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01 17 1977
hvft S of tko a iMs ofi A VNIft* of the Vil ` IoW,rof f+riw leko M tM Ceunts► of SsNCSW`fNN of. lIAI`.ito, aeladi � oil oeaoets oyd ted by 9sW Cwedl. ? Janua 17 1 9_1 ' a The Common Council 'of the Cit s Janua 17 y cif ,Prior Lake met. in regular session on ry 1977 at 7;30 P.M. an,the City Council Chambers., Mayor Stock r called the °tePting to order. Pr�:sent were Mayor Stock, Coun ilme cn B ssonett, Busse, Oakes, and, Wat,cins City Manager McGuire, Engineer Anderson, Planner Graser, rinance Director.MacGiliavray, Park Director �/ Jambois, and Attorney.Sullivan.�' The roliowing corrections were made to the Minutes of January ip, I9fi7; 3 : Page one, heading date should read "January 10, 197.7:' } P e S17C, rg t. tu<. Pag pa graph ".eight, line six, 'should read "assessments were an , effcwt by the Council at the'time trying not to be." Page seven, paragraph thirtien, should read' "Councilman a statement fxaml Bissorctt `'related a riend r.ha -stated to hi■ the onl y wa y that the y it is ` stops going to get a bus frog Prior Lake that in Bloomington is by `way o ' i� petition to theJ WLC and tl4en the MTC :makes a study of it,, if.' they d'atermine, . that it is wort, ile then they-will make a trial run." MINUTkS Motion to approve the Minutes was� by Watkit's' nutes of Ja ' .,' `` 1 amended, seconded bt Busse and upon a vote taken it wasndul 10, 197, as; pas W B I'dN0 AODN, lotion was made by Watk to approve the hazdshell, for contingent anon that th. Birno s A dition easement be sh own on the southwest ccrnor o'E 1, that the ,park dedication fees of $600.00 be signing of trhe hardshell,, the street names be City system; c ore the ,final` , cmtpliance i�th the i; t b , h' that theyj,Ikoe given occupancy permits until sewers and street , s; are instal✓ted in the two lots that presently do not,, ha�ie Sewer and water, and that there be ad sl �„ in the cul -de -sac area at the time the�street pavedn oeconoede V. y d�uipon a vote taken was duly passed. bY '�3u� 5Er J0HNS00S A6 : °;lotion was made by Bissonett to approve the hardshell'`tor Johnson iAgent ups },s b Addition -cont }' 1 on the street names be in ccm had' ce with the C�it system, adequate di;'osition of surface water in, t c he al -de -sac ai the time the street pis paved, that they not be 'given occu ilt until sewer, water, H nc , ind streets are installed in the two` lonc gein ts` {I '' ` �� presently do not have sewer and water, and that the L�ark''dedcat�i o'fe� of _$600:00 be na pad before the final signing of the hardshell, seconded, bw lfatkins and upon m n a ote taken it was dul Passed. DOG CATCHER Mr. Bob I�IcAllis er. ias present to discuss with t'�e council .the g 1977 Do .I ' � �lk x, AGREEMENT Catcher agreement. Y, G' Motion was made b ,Oakes to increase the dog cher cat rate $25. _ award the 00 and ti contracv Bob McAllister for 1977, s` "'bonded by Matkins'and° upon a vote taken it was dal y passed. I` PL SNOW OJIZE Councilman Biss4ne,:t stated that 'Louis Jambo s andIh� have been work'n h a, � with, the Chairman a of the 1977 Priof Lake Snow Daze � man` of that c�ittee is here "ni he is John Trulscgsmittee and ; �; ,the ai'r- announce the X1977 Snow Daze program. an ! he would, hike to r y am. 1 r Mr. Jahn Trulson fitated they have set the date for �he� Prior lake Snow Daze,,0 may F g it.down in the ebruary 6, 1977. _They have looked over the possibility of in of havin slough, they will have it up in the new part of LakGfront,Park and utiliie the hockey rink and make two broomball courts up there. 'The "through the X are going to try to have a cross country ski race park: They are trying to have snow trails for pulling a r` s sleigh through the park They i4ll have refreshments.. They would like,to have a bonfire again and using Christmas trees and possibly dutch elm diseased trees that have to.be removed off of people's thaw. 0n Frida y ni ht rill, have a snowmobi radeandthebinvtedhe y . the, Mtyor and Co�4.ncilmen t g the to pride in the front parade of the parade. He was also requesting,.if Possible; 'a couple of satellites for the park fir snow Daze. Also, in previous t , years the Chamber has had to buy an.insuran " }° c 'e ; Policy and. the would like to check and see if,tfiey could have the Snow Da under the City's insurance that they already, have. ze• a x ,w4 -1- � ��. ;.6;::� .