HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 09 19767 4 MINUTES of the Pr�e�ediegs of 1119 Village Council of fM Village of Prier take in 1h9 County of Scott and State of Mioneseta, including all accounts oudi%4 by said Council. ° August.9, 1976 The Common Council of the City of Prior.Loke , met in regular session on August 9, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called. the meating to order. Present were. Mayor Stock, Councilmen, Bissonett, ' B usse , and Watkins, City Manager McGuire, Administrative Assistant Graser, .dambois, and 4 ttor`ne'y Sullivan. Councilman Oakes was obsent,,: ' MINUTES' Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Minutes of August 2, 1976; seconded by `° 'I Busse,and upon a: >vote. token,. it was.duly, passed. PIXIE PT'. R0: , Mayor: Stock called the Public Hearing on the Pixie Paint Road vacation to order, VACATION HRG' Mayor.Stock read the Public Notice on the Pixie ,Point Road vocation. Motion was made by Watkins to vacate the Pixie Point Road ;Property.as described in the °Sego) notice, seconded bytusse and.upon a,vote -taken it was,duly passed, L' Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn,the. Public Hearing.on the Pixie Point Road vacation, seconded by Bissonett and-upon a vote taken it was duly passed Mayor Stock called the Regular Council Meeting to order. ORD. 76 4 A memo.dated,August_,5, 1976,was presented .from Administratiye' Assistant Jwnbois CREATING PARK ` to the: Mayor and.-City Council regarding repeating of Ordinance X76-6 An Ordinance ya ADVISORY' BOAR Creating a Park Advisory Board for Council review and =discussion. Motion'was made by Watkins that Ordinance 0 76-6 An Ordinance. Creating d Pork Advisory =biard be repealed, seconded by. Btssonett $1nd upon a:. vote taken it was duly a ' r passed" to r (� Motion was made. by Bissonett adapting a resalutian commending:f w'pat Park Board members as well as the members Mrs, Buckeye, Mr. Arnold, and Mr..- Williams for the service they have given the Ci seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was - duly - ,passed, Mayor Stock directed the Cit `• i. � � c ,. ty Manager io send :.the letters of commendation to the ! people; concerned'with.the Park Board..- Comp rehens i-ve Mayor Stock stated that ;before :the Comprehensive .Plan ` for Parks it, .complete that an Plan for Park informa meeti is to-.be held :for public, input;, ISLAND VIEW A meaty dgte_ August 5 1976 was N presented from the Planningitaff a, the City 2ND AODN. Council regarding is land Vlaw Second Addition for Council review and discussion. Mat e., ure 1.TM Bussee that . '{ . �.. - : xc' �� :. �; • . � ; " wasTmade by Island Viow;Seaond Addition tie plotted but no 'building ,pernrtts'be issued until sewer and, water is installed, seconded by Watkins and upon a -rote taken it was du) SEWER DEPTH Mayor Stockstated, regardi tkre'>sewer °de t << n8 pth.atMorlen Circle, thou the Council has r FOR MARLEN discusse& this .a number of :times and the matter is so be resolved . rs eveni i . CIRCLE,. to the o bons ;he hod .a � �� .• Relating P mamororirkxn, before here dated ,June 7, 1976..: At one time Council; discussed, two .options,. onw,was'the �grirxor, for the residents mccl the second was the relaying'of;t- .interior plumbing within house,.. Botltof these were objected to by;the The °third: altoir*ive,° was the, lowers of the sanitary* and the fourth altemati.ve , n g` tary'sewar main lift station' ;would be to put a small on;tht public righi;� , :maintained° by,th* City and ado pro grav service J.•the;cesidents.. These are;the four altsrnatives: that haves been discussed to dale, The cost, of ttw`'clternrtruas,are, the indivdual.prinder is ;1,82Q.00, the relaying of the interior pk bing is undetermirw4 it4oul`d not be fixed b an de of accuracy;' the estimate for` lowering the son itary sewer main Is $9,644.00Yand the ij fourth olirernative,of the Iift station which'would pr�,V grgyity wa: Ppminwtely,. �` 'I � � Y�a� s�. .`.w;.. w.:. �,r. .i•�.a.�..`', ""UTtS' of the t'receediap of the Vil IoOe Council of the Villaeo of Prior lake M tM County of Scoff and State of . illUanesefa, iaeludiny all *Monte audited by said Ceuneit. { SEWER DEPTH FOR MARLEN $4,000,00. These are the discussidos`ihat have been kicked a round for a long time a� this evening he believes the CIRCLE FOR LIFT STATION Counci will make a decision on the type of service or what the. Council's wishes are.r' Attorney Dwight LQatham Sivas present representing Harold Israelson stating he was present to br ief � � state what,,Harold's position °is, . that the Council is probably "ihan. familiar with it more he is. O ne of the. things that he ;:talked about,. Harold and he before coming was that there are a number of alternatives, some more expensive than ,others, and he supposes the Council {,s not required [ to follow anyone of them, as he is sure that Mr. Sullivan has explained. He would like to have the Council consider another solution. He knows that this is really an engineering question, more than a legal question, so he feels somewhat ill - equipped to describe whatcn;appropriate