HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 15 1976J I 4 MINUTES of the, Proceedings of the Village Council of the Vi'lagor of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of ' Minnesota,, including all accounts audited by said Council. r November IS, 1976 ` The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on November 15, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen Busse, Oakes, 'and: Watkins, City Manager McGuire„ Engineer Anderson, Finance - Drector`MacGillivray, Attorney and Sullivan. Councilmen Bissonett was absent. The following corrections were made to the Minutes of November 8, 1976: ' Page one, last paragraph, line seven, should read "much as it is, there may be variations up to one foot in height in<:,the street." Page two, paragraph one, line thirteen, should read "The horizontal and vertical alignment will, be utilized having a maximum." Page five, paragraph five, last line, "anc" should read "and." t Page three, paragraph eleven, line seven, "tract" should read "track." Page seven, paragraph thirteen, line six, "responsibility" misspelled. ' MINUTES Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Min P rtes of November 8, 1976 n as amended; seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. x , ISLAND VIEW SUBc City,Manager McGuire stated there are two Public Hearings Thursday evenin 'Island ISRAELSON '' <1' 1976, g View subdivision at 7:4S P.M. and the Israelson rezoning at 8:45 P.M., and the continuation REZONING % ' of the` Langhorst Public Hearing at 9:4S P.M. HEARINGSV MALPRAC %tLCE.- City Manager McGuire stated that the Fire Department requested -t the hat INS. FOR FIRE. City investigate the possibility of malpractice DEPT. )1 insurance for the rescue do carry unit and many cities it, the City requested bids and received two "bids and requested that the Finance Director go over these. " J Finance Director MacGillivray stated that the City''received two bids,. one from Western World Insurance ° Company and one from Northfield Insurance Company and requested that he have more time to review these before the Council makes the final decision. Mayor Stock tabled the firemen's malpractice p ice insurance until the FIRE meeting.; next t: I DEPT. VAN a PUMPER City Manager McGuire_ resented a and,City Council regarding Fire Ma d van v a pumper Department d stated the van can be utilized'by the Maintenance Penartment for transporting tools and "supplies and recommended that.the,City keep the van and<,that 'City the attempt to sell the pumper by advertising it in the League of Minnesota Ai icipalities Magazine or the Minneapolis Tribune or possibly in some antique magazine. Motion was made by Watkins to accept the City Manager's recommendation on the Fire Department van and pumper as- stated in the memo dated November Sl, 1976 to the Mayor and;City Council, seconded by Busse and upon it was duly passed. a. vote taken PRECINCTS IN THE CITY :FGR City Manager McGuire presented a'memo dated November 11, 1976 to the Mayor a' and City Council ` "' VOTING regarding g g precincts change the the following that the City request the County Board to change the Commissioner districts t� so that Prior Lake, would be represented by one Commissioner. Since the time that the memo was prepared he talked with a couple of the County Commissioners and this would not be possible at least for a couple of ears so should be kept in mind, but it does not a Y this appear that any %::mediate action is necessary. The � ' City should create two precincts divided by the railroad tracks and,purchase eight voting booths',` , f J e ; MINUTES of the Proceedings Of the Village Council of the