HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 12 1976MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take In the County of Seca and State of Minnesota inelurllgg all ereesuab audited by said Council. g July 12, 1976 The Common Council of the City of Prior rake met in regularsession.on July 12, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, Watkins, 'and Williams, City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney Sullivan. 1 The following corrections were made to the Minutes of July 6,,1976:' t Page one, paragraph sixteen, should read "Motion was made by Williams directing the City Attorney to prepare a comprehensive ordinance stating no animals on designated j properties as posted, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed'. i Page two, paragraph twelve, should read "Engineer Anderson stated that the Grain Y Elevator removal began today and they estimate that they should be through by the end of the week. MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of July 6, 1976as amended, seconded by Busse aW upon a vote taken it was duly passed. CREEKS'IDE G1R The item on the agenda was an informational meeting for the, residents of PAVING Creekside Circle., A petition was received from. 51%, ,of the residents requesting that '. the residents of Creekside Circle "receive their own bids for street surfacing and curbs. Mr.,Art Johnson, who circulated the petition, stated that he has a signed bid for $,3:60 per foot compared to the City's estimate of`$1 per foot. .Mr. Johnson stated that the, petition would' have 1009b signatures before the Job is started. Motion was made by Watkins to approve the petition received from the residents of Creekside Circle of their request forreceivin g tiaeir own bids for-street paving, if they meet Cit e .icemen ' ty qu ts, n en �neerr g' _g specrficotrAns, the posting of a- band, and the insurance requirements, then.,they may proceed, - seconded.by Busse and upon OL Vote r 1, taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed the, residents of Creekside Circle to; work „through the City ' Engineer and City Manager. BOAT ACCESS. The. Council discussed the possible: boat access at Sand Point:8each.: SAND PT. BCH Motion was made by Watkins directing the City'Engineer to begin a feasibility study x for a:docktng olanding bay.at Sand Point Beach, including a cost analysis , the type of work that wouldc have. to be `done, what affect, it would; have on the park itself, 'how many boats It would accommodate, if slips are necessary, what the cosh of slips are going to be,`�or if they can:just=come in-and dry dock, seconded byWillianlis and upon ' a. vote taken it was duly passed. Councilmen.8usse and Cakes voted the Councilman.Williams recommended, with the number of FbP ie who,are usng i :Sand Point Beach on the weekends, that the City have an exira person on fluty during the weekends, Y Councilman Busse stated that about four weeks -ago the eoncession.stand closed about' every hour and the person running, the concession stand walked the beach area, he thinks the;City should start this again, close up the concession stand:for an hour, have a hour open and a hour closed. o . -.,. c; City Manager McGuire stated' he feels that the pork. has hit its peak=' this year and extra, help.fon,thetweekends should be considered ifor next, year Councilman Williams stoted it was discussed earlier about:no vehicles..in the pork and there still' are no signs up and wanted signs placed along the parking lot: • . 