HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 26 1976MIN gTEt of Pmceedings of the Village Council of the Village of yrier tab in the County of Scott and State of Mianeeeto, including all accounts audited by sold Council. , s s -- The Common Council of the City of 'Prior Lake met irregular session (workshop) on July 26, 1976 at 7:30,P.M. in the City Council Chambers, Mayo Stock called the meeting to order. Rresent were Mayor�Siock, Councilmen Busse, flakes, Watkins, and Williams, City, Manager McGuire; Engineer Anderson, Finance Director MacGiliivroy, and Attorney Sullivan.k, ` MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of Jul 19, 1976,"econded by ' Oakes and upon a vote taken it was, possed. y DEFERRED The first :item on the ASSESSMENTS agenda was a review,af deferred assessments. Mayor Stock established a committee. - of Councilman .Oakes, City.ManaQer McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Finance, D,ireclor MacGiliivray, and himself to. so thro Minutes and go through eack:daferrod assessment anti give a recomm e then ugh t h h to the Council on a summation basis. The matter of deferred assessments was tabled until the Committew established has time to.meet and the City Ma gar is. ro. establish ameetingMme. the Comi"ittee, ` i SRAELSON s Engineer Anderson and AMrne"y Sullivan stated they hove not heard from. either BOTCHER hr'aelson and Associates,Anc. or then insurance cam n `r Butcher's request for insurance information.. pa Y agording Mr. Robert Engineer Anderson stated the astimofed cost, fora 1ift.station nt the.Botchar residence on City property would be $4,000.00. Mayor Stock stated the estimated cost of lowers , ... ng�the sewer, in ^, Botcher residence is= $9,644,00 as stated in the memo doled June 7, "Oaks at the {v EngineerAnderson stated that Mr. Botcher has a second, fat that would�+be= affected a ' arid~ in.a previous conversation he said that the Iinb,;wpuldFnat cot �offict hat lot and e�sked Mr- Botcher aomtnenf. :�.� Mr. Robert Botcher stated, like.heYoriginally said,v'hen this started out, if he had \� built his home after the main line was in then he could understand:'the Yituatio �u It would be -his, t and but the house was he feels it should be, lowered and now o the. sed !at he wa how consequently that it was put in con to. assume ( `' ' oFoordingly nd a: there right and when the next house is built this is bosicaNy.What be said before y°i' a have odjust Motion was made Oakes tbauthe pipe in `questionube rolaid, the,,proper de <> Green Oaks from the manF�ole east of the Botcher residence to the horth se to ` Walk ns,ard; upon GIV00 taken. :tl ewation.wasrrejeated corded by. City,Manager. k cGui irer was direetedb placel the Greg i? Y n,Ooks sewer�m0tter on the agenda for next Monday night and to notify Israelson and Assoc will ioies, Inc. that action i t taken-,o the matter and if they wished to appear or have a' repreientative 'appear. �. Cily: Aonogsr McGuire reported on the-meetin g withi,M dricussion for negotiated, payments: . r. Horoid;lxaelson regarding 1 PROJ. 73 -6 Motion was made by , Oakes: io .approve the Associates, Inc: 'br Psoject 73-6. osbuilts: based on the,C1i 339a nag iton and:. the bill, seeondad by Watkins and upon a vote taken it wa duly passed research of PPr'ove th Manager to negotiate with 'Israelson and Associates, '.Inc. for payment of $4,194.00 for Gateway Shores, { Project 75 -12 seconded b Oakes and u •" ' %` � rejected.; Y pan o vote icken the,motan. (6m 75-12 Matron was made by Oakes to approve the Payment of S5 e68,35 to .i:raelsor► E and Associates, Inc. for Gateway Shores Pro ject 75-13 co 468 u y k` of adeWati'drawiri ; secorrde�d Stock upon, receipt \. Passed, b y and. upois a' vote