Village of•Prior•ke In the County of Scott 'and Stab of l la 1: Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. DIVIDING CITY Motion was made by Watkins that the City of Prior Lake set.two voting �� 7 FOR VOTING precincts and the natural divider to be known by the railroad tracks, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. PERFORMANCE Engineer Anderson presented a memo dated November 11, 1976 to the Mayor BONDS AND WAR and City Council regarding contract performance bonds'statng that the RANTY contract states that the contractor provide the City with a e bond equal to 100% of. the contract if the contractor£af�r final payment has been made chooses not to go back and repair the work within the one year warranty period after the final payment has been made the''owner'�has the right to liquidate the contractor's performance ..bond and , !W all expenses provided they are given ten days notice. Attorney Sullivan stated that the City has the right to have any defects' corrected,in accordance with the terms of the contract and the City has; a performance bond.which is going to guarantee performance of the contract. If the contractor should go defunct after; payment and before the.defects are cured then he thinks that the City has the I I proceed against the bonding company for whatever that loss might be. PAYMENT TO r Motion was made by Busse to authorize the Contract ent o McNamara - MCNAMARA -V,IIV Vivant Contracting Company, Inc. in the amount-,af seconded 4 > CO. by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,. MWCC 1 ; FROM TREATMEN has submitted the plans and specifications itan the of FORCEMAI Engineer Anderson stated that the 4etropol 'PLANT TO NEW forcemain from the treatment plant to the new interceptor. The revised INTERCEPTORoO plans dated September 29, 1976 show the lift station to provide "service around ,Markley Lake at the elevation that the City requested some time prior and he recommended that the Council approve those plans contingent upon one thing, they forgot to show an existing sanitary sewer that the City has that comes into the lift station on the east side of Trunk'° Highway 13, contingent upon hem providing service to that line... Motion was made by Oakes that the Ciy of prior Lake approve Metropolitan Waste Control Commission %plans and specfiationstinvolving the forcemain for serving the area arrund Markley Lake and corrected as indicated by the City 'Engineer, seconded by Watkins and upon a;vote taken -it was duly passed. SLUDGE FARM Attorney Sullivan stated he.attended the meeting regarding the proposed'_ sludge farm and was extremely disappointed \` s Y pponted in the entire procedings.. They got a lot of technical information on the operation of a sewage disposal. plant and the '. i y got some ideas ^as to what is proposed in the sludge farm. When the ; y got through he got up and asked them whether or not it was going to smell and then he got a further ten minute lecture on all the things they were going to do for us and the fact that this stuff was merely inert and a lot of other technical'nformaton but they never did answer the question as to whether it was There were some other questions asked and then a Mr. Crooks n got o uTmand . asked whether or not it was going to smell and they did not answer his it question. Attorney Sullivan asked if they had a sludge farm anywhere in the State that was ,_operating and they told him they had the Rosemount thing that was experimental and it turned out they do not have an 1> `. operational sludge farm in the State. He asked if they'had one operating, anywhere in the Country and they said they had one in New Jersey and