0111 r MINUTES of the Mceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scot and State, of Minnesota, include all accounts audited lead by said Council. SNOW TRAILS CLEANING UP Councilman Williams requested theta letter be sent to the Snow Trails thanking, them for the care taken in cleaning up Lakefront Park after their picnic Sundry. AFTER PICNIC on Mayor Stock directed. the City Manager to send a letter to the Snow Trails.$ THE HARBOR PUI Councilman:Busse stated that the PUD for the Harbor will be on Thursday .July 15,' 1976. FRIENDS OF THE City Manager McGuire stated that the Friends of the Library have requested that the LIBRARY City start taking over the cleaning duties at the Library for approximately $10.00 per week. Motion was made by Busse. thot,the City pay for normal maintenance requirements, for cleaning4he Library and the City Manager is to negotiate with whoever is to ' do the cleaning, seconded: by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. LIQ, COMM. ` MEETING City Manager McGuire stated that the Liquor Commission's recommendation is thou no license be prorated except for initial year of application because of annexation, ref c:: � , Motion was made by Watkins that the recommendation of the Liquor Commission" that no. license' be proroted, exce t. for the in Opp! P year of cation because of annexatan, :accepie 4 .etc., be o .as a matter of record,. seconded by Williams and V upon :a vote1 -aken it was ,duly passed. MITCHELL POND PUD City-Manager McGuire stated that he talked with Frank Wicker on the Mitchell Pond PUD f status and the are sent) presently 'still l l Y -Pre y oonsrderrng single family or vacating the PUD and they will be contacting the City within the/next two weeks. City Manager' McGuire also informed them of the. deferred assessments and they are are °aware them and: there: could be some problems if they gp. a single family because °of , locations of:present sewer and water, stubs. .Review under a PUD should` be. every yew and, they not complied :with,this. 111 L1) PROTECTION Motion was made b Watkins to a y approve the Wildfire Protection Contract between CONi MCT •the City and the DNR seconded by Oakes and upon a vote to it was duly DUTCH ':ELM 'The Council discussed and commented on the Dutch Elm Disease, problem in Prior 01 S.E71SE Lake ' , .. Mr>tron was made by Oakes that the City inform the Tree Inspectar •by ,letter tha t t the „Ci would.tY acknowled 'pny rtlquest by the owner that,hii: tree .be diagnosed: by theiSlatt=if.he requesh�it and th>af• it would not be be. authorized to. cut down until an answer it received.back from. the.State; and: if, rte is to be out down on ” Private property by the City, before' the City would take Act action that a specimen be sent in for analysis before the City would cut down that ttae:; the only time the City would enter private property to cut-down a tree would be under nonconformance, seconded by Watkins :and upon a vote: taken it was duly passed, Mayor Stuck directed the City Manger to report at the next.Council meeting on what is available for banding and funds for a Dutch Elm Disease program for funds to become; available o anyone -in, the City. 2N0. QUARTER ry BUDGET ANALY a City . Manager McGuire presented the Second Quarter Budget Analysis Summary , for Council review. t , ETTER ' PROM' City Matogir McGuire stated that the City .received a letter from the FBI' 141 PL POLICE commending Sergeant Schmidt,..Officerleff, Officer Smith, Officer Klugherz, and the Police Chief for the assistance in � rendering and locating and apprehending afsderol fugitive. 