solution would be. He recognizes that there, is a feeling { I good amount of on-the pat of the home owner and the Councit and the circumstances that. Harold; finds himself" in otherwise other than this #, ` particular issue and because eve s t „he thought rYbody `concerned' feels. somewhat on the . po g perhaps the Council might consider option of having a group of engineers act ;is "orbitraton 10 sug,,est whether or not the alternatives that are less expensive would be feasible and appropriate from their starfdpont. Naturally Harold is,going to sugge less expensive alternative and naturally the homeowner is going to `suggest an alteMotive kl that gives. him, the least''involvemenf whatsoever with the problem. He thinks the City should consider one that accommodates both if it can: If of 'I one the solutions is quite a bit less expensive. than another, then ' he thinks: it really should be givirtig that due weight, some There is the engineer, that.'', the City has, Mr. Larry Anderson, he has one, point of view, and he is not really sure what his of ; > point view,is on this, Mr. Isroelson has another ' he thinks, .lei close to, the solution ]mvi , ch ,they are somewhat, rig, occupied pretty muck the :* same position, with respect to they-Council. He thinks that if it was put up to say a pone) of three < "' surveyors acting ,as arbitrabrs� one selected b rho Engineer, the current another selected. 6y Mr..' "lion ecte l ond.a. third se mutuallyty both surveyors, it would be taken out of the' political arena and '' simply ..made as such an engineering _ i decision. If you leave it os present he is afraid that there is too much pressure one p € way or another, and the.we'alcest position as far as public pressure t and political pressures is goingao be given. k � Councilman Watkins staffed that he di d not feel that there is an pressure of all, the situation is that ”! sewer put in higher to prevent gravity service to be furnished to the' homes alonp that road. He - does not chink there is any further. negotiation necessary, with the particular home owner that called the:°quistion to the Council's attention. He #pinks it is a matter between the Council and the enginee firm on however it r>'to to resolved. He thinks it should be resolved an public rg'rahi- } of-way to the'sotisfiaction.of the through the engineer. -1t no longer involves ny:particuly� :ho� owner, he thinks they are all prettyunified on that, but he does 4L= not think thorO is dny:pressure at ail. Stock stated that M ° Council's policy has been that gravity service be supplied Whetretlet�ait oeonomical rM1d feasible This area was selected for ' / gravity service as in the best interest of the constituents." Wher.� you .get into lift stations, _they are costly to the City, and grinders; the ones that he�knows have been functioning . however, there ng properly; ' con be maintenance, theyare not a" fiool proof machine, they con ' ' break clown, so that is arbther problem They hove. discussed these four items sc welly that of this point, ftl+ey caR'.; say good things nd `bad things ^� w i I t r about ea c . one that -= alternative sand get drawn i to th dollar figures. The City Engineer is not Oreserit'this`e aning.but allied the pity Monager.,who has conferred -with him on the subject what his recoinn:endotion wiouId be to the Council Like he has . said :di:cuaed love alternatives to the problem area and he think;,ihey;all haw baste: they have at.previousocci` ions understeneiing of what each of the alternatives curtail far =as obligation to the y City, :obligation tw Harold Who the Cor6ult_ant .w. Vine or at ;thct�•r me, a nth their 're - regard. did ` ga not Mr. Botcher to an . exteht she has an opinion also, but the Council- is making or will be making their decision bored on otherfreasons, 7 , t' ! f' ,. MINUTES of the Proceed iwes of the village council: of thr Village of drier Lake is the County of Seen and ,State of. Mionnelo including all accounts audited by sold Council. MARLEN C I R. City Manager McGuire stated 'that the four alternatives have pros >orid cons. "`. L I FT STP` ION: Alternative number four, the Lift station at the vide property line seems ,b be a reasonable solution to pro gravity service to the property owner at the least cost and this is Engineer Anderson's recommendation. Mayor Stock , stated what the.Ci ' ty is saying is that the City would be assuming the cost and the operation; of the lift station by being on public right -of -way, the City would maintain it however, the cost of. installation _would have to be bornwby Israelson, and Associates... Attorney Leathanr stated he wondered if the second alterna'tiVe of interior.piumbing F changes, wouldn't that also provide a means of gravity How o;Cdreira go c' I Mayan Stock siated is questionable whether izot itwill Suppl pp y giwity flow. You am right there, you probably could pick threeAifferent engines %cnd�W three different opinions. He will not comment because he, really does rwt know \abut he `µ would defer 'the question to Attomey:Sullivan drrd.,oslr'`him'the' legality of City.in referring that the situation is this