one in Chicago. He asked what the reaction was from the people 'around these sludge farms and he got.,another ten minutes on the technicality of operating the sewer plant; but no answer 'to that question. ..Again he asked what do the people within two .or three miles of the sludge farm.,think, do they get complaints'' , what is their attitude and. they never did get an answer. When they got all through he told Mr. Dougherty that he thought,they were evasive and that while they had spent; some $2, 000,'000:;00 on research on this project they told them, it does'not seem that they are conveying whatever information they have gotten through their $ 2,000,000.00 reserach to the people who will be involved in this thing�' s to have an order from this tiring or not he does notknoweandrtheyadidgnotg , tell them that night and he was,very disappointed. j i 2 A MINUTES of tM Precoodiep of the 'Vi11"* Council of the Village of bier Lek* in the County of Seen and SMto of Miae+ ote, including all occeuets audited by sold Council, SLUDGE.FARM Mr.�Don Williams also reported on the proposed sludge farm meeting and stated he contacted Mr. Strauss and told him he-wanted to know why they, were being evasive and contacted Mr, John Boland and told him he ' wants him to check on Mr. St rauss and find out what is goi x will be sending him a r ng on and they report back in care of the City Hall. POLICE Motion was msde Watkins to approve the Police Report for October 1976, 4 seconded by Oakes and upon a vote tak en it w _ as duly � Y .passed.. F 'FIRE s RESCUE Motion -was made by Watkins to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for October 1976, by _Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed', V 1 1 JOHN T.RULSON, . Trulson was rese �ASSESSHENT P nt regarding ' the assessment of his ro ert felt the way he was assessed on his property was unfair. P p Y and City-Manager McGuire wanted to clarify that the road was'not considered a public road but a private street as far as the assessment "and it would n work out the same as - a public road and the 1!17,000.00 in assessments also includes the deferred assessments. = _ Finance Director MacGilliv, -ay explained the assessments artd how they were e arrived °at according to the assessment policy. Ieiyor Stock stated that the way that the assessment policy reads is that you be assessed for-the frontage that abuts the improvement that would seine that particular lot or lots and that is the reason for the deferment on that parcel, because at thy; time they levied tt e assessment the City did not know how he was going to use that property and assumed that some consideration should be given at time that assessments would be called' dawn on the actual use of the property whether it is subdivided or one big' lot." Based on the assessment policy as he heard the presentation and recalling the assessments that the City has levied in other areas he ` believes it is consistent with the policy. There^would be one qu and that is the ten estion feet around the corner, that would be a question that would came -to his mind as one that has some validity but other than;,that the . r, „ assessments.asthe sees them were placed on the property within and in accordance withethe overall assessment policy. Once there has been a Public Hearing and the, have been accepted he does not believe the assessmentiG -can be changedat this time, at the time of`ithe.Public '- Hearing if it was ca r, the Council's attention the assessment could }� have been adjusted.