HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 28 1976MINUTES of the hocoodi of t aYs the VINaEe Council of the Viltoos Of'�ior take in the County of Seen and State of Mlmnyeta, Indedino all accounts audited by sai;i'Ceuneii. -"1 June i8. 1976 , pr The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular seuion.on June 28, 1976 o s o P''.M. in the City Council Chambers, Mar Stock called the. meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse yo , Oakes, Watkins, and Williams, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Administrative Assistant Groser, and Finance Director MacGilIivroy. r , The followi lowing corrections were made:, t the Minutes of June 21,' 1976: Page one, after Paragraph s'x, add ParograPh "Public Hearing was adj wrned." >�) Page three, Paragraph three, should read "Attorney Sullivan Mr. Denny McWilliams. Mr.. ;McWilliams will file the deeds res re ` re u es t by } Paukner's Beach and the City, will make a of McWilliams." partial Payment :of $100,00() to Mr tions tom, paragraph four, should read "Engineer Anderson Presented his recommends gorging the effectiveness of liquid chloride as dust control, which was that City not use it because it is too costly." the ?11NUTES; Motion was made by Watkins to a s i pprove seconded by Busse and upon a the Minutes of June 21, 1976 'as amended, vote taken it was duly pass. CREEKS IDE CI R. PAVING 9 Mayor Stock turned the meetin over to Engineer Anderson for,on Informational I Meeting regarding dust control and Permanent paving for the benefit of the resi Of Cceekside Circle. The estimated cost dents o rm f foot'ond the! cost o Y asphalt as a f recy cled Peanent paving is $11.•!0'par front foot. means of dust control is '$1.20 per fro nt ' 'Engineer Anderson cntced for .questions and common is from the residents of Croekside Circle present at the meeting'. A resident asked what portion f th oe rood t { ?p m would have curbs.. Ertl near A*tdenon" that the, major portion of the road would not be curbed, Y ' ; the portion by the, cul,de would have curbs, u _. Mrs. Jan Sim" la asked Engineer Anderson b elk lain the re' P cycled asphalt. ' Eng ineer Anderson non stated when it 'is that recycled asphalt is Pulverized and looks like buck dirt ° graced on the road and tFien it is rolled for +compaction. f' ti A resident udid 'if the =1 T.AO an is estimated coat and if the cost could be Engineer Anderson stated that higher, the higher or lower. s'11.40 is on estimated cost and 'the cost could be A resident asked if the Council took bidsbefore' approving the pro'ect a i. : Mt+�Sbdc stated no the Procedure for `Paned, for the Council to coil a Public Hepa sects °of this nature if the road is to be would be presented and then the' Council ng and ct that Public Hearing- the costs . .:_ (t plans and specifications and the P Council would then would authorize the engineer b PA review flan: and specifica- tio+ts and then set a date for bids. The Council would open the bids at,a future"date which takes about 30:day and at that time if it the osthr aied v►�oa within a.reaignabte figure of ' fi ore that g was given the Council viould award it. If it was considerably higher the Council would reject it.. When the Council 4 o ject begins oons 'huction, awards the bids then the \ posts -The cosh given for the. recycled asphalt are the the' actual. , * t destimated 'figure pa ng :is� from. the ;oo$ t, that= the city has ` .gore for vi ,t yw_������'�� ° MINUTES of dN P+ceedings of die Village Council of the Vii loge of Pier take In the Counter of Scott and State I of Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said Council. CREEKSiDE C 1R.O PAVING A resident asked if the recycled aspholtlah about a