HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 08 1976,
MINUTES of rho fvoesodI"V of the Village Council of the Village of Prioe lake In e' State of
the'. County of Sea" aed
Minnesota Including i th
_ < nE all eecounts audited by said Council; `
` 4 L. November 8, 1976
P•"-''t` The Common Council of the City° -of Prior Lake met in regular session on
November 8, 1976 at 7 :30P•1� in the City'Council Chambers. �
called the meeting to,order. Present were Mayor .stock,. Councilmen
Bissonett, Busse, Oakes, and Watkins, City ana er
y g .McGuire, Engineer
z Anderson, Planner Graser, Park Director Jambais and Attorney Sullivan. "
The following corrections were made to the'Minutes of November 1, 1976
Pa, paragraph , five, line,three, "exits" misspelled.
- ge one
p � �I
Page one, paragraph six, ;sentence one should read "Councilman Oakes stated
"that the City and`the private utilties rights of access and egress for the
Purposes of building or constructing, maintaining, rearranging, and
repairing their facilities must`be continued, that is Scott -Rice Telephone`
Company, Minnesota Gas Coapany y of Prior Lake and other utili
ties." Cit NSP •
Page-two paragraph one, should read " Councilman Busse stated there -are two
Public.Hearings scheduled for the Planning Commission on November 4, 1976,
one is the Jim Huey subdivision' Boudins Manor at 7:45 «P.M', and he
�•- Langhorst subdivision at 8:15 P,N,"
MINUTES 9 Motion was made by Oakes:to approve the Minutes of November 1, 1976 as.
'amended,oseconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
ALLEY BEHINE- The Council discussed, the alleybehind the VFW Club.
SCOTT CTY: Mr. Don Williams stated that on Friday November S. 1976, Chief Powell and
CRIME WATCH he went to the fir at meeting of the Scutt County Crime Watch Committee.' It
COMMITTEE was held'at the S akopee Police Department meeting room. The program
director outlined the progress of his group to date and they are ahead of
their projected. goals They have made contacts with groups such as the '
Senior ;,Citizens and Cha�ier of Comm and other of the like and _
11 presentations were made regarding robbery, burglary, security, and rape,
prevention, among others. It is still too early to see results relating
to the effectiveness of the program, p gram,, but anything done to promote public i
r awareness of methods of self- protection has got to help. On behalf of "the _I
program director he asked the Council to consider instituting an ordinance
requiring�a license and for salesmen of security alarms and fare and
smoke detect -qrs and - related:, type systems.'
ORO.+ ON_FIRE, Mayor,Stock requested that;Mr. Williams check around for information for
+� „
SNORE a SECU an ordinance regarding licensing and bonding security alarms and fire and
ITY ALARMS smoke deter .ors.
THOMP50N 1ST Motion was Wide by Busse to approve the Thompson 'First Addition hard-shell
ADON•, for which a check in.,the amount of $430,00 for the park dedication fees
�'' has been received, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly
iFI'SN Pty RD. Mayor Stock railed the Public Hearing for Fish Point Road Paving Project c
PAVING 7 -10 77 -10 to order 'i 8 :00 P.M.
i o `
� a
A, W, ,0' read the Public Notice for Fish Point Road Pavi j
Publ. k Heiring, ng Project 77 -10
Major Stock directed that a roll call list be circulated :throw h the
4 audience ,for the, record and , called upon, Er<'ineer, Anderson 'to, make a:
° presentation and directed that all, exhib7ts be marked and be recorded as
` of this `date that th.ej� were presented, a, ':' this , meeting.
project i& the 7 = Engineer Anderson stated that the 0t rr, sed ro'
Point Road :from 16h' Street `to
'�'�i p Paving of Fish
i*ik Highway 13. The proposed tion will
section is_
: Pa m rem Trunk Highway - 13 to the high point
a 32 foot wide }raved surfaceiwathg rkan on nne side this sec
have bituminous curb which would�o .
n front of the High School There• will be no major, revssiozi of the s
°glades either h treet;
zontally orb. eitically, The'street w ll.rema n pretty
such as- it z y be variations up to'or_e foot'in height in the street
� note. including the boulevard` The ho ;izontal ali gnment bAsacally`remans
the sane, in one area the al ill` a a
g pproximately fvh feet,.
