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IMINUTtti of iho ri�eeeodanp of the Villeso council of tAo Villaoo of rdw tetra in tho County of Scott and fNh of
t o n
f ; IAMeogle, indWI4 all occouMi audited by gid Council. 1J
November 22, 1976
ThI Gammon Council of the,City of Prior .Lake met in regular session `
(*irkshop) on November22, 1976 at 7:30 P.M, in the City Council Chambers.
Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock,
Cou`nclmon Bissonett, Busse, Oakes, and Watkins, City Manager McGuire,
` - Engineer Anderson;, and Finance Director McGillivray.,
The ,,Following corrections were made to the Minutes of November 15, 19761:
ge 'two, paragraph two, last line "r, ecupe" should read " ecoup.''
Page two, paragraph four, line two, 11 $23,468.00" should read $20,941.93.,"
}, MINUTES otion' ?was made by Busse to approve the Min�►tes`of"November 15, 1976 as
amended�'seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
DUTCH ELM Mayor Stock called the Dutch El HEARING Public Hearing to order at 7:30 P.M.
The Council discussed the problem of disposing of diseased trees.
Mr. F. M. Bungert was present stating that burning trees on his property
does not cause. anyWo� a pollution than burning them at "a designated burning ..
site and stated thatlthe hauling of the trees is the'biggest expense,
°Mr. Doug Hafermani stated he thinks that;the primary reason for the central '
burning location is a safety reason rather °lihan a pollution probles, '
Finance Director MacGillivray stated that .his Army Reserve Unit; may
dedicate a weekend°' to come out to Prior Lake, he had talked >to 'thee
Co about fit he has since left the unit, but they still have that
kind'of policy wh`sre they want to do community projects.. They could
possibly come out'xith trucks and manpower, if the trees are dO.VnL already„
they could load the. p into the ;trucks and take them away.
Finance Director Madc6illivray was directed to set up a program for
diseased tree; removal aril report back to the Council in three weeks.
Mr. Don ,Miliiams�atat�d we should keep in mind that Snow Days is
approaching and they usually want. a, bonfire and possibly - the JC's could
arrange a pickup for their bonfire.
Finance; Director`MtcGilllavray presented information on
insurance for rescue squad drivers and attendants, ".
ADVERTISE Motion = was made by Busse tb,advertise in the Prior Luke American for k;Y
FOR INS. FOR malpractice insurance for. the rescue drivers and attendants, that bids'' =
FIRE, DEPT. be opened at 10:00 D
A.M. on he 13th of December 1976, seconded
RESCUE PEOP by Watkins
a . L ,` and w . I
upon a vote taken it was, duly - passed.
Public Works Motu Was Appl made -by Watkins to authorize the. submission of a public works
grant application for X93,1,99'.00 and designatethe City Manager ss the 11
authorized representatives'`,sec nded by Bissonett and upon a vote. , taken it
was duly passed.
Engineer Anderson'presented in regarding a` turnaround for school
FOR SCHOOL busses•on Shore Trail for'Counc 1. review and discussion.
Engineer Anderson presented a request'from -Rice Telephone Company to
open "cut Duluth Avenue to allow placing of a concrete duct and „recomm dad
CONCt1ETE OUC ' approval;.
{ 1!btioti was made by Watkins to ap prove ,.the open cut of'Duluth Avenue by
Scott Rice Tel Company to the satisfaction:of the'4t y
seconded >'`by Busse and upon;a - vote taken it was duly passed
MINYTlS of 1M PraeeedleM of 66 Vi
Meta Ceueeihsf tIM Villeoe of take in the County _
Mieneeeh, neludi _ MY of S cott dRd Steh o f
° t e! all eecweM audited by Bald cs iundl;
PLAN. Mayor Stock stated that he
LANG received a notice from the Metro Council t
lANO PLAN. that they are holding a meeting stating
an the sand Planning Act, the t
ACT invited, it is for metro officials, staff, planning c ommissions;�advisor` ��
" boards, and i will be at `the Minnesota Savings and st' Y
Fir t
M g.
