HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 14 1976>, _ ,a.•f MINUTES of Me ►ro"Winn of the Vil IaOo Council of the V lloee of Prior, take in the county of''Scatt and Stab of t4lon*wta, indudi all acceusM audited `.. by said Council.. -- . June 14, 1976 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on June 14, 1976 at 7:30 PM, in the City Council Chambe n . M a St ock ck M cal the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, and Williams, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan, a The following correction th ird fi paragraph nine, was made to the Minutes of June 7, 1976: Page one, ne, "abased" should n read based.;.. , MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins h� a ve the l Ppra Minutes of June 7, 1976 as amended, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, DUANE OLSON Dr, Duane Olson was se S b W CONNEC Pfe.. nt requesting an extension. of time for his sewer and water ` connections because he is seeking a , rezoning of the ;props rty, Motion was made by Watkins to extend.Dr. 'Duane Olson 's sewer and water connections for 90 days, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly . , passed. PARK,& OPEN Mr. Horst Graser reported on the June 10, 1976 Pork and Open Space Meeti n SPACE STRAY DOGS SAND PT. BCN Councilman. Watkins stated there has Sand been re Point Beach. re ports of stray cogs running loose at Councilman Williams stated that the owners of the dogs have been contacted. BOAT DOCKS Mr. Horst G BUUt)INS NANO wser presented' a memo and regarding the g Proposed private boat docks in Bduditis Manor. Mr. Groser stated that the boat docks ,are to go: along the south side of the road. There was,c; 33 Boot dedicated :road; then in'1975'the Cit 4} r 6 I condemned 17 feet to make a 50 foot roadway extended into the lake. There court case determining is a that this be is a• ea it was determined thgt y y m nd ring partof.Ptior Lake, therefor, 9elevation• is wbject to State control of 904 and below. In this case along this road the City and State would have poli power. In other +r, words there is no. private property south of Watersed Trail . ce The original dedicated ' purpose of the road was for street ge Rlrpose,'cnd any -other use would impair the dedicated purI:ow of the road. Attorney Sullivan: toted that it was dedicated as a roadway and either the City uses = . it as a roadway or vocafa it and f ,it,vaca i` t ,_. t� ted it would go back lathe fee owner, and it is his opinion not to permit Private boat docks on this public roadway; Mayor Stock= asked, the standpoint of legal liability, who is responsible Atlorney'Sullivan stated that wis City:pro nand it for Any activity that is conducted there;; would be the City's liability Graser stated that ther City's Zoning Ordinance states rathi orgonizat on 6,,ying a piece. of ^g about a private ! of. the property along the lake and developing it for private 4 association `i# they meet the Zoning Ordinance., in this,case it would be ten ' feet per'baak tot, A►'restdent asked when the -Case was on meandering, water. Councilman Busse stated it was in the late 1950's. q y Atbrney,.Sult.tvan it itad o they oouldRcheck the date at the Scot County Clerk of Court atahe Court House %n Shakopee, State vs 8oudin. W �. - -1- � � r MINUTES x. of the hecoidiwes of the Vil tese Council of the Village of prior take is the: Cou ntY of Scott and State of Mtnneseto�: W indudi M all veeeunta`eudited'by wid, council. PARK b . ADM. AS 1 City Manager McGuire stated he has investigated the availability and salaries required for an individual with a park and recreation background for the Park and Recreation Administrative Assistcnt and there are four or five indiv;iducis- ;interested,' To hire. '. someone with o p recreation degree plus a ,year or two of experience would be approximately $800,00 per month to start: Mayor Stock asked when the City Manager would anticipate a start date., City Manager McGuire stated August 1, 1976. Motion -was made by Williams to authorize the City Manager to hire an Administrative Assistant -for Parks arxd Recreation at $800.00 per month starting August 1, 1976- seconded by Watkins and upon a voote. taken it was duly passed. ,.ANNUAL ASSESS City he-received MENTS " ti a^°ger McGuire stated a letter from the Sea" .County Auditor pertaining to the City certifying assessments annually rather than entire assessment for five or: Swan putting on the ty ' whichever the,case may be. He agrees with the