year, if this was fa ct. Engineer Anderson stated he estimates that the recycled asphait will' last about a year, but the actual life of it is not known because 4 it is a. new product. it is not known for a fact that it wilt last one year, it may last tw Yeas, and then it may last less than that. gain o A resident asked if the recycled asphalt is roll;d after it is slot with oil. Engineer Anderson stated it would be rolled. A resident asked how the recycled asphalt would stand up in a driveway. Engineer Anderson stated he did not know: A resident asked about having their Private driveway done. Engineer' Anderson staled this would be .a private matter, that the City, could not r involved in private: drivev+wys, Mayor Soock asked the widths of the roadway, e Engineer Anderson stated it would be a 28 foot roadWa for asphalt. y pavin94k recycled ,' A: resident asked what ha opens b the recycled a t a I after it breaks asp. \� �T .1�° Engineer Anderson stated he has not seen the recycled asph alt after it has broken 1 up. a " A asked if the City will maintain , the permanent paving, }' L � Engineer Anderson stated the Ci ' ty would take care of ttotrna) maintenonosf :for ten : - years when the life of the is " ", paving s ; A•'raident° asked if after ten years the road would not be good aeyntQfe and then will have in be redone. } ' Council ` man. Oakes stated that ,the lens r yeah is the Engineer's estimate of cn average fife for a bituminous roadway, ; t , '1 h A reswlint :asked if the .would be,:resealed in the ten .. yew period. 1 Engineer Anderson hated the vcad,wauld be soak coated M ye w tvyp c i a A iasident asked 'if ieaL,codtMWI included in the si l ,40 per front,faot cost f` P 3 Maya' Sock stated that seal coating up until this point in time has been considered R °natnal moiMenonce, but;seol' .° coati ng prices have increasedover,the period of years and he does not know at what point in time that the Council' might have to took seriousty.ct a�ssiayahe cost for 'but µ seal coding,_ to. this dote it is ,� k6r*d part of nonnnal; maintenance; , rt , A , resident asked hovM► far would. the City carne into a driveway. �t ' Engineer Anderson stated just' kar. enough to notch' the existing grade. ' Engineer Anderson stated that if the: driveway, s blsdcto wink he replaced° with blackb P1D and It ;is disturbed it ``r ,� { p, if the driv6way is gravel it will be replaced with grovel.: Engineer Anderson, hated if `the residents wanted the driveways cod wi b the property line the Ci be .+Mou glad to do it, .but the- ca :f :would be higher, and the residents are the ones that haver to far Pay the project. �,,..- '2 II •r. • MINUTES of the Preeoodines of the Village Council of," Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scots and Stah of Minnesota. including all accounts audited by said Council. CREEKS'IDE A resident stated' he was in favor of the. recycled 1 y a spha l t and not.in favor of the pa ving. (^\ C 1 R. PAV 1 NG c ' Seven residents were in favor of recycled asphalt and seven residents were in favor of penr:anent paving, Mayor Stock asked the residents of Creekside Circle to check the.oreos in the City where recycled asphalt has been used and see how' `the like, it.. M y ayor. Stock eheduled ; another informational meeting on July 12; 1976ot 7:30.P M. at which time the Council will accept another petition or poll` the resident. A resident stated it should be taken into consideration that the cost of paving could be higher iii two years if the recycled asphalt does not work. ` A resident asked what if a person does'riat have the cash for the recycled asphalt. Mayor Stock'stated they could see the' City Manager to make arroniement for payment. DISEAS'l G" Mr. Ken