Avenue,,. Shakopee at ;3:.00 P, M-
Loan at %38 Ea
. November °23, 1976, City Manager McGuire
stated, that the Planning 'CoMMi`ssion Chairman will':be atte6di
and hopefully Horst Eraser will be , back by tomorrow and,he is holding a winiltb t meetin also.
MPC'HEARING Mayor 'Stock stated that the Minnesota Pol Control Ag
ON NOISES Public Hearing at 1935 West County Road B -2, Roseville, Minnesota on
Wednesday December 22, 1976<at 9:30 A.M, re ardin '
to the Minnasota MPC =48 governing noises, limits for proposed
manufactures gross weight rating. of more tha10,_000 n ' pounds,,.
il�yne Long of Orr-
PROD. Sci_elrn iyeron and Associates, Inc. eted
lSr3: report on Projects 75 -3 Phase I an II and 76 -1 for Council revi presen ew and'
ted a compl
Motion was made bytWatkins to authorize Orr- Schelen- Mayeron and; Associates,
Inc. to analyze the cost factors for sewer and water as pointed out for.:
duly -
the Northwood Road area, seconded Besse and
Ax. y Passed. " • � uP_ on vote takes it
T The Council discussed the current assessment
POLICY assessment policy. policy versus `\ proposed `
McktiAon was made by Oakes to adopt. the equivalent minim
assessment of we front foot
eighty C8u) fennual et, seconded by Watkins an payment schedule
d` a vote taken
it teas duly passe,
���ouncil' ,discussed the a '
r� -
ti t versus ,equal 'principa,' .aysents.�
75 equal' total payments
f - a
• 6 Motion was es to for, the made by Oak adopt r
on -Pro j ect,75_3 Phase and II.and Project lsthef the Publical.paYsentEiear3nSs
n seconded b�► Natk ns and upon a vote taken it was dul equal � tots, � '
Y Passed.
Notion rims aide
by `Busse to adopt the preliminar x'
'Phase find Il:and Project 76 -1 as amended, seconded by Watkinsjan
a vote taken it was duly passed upon
. >;
- Motion was made by Busse to hold a Public.Hear
8;00 ng on January 24; 1976 at
P M, for Project`.75 -3 Phase I��and I.I;
vote seconded by Watkins and upon a
taken it _
was duly.,passe& jj
r O t
ion`was mtde by Busse to hold Public Hearing or, January 25; 1976 at
8:00 7 L for Project 76 - i,�seconded by Oakes and
nos du IY Passed., r, upon a vote taken it
E Cell- G
Co Oakes i stated 'its appeared to 'h.im after a fair
amount of thought
IT�ItES°i0- :about the communty. and a fair amount of ;thought about the: >ra
�L�IiQ :owned o
pen space At bet Y privately
KEEP,,,: A6 that the City should consider the�reaai r of th neon' a nd by ot
is now ag "larW °urd, conservation land all residential, with the exception
Of the'conserva #ion land`: ", It appears tq him that the City} is wasting a
.fair amount,of`fiuman resource and ever
that have been halo la gY -in the ;course of the hearings
"that folks in` there are.. nS1iP, th He has heard from the aft ng last Thursday
e community
zoning who do not want to see residential,
occur and then he Sits- around to the point Cif trying to understand ' ,
basic motives.
zoning th It would be'his.recacommuni�en Cif9y dation that th consider °
e. remainder of the ty residential, he thinks thime
for trying to e t
maintain agricultural'zoni is
have recognized this a nn�� Past, he thinks we shcnld z.
of order' ,, Year or so ago, If " there, are nstan�; -es in!thelcourse ,
Y, annexation that•would warrant same grandfathsrin that could
be taken care of: it seems wise.'just to have a enerai
a general 3tatement'6r general update of the C grehen pubxit hearing and
Ordinance and it would further seem a ° slue )'tans Subdivision
Y �+hether or not it is tiguous
ppropriate,to control development dither ,
con to now existin
r or, by density, g public facilities and/ I'
�ia��i' asarrtx, +F�r,xkw7,ewwc �
,mot _ . - x ` ., ,_� � JJ - • , ��a�
` MINUTES of 1M h'eeeedi
5 net of the'vole" Council of the Village of Prier leke in the County of Scott and State of
Mianetehe, Including 411 accounts audited by tail Council.