�� -.,� =J M0410m G heeMdiMs of Me : iN YNIeN Ceuedl of 1M Yigooe of bier take I'm tM County Of k" aedSl : " E MMa�N, iwd urine all eccouMs awlitMi by •oie! Cwwel. SNOW DAZE. Mayor Stock directed the City-Manager to check iilth the insurance company to see if`a rider can be provided by the City for the insurance coverage =and - check with the City Attorney on legal problems, and also directed the"City Manager to• provide satellites at Lakefran t Park for S now Daze. SNOWMOBILE PROBLEMS Park Director Jaebois presented pictures of the snowmobile problems m Lakefront Park that'went along with the map attached to the Agenda Report to the Mayor and City Council darted January 17,1977 and stated that the -' problem is not so much with Rutledge Street as `it iswith "the trail its.,elf, violators coming off the trail into the park. On that note he contacted a ` number of people from the snowmobile clubs;,, He had a couple of signs placed in areas where machines have been going off into the park area and Gordon Gelhaye has also been contacted and has assured.him that patrolling of the ` park would be step u pp p• UP until this time this year no citations have been written and Mr. Gelhaye assured his that ever- ytime they caught someone in the rk pa,. they would receive a citation.. The `snowmohile clubs have been,� very cooperative and he has been assured that they would also do theirbest.a not only to stay on the trails themselves but to keep other people Who might tend to wander off the trails as well. Mayor Stock stated then he would assume that the gate at Rutledge would. 1+ remain open and that the request for.Police protection at the park would be granted by the County and directed the Park Director to keep a check r- on this and repoirt back to the council in a month or so. , CTY. RD. 12 c S s W PROJ. Engineer Anderson stated he checked County Road' 12 between - ; ;Spring Lake and Prior Lake and,to improve this to a 44 foot wide r oad there are two garages on the west end of County Road 12 that the road 4ould go right through the garages, on one in particular it would go right through the of�it. The road could possibly 'oe shifted to the north within the right- of- way,and miss those garages, however, it still would,be very close . to them. The expenditure. that the City would have would be about the same if the City replaced it as it is or had the County participate and replace it as ,a 44 foot wide road. The County would not receive their funds, =. however, until 1978 or 1979 and the interest on the money for that period, they would not pay for that interest and their portion is 8178,000.00 and if you take an average of a year and one -half at 8% interest that would;. be 821,360.00. Another consideration would be the widening or upgrading ` of that portion, a. segment from County Road 81 to the west County`Road 81, so what You would have is four a -lane portion in the middle of Sprift Lake not really connecting to anything and he would question whether the City 1 would spend the money at some future time to widen or upgrade 'County Road 81 to Trunk F.a=gbway 13. o ,r , Motion was made by Oakes to shift the portion of County Road 12 between Spring Like and Prior Lake in the area o£ the close proximity of 'the r garages to get a greater site distance and xepave the, road as it presently" is as a part of the sewer and water project seconded by Busse and upon a Vote taken it was duly passed. J�'OOLICE REPO. - Mot on was made by Watkins to approve the Police Report for December 1976, 2 ,seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.; FIRE 3 RESCUE Motion was made by Watkins to approve the Fire and Rescue Report for z necember 1976, seconded'by Bissonett and upon a -vote taken it was duly ; passed. �. R SUKMR - MaYor Stock directed' the Otty Manager to have the 1976�ire and Rescue Summary :*Vaifable for the 1971 me eti with ng Spring Lake and . Credit River,, TO" =`73 DEFERRED ASSESSNENTS Mayor ' stock called the continuation 'of the public hearing on 1973.deferred •assessments ro oraer at 8:30 P.M. Mayor Stock stated that the purpose of this evening ',s assessment hearing is to coati' a the week's hearing and to take final action on those def 19'73. 'Gast week's hearing comments were received re regarding g g e deferred assessments and these comments have been taken into / j; consideration, researched and reflected into the recommended final assess- sent rolls. 