particular case -is sornewhdt'different than. normal tw cases where' the City�hos lines laid at a specific-depth level c for aha piurpose of a . IN grinder these people uwally' know it at thee% time of the public hearing, but this } IOw is on .the other side, it *as - lo be gravity, t; Attorriey'Sullivan stated he does not think the City has any, right to go in and tear up their, basement over their objbction., if they* not want it,done. That alternative is really kind of a moot question. >i . i Attorney Leathom stated yet the ordinance, requires them to be hooked up, so there is somewhat of a moot question of who has to make the first move. Attorney Sullivenstated he did not .think the City.could•protecute.these people for:not hooking up under these circumstances and the City is not going to , d* that. ' Attornejt Leathom stated he recognizes there has been a mistake; and: the are the first to admit there has been a mistake, but he understands that this interior plumbing solution would be one rather inexpensive pe way of doing it and itywould involve a' , certain' amount of inconvenience and yet if the owner doesn't simply want it in his house the does; not k ` w ' no thattthe City should have to, *hetharat is.unreasonable. - Attorney Sullivan stated he does not think that the City has any right to tell these J f+aople� wNot thiv, have ia'slm vitk their `bown�nti jWdoes not thin k�'the that j� The �i City onn�do ., t y ti ha: no right of condemnation to tell them > and if !they do not want?'= M db' it this City cannot force them to do this and the City, is not going b; and secoridiy, 'the Ci ty: doss not know• whot'the cost is . , aria third ; the Gt3r does not know,,- if it will week, so the City cannot offer this as a solution, r 1 Molrnpy eotharn stated this is one of.the 1`66 ans - Ito was• thinki of shoving the arbitrallowwho! would: ' d perhaps pive :their.own opinions b :whether it would work•;artd } t` E. it seams that if the property owner wants service, certainly, it is. and'` peps he can be reimbursed for` any inconvenience if he is to x` � work oti, the,'inade permit some type of'' . to;acciinpiish: interior as ci soiutbn,..He•simply rq J you _ca±'ti does the Ci at Nat rnt owe a du tY l� i ty to: hinr b. dotanything furthiar than ' df%vthat�solutan, .which U bn' accepted �rw from an•erginowing "standpo Mayor Steak stated Ire.fee'Is Council has somewhat of a trroral obl'igation,, the f r file! that Citydid Will pif biicxl+earings and told the:' n what the Pimple what was r to happen, , y could antibfp6te -to- hoj�pen• the entire project. Like he indicbted`before'; �t6re are sorhe'areas thet,;City knows it is not feasible to 90 the extra de i9r G? pth zone M order to get gravity a�x! they -tell the peopie'that: ;there will be grinders, in that particular area, At this porticulor area it was to be at the normal depth zone area lie fools he has a moral obli9dt; n in respect that this area was t be served gravity 06 this residence, regoidiess, of who I eves in the house, he calla care, less, but the City has that obligation that they .con be served. The City also has an MINYTfi . ef trecoediags of the Village Council of the village of !Fier take in tM County of kott and Stab df 3 Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council. MARLEN CIR.. ordinance which requires hookup.ond if ,the City, has not supplied them with o service : t� I FT STATION that can give them the type of service that the-City they were he .thinks the ,City is not doing their job;. Y 9orng to gwe them, G Attorney Leathom stated they did not anticip making } Pa ng a mistake, at a public hearing you cannot, anticipate that art of mistake. The City acts assort pf guardian to the local citczens and is acting as protector. .He. guesses that all the are there is a.solution, one may,not'be. an Y trying to convey is if j y more moral than another, and if bath of them are equally acceptable from an engineering standpoint, Mr., the person that is Harold braelson, being' an acceptable and. perhaps most eoo s�olution.pn,Id lik consideration for Mayor Stock stated he agreed with shot; however, the City has also had, and again the reason why. he, did not quote anybody., ,is because the Y do not have,it in writing, he has. received cost, estimates from a couple thousand doilars,to' high as $4,000.00 and. it °would be anywhere inuthat area. He had an o pportunity to_.view the basement, he knows it is a difficu9t situation,, it,i& not,just b matter of,going In and ripping up a little :ooncrete,..there ore: partitions thott,have�;to_b�e dealt with,, batlrooms ceramic ' tile, .and Q Your get into a remodelin situation and g • this Me could,be very very expensive. , wld,.assume that:. the, resicWnts..muld not wont..anything. losr,thon ,ghat they have now. The reasons he did.nof state. th cost, is they.do not have.anythine� n writing,: f -they have verbal comments from $2,000.00 to n 54,000.