HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 16 1976` . I
MINYflt of 1Go Mcoodiw of the Vglaeo Cweei1 of nM Vilk o of lPdw [eke iw ":County of Scent end Stall. of
*Inneseh, including all ee:ounns avdinad by said ;Cwneil •
August 16, 4976
The-Common Council of the f
City of Prior. Lake _met in regular session on August 16, .
1976 at 7:30 P.M.. in the. City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock' called the meotingl
to order, Present were Mayor Slock, Councilmen 8issonett, .Busse, and Watkins,
City Manager McGuire, Finance Director MacGillivray, Administrative Assistant
Graser, Administrative Assistant aambois, and Attorney Sullivan Councilman Oakes
was absent.
The, followi
ng correction was made to-the Minutes of August 4,• 1976: Page one,
last paragraph, line seven, remove the. vwrds %which would don so" purpose, -�
MINUTES Motion was made by WatkinSL to approve the Minutes of August 9, 1976 -is amended,
seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
GOB FUNDING. Mr \Steve Mattson- was present.with information re rdin
9a g general, obligation refunding
bondv for Council review and discussion.
Motion was made by Watkins to set the bond safe for the $2,370,000;00 General
Obligation Refunding Bond September 7, 1976 at 4:00: P.M. with the award at
•8:00 P.M., seconded' by Busse ond upon! a vote taken i t .was duly passed.
WINSTON JACOB , . - Mr. Winston •koobson"was.
SON S sly W present �aquesting a review of his year waiver to
connect b sewer and. water.
Motion Mas made byVatk.ins.to•eontinue Mr. W nston.J000bson.'s request to waiver .
connection 10 sower and' - ,water' far one year with the same stipulations that applied io
the - Previous , motion, on August 4 . 1975,ond. that if any repair would, be ,needed to
h or septic tank it would become mandatory that he connect to sewer and water,
t seconded. by Sissonett and upon a- vote, token, it was duly passed.
' PAT, FERR I S Mr. Patrick ghting,
Ferris was ;
STREET L 1 GHTS prssent:regarding street 1i
Mayor Stock - presorted . memo dated August 12y - 1976 f am tthe Mono
b ger regard � • .`
:. street lighting recommending that street lights; that were to-be removed be allowed
Ic remain ;Aowever ;. the cosCoUitreet"Jighting continues, increase it
is recommended that Back d.
neighborhood should be consulted,,to: determine if there
are some lights -that could be removed. The Cit policy t po y presently is that the City
will only erect street lights-ot intersections on all new and furtherrrequests. r
M Motion. was. made by Watkins: to .the staff recommendation on street l fights as
stated in the memo to the Moyor.ond Cityt Council from the City Manager dated
August 12, 1974, seconded by Bfuonett ond,upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
SITE AT' SAND, ;..MOYor presented a merao..dotedA -ugust 12, 1.976 from ;Louis,Jambois, Park,
POINT BEACH _ �ry''regarding a possible bonf:.baoeh site at Sand Point oeach, ,stating -,that at
c one - point -the Council ;had.discussed the Possibility of providing a boat 'landing for
oeo a from the
., !� eke to land at this site so their kids could go swimming or they
saould•picnrc,:a e.
The main comhas been the City.t lability, in this area and
the, area, th was to be :oansidered .would.-have; been, the,.beach ;has a natural point'
and would hove been on jfhe inside of this point somewhat away from the swimming
�, .to;proMideells access or. boat:landinp at::thot particular area it
Mwuld ~require dredging, a�, r►-,it from the, DNR, and'approvol+om the Prior Lake
- Spring Lake Watershed; at an- eitre�oted cost of $2,100.00. TM, liability to the
swimming area would definitely be increased, The recommendation is that with the
coq uisiti oer•ofWatzl's'Point,.,the.",* of.which.is:,now .in the hands of the State
Planning Agency and the Metro Council;: the.:City ;will possesi'aet area for boot
beaching with many advantages. These, advantages include: Access to a large
multitise:recreation area. A boater'landing in Lakefront Park will be able to swim,
picnic, hike, study nature, play softball and other field
area separating boating and swimmin games A substantial land
ng making for a safer facility. There will be
mom space available to boaters, thus avoiding conjestion and policing; problems.
the-residents of Shady Beach and North. Shore. areas be made a record of'the M� s
and to be filed in the Sand Point Beech file, in the City - Offices, seconded by Busse
and:: upon a vote taken it was, duly .passed..
y Mr. Don Williams stated he did not agree-with the rectimrnendation regarding Sand
Point Beach, "he.bslieves that the'plao to dredge the little b
guidon boa
h ' < . _ the prop>1r .
buoying, guidance' for; the ts, a.enter and�leave there can be a safe and .
reasonable place` for. it to, fp, :It would provide for more use of the park,
Motion was male by Bissonett ro accept the memo dated August 12, 1976 from
f Louis Jamba Poe {c..Plariner•repardinq:poulble boat:beacksite eoritingent'upon'
„ x coinpletion of the Park °Comprehensive Plan with specifics,Io\Sand Pb*
arty Lakefront Park, 'seconded by Watkans,.and" upon o vote taken it was duly ,
.� x Passed..