Paquette was present cegardingn four diseased-trees marked with red X's that TREE REMOVAL have to be removed and wanted to know if the.City'oould help take � them down. Mayor Stock stated that the dutch flm problem'k areal monster and the City is going to lose'all of it 4 1m tress. The City, has no money n.wh to participate in the - removal of the trees. f . Mr. stated that samples were n then of the trees and Mr. Johnston himself did not inspect th trees. x City Manager McGuire stated that samples are, no longer required for �o certified tree inspector. If it was' not Donn Johnston Act inspected the trees Mr. Poquette should' talk to him and have him inspect the trees himself. The individual that Mr. Johnston 'has working for him is a' forester that should have considerable knowledge As also. far as money available, there is none.'~ The City dries provide a dumping, site where the heft can be hauled and burned. • Mn. Pbquette stated shelheard;on a TV Pogrom that'thoState reimbursed' people for tree renwval . 4, ' City Manager McGuire statecs'there is an experimental programr by the "State. They pay up to $50.00 per tree only if it is matched by the City or County and the program went into effect• after the City's budget was catinpleted last year: - Whether or not the program will be available next , year is not krawn. Administrative Assistant Graser hated he fat fended a meeting regardinWithis matter and the City budget had been approved. To get-State funding the City had to have an ong6Inq�motching "program, The tbp dollar the Stop "would =fund'for roimbursement was $50.00 and this was Gar certain conditions and the City v auld also reimburse $50.00 so the top money available would ,prob&bly•be $,100.00 pet~'*", if the City had a program City' Manager stated that the program had to be in existence -for one or two years. u Mayor Stock recommended that individuals getestimates before having someone dor the Work.,. City Manager McGuire stated that individuals can get permit for dumping diseased ;= City Hall•or from the Tree Inspector Donn Johnston and the dumping site is at Pikel Lake Road and County Road 42. City Mar�wr McGuire presented a memo regarding deferred assessment policies for Council 44_4ew =and discussion. 1 I -3- NUNUTES'' of tho'h of the Viltaoe Council of' the Villooe of Prior take in the Co unty Of Seen and State, of M , including all account audited by said Council, DEFERRED ASSE ' Motion.was made by Watkins to, have Staff Pre for SHENT POL I C I E interest rate to be added to the principal amount of all o d eferred assessment,.� seconded by.Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to establish a lic of rev' Po ie and to begin with the Council would start immediately with 1973 Projects, the assessm following year: the 1.974 .Projects, and the year thereafter the 1975 Projects, the, Purpose, of,this` reviewal is to call down. the deferred assessments, seconded by Busse t' and upon a vale. taken it (vas duly passed. L. SCHWEICH t SET BACK Administrative Assistant Qraser WILLOWS 3RD' set - back for Lot 2 Block 3, Willows Third Addition for Council review and discussion. 1s Motion was made by Watkins that the house on Lot 2, Block 3, Willows Third Addition be allowed to be, completed after the firm of Lawrence Schweich pays the City a penalty of $300,00 and'Lawrence Schweich will halt be- granted a building permit on any lot fora period of six months unless a certified lot plan -is brought in, staked for inspection of staff and the lot plbn:layoutsubmitted in ink after this is inspected,. acharip'of =.15.00 per each permit will be made: to be used to ¢ determine the staking before granting building permit, seconded by Busse and upon a -vote