REZONE AG b Motion was made by Oakes to present a recommendation of rezoning all.
CONSERVATION agricultural and conservation
TO CcESIDENTI land to.,residential to the Planning
Commission, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed:
ON SALE LIQ. Councilman Watkins presented a memo to t .dated
r LIC. MEMO November he Mayor and City Council 18, 1976 regarding on -sale liquor licenses for Council review"
r and this matter was tabled for a future meeting,
` The following invoices are `scheduled to be
1976: paid on Tuesday, December 7,
Insurance Center Insurance
Minn. Natural Div. "Utilities
Scott Co, Sh $`11,_898,00
> eriff
Radio Maintenance 1 229,38
NSP Utilities 187,40
Muelken Oil Co. 2,159.33
Gas and oil,
Bankers Life Co. 1,002.05
Hospital Ins,.
Delta Dental of 'Minn, 1,300.69
Dental "Ins. 375.00
Minn. Society -of Prof. Eng. Membership }
`Minn. State Board of Health Booklets S 40.00.'
Rayrs Used Cars Police Veh,,,Repair 9.00
Dolores Berens Cleaning Library 121.27
The Brookings Institute 27:00
Dave MacGillivray Books
i Mileage 6.95
-` b1a 35, 55
Scott County PPing ,Office. Copies
Commissioner of Personnel 1.50
Pro -rate Share Soc. Sec,
Scott 4 Tom Grimmer Cleaning Cars �4 6..00
Robert McAlli,ster. Dog Catcher 87,00
Miller/Days Co. "Office Supplies 160;00
. Cla '
Y Printing` Service . n 29.94
Printing f 1605S
Quality Waste C
ontrol, Inc. Refuse, Hauling
jAK Office-,Products Co. 5.00 °.
Office Supplies
GrosslInd. Services 16.23 ,
Gen Fahrenka>tp Bldg. Maint. 82.84
Xerox Corp.: ;
Cleaning Services 4
COPY ,Machine 99.00
247:89 ,
Beckius HsrdsWire ! r ;
r. �, Supplies .
kater -$ 9.'95
Produtirs Co., f (, Pressure= Reducers''
Nat'l l;xnk of 450.33
1 Bond Payment
Van Was � Rogers ls. 0 ,1,950.00
j; Chemicals
SEWER FUND 83.1.3 i
�I {
Highland tenter r Rental
�� i 2.00
'. FIRE FUNn :%}
unte Fireman' �s Benefitk
i. Membership S 10.00
*Nukira- vivant Contracting! Blacktop 'i
Hinn 'Va Elec; :'Co -oP Utilities $ 50.45
ji Jbi 11 Mueller 8 Sons 4'4.00
BT � x � NC
i i t - Steel Products, "Inc . Street t�I "� rove�ent 114.00
J� o� !' Blade Rental � 244.19`
u `s Jamhois �� t ( t
Mileage ��
tat r.• , ;� S` 36.15
r l ( �,
z ,
•.. ,k .. 1
` 1 11
a W,_m .. ,.. ... ya
MINUM of *0 McMd1p Of VIII Cwneil tf "1ho Vil of PHw talco in
tho c MM of Scott and Stab of
A 000 006, indudine all oeceants awiitW by raid, cwndl ,
Wm. Poppenberger 4 Son, Irc. Wire Mesh
McKinley Sewer Service
Open Drain
S 30.00
Jordan Saw Mill Railroad Ties' � ;
�` 25.00
Lakeside Properties, Refund - Assessments
The First Nat'l Bank of St. Paul Z 248.03
Bond Pa
Prior Lake Nursery yment ' 44,385.69
- 7.2 -7; 8 9 8 In WATER ANTI` SEWER 'F UND�
N.W. Nat'l Bank of Mills. Bond:Pa
Frank Nuelken" yment $55y25:'.70
Professional Services 194.50
Notion was made by Watkins to adjourn,'seconded by Bissonet
take t and'u` n a
vote n. this meetingewas
adjourned at 10:58 PM. Po
Michael A. Moire, City Manager
a .
j G
it � ��
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