`00, b so their fourth alternative which is a Iift station, .which they know will be operated y the.City grid the City ` will maintain it. The' ,oast of. this installation is approximatel}.54 OOQ,Op and >D then rt i, maybe it becomes a toss up and he guesses, he has to liston the. G,ity's attorney i k= Fes ct that the Ci hh to di 'at the City to go pe 'ty as no authority dictate to them th ty is c go ng • and ' m„ rtp up�ih�ir basement.: Councilman watkins stated or C put a mechanical device on their pro . `! powered through their.elactric meter,and subject to theirmaintenanc 'over se t 4. years. v ral ' Mornay Loothorn stated that.the, City.has to mgintain .through the, years a lift station on the public right-of Cite, .' '"mY. You would think that would be a burden to the Councilman Watkins stated, what it amounts, to is that the City did not got what it paid for. Atftrft L•atharn :tatrr!' oarrec# �, In `regard to,, the, statement solution, that them, are that the interiorplumbng 1 the'would.like to, real estimates. on it, perhaps alb he; can say is that u see a.little.mare estimates.moife as, to ,the Potential :co :t'of'that u type 6POJutionH.then they would feel.that '. thi :.was deal.t�witlt fo rty. G w Mayor Sto ck stated, that - no one was willi I oast of ,this tiro! n9 give a written estimate of the, par pr ect >becouse_ The Ci ho: 1 there .are too.many anknow�. C asked:priyato co to lake tY s it down on c. nlractors look;ot" it and t y, ha vit°,but,,will. not put Cou �cliraattWathln sStated th!`�entlre ' .. { Council has,viewed the situgtion, both inside ' the h`>,+se�and outside the house beginning been a` ,ei; in either March, or gpril . There has l", 01Mb,le cooling perwd far both the Council, and tf*,, rcular !louse- , hold in question, they is a been very' patient waiting for' °a stion to the solution ° his the obligation. of the City to furnish: gravitysecyice to that co hoi,�sehold and the, entire street, p°M l ar 6s Attorney: Leatham stated if they Ecn4w' what the alternatives were before the Council indollars.and cents the would ! # ! fee boa bi, dealing. �^ A .� t� /.?�'+i,Y851�.'�y%�a$ k�'P� ,`� °�r /.. .. ,::. a^ '#z,aas�R•r"i'zy,.kff�R�,' 1 . Jl �. t ,. 1 i o "v t "�r`a ice{.' ox , a.._a "'�, ✓�+bt.. m�s // u � 1 . { y AMNUTIIS of Nia hece"18 " of the V114V* 'Council of the Vittaee of Prier lake in the County of, See" and State of �s Mianetete „indudinq all, accounts audited by said Council. MARLEN C 1 R. LIFT STATION Mayo Stock stated he � the 9a bur alternatives before the. Council, the first option is e grinder for the home 61,820,00, Y at the second option is`the relaying of the interior plumbing, not guaranteeing at this point that it pro vides gravity Land. again he does not have a firm estimate for an amount,of between $2,000.00 and. $4,000.00,. the lowering of the entire sanitary main in this area ,was.a cost of 69,.644.00, and the fourth alternative is a. lift station installed on City tY tY ` Pt'ope vidin pt'o g gravity service to thaUarea at the cost of $4,000.00. Attorney Leatham asked if there was any that they could assist the Council in finding somebody that could come up with a cost estimate. City Manager McGuire stated, assume for a moment that it would only cost $100.00 of 61,000.00.for.option number two which would be. the, basement,- the property owner would not agree to this solution. The City Attorney has stat an d he would have to agree with him completely, the City cannot go in there are start cutting up his basement. Attorney Leathom stated he could seethe propertrownor's,.point of view, if' nobody is saying how long it is going to take,` what material it will take, :whet,type of inconvenience he would suffer, he would,.also be prone to say he. does not want any part of :it, but if they could get a.contrdclor..who would; be in,a, position to say it will hake two_ afternoo tl�er ns in the .basement and ,that is all, and , ejcan'be a bond; provided if ha landscape is not giiequately.•,put.bacli in' ' n as, good shape, `if is that type of reconstruction work, .perhaps the homeowner might'change!his _ ppiht of view, He �. thinks that the 'Council..hos attempted, to select the least.expensys and' least nuisance solution for the homeowner u to the p point that it is number two at this point, it is really not,an option`because..you do- know-how. much,, it, costs.,, Ifahis option was in more detail you could approach the'homeowner and.say here i :what it'is going to involve, it might be an option. He would like to see the Council defer to per haps gRt; .., a +more Complete estimate .o£ -what it: wou (d: tcike and how jmucN it would cost. a Councilman Busse stated the night they inet,out thei*L':Haro ~ wa there and there was. a contractor there also that would not give the City a price, he would do, it on an hourly We. . Couneihnan Wdtkins stated that a wa that ny: y gravity service is, provided b the home- owner is satisfactory to him. Councilma6 ;8lssonttt stated that.any, decision , that Wto.be made has got to be strictly a decision between the City of Prior Lake and the engineer, israelmn and.Associates' and not involve the homeowner. Motloa was Made- by that the Council. auth rise the.00nstruct on of Lift a station on City right- of-way for the purposeof give'' .09 gravity service to the Robert Botcher