There- are some trees to �be removed,atd he stated
ivhich,, trees that would be
or Ff �J: 6 g� ref •
,. .r_ .q ll \ -. ,.. .� " m,k±K a.,,3 �';... , .#;,.k !,. tea- G _ �.. _
po int approximately there (by Norbert Traxler), from that point is goes
south to the low point and then the rest of it drains to the existing
storm sewer in the location of the arrow
(by Warren Israelson), There..
is also another storm sewer that exists at that point (by Steve Montreuil).
The horizontal4oveitical alignment will be utilized having a' maximum
design speed of 21 MPH.- The City will be requesting
Minnesota a permit to reduce the speed limit to 20 MPH. It wou be of
striped for no passing, would,be strictly two -way traffic with parking
on one side. Some of the -items that the City has considered' would be
soddin the `
g yards where there is currently sod. In the areas where it.
is wooded`as in nonsodded areas, such as this area (across from Pat
Flannagan),the City will replace it with black dirt and seed it. The
g` City will match driveways in the right -of -way, where there is gravel
beforer'the City will match it,with gravel, where there is a_ bituminous`
driveway it will be` matched with bituminous driveway, where there ""
City would replace it wit a
concrete driveway the h bituminous, Mailboxes
once the curb is placed, generally are in the wrong location or height
' and1`they will be relocated. The project has-to
T existing pay for the tree removal.
g gravel that is or, -the road is adequate; however, the existing
c ;oss section has too much crown in the road, so the City would be adding
me gravel to it, prior to paving. Basically the gravel is there and
may be utilitized, they not.be adding
!sake it conform to the proposed section. t anymor also inc includes the bituminous ]
} ,surface and curbs. Another item that most people don't. think about is
the existin ut h ies water valves, manhole=s have to be adjusted to fit
tf the pavement. Also, since the City is doing the construction in the summer }
Of 1977 they have included an increase for construction costs. The method' l/
of assessment would be on a frontage basis, following the current policy, 1
if you have over ISO feet the remainder of that footage would be deferred, �r
up to 1SO.fieei would be currently assessed. The rate per foot -_s $16,38 i
} per foot. If you had 'a 100 foot frontage it would cost you $1,638.00,
the annual principal would be $327,60, the First year payment would be
480.84, last year pa
$414.96. yment would be $353.81; and total interest would be
On a ISO ro
$ot lot the assessment would d be $2,357,00,. annual
P principal would be $491.40, the first year would be $720.72, last year
would be $530.71, and total interest $622,44. On re',
'z there were two wa s to P vious projects
Y, get the total assessment, based on area charge:
°{ andca frontage charge, this is strictly a frontage charge. If it was
based on area charge and if you had a lot that was 100 feet frontage and
1 50feetback acid the rate per acre was $1,000,00 it would reduce the
frontage cost approximately $3.50, so compared to other projects the
front footage figure given here is a little misleading,
Mayor Stock stated that the assessment policy is ISO feet plus 10 feet.
around the corner if it would be a corner lot and this is for residential
property. AlI other classifications would be the full, frontage assessed,
C n ouc'
_ mari Oakes stated in those instances where the property is more '
than 150 feet and is zoned residential and there is an amount deferred,
there would bean interest charge on that deferred amount,
1 .
Mayor Stock opened the meeting for public discussion.
Mr. Ed Anthony wanted to know if anybody except the property owners is
going to help pay for this thing,.they feel they are not the only ones„
using that road, it is Practically public road, the school buses coming
through there like mad, they have people bringing kids to school, taking a'
them home, teachers, gravel trucks "coming from the aggregate
is a heck of'a lot more traffic that is not created by the residents than
there is created by the resid;�'nts. They have been assuming there w*ould'-
be some public funds involved.
.. it . _ ��•
Minnesota, Including all accounts audited by said Council,
removed. The construction will take place in the summer of 1977 and the
now.. From the high point bye the high
school to the south there will be n
no curb, this section wall utilize,
the existing ditch, to the north would be a bituminous c
curb with backfil
behind the curb so that the drainage goes on to, the street`. The high
point a
point w
i�MINUMS of the Proceedings of thy; Village Council of the Viliage-of Prior take in the County, of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
/,FISH PT. RD. ldiyor Stock stated that this is a question that the Council will'
have to
f , `'. ( 'PAVING PROJ, discuss, at this point.,in time`the dollar figure that has been, given has
]'77-10 been no other consideration for public funds or from municipal funds. He
would like to Leave the question untillater in the meeting and <it
up and have Council discussion on it.