2 k i r 1 l MINUTES of the proceeds a:. nYs of the Village co of the Vi11aEe of prior take in the County of Scott and SWN of Minnesota, indvdii* all accounts audited by soW Council. j ROBERT }, BOTCHER` INS. Engineer Anderson is to get the insurance in_ ionisation requested by Mr. Robe_ rt Botcher INFO. REQUES from Isroelson and Associates Inca by the -next Council meeting. GRAIN ELEVAT R Engineer Anderson stated that the Grain Elevator removal was completed today. .I CIVIL DEFENS En ineerAndersan stated that the Civil Defense siren test was done. last Wednesday ; 9 SIREN and the siren in the Willows. failed to function the siren will be..fixed andr he would' like a retest. {, Motion was made by Watkins to retest the Civil Defense sirens on August 4, 1976 at 1:00 P.M., seconded by bakes and upon a vote taken it Was duly,possed, WATZLS- PRO. Mayor Stock stated that the City secured a Contract for Deed on the Watzl's property r a� tY and the City will taken possession on January 1, 1977. r r STREET LI GHT PROPOSAL The Council discussed and commented on the Street Light pro �osal presented at the ✓� last Council meeting. Engineer Anderson is to update the street light map as recommended and present it at the next meeting and this matter was tabled. a ` i c ORD »76 -6 ' The Council discussed and, commented on the repealing of Ordinance 0 76-6 and this- j matter was tabled until August 9, 1 for information hoist the new Park Administ�n- ti, a Assistant. DAVID BURNS Mr. David Burns volunteered to help on the Park Board after the Park Administrative PARK AD". Assistant starts on August 1., 1976. ASS, t , 1 , Mayor Stock read a letter dated June 29, 1976 to the. City. Manager from the MYCC CSP Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, relating tothe.City's CSP,requesting INFO. .information. ` Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to ask for the current rules and regulations » from the Metropolitan. Waste Control' Commission. J City Manager McGuire is to send a letter to Mr. Anthony Gnerre of the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission :in answer to his letter stating that the. information ' requested would hollow aswavoilable. RAY HENWik City Manager McGuire is to contact Mr. Ray Hannan about being the City'SCWeed I HEED INSPEC. Ins i pecbr. , I Mayor Stock stated that -the. Metropolitan Council has initial corpleted work on its METRO DEVEL. revised draft of the housing chapter of the Metro Dove Guide, they are GUIDE holding a'Public How ng-at- -00 P.M. August 16, 1976 at the Metro Council Offices, 300 Metro Square, St.` Paul . t The following invoices me, fipaid during the month of June 1976 : - » GENDERAL:FUND Richard Klughsrz Clothing Allowance 100.00 Joseph VpnDenBoom . Clothing Allowance .: 100.00 Eugene Smith - Clothing Allowance ,. 400.00 G LeRoy Robenort 1 Clothin g Allo wance -. 