orsidence.on ^Maslen :Crclle that, the ,and reident engioeer,;be cFw� then deducted f ged with the proper installation and ths.cost of. this' instgllotign .be iam`payment to hraitleon and Associates, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dulyj'possed LOTS # FACING RUTGERS ST. Adminishative Assistant` Graser stated. that of she last Plonning.Comm on meeting the o Planning Commission reconsidered the question asked by the Council pertaining to the ' petition iris additiottol�tnt>nnation regarding the five. lots facingatutger;Street-,gY- mot oii.ther�Ptaott ng Ct�ifimis:iotn on a , , Vote of three. b.'one`fei.t that four lots would be a. bet ter =ao utaa� ti�on��five lob: x . T",E HARBOR'`• PllD,� Attorney Larry- Griffith and Mr, .kck; duxell' were ��.nt re pfe'` re garding Ti+e Harbor Pty ;D and. aesentett . infiotmationand ;{slans.for houeeson the fivq ^lph..fcscing Ru gers Sree�t °4004 for Council' review and discussion. =i Mr. Don WilIiams. stated .~that all thwI o ft in the area are 100 foot lots >�x apt } these `s , five lob and feels alb lots shotild be this ' way. t '��M� .��'✓ .n �T'?�f*.11, — °4��4 ° �?F f �b4'[5^1.. ,:ro'\ "1�.'MI "A' ^.wY�HiMs?' 1. 't t � y l4-`� w, r t- . --•.t_ 111 �+ MINUM of the pmeadinM of ibe, Yii V IA" lace cow ndl of the Village of Prier take in the County of tieott and Step of Manama, including all acceunM audited by said Council. w HARBOR 'PUD -Mr. Burl Houts stated' there would be more. open s lots. pace with four lots than'with five , Mr. Houts stated, that the construction -site u #W five fit in there. sits p that area now.ond is skeptical Mr. Bill 8oeder o Rut rs St t, � 9e was. present stating he is opp late. � e •b -tle sma ller Y Mr. Williams stated the °ore t Y no against the >develotenent but agoiiist_the five lots t on Rutgers St Faurresidenh of the Ringers Street areo'.were- present that were opposed o the five 'lots on Rutgers Street butdid ndt state their names. a A Mayor Stock stolid that foot setback is the maximum that the. Council could impose, it cannot impose 1� feat, so if the developer has enough proper to 80 fret at 1he,setback (ine a ,\for single Tmil dwellin they get authori than to a Y Council ra other tY appro it � t 80 feet. ,a Motion was made. by „y Bissonett \, The Harbor PUD be appro ved in the Preliminary outline dewio r nni punt concept •as xabmow the stipulations that (#) the DN � pe - isIe, se�u, prior to. final approval and (2) that: the. °`develo , 8e . a " all dill nce P work with : to,strrve for archite tural :excellence. in an 80= {loot ie eponded r by Stock drtd'upon;a vdte• taken ',wes d u l y 1 y peed ,. IRV ]11,S�EINE�t 11Ar . R n r S . 0 R in .Oo!:rtdge:Cour Pri nt "representing Mr. Al, Steiner regacd 'iR9�..the siiQrm sewer tlAiUtl06E L ec'' City o •MeGvire: staled that Mrs.Marlis Bluedom was in this gihrnoon and d ted that possibly that" if the storm sewer was Put rw'expense to her there be a p islbility of n10atiation. Ma ; Stock. stated Mr. Stt = ru is g0rie to have to decide what oliernative he is . Wine to fialksw, b go with'a'klevelo tl� 'A Prof et, per s Agreement or petition the Cou6cil for the • aid "before ='the - Council makes a decisionon. this matters ' ; , some of the, facts involved. tY must know INi'r� POR " 'Administrotive'AuNtont Graser po the A j r Mtiny. .. goon 5, 6,Plann Commis: rte&o n U 197 ing; ion 1F1 l NELSON B M City Manager McGuiw presented b letter from Marvin' "C. Nelson requesting an . or. " STEM 3{ ~ 3 �.. y, t r a r ,� tion' u Jaraiiar 1; 198Q... - Ovate ' . nnec nti 1 _ Y . Motion, Via tkins ". F # m� by` Wa b deny .the request for sewer and water �• for Mdr h C: ` was duly passed, h raioh elsan,' Wcorided' Busse'vrKl;upon o vate token FOR Motio T Motion was , made by Watkins in the approve �braelson ant ofS7,367.81• -for to po maps to g and Associates donded b Busse d' u � pan o,ivote tciken it was duly passed. .�CTBOIt Motion was made' ti g by Busse to "appoirrt.as election judges 161716 „Sips robe 14,1976 5 ,. w �i alY Klelliie Lonhan, A;nito "Hager•, Marl is aluedorn Clare Muelken, and Erhard , Appel, seconded by Watkins`and upon a .vnfie taken it was! l , mod, KIE TtON i1'Ic�wn'was trade j C RT w a ti ' i � 'f Y �y Bussf .to' appoint as•electan counters for the September 14, ' = R....'� t�ca Mueller; , Millie Klii>erB;: Mayor Sbc; Councilman '> �4 Bissonett Cauncilmari- buiiii C6: ncilman Oakes Councilman Wdikins, Michael M4Guire, s Judy ;J and 1sen, seconded b . Bissonett and 7 ja duly possad y upon a vote taken it was ►_ i , I a'a�r'.�a *Kny�F;'. w• �'*�._.. tru: <. � >. ,k,4 k. —6_ if , yl � t _+.i. ° as } � �� s' r,. ..a..` 7 Mt �=.Sr n t A�'�P•'��I �' � t ti P, � r � x . t # r .ta►� ,< MINUTES of the Proceeds . s of thf VII � nY lase Couneil R! the Village of -Prior lake in the County- of Scott,.and State of Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by sold Council. . WATER TOWER Motion was maw' ` by Watkins to set the date for the Water Tower Assessment Heating t # ASSESS. HRG. on September 7, 1976 at 7:30 P,M., sAcanded ny' Bissonett and upon a vote to it _. 