Mr.`Norbert Traxler asked what are the requirements for upgrading �
c road to State Aid Standards for which he understands that the City t of
Prior Lake is qualified for and has this been looked at as an alternative
and will they hear something about. this this evening,
Engineer Anderson stated that Fish Point: Road is eligible for MSAS funds
s and according to MSAS standards the minimum design speed that can be used
is 30 MPH with alignment both horizontally and vertically, there would be
additional right -of -way requirvd, they would have to cut severelyinto
Inc) banks to improve the site distance and they would have to have 36 foot
wide paving with concrete curb and gutter and they would still only be
able 'to`have parking on one side, they also require sidewalks, and if the
City went with this alternative a projected cost on a front foot basis
was $37,64. That would be,the total cost, this would be reduced by the
amount of funds that are available through Municipal State Aid Funds;
however, on a per mile basis the funds that the City is allocated including
next years funds which the City has not received, is $3,455.00 °for this
project and with.the total project cost of $202,000.00 that $3,4SS,00 does .
not do hardly anything to offset the cost.'
Mr. Traxler asked if a traffic st;ady has been done.
Engineer Anderson stated yes,, but the report was in his office and he did
not have the figures with him,
Traxler stated we are looking at a road which is carrying substantially
higher traffic volume than County Road 39 the by -pass segment of blacktop
which is some half to three - quarter miles closer to Prior Lake. If in
fact we have County Road 39 not carrying - the load it was anticipated and '
designed to do and Fish Point Road is, has there beenany consideration of
terminating Fish Point Road someplace between.the School and Highway
13 and,,eliminating the high volume traffic associated` with', he guesses
what he observes, the school buses are of necessity, but the ones,that<
they do observe that come through there are theaggregate
and this is expanded to a major heavy truck thoroghfre,.he to
suggest or,inquire as to whether there has been any consideration of
altering its thoroughfare character aics.if' the load in the construction
is going to be borne by.the "benefite' parcels" or 'secondly, if .we then
r assume than it is going to be a thoroughfare in nature if we
th looking at general funds to support the thoroughfare characteristics of
e road.
Councilman Oakes asked f the designsstrength of the road is four tons.
Engineer Anderson stated no the design strength is 7 ton based on require -,..
ments for schoolbuses..
Councilman Oakes stated this still paved, would not support truck
Engineer Anderson stated no, the City would post and close it to over 7'
ton, the normal axle weight.on a truck is , 9 ton, and posting it at 20 MPH
would slow them down and ''have ,them�go an alternate route.,
Mr. Traxler stated he noted as driving through there, there is a corrgated
characteristic associated with the surface as it now exists, some of that
is being created through this traffic flow we have. Others created as the
vehicles tMerging from the high school property exit in what it would.
would as 'a'somewhat of an accelerated turningrate. He is sure. that 20
MPH ld not really lessen the velocities that they observe, in fact, it
i # would changed from a dirt track to paved Indianapolis tract and he a e,
\�J wonders can we look at the possibility of altering th
acterist is of i e ;thoroughfare char = j
Engineer Anderson stated closing Fish Point Road would in, effect transfer
;all „thertraffic from Fish Point Read over to Candy Cove Trail and that
r 1C -3-
M, INUM of the pnMedipgg of the Villa
Do Council of the; V0100 of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State; of
Minnesota, including all aecounh audited by said Council.
FISH PT. RD' would create a reaction from the residents who live on Candy Cove Trail. ;
PAVF,NG PROJ. If you''close Fish Point Road and if you needed a police or fire u
77s1'a area combined with say 8;30 A.M. traffic on Trunk nit in that
. Highway 13 the required
trip length for that vehicle to get to the high school would be really
increased,�they would have to go back up to 13 and around to the back. Thee
would also be increased maintenance costs, r
Mrs. Alma Picha stated she is opposed (Jto having the mad closed,.
Mr. Vernon LaValle asked if speed bumps and posting 20 MPH speed si 8 ns has
been considered.
Engineer Anderson stated he ricp4s not know what effect this would have at
20 MPH, i
Mr. LaValle asked 3f it alter or have some control over the speeding
veh uaes especially during school time.
Engineer Anderson stated it would possibly have some control over it, however, .