100.00 .. Dennis Le Leff Clothing Ailowanee 100.00 ° » Richard Powell Clothing Allowance 100.00 Steven Schmidt Clothing Allowance 100.00 ShWibpee Motors, inc. ,' Police Car :. , 4,709.00' 'i► Cash Petty Cash 50.00 Saott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities . Coast to, Coast Store Police Supplies Lake A .. Auto Supply Y Eng. Auto. Repair 7.60'. o L&L's Lawn Leisure Bldg. Maint. - 91.67 MINUi S of the preca dings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State Of, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND (Continued ?• Prior Lake State Rank Federal Deposit PERA State Treasur $ 2'074.13 Richard Powell 2 ,371.11 Steven Schmidt Salary 488.60 Salary 420.71 Dennis Leff Salary Leroy Rabenort ' 417.65 Salary 385.67 Eugene Smith Salary_ .. Joseph VonDenBoom Salary 375.96 Richard Klugherz Sala ry, 380.97 >' Michael McGuire 37,,5.97 Horsf Salary Grier _ Salary 301.01 David MacGitlivroy Salary _ Larry X. Anderson Salary 98.07 Verlyn'Raaen' Sal 511.52 Mary - Grerhardt ary 356.38 „ Melani? Sprcnk Salary 94.67 Walter ;hock Salary 124.12 .Mayor's Pay j ' FdJN Savings Bank 164.40 Savings Plan Local Union° 320'. 545.01 Prior Lake OK Hardware Union Dues M.50 Bldg, Maint.r r x Soiifhside Dodge, Inc. 28.35 Snott Co. T Poliirary ce Auto ub Repair 260 93 t, 'ensurer Lb° 1, 348.24 ... Ray's Used Ctrs - � . Police Auto Repair 131.59 Gen Fahronkamp Cleaning Service .. Clarence Schinidi ° Plumbing,lnspecior. 114.40 Economy Dictation. SYstams,% Inc. Ta s 80.00 Gross hrd. Se rvices Bldg. Mainz. 17.70 p; Itraelsan and Assoc. 47.20 Mack Pucker Engineering Fees 1 087.98 Retainer Refund 100.00 Suet Business Equip, Int 1 Mara Type Retxtr: 57.70 , QtY gement Assoc. ng Program E. H. x ; ' Ne wsttoj i • Bu Ida 40.00 Tommy Munich: ` i ing .In:pec>ot 814.00 E' Miller Police Supplies 6 ' /bavis Office Supplies` : 80*en life Co. Hospital Ins. 44.22, Starrdacd;011 Division 826.22 Gas Oil Prior Lake American Publishing 558.00 Schott -Tarn Grimmer 1 63.17 , ' Don Washing Police Cars 21 i Council Pay :lock Oakes z ,J ` Council Pay, 80.00 ' Tom�Watkins Council Pa 80.00 k Don I liams Council.P y M .00 . McGuire, Car AIlowance �� Chards Tooker 150.00 �Pla �," Robert McAllister - titer 00 • $ Walter Stock Dog Catcher :? 160.00 Don Busse Equalization Moeting 45:00 Equal Jock Oakes f� l ization Meeting 20.00 Tom Watkins Equalization Meeting 20.00 Equalization Meet Don Williams Equalizotiran Meeting, 20.0;0 Water Fund, Mfng, 20:.W Prior Lake r' Pickup Assn. Pickup T ruc k 1,000.00 Rotund 10,00 Richard Powell Salary Steven Schmidt 488,60 Dennis Leff Salary 430.46 Salary LeRoy Rabenort Salary 427.40 Eugene Smith 395.42 Sal � lbieph VanDenlloom , calms 365.71 Richard Kluahorr Salary 390.72 Michael McGuire Salary , 406.28 r x 433:64 - 7 . -'''� .ads` r �x' 6 n , F��r... , _ .b• ..... _ . , s - . MiNUM of the i of the Vil o,� kp Ceuneit of tho Vil laoo of'10rier teko in the County of Scott and State, of Minnesota, inmludtna alt accounts audited by said Council. v' 5 l GENERAL FUND {Contnt Horst 'Graser David MacGillivraY 'TJ Sala t ' $ 301. 01 It ` Larry J. Anderson Salary ry Salary 98.07 Verlyn Raaen Salary 511.52 356.38 +� Mary M Gerhardt ry Salary Melanie Spronk Salary r¢: 94.67 149.38 n. F3M Savings Bank ` ✓ Internal Revenue Service Savings Plan - 545.01, ° Cloys Printing Service Penalty Printing -> 131.49 Minn. Natural Div. Utilities . 34.13 NSP Ins. Center... Utilities Ins. ? 209.41 Scott Co. Mapping Office Maps 2,918.70 = .IAK Office P Co. Office Supplies 26.05 73.53 t Horst Graser David MacGillivray Mileage` - and School Mileage, 57.00 Thorkelson Dru w gs � Coulter, Nelson and Sullivan Police Supplies - 16.50 224.62 St. Francis Hospital Attorney Fees AitcohoLTest 105.00 -• Minn. Valle Elea. C t Y Utii'ities . 