:' Adm'inistrative,Assisront Graser presented;o memo dated Aupust 12. 1976 to the
V, Mayor and City Council regarding Outkdt B, BrooksviLe, Hills. Seeped Addition
recommending the. highest and best u ngle family
us =
for. B is si
Mayor Stock directed Administrative Assistant Croser to get
topo ma of the
area of Brooksville Hills Second Addition and also comments as to develo
to Mr. Snell's �" "
property fort:the September 7;. 1976 meeting.;
, t.AM ORST::PRO Councilrhan: Watkins stated that this
P Tlwrsdoy night is ahe. continuation of the
RTtt i ,
SANT`A�IE. heoring the re mnin'p of the Lari9horst Property and: :he, txesented inbnnatbn
EXTENSION`: regarding the Ploasant"Avenue extension and for discussiow fr m the
x Council. ry
r M Un Swaraon:and Mr. nt
.'STElNER STORM p� regarding, plans -for thi n
Y « storm sewer in Oakridge Court. Bebre the Council will conside {
SEifFR, IN .OAK -. r the storm
sewer, coesideration irustibe given
gip# RIDCE COURT ana for safety and tesf boring taken of the
1046 4i& sb s_far the pro posed pondt. ng
proposed ponding area to see `if the
`site.is.3uilable roa as aponding
ING PNONE • Mr. ,lack Packer of the telephone •company was present recording .running
CE for san r services along the proposed Pleat Avenue wanted o krgw
E'i 1f theCOuncil objectedao this.: ' The Council did.rwt;obiectto this,.
tf 4, IX s ta:
RESCUE 1976 wa made by Watkins npprove the Fire and Rescue Report for July
seconded E by Busse and upon a Mole. taken it was= duly passed'..
►RO,t'. x Mr. Wayne Long and Mittelsteadt of Orr- Schelen- Mlayemov Inc.
pr*mted a status repro
rt on.Proiect T5 -3 and., asked for input from• the Council
so .tlwt"they aa prepare. a final repor
} ..
1'tloL ' VORKS The Ci Ma
g ENPLQxMENT eager is b find.out whc;i the ;Public Works; Program will accept
RV,EIf as far -as on. unemployment survey:
+, F • k ,�
_. L k
MINUTES. of M M"QdWV of the Vilkje;Corre�t of the Vil
use of. PH".. take io county of $CIO, bod, state o
Miew fa, inelwline ell aecw8k awNied by soW Council:
The a used by bo
con`s`truction eosts,and na.,need br a DNR * dredging ,permit. With the advanto gas , o,f '
the Lokefront site we.iahed disadvantages o.f,.the Sand point.geach s
sit* it is
the staff's recommendotion tl n.any boat a
beachi ;rea
provided b .
Mrs. Marge Kinney road a ,letter fromthe residenft 4ach and North'Shore
areas stating their views I regarding Sand-Point beach.
Motion Was mcrde Wotkins:that the letter presented by,Mrs,. ' , M Marge Kinney
t1111NtiT1Et of 11N Rece�dtMs of 1hi Y1NeN Cou"" of t1N valeae of Prier who in tAi ca"' stew, e era�soft, 0 £�
Mien..of., ed"is 'ell eaweb.e4riihd ts)rNid CwedL
Motion was made by Bu sse :,t hat 76% of the Scott County Food and Drink Errporium
wine license be refunded, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken duly,
=City Manager McGuire stated that Continental Insurance Compon'y► hdicancalled
INS. CQ.. CAN - ..
the City' ,insurance, the complete package including' he liability;"
; the,main reason
is they are getting out of municipal business because of the lorge atwunt of lawsuits
in the recent years." It is effective. September 1, 1976 and the City did get an`
extension until September 1'5,' 1976. it does not really give she City enough finis
to advertise for bids and there is another company cal lod`Hom Imuranc Comparsy
which v►ouId carry the policy for one year, there would beya substartigl increase
and the amount of rote is now unknown and he roquasted authorization 1'or Ma r
Stock and himself to sign the contract with Home irwirarme Company rather than
going out on bids because of the timing factor.
a• 'r5
Motion was made by Busse to authorize the Mayor and City Mangier to enter into
Y '
a contract with Home Insurance Company, seconded by Watkins and upon n wee
taken it was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire stated" that the Pift station at Marlon Circle will be installed
within 4 "
ORD. 76 -T2
Motion was made by Watkins to adopt Ordinance 76 - An Ordinance Repealing
Ordinance 76-6 Creatil Park and Open Space Advisory Commission, seconded
by Busse and upon a. vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Police Report for July 1,976, seconded
.;by Bissoratt and upon a vote taken it was du passed.,:
Weed Inspector was tabled.
Councilman Busse requested the striping of Franklin Avenue. ' Mayor Stock directed
the City Engineer to check the striping of Franklin Avenue and also this road" from
the Anchor Inn to the Bowling Alley.
Motion +divas made by:Watkins to approve the plans and specifications fat paving
Pixie Point Road, seconded by Bissonettand upon a vote taken it was duly'possed.
Motion was mode by Watkins to advertise for bids for the paving of Pixie.Point Road
on September 16, 1976 at 10:00 P.M., seconded by Binonett and upon' vote taken =
it was du ly passed.
3 Mayor Stock read a letter from Nodlard Associate s, Inc. regarding liquidated
Motion was made` by Watkins that upon the City Engineer's approval that a click be
issued for $9,900.00 to Nodland Associates, Inc., seconded by Busse and',upon a
rote taken it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock stated them will be a pint meeting with Savage on August 18y 1976
at 8 :00 P.M
Mayor. Stock stated that he letter from 13hn
received a Boland' of the Metro Council
inviting the Council to an informal meeting at Savage City %Hall, 101 Elm Street on
Wednesday September i, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. and stated it was a meeting that evsrv-
am should attend'.,
Motion by Watkins
was made to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote
taken thi. ,meeting adjourned at 10:46 P.M.
Michael A.. McGuire, City Manager