HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 19 1976Administrative Assistant Grocer stated that the Planning Commission had two Public
ings lost Thursday '
y on The Harbor K)D and the rezoning of •�Ite` Colbedc
PUD Hear
- posse `
o Kraai,.estoh office. Thsx remning.of the Colbedc- Busse was denied. The
Harbor ,PUD war, granted contingent upan DNR a pproval.
l Stock read a, petitioninst the. five single family bts on,Ru
;Harbor PUD. Road in The,
�MDtwn was made Watkins to ae he
famil :lot: on Ru �Pt t Petition received agoiitst the five single
y tgers Road in The Harbor PUD and eiirected it to the Planning
Commission at1d, Pinnn ng >StafF for. :comWerotion, seconded. by Busse and upon a vote
taken'it was duly. passed.
£' INdmineitratiwt Assistant Grocer y ;
re9i " that Tlte- Harbor PUD be held up until Staff
rece,eves information. needed <fian
,. ,
I Mon,w �maden a b y Watkins to,table ?Its Harbor PUD until August 9,. 1976 ' se noted
y Busse upq vote taken' it was dul y O °
Do te` Kiahli ` 9 d
PARK '1N Mr:. y ng'was present re i ' the „
gard parkin Oak
OAMOOD HILL - the H i lls wood Its rpwstirtg that
�. - _Pro h! katl+ered out to the catch min so''it will drain iothe catch
i �� � basin.
MINUTES of the FmcoadinBt of the Vil '
Mien", inclrdine all accounts audited by said Council.
x -
- Jury 19. 1976
The Common ;Council of the, City of Prior Gice met in regular session on July 19,` 1976 '
Mayor Stoalied,the meeting to
order. Present were Mayor. Stock, Councilmen Busse 0ake .
Watkins, and Willi
City M
Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Adminisfrotive Aisistait Graser, and
Attorney Sullivan. �� 0; r
ry �, •
S _
Mayor Stock opened the two bids received for the (2.325 million sewer an water
bonds. d
f�-r "
Bids Received: Piper, Jaf
PQ . bey, and Hopiwood 4.3299,
First NationafBank, f
o St. Paul. .5519b �
' M
Motion was, made. by Williams to accept the Piper, Jaffrey, and y, , - Hopwood bid at
sewer and water bonds, seeonded,by ,Stock and upon `
� POL 1 CE
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Police rt forJut►e 1:976 • seconded
Motion was made by Busse to approve the Fire and Rescue Re' rt for
Po June 1976
seconded by,. Wa;*ins a
and upon a, vote taken it was
Councilman Williams requested that oil be placed on the rk lot at Sond Point'
a placed on the parking
B Councilman Williams asked the status of dredging at Sand, Point Beach.ngadi the
BCH�BOAT AC boat access. Engineer Anderson stated he has to ,
.n d
, t a
a ccess
j tt
MINUTES of the rrecoedingt of the Village Council of the Village of Prior leko In tho Couni* of Scott and Sm. of
Mlwne:ota, including all occouMS audited told Council,
OAKWOOD HILLS Motion was made by Watkins directing.t w City Engineer to get the elevation of the
PARK park , in Oakwood Hills and report back ta the Council b Au
by Busse end upon a vote taken it was dal Y gust 2, 1976, seconded
Y .passed... w
NEW RED OWL Mr. Steve Bock of the Red Owl ~Sfore4 was
STORE present with plans for o raw store asking
far,the Council's` opinion on entrances for the parking lot;:
JWO ACCESSES Mrs, Delores Lan horst stated they had two ac y
cesses to Highway l3 and the were
. TO HWY. 13 taken away without thern . being . notified pod i6 State said that the defini '
should have an access to Highway 13 and seeing that they if our th wi 1
Probably even put it in. with no charge to them.
Ensineer'Anderson stated he asked the State
point blank if they would pay fo putting
that r access buck and they failed to answer, and for the record he wonted to
the State did not soy if they would reinstall the access, but they did'so that
they would give them a permit for an access. y
Mr. Bock is,to contact the people involved with Extra Innings, Lawn b Leisure, barn Barn, and Shoe"Repair Shop for a meeting on Thursdoy illy 22 106 at
#� 8:30 P.M.
DOWNTOWN RE Mayor Stock directed °the° City Manager and Administrative Assistant Groser to
DEVELOPMENT get together the infanration
DISTRICT that the City has already on the downto*n redevelop-
AVE. Mrs th
NS. angorst asked if wherii tile; Pleasant Avenue extension s
it benefits the whole City,_ does the landowner g� through and, i.f
pay for the project.
Mayor Stock stated this,hos�been past policy, but if they, the;dowriiown area
into say, quadrants -and have this as o district, then it is ssible fhc
in Po t a)
,that dist " Properti
t ct s
f would be a grope
td to benefit by said improvements and would ooniributo
i 'tor that improvement'.