3. 00 r 4 Arthur !'ial I ido Y Leon M. Buss Police Reserves : 2.00 .. 15.00 ' Ronald Harms PoI ice Reserves Police Reserves 15.00 Art Halliday Walter W. Christian Police Reserves f µ: 13.00 15.00 Quality Waste Control , Inc... Police Rose rves Refuse H li 15.00. Amer. Linen Supply Co:j Towels 5.00 Li Photo Service, Ino. Air Comm Pol supplies 4.56 45.17 M ,, _ .Francis 5 * St Hospital A Radio Repair � � . .' Alcohol Test `.; 86050 Minn. FinnningAssn. ,.: Scott Co. Auditor's Office ` Membership . b 3.00 ; 10,00 :00 ' Ben's Bad Body Shop Crime P�evention'Projact ~: Repair Truck 62 Lawrence Schweich: r Libary Rent x 111.50 300.00 ° Dennis Leff Dennis Leff Overtime 107.,U Eugene Smith Milea Overtime Eu gone Smith � Mileage 96.33;! .� Richard Klughej Joseph VanDenBoom Overtime 3:60�f 178.60 Overtime Mileage 536: ' Shwn`Schm dtm _ Overtime Steven Schmidt Mileage ... ;� 201, .65 LeRoy Rabenart- Overtime 3 � t Prior Lake State Bank Deposit Tickets 38.53 Prior Lake State Bonk Now Checks 3.54 e Prior lake Slate ; Bank: . , , , 3 TOTAL New Checks 14.67 ' I 25.34 534, V WATER. FUND Commissioner of Revenue Sales Tax . braelson & Assoc. Cotnputoservice Inc. Enflneering Fees 239;46 4 Van Waters and Rogers. Water Billing- Chemicals 1 5 .00 Prior Lake State Bank �, State Treasurer Federal Deposit 83.13 218.50 Raymond Johnson �. PERA, Salary 297.92 . 410'.06 y � _5 .v . Mu : '•T,• f NIINYTit ef - tlre'reeeedinos of the Vill ah Council of the Vlllaee of Prior lake in the County of Scott t Mianeseto, including all accounts audited by said Council. and tah of WATER FUND (Continued)• ' Judith Jepsen Salary $ 229.22 f St. Paul Stamp Works, Inc. Badges • Davies Water Equip. C Water Meters . ..: 15..77 ; Bankers Life Co. Hospital Ins. 318.70 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 138.29 k; Raymond Johnson Overtime�� Postmaster Postage 54.45 qx Malkerson Chevrolet Pickup Truck 100 .00 Judi Jepson Salary 5,500.00 Raymond Johnson Salary 229.22. Clay's Printing Service Printing I,: 410.06 Standard Oil Division Gas and Oil 58.10 Insurance Center, Inwronce 28.72 NSP . Utilities 1,,414.35 Raymond Arko ' Refund 564.80 _ a rso Lan Tank Co. Water Products Co. Repair Water Tower 30.00 350.00 k - Minn. Ngtur6l Division Water Meters �G Utilities 2 ,. . ` Davies Wcf er Equip., Co. • F �.. Water Meter 6.60° • Transfer to General, Street Fire Park Funds: �t.70 ' , TOTAL ��<; : 17:OW.00 4k • n i �.. $30,947. M SEWER FUND: ' MWCC hon and Assoc SAC Charges s 18,364.50 :: := 19on and Assoc. Engineering Fee Engineering Fees 500.00 li r. , Bradley Brandt Salary ,6000 . ~' n Compuioservice Inc • , .. • Prior Lake OK Hardware Sewer Billing r< ... 230.69 1,39.14 ° Prior Lake State Bank Equip. Repairs Federal Deposit 18 59 > State Treasurer i �,, , , PERK 104.34 } Joni Johnson Salary 67.92 MWCC >" Schroder Block Co.- Metro Installmnent 124 60 3 ° dankirs Life Co Pumping H%+spita) Ins. n- 30.00 Standord Oil Division ° Gas and Oi 24.44 Minn. Valley Elec. Co-op - _ Unities 44.64 ' Tense Nordrum Salary 89.67 `Bradley Brandt Overtime 28.75 x} r 'arty Stock Salary 14.36 1 , Y . r Dan Butte, Jr. Salary 24.30 ; Gregory Mikkelson Salary 143.40 ' Robert Crosby � Salary 2y.30 a : Posf� tester Postage 32.20 } ' water wnd Teresa Norm p Truck. Salar x,00.00 2, 290.00' ., ., Bradley Brandt salary Salary 154.75' ,,. Joni Johnson . Salary. 