'F s was duly. passed FORPOAKLANDS. Motion was made by Watkins:fo adopt the ossessments;`for Oakland Beach Second,, t . Third, f=ifth, and Sixth Additions, as stated in the atiachtnent to memo dated Aust 6, BEACI '2nd, 3r 1976, seconded b Busse and u n a vote taken it was'dul passed. 5th,. 6th y p Y -bAKLAND #z BCH. , Motion was made by, Busse` to credit the developer Aimoc, Inc, 5 ;;.137.39 for Oakland ' Beach 4 2 'ondthis`io' be credited against ga' the Developer's Agreafhent, seconded by 4 Watkins and upon a vote liken it was duly passed. PEOPLE NOT City - Manager McGuire presehtid o list of people that have not.hooked up to sewer CONNECTED TO and water and turned Ait.`ov+e to the City Attorney. s a w Motion was Made b Watkins io aut horize th BINGO ORD: Y' e CityAtlo'mey to prepare a'bin go ordinance with the fees of =25. for a one time- octurence:and 6:100;00 per year, f seconded by Busse:and;upon b vote ` taken :it was duly passed WEED INSPEC. Weed p : Ins ecto� was tabled. i . VF'Q PARKING' ~ r) LOT Councilman Watkins' that the Prior Lake VFW muntcipal.porkin� lo! is just about . complete,pnd thenC�ty has ra do their thing and" put up.a'mgn:. City Manager McGuire was directed °too hQve,thii'sign put up. r F MR. , FERRIS' Mayor S ock presented o letter from Mr, Fen. ' ' REQUEST FOR n sregariding streetlights for the Council 1 review €before the tneetirg next night and directed the staff to'have a memo `STREET LIGHTS . prop ' ha � o currentxmop as submitted to the Couneil w th;tFie revisans. �p S s W IN- Mayor Stock presented 6_1 W etter°regardi ng Willows Fifth AddiNon'requesting that the put ILLOWS 5th addition be ton the City $aimmediate sewer orb &water ag andahis tabled4or clan f mctter was i rollers of the letter. � r The following invoices were iPaid during•the month Jul j.0,6 ' of Y' ll i A GENERAL „FUND. `+” Y Prior Lake State : k Depo k Bank Federal s�t�: State Treasurer _ "PERA _ -.2,621.84 t Commissioner of Revenue Stale Tax t State 2,9053.61 Trxtsuner, Soc. Sec. FundA Socialecu ' _ Sr.ity 2,294:60 •� State 14m' rer a Sure Charge. : 18 Michaeil McGuire .n. = 994 Walter Stook., P ; 34;:50 }. Richa4 fai <t. Solar (x 164.40 Steven Schmidt 1. Salary "� 488.60 Dennis Leff_ Q Salary . t 432,07 , f = Leroy Rabe tart, {� z �t, 417.65 Eugene Smith 1\ Salary', 210.56 ' °t' :bseo VanDe Soles 375.96 n Richard Klugliem Salmi 380:-97 O Y` r 396.53 Michael McGuire. :� . Solary t� ,rr`' ��� 433.64 ,Aorst Graser.t Salary ;•{ David Ma cGilliwroY' Sala 4 ` : 301.01 L rY 98.07 f ' arty J. Atdanon f Salary .,• z� 51 L52 Verlyn R'aoen �� Salary r Mary Gerhardt , d t: Salary �. 356. , Melanie Spronk` Salary e F&M Sa vi* Book' S' Savings Plan ' 555.0 local union 320' Union Dues :r 58.50 x ,s De{1C:Denial Plan of Minn. 1 : Denrol�' hts. '`Scot -R ice: Telephone 24. �w phone'Co• Utilities, - 7- MINUTES of the lrecNdi ngs of tko Vtllogo Council of ho Villogo of Prior Lako in tho County of Scot and Stab of q Minnewto, including all accounts; audited by soil Council. GENERAL .(Continued Prior Lake OK Hardware Office and Police Supplies , _ 16.39 4 y ' Lake Avto Supply Police Auto Repair 18.12 Standard Oil Division Gas.and Oil' - Coulter, Nehon.and Sullivan.,.. 580 Prior Lakw.Anierican A#torney, E,ees 2,338.80 r. Publishing• x Ray's Used rs 44.72 Bachman Coast. Police Auto Repair 215.70 ` Scott Co -4 Ma i � Office , ' n Elevator. Removal 2,490.00 NSP { M ° S' 9.62 Utilities" Scott & To Grimmer c .65 Prior Lake, Washing Cars ,30 Lunibet Cq : ; Stw;ve Swice Kenneth Deuitl 0 4, ce,Reser Wm. A. Slipher Police s _ 15.00. Clarence Schmidt' ce Reserves 15:00 b ��: o {; Plumbuing Inspector , 162 Coast . t st; Store., { . 00 - Gen Fahrenkamp 1L.02 , Xerox Corp. " C44aning.,Service 121.00 Busse Super Market SPY Machine 293.15 Ci ani,. Supplies ,... ' Harmon Glass a n • Police Auto Repair JAK 93.11 :Office "Praducts C Office Su Gross, Ind. Sere' pRlies a 184 ices . {e F . Bldg._Maiiat. ' E. H. Newstmm Buildin Ins c 64.40 g Pe Air .��- .. t • 669.00 Grendahl Mechanical; Inc. Air Conditioner Repair 235.75 \' kn Franklin.., :Tow,�l's $ 56 t Office Supplies: . Yallelr Tirei Service 1.17 Don Busse Police Auto Repair- 152 99 Council Pay ' a :bcic :0akiii ' ' 4 -Council Pay. 80.00 1' Don,William: - ciFP 80.00 m Tom Watkins Coun 80.00 - ,Charles,7boker P Council,Pay. _. 80.00 anner St. Im emeotof 197.4 Fund � Transfer 25,000.00 Lake State Bank Federal Deposit 982.901 x Michael McGuire'." Gar Allowance r. '.; Cash .. .. }' 150.00 "u Sunbeam Appliance Co. Petty Cash 50.00' Richard P Cleaning Supplies 6.00 owel `.; Steven Schmidt Salary 488.60 Dennis Leff Salary6 441 82 r; 0. Salary ; { . r Lenny Rabenort {r . 427u`40 Salary ,Eugene Smith Sala ' 395;4 bseph VanD enBooni =, Salary y 385,71 Richxird Klugherz �,� 390'.72 Salary ' Mich"I McGuire + , f Salary 406:28 Horst Grocer 433.64 :. Salary _ 1 David MocGillivroy 301.01 Salary `;> L°Y J.;gnderoon 98.07 Salary Verlyn Racen ' ' 511.52 \ Morj► Gerhardt Salary 356,38 ` Bonk• Salary 94.67 FdMN $avings Standard Oil Savings an` ,• 555.01 Division. Gas il Toms Mobil nand 580.50 Service Police Auto R B"i4ri`Lif* Co. R epair 3. i0 ti�rrti,, ' "Hospitail Ins 6,22 Minn. Natural Div. ' 82 ' NSP .