5 t 2 f t fdlllYtES of the Froosedings of the VINale 'Ceuneil of the Viliap of price tike M Me CeuMY of Sew ced flde off £ 1 Miwn Sete, including all ocewnis audited by tow Cwndl. i '73 DEFERRED Nr... Charles Hoff, PL 2 -749, stated that the parcel of his property of ASSESSMENTS the 101 feet where he presently hooks on the the sewer and rater is land - locked because there is no way or him to right there now as a t y fiet to a road. s a road 'there i, ffi g temporary road-for the people in that cul-de -sac area. The road that was being developed by Nicker- Knox is not ready and they came to him and asked if it 'would bej'possible for that to use that portion, and that is to be co>epletely blot off and then he would be land locked from any road in the back; He cannot benefit by dividing that lot, it has.,not been surveyed or anything for ",that purpose,` Mayor Stock asked if his present service was to the rear. Mr. Hoff stated , because it was imp!o to. I yes, go around the house it IG was all sand,and he,could not.make it ,round at 411, i Councilman Oakes stated fie thinks one 'S.f the keys to this conversation is where his house is located, it is locaaed on the westerly portion of the lot.. Whether or not he could`connectpto that pipe is probably secondary to the question of ,�hether or not the east portion of his lot could, be split off -if he choses, but that is iiot the purpose: of this discussion. The easterly portion of his lot could be split off,, could be sold, 'could be built, but it seeas to his to do /''this somebody would have to have road access to that portion of his property. As he understands the'Hoff property, the back . end of it is not' accessible by .8rs road Mayor Stoc ; stated that is correct'. Engineer Anderson stated that the'Nitchel Pond plat was just approved y that would provide access to that'', s Nr. Hoff stated that it did not, there is no access for him in the back at _ all. Engineer Anderson presented a plat of,Jdtchel Pond and stated'that'Mr. Hoff's lot: is in this area marked with Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Erbele's First.Addition. When the Mitchel Pond plotting was done the right -of -way vas dedicated.adjacent to hii parcel, ,Attorney Sullivan stated he does not see any basis for not assessing this property because he has service to both..of these parcels and he does not know how the City is going , ,to assess,-others who have the same service and ' { _ not assess his. It does not make any difference where the access cotes, . rt from, the point is when tha sewer 'went in there was no access and''there _ was no benefit, now there/13 a'tcess and there is benefit. j t . PRDJ.. 72 -6 Notion was made by Watkins to adopt the'? 2 -6 assessment rolls for Becker, ASSESSMENTS Nicker-Knox, PL 2 -128I, 610,195 2f, Berg,lund, PL 2 -380A, 61,771.00; ,. f Edwards, PL 2 -868A, 65,640.29, Erh z ,, P.L 2 -1231, $2,9S7.46; Erbele, PL 2- 1232,'62,500.08; Hoff; Pt,= '2 -7�F 2,222,006 Loehr PL 2 -278B, $891.75; Progress valley ,'PL X:t2CB, s2,624.S0; and Nicker - Knox, Future Mitchel P±ir !b ?3;55, seconded by and 'upon.a.vote taken it was duly posse e�< Notion. wasy made by Oakes to remove fx4st t}te c3rran, assessaent rolls ° because` they are not in the 'probed a �e��'ha 2- 2781)8, 8623.50; Haferman, PL 2 -2781), 6,728 -.00; I±aferaan,l�rr'`2 . a 5427:15- , and Hannen,'. PL 2- 7616, 6500.25, seconded by Bssonett sett, aotc taken 'it, was duly `passed. a � Mr. Larry Nickelson was !'presenvregarding the numbeti cr :ems: beirg: deferred.' v _ Finance Director Mace lli ray drew a iagraw of Nickelson' 7of nn, the blackboard and ex plained how, they j caltte, °•up with r the 176 front .fv4Y Motion was made by Oakes ta''adopt :the� 724 assessment rolls for Olsoi ; PL 279L,' 69,686.00 and Nickelson,,`PL 2- 286 , 3,872.00 and that they be put on notice that the.assessmentsa will become current within five years of October 1, 1977, see, ded;•by Watkins sand upon a vote Zaken it was duly . passed. j i t �.. �*"`e, S�•' +t��11�tt,�9` ". ; �4: 2F tl+.t° .� ' .it€k�Ff T ' MINYTIS Of 11a haeNdMp of fw Yilhpf Cwweil of 16e Vi haoo of Priar leka in fM Comely of S"" aad stale of iadomllws all eeeesals at"&" 1 W timid Caswell. ;t \APR @J. 72 -2 ASSESSMENTS Motion, was made, by Oakes to "adopt the 72 -7, Phase T asses �;t ro lls for Blomberg, !