YOU may have the same loss of control if the speed bump was there and if you �x
N had' a spe
:I ° eder come across it at the seeds y r "
road and they hit that speed bump the P a
vehicle could lose control fi t,
f j
in someones front yard and there }
could be more damage flitting
a pedestrian or someone in the yard. that way by I
'. LaValle stated °that most of the vehicles are repeated users, he believes
that the first time they come through and hit a speed bum and' #r
a muffler at that speed he would rather see the muffler lost thanseventually
�rc¢- having someone's child hit by a car.,
Mayor Stock stated the Council would take under advisement Mr.. LaValle's comments,
Mr, Cy Kruse, Superintendent of Schools presented the Council with a letter
with his signature dated 11/4/76 addressed to the City Council, City of Prior
At the meetin Lake regarding""the paving "of Fish Point Road and read "Dear Council Metnberi
� endent School District 719 B
c f y
ng of the Inde oard of .Education held
Noveaber 1, 1976, the following resolution was passed; "Kinney /Pautz to go on
V ` d opposition to the paving of,the south portion of Fish Pcani Road "
adjacent to the,senior high school but to take no position relative to paving
Portions of the road that school property does not border." Motion carried
taianitaously; 7 -0 The action on the part of the Board as cit4 above is based
upon. the uncertain status of the development of the, 37 acre school site abutting "
Fish Point Road and located immediately east of the present senior High school
The Board of Education respectfully requests that the City Council not
<., approve the paving of the stretch of road in "question at the pies ht time, or `.
uitt7 a time when the development or"
use of the 37 acre site is reconciled: `
It is further suggested, that before action is taken '
on the issue,' that the
topic of the paving of Fish Point Road be an item of discussion at the oint,,
meeting of the Board of Education and the City Council scheduled for November „z
11, 1976. Thank _°
you for your attention to this request. Sincerely, Cy F. Kruse,
Ed'.D. Superintendent of Schools.” He thinks there is little to add Ito that`
except .for
c P perhaps fsc suggesting some of the reasons that the board wishes
c� not; pave the section which is bordered by school
C +p L apparentay would be
high based on the fi Property, Expenditure
W are Uook�ing at about one - half the proj ect ogres t t Mr. Anderson presented. '
Right now we have 42., situation where we have a whole lot �f needs O for capita
outlay in "development of'the school properties and the $42;000:00 would cr le 'v t `1
U their budgeting to a considerable extent. They are short on capital outlaypfunds`
at this time with '
A whole lot of things they would like to do. They ioo are worried`;.,
about the impact of pairing upon the speed of vehicles on that road. The posing
of 20 MPH sounds good, but we all know that posted limited limits are not adhered
to at all times. They know that,the residents along County "Road 44 have wished
to post at 20 MPH and have been 'unable to do'so, they also know that residents
on Candy Cove Trail have wished to ost 20z�
The matter of bus routing, MPH and have been unable to do so.
ng is not a serious problem to them; with a design `
capacity of 7 tons, they could drive around, and indeed they will. nave to. }
}'' G The bus'-weights run °dloser to 8 tons
r � pounds ~spiece,:aad you put .sixty students~ on "at 1.00. j
you another 1 tons. "If the design strength was 7 tons ' '
and was posted such the school buses would simply have to,go around, ?t will
inconvaence; not the school dist rict . because , , ^}
the have multiple le routes and can
0 work around that, it -might inconvenience some patrons who send their students
to school but they do not see'any great delay with that. The speed of the
MINUM of the P oeeedI of the Vil • Council of the Village ` nBs 1sY of Prior take in the Couetl►.of Seott StaN of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
` FISH PT. RD. = traffic that will be passing between the two school sites is a concern
PAVING;PROJ. to however, it would have to be resolved in Bowe way, With the
s` 77=10 high volume of entrance and exit traffic of the present senior high
°w school and the potential entrance and exit of the traffic of ,junior
high school it seems to him that it is apt to be a,'very hazerdous
portion of road. The Board asked that rather than present the vacation
of that road as a viable possibility at this time they asked him to
R merely suggest that vacation might be an answer at some juncture. Both
the paving and the possibility of vacation effect the development
the junior high school site or whatever that site might be used for,?
they know for example that in order to build a junior high school on
that property which is located east of the present property that
the services which are on the west side'of the road would.have to
-be brought to the east side of the road, that is additional
where do you bring those services through the road when you don't
know where you are building; or where your facjlities are going to
Mrs."Marlis Bluedorn asked that the statement made before clarified
on 1S0 f eet per lot, how about unplatted property.
