HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 07 1976PROJ. 72 -8 Mayor Stock read the Public Notice for the Project. 72 -8 Water Tower Assessment Hearing. Mr. Ron ,Ellingson was present asking why the only people being assessed are "the ones connected between July 31; 1975 and August 1, 1976. Mayor Stock stated that everyone will pay this assessment when they connect to water, the people that connected before= }July 31, 10'S have already been' assessed, and the people connecting after August 1, 1976 will <be assessed next year. f , Mrs. Betty Schwanke of Meadow Avenue was present stating that smell the water 11 smelled terrible and , wanted to know why. Engineer Anderson stated that Meadow Avenue is on the end of the line and not everyone is hooked up to water and,,,after more people connect it will be better, and that, the water has been tested by the State Health Department and the odor in the water is harmless. Mayor Stock stated that from the date of this hearing there are thirty days for anyone who received a notice of the Water Tower Assessment to pay it without paying a penalty or interest. Motion was made by Oakes to adopt the Water Tower Assessment Rolls for PL 72 -8, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to have the Water` Tow er As resents' filed prior to the deadline -by the County. � t BOND BIDS _''•'St��re Mattson of Juran and Moody presented; the followin g bond bids ieceW- and opened at 4:00 p.m. today;` t Piper, Jaffna Purcha ;Price Interest Cost Rate Y Hopwood V. 0,000.00 1, 629, 772. SO First National Bank of T. 33 : John Noveen & Co., Inc. X2,370,000.00 1;1,646.776.25 6.29 ls. MP $2,370,000.00 $1,654,001.25 6.32 Motion was made by Watkins to award the bond sale of $ to Pi Jaffrey 8 Hopwood at a rate per., of 6.23, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to authorize the `City Manager to enter into a contract for the above bond issue with First National; Bank of'St. Paul,, ` seconded by`Oakes and upon a vote taken it was,duly passed. r� MINA" 13 of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Pi or Lake In the County of Sea", and Stoll of Minnesota, including all oceounft audited by seid Council. ?r September 7, `1976 The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on September 7, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. i in the City Council Chambers., Mayor Stock called'�the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, C Councilain Busse, Bissonett;. and Watkins; City Manager McGuire, Administrative Assistant G Graser, Finance DirectorMacGiilliv ay Attorney Sullivan. The following corrections were =made to the Minutes of August 23, 1976: Page one, paragraph six, line three, "up" should read "across:�� y , MINUTES Motion was made by Bissonett to approve the Minutes of August 23, 1976 as amended, seconded by`Busse'�and upon a a. ' WATER TOWER' Mayor Stock called the Water Tower 'Assessment Hearing f,Ar Project 72 - -8 to `b MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of th Village of Prior Lake in the Counter of Scott and Stab of hlionesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. a L DORWFN MCGOWEN Mr, and Mrs- Dorwin McGowen were present requesting a five foot side yard SIDE YARD VAR. variance. Administrative Assistant Graser preseted a memo to the. -City Council dated September 1, 1976 regarding the/' McGowen variance request.; Motion was. made by Watkins that the Planning Commission be given an assignment to come up with a proposed modification to the Zoning fr Ordinance taking into consideration the situation of overhangs, at the ta next Planning Commission Meeting come up with a proposal.of the situation garage to garage, and if the City Staff has „any requests for V;riances that are not a hardship they a re to inform them of the:Staff's recommenda- f tionbut they still have the option of applying to the Planning Commission,'' for a variance,, seconded by sonett and upon a vote taken it was duly_, , passed. Councilman Oakes voted against the motion. Motion was made by Bissonett that the Dorwin McGowen five foot side yard w variance request be denied, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken the motion was denied and the variance was approved. Councilman Bis'sonett and Mayor Stock voted in favor of the motion. Councilmen Busse, Oakes, and Watkins voted against the motion. RICHARD SIMON- an Mr; Richard Simonson was present and thanked Mr. Horst Graser for his 1ON REQUEST F very cooperative attitude to SIGN ON ISLAM 'He had asked fora si n to be y questions and problems that he has had. VIEW RD. g put on Island View Road' to slow down for ''Children, this sign was very expeditiously put up and was just as expeditiously removed and wante& another sign Put up that would be ” harder-to remove. t Engineer Anderson was directed to place another sign on Island View € Road. NOISE BY CON: Mr. Simons on. also concerned by .the noise made b TRACTORS IN building houses and requested an ordinance regarding noise and ` BLDG.. HOMES early morning. Mayor Stock stated this problem is hard to define and after it is defined to - police it .is a problem. NARKING HWY'1 Mr. Simonson wanted to know who is responsible for marking Highway 13. Mayor Stock stated the State is re s . ponsible for Highway 13. BROOKSVILLE Administrative Assistant Graser presented a memo to the Council dated, HILLS Ath September 2, 1976 regarding Outlot B, Brooksville Hills Fourth Addition recommending that Outlot B should be purchased by the City. a ' Motion was made by-- Busse.to authorize the City Manager j j the price with Mr to negotiate , Hauser of Scottland for acquisition of Outlet B, Brooksville Hills Fourth :Addition, seconded= by Watkins and upon a' vote a i a5' taken it was duly passed. , * ,I3'.LAM47 City Manager McGuire presented a memo to him SE CONTROL fram Tooker dated . ; September 2, 1976 regarding Savage Joint Planning for Highway 13 Land 3`r ryj :ROCEOU.RES Use Cont rol Procedures for Council review and discussion, Motion was made by Watkins to authorize a letter of intent inviting >' the City of Savage o joint participation in a development district plan on the frontage of Highway 13 and also send them the steps that have to be followed to carry out the program, seconded by Busse and upon a'vote taken it,was duly passed. ;MTC BUS SER. Mr, David Burns presented.infoimation regarding MTC bus service. iGREENBRIAR Mayor Stock presented a request from David C. M lPUD Greenbriar PUD requesting an extension to the enduofethegyear 1 the r il for the PUD as . provided for in the Zoning Ordinance. ear'977 -2 i; MINUTES of 1M Floc eedi s of the vi ti M village Council of the Village of !riot lake M 1M G►utiOaf Scs+iM and State of Akienesela, Including all accounts au dited by said Council. GREENBRIAR Motion was made by Bissonett to extend to,the end of the year 1,977 the PUD 'Greenbriar PUD, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was dud assed.: �w. Y p Mayor Stock directed , 06-City Staff to immediately negotiate the utility situation for the Greenbrar AUD and a_meso is to be sent to the Planning Commission explaining the action of the Council. - � ca ` '77 BUDGET City Manager McGuire reviewed the proposed 1977 Bud8Ct. Motion was made by Busse to approve the 1977 Budget as presented with the addition of the Savage Bond Issue for the area of Boudins and the amount to be ascribed to the special levy funds, seconded�by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. , LOU SULLIVAN Administrative Assistant Graser presented 'a request f ou Lou Sullivan REZONING REQ, appealing the Planning Commission denial of B -2 =zoning , from .R -3 zoning for a 140'foot strip of land: immediately east of Franklin Trail, and south of Highway 13. Mr. Graser read a lettef from the Ghool District opposing the rezoning. Mr. Frank Muclken was present representing Lou,Sullivan stating they did not see.how the proposed use of a convenience food store in thi would endanger the safety of any of the children or, that it wouldacreate any potential traffic hazards and failed to see .how a business of this nature would have any adverse affect on the education of the children and the schools Franklin Trail was designed and recently built,iore for commercial traffic rather..than for a residential street. 'They would consider a B -1 zoning with a.conditonal use for a convenience food store. x Motion was made by Busse that thi- rezoning from R -3 to B -2 be denied for ` the 140 foot strip of land; immediately east: of .Franklin Trail and south of Highway - , seconded by Bissonett and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed. ISRAEL�ON b City Manager McGtiire ASSOC - !$UWM*H0N presented a summons from Williams G. Golla_ the Attorney for Israelson E Assoc.; Inca and this has been turned over to the City Attorney. Attorney Sullivan stated he has reviewed the summons and dictated an answer. None of the allegations would be covered by insurance, it is all for services. Attorney Sullivan asked if the City wanted%'to make a counter- claim against Israelson $ Assoc., City- McGuire stated that Israelson F Assoc., Inc. have returned all checks sent to them stating that they are not acceptable. Mayor Stock directed the City Manager and City Engineer to reviewithe area c in question for items that were not requested by the Council, such as an 4ddition to a watermain or'sewer line, items originally omitted:in the plar. that was required to complete the bidded documents, an adequate material, a List and sake a presentation at the next Council Meeting for items of 'countersuit. Mr.. Don Williams stated that the firm of Israelson B Assoc., Inc, has in many cases made errors, they have been paid for those errors and . they ' have been paid'to re- engineer them or to correct their aistakes'they have been;psid' "over again for it.. He thinks this is a very good basis for _ a 'countersuit. You have gone on record as going"-to " be. very fair and :honest. with the man or the corporation,and they choose to start making waves and if the City does not file a, countersuit it will probably windup with sage problems. There was a substantial amount of money that was spent by the City that could be cauntersuited for with no problem of collecting. MARTINS. City Manager McGuire - stated he has had a fern calls from people in the IS L. S S.W Martinson Island sewer and water project asking that the City schedule some type of informational meeting. 