Lake, seconded. by Busse and Loon a vote
taken it was dulypossed
MI RSCH Attorney Frank Muelken was present representing Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mirsch
SEWER SERV. regarding their sewer service for Loh 20 and 21, Red Oaks.
Motion was made by, Oakes that the sewer service from the street, for Lot 2 \0,,lRed 1
Oaks, . be dug . up and relaid based on the :fact that the street has not received its final
coat of bituminous mat and +based on the comparability of cost to the alternative
'aho%bwof installing a grinder, seoonded;by' Watkins and upona vote, taken it was J
duly passed.
Motion was made by Williams that the cost of relaying the.sery ice 16r ;sewer for - 'Lo " t
20, Red Oaks and the responsibility for same, is lobe determinedtby the City Staff, a
seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed._ Councilman Oakes
voted against the motion and Mayor, Stock
Engineer Anderson is to check; the depth of the se wer service „for Lot 21, Red - 044 cc
ROBERT Attorney Muelken was present representing Mr. Robert Botcher regarding his sewer
BOTCHER service in Green Oaks.
Motion was made-by Williams to4eaffinn the Council's previous motion: of ivi y 1Q,
1976 regarding Mr. Robert Butcher's sewer service in� Green -Oaks, seconder+ by 6usse
and upan'a' vote taken 'it was duly passed. Councilman Watkins voted against
gainst th,
4 1 "u
Y,• r
I1 i G # if if
MINUTES of 'thi ecowi"" of the Vil
-ewwii of tho Villaeo of Prior take i the E°oyntlr of Ssatt and Stab of
Mheowta. Including all o.Munh ouditod by sold Co �ndIp
JIM SIMON - Mr. aim Simon representing file S now h
LAKEFRONT, PRK w Trails presented Park and Recreation with a
BACKSTOP $100.00 check towards a backstop for Lakefront Pork -
Mayor Stack thanked the $.now Trails for their, donation;
DOCKS AT Mr; Ailen.Schefers was present and presented pions ror.the docks at Boudins Manor
BOUDIN S MANOR for Counci l review and ?discussion. Horst Groser is to review the plans pro sentetl to
check whether or tzoi it is private property. the lake boundari the lake bed,
zoning ordinance es, and this matter was tabled until thi next meeting,
- Horst Graser presented a memo regarding the peton from the Sh
- DEVELOPMENT b on the• developm iti , y Beach residents °
"SHADY BEACH ixnent of Sand Pont Beach, .concerning (1) no entrance b pa
• RESIDENTS fiom Shody'Beoch Trail, {2) a sign at.the beginning of Shady Beech Trail hating
` ICON CERN - that it' is a dead 'end rood with rw access to. the
edges of Shad Beach Trail and-, ' (3) no parking lot on the
Y , v (4) shrubs and trees along the eat side of ;the park
e -to' create a barrier,.
^ Mayor lock accepted Mr. Groser's report with comments on the
si at
enhance. for ( Sand Point Beach. gn the
a. v
Horsf°Groser stated he rene1 c letter fr""Torn Atkins and the City should hove A ,
their park t
gran money oy the end of Je ,ne
Horst Grassy stated' there
has been soma commenh: on, boat access
Be : fa Sand Point
4 ,t • ach. from lake and people have ,moved
the buoys onwnd irt. order to
boat access to the• beach. have
''� ' The City Staff is b view the situation of boat access at Sand Point Beach
° f report back at a future �yy� and
Motion was mode by Busse to reaffirm the :Councils
r ` ` landing of boots o
' prsvious`
motion that rw
..permitted at Send Point Beech and Horst Grass is t in _
contact with Mr. Gordon Gelhaye••io place arry oddit ono) s
;. recess b enioree: the no loading of boats, seconded by Ward
ns a n d vote. token it was duly Passed. pp g
Horst Graser stated that S r tl
and Point Beach wi11_be legally open on Saturday
and 04 °Ci ha
A ' ty s hired two wminer part -time employees who will be put-the
12`00.101,00 P.M, runnin
g the concession s '