Auditor that from the cash flow point of view there arc certain advantages; however, the time involved would the accounting or bookkeeping rs o end of it maybe not full -time but at leash of the time, and he cannot recommend that at this time:. _ . ;PRIOR LAKE ;PLAYERS LIQ, °L1C, Motion was made by Oakes to a pp' PP the 3 re .2 Beer License for the Prior Lake Players for June 25, 26,, and' 27, ' 1976, seconded by, Will - it was duly passed. iams and upon a vote taken 'i1Q,, LIC. ' ST; MICHAELS:. Motion was made by Busse ro approve the 3.2 Beer License for St. Mic August 14,� 1 976#'seoonded by Watkins Watki heel's for � and upon a vote. taken .i t was. duly passed. TOMER ST, ' PAVING Motion was mcJe by hakes to approve. � D eveloper ' s the Agreement for Paving of, i6wer Street"subject the City Engineer's t = a pproval of adequacy in the proposes i curb, Proposed 'driveway (ips,am etcisting catch basins to handle storm water,` ie PoWed by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, � x PL 75 1 I 1 Motion -wris made b CNANGEg, ORDER Y Busse to approve PL 75 -3 Phase III Change. Order 1 F1 for Pater Lcrnetti Construction Company Pa+Y' in the amount _. of $4,910.00 as amended, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote token: it was dul passed. �RECULED Engineer Anderson presented c'menw ASP.NAL'T FOR _ ;OUST �COMTROL re e suing using recycled -as for dust control instead of chloride for Council review and discussion.` , � 1 CIlEEKSIDE Motion Y Oakes that the City was made b Engineer . - y _11 PAVING prepare two estimates for Cis kside Circle.. one for a�hard,�face paving�and one tor - recycled asphalt as dust control, the herd 0droi surface with a recnonable consideration of storm: . �wgt treatment and the recycled asphalt shotild,be minimal If any, for an informal meeting on June 20, 1976 at 7:30 P.M for the, residents of Creeks Circle " so by Watkins and upon a vote token il"was duly Passed { " Mayor Stock tabled the matter of dust control until June 28, 1976 and directed that no more chksrWo be used i under the pre sent,-conditions. ROSER7� ECKER tIM1 SEWER STU , E meet A � ^��n presented a moms regarding Robert Eckernwn's sewer * that was not�"installed deep enough. Motion was made by Watkins to table the matter of Robert Eckerman's sewer service untill 21, 1976 so that the City Engineer can the asbuilts and the consulting ty <° , g' engineer's liabili and deduetible'insuronce ooveroge, �. s ' seconded by Williams and upon a vote taken it was dui Y passed. rti t r ., -2- w i f v 11 ITES of the Odin" of the Villa e• Council of the Village of Prier Lake in the County of Scott and State of MHenesoto, induding,mll accounts audited by said Council, ORD. 74 -5 Ordinance 74-5 was tabled. ORD. PERTAIN Councilman Williams requested that Attorney Sullivan research all ordinances 1NG TO PARKS m and make a List of all ordinances pertaining, to pa CALVIN ERBEL Mar Stock S s W EXTENS, yo presented `a request from Mr. Colvin Erbele for an indefinite Rxtension of "sewer and watar�connecon or Lot 7, Condon � ti f s/Woodale Addition. Motion was made by Watkins to deny Calvin Erbele's request far an extension of sewer ' and water connections for Lot 7, Condons,/Woodale Addition, seconde b Oakes and upon a vote. taken 'it was duly passed., Mayor Stock stated Mr. Erbele has three lots located up by Mr.. HOW S, presently he n has no public access la , the three lots t� The assessments for these three a ots was,cs � the �. tax statement this y a yebr. °` Ma Stock stated if Mr. Erbele's assessment was called, down so should have Mitchell Pond's assessments have been called down, and to his { knowledge it was not. Attorney Sull is to get the Council an answer on whether.. or not the Council can take any action to remove an assessment once, it has been levied and what can be done Man assessment has been levied in error. Mayor Stock stated there wi have to be e some typeaf,guidelines for. areas of prime development call down assessments, CARPET CLEAN Councilman Williams requested that the Ci Mana tY Manager contact Mr. Bill a ssonnett H A 1N' COUNC about getting the Council Chamber's carpet cleaned; ' CHANGERS � -' Mayor Stock stated he received a letter %. m,NS NSP RATE R, they have increased their rates INCREASE effective June 2, 1976. These rates have been put into effect by NSP on a temporary y» bas& persuant to Minnesota Statute and NSP _has applied to the , Minne Public Service Commission for approval of the higher rote. C IV IL' DEFENS Mayor Stock requested a report at a future meeting on the Civil Defense sirens so that Q S I`RENS the City can' get its Federal- funding. SCOTT CTY Mayor Stock stated. h was at the Scott County COURT HOUSE Court House dedication to tour the TOUR Court `I base arxi was verypleasedwith the way the County Commissioners spent the money and they did: a find job for the amountotmoney that they spenti .f itt'iaKes . 