�L 3 - $17,363,0• , Ea . "Cates, ; Center, Inc. PL 3 -6 -Q,' o ,319,1 ' PL '11, $8,163.86; Brooksville Carte =29, klome Federal Savings, in y, ,PL 3 $211,60; Northwestern $ e nboIt). PL 3 -2SA, $262,20; Church of St. Michael, PL 3 -2S 12, 944 0 0; °'School District +1719 PL C3-111). ..Schweich, ,PL 3 -21A, $4,254.80; , Simpkins, G Schweich,' PL3-,,21, `35'45; Vevea, PL 3 -298, $1,444.40s: -and alohu, PL $ 8 3 0 . ; 0 yf Lot 4 Stepka's 4 w r X950,011, seconded by Vatkins,. d upon a vote takem'it was dui y pa No a. my �c tion was made by Oakes to rem the u�r� a se�ssaent ro cause they are not in the project area Monr�ens , P 11s be- - 2, ,,44S 4,$ ;• Monnen PL 3` -,' 5392.60; Scbttland, `Ync. PL ' 3 =1 3,,23, 51,019,25, seconded ,490.Ss i4,Zweber,.:Pl, priced,y Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly �' Gorrtdtr1 `b 4,91o.5S _ TyP;"� E�r:r'- Mt kuelken was present - representing Mr,,' Roy-tlay regard! p L 3 -13E stating there was not any discussion at the time of the original arz7+ngemtnts that were !made with Mr,, period or, Clay about a five year . nine year or any other time' s ntervaI- •The letter 141: Clay received dated - tuns 18, 1973 that those assessments on ' those front footage$ that property "that fronts p- ' on on Park Avenue will be deferred- untii.sowetlae as the parcel is subdivided. Maybe it will be subdiridedxn five years maybe it wild be subdivided in two subdivided a years, but he thinks if i the end-, fiv �t s, not e years it is not in the.cont on of the eaplati deal that was made at -the time that the City needed `the easements it obtained from 1►ir ., Clay in exchange for`the deferra— that he received, E Motion i+as made i by 'Oakes = to continue th _ PL 3 e hear! on the Clay Property , for cla -13E rification by the City Attorney until at February 1977 9 :00 P,M,, seconded by Watkins s and February 7. a vote taken` "eb passed: y . .. ti Motion was made by Bissonett to continue the earing on the Cates`Property, PL 3 -9y until. February 7, h 1977 at 9:10 A vote taken it was d ., Second Watkins upon duly passed. ' Notion was made b L 3 -6L f Cook, P y Watkins to. adopt 72--2, Phase I assessment rolls for $4, S99.90 and Simpkins,' PL `3 1 * g ;o -1 , "$4S, Pu on notce�t hat the- assessments will'beco�e curre.75 and that they Of October 1,1977,, nt within five `years � seconded b Bissonettand passed. - y upon a vote taken, it va °s duly �P 733 Motion was made by Watkins ^ 11 5$ESSf�NTS- to ado t the PL 2 -8S4 „' p .73 -3 assessment rolls for Stack, , $489 .21, seconded by Oakes and passed. upon a vote taken it was duly 4 Mkyor Stock'stated that the hearing will be continued until 1977 at 9:0o P.M..for the February 7, ' two Parcels of Clay and Cates, s; h _ F Mayor Stock called the re 7 � gular Council meeting back to or3er, ! Zi The Council Keith Thorkelson Planning Coawission chairman,' u Nafetmann`Planning Cad mission member, and staff discussed the memo ' dated January 6, 1977 to tea Ulayor and City Council,: - y aunc } l',� room Mike McGuire retarding future deirelopment. f 111E , i lls. � Mayor Stock announced Insurance' j(*t CLASSIlC11T F �; of Prior L Services has reclassified the ' City ake fire status from Class 8 to Class 6 > x977 e Februar�►•l effective , they have taken into consideration the•water laproremen the City's fl excellent fire. department and the a Prof. acts o department 'has, their response time to calls, we re ' ' etc. thki uld be anng the fire department for this new class. t, ' G !!bt on was wade by Watkins to adjourn sec and upon ,Busse: a vote taken this; meeti',g was adjourned�at 10:18 P b n ` Michael A. ;McGuire, City Manager 1 '!l , x n , . G _ HA I V MIMM of da Pnpodin e of Nw Volvo cww o of mho Volvo of frW Lnkn In the CoarAy of Stmt and $%ft of iodwN i..,, M d 1 s.eudihd by sold Cwndl., January 24, 1977' The Common Council of the City of y` Prior Lake met in regular session on January 24, 1977 at 7:30 P. in the'City Council Chambers, Mayor Sock called the meeting to order, Present were 41yor Stock, Councilmen Bissonett, Oak s, slid Watkins, City Manager ii,Guire, Engineer Anderson, and Attorney`Sullivan. Councilman Busse was absent, MINUTES Notion was made by Watkins to approve } the Minutes of January l7, 1977, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.- LANGHORST 1'ST ADDN.> Notion was wae by Watkins to a d pprove the langhorst First Addition hard shell, seconded by Oakes and CIVIL DEFENSE upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' , • PROJECT Mayor Stock stated that the Phase II of the Civil siren project was at, 618,218.00, the City received a check from ;the - Federal Government for 40% matching funds of $ 9,109 - 90 which was presented"to tonight by f Min e so ta in. the the, State of in There will be another 2Sk forthcoming from nesota, for this project. EQUAL12J1T'ON MEETING City Nanager !McGuire stated that the County Assessor has request ed that the City set up dates for the ationt't.leeti�t Equalisg, He rec ended April 18 1977, Atch is a regular Council meeting £t 8;00 P. for the meeting prior`to the Equalization Hearing °to go over the .figures. Motion was made by Watkins, to hold the Equalization Hearing on -May 10, 1977 at 7 :30 Pm. at Prior Lake City Hall, seconded by Oakes and upon a vote talon it was duly .Y passed. MTC FARE INC. 