Mr. Traxl.er stated if there is no anticipated platting of property "
in excess,of 1S0,•feet are we talking,about perpetual interest charge'
on the property. \ "
Councilman Oakes stated l'et's take a case of 200 ISO feet is assessed
q 50 feet, the remaining, would be deferred. That would be deferred for a
p years, that interest ,debAed to � period of -, u to five •.
, char ' eable to your, account,
g you each year,and would not extend beyond five years;
w so'that by the end of that five year period you would have paid five'
years of interest and then the assessed amount would be on the
deferred portion, the SO feet. `>
Mr. Traxler stated he goe's along with Dr. Kruse to sa Ieles really
see how that particular undeveloped area develops before we go ahead ,
and spend &=s to pave and later tear up. If Dr. Kruse. thinks $40,000.00
is a dent in the, budget for the school district he can as Dr. Kruse
that it 'will make a dent in the Traxler tickiiehold budget, for the amount
he will be assessed.. He does feel that we are seeing., a road which is
a high volume road: and to require benefited property to take the brpnt
of this and -to atteanpt to take this windy road and improve it can handle
the volume of,traffic,Jt has had in the past, and he is sure it will „.
contimse,'we are not getting at the problem, we.need a by- pass, a short
route from Highway °13 to! County Road 44; If we cannot see any other
funding but to the benefited property then he thinks we should look at
Just how this road fits into the overall development scheme. In joining
Dr. K'ruse.he, feels that we h ',ve in the past seen very little maintenance
on the road,, right now there is a two foot gully that extends aver a
couple huridre . feet'. _It is `a potentially dangerous wash which exists
° k between the school ert ro and the travelled
p p y portion of the road and:
he is certain that when it gets .covered `�-�;ith snow ' 'it will be a hidden
trap to some motorist who happens to be on that edge of the road. He
would feel that until the development in that area occurs, especially:
the sc}iooi that we would survive if th4 road was waintained and adequate
dust control provided, . Dust control (,,,; s not; .satisfactory this year and`
would require some''type of oiling. He would feel that until such time
that we can see how that area in Prior Lake is going to develop we should'
tolerate the road but :maintain the road and control the dus "t,
Mayor Stock stated relative to the collector street, he. would have to.
'sak "that the City has had other collector streets, major ones, that the
its sessment has been assessed against the benefited property owners. They
are paved in the similar manner of 32 feet wide and parking on.one side
only; As far as getting funds from some other area to help the cost of
this project he. ;thinks that at this point in time we would have _to really
take under fine consideration because it has not been past policy. The
maintoining of the portion of ,street as far as dust control,. h.e. belie '
the street °'has adequate base oncl.tas it is presently,,itjAy need some
' shaping._ Adequate dust control, Council is on record thksuch procedure
would be assessed against the benefited property owners ,,, proven fact
is that if you oil. *the .road it'will be more washbocrd than it j5 now To
get the washboard out °of the street you would have to bring'in'a grader,
dig it all up practically haul out „that material, haul "n;a11 new ;aterial
MINUTO of the Proceedings of tk* Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the Gunry of Scott and State of
Minnesota, including all accounts audited by saW Council. R
and then reail. Then in essence what you have done is los `yours base and
starting from scratch so it is a very expensive
procedure to oil and it
is very temporary at the best.
Councilman Oakes stated with what Dr. Kruse said and with what others have
said, we build a 7 ton road but loaded gravelr'trucks cannot
travel it, but
if buses cannot travel it with 60`Kids on it/then why are Ve building a 7
ton road, why not a 4 ton road.
Engineer Anderson stated he is not so sure.,that he agrees with.thai buses
could not travel it.and with the amuunt. oft
that is on combined -,
with the bus traffic it' mandator that the design is 7 to rather than
^ would
something less. Tf'4vou go wig
` th something; less than that the road wou'd
break up and would not last.
Councilman Watkins stated when you read the requirements of County
Aid it would completely demolish the characteristic of that A
neighborhood." pa Ltcuiar
Mrs. Picha brow ht
g up the problem of access and egress to
her property and perhaps in solving that particular, problem we could
another problem, as to °a thoroughfare between 160th Street * `and =Highway 13.
That in conjunction with Dr-
,Kruse's consideration as to hcw the property
that was purchased by the school would be- used,`would it be used
,as a paircel
or whether that section that goes between the two schools would be a thou
oughfare at all. In other words somewhere along the township line there
could be a roadway that would be different than we
presently know It
would solve the s it. speed problem et
P P y give access and egress to Hidden Oaks
Millers Addition.— - and
Mrs. Picha stated that a road on the Savage- Prior Lake boundary would be
duplicating roads.