4 M .
tt11N. ` ADV I5 I\
?BRD, ` Horst Graser re Parted on the
lI�ETING° nteetinN, June. 3,, 1974 PlanningAdvisory Commtwn'
80t10101 S I T.. Dave MacGi {llvray, the .City's. Finance Di
reclar reported to the Counci��sn
'the current bbeding situation,
COQ'ING' ON 76 Mr. MacMiI ray presented a merry ex lams'
i TAX •STATEMENT statements for Council review. explaining coding on°' 1976 tax ti
OAKLAND OCR, k Engineer Andes r
700. AGREE. Developer's A n p re information`lbr discussion on Oakland Beach
Motion was made
b Oakes b sro
Y` a�Pt Cement of Oakland`Ileach ° t
Dwebper s A
` ent PIawA doted -June 3, - 1:976 as ;
Daveb r s A port of the original e
e PP �, Agreement of Ockland`jBeach, seconded Watkins and upon a
vote taken it viral duly passed,
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village of the Village of Prier Lake in the County of Scott and State of
Minnesota. including all g accounts audited by said c ounc il .
WELL # 4 Engineer Anderson stated that Wenzel Plumbing has completed the work on Well
and final payment of $6,53).97 has been made.
PRIOR SOUTH Engineer Anderson stated that in Prior South there is some
STORM SEWER additional storm sewer to
be installed. The owner can install the same storm sewer system for about half of the
cost that Peter Lametti can put it in far and recommends that,the o wrier put it in
SCOTT RICE Mayor Stock stated that he viewed thestreet in front of the;Scott -Rice `Tek ne
STREET Company and was pleased with the job and said that the Engineering Staff did c
job in getting it done, good
ORD. 74 -5
The C ity Attorney is to
prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance 74 -5.
ENG I NEER'! NG The Council reviewed and discussed the a
SERVICES the City of Prior Lake and Orr Schelen nardA�sng�Scervices between
Motion was made by Williams for a final draft,110 be
agreement between the City of Prior Lake and Orr- Schelene#Aa engineering services
Inc. with changes and d Peron and Associates,
Pre. stinte „to the City Engineer and the Sewer and Water
Commissioner and authofizotiomfsr the Mayor and City Manager, to =i
with their approval, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it. was duly it meets
Y Passed .
COMPREHENS I V' Councilman 'Oakes reported on his meeting with Mr. Ray Odde relative to the
SEWER PLAN Comprehensive Sewer Plan stating that the City has to have a; Com
prehensive Plan
and Comprehensive Sewer and Water Plan by year -send 1980. The first year,
starting bock to now, will be used by the Metropolitan Council who has by virtue
of enabling legislation, land use authority in the metropolitan area, taken; this
period of time to start asking among the 85 communities $r system analyses, which
is the 'party Line language, There are twee _
in those 85 communities and the City of Prior Lake es one of those twenty to ities
five. Prior to the time the City has a system analysis there are three items that the
City st to , .•
t?'. pay attention . The first one is whether or not an im
' is part of the City' fiveryear capital improvement this would project be
hopefully a relatively simple justificat
ha ion of that extension. The second item would
w many connections would the City ex
he next five pect t0 have on that improvement item in
years, and finally for those locations not in the urban service area the
City would ingd t0 have on -site disposal built to meet state
not seem standards and this does
to be a particular •�,
a n Council for City communities line funds ore
available from the Metropoliita
,. preparation of '
the Comprehensive Plan and the Sewer and Water Comprehensive Plans. Councilman
Oakes stated that he asked that Prior Lake be advanced in the list so that the City
might hove some opportunity to get early in the priority Iist if possible to "seek out
fiords for the planning
ZONING HRG; Fleet Groser stated that staff has requested' a change of the zoning heari
DATE CHANGE June 14, 1976 to June 21, 1976. ng from
Motion was made by Busse to the motion of a
previous meeting setting the
inning hearing for June 14, 1.976, seconded by Oakes and
duly paned. upon a voteke
' it was
Motion was mode by Busse to set the date of June 21, 976 at 7:30 P.M: for he zonin g
g, seconded by Wotkins and u n a vote
Po taken it was dul
UPGRADE ekji D' Y Passed.
GE CROSSING Councilman Watkins presented a petition requesting the City of ,Prior take:to
CTY RD 21 petition
the County to upgrade the bridge crossing Prior LWo on County Road 21.