`` Mr. Trulson asked if he subdivided the proper y and put in a col - de - sac n n would the deferred assessments be removed, Councilman Oakes stated that the current assessment would not'be changed because_of subdivision, but the deferred assessment would'be considered. Attorney'Sullivan stated the time for this sort of hang was a 'year ago�� when the Assessment Hearing was, held initially, there.,aze no legal rights now for you to change this thing,' your time for apperl has expired and he does not "think the City has any authority to change it either at,,this stage, Mayor Stock'dlrected' the' City Manager to send Mr. Trulson.a copy of the h assessment Policy and Mr. Truison is to review the assessment policy `and check it against his assessments and if he finds that there is an error then come back and tell the Council and also when:Mr, Trulson receives "his notice or the publics- notice is issued in the paper on deferred assessments being'called in or )assessed currently then" it Would be wise at that point in time that Mr' Trulson's determination of the „use of the property be made known to thr, City., SCHOOL 8 Mayor Stock stated,, from last Thursday's meeting, with the School .Board, �- CITY WORK City wa`s to designate a the member to serve on a 'committee or to spearhead .'a TO REVIEW committee jointly with the School Board to review Planning, Parks, etc. and PLANNING, he would like to recommend that Michael McGuire serve in that capacity for PARKS ETC ,the City and.that Staff be used when,he sees fit and also that he report Ito the Council on the possibility of nami Comnity to the committee, ng businessmen or> citizens of the 1 - mu v i MINUTES of the Proceedings of tka Village Council of the Viilaae! of !'fief take in the County of staff and State of Minnosoto, Including all accounts ouditod Adel Council. „COMMITTEE WIT Motion, was made by Watkins to appoint Michael McGuire to serve on a SCHOOL BOARD committee with the School Board, seconded by Busse and :a vote taken it was duly passed. upon FISH PT. R0. The Council discussed the Fish Point Road area . matter.:.. ELMAN LEMLEY Councilman Oakes requested read into the Minutes that Payment made by V& W ASSESS. Elman Lesley on the sewer and water assessments on Lot 8, Lakeside Manor as subdivided were accepted by the City of Prior Lake in because the parcels at the time of assessment: were in the name good fa and that the City will consider the matter closed unless further action is taken by Mr. Lesley, and requested that an extract of the'Minutes be sent to Mr. Lesley. F Councilman Oakes requested read into the Minutes that in the days of Eagle Creek Township when Mx, Elman Lesle ' now known as Hidden Oaks that he did, Propose r and nthe TownshipaBoardpthen °existing did accept the concept of two fourplex , units to be placed in the low area of the southerly adjacent to what is now school Portion of the plat immediately sent to Mr. Lesley, property, and an extract of this is to be CLEAVES OIS�OS The Council.discussed`the problem of disposal o£ 'OEM BAER Bae leaves and Mr. AL ar�s problem, Ben PROBLEM'r w Notion was made by Oakes that the City Manager contact Representative ` Suss and Senator Schnitz regarding the burning of leaves and a of r`? this sent; to Mr. Ben Baer,, seconded by Watkins and upon a vot was e taken it. duly passed. i The following disbursements were made during the month of October 1976; GENERAL FUND r _ i, Prior Lake, State Bank Israelson Federal Dzposit $ 1,171,27 Assoc,, Inc, Engineering Fees Israelson 8 Assoc., Inc. 7 ` 16.00' Engineering Fees T'sraelson 8 Assoc., Inc. eri 286.00 Engine t Melanie Spra ng Fees nk Salary 4,too.00 Nary Gerhardt 152.20 ` Vekyn Raaen Salary 184.67 v k Larry: J. Anderson Salary 36.38 David MacGillivray. Sala 511.52 Horst Graser 298.07 ` Salary dchael McGuire ;,Si 301.01 Salar Richard.,,xlugherz Y " 455,S7 �# seph YanDenloom Salary Jo 394.53 f� Eugene Smith Salar x LeRoy Rabenort Salary 378.97 373:96 Salary � 001111 s Leff Salary 406.25 Steven Schmidt ` 4 Salar 15,65 Richard Powell Salary 4S6:07 G Local Union e320' Union Dues 488.60 Fa }M Savings Bank Savin3s Plan 70. SO State Treasurer, Social Sec. 265.01 State Treas Social :Sec uri u;.er t y 2,336.06 ' PERA Casniasioner of Revenue " 2,486.64 ate In i Stco>Re Tax State Treasurer 2,946.3S I Terald Young,. Sur Charge 889.70 Lake Auto :* Retainer Refund 100,00 nter Police Veh _ Repair 3.68 ' Insura``nce Center NSP ,.^ Insurance 3, 352, 28 Tams Nobil Service Utilities 212.68 Prior! Lake O1C Hardware Police Veh. 'Repair' S.25 Bldg. plant. 8 Police i' y �iankers Life. Co. SuPP• 24..39 Scott -Rice Telephone Co, Hospital Insurance 826.22 Transfer to 72 7 8 g Utilities 382.01 � 8 10 Water and Sewer St: Francis Fund 'Hospital 30,000.00 Miller /Davis:Co., 'Blood Alcohol Tests 6,00.' Arthur C. Halliday Office Supplies 9.78: Police Reserves_ 27.50 ..z F - MINUTES of rim; Proe"diga of the VIN"* Council of the vile of bier taste in the County of Scott MieneNtr, ieelud ;ft! ell McGunts; oudihd by acid Council.. and StaN of GENERAL" FUND (co - Leon N. Buss Ray Robinson Police Reserves $ 40.00 Horst Graser Police Reserves 30.00 E. H: Newstrom Mileage Buifin Ins 8 pector 16,22 Johnston's ft°ior Lake Nurs. True :nspec4or Gross Ind. Services 693.00 860 .00 ` Xerox Corp, Building Maint, ' 63.92 Malkerson Copy Machine 246.70 ' American Linen Supply Co, PP Y Police Veh. Repair Towels 46.90 Prior Lake American Publishing 9.45 Infernal Revenue Service Penalty, 121,64 Clarence Schmid K -R Communications, Inc. Plumbing Inspector 130.45 76,00 Gen Fahrenkaep Radio Repair Cleaning Services 42.00 - „�f < JAK Office Products Co, Minn.,, - Office Supplies 118.80: Valley E1ec. Co -o P Utilities 16,42 Walter Stock Bill Bissonett Mayor's Pay � 5.40 Don. Busse Council Pay Council Pay .164.40 80.00 ' ' Tam Watkins Jack Oakes Council Pay 80.00 80.00 JJ Michael' McGuire Council Pa Car Allowance (� 80.00 .Charles Tooker Planner 250.00 Prior Lake State Bank sh Federal De sit po 300.00 1, 036.40 R � 'chard Powell Petty Cash •Mary 50.00. : Steven Schmidt Salary 48R , 60 - t Dennis Leff Salary 441.82 LeRoy, Rabenort Salary 4.77.40 = Eugene Smith, "NanDenRoom Salary 418,00 Joseph 385.71 Richard' Klugheri Sala390. ry Y k Michael 2i_Gu r e " Salar Y 406.228 8 Horst Graser,, ' 'Sal ary 481,90 David MacGillivray Salary 301.01�� ; Larry J., Anderson ;Verlyn Raaen Salary 298.07 511.52 Nary Gerhardt x Salary Sailary 356.38 Melanie Sprank Salary` 184.64 > F$N S avings Bank S avings: Plan 142.60 Malkerson Minn. Natural Div. Police Veh, Repair Utilities 265'.01 x }, Lawrence, Schweich Library Rent \ 15.80 lbws Mobil" Police Veh. Repair 300,00 00.50 Standard Oil Div, Gas and Oil = Liberty Photos Y Service Franz Engineering Reprod. " Police Supplies Plnin 1,095,58y 4S.21 Xerox Co rP• an $ Supplies } 88.99 J Busse's Super �Ilfirk et Copy Machine Building I I Maint, 198.64 Minn; Clerks, Financial Dii. Membership 15,50 ° = Robert McAllister ; Dog . Catcher 10,00 William Sliphex. Police ,Reserves ' 160,OQ ` ilrthur C, Halliday Y Ronald C. Harms Police Reserves 1S.00 1S.00 David MmcGillivray T Police Reserves Reser' Mileage 10.00 4 _ Joseph VanDenBoom Overtime 33.90 - Joseph VanDenBoam _ Mileage 162.71 Dennis Leff Overtime= 7.20 Dennis Leff Mileage, 268.84 Eugene Smith _ Overtime 1`0.80 Steven Schmidt : Overtime �- 132.73 Rich ard Klugherz Overtime -' 179.85• Gew /Fahrenkamp Transfer. Cleaning Services 51,10 Street Fund 105,.60. Transfer to Equip., cert, of 