'Mayor Stock sta 'Mated,he received a notice Ot Public Hearing frog the MTC 111:ETING retarding ;a fire increase at the Minneapolis public Library, 300 Ncollet: Minneapolis, Minnesota at 5:30 P,M,, Monday February 7, 1977 Metro and', Council Chambers, Metro Square Building; St Paul, Minnesota, at S:30 P.N., February-8, 1977. i STOP "S 16N AT ' Mr- Roger 'B ruggemeyer requested that the stop sign changed MARTINsON sign - . across° IS. „ to a yield thy: Martinson Island Bridge: BR I' r Mayor Stock stated the reason for the swop sign is, based on the engineer -- ing' .reporf, there is `less i if `the- car stops and then „ eta proceeds across the bridge and that way you can stOPXsi g greater tonaga, If there were no p gn, placed there it was �= recommended that it be a 10.2,ton'brdge and with the stop sign it is a 13 ton bridge. s PROD. 75 -3 Mayor Stock called the Project 75 -3 Public Hearing on sanitary sewer,,. ►Rtermain, and Paving to order at :0o P.M. _ .8 liyor Stock read' - the' public notice for 'Project 75 -3, - Mayor Stock released the chair to Councilman Oakes who chaired the public" hearing. ° G Notion was made by Oakes that Lots 46 thr ~ ough 55 of Lakeside Park remoOed from the Project. 7S -3 ° ' Public Hearing because they are included in`the project, be ' ±ot seconded by Natkins� and upon a vote ta'Iien was duly passed. it Councilman Oakes explained the general area of Project 75 -3. }' 3 Nr, „Wayne Gong of Orr Mayeron and Associates Cotos''ulting` Eng ineer s. i , Inc.:, :presented a description and estimated � a casts of the sanitary �.: `sewer, watermain, and paving project area involved for review and "discussion, �r The estimated cost of this project is $1,959,073. - O Couancilman•Oakesrequested that persons with questions or co�nents come tor, "the podium and, state their name and parcel, ,.. The following people made o .. comments or asked questions that were answered t by the Council ` aid staff: Nor. Einer Boettcher, Point Beautiful; Mike McCarty, Sunfish Bay;` Mr. Don Williams; Wal:�Jobst, Mar and; Bob Paue, E'dinborough Avenue; " Roger Bruggemey�er, Lot. 2, Martinson I Jim Pundsack, Maple Park Shore Acres; Bob nsO I�, Kopp' sland; Cayill, s Bay I �Y n '1 ANNUM of tM Preftediaw of the Viaw Council of the V111er of Prier lake in the Ceuaty of Us" and ,start of k Miaeeiola, ieduriM all accegals aWWW by -mid Coundl. PROD. 75 Addition; Mrs. Aurilla M. Johnson; Mr, Denny Westlind, Martinson ;Island; Mrs. Elaine Poskozim; Mr., Wilfred Williams, North Grainwood; and Mr. Percy..Kasberg. The comments, questions, and answers of this meeting are on tape,and will be kept on file in the City Offices. Mr. Wayne Long presented the estimated proposed assessments and method of assessment for Project 7S -3 for review and discussion. further comments were made and questionswere asked by the following:,. 1 Mfrs. Aurilla Johnson; Mr. Manny Russo; Mr. Richard Vinar, Ednborough Avenue; Mr. Chuck'Slocum, Grainwood Heights; Mr. John Speck, Martinson Island; Mr. Richard Schmitz, Point Beautiful`; Mr. John Lewin, Maple Park; Mr. Jim Pundsack; Mr. Stanley flood, Lots 4 and 7,, '.Point ,Beautiful; Mrs. Elaine Poskozim; Mr. ,Percy Kasberg, Grainwood; Mr`. Gordy Hennen, Grainwood Heights;:. Mr. Bob Cavill; Mr. Walter Jobst; Mr. Roger Bruggemeyer; Mr, Jim ��negoski, Kopp's Bay; and Mr. Mike McCarty,. yor assessment - prof proposed method of versus the of ` he v front footage method of assessment. { Councilman Bissonett stated his opinion on this particular subject matter is that he does not think the Council should set a policy city wide, each project ought to be looked at differently. Some 'projects have a majority of larger lots, some projects have a majority�of sfaaller lots. Sz . He believes that in.this project 4S% of the lots are 50 feet and smaller. fi In a project of this nature with 4St of the lots being smaller, he 'thinks. that the smaller lots ht to be ought given the consideration, particularly the cabin type lots, and pay just their share. In`�this particular project y he would have to go with the straight front footage. Councilman Watkins stated that the prices that were bid a year ago .for the,, neighborhood publicly displayed tonight, they were rejected a year ago figures iven at the public heating. ' because they didn't reflect the g g. 71it unit charge was an effort to.try to bring the top end closer to the middle and the bottom;;.end a little closer to -the middle. He can see the inequities of'the