taken the motion, failed for lack of majority. Councilmen Watkins and Busse voted. in ;favor of the motion,, Councilman-WilIiams and Mayor ' Stock voted a the motion, and Councilman Oakes abstained, goinsf Motion was made by Watkins that work be al Iowa to proceed ssn the house on Lot 2, Block 3, Willows Third Addition after fter the firm of Schweich r Builders pays a S of the x•00 to the City of Prior Lake in accordance with Provisions of the ordinance, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly - Passed.' Councilman Bu s" voted against the motion. Motion. -was made by Watkins ;that prior to the issuance of building permit to the firm of Lawrence Schweich, for a, period of six months from this date -he submit a c w t Ili certified lot plan and the house staked the lot and this will be i building spected by the ding inspector for on additional fee of 515.00 over and above the normal ' bi 110:11 anspectian, then he will be issued a builds ` to be in ink, seconded' by Busse and upon ' n a vote taken, permit, the certified lac plop - of majority., e n the; motion failed for la , tY• Councilmen Watkins and Busse voted' in favor of the motion, ck a ; QiOncilmeo Qakes,and Wiil+ans.and M r Stock voted against gainst the motion. Motion was made by Oakes that -in the advent of any infractions in the future by Lawrence Schweich that prior to the issuance of a bug ding permit to the firm of Lawrence Schweich Builders, for a period of six months from that date he :subhit a certified lot plan in ink and the house b staked oh the -lot and his WO `be. inspe cted b pe y,the builds ir�sp afar for an additional fee of $15.00 over ' MW above ate - normal buildup inspection, then he will be issued a building V r permit, y W,at ,ins :and upon a vot t a x seconded b ` e taken it was duly passed,; ; Cotrnciimart Williams voted-against the motion. OYERWG i(}, Mayor Stock requested that the Planning ,PUT IN ,ZONING definition of an.overhan Commission recommend to the Council ORD. the Zoning Ordinance. overhang if they feel that it is a part of 4.) Paragraph B of ,POLICY 304 'VELEVATION ° Motion was made by Oakes to adopt the policy of 904 plus on 42 ;inches as the elevati ofthe lowest floor level, seconder by Busse and upon o,vote taken it was duly passed. BROOKSytLLE `" Grrz '` /tk 14�LL4Ls j Motion was made by,William `AREA STOP SIG s to,place stop signs-as necessary and upon a vote taken it was du jY Passed • /seconded by Busse" , -4- • s MINUTES of tke f+Metil'"Is of Me Village Council of the Vil �, W9e of bier take in the Ctunty of Scott and Stato. of ; Minnesota. lndw lnp; all acce+unls audited by sold Council; s SIGNALS I Mayor Stock slated there was a meeting with the Minne oto Hi' ii "D ""- DAKOTA, 13 g ghwe& epartment SHOPPING CENOy relating to the City's signals at Dakota and at Highway 13 and 'Brooksville Shopping Center. It was the opinion of the High De partme n t he will write up a summary of the meeting and II submit it to his su pe r ior ret�� that z° request for ste u p p in the placement of the signals ai The eft of each both areas. fora , signal is approximately $70,000.tjO, s , sev en t y percen� t Federal fundi , fifteen State and fi -fteen percent will be;'the City's. The i will also be a Percent additional cost ` r preempt for fire trucks and police to the. amoun � pProx t of a smote! y a 5000:.00. The earliest possible place for stei3ped UP Plocemenr of the. two signals would be bid y ! letting in the month of July 1977,,' with installation + complete by, approximately September 1977. The way the City is it would be a 1977 pro j _ ect. Mayor Stock s the, ked Ci is Hager qu estionable whether b Representative Suss an contact d Sena tor Schmitz to contact