7 - ,yp?,. •`'.w., �%a `. - 41 d! MtNUM of the Proc*WkW of the Village Council of the village of Prior Lakr ;n the County of ScoWand State O f MianeWa, including all accounts audited by said Council, V MARTINSON ISL, 'S i W Mayor Stock stated he would like a preliminary review of the Spring Lake- area before an informational meeting with the Martinson Island area. 1. BROOKS ON THE LAKE S b W Engineer Anderson reviewed for the Council the sewer and water assessments for Brooks on the Lake. ASSESSMENTS Motion was made by Oakes that there be a front footage and acreage assessment for Brooks on the Lake per lot without specific reference to the facility route, seconded by Watkins and upon a.vote taken it was duly passed. TITUS ADDN.' Engineer Anderson presented a memo dated September 2, '1976 regarding paving PAVING of Titus First Addition and recommended the paving be done without installing, sewer and water. Motion was made by Oakes that the paving of Titus First Addition be done Or the developer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and that paving be done without drylining sewer and water, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, - ° BITUMINOUS' OwALKWAVS i Engineer Anderson presented a memo dated September 2, 1976 to the City FOR THE SCHOOL Council regarding bituminous walkways plans and costs for Council review and discussion, Mayor Stock tabled this matter for input from the School District. ORD. Motion was made by Watkins to adopt "Ordinance 76 -13 an ordinance licensing and regulating the conduct of bingo, and providing.a penalty for violation as amended, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. h DARIUS'JASPER S t W EXTENS Mayor Stock read a letter to the Council requesting an extension of the September 11, 1976 due date for connection to sewer and water from Mr. and Mis.'Darius Jaspers. City Manager McGuire is to review this matter and report back'to the Council.. „ MEMBERSHIP TO METRO, MMICI- Notion was made by Watkins:to authorize the membership to the,Association of Metropolitan Municipalities at dues of $127.00, PALITIES seconded' by .flakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. REGIONAL GOVN Mayor Stock read a resolution from Shakopee relating to rejecting the drift toward regional government in Minnesota for Council comments. Mayor Stock stated there are some things he agrees with in the City of Shakopee's resolution; however, there are a number of things which he + ' personall* disagrees with. To have a rapport with.the Metro Council p you haye�to engage In.this type of thing, you cannot go there helter- skelter, without plans or without doing your homework first, they are, going to a)sk )' "it . a. for and 11t ,thinks this is right and he does not see hi wro with this. He,told'the Mayor of Shakopee that he would esent thing p resolution to the City. Council of Prior Lake for. their comments or if they so wish ed'to draw up.a similar resolution relating to the region- list of the Metro Council. Councilman Oakes stated-he would not sponsor this kind of. letter. Councilman Watkins stated'. he would not sponsor this kind of letter either; One of the things, he is -- ' '.., cerned..,about, he asked the question of how many people came to this meeting concerned about the City's budget and none'of the people present said they Were at the meeting regarding the budget. TWIludget came to the Council on August 23, 1976 and the following night the newspaper came out and there was an item on the front page and sounded -Ather spectacular that there were items in the Budget that they whistled at. Lie hears through the grapevine that some people are a litte bit upset with the City fathers about the Budget, that ,. the taxes are going up. He would have been delighted had someone came in a few days later and got a copy of the Budget, analyze the thong and s perhaps questioned it with the City Manager ahead of time and gave some criticism,tonight. Not long ago the City came out with a Capital } Improvement Plan and nobody attended that meeting except Jan from the paper. Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken this meeting was adjourned 11:,03 at P.M. -4- r