3rf Attorney Sullivan stated (that they did a better job with the Scott County Court _House than any other new Court House in the Twin City area. CTY. RD. 2 i . Mayor Stock directed the M ti onager and. City Engineer is handle Councilman: s 81 Oakes request that ths. County Engineer be contacted m rdi the Wagon bridge arkLCounty Road 81. 8° � County Road 21 hetwreen The following invoices are scheduled to be paid on Tuesday, June 22,: •1976:i� • 1 UNTI U FUNDS Standard Oil ,Division Gas Bankers: Life Co. S 744.00 Hospital Insurance Scott -Rice Telephone Co., 1,226.60 Donnell utiliti Computoservice, Inc. Signs 368.30 Coast to Coast Store Sewer and Water Billing 278.28 Su p P I ies Lake Auto Su, pply 2.34 Repair C Lbl's town and leisure Misc: Vehicle Re p 12.02 Prior Lake OK Hardv�are 415.83 SouthsId* Dodge, 1n�, Misc. 150.5T Vehicle Repair 322.06 a` 3- `���s.r� � , emu, :.• � MOUTtIS of the Proceedings of the vi Nose Carncil'ef the Village of inter Lake in the counfi► tieett y ' Mion"ole, including all accountsaudifed,by said Council. of Stah'ef GENERAL FUND: American Linen«Supply Co. Towels $ Robert McAllister Prior Lake American Dog Catcher` 4.00 160.00 Scott and Tom Grimmer` Publishing Washing Police Can 163.17 Air-Comm c, Scott County Treasurer Rodio:.Repaiu 21.00 24.92 Rayt Used Can Library Libra Taxes Vehicle Repairs 1 . 1' 348..24 Gen Fahrenkamp Clarence Schmidt Cleaning Service, 131.59 114.•10 Economy Dictation Systems Inc. Plumbing Office Supplies 80.00 «- Gross Ind. Services" Isreeison' &Assoc.`; lne: Building Mcint. 17.70 47.20 Jack Porker - Engineering Fees 1,087.98 Suel Business Equipment i qu'pment Retainer Refund Typewriter Repair 100. .. = The IntICi Mana City Bement Assoc. Training Program 57 . 40;OA, P I E. H. Newstrom Tommy Murlseh Buildin In spectoe ; . g ` _ ,814.06 MiNer/bavi €Cn. Police lee Suppl Office Supplies 36.50 WATER FUND 44.22! y ` N Van` Waters & Rogers r Chemicals : $ 83.13 A l 1. St.; Paul Starnp.Works, Inc. Badges' 15.77 tk O tt' Davis Water E qu'pnent Co. Water Meter 318.70 SEWER FUND: # ; .,. Minn. Valley hic MWCC Ele CcnoP Utilities S 89.66 i Schrader Block Co. Instal Pumping 3,;054.64 t ' F IR.�_D , 30.00 Superior C ooh, Sales Ca', : _, Jerry Mueiken Vehicle Repair 3 14.09 , 4 ' Rentz, D. F. Rentz, Chairman° Generdt Repair . ' . Fire Dept.L Conference '- 2.38.. 70.00 .. ' Tiro Service Akins File Equipment Co. _1 Vehicle Repair 15.44 xi ° 04 i "a Bar �, Suppl 184.44 Clarence J: `Weber Town Board Meeting School 36.85 ' ' Glenn Tong: School 16.40 Viking Industrial Center Suppl ies 5.00 79.82 k STREET FUND Now Prague lumber and Ready -Mix Chloride 320.00 F Prior Lake Blacktop Rent for Biode 400.00 PARK, FUND: .a Shakopee Public Utility Comm:: Minn. Recreation - b` Park Assn., Inc. Utilities Membership $ 3.50, 60.00 ` Monnens Supply, Inc. i Bd . Maintz 9 119.64. 4. 4 nom... .. � Engineering, Fees $ 3,168.00 7242CSAH - 9th AVENUE FUND: r israelson b Assoc., Inc. Engineering Fees Peter Lametti Const. Co. S 3,610.49 -W Contract Payment 16,M.52 - Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and upon a°vate ta this' meeting was adjourned at 8 ken .54 P.M. = Michael A. McGuire, 4ity Manager ,. 41.'' _ - ' � r'�Nalgdls- 197y�prt,. --• .a+: ama»=trt >Y.x. ....ate , U MINUM of the lreteWiap ef'tho Vi Hoge Council of the Villago of Prior Lakin the County of Scott and state o Mianeseta, lndudin' all accounts audited by said council. of t C CAPITAL. PARK FUND Marine Products Sales and Service Oars and Lockt Poacher Printing and.,Ltho 2 25.45 - g graphing Pi?inti.ng D. M. Smith Row Boat 2 276.80 Valley.Sign 2 225.00- . " Tarps S 200.00 " FuI ler Mfg. Co, Recycled Asphalt` 2 2,074.80 be Graham Blade Rental 141.00 410.00 PARK CONCESS N FUND: Store's Red Owl Pop 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND:' $ 265.00 x S Schroder Block Co. Contract Payment ; ,114.72 769.50 EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND: F B Bryan Rock , Products Inc. Rip Rap 3 STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1974 FUND: 3 23.43 "hon ,,3 Assoc.; Inc..