our commissioner or assistant areas., for this area to indicate the need for these signals at these porticular areas ;hey also discussed the truffle flow ;problem that :. being experienced on Vunk 13, it,is•being taken under advisement for some of the area other than what is presently there, tYPe °of signing Pi 1't . Mayor Stock stated the City has received a signed t G i r. Vacat i o gne petition by 9996 of the peopl that live at Pixie Wit Circle relative to finalizing the vocati motion that is on record regVests 100% signatures. ng Procedure._ The Motion was made -by Williams to amend the previous motion regarding the'vocating at Pucie Point Circle asking for 100% majority. agreement and, acce t the vacation dated June 26, 1976, seconded by Watkins QW!v n a -. P petition for duly passed. Po vote taken it was Motion was made by Oakes to amend the ~ previous motion regarding. the vacating at Pixie Point Circce to retain public .easements, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly posssed, REFUSE HAUL " - Motion was made'by Watkins to approve the refuse hauling permits for one r' ING PERMITS Browning- Ferris Industries; Quality Waste Control, Inca and�And Yep- for seconded by Busse'and upon .a vote taken it was dul y passed arson Sanitation, w .. 4 �M. VANN city M a no NOTICE OF gar McGuire :toted that the City has been - served, with ak CLAIM for Wi l l iom Vann who l ives on Green Oaks Road who tri pped notice of a claim -ti high that was driven into the ground to mark the sewer and water, junction and he s Maiming $4,500.00 in damages and this has been turned over to the.. City Atto t METRO COUNCI Mayor Sbck : stated Act. the - lMetropolitan Council calculates the. s CITYS POP.;. 5,822 as of April 1!, 1976 �ty� Population at ` The next regular Council Meeting will be on Tuesday July.6 ,197Gr The following in vices •were paid in the month of May 1976: GENERAL FUND: R Words Raberart Calculato� 4.45, Bannitt Construction :. , Jartlnie, 38.53 Chamber of Refund .. y; 100.00 Commerce : , , Prior Lake State Bank c. Fireworks 200.00 State Treasurer Federal Deposit ..� a 2,041-16 PERA Richard Powell Salary 2,340.3o Steven Schmidt ,67.60 Salary Dennis Leff 420.71 LeRoy Rabenort °7 rr� . 417,65 ...� Eugene Smith ary 345.67 . Salary I Joseph VanDenBodm Salary 360.92 1 Richard'Klutlherz t :. Sal } ` 365.93: ary ., .. 375.97 4 1 nNum of the Ptecow I"s of Ibe Villog* c of 11� #he Village of pd" Lak i t h e Countr Minnesota, Including all occounft audited bY toold Council. -F of Scott and $1 o f 1 �7 ,_GENERAL GENERAL FUND. (Continued) Michael McGuire Hoist Graftr`�� Salary., Salary, 433.,64 David, MacGil I imy, Salary 273.4 O� Larry J. Anderson, Salary 75.56 'Verlyn ,Rqmn Salary 511.52 Mary Gerhardt Salary 350-31 Walter Stock F&M Savings Bank Mayor'0ay 69.67 16 4.40 LocalUnion. 320 Savings Plan 410.01 Melanie Sprank, Union,Dues S 58.3D Scot I-Rb�e Telephone Co'. Uti I iti*S - 121.54 Lake Auto Su pply Prior Lake OK Hardware- , Aulo Repairs, 284.39 32.14 E. H Newstipm� Sup i es �Pll Building inspector 100.12 Ray's Used Ccn Prior Lake American Auto Repai rs 649.00 .66 Gross Ind . Services - Publ ishing Bldg. Maint.� 4 6,.01 Prior Lake 76 Scott Co. Mapping Offil Auto R*Poi Is 60.70 19.32, Q& Miller/bavis Co. Gen MOPS Offiece supplies 4.5D 5.44 Amer. Sac. of Planning Officials C,109 Services 140.90 40 ulttr, Nelson, and Sullivan,,,. Membership. Attorney Fees 15.00 - NSP Xem Corp., utilities 3 .50 1 65 r . 