230.69' Clay's Printing Service Printing, 124.60 Standard Oil Division Gas and. O i I ' 58 • Ins. Genstar Ins. 28.72 NSP Olaf Lukk,,,M D. ;, Utilit'ies e 942.90 r 258.85 t)on 66;; Jr. Typhoid $hats 15.00. Barry Stock Salary Salary 182..90y • gory Mikkelson Salary 182.90. Robert Crosby :. rt Salary ... 152.00 Transfer to Street Fund 126.50 s Transfer to Conclons,/Lakestde 4.000.00 TOTAL 51000.00 MINUU5 of the proceedings of the Villas a Council of the viiluae of prior Lake in the County of Seen and State of, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ,g TIRE FUND Scott -Rice Teleph Co; Pho Utilities Lake Auto Supply L&L's Lawn Equip. Repairs # , 94,90 4.42 s. and leisure Building Maint. ` Prior Lake OK Hardware Supplies 135. Southside Dodge, Inc. . - Equip. Repairs 2.48 Superior Coach Sales Co. ° Equip. Repairs 61.13 Jerry Mueiken E quip°• Repairs 14.09 D. F. Rentz, Chairman Registrations 2:38 General Tire Service Equip. Repairs 70.00 Akins Fire Equipment Co.. Supplies ' 15.44 BbD Bar , Refreshmenh 184,44 _ Clarence J. Weber School 36.85 Glenn Tang 16.40 Viking nd. ng Center Supplies 5 ' 0 +\ Standard Oil Di v. Treasurer' State of Minn: Gas and Oil 79.82 52.08 k, Volunteer fireman Benefit A`ssn Veh. Reg. Ins. 55.00 . -­Minn. Natural Div. ` f Utilities 62.E Insurance Center Ins. 25.81 e�, a 1�SP {' Utilities- 9 65 . 80 Air Comm Radio Repair 39.00' TOTAL 57.65 S 2 979.92 STREET F < R r Prior Lake State Bank ° Federal Deposit $ ' State Treasurer �� PER'/y 366.20 =, EI mgr Busse Sala ry M 69 Larry Kerkow it Salary ` ` - 345.12 Donnell Go. igns S ' 367.95 Lal's Lawn and Lei wr� - _--- �- --,�. _ New Prague, Lumber & Ready -Miu Supplies' 133.80 91.67 Prior Lake Blacktop 11 ,Chloride. Bladin g 320.00 Bankers- Life Co. i� p Hospital ins. 400.00 Standard Oil Division l Gas and` Oil . 157.35 Larry Kerkow I Salary 44.64 Elmer Busse Standard Salary x. W•95 345.12 y Oil Di v. ' a Gas nd Ozl Iru. CenMr -� '� Ins. 28.73 X44 NSP Utilities 1 Minn. ValleyrElec: CoroP. Utilities 1.207.05 Prior Lake Nursery S od 6 0.00` x Minn. Valliry Elea. C P Utilities' 4.40' Earl F. Auieieron d, Assoc. Inc.' Signs ;.. 19.25 TOTAL 281.20 S 6,064.47 PARK' FUND': Coast to Coast Sic}e ' Repairs � �` � � �� L&L 's Lawn and Leisure . Repairs and Supplies 1.84 Prior Lake State Bank °Treosurer. Federal l)* sit 97.31 State . . PERA 82.10. Irwin Clemens: Salar 85.88' Prior Lake OK Hardware Repairs 278.62 �., .Shakopee Utilities Utilities 101.15 Monnens Supply, Inc. Re pairs 3.50 Bankers Life Co. Hospital Ins. 11.9.64 Mn. Rec. Park Assn., Inca Membership 80.00 , Charles Tooker Planner 60.00 Jon R. Johnson Salary 200.00 82.35 . _ ry ! ^� a 't. r tX+.r�P r � �6h., a^ •L. b „. �R .'i'.2iti i .a -�k.. w- ...... e .. .: • "'s .� . , r - MINUTES of tha'roceedi of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the Coun of U" Mianesoto, including all a b r slid Council." and Stole of PARK FUND (continued) Irwin Clemens Salary Standard Oil Div Gas and O;F S 278.62, Insurance Center Ins. 28.73 NSP Insurance Center Utilities , 942.90 4.80 Quality Waste Control Inc:. Ins. Refuse = Hauling �• 264.00 Prior Lake Stct a Bank , New Checks ' 24.75 TOTAL n 8.98 f:. $ 2, 745.47 ` CAPITAL PARK FUND Donnell Co. Signs D. M. Smith. Park Equip. $ 234.50 Valley Sign - Signs 225.00 Tarps, Inc. Fuller Mfg. Co. Park Equip. 