equivalent charge on particular lots in this particular area'. •He - has some problems with the,. equivalent charge on this or any project., but E he thinks specifically this one because it contains so many oU them. `,,You ` are saying 150 feet of lots can add another 90 feet of assessnentS. e i , yor Stock °stated based on what he has heard this evening he would agree i4th the statements that have been made by'Councilmen Bissonett and Watkins ; s that in this particular area the Council shoulA( consider the wont footage „ P+ Policy as the City has had in the past:. msµ Councilman Oakes stated with the front footage charge as a "si le. front " . r footage charge which � deals with. the size, of the lot is what the City, ' shouhY, the City has. used -it in the past. He agrees with Councilman Watkins' point that it was some effort to oring both ends of Vh`i sever tr project cost closer to the middle and it is :evident �J► that frog e comments heard tonight that does not seem to be the best asethod'of assessment. He does think, however, that if the Council doesz Councilman: Bissonett, said, consider that.the straight front %ootage assessment should, be used if" for 'this !project, it should be used for all future projects, because it u would not follow with that the Council could-start picking and choosing that this area'vers another area might have different perimeters, it may get too such in the area. of judgement. Notion was made by.0akes that for'the proposed Project 75 -3 that the past', :, method of front footage assessment would be used to determine the assess- ments for all Tots and parcels in the project; seconded by Watkins and_ upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' Further comments were,made. and questions were asked by the following: Mrs. Marlis Bluedoin; Mr, Ben Baer; Mrs. Aurilla Johnson; Mr, Percy ..� - Kasberg; Mr. Mike McCarty, Mr. Peter Nyhus Kopp's Bay. I G OV vJ! , r �. ONUM of th • of Ike ,�, Mgs Vilieg• Cwneil of the Village of Prier nke M. Me Coeehr ef , Scoet and ;SinN of r 'I :t MMae»N, including all cue uab`audievd by sold Cou"I. PROD. 75-3 Mayor Stock stated that you are all well aware of the PCA controls over Pollution, leaky septic tanks, and this type of thing, well problems, the DNR is concerned about the lake, the Metro Council has an Interceptor here, and so on. He personally feels..that some of these things can be handled and the real question of the problem is the lake of Prior Lake and there '. has been a significant improvement in the lake with the instal sewer and water around a install approximately 7S� of it. He thinks " l \. everyone i concerned about that. Also there is another State Statute that has to be ` dealt with and that is the one where you have leaking sewer systems, a private sewer system and that is what it would cost y oukf -,y your stein, stem, to speak would be.found to be leaking nd,' a sealed septic .tank. These are some costs that heugaveefordconsiderationil the capital cost of Pumping land hauling the average usage,of. 50 gallons- per person per day, and lets use the example of four persons'per home. That would equal 200 gallons per day per dwelling unit for 3,000 gallons each 1S days. The.cost of pumping 3,000 gallons from a i I sealed unit would be $SO.00.or $50,00 each 1S days would equal $1,300.00 per year that would._ have be paid for having n sewage transported away, Taking into cony dera- that this .ould to on for a period of time, and capitalizing this over a period of ten years, ti tion. you are looking at a total cost, including the alternative of the City sewer service charge and let's say for example that it is approximately $15.00 a quarter or a net operating cost of $60.00 per year, which would' give s net of 51,239.00 _cost for that year. Capitalizing that aver a „ten year period you have $123-393,00, The cost of the sealed tank, 3,000 gallon tank, is approximately $1,6SO.00, so you have a total cost of 'the 14 years:of $14,000,00. This is something ha they have to'be concerned with because -he does feel that those septic t systeass will have to comply With State Code and the City will be obligated to make tests and follow through with the sealed septic tank if`systemms would happen to be leaking. ' This is something that the Council should'be taking into consideration as well as the initial cost of this sewer pic6ject. At this time he asked for comments from the Council relative to the project and the next item'in order would be a motion either ordering or' not ordering the improvement project. Councilman Bissonett stated he