59 AndrOws Rexall Drug Office SUPPI ies 238.49 Grendahl Mechanical, Inc. Supplie, f9.28 Li iberty Photo Ser Inc., W Ice Fbl�ce u 11 I's Lorry J. Arwe r3on Ray Robinson Eng. Supolies 43. o 2.88 Leon, Bun. " - "r Pbl:ice Reserves Policw Re serves, IS,00, Kenneth Arthur C. Halliday Pal Ice Reserves -3$ 15.00 Valtftv. Christiansen , Police Reser "s Pal ice Reser 15.00 '16n = "�s Pblice Rese 1 11.00 15.00. "llobert:McAllistep Pb. I I cie Reserves 0 9 Catcher, 61.05 Ch,Orlss' Tooker r B .0 Planner 160.00 300.0,0 Jacit Oakes council Pay Courkil Po 80.0 0 P 0 Dan Williams l W ns y Council Pay 80.00 80.,00: Michael M cGuire CounellPay Car A I lowance som Cash Priw Lake VFW P , c 15D.00 50.00 Richard Powell Letters Salary %.60 Steven Schmidt Salary 467.e Dennis Leff Salary ".46 LeRoy Ra6noo !Wth I _ I Salary : 427.40 395.42 Jo Vanben seph Bloom Salary Salary 370 .& L I ItIchor&Kluoherz Salary V5�. 68 Michael McGuire Sal ary 385.7� Hoist Grow I"d M'acGillivray so la 433.64 273.40 Larry J. Anderson. Verlyn-Roo4n Sakry. Salary 511.52 V a, V - � , Mory Gerhardt, Sala ry 3 F&M Savings Bank Salary Savings. Plan 94 Malanl**,,Spmk Salary 545.01 133.82 L# h Ig mu"s of *0 heceedings of the Village Council of the ViOooe of frier lake ie the County of Scan and State, of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by mid Council, la t GENERAL FUND (Continued) Larry Barka Refund fl Delta Denial Plan of Minn. Dental Ins. s: 100.00 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 195.00 • Minn. Natural Division Utilities 729'00, . Bankers L(ki Co. Hospital Ins. 87.97 _.° Insurance Center + " ..Insurance -' 819.99' Tang Air Condition Auto Repair 137.40 Shakopee Motors, Inc.. _ : ` Auto Repair , 73.50 • Xerox Corp. Amer. Linen Supply Co.. Office Supplies 239.31 22980 • Miller/Davis Co. Towels Office Su Ivies 9.20 St. Francis Hospital Blood; Test Alooho! 12.50 .., JAK Office - Products Co. Office Supplies t 6,00 "• �` ct Modders Extinguishers ` Police Supplies 135. .41 Sue) Business Equip. " . Office - Supplies ; 39.80 Bullse a Reloadin & Supply, y e` Pp Y. Inc. 'Police Supplies °�` • Prior Lake Lumber Co.k Police Supplies 0 + 35:00 t Lawrence Schweich Library Rent .t< 4.25 Israelson and Assoc., Inc. t j Engineering Fees 300.00 14 Toms Mobil Service Auto Repair 362.00 f Air Cot m • Radios ' ' 217.45, Richard Klugherx Overtime lOti.50 ` J05e1sh VanDenBoom Overtime 32.90 Eugene Smith Overtime 25.50 LeRoy, Rabenort Overtime 107.31 = LeRoy Rabenort Mileage; � 97.41 Dennis Leff Overtime <, 3.60 Steven, Schmidt ' TOTAL { Overtime " 33.32 WATER ILIND Commissioner of R e R venue ' Prior e ` State Tax sY $ Lake , State Bonk Federal Deposit ° 3. 05 State Treasurer PERA 196.10 Raymond Johnson +�, Salary Sala .. 277.71 t Judith Je peen alary X410.06 F&M Savings gs Bank Savings Plan 129.22 Sa va8e Tire Services; Inc. %+ Tires w'• 100.00 Coulter, Nelson and Suil'ivan Attorney Fees 47.00 o Ss Utilities' immier � Postage d ,Raymond Johnson Overtime 100.00 _ :. Raymond bhnsbn4 _ 85.71 Judith Jepson Sola &W Savings Bunk Savings Plan 129 1 .22 l Delta Dental Plan of Minn. s :tcl`lr. 100.00 Standard Oil Divi0on' Gas and Oil 30.00. Bankers Life Co.. C t Hbspitoi lint $8.32 Insurance Center - ltranco_ 138.29 , ' Dick Cabs r <<R Mueller euben Muell Water Mater Reader � 68 7 0 • 1:38.25 � « is . e Elmer Garvey Water Mter''�Redder 49.00 :; • MIM Natural Water Meter Reader, 31.50 , .Dlvitionl ,` Van Water and Rogers' Utilities Chemicbls 15.37 N.W. Nat'l �8ank of M' i s'• Bond_ Pa Payment 74.50 ". „p Water Products Co. Water Meter 4, 000.00 1 Ra nd Johmon Y� z Overtime 2, 5 44.00 i TOTAL 52.72 X S 9,700.55 ��?'rn3a:� yta,.a'u,...cti�.,e,•aa. , w.. u-., _. A , ` MINIJM of he Procoedl nsls of 6* Villas* Council of the Village of Prior Lake In the County of Scots k Mionowte, ineludt no ell aeceunts• audited by said Council.. and Stu to of SEWER FUND: MVICC Prior Lake State Ba SAC Charges 818,018.00 a State Treasurer Federal Deposit 103.20 a Bradley Brandt . , � PEla Salary 61.75 ., Joni Johnson 4 _ Salar 230.69 � New Prague Lumber and Ready -Mix Sewer Repair .6o Savage Tire Service - Tires 17,30 NSP Utilities 47.00 MWCC i w Metro Installment, 244.58 Posimastec Postage 3, 054.64 g Bradley Brandt Overtime 100.00 Joni Johnson t Sal ary 17.83 Bradley Brandt ^ 1,. Sal ty 82.70 Delta Dental Plan of Minn. i Dentai ins. 230.69 Standard Oil Division Gas and oil 15.00 Bankers Life Co . Hospital Ins. 58.32 ` Insurance Center Insurance 24.44 1 Minn. Valley Elect. a Utilit 45.80 x :i 9rodley Don Busse Brandt Jr. Overtime, • 94.17 28.55 ` , , ; Transfer to Street fund Salary - - �- 37 .50 a TOTAL _ 3 L000.00 -k ;605.76 FIRE _ Scott -Rice Telephone Co. . = - Prior Lake OK Harrlwrart Utilities $ 95 20 Q NSP _ r Supplies Utilities ,. 24.57 Y- - -- -�► Center Supplies 41.32 Minn. Fire inst. Assn. MembershipjDues 18.00 Superior Coach Sales Co. 5 . 0 0 Manners: Supply, Inc: Bldg! Maint. 90.00 r ' U of m School 422.13, Standard Oil Division. Gas and O i L 60.00 : Minn. Natural= vision Di Utilities , 68 .04 ; . htsuronce Center , Insurance 51.59 JJ Motors,- Inc. ' Repairs 91 Mahowrald .60 , Lyle Anderson Conference nce 186.12` 128.20 t K _Services TOTAL Repairi @ �40 $ 1,321.17 STREET FUND Prior Lake State Bank A . State Treasurer Federal De k posit $ 225,40 • E4mer Busse Salary 186.39 Lany K *ow Salary 345.12 Auto Supply Auto Repair 367.95 L ,N Progu Lumber and,'Riady -Mur Chloride 23.65 q , Savage Tiro Service, Inc. Tires 320. P rior i Lake OK; Hardware Supplies Johnson's KO+: V. Utilities 1,063.76 ~ ` Boh+sack and Hennen Truck Storage Bury Foundation 45.00 'Prior La p ke Blacktop Bic Ing , 56.00' Cloys Lawn and Leisure supplies s 390..00 - U Elmer Busse Overtime 12.00 : .,. • . _ , - „ , .' Larry Kerow k . Overtime 14.32 � Elmer Busse OI 60.09 a 345.12 !! Yd" 9gK�p' Cu1i'. &1+rYen».- va`cs+:x :x.y:�•,t... � ' a j MINUTES' of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the Minnesota, including all accounts audited'by said. Council, County of Scott and State 0 f T FUND: (Continued) Kerkow Dental Plan of Minn; FBank Salary . Dental Ins. S 367.95 rd Oil Division Gas and Oil ' ` 30.00 s Life Co - ce Center- .- HosQiti�i Ins. 157.35 Valley Elec.'Co 6� �= insurance Utilities 68.70 Pearson, Inc:; ( ,Toms Mobil .Service Crushed Rock 19.25 ' ' 454.74 - Elmer Busse Auto Repair Overtime. 23.65 "' Q Larry Kerkow Overtime 37.00 », TOTAL 47.13 $ 4,780.45 PARK 'FUND Prior Lake State Bank State Treasurer Federal Federal Deposit $ 42.00 Fuller Mfg. Irwin Clemens Picnic Tables 66-50 141.00 Savage Tire Service Salary Ti Tires 278.62 a; Prior Lake OK Hardware Suppl 47.00 Coulter, Nelson b Sullivan - Attorney Fees � 3.81 NSP Shakopee Public Utility Comm, Ut i lities 58'.50 4. 50 H. C. Schultz _ y ' Utilities Repairs 3.50 Charles To.ke Planner 47.15 kwsn "Clemens Delta Salary ' 200.00 a Dental Plan of Minn. Dental Ins. 2 78.62 ' Bankers Life Co, Insurance Center Hospital fns. 15. 80.30 ` Toms Mobil Service Insurance Repairs and Oil " -- ` 45.80 _ -Park Concession Fund kwin Cleme ns Tron;isr�f FstrlrJs , - 6• 500..00 Irwitn Clemens Overtime Overtime 90.94 TOTAL 38.59 1,948.48 a CAPITAL. PARK FUND•` Bohnsack and Henn-n Excavating _ Pioneer H1 -Bred lni' S eed $ 292.50 >� Rolyan Mfg. Co., Inc.,: & 180.00 Was Green Jim Former Picnic Tables 556.20 - 420.00 TOTAL Barrels 48.00 S 1,496. �. 1975 GLEN )ALE SEWER�.AND WATER FUND: Johnston's Prio Lake Nursery Trees y' • Fire Fund Capital Pork f i Transfer $ 350.00 10, Israelson 3,As Transfer EnBineerinQ_Faes' .00 1 10,000.00 Coulter, Nelson and. Sul livan • * Plmg.. and Htg. q` rn 9 .800.00 12, 763.68 . Nodland Assoc. t Con t Payment 6, 531.97 John Heuer Contract Payment V Service, Exten *ion 37,4&.",, TOTAL 249.70 t $87/163.34 ai a�, +wm,.cr 4"Q--k , *W4 'a:;i�_ -9 - i E i 1 i i AtJ a MINUTES of the !