taken:t was duly , Motion via $ made - by, Odces b a pprove the: negotiated amount -of $4,500.00 to be paid;b' hraelson and Assocates; Inc:'for Ookridpe ,Coujt P -- i Project 75 -1..6, .; seconded by. Watkins and upona,voft taken :it was duly passed. k ' r C � SSS ��4k= �3:Wrp'p 4 .l"n: :�H� s ) »1e..1iSN: Sf1v }dF.A= Jk _2 /j uAe 1 r MINUTES of the 'rocNdkW of the VUka" Coundl of the V11696 of Prier Lake In the County of See" and $11111#0 of Mianososa, Inciudino•all!accounts,audited by said Coundi. PROJ. 73 -6 Motion was made by Watkins to pay I srae l son and Associates, Inc. $2,500.00 for legal' Preparation for Project 73=6, seconded' by Oakes and u upon a vote taken it was duly PROD. 74.5 = = Motiolr was : made by Watkins to a ; pprove the payment of $2, 350.00 t thru 75-11'' A to Isroebon and satisfaction of; conipletion,'seaonded b upon a vote taken it was duly passed. y and Motion was made b Oakes to approve. th payment of $7,171, 50 ' / P,ROJ. 75 -2 \ k . y to Israel."' a a nd A ssocrate s _ Inc. lnc. for Protect 75 2_based on the City Manager's research o of t .. \ Motion, , Property i PROJ. 75 3 M Motion: was made by Oakes to approve the payment of ;$78.00 to//13 a a W and AssociaNs, Inc. for Martinson island easements for Project 75 -7 seconded by was duly passed, PROJ'. 76, -1 M was made a o 1- bits to approval PROD. 76 -3 M Motion `wds made by Williams to approve the payment of 56,346.91 to Israelson a . t and Associates, - Inc. for, Prior" South, (75 -3 Ph;. 111) Project 7d 3 subject to approval of all t PROD ` 76 °5 ` ` , t ;Motion was :made by Oakes to { ppiove the p payment o cha ges r � q t ,. P Pbylrrent to. hraelson and Asso.c�ates I1+4: , far topo map , Protict 73 -7 was tabled for a'raoonrrnendaHan from the aty.Staff, Pt1pJ:` 75 -3 M Motion w as mode b Watkinsao r+eafflim the.Caunci! s � �� ,. I :pay l � passed,' . 75-12 M Motion was node by Watkins to; a ` MINUTES of the hoceedioes of the village Council of the Village ef'rior lake in the County of Scots and State: e, Mioheaota, including all accounts avdited said Council. i PROD. 75-13 /Motion was made by Watkins to authorize the Ci Mona' r'to' I �'--� tY M 9e make a payment -of $3,352.79 for Willows Fifth Addition Project 75 -13 to Israelso ri'cncf Associates, Inc. contingent upon receipt of then preliminary plans,. seconded by Oakes; and upon ' a vote taken it was passed: r JOHN HARRISON Mrs. ,John Harrison was present appealin g variance g gran" -to a neighbor for a VARIANCE .T0 A buildin permit for a garage stating they were not notified until after the variance A BLDG. PERM1 was granted arid the neighbor is using their propertl! driveway; It was the Council's •consensus that the variance and' building permit were legally ' j issued and the matter of the iveway is a private matter's F ` ISRAELSON S City Manager McGuire was directed to withhold all known oufstaridi is W PROBLEM' vvith.sewer and water service irg bills dealing problems and in add do withhold 10% of all bills paid r 'to Israel and Associates,. Inc r, ,.tN90 SA Ld e'a ISRAELSON City Manager McGuire presented a notice of claim from Leathan, attorney Dwtghr J: .LEGAL MATTER. for Israelson and Associates, Inc. for Coun revie v�! and discussion'and copies were u sent to Attorney Sullivan and the City's insurance - company, ¢; MEETING WITH CITY OF SAVAG City Manager McGuire strafed that the Savo ge City Council would like b meet with the Prior Lake City Council, Savage Planning Commission, and':Prior Lake Planning • Commission on Wednesday August 18, 1976 at 8:00',.P.M." City Manager McGuire , will invite Savage t the City of Prior Lake for the meeting. B. BIS50NETT PLAN. COM, Mayor Stock read a letter of resignation from the Planning Advisory