thinks that the City of Prior Lake needs r this project, he thinks the City has a to lake, rsystemntths;areatheree there are a heck of a jut of bad sewer Are same bad wells, There could,be very well court ordered sealed systems, that would have to be pumped. He thinks that the costs that they have before then -are accurate, he happens to be in construction himself in sewer construction, but in general construction, he is a not c rose l f, tor;.in. �St. Paul and he knows .” what costs are doing. The cost of the type of cTeration that he sells today is fully 503 higher than it was - dust two, three, or four years ago, it is Just amazing, he cannot believe the nuriber of�cost increases that he gets in the mail every single day, not week, but everyday, He gets letters from suppliers sa in PP y' g `effective last week our price went up, the order that you,�sent us last week is ,now higher than what you placed'the order for. His cost of a carpenter as of May 1, 1977 is go up another $6,00 a day, $6,00 a day does not sound like a whole bunch, but that is just ,about a $.1.00 a hour. Five years from now the costs are going tq be higher than they are right now. Assuming that the City has a problem which they know they do, with some of the septic tsiik k and }! sewer systems right now and they get :to a point where -`they are forced into sewer five years from now, you. think you are looking at $12,000,00 right now, five years frm now he guarantees You,wil' be looking at $2S,000.00 or more for that,_sace $12,000,00, -There are values in Prior Lake which have sky rocketed over the last five probably has some of the "hi hest Years, Prior Lake g priced property right now.on the market, asking somewhat difficult to sell:: With the problem of the bridges right now; with peo ple getting back and forth across the rivers he thinks that the property values are Carting on the back downhill slide, he does, not, think they will itay the =' same. Therefore, does this bridge problem.", affect the property values today, making the cost for this` � proS2ct agate t�4y higher than reasonable for those property values,' and he thinks very likely it does. There is a very unique set of circumstances here, with diffi�cult property to sewer, with elevation changes that are quite unique, I han island, there is shoreline to consider, a lot of these things are makin {; the cost of this project per foot very expensive. He really thinks w MINUTES of the Proc"cilaW Of" the Vil boo Council of the Yilhpr of Prior` Lake ie` the Aunty of Sco" and state of + Mionetote, incluain oil aecoueb audited by said Cweeil, PROJ. ]5 -3 there is goad argument that the i?ZCrease in value. is not goin to =. .b c equal, what that ,property value is going g o be particularly with the.brid e On one hand something has to be done sooner or later and on the other hand g problem. an iimtediately.problem of, he s i f foot lot, he has an $0 foot lot self he had o putaOutathislkind' of money right' now he does not know where he'woiad get it, he s with that. So wit h'that in mind he would have to ,say tody and probably for a two year period..he would like to see this thin g get stayed probably . Councilman Watkins'stated they are telling it like they believe it would be and granted the-pr is atrocious, considerably: higher than it has been in the past. 'It is questionable about it would do to the value of the lots, particularly with -the bridge situation as it stands toda Council does have a heart, when they started this thing hree Y� the they knew that there were a lot of people that have been out here i years and bought lake. cottages for fairly small figures and turned them into -'a full-time, home and are on the verge of retirement and they know the impact`on. that. They were thinking ; about that three years ago when ti they were looking at prices considerably below toda numerous calls, about sewer systems that are draining directly into lake '`or draining across other peoples _,pro property, that are`p ;, draining above � . ground and are noxious. 