Motion was trade b :;'s .
y WaNciro roquesttng that the State of Minnesota - Highway
apartment locate the access for the Pleasant Avenue extennion where `the City,
i Proposed the Pleasant Avenue access - to, Highway 13 when the plan was given to }
therm;° seoartded °Oakes
by and agar o vote taken Wwas duly passed,
CitY 'onagerMcGu re stated he searched diffe
1l SEASE Elm .Dimate and it a ng rent methods of financing for Dutch
�! appears That bbdi would be the only ri there are two .possibilities n
ar :!landing, one would be a public hearing method and w here by
i �ownirs'within3he Ctry wouid'have be ratified by mail wel �blisK
' notice, and' the second alternative would be by referendutn•on "the ballot this: fall,
€ ` bottle nded that it be placed on the ballot and 'a maximum of 5250,000.00
f r
Motion was mode by Busse ta; hO a referendum for the purpnse of bonding for the
removal of dise ased elm. (roes up to an amount of $250,000.00, seconded by Watkins
�- ,•
arid upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
WhTH: BOLD �Cih, Manager McGuire stated he met with Harold Israelson o
at the mee
ISREALSON `p and one -half a m pproximatelya weak
"� r° b the remaining bills, various projects were discussed
ting .mainly Gateway Shares, 'Willows fifth Addition, and Oakridge
Court. City Manages McGuire has a meeting setup with Harold Israelson for
lamomw night• because since the lost meeting Mr. lsroelson has stated that all
.' the negatiated"amounis ae not acceptable to him and he'
` wants the original
amounts.' It was the Council' consensus that the City Manager continue"
negotiaterwith Harold lsraelson.. to
MINUS of 1M hecNdinps of the Village Couneii of we Village of Prise lab in the county of Scott and Steto of
Mion9soto, Including all acceuny audited b • said
il y Council.
ax , J. D. SNUFF Motion was 'made by
, S b W EXTEN. Williams to grant extension for eonnectionao sewer and water
until Apri.) T., 1977 to .John D.. Shuff of Lot 5i, Block 1, Maves Second lake Addition,
seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was dul Passed,, a
Street light Engineer Anderson presented updated ma gh ng plan
9 ps of the street li ti for Council I
in Plans: review and discussion.
Motion was made by Busse to adopt the Street Lighting Plan f
July 19, 1976 and the City o July 6, 1976 and
ty E ngineer is to contact.NSP to proceed in accordance
with the plan, seconded by Williams and upon v vote taken it was duly paced,
N. ISRAELSON Memorandum from Verlyn Raoen dated July 15, 1976 re
tabled. until after: the meet gaming sewer services was
ROBERT ng with Harrold Isroelson on Tuesday.
Engineer Anderson stated :he Israelson and Associate, Inc «and also the
insurance company regarding the copies of the,insurance,po
Robert Botcher and to date hR has not rece lcies.requested by Mr,
received the ,copies.
Attorney-Sullivan stated he talked to Mr.:.lsraelson's lawyer and he
answer .the questions.he hod about. this matter and stated he r� d� get � to him
cou t
tomorrow morning.
' Mr. Robert Botcher stated. he lws,attempted to.gef Mr..Israelson out b his house on
numerous occasions and he is always unavailable and he thinks Mr. Isroelson is
.} shirking his duties.
FORT STATION Engineer Anderson is to get
FOR SEWER -'!IN cost estimates and locations, for a lift station and, cost
- :� estimates of. bwering'the sewer line for Mr. tcher FOR R. BOTCHE was tabled until after the meeting,with Harold l sraelsort Tussd�a k, °� this matter.
Y. my 20, 1976.
RENOVlI! OF Engineer Anderson stated that Bac
GRAIN ELEVATO hman Construction has completed the
removal of
the Grain Elevator and the sum of $2,496.00 has been put in for
is the first and final estimate and he does not see an payment and this
' retainage for the contract. Y reason to withhold any ,
PROJ. 75 -3 E ,.. .,
PRIOR SOUTH ^� neecAnderson stated that on. Project 75 - Phase 111 Sewer and Water p roject, .Prior South the contractor ho: requested to substitute recycled �.h
aggregate base and he feels that this' is a Y asphalt br Class If ',
good substit and he has told the contractor
to go ahead and
do this.
TREATMENT Engineer Andersonstated the Metropolitan Waste Control
PLANT MWCC negotiating with the City for the COtlMili is curre r.
having, difficul P�ng out of the treatment plant and they are
nil ty. arriving at a solution as far, as what area would be served duri
the phasing out of that lift station. Councilman Oakes volunteered to ibe'part of
any further oomersations with the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission.
ORD- 76 -11 Or+dinonce 0 76 - 1V was tabled,
Councilman Busse asked when Orr Schelen- Mayeron would have 'the feasibility
study finished.
Engineer Anderson stated he is :meeting with Orr Scheien- Mayeron tomorrow and_,will
ask them for a date.
g DON WI LLIAMS4 Mayor Stock read a letter of resignation effective the lost in in Jal Y i S`76
z �a RESIGNATION Councilman Don Williams. fiarn
► :�' � Motion was made' es to accept Oakes p with regrets the resigeation,of Councilman Don
Will'ians'eflective the lost meeti
vote taken it was duly
`l n9 o July 1:976, seconded' by Vllotkins and upon a
Y Po�ued.