•reeeedinEs of the V111MV1110" Cou � of the Village of Prior take in the S , , s Counter of ken aed State of Mia�eseta, i� eluding all aeeouMS audited b said C , Y Council. OGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND: u Coulter, Nelson and Sullivan A Johnston's Prior Lake Nursery Trees: Attorney'FeeS s 2,137.50 Bryan Rock Products, Inc. First Nat'l Bank of St. Paul Rip Rap 150.00 18.33 Mrs. Pearl Algren Bond Payment Flowers 44,385.68 Bryan Rock Products, I30.00 nc. TOTAL Rip Rap, • ' 546, 75 7 2 -7, 8 9, 8, 10 WATER AND SEWER FUND: NW National Bank of Mpis. Bond Payment SB'0, 885.95 CONDONS/LAKESIDE FUND " Prior Lake State Bank a Investments 51'0 000' 00' •' 72 -2 CSAH 39 FUND: a Prior Lake k Isroelson and A ssoc ' f Investments S10 000` TOTAL Engineering Fees< 9 252:.25 c MAPLE PARK VIP F UND t Prior Lake State Bank x Investments $1'1,000.00 KOPPS BAY ND: • FU " Amer. Nat'1$ank and Trust >, Bond Pay ment, The hollowing invoices are scheduled to be poid;on Wednesday, . ., July 7, 1976: MULTIPLE` FUNDS: NSP. oy = Priniing Serrvice Utilities Printing S 2,283.9.1 Minn: Notutpl'Dlvision Standard Oil, Division Utilit ' 164.,20 59.99 htsurance Center Gas ° ndO,il Insurance : ` 114.90 �9 t ,w 599.00 GENERAL FUND: Scott Co. Mapping C>ffice Maps v JA O`Mce Produ Horst G,raser, ch Co. Office Supplies S 2 O5 .David NocGillivray' School and Mileage 57.00; ' li s, T�nriieison Drugs Gwltrr, Nelson and Sullivan Mileage F'! LZrevelo 'n 16.50 t p� g' 224:62 St. Francis Hospital:. Minn. Valley 'Electric Attorney Fees Blood'Alcow( Test 105.00 3.00 ` ' , "'Arthur'Halliday Membership.Siren!4. P011ce Reserves 200; Leon M' Buss Ranaid'R: Harms Police Reserves 15.00 1 Art Holliday ht W. ChrisHarn�n ' cPolice Reserves Police Reserves 15.00, 15.00 Quality Waste 'Contiol, Inca Ameriatn Linen, Su 1' Co. Po 1 ice Reserves' Refuse Pickup ' 15.00 X5.00 z g PP Y Liberty Photo Service, Inc. A,ir Conan Towels Police Supplies 4.56` St:' Francis liospiiah Radios 45.17 8650' Blood Alcohol ,Test 3. c , 0 ; MINUTES of flee' proe**diagti of the, Village COunc of the Village Of Prior Lek* in A* Counfp of Scott and State ,1 Mtantsota, including oil accounts audit*d by sold Council. of s <, , GENERAL F UND (Continues!) Minn. Planning Assoc. Membership ' �� a Scott Co.. Auditor's Office ; Crime on Pro ject Ben's Body Shop $ 10.00 621.14 Re pair Truck 111. WATER FUND C Lawn Tank Company Re Pair Water Tank T Water Products Co. Water Maters Minnesota Natural Division Utilities $ 350.00 2, 561.33 Davies Water Equipment Co. Water Meters 6.60 ,. 4.70 SEWER FUND Olaf Lukk, M. D. Typhoid Shots $ ' FIRE FUND: 15.00 -N, Air Comm Radios p STREET FUND $ 57.65' Minn, Valley Elect. Co-op VapUr Light Johnston's Prior `Lake Nursery S 60.00 # Minn. Valley El4c C p Utilities Earl F. Andersen & Assoc. 4' i 19.25' Signs 281.20' PARK FUND I Master Electric Co. Repair Service , :Insurance Center' Insurance Quality Waste Control, Inc. $ 23.97 , 264.00 Refuse Pickup Aquazyme Midwest, Inc. A;�ozyme Urit Aqualand 24.75 Fiocsts 1%.50 229.90' CAPITAL PARK FUND: J �' Sr 99s °� rgan Morgan Profes Services S {> 550.00 EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND: - - Logan and Styrbicki Depositions 138675' 1 1975 GLEN )ALE WATER AND SEWER FUND: Z - Dakota -Minn. Const. Co. Raise Pipe $ 200.00 STREET' IMPROVEMENT OF 1970 FUND: Amer. Nat'I Bank and Trust Co. Bond: Payment $ 1, 343.35 CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT FUND: Amer. --Nat'l Bank and Trust Co. Bond Payment $ 4 ,145-85 Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and upon: this meeting was adjourned at 10:40P.M. a-vot taken Michael A,. McGuire, City;.Manoger 11-