'The sewer project 1 a noble project, but it is not noble at any,price, lie is afraid under the circumstances that h- would have to go along with Councilman Bissonett and:say for a periods and,he is not going to say two years because to does not 'know ' the period, he is ry afraid he would like to see the ro'ect � P -J postponed, Councilman Oakes stated there is an opportunity to go ahead and bid the s project and see what the bids would be, but he believes 'at this - the Counci point that if l were to, do that they would find that they would come out about where they had before, because he thinks that the project; has been ` © researched probably at least twice as much as an average project, maybe a bit more than that. When you cane into any project such as 'this : with some of your own ideas, - he thinks when he looks at the community -as a x whole,; they need the project, he, thinks as you look as the community as 1 \ a whole they want the lake of Prior Lake clean and that is why a;number l � b of us wbrk veryha on the Prior Lake Interceptor installation and cesple tion.' There area number of outside influences on the community that they cannot control, the bridge for one, the ncreasg Metropolitan. Solid Maste Commission cost for another one, the rate of x thev_escalati population growth, ng cost of projects. When.he weighs that and, he weighs the r other thing that has been mentioned before, there`a:re a number of people, ° some of wbo are here in the room who have septic systems that do not work " and wells that are marginal, and then he really feels quite�uad2y about that because he knows for one thing, his own well. is going to be`',replaced,�, pzobablj► this Year,. and he knows that this can be -a diffi But he"ihinks weighing cult situation. . the entire aatter,.tthe- a a responsib,ilaty Yo the common good and sometimes b sedcon comments here tonight that nay not be popular b r ut w e still have a responsibility to the coiieon good and it seems to him that.in this his project fora period of time to represent the comwon good that they- should not forth for the project. A, �e, e Councilman Watkins, stated that ,bearing in mind in not going forth-with the � project they still have`, charge for the Metro Sewer and it is going to 'v reflect on ourl;taxe3 bocause. somebody hgs to pay, Motion was made 'by_ Oakes. to"deny the 7S-3 Project, seconded by Bissonett and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. IMbtion was made by Oakes to adjourn, seconded by Bissonett and upon a -vote taken this meeting'was adjourned at 11:17 F,M. Michael McGuire, City Manager f f i - TYFiC'AL PROPOS =D. ASSISSlItNTS' i C'llAitGES t: ' Woteaa 1) An additional 10 f rill iaaiesad on all corner lots it \ pkIOR LAKE. N:88R SOTA w . iUProwd on both eidaau / 2) AAY idditi"Al, service. stubs : r CAAr v - 're woted by an Wrier shall'be ea - i aswssed. 3). proposed asb"mOnts are based Sahithry Serer p on PrsNnt "ginsers eatiartes tfiit Charge $.. 320.00. • ` and wY vary based on actual $ Wsterwain unit construction costs.. SEOrC a -gs - S 320.00 k _' $ 150.00 qe h ait 681CC 8J1C`Charge. -. 5 375.00 S _ erlr P+iait � 9 r4TN Water Perwit. pols0 RaiN NOTE: These Cha asasnc - 'Total s .. fir., +, �, S '}7 a Pra Charges are Subject. to Aon baviw i ter sl 50' Wide Lot , % °,� - �i -. - 80' Wide- Lot 110' W3�s. LoC r ual - 150 Wide Lot 250' Wide Lot 1+s4" Sanitary Says; �O s 539./8. 80' x $34,$8 _ / 3150.10 3158.40 110' x $39.49. ' 130` x 539.48 343.75 = � 1342,80 150 x $34,41 De or _ 10 x $3!.40 �---_ $5922,00 5922.00 3941,00 t` k'+q•'saaituy ewer 0.17'2 Ac, x $1250.00 a: 0.275 Ac, z. $1250,00 x 0,379! Ac, x $1250.00 0. -- 517 Ac. x $1250.00 = Oa041 Ac. x $1250,00 . 5473.75 � !b>tiisin t0' x:$15.06 ■ 80' x.515.06 110' x415.06 = Si16.25 10)6.25 y� 2 •a' 0 1204.80 $1656,60 12259x001s,p6 = 150' x $15.06 100` x / $ "',5.06 e. = 4 1. 00 Ac. x $1250.00 = C.27 259.00 S x 1250,00 =t 0,379 Ac,'x $1250.00 = Q,517 Ac. x $125.00 = 0:'861 Ac, x $1250,00 = 1S A1tea I�aRMIA 5 3. NO e _ J43,75 Ac, ' 5473.75 646.25 a 8tiisb� x $0.87 • 11 MG x $8,117 _ x 076 25 . 110' 3.50 $8,87 704.60 = 150' x $8.07 �sEi_ o ` l 5475,.10 51330. SC $1330.50 •1$B.OT 7. It - ;s?rs.irt ,. . r / 5 760. $7 ,922,60 gIb.804.00 $11,664.00 f 133/3. SO - 51243.;,50 J �' $6)d1.00 $124 .50 , � 51243,50' 50' Wide Lot $1243 50 s .>10tirabft Os0! B0' W ide Lot 110' Wide Lot a 1s0^ wide �_ > �°.° 2sn' Wide Lot f" Slicr $12.�� 041.50 s12 � pAnlnr! t red) sdgiotn,E �sssssaalxrY a6slxArsD 1 � 1122410: , j $5 5000.10 $1091,2Q $1340,.20 I v �fR JO : i100 2 l Is, t^ r, $511.40 $707.50 `$961.90 S E5031.00 / 51052.50?0eferred $530'1.10 /,• $72!6.80 1-10 "$9950.10 ';10,8$4.00 plies r fla1J. *` FAl a !4793.20 ti ., /j iSOSO "_!0 $6946.10 $10.854.00 Accumulated 5917].,50 greet $10..333,SO will be !laced o T." n the . A44 i /a i1ti2.10 . ea rn g fro $aS0.5O _ $341,:50 of the ss Aaaw- ea 0172:7] 037. $323.40, $323,80 seat �aria0 i02,g0 f 3� "- $iii 10 ct $305.90 505.90 5224.30` � i 4 t.50 S'09�iQ $975.70 $1330.50 51330.50 C _ a• �RS g r . ) i i0' 11idt-k Lot 30` Wide Lot 110' Wide ,Lot -_ ~' - ��/ "'• ` a t 3 ,�` -'lS ISO' Wide Lot 250' l Lot t