197S Fund " 6,000.00 TOTAL 1 000.00 n s 0.w._ MIf Y1lS of- Ma 0"M"d1wlt of t1N Villa" Caen of iMs VII af lake M tha Guntr of Sean and State" Of ` Mian le,11WW1ns ell ev"Rtt GWIW by e d C""I. WATER FUND � Prior Lake State Bank ' Judith Jepsen y Federal Deposit Sala" $ 88.80 ' �., Raymond Johnson 229,22 -1 State Treasurer Salary 410.06 State Treasurer Social Security PERA 219.36 COWissioner of Revenue, - 286,14 Commissioner of Revenue State Income. lax 321.91 °< Sales Tax Lake Auto 310,6 0 Insurance Center Veh. Repair 4. Insurance Valley Equip, Co, Yeh Repair 779,60 NSF Utilities 11.32 t p Bankers Life Co 515,16 Assurance Glass Ca, of Minn, Hospital Insurance 138,29 Pitney Bowes Veh: Repair 24.88 Computoservic Postage e,, Inc, 16.50,: Mater Billing Modders Extinguishers Supplies 132,92 i Mater Products Co. Repairs 42,00 Raymond Johnson „ Overtime 54.81 Prior.,Lake State Bank x•23, ` Federal _Deposit Raymond johnson 102.50 Judith Jepsen Salary Salary 410:06` FgM`Savings Bank 129.22 Pitney Bares Savings Plan 100.00 Standard 'Oil Div. Postage 1'2.95 Minn:.. Natur Gas and O al Div. Utilities 87;66 Amer. Mater Morks.Assoc, 7.17 Van Waters Rogers Membership 32. SO.° s Raymond Johnson Chemicals 83.13 x TOTAL. Overtime 86.01 6 4 SEWER, FUND , 666.87 Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit M11CC Audit Charges, fBfCC SAC Char Not Paid $ 1,287..75 Teresa Nordnn ges 9, 702.00° �. . Bradley Bradt Salary 108'.;20 '.• State Tieasurer Salary 230.69 State Tr* Social. Security, 24" "3.70 Coissioner of Revenue FERA 61.75 mm Lake Auto - Suprply State Income Tax 4 ,. 1l 189.75 { Veh: Repair Insurance Center 10.72 NSP i UIn� es Vall 779.60. f } yr 193.67 ey Equip. Co. . t Veh. Repair ' 11,32 ers Zife Co. Hospital Insurance , , 'Assurance Glass CO of Minn. Veh, Repairs 24:44 Pitney Bares 24.88 4 Computoservice, Inc. Postage 16.50 Y -. NKC Sewer Billing 132.92 Schrader Block Co, Metro Installment Bond 3,054.64 Minn. Valley Elec. Co-op umping 120.00 j Amer. Nat'l Bank 6 Trust P Co., faesym ent .107.36 OS�! I ° Engineering Fees 3,408 So Prior Lake State Bank Feeeral'Depost 627,56 Teresa. Nordrum [[ 51.40 I Bradley Brandt lC' Salary 79.60 Pitney Bowes` Y 230,69 Postage 12,95 Standard 031 Div: Rank Electric, Ind.,' Inc. t s. and Oil 87.6S Schrader Block Co. A�epairs 22.00 Bradley {Brandt Supplies 22.25 Overtime Transfer to Nestside Sewer 46. and Mater Fund Charge for Deposit Ticket 6,000.00 TOTAL 3.70 $26,_94. , -6- oAt I L � L � � � jaeRluta wAr MINUTES of the PNce"In" of the Viper tooecil a of fhe Vi J o of hior loko in Iho Coup ^ `of Miane�ela, ineluding ell occooari eudkod by eew ceunal. �f Scott sad Slate : FIRE FUND a t. Lake Auto Snnply Insurance Center* Veh. Repair 66.94 ' NSP Insurance Utilities ; 1 169.4 0 # Toms Mobil Servicc''e` ` Prior Lake OK Hardware Vas. Repair Misc., 12.00 . 17. S5 j.. Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Utilities 46.74 4 ` Andrews Rexall Pharaacy �PPlies J 84.40' `._ Tams Mobil Service Standard Oil Di Veh. Repair 4.28 2.60 Gas and Oil Transfer to 72 - 7, '8, 9 & Water and w ewer Fund 102.2.4 - Minn. Naturiil 'Div. Utilities 20, 000.00. " Victoria Fire De pt., School r,> Air Cons TOTAL Radio Repair 24.00 241.00 �. ` ° $. 