200.00 33.75' ` Joe Graham Park Equip. , `141.00 W. G. Pe Inc. � . Recyc Asphalt 410.00 Marine Prod. Sales Poacher Printing and Litho, , Park E fed qu 'p' Printing X2,074.80' ¢ 25.45` Almac Inc. 1n Park Purchase; 276 " %�qualand Briggs and Morgan Park Equip.. 100, 000. "00 z Scott Co . Treasurer Professional Services ` Scott Co;. Treasurer Taxes Taxes 95:50 TOTAL � 114.64, .' -6 � PARK CONCESSION FUND: , 1 , Steve's Red Owl Po p Petty Cash 265.00 Petty Cash 60.,00 TOTAL 60. �3 x 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER I FUND: k Isroelson and Assoc. * Schroder Block Co. Engineering Fees , . r. t f S 230.13 Lakeside Plmg. and Htg. Pumping Sewer Service 30.003 x ", Woolson and Assoc, :. . Engineering Fee's' r �` 1, 514.57.. Madland Assoc., 4 xContract Dok. Mn. Const. Co. P aymen t ° 769.50 53,114.72 �. Transfer to St. Imp. nskr of '74 Raise Pipe ' � 200.00 ; t Transfer to 72 7 and - 110000M ' TOTAL 43_ =100,358.92 STREET'iMPROVEMENT OF 1970 FUND:, ` Amer. _Nat'l Bonk and Trust•Co. Bond Payment $ 1,3=13:35 p CONSOLIDATED IMPROVEMENT FUND: z r I Amer. Nat'l Ban nk and Trust•Cq. i Bond Payment $ 4,74S. 86 z j s � x , s ., 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of €r Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. A� - EAGLE CREEK WATER AND °SEWER FUND , Bryan Rock Products, Rip Rap : S 23.43 ' " Logan and Styrbicki Depositions: 138.75 # TOTAL $ 162.18 STREET IMPROVEMENT OF 1974 Fund " • IsroeIson and Assoc. \ Engineering Fees ; 682.00 Israelson and Assoc. Engineering Fees 3,168.00 TOTAL cS 3, 72 -2 CSAH 39 FUND • Isroelson and Assoc. Engineering: Fees $ 1042.50 Isroelson and Assoc. Engi neering Fees 50,0(19 Isroelson and. Assoc. Engineering Fees '3'610.49 Peter Lametti Const.. Co. Contract Payment •- 16, 929.52 Edwin Sharkey Condemnation Commissioners 485.70 Roy Joachim Condemnation Commissioners • 482.25 John Ploetz Condemnation Commissioner 497.40 Frank J. Wicker, _CRB Testimony 350.00 James i" Coe Condemnation 50.00 c TOTAL _ $73, -7.86 The following invoicesRare scheduled to be paid on Tuesday July 20,L f1976: - MULTIPLE FUNDS: • 6 W. G- Pearson Recycled Asphalt 1622.10 " Carlson Tractor and Equip. Equip. Repair 129.29 Delta Dental of Minn. , Dental Ins. '356.25 Scott -Rice Telephone' Co. Utilities 407.66 Prior Lake OK Mcrdware M isc. =85.42 � Lake Auto Supply Misc: 53:49 • Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 774.00 New Prague Lumber and Ready- MixChloride and Cement 173.60' a Coulter, 'Nelson and Sullivan Attorney Fees _ 2,518.80 GENERAL FUND: J Prior Lake American • Publishing S, 44.72 Ray's Used Cars Y Police Auto Repair 215:70 • Bachman Construction Groin Elevator Removal 2,490.00 , Scott Co. Mapping Office., Maps - 2.50 ` NSP L ° Utilities ° 65 Soon & Tom Grimmer Washing Police Cars 30,,00 Prior Lake Lumber Co. Survey Stokes 13.95 Kenneth Dueul' PoI ice .Reserves 15.00 Wm. Slipper Police- Reserves ,.. 1:5.00 Clarence'Schinidt: Pimg. Inspector 162.00 Coast to Coast Store z� Police Supplies 11.02 Gen Fahrenkamp Cleaning Service 121.00 Xerox Corp. ' Co M . PY 293..1. 5 • Scott Co Mopping Office _ } Ma . Ps 7.12 Busse Super Market Cleaning Supplies 12.43 z Haman Glass Police Auto Repair, 95.84 L..f JAK Office Products Co. Office Supplies 1.84 Gross lnd. Services Bldg. Mint. 64 E.°Nowstrom 'Bldg. Inspector 649.00 { Grendahl Mechanical Air Conditioner Repair 235.75 American Linen Supply Co. Towels 8,56 -9- 1