Mr. Paul Busse of Candy Cove Trail, stated he was opposed to 'closing Fish
Point Road because they would carry the
extra load of traffic.
Mr. Denny Fitzgerald stated he was interested in the traffic c
ount and when
it was taken and what day.
Engineer Anderson stated that the"traffic count was based on the county`
figures that were given.for County:Road 44, Trunk Highway 13 : and :other
immediate portions and that traffic was based
on estimated count and so °the
reliability -of those figures may be somewhat inaccurate.
Mr. Fitzgerald stated that the hazards of that roan which we have talked
about before, if speed bumps would be an answer he thinks that it might be
a solution. he was a Prior Lake Policeman and sat in his kitchen and
every morning at between ;7 :00 and 8:00 he;could write a thousand tickets,.
It iv
just unreal the way they drive that-road and it is not only hazardous
to the people who are driving it, it is hazardous
to the kids that are walking
that road going to school. He would like to see the Council consider vacating;
that road or portions of it.
Mr. Richard Schumacher of S741 Huron Street S.E., the corner of Huron and
Fish Point Road, stated he has listened a
to lot of dialog and serious concerns
by persons that live in this general area or have property in this general
area. He thinks he can speak quite well for that corner. For'anyone who
attended the pep fest on a Thursday evening; he found i difficult
to f the
school for about four hours because of traffic. After any football game he
finds it difficult to go to'sleep at night until after about 3 :00 A.M.,.he
is afraid something is
coming through,hisgarage. The children or students
that go to that high sct+,6 1 tend to actin somewhat irresponsible
action when
they drive, we suffer. He sees the problem of vacating the road as to;ta
transfer of that traffic to other adjoining roads such as Candy Cove. : He
thinks that if the Council were to take
a look at a valid traffic pattern
and put on those roads the traffic that belongs there, we have Co. Rd. 44 ".
that is, to withstand 'heavy traffiz. He sees a traffic problem in if
Fish Point Road is blacktopped_as to tts
sCceisibility to,�Highway 13 with
increase in accidents Because 'once. that road is improved the traffic is
definitely going to increase,'because ` if you a re not a: student you have tc*
be crazy to go across
it. If you improve that road You are going to see a
definite convenience`'factor for persons traveling from, for
example, Co.
Rd. 27° as a, short cut to Highway 13, taking 'Fish Point Road rather than
traveling continuation of 44 where you can have a valid traffic control
semaphore. What he,sees is approximitely0four intersections '
onto Highway
—:6— I
,. ck
�� `Y^Y. b 1 � � 4 G t � fx, aaeN.y,+di►.� .�
TEt of tha hoe�+diep of 1h�e Yiihea Council of fha villaoa of Frier
MIN Lake in Nn Ceunty Scots gnd;ttata of
IMienawh, Ind In �� oecouols awiiNd by said Cauneil, 1 .
FISH PT. RD. .c 13 and if you are coming the crest of
77 -- hill headed so''1'3 it :
PAVING PROJ, is anybody's guess who is coming out of there Q He _1would'be` uth on
n a �sitionx'
to 'endorse the vacating of that road.
'f =Mayor Stock recommended that the.Public Kearng be continued until t he
° Council has an opportunity to meet with the School. Board: which; is Thursday
�,. night the 11th and schedule the continuation for K,e'ember 6 1976 at u
8 :00 P.M. He recommended the possibility that the Police patrol the
road during'the,hours.that they feel necessary to control the" traff in
the area to get it down to a reasonable =speed, "h
Councilman: Watkins requested that Engineer Anderson get a traffic coon `., k ry
that he would be satisfied with.' H
� �k
Mr, Don Williams suggest a sign posting it for weight be. placed on each �}
t ,
Mrs.` Marlin Bluedorn asked if this was begun b g
8u Y petition, she had heard
it was by petition, - ;
' Mayor Stock stated not by petiit =ion, the City has had a number of calls "
throughout the summer whictr�iwould- warrant or indicate that the road has
` f problems and the best '
est way to resolve that problem was through ,a Public
Hearing„ and this is why the hearing was scheduled.
Mayor Stock recommended that the road be posted to its seven ton capacity.
Councilman Oakes recommended getting the t
the Pol raffic count first and then do
ice bit next and then the posting at the same time.
E ngineer Anderson stated that he can get a guy out tomorrow to take
R r: traffic count and take'& two -day count �.