1� SIR FUND: ` Prior Lake State Bank Federal Deposit " j , Larry Kerkow El*r Busse $ 112.76, ° k ,t, •ii„ State Treasurer ate Treasurer Sa ary 367:95 ;' % State Treasurer Social Security , PERA 715:80 ' ; areissioner of Revenue, Make Auto S1 �� ., a Inc State me Tax 186.391- 366; :30 r l Center Veh. Re air 14.16 � � :• I. I NSP_ � Monnen s insurance;° Utilities 779:60 ,. Supply, Ina, Donnell Co. 5i Supplies= 1,209,51 13:52 r` Prior Lake OK Nardr.'jare. Signs r 306;24 ' ' Valley Equip. Co. ' supplies Val► Repair 8.74 k Bankers Life Co. h ospital t Assurance Glass Co/ of Mi Insurance 11.32 " 157,35 G >; Itasca Equip, Co./ nn an. Veh. Repair Veh. Repair 24.88 v . Johnston's Prior Lake Nur. Supplies 24.00 Prior Lake Blacktop Bladi n8 54.00 .: bMinn. Valley Elec. Co -o p Utilities �� es 245.00 Cargill, Inc. h Prior Lakes State Bank Salt ° 44;00 291.13 �# :..k rry Kerkow. Federal Deposit Overtiac 119.60 a' ,.. r' n Elmer Busse � Salary 28.72 Larry Kerkow o ` Mary o 345.12 ' �'; 40 Standard Oil Division , �f �� Gas and Oil 356.95 Val ley Sign Co. Signs 87:65 s, Sltanston Equip. Co. Striping 82.50 �E Larry Kerkorr 'iDT11L Overtime 64.00 79.97 s 6,442. PARK FUND ." Prior Lake State Bank Fedesal Deposit Louis!Jambois Salary $ 78'.00 IrwjA Clowns Salary 281.30 State Treasur State Treasurer Social Security ': PERA; 278.62 432.90 ° f Ca■nissioner of Revenue-., "State 142.50 c Lake Auto Su l PP Y Income Tax 224.60 Insurance Center, " `. Veh.' Repair in 4..8f, + NSP Monnens Supply, Inc. utilities. 4LpPles 93552 6.44 _ Donnell Co. Signs 1:80 Val ley. Equip. Co. Bankers Life Co. Veh: Repair 76.56 11.32 „I Assurance Glass, Co. Hospital Insurance Veh. Repair 154.39 Register of Deeds Copies 24.39 Northwestern Bell Utilities 1.70 << Shakopee Public Utilities Utilities 27.13` Louis Jaabois Mileage 6.62 ;. AVkM of 1M h IMBs N Ib0 ' VINW Gvne l Of tM ViNMa, ofi fMK eh M t*01 Cw 11► . Isdw,0M all Oca" s oWNW meld ewaeil. of ScrM aM1 S1e00 , ef, . ,.. PARK FWD (Continued) ; Charles Tooker Prior Lake State Bank Planner K,federal Deposit:, � 200.00' � kr Irwin Clemens Salary 78.00 v' Louis Jawbois Salary 278.62 ` Scott County Auditor First Nat'l Bank of.St. Paul AssessaenLs 281. „30 160 .76%; 'IUTAL� Bond Payment o 12, 861.34 CAPITAL PAR K FUND . # Sewer Fund Transfer of ��unds D 661,500.00 , PARK CONCESSION' FUND:- - :General Fund Park Fund- Overhead 87..00 } ` TOTAL �. 40 Close Account 840.60 927.60.', E IPMW CERTIFICATE' OF 1975 FUWD; ,. i g Amer. Hit '1 'Bank 49 Trust Co., Bond` Payment 1,240.59 n 1975 GLENDALE SEWER AND WATER FUND: ' Israelsonx Assoc., Inc. Israelsan 4 Assoc.,. Inc. Engineering Fees 5,422.48' - r� °9Nwr rsraelson Assoc., Inc. Engineering Fees. Engineering -Fees 7,-171.50 # n Prague Lumber 8 Ready -Mix Cement V 216.00 Jordan Sa”. Mill _ 71 -1 Street Grading, NO Fund 'IOT'AL Timbers Transfer of Funds 17.UO x 360.00 8, 000 60 ^ - $ 21,186.99 s SEW AND ;WATER IMPROVEMENT FIND: ° Amer. Na" Bank 8 '!rust Bond Payment;, 103.50 ry 1976 ;mEsTSIDE SEWER AND WATER FIND ° . a s r -' Israelsoin 3, Assoc., Inc. IUSA Son . 8� Assoc., Inc. sneering Fees Z 625.78 x s; - : Is- 8 Assoc.g Inc 4 Engineering Fees Engineering 'Fees 55 745'.00 , , Israelson 8 Assoc. ,"Inc . Israelson 8 Assoc. , Inc. Engineering' Fees Engineering. Fees i, 000.00 5, 468;35 t,r�; r t Is raelso 4' Assoc. , Inc... Engineering Fees 3, 352.79' W . Israel son 8 `Engineering Uraelson 3; wsoo.,. Fees 355.79 I railer 8ngineering,Co., Inc. Prrinteering'Fees 41,757.90 . s TQ'I1AL 4f�� ., 'CREEK CREEK NA T®t AND SEDfE+R FUND: � y t Israelson 6 Assoc.. Israelson 6 Assoc.: Engineering Fees 6 1,339.98 3 ° `Israil`sa�t 8 Assoc., Inc. - 8ngin eering Fees , Engineering Fee's 10 076 :70 ' a Nodland Assoc., Inc. d9risgs and Naargan Tapping' Saddler 762.50 275.27 v F � � 70TA6 Professional Sazvicss 1" 200 00 61, STREET IMPROVEMENT'OF 1974 FUND: C) Israelson d Assoc. Inc. Israelson 8 Assoc. Ina Engineering Fees. 6 c 556.95 7MAL �_Eng1WOOring Fees . 2 350350,:,00 � Nation was made by Kaikins 0.95 to ad journ, taken this meeting was adjourned seconded by Oakes and n a �° vote at 9;18 P.M. r� z� _ o Michael A. McGuire, City Manager � II