Commission from -bill Sissone,tt, " RESIGNATION Motion was mode by Busse to accept Bill Bissonett's resignation from the Planning Advisory Commission, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote °ttakeln °i! was duly passed SAND POINT ,BC • � . _ '�_ LAND AC Q, Mayor Stodr stated thet;the;City has received $1,00,000,00 . Q� Minnesota in flomthe State of _ payment from; the Stcte Planning Agency. for Sand POW Beach land acquisition. Councilman Watkins stated that. the C ty Manaer and Staff is to be a c"nded. g n � � KLEHR FIELD, City Manager Me Gulre si - b set up a meeting witht Field. lie P�tirirolved with Klehr OAKR I OGE CRT Engineer A PONOING AREA tiderson asked direction on Oakridge Court Panting area. Engineer Anderson was directed to research this matter further The following in scheduled voices am b be paid 0n uesoy Aupst 3, 1976: { '1 Td 4 1 MULTIPLE 'FUNDS`: NSP Pitney Bowes Utilities $ 2,556,30 Postage Meter' " - Scott Co. Treasurer 33.00 nn` Copies Mi " Natural Division 7 95. tJtilitifas Bankers Life Co ,. ,:. • HoipitalIn s. .41 41 u Clay's printing- Service 26.60 ; '` W' `", Printing � � � _ 5 1,2 Tom Re Toros Mobil Service pairs <, ' 1'4.60 _:. Harry Schultz 11.60 Clminsaw Standard Oil Division , Cos and «OtY 290.00 774.00 It t kD -3- a y MINUM of the Proceedings of tke village Council of the village of Mier Lake in the Co Scott. Alunesete, including oil Oce6uMs audited by aid Council. of and Stab of ., GENERAL FUND: f Aibinsan JAK CO P c roduct$ Co. 'kEngineering $ &pplift 3 38. 55 3M Co. Office :Supplies Police Supplier 6.5.17 Minn.. Valleyllec -. Coro P Utilities 1 Mark Wurd Pnor. l.c+ka Nursery' Tnae 5.62 •� ' Robetfi McAllister �� Tree ins peebr Dog Catcher . 525.00 Elec" c Service Co of Mn -Clay's Printing. Service = Contract Payment 160.00 .k 10,559.96 Printing 79.65 WATER FUND Minn. Natural Division Mar. Cast iron Pipe Co. .Utili t Utilit _ 3.02 a `,tan Waterside Rogerx ` �� Re ors v , C' Chemicals 44.96 83;.13 Y t. 1RE FUND: _ (r r � 4 4 '` National 'Fire Protection Assoc. - A,e! Suppl:lat $ � i Hospital r aan S i IY Supplies r> 28.06 � . t l4kirr3 Firo; E qupment Co. Supplies 145.57 - Minn.. Valley Elec.- Co ° Utilities 4 Lawren 5 Home Bl: chweich dr Liokr: k r Sewer Pipe { ce STREET:fUND ; 402.55 ` Inc. North Sfiorm Sewer * _, '161.39 " Sf lNacQuebn Equip,; Int • " *Repairs 465.75 Minn.'Volley Elec. Co-opR p Utiliti 10.06 Bi lus Our Own Ha dwore Oxygen, n 1.25 a MotJders:bctinguthlirs Esc, Brothers So Inc. Recharge Extinguisher . 10.85 # 5.75 , !I .bhmwDust Coating,� Storm S Sewer ling Stre g 254.00 r PARK FUND. . 1 quasYrft idwest,.Inc. Units "A" Nstern dell Utilities S 173.00 PARK CONCESSION FUND F . . 64.38 r r Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Suppl .., 48.00 1975 GLE NQI►LE. SEWE R AND WATER, Prior Lake Nursery Work at Grendehl i s, = i$ 212.00 " 71 -1 STREET GRADING =� WAS'ER AND f SEWS R FUND•' The First Nationat Bank of St. Paul Bond Payment 522,683.13 EAGLE CREEK WATER AND SEWER FUND: Coulter, Nelson, and Sullivan Attorney Fees - Morsgc► $ 2,436.00 „ . FISH POINT ROAD FUND; ; - Amer. Nationoi, Bank and ; Trust Co'. Bond Payment. ; .06 t s +eeuC @ { 1` a Y IKiN11fiES l�rataadieat of Ma Ville*e'Carndl afAM Vil '6f friar tek� iA tha County of Scett aed Stela of Mieno11Me, ieelwling 611 ecceueq audited by Reid Covedl. WiSTSIDE SEWER ANQ WATER FUND: Ed Sharkey Commissioner = 154.00 Roy Joachim Commissioner John Ploetz Commissioner 156.90 Frank J. Wicker 1 58.50 Appraisal M. Wagner b` F. Wicker lOQ.00 Appraisal _ 625.00 . Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and upon o vote tak en this meeting was adjourned at 1002 P.M Michael A. McGuire, City A7arwger , C, J l f i t . S ` a4 d Y Y, t Y i l Y � Y � I c , 1