Mrs. L ynn Brady of Candy C _ {
o v e T il tated she_, does not want'tYaffic on.
.� her road and recommended a stop ra sign by the tennis courts =;
Mfrs. Linda Ferguson o
night they cannot fbe f Huron 'Street. "statedjwhen kids �`are at the 'school at
; seen because it is 10 dark.
i 'neer Anderson is to "make a recommendation at the'next Council Mevt1ng
'regarding lights at Evelith'Street_ and Candy Cove,Trail. Q
of II Counclrann Oakes stated that= for parts of this we say not want to s d
City funds until we have had'the meeting with the School<Board„ because
< y
� he goes back to what they said, and they said they take noor, yet.
he hears all these t(jraff a positic problems ° When he h he
large part of it is�
because of: school pr
opert p" a t kids going there and coming f rom
there, we do have some 36 In perhaps -in the are-
A, loading"
zones,,lighting and this kind of on -site arrangements rwhich. might mi.�1imize L
the staging of things that take place af��the perimeter - of the school
property' N.6 recommended that the Council not ask staff 'to spend any
more money than we have to until they have net with the School Board to
sort 'out the between the two "
` gxnups • .
A residerit,.asked
` about J ecycled blacktop.
' Engineer Anderson stated` °that recycled blacktop';can be placed on the
street amid if it is on 4v real light duty type „street =i�t stands up better.
✓ i' They have not.yet had enough experience with this on a gaveled road such
as this? to see.hbw it would actually stand up ;nd he would have. to think
a ~ this; would be more of a temporary basl� *h a permanent.
iIo was aade by Oakes to continue the Fish ' Poini:Road Pavin Pr '
3'1`Q Public Hearing until December -6, 1976. at 8:Q
Watkins and 0 P'M,, seconded by t
,upon, a vote taken it was' - duly passe`de � ,
Stock called the 'Regular Council Meeting to order.
1 i j °l . ��� a
Planner Graser, and Finance'D rector MacOilldVray to report back to the
Council the impact a sewer and water at this meeting, seconded,by '
¢, Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. }"
MN VALLEY SUR motion was made by Oakes approve the £final contract ?
FACING CO. Minnesota Valley Surfacing Company in the; :amount of s13.lSS.88, °
Y 'PAYMENT by.Bissonet� �' and on se ended
a vote taken it was dud
J uP
. � �; Y Passed.'
Councilman Oakes requested that Engineer Anderson get excerpts of the
` ° BOND A0D , IN ;.
contract regarding performance bonds in the advent of the "failure of the
ti GUARANTEE OF' facility in the first. year.
R Motion was made by Oakes to extend}McNamara- Vivant
NAlIARA Contracting Company s,,
MC V1=
,Y�1NT COMPLET, ' completion date to May 31, 1977, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote
taken it was duly passed.
rt �TIME
Mayor Stock stated that there is an infoiisational meeting being field"ia
Shakopee November ll, 976 at 7 :30 P.M. and it will be held,:_-at t
1 he
Minnesota F
SLUDGE FARM ederal Savings and Loran conference room regarding the
Proposed; sludge farm and Mark Sullivan is to attend this. , meeting an.l ' .,
C report back to the Council.
Ma yor Stock requested that. the Prior Lake American publish the meeting
` date November 11, 1976 at 7:X �'P,M. in the Minnesota Federal Savings
r. y -and Loan at Shakopee and that all ' people in the southwest qudrant of
the City of Prior Lake should.have an,: nterest in it, j
Me., Don Williams submitted'a ' letter dated
November 8, 1976 to the Mayor
tegarding the proposed sludge farm and read: this letter.. This letter r
is on file in the City. offi
"�RESOLUTI'N Motion was made, by Watkins :to ado
J , 19 SLUDGE, pt Resolution #76 -19 regarding the,:,
proposed sludge farm -in ..the City of Shakopee, seconded by Busse and
,i upon a vote taken it duly passed.
�i1WY 13 ,.TO _
. Gouacildnatins state that Fish Point Road from Highway 13 to Frost
�09T .: P�.�, RD. d ; `Mk � ,.
NARR6W-WIND� Point Circle is a narrow ,
winding road and there has been a parking
problem on the street and he has received numerous complaints from
citizens in the area and the Police have received.numerous'complaints.'