`Utilities _ ' . " l ; � I Uiilities 391.83 JQsephf_VanDenBoorri - Dennis`Leff - Overtime 1,•._ „ 42.82 , Lero Riibenort Overtime .: 62.40 Y ,: j 4. Overtime �' 87' h Steven Schmidt ; "f Steven�Sclmidt n Overtime 80 04 "\ �� .� �� M;red , 3.60 �a' r .1''W'rFr`Mi,ib?+khe5..5 ion r 2 N IMIN IJTEt f` o the Pr oceedings : of thccViilaOe Council of the Village of Prior eke in the Cotonty of Scott and State, e Mianesota, including ail accounts audited by said Council. II I GENERAL FUND UN D (Conti dk ' - h Ricard Klugherz Eug ene Smi th Overtime Clays Printing Service e ti Overt r me Printi ng 41 (` ' w Electric Service Co. Robert McA l l ister CD Sirens, x.79.65 .96 � Valley Minn. Valle Elea. Co- A Dog Catcher Ut111t1eS 160. Johnston's Prior Lake Nursery Tree Inspector a 525.00' ,z i Mork Wurdeman: 3M Co. Tree Inspector - 320.00 }" JAK Office Products C o., Police Supplies Offioe. Supplies. 16T.59` y Melanie. Spronk: Salary 65 17 165 . \� 1 Lawrence Schweich Engineering Supplies Library Rer~t, 38.55 TOTAL 571, 267.69` W ATER FUND Or Lake State Bank Stale Treasurer Federal Deposit 191 s .zo Commissioner of Revenue . `�. PERA. State Tax t 272.66 N, Commissioner of Revenuer ,; Treasurer, Soc. See. State• Withholding Tax, 1.87 317 �� y , State Fund 1' Jepson Social Security 2)9.38 ►"aymond Johnson Salary Salary , ; p j T29..22< j' 13,M Savings Bonk ' "'� Poshnaster S Sa vings Plan 410.06 } 100.00 r , .�,. Sarison Tractor & Equipo�Ca.:� Postage E q ui p. F,epoir . 041ta Dental Plan of Mini► «- Dental ins." Prior.,lake OK Hardware Stanclard Oil Div. f ; Supplies: 37.50 8.91 >, Coulter Nel n a .. so nd Sullivan Gas and Oil A'' `ttorney Foots `` .:karinord Johnso'Overtime . 83_.25 G e �PrOr Lake State£ Bank Raymond Federal Deposit 60. s 109.30 Johnson U Judith Jopsen Sol cry PTO O6� VFW Savings -Bank Yak, Salary - Scvings,P on -, 129.22 100._00 ` Sto ncked Oil Division 4 Clay's Printing Service Gas and Oil . `" k Bankers Lire Co. Printing Hospital Ins. 7 30 138 , SCDR'CO. Treasurer= a Copies 3.97 1 NSP Pitney :Bowes util - Postage Machine 57T.12 Minn . IVaiural Diva Van Waters and Rogers Utilities 16 50 3.02 . American Cast Iron Pipe Chemicals Hyd. Repairs �{ 83.13 Raymond Johnson neon i; TOTAL O vertime k 44.90 48.20 3,722 - SEWER FUND `. Prior Lake Std- e'Bank Federal De sit Po € 5 20532 MwCC Stale Treasurer SAC Charges PERA 13,513.5D Commissioner of Revenues State Tax 63.88 " State Treasurer, So. Sec. Fund Social Security '144,66 238.40 Terosa Dior INN Sala Salar t 136..75 Joni Johnson Bradley Brandt Solar Y 726D0 Postmaster ° Sala Salary Postage 230.69 100.00 Car!ion 'Tractor b Equip. Co. Equip. Repair 32.32 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil n 46.44 a ' I ; ; , ' MINLt1rES of thr Mcoodlnos of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of'Scott Minnesota, including all aaounts audited by =aid Council. and State of ° 3 ' �' SEWER FUND (Continued): Coulter, Nelson and Sullivon " Attorney Fees S Scott Co Treasurer" P Co yes 51.75 -. MwCC �,t Don Busse jr. '° Metro Installment 34.35 3,054.64 n Barry Stock Salary Salary, 176.85 Gregory Mikkelson Salary 173.10 Robert Crosby Salary �ti 134.00 Lori Magnuson Stuffin Envelopes + 104.40 8.80 Bradley Brandt Overtime Delta Dental Plan.of Minn. , Dental 43.72 Prior Lake State , Barak . .Ins:. Federal Deposit 37.50 ' " Bradley Brandt'. Salary 129.00 Standard Oil,Div., G Gas and Oil 230.,69 Toms Mobil Service 'Clay's Equip. Repairs 46.44 Printing Service Printing Printi 5.50 Bankers "Life, Co. Hospital Ins. 7.30 Scott Co. Treasurer Copies ,24.44 n r , Bowes 'Pitney Utilities 3. 33.4.57 34.50 � Minn. Valley Elec., C Postage Machine Utilities. Lawrence Schwrelch Hornet Bldrs. Teress Nordrum Look far Sewer Pi Pe . 142.30 402..55 Jo ri Johnson Salary ;,., , . Sala 148 .20 t ' Stock ny Salary 115.20 obert Crosby gory Gregor ikkelson Sal 165.40 118.90 r: t DonBusse .Jr. Salary Salary 148.20 bni:JoMison Mileage 176:85 nsfer to"Consolidated pr. Tro (m Fund 14.40, ` Tratbfer to dark Fund 1,.000.00 k A, Trorisfitr to General Fund.` 3,00Q•00 >' u TOTAL 0 3,00.00 $27, 887.49 { FIRE FUND: Scott -Rice Telephone.Co. Utilities t Prior Lake OK Hardwore Equip. Repairs` S LakwAuto Supply Equip,` Repairs 6.87 6.45 Standard Oil Div. Gas and Oil 20.01 s A it Comm Viking Ina: Center Radio Repair° 54.1 E 147.73 i Olaf Lukk, M.D.' `Borgerding Supplies First Aid , 17.69 r Y Dave School 25.00 j ° Standard Oil Div.. , Gas and 0it' 57.37 Minn.: Natural Div. Utili ies 54.18 NtSP Utilities 17.02 , Akins fire E r - qu•p. Co. - Supplies 43.84 €' Amer.' Hospital Supply Supplies 58.19.:. National Fire Protection Assn. Supplies 145.57 TOTAL 28.06 S - f -,4 : - 1 u ,7 _10- a e s MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, ineluding'afl accounts audited by said c..uncil. C-D PARK FUND: • , Master Electric:. Co. - Aquazyme Midwest Repairs $ 23.97 > � ., .. David Andrews Units Salary 196.50 Jon R. Johnson , 1 Salary T28.00 Prior Lake State Bank' Federal Deposit 144.15 State Treasurer PERA 62.00 . ! Commission of Revenue State Tax 66.50 ° State Treasurer, Sac. Sec. Fund Irwin Clemens -' Social - Security l lT.b8" 217.57 Carlson Tractor & Equip. Co. Salary E quip. Repair '' 278.62 Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Dental Ins. 32.32 Prior Lake OK, Hardware- Re . Repairs 18.75 Quality Waste Control 'Shakopee Public Ut. Comm. Refuse Hauling - 27.26 21 - "; Monnezis Supp Inc. PP y. 'Charles Utilities '' Repairs 3.`50 = Tooker Planner 36.56 ' David Andrews J Salary 200,00 Jon R. Johnson Sclory 152.80 ' Prior Lake State Bank ( `Irwin Federal Deposit 133.05 Clemens Salary 4420 Harry Schultz Chain Saw 278 Toms Mobil Oil 217.50 Bankers Life Co. Hospital Ins. .50 NSP Utilities 80.30 N.W. Bell Utilities 6 .4 8 Aquazyme Midwest Units 64.38 ;,.. David. Andrews Salary 173 :ton 'R . Johnson l� �- J T07AL Salary 158.40 158.40 ' $ 34F 095.51 CAPITAL PARK FUND:' d ; Edward and Fern Watil W . G. Pearson, Inc. Y�atzl's Point » '` $14, 290.59 New- .Prague Lumber Recycled Asphalt Cement 569.92 °13.60 Coulter, Nelson and Sullivan q ttorney Fees `_ .. a Donnell Co. Signs 45.00 , Peter Lometti Coast. Juran and Moody'` Contract Pa eat { Yn'! 46.00 F 86,667.00 ' Lawrence Schweich Professional`Servrce ` Excavating 1,750.00 T Thomas E. Muelken= Taxes 935.00 - {; Almac,, Inc. Almac, Inc. So nd Pbint Beech,•., 2, ..138,585.82. Transfer to Sewer ;Fund Sand Point Beach 10.86 Transfer to Park Fund ° 13, 500.00 TOTAL 00 ,. ° $260,260, 67 ' PARK CONCESSION FUND: Old Dutch Foods, Inc. `Old Snacks $ 90.00 Dutck Foods,` Inc. Srweks ; `' TOTAL `� >` 48.00 a $7 138.00 i , c 5 NIINYIK of il�o tre000rieas of ko VNlyo CweeH of 'tho Yi11Ne of Price Le" M IlA Cowes of Scott ead =stele of R' Monosson, Seel" all ecsseels ewlit.d by wW CsweWl. i 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND: hraelson and Asicc. Engineering Fees. Z 153.00 Isroelon and Assoc. Engineering Fees 14,682.75 Nodlond Assoc. Contract Paymeht 26,582.09 bMnsion's, Prior Lake` - 'Nursery ' Jerry Grendahl's ` 212.00 TOTAL' w 535,629.84 GENERALL OBLIGATION BUILDING Prior Lake State, Bank Bo2x! Coupons $ 250.00 71 -1 STREET GRADING, W & S FUND First National Bank o #'St. Paul, 8o_nd Po �meat' y 522,.683.13 TraufWto Glendale o :e,000.00 "TOTAL $ .30,6 8.'i.138.'i.13 1976 WESTSIDE SEWER, AND WATER FUND: `t Aurelio Gonier Condemnation Z , 450.00 J. Ericlaon, et al Condemnation 200.00 Stanley tlodgson et of a Condemnation 1,000:00 Louis Mundahl', of al'' # Condamnotion s 1.00.00 i � rt v Richard ' Menke; 'et al „ Condonwwtion 2,750.00 Raymoo George Bisaof, et al Condemnation 100.00 ` F Avrilla.;M.,,kWhtaon Condemnotion '100.00. A frod Gross et al Condemnation ` ° § `' 400.00 Emil Odenbuw et al - nn 100.00 t ? Ed` t e Condemnation taem 154.00 IOoy 14 him Condemnation Commts:ioner 156.90 �& _ John �6 ; ,Condemnation Commissioner 156.50 WA1 J. W icker Appra 100.00 M.• WaprNr & F. Wicker .Appraisals 625.00 TOT AL S 6 ,. .394.40 N EAGLE 'CREEK WATER ANDS -g*R FUND r a t` Sun"Newspopers, lnc'. Pub lishing' `scatter, Nelson and Sullrvari Attomoy 2436.00 .. TOTAL ' . t. t..x . a p 480.31 ' STREET'IMPROYEMENT ` .OF 1974 FUND •� r,. + Minn. Valley Surfacing Contract ,Payment ' 520,021.41 i Qiaun Erig. Testing Bituminous' T sting .x 105.00 a i t „ "Minn. Valley Surfacing Coniroct Pajrment 5.000.00 TOTAL, Asa, 525,126:41' 1`t xX is FIS1 �POINTtOAD FUND Amer. National Bank and Tvst „ Bond Payniint `` 5.. 827.06 .,,. I ,The following` invoices are scheduled 16 be paid on Tuesday Auyust,l7, * ,1976: L t -12 ..w"M of tbe Pfeceedinp o f VAIN* CowAl of fho V of Prior Lake M >M CeuMy of Sail end ShN of MinloaN. indwiiN e11.octwMs ewftd by acid CowMl. MULTIPLE FUNDS: , Bankers Life Co. Compuioservice, Inc. Hospital Ins. f 1,226.60 Insurance Center Sewer and %ler Billings Insurone e j Delta Dental Plan of'Minn. ,Dental Ins. . 33T.9p Carlson Tractor and Equip. Co. Equip. Repair 90'.45 Po or Lake OK Hardwa ° Misc.. Harry C 'Schultz Repairs GENERAL FUND `• I Brunson Insir. Co. Monnens Supply, Inc. Engineering Supplies Bldq. s 166.56 Kustom Signals, Inca =Maint Radar ' R* 11 '29 League of Minn. Cities Membership ,Dues 207.62 � 712.00 Ray's Used Cars Scott -Rice T Telephone _ t`: Pal ice Auto- Repair , 78;.00 ; P� David MocGillivraY Utilitie Mileage, 321.45 .. ;, J AK Office Products Co. Go Morena Busieiess Office Supplies 15.75 12.42 =t Machines,'Inc. Repair dding Machine Bune's Super Market Cleaning Supplies 4,50 Prior Lake American Waiter F. S tep h ens, ns Jr, Inc. Publishing 1 • - Poli ce Supplies .20.40 137 . Gee Fahrenkamp ' Liberty Phdto Service, Inc. Cleaning Service, 367,00 14.40 3oufhside Dodge, Inc. Police Supplies Police Auto Repair 45.23 199.'15 SEWE�ND: MWCC Y L Metro Installment $ 3,054.64 ,,# FIRE FUND: Scott Co. Civil Defense M ettags $ 46.88 . . Civic Su PPIY Fire Chief Magozirnr Supplies 3 0.80 '� l Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 94.90 ` t STREET FUND: Lake Auto Supply, Wm Mueller & Sons Repairs Re Z 10.20 Prior Lake Blackto P Mix Blade and Roller LL 389.50 325.00 W. G. -Pearson, Inc. Recycled Asphalt 602.92 - PARK FUND: N.W. Bell Shakopee Public Utility Comm,, Utilities Utilities S 26.25 9.32 CAPITAL PARK FUND Johnson Dust Costing Oil ' Aqualand New. Prague Lumber Pork Supplies: Z 330.6 80.00: Cement 34.00 �. -13-