Engineer Anderson is to.check the ordinances in affect at the time
and`'check the width o£ the road and sign ,
F existed. gn it in accordance with what i
� f
f 1
MA NUM of the Proceedings of th 0 Village Council of Me, Village of Prior lake in the
county of Seoi1 a
and s
use i
r ?
Motion was made by Busse to adopt the memo dated November 4, 1976 from
Louis Jambes, Park Director to 'Mayor a
and Council regarding ice'
was duly passed.
City Manager McGuire presented '
Petitions from Almac, I
Inc. for sewer and
REQs S S W a
across the bridge on County Road 2l ,and ,Eagle C
along 154th Street
at N
both w of these be
the City Engineer for his reviewl,.'
Motion. was, mad e byWatkins to table the Almac Inc., , petitions for sewer i
and water extensions until December 6 1976 and "En ineer Anderson
MINUTES n ot the heceodie •s of t4 Vil low Council of the
0 , Viilap� of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of
titl�nosoto ;includin1l all accounts audited by said Council.
RR DIVIDING = Mayor Stock, stated at the last meeting from the State of Minn -
esota the City had a statement stating that in order to make
LINE> a division in the conmunity had 'to do it before the end of
the year. He would use the rkilroad tracks as the most natural
3,tt boundary that the City has and have a NIA SE division
two and: have
polling places. ,
Mayor Stock directed the City Manager to givtthe Council
recommendation at=the next meeting relai),,g to the splitting
x of the community for voting purposes.
Mrs. B'luedorn requested that the.city define the`boundarie's �.
of Prior Lake 'for election purposes:.
Mayor Stock stated the joint meeting between the Cit Coup y
CtL`JOINt MEET and School Board is November 11, 1976 at 7 :30 P,M. c °
The following invoices are scheduled to be paid;'
1976: on Tuesday November 16,
Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities
Lake Auto Supply ,' Misc. Repairs
$ 420.99
Insurance Center Insurances 195.56
?` Delta Dental Plan of Minn. Dental Insurance 3,556.00
Lake OK Hardware 'Prior 375.00
Muelken Oil Co. Misc. 34.46
Gas and Oil
NewDPrague Lumber and.Ready -Mix Misc.
3 .50"
JAK Office Products Co. c
Office Supplies
Feinberg, Schumacher 41 J6
B Seltz, P.A, t�ttorneys Fees
Prior Lake American (Lee Rabenort) 907.50
cam, _ Publishing 34.71
American Linen Supply Co: Towels
.; 7.00
Andrews Rexall Pharmacy Film
o fl Delores,- Berens; 5
Clarence Scheidt Cleaning Library
Prior Lake Senior High School � Inspector 148.00
Burnsville Printing Co. 7.00,
g Police Supplies - $8.00 f!,.
E.. H. Newstrom Building Inspector. 858.,00
Malkerson Motors, Inc. pa' 37.51
Ray's Used Cars Veh. Re it
° - Veh. Repair
Southside Dodge, Inc. Veh. Repair 24.65
Minn. Gas Co;
Water Products Co. -Gas $! 198.55
Water Meters 2,460`.00
� n
SchC Th Metro Installment
Schrader Block �Co:� ��'
Pumping $' 3, 054.64
P g- 30.00
National Registry of EMT School
American,Hospital Supply Supplies / $ 45.00
Prior Lake 76 Veh Repair
W' "'G. Pearson, ;Inc. $ 6.50
r BT �2B`. 30
y ' x to _ 9
MINUTES of tiI Ys - ,V
hocootlin s of the Ytllaye Coun4li of the Vilkoe of lhio in the Guoy
, ,Lake
Mianesaft, ineludin"11 accounts audited by Enid Council.
of SeoM'and State of
MRPA Gas. generator
$ :16.00
MRPA Conference
Shakopee Public Utility Comm. Utilities
Harry C. Schultz Equip. q p. Repair
Monnens�Supply, Inc. ;Equipment
Marnie Development Damages
Prior Lake Nursery Trees
Israelson -and Assoc., Inc. Engineering Fees-
Minn. Valley Garden Center
Miiut. Valley Surfacing Co. Contract Payment
513,155 .88
c, Orr- Schelen -Ma yeron &' As,soc., Inc. Engineering Fees
$ 80.22
Israel'son and Assoc.,, Inc: Engineering Fees
American National Bank and Trust Bond Payment
$ 106.00.
Pbtion was made by Oakes to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a, vote
�kaken this meeting was